. ffc* litre i^e to- doH^'llfii egreed pfe I«Und r^onld be omorrow. reWlcial Kb vutoltta^^. » tbe eoBloir’^ tnce be mad*i Bide. of OoptMlL- "sentl- D&ngh* Members de- Murgeret Stinger, blrtb ndrocBte, *nd ber fol- ' Cow KUIb Wonum K IMiBon, July 2.—^Mlss Hattie l^^^arpe, *0,' a prominent resident !!'t^.^lB aeetioa, died about 9 o’- tbln morning of ln|uriee '' ^Hdired when she was attacked .'"to a oow while picking berries ‘^lear ber home, \hree and a half atlee weet of Madison. Recorder Court Pays "Concord, Jnly 2.—Benefits to- ^/talUng fl5,7«6.69 were reaped '' ' by Concord from operation of ’' Its recorder’s court during the .-'liBcal year which ended June ?0, Hording to an annual report to de July 11 to the city board raldcrinen by Chief of Police B. *^^^.Widenhouse. Many Die In Ship J^j*l^wpur iapbn, 'Wednesday, Ja- f'jty t?—Oaa hundred and thirty- tiro of fbe 220 ptiasengers and of the excursion steamer ^Idoa’Maru pilch foundered in ‘ ^ nd aw had been rescued emoon. BlghtJdliie were ; and nine bodtfes had been recoTered. OkaTCm County Wet New Bern, July 2.—Craven county today voted for legalised liqaor ttores by a better than 4- i»>l majority on the basis of vlr- toaily complete unofficial re turns. WJlth only one small pre- clndt uhreported, the vote was: Tot ilaubr storee, 2,237; against liquor stores, B63. fafanadge A Candidate? Atlanta, July 2—Governor Eu- gOlH0 fPalmadge will take his ytgiif against President Roosevelt ^*^eople of Georgia at Can- .^nty fourth. Political observ- ^^Id today they believed this fiaark the beginning of a ^bat will culminate in the ptial preferential primary a«xt year between the and 'Mr. Roosevelt. Presidential Bid? Kansas City, Mo., July 2 — 0^ Alf M. Lsndon, of Kan- told a natioa-wlde an- a«9>ot the sunflower balanced budget In a wblcb political observers a new hid for the Repub- prealdentlal nomination, on Identified himself as a __hyou - go" administrator [^ffrred hlmBclf to his party yrptnkform attacking “debt- a n d "tax-boosting” Bt. ^ robber IS BACK IN JAIL ,^n, July 1- — Walter an, one of the four High '^nng m«i recently par- by Governor Bhrlnghans, r-HWf baH served more th^ for the Denton bank which others claimed V'^^d-not do, enjoyed only a period of liberty. 'Today be J^e state road prison camp r l^ere beginning a tour ^sentence, Imposed In sn- conrt hero on a cha«e ef ^Tipon a female. * ' Accidont 'the eleme rilled bt preisra Besond snt hlB payment le-thfrd Bk. Se may books Des Moines, la. . l^BBKrous rains alitt^abUi . ^ throughout America's food belt, Texas to Mmcsou;^ar};fedteat6 bumper crops this year with drought weeks and dust BWrmb of last year forgotten. Photo shows June Caldwell, former Iowa 4-H Clttb queen, waist deep in a heavily filled wheat field near here. onQ JUUPi DOOK8 ' Pieir^XDrK s TlOTwo aeTeiopm«Bi oi an oaarv aua. a utrayvrmfv iwiii « plan Iir mitiroly man-made "blood sWstt" which enables aelence* tovital ois guteriaHBO.tbo (TO j, #bo bgre of,man alive end''functioning outside tbs body, is balled'^m the ,funds W2w—rgr:—ths most sehsatlonal'ln the annnls of medicine. The two men irho ^ or mesWers d^tbe j*^‘*y.®'J!;^ja«Aievsd' tWa trfmtiph mr* Col. Chirleo A, Llndbegh, America's m6$-' ” . ’ .-...I 'above right, Nobel Prise Winner, the medical expert. « «, New Bri^ Over Reddies Ri^er Will Be OpeaeJ Soon; IsBig I^^ement i^iPRtwe. Mrs. R. G. Finley To Visit London Local Resident To Be In Fes tival In Presence Of Roy al British inmlly Mrs. Richard Finley wUl sail for Enfdnnd on the Berenr afloolt'^oi^njy. Sth, to attend the Internatlemai Drama Fes tival at Statford, and the In ternational Folk Dance Fes tival in London, both being a part of the Kings Jnhilee Ceie- 'tewtion. While In London she wUI be. a guest of the Engdieh.. Folk Dance Society and will attend a reception glren by the King and Qacjm on July 15. Over 20 conntries will be represented at these fegtlrals. Following the festival Mrs. Finley will remain abroad and will study in London, Hol land, Belgium and FVance. AsMstant Game Warden In City Warns People Not To Kill Foxes or Any Game Not In Deiwetory Gass W. C. Llsk, assistant state game warden, has been spending a few days here in company with W. W. Barber, Wilkes county game warden. W)hlle here Mr. Llsk helped Mr. Barber investigate some re^ porta of foxes being killed, and Issued a public warning for peo ple not to kill foxes or any wild game except such animals or fowls as are classed in the de predatory class. He also stated that he wished to thank the people for the splen did cooperation they are render ing the game warden In the per formance of his duties and en forcement of the game laws. Bridg^e^VRture. Finished Sometime Ago; 'Ckmcrete Ai^roadhes Poured The n^-concretd bridge over Reddies River on highways 60 it he so de^fw: The state has estimated .the ^st of gbe mtal plan can be ;■ ^ken Care of by charging one-, third price, estimating the aver^ age life of a textbook as being; three y^rs. However, students will be closely dlwipHued in re- will be closely 4l^lpllned in r^; Contract Lined'Stir gardrto-care o£ the books and it,. CTi’iiiMfftiig A* will be held strictly accountable- „,Be At a- for damage or loss over and bore natural depreciation. ■Very few, if any, changes are avcuUAcro a%a * w-* - ail/ LVAVVvrvn- • • •*• ir— and 16 at the western boundary course of study may be rented, of North Wllkesboro will be open for travel about July 16, It was learned unofficially this morning. Tb«« a«tuM*"btM8e Was complete about two mo »go blit sonie delay was en counter^ in paving the ap proaches, which >extend to a point near the intersection of 10 1-2 Street and D Street east and to the point of a curve on Gordoh Hill on the west. That portion of the bridfte and approach on. the North Wfl- kesboro side of the river has been given the name Of Boone-Jeffer- son Street by the city board of commissioners. Construction of the bridge af fects the greatest and most need ed Improvement of any project In recent years with the exception of the Yadkin bridge between the Wllkesboros. The bridge not only shortens the route of two highways leading out of this city but eliminates a number of dangerous curves and the use of the old covered Reddles River bridge, which Is not wide enough to safely accomodate two-way travial *8 one of the few remaining covered bridges in the country and has become a landmark beCkuse of its special significance In being covered and the many years it has served to accomodate travel across the stream. FHA Field Man Here Sativday Assisted Number of Pet^e in Filing AndicBtions For ; Housing-Loans Ralph "B. H^iock, fleiS repre- senUttve of the federal housing administration, spent Saturday In this city assisting a number of people In filing appHcatlow for housing loans. He matatalnsd headquarters In the office of At torney W. H. MqBlweo. Federal houBlng loans are now ottered for modernlaatlon and drs to buildii^ ' or fhe pf con^rnction or je^vpdng PaMo%; {bw; trapHill motorist SERIOUSLY INJURED Elkin, July 1.—'An automobile wreck yesterday afternoon near Thurmond on ktgihway 21, north of Elkin, sent Arthur Cox, 26, of the Traiiblll oommunity to tM Elkin hospital with an^ injured arm, and dande Cox, a brother, to the Elkin city Jail Charged with intoxication. The mishap occurred when the machine, s^d to have 'been ope rated by Arthur Cox, failed fc nu^e a curve on. the mountain road, and crashed through a stout wire guard, landing many feet from the'road. The victim of the wreck, weak from loss of a quantity of bloed, was broUf ht;J)y truck to the hos pital for immediate attention. His arm'was all but torn from be expected today. In a hearing in magistrate’s court this morning, Claude Cox, charged ■with public drnnken- nw, was thleaseid with a small fine. Cure Bro|^, Very few, If any, changes are . 'V nr*w««» contemplated fc the course of «on, compost pf C. p. ^dNelll, study for the Scorning term and ehairidan,. tl. RT Olrutch and D. any textbook - in the regular Phifiips Is Jndge Welfare Meet Cauioeled His arm'was all but torn from "^"^^^^"yVTommrairotion’fro^ {Fk>yd, of N. C. ante College, _di- his body. He is reported to be Host, bend of the rert^ of. the ^ i^tinv an comfortably as could In North nis ooay. Be is reponea w m T. Post, bend of the re«ur «. roe AAA tobacco pro- ^tlng as comfortably as could gtate board of charities and wel- grim in North. Carolina, 1^^ faro, to Charles McNeill, county' 76,777 ffirmers favoring cormn- welfare officer. of^edttCi sefel&n . hear reports firomMi: have bMn drawing making eBtiuMean” ... gcheoi bnildings and present .bitlidin^ ^ ttaC c>iiMnuftR||^ r . Cbunty authoritllU v'^ under sonSIdei a loan and g _ ■Ue- works*-' . clent-tc taka'ci» i?f J development of an ‘•artlflclnl heart" and. a desperafe needA lf Board offdlicatHn Will Med Jtdir is ToMake Sebd^ Offico N«xt Weeli ■Wa-?- The county beard of educa* P. Sheppard, met ■wtth Snpt. G. B. Eller Monday in the reeulaf July meeting With all members present. ‘ Very few matters of more t^jiny .nButlnoJtems olT>ask '^'B86s^'we«* rnnsnDMiit.-,^l • The boird set Monday, July 16, .as the date for mining ont schoo' bus routes for the next school term. Although no groat changes from last year’s routes' Is contemjdated the board- will give tn& uiorlntn reeking a ci'kniei a chance' to alSiie' jihnlr ■views and expebaa their, olaims for ohang^' or najr roiUes.' ^ ,. The rouses' will be decided up-: on on that day and it w'Ui also be decided‘ttpon which rohtes'ttoe state-owned busks will be nsed. During ftho following week bids will be recMvert on all con tract lines and .cii'i) tracts wiU..^ awarded to tbe Ipwest blddbrs. Specifications may be' obtnined from 0upt. ■ Eller at any timB' after July 16. ^^ular OriMlnS; Tettn To Convene in Willtgsbprib on Monday, Aug^ 5th Judge Phillips,, of Wades- boro, will preside over , the regu lar August term of Wilkes su perior court to convene In 'Wll kesboro on the first Monday In August, August 6. ]lbe August term will be for trial of criminal cases and there will be a grand jury, 'ilie court will probably face the lightest docket in several decades In Wilkes county, due principally to the fact that the calendar was practically cleared the terln held in April undePBjK^nt act of the legislature pn|pUng for four additional weeks of court In Wilkes county. Legion Post To Elect Officers > Every Sfember Urged To At tend Important Meeting Friday Night Wilkes post of the.' American Legion will bold its regular July meeting at the Legion .uid Auxil iary clubhouse on Friday night, according to an announcement this week by J. B. McCoy, com mander of the post. Tbe meeting is of special fm- portance,"dne to the fact that ot- fieers for tbe coming year will be named and delegates will chosen to represent the post . in tbe .state convention in Fayett- Tllle in August. ai f vrvTirA 72 TO I FW The meeting wlD begin prompt- , paF CROF ly at 7:30 and every l«gionnalro COWTHIM- Ur LgJtr Is urged to be there and be there Raleigh, July 1.—Inoopplete on.time. returns -ttom a- roferondum In which tobacco farmers wore ask ed to vote fpr.br agalnkt reton* The annual weHare Institute [tlon of c^contte^prcH. scheduled to be J»ld this y^r st g«»m ^teht^ah^ed ?2 Chapel Hill Jnly" 8-12 has been of every 78' growers in 37 couu- called off An aecouht of the but- ’11®^' favpr^ ft# break of Infan^ie paralysis, ac- ‘ " ’ ~ Rain 1* Caine of : Wall Ccliapw ■f. I . I - Wall -Of FWundatkm Norn •' Btilldtng.'On t«t|i tMlapreii’ Tbe secopd prorldMtiki Ac cident obcived on tbe scene of the erection of a new boild- ing on Tcntb street Tneeday nbew : tbe the ' fi liy' A. .JP.- mkbaoted at several hunAwd dollars and the entire wall from the bottom of the. exca vation to the'sidewalk Idvel mnkt be ■ eWHt This tbie pcc^ acci dent of ttwit-'ty^ on the seene. When, the mmtvatlon for the hniMinff was betag made the wall of the Gtoldston Smith baHdlag adjotaing cidlapeed 'revecnl weeks ago. GARAGES IN CnY TO be CI^ED THURSDAY All garages In North Wllkoe- borojrlli he.eioa^>toy (Thu*a- dar> in orderTp give a. holiday to all employes, it wax learned yesterday-, Dnvinir liennBen' t 11®- -—- UnaUB Tor'bhauffbuM-and, iSweyi-^ hrs engaged. In forest InBSCt con' an f«Ai wnrir . natv nns state xets I Ipr* -will ,i>® ' araUsble -^Hiln. 811 to.bPi days, ih wax anponn^ to day by Arthur-D. r^ak,. ,as- he assnUsed t^ls dutiw as rector ;^j^ig»*a^j^etyr ' ALLOTMENT BENEFIT FORESTS , Washiujcton. July 1.—^Nbirth Carolina foreit will be^heneflted to the extent' of 817,000-^f the, fi 10,090. allotted today by Che works administration tff Jthk De partment of Agriculture fpy forJ*^ est Insect Inrestigatlons bye the bureau of entomology and plaat quarantine rertainlng to I m- proremant of forest insect con trol practices aa carried out by tile CCC. The Btudire win be conducted in 22 atatre; having national and atate forests where CO0 camps trol wpriCi 0»ly one sUte gets jk larger slice of the $116,000 al lotment than North Carolina. It Is New Jersey, which gets $26,- OOV'; Tdbacc® . p| tonffaming Crop €oiitrd A .rwoirt released by A; T. Fieik-Pii«fari4 ~ . 'I^porto^ -Ck iSi^y Cdffiifjr I% nance ot the program, and 1,04$ ‘opposed. 338 Tohpcco Growers feCotm- tjrYotpFmr Control; Nono Vote Against ■ Wilkes county'tobacco farm- rm m. O t;«»«U40 voted tmtirf^ttslr in favor ^ goveSkmeht' crop control In Annoni jhe ‘referen^nm .which endpd Sat- ^ming v uriday, June'’^. age-by J. B. , , The total number of tobacco ^ Wltkeit .growers casting-votes was 888, .all of whom voted for crop con- trol. All of the growers, however, v^rayk ^ '' did not caA ballots, tee "them vptlng US' under the naa^‘ her of cimtract aigsers in tM county ■ Voting took glare Saturday. W; llle-^ and M ' 1111-^1137 y®®”- * . Reprerentativea of th».*--y|p|^,^ ^ tect firm of Benton A B®nbW,i(^ WU*on, .have ^ited-th^ of proposed Wmdi.nga.aiid , , tions in, company with Cl' A} ief, superintendent of and'will'submit, plimx' boards in joint mehtlnih- ^ i New bnlidlngB are pr^ Mulberry, Mottutaln VIWH. lers Q:rek, Beiiham and . nuL Mulberry, Mountain and Millers Creek are coattit' schools and have been op under great handicaps. TM- Ing at Baptist Home bura^ spring, making- U imperatire a building be erected in Mnlbwv 'ry towUs'Klp, where a cantial SOB- solidated unit Is proposed. Addit^M are. eonalAefi'^ . Iwd :^: t^ttkesh«rqyyJteiMH^' Mbs Vleasant and iftoa’rlng Htver^ 'buildings. Th^e® are high schoold^ and Bentrat disti^t units , wIMr? modern smool plants with nek enough capacthr: t|r handle the chUdjton transiKMi^ under thw rdeent progranf-of school consol- Idatlbn and were badly'srowdag^ last year. LoddThkniHhs Games Doaj^e-Header Todaj; ffigk P^t Team SaCiM* day and Ssadar Beginning with a' holiday doa ble header today- the North WH-7 kesboro,. (Home Chair) basebalt. club has four splendid hoi, games on schedule for the woiM*j end. First game ot today's dodl header here between the Ic team and Albemarle will beghW'^ at 1:80 and the second game m:., : four p. m. A record crowd Is tok pec ted. Saturday afternoon at four o' clock RobertsonM Bakery team from High Point wUl play hex*- and on Sanday afternoon at gMi HnaUey-JackBon-' MuMBiT’>'Mil^ strong High Point te«aL play here. "dyS Service Be Here Win Amfet VeteraBS inf QabnsTm Ye A service otflMi^wtfj city .Friday, July-7 pore ot asM*$fai4v.^ ing claims to thh’ Annonneemeni > pf

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