fvOL. XXfiC^^O. 80 5ro, n. c.,!^ A Meet ^ 12-^lnM wnnu»| H SbedUPs conT6^|on S«oiy for tliiee Atignst 21. [Roeaerdt Still Bmm» - Joly 12r*-A Uyru~ |ie« week tlvet opijitaed witk s»> j|» threats to Present Roose- gy» leadership ended tonight administratiHi lines restored ! “mpst’* program apparwt- in hand. hot of ^king Jobe -“There it’^ksd^B^l^fehaid _ college' It director of s su at the uniTersit; Are Rescued , / Jaly 14.—^Two boys rl were rescued by a coast aplane at 12:30 p. m. to- ley had clung to a p%r- erged sailboat for 18 ocean five miles Held Tliursday J. E. Sioiy'faeet^ President in ConTentkMliflHd At Pleasant E BE7THEL OrganiXRtioB Vice Preside Several MIM Presents 5- with 84-Pound Watenndon ery ^Greensborp^^Wfy^TS.—Officers r.^ were seardbing tonight for two men who robbed, kidnaped and tied ■to a tree, M. A. Bowman, store- heeper and filling station operatpr m the CSethsemane road, 10 miles north of Greensboro this morning about 7 o’clock. Big Fight la On Washington, July 12.—President Sooeevelt is surrounded by “nu merous conspirators” who favor aommunism and do not want pros perity to return,” organized busi ness charged today in a hot-tem pered hearing on proposals to in- cinase the taxes of the wealthy. Power Companies Lobby Washington, July 12.—Five min utes’ investigation today informed the senate’s new lobby committee that power companies spent more than 1300,000 in battling against •boUShment of their holding com- pynies. . lOiOOO Die In Flood Hankow, China, July 15.—Ten ^thousand lives were lost today the Han river poured a seething torrent through a breach in the dikes on the Hanyang side of the stream, according to Chi nese advices reaching here through crip{ded communication facilities. South Carolinians Save Columbia, S. C., July 12.—Chief State Bank Examiner Thos. H Paniel made public today a report of the savings division of the Aflmrican Bankers’ association which said South Carolina led the southern states in per capita in crease in savings in 1934 over 1938 and was third in the nation. Strato Balloon Bursts .Rapid City, S. D., July 12.— .^ill apparently unaware of what . caused their 3,700.000-cubic foot ^^-halloon to burst early today, Just ‘ before a nrojected stratosphere ‘ Jight, officials of the National -CIbetraphic society and the airmy air corps tonight started dismant ling expedition headquarters. G-Men Closng In Tacoma, Wash. July 14—Reports that the government was closing in- m WHliam Dainard, fugitive ' of the George Weyer- kidnaping, continued to ^^ate here today while Mrs. ^ ^y^aret Waley awaited in jail the ^^xmouncement of sentence for her i» the crime. i Bmtows Another Slice ..Jiriiington, July 14.—^A $100,- 0f00 1"”", to swell its cash vas a^ed today by the It was the sixth $100,- Ij90,tt0 sought from the public tee'the financial year began July and reflected Secretary Mor- announced intention to the government’s work- Jl'~4*g caifit balance at the $750,000,- jg j|90 levid. >ir Kiwanis Gdb Is Coming To North WDkesboro Friday EvoiiiiME for An Inter- Onb Meeting Bolr Klwanls Club will come Wilkeeboro Friday eve- fWor an Inter-club meeting ga local elob »t Hotel at 7:30. It to hw>ed thdt ^member of the local club ipwsent. • _y V. Aderholdt, of Lo ne CoUsgo. was tho prin- nker at the meeting Pri son e program under f ^ C B. BUeTr conn- at of schools. Her ^SHwatmis To kes Prof. T. E. Story, principal of iWHhesboro high school, was lected president of the Wilkes ity Sunday School organiza- In the annual convention Thursday at Pleasant Home |cb near Ronda. le convention was one of the successful in the history of ,organization, according to re- of many who attended, and Very inspiring program was indered. Principal features of the morn ing and afternoon sessions were addresses by Rev. Shuford Peel er, state secretary, and Miss Myrtle McDaniel, field worker. The night program w^MM||poted to young people and wa^Watur- ed by an impressive pageant un der the direction of Miss Marie McNeill, of Champion. Bethel church, located seven miles from North WHlkeeboro on the >fountain View road, won the attendance pennant, which award was, based on number at tending and distance from the convention church. Bethel was also selected as the scene of the 1936 convention. Following are the officers of the county organization for the ensuing year: T. E. Story, pres ident; J. F. Jordan, R. L. 'Woot en, W. R. Hubbard and Rev. John Burcham, vice presidents: Mrs. M. F. Bumgarner, secretary; Miss Beulah Ferguson, director of young peoples’ leaders train ing; Mrs. James Perry, children director; Miss Marie McNbiUi di rector of young peoples’ work; F. J McDuffie, director of adult division Twelve Sunday schools were represented in the convention and keen interest was shown through out the day and night program. Girl Is Held For Husband’s Death Mrs. Roy Robinson Placed Under $500 Bond In Hear ing Held on Friday Mrs. Roy Robinson, who is charged with firing the shot that caused the death of her h^is- band several weeks ago, was ^iven a preliminary hearing Fri day in Wilkesboro before Mag istrate C. G. Glass and was re leased under bond of $500 for appearance at the August term of Wilkes court beginning on August 5. Her husband died some time after he was shot at their home near Purlear. The load entered this thigh and inflicted a wound from which he was unable to re cover. Conflicting accounts of the shooting were given to the ef fect that she fired while in a fit of passion and that the shot was accidental. In the hearing Friday the state was represented by Attor ney J. H. Whicker, while Attor ney Kyle Hayes appeared for Mrs. Robinson. Play On Tuesday Night At Moravian “Crafty Grandpa” Will Be Pre sented For Benefit M. E. Par sonage; Pnblic Invited ! 1 !| jm WsshidiEpn , - • Miss Fannie Megahee, queen of Georgia’s an nual ' watermelon festival, came North with an 84-pound prize- winning watermelon to present to President Roosevelt. Commissioners Hear Discussion School Matters Open Meeting Today On Question of Applying For Public Works Funds Wilkes county board of com missioners in recess session to day listened to a number of peo ple from several communities in the county as they discussed the question of Whether or not Wilkes county should apply for $250,000 of public works funds for the purpose of erecting five new school buildings and addi tions to five others. The board of education is asking that the county procure $250,000 from public works funds for erection of new build ings at Millers Creek, Mulberry, Mountain View, Clingman and Benham and additions to Wil kesboro, Mount Pleasant. Roar ing River, Moravian Falls and Lincoln Heights buDdlngs. Architects estimate the cost to be around $250,000 if construc tion will be in such a manner as to gain a'pproval from PWA en gineers. Of this amount $112,- 500 would be a direct grant and $139,500 in four per cent bonds over a period of 20 years in funds were to be obtaned from the public works adminis tration. Fw^ficailTeiit ytefit Term Friday iSnVed Very SaliafBctory ' LABGER^^^^lip^ Seventy-five {AllTeBdy ed For Second Tennj Ref- istrations Condiig In A bigger summer school fd Wilkes county teachers was in prospect today when enrollment for the second term of the Le- noir-Rhyne College branch in 'WU- kesboro had reached 76 with sev eral others expected. The first term of the schooluym which 69 teachers took courses, closed Friday and registrations for the second term were opened. Standard courses •will be offer ed through the second term, which will be for six weeks. The first term proved very satisfactory for the faculty and teachers, it was learned today, and all who enroll ed were well pleased ■with the tyi>e of work offered. Registrations for the second term will continue through Wed nesday, July 17, and school au- thj^ties are expecting many oth- jetL' teachers to take advantages of the opportunity to study regular courses without leaving their homes. _ . Prof. 'V. 'V. Aderholdt, of Lenoir- Rhyne, is director of the Wilkes boro branch. The other members of the faculty are W. D. Halfacre, superintendent of North Wilkes; boro city schools, T. E. Story, superintendent of Wilkesboro dis trict schools, Mrs. Brown, of Le- noir-Rhyne, and M. F. Bumgarner, of Millers Creek. Teachers may gain full infor mation about the courses offered by calling at the office in the Wil kesboro school building. Political Conferences Order Of TJlie Day Republican Confab in Gevelan^; Ffirmer-Lffiiw. In Omaha and Tbizd Party Getti^ Starts With .Mfi^ipg in Chicago; Political Speculation Riffi Moving Picture At M. E. Church “Trail of The Circuit Rider” Will Be Shown At Local Church Sunday Evening “Crafty Grandpa,’’ a three-act comedy, will be presented at Mo ravian Falls schoolhouse o n Tuesday night, eight o’clock. Profits from the admissions will go for the benefit of the Metho dist parsonage. The play is highly entertain ing and is expected to draw a large crowd. The cast is made up of a number of amateur play ers in the community who have succesafnUy staged a number of other productions. The play will be given under the direction of Miss Elisabeth Faw, student of dramatics who made quite a record at Greens boro Oollegs last year. To Sgeed Up WashingteHi, July 14wi cratk party, chieftains President Sooaevrit roti a wert^^ outtng tonight! delnnfaiatioii^ovUent tr taarilB an early;’- —' - - “The TraU of.the Circuit Rid er,” an authentic moving picture taken from scenes of real life in the Carolinas, will be shown at the North Wilkesboro Methodist church on Sunday evening, July 21, at 8:15. The public has a cordial invitation to' be present. The Circuit Rider portrays the influence of the early church on the solution of pressing social problems of today and shows the origin and the work of the Duke Endowment for orphanages, hos pitals, rural churches and uni versities. “The Trail of the Circuit Rid er” is authentic: every scene from real life in the Carolinas; no professional actors. But even more interesting in many re spects, the audience sees and hears well known peoiple, col lege presidents, business men, preachers, physicians, tenant farmers, and negroes, as they move in the glare of the moving picture camera and as they speak in''the microphone. Successful Meeting Is Held at Moravian Falls Several were added to tiie choreh and five were ibaiptised in a service Sunday afternMn as the result of a revival which was held at Morsviau Falls Baptist church last week. The services ware Veil attended and mnoSi Interest vaa shown In thq meeting. The pastor. Rev. Rogers Gwsitney. ^ of Winston^flalem, was •Misted by ROTS. N. C. Teague, of ggialfflHlslein and A. Uk W. K. Stordivaiit Heads State Body Elected President of State Burial Association In Con vention Held Wednesday W. K. Sturdivant, of the Reins- Sturdlvant Burial Association and funeral home, was elected president of the North Carolina Stater^ Burial Association at tho annual convention held at the Sir Walter .Hotel In Raleigh Wed nesday. The state association is com posed of 108 individual burial associations throughout North Carolina with a total member ship of more than 400,000. Other officers elected were A. D. Royal, of Clinton, first vice president; E. A. Tiraberlake, of Lexington, second vice president; Wade C. Moody, of Mount Airy, seefTetary-treasureT. The 1936 cnventlon will be held in Salis bury. Election of the local man to head the state organization is considered quite an honor. . ^ .. I CHICAGO — “Third Party’ Chicago—That the 1936 national political campaign gives promise of much action is being indicated these days in the staging of varii^ political conferences throughout the middle-west. At Omaha, Boy M. Harrop, chairman, called a Farmer-Labor convention to order. At Cleveland, State Senator George H. Bender, opened the -Republican Crusaders conference which caused consglorable comment in G. 0. P. circles. And here at Chicago, Alfred Bingham, left, national secretary, and Paul H. Douglas, right, Chicago U. professor and permanent chairman, called a “Third Party” meeting to order. Civil Term of Federal Court Will Convene In Wilkesboro On Monday, July29 ; Is Adjourned Session An adjourned session of fed eral court will convene In Wll kesboro on Monday, July 29, for. trial of civil cases. Judge John son J Hayes, middle district jurist, will preside At the regular May term it was impossible to try all the civ il actions pending after a large during the May term will serve through the adjourned session. Several civil cases of consider able interest are on the docket,. Including a number of war risk insurance claims, It is under stood. HOW MUCH DID IT - RAINJ The heavy rains . BetuRtoy night and Snafiay ni|^ here have caused some spedolatini ae to hovr BMUh ngg ML FL gardi releaaed by 8^ Ckwaa at the «Ry mUmblfisaA tor f^VELAND—G.O.] lA-^ai Scout Cwirt of Honor,In Meeting Thirteen Sc^ts Gain Merits of Advancement; Three Awards Made By Court The Court of Honor of the North Wilkesboro District of the Winston-Salem Council of Boy SJbuts of America met on Tues day evening at the Presbyterian Scout hut with the following in attendance: T. E. Story, J. B. Mc Coy. A, S. Cassel and H. F. Bouk- night, Gordon Finley, John Cash- ion and Chas. Farthing, Eugene Garbee and four scouts from Boone; Troup No. 34, 1 Scout; troop 36. 6 scouts; and troop 37, 7 scouts; and Darwin and Lowell Smithey, two visiting scouts. The following presented appli cation for advancement and were passed: William Covington, H. P, Bouknight, (4), Edward McNeil, Pat Williams. Douglas Linney, William Gray, Don Story. Sam Smoak, James Hemphill, Baxter Davis. The following awards w^re made: Pat Williams, Path Find ing and First Class badges: Ted Hulet, Second Class pin; Edward McNeil, Second Class pin. The Court voted to hold the next meeting with the Boone Troup N®. 41 at the high school building in Boone July 23, at 7:80 p. m. In an adjourned meeting the members of the Court and the docket of criminal' eases* was Scout masters discussed the ad' tried and Judge Hayes announc- visability of requiring all scouts ed that an adjournpd session ^ho appear before the court to would be held in tho summer, ^ear their uniforms. The jurors who served PURVIS TIRES OF ROLE OF OUTLAW CHASER AND PUUJ5 OFF BADGE Chicago, iitly 12.—Almoirt a year after he laid John DUllnger- low, MetTin Fury to, one of the' button’s best known "O-men," resigned tod^. The 89-year-old soft-spoken 'southerner, ■whose main conver- Mtions with gapgland were jranc- tnated With splatWrlnrf bullrts, 'Ud he fihit fW ‘'purely persott- fil' reasons.’’ ■ A la’wpdr, ■ It waa w—lf Several Games On Week’s Schedde Home Chair Nine Will Play LincolnUm Here Tuesday; Other Games Arranged North Wilkesboro’s (Home Chair) baseball team has a touch schedule this ■week that promises thrilling games for lo cal fans. Chatham Blanketeers of El kin, who had games scheduled this week on Thursday and Sat urday, canceled -because of tour nament conflicts and these games will be played next week. On Tuesday afternoon Lincoln- ton comes here for a game at four o’clock. Llncolnton has a strong team and can offer the local aggregation plenty of op position. On Wednesday the locals will play a return game with Boone there and a home game will be arranged for Thursday after noon. ' • On Saturday the local team will play Thomasvllle all stars there and the all stars will play a return game here Sunday. Revival Closes At Wilkesbo|9 phurch Two-Weeks’ Mee^ At Me«io- dlst Chnrch To' Enfl;* Much Interest BbPirR A revival meeting which -had been In progress for two weeks at the Wilkesboro Methodist church closed Sunday. The'pastor, Rev. Seymour Tay lor, was assisted during the se ries of services • by Rev. G. N. Dulitt, of Peachland. The serrlc- est was shown by t'nb large con gregations - In atiqndqnoe. L.*G. Kelly Talies Job With New York Life Co. ,i. G. Kelly, who has been en gaged in hotel business IPj^j, De troit, West VlrglnU gnd lows for a nnol^ of years, ^s irtcepted a position'with the widely kno'Wn New Tprk Lite InsarMice com- puiy 15 this terrltpty To Have DMeFi ae. Outlybig ^ teriodking May Open;1^ EXPJCri^ Hoping To Half of TeriR Bi^Ofe Christms Wednesday, ABgittt,^,i8,^,|p|»' been tentatively ss4 ing date for schools in WU^pe county by the board of OdfCi^ tlon and C. B. BHe^^lMoigRy superintendent of schodiS, was learned today. A system similar to that nseg last year will be followed ao- ’nearly as possible with a uniforp. date for operation, of ichoolik. This eliminates unnecessary woylc and enables school aut^orittsk make out reports, tosmsi vonohafp ets., at regular intervais. Opening on August 88 iriU make it possible to complete «n> actly one-half the school t«na -before Christmas holidays., Wafi nesday is made the opening tty in order that there may be three odd days which mdy he hsed tor two holidays at Thanksgivfny, one day for the fair or dietrlet teachere’ meeting. However, any of the snuJl schools in outlying districts wfsh- ing to begin earlier may starf ea. August 1, provided there 'ia''no transportation arrangement • ’^in terlocking with another schdol, -Mr. Eller said. ■ ' • School authorities'aBtlei- patlng a most snSeqihfai Practically all of ’’thtk epkwMk have employed teachers for year and at this time . thasinyre no schools which' do not.,;«Mure teachers selected. *.. Youths Taken On Larceny Charge! Graysim Dowril and Recce Jordan Held In CoimectkMr With Store Robberies Grayson Dowell and Reeee Jordan, youths residing in' tba Roaring River vicinity, have been placed in j^l at WUlkesboro on charge of entering the Roaring River Hardware store, J. A. Longbottom’s store and Friendly Cafe at Roaring River one night last week. The three establishments Were entered on the same night. '•ad more than $200 in merchandJac was taken, according to report* reaching beyre. Guns, ammunf- tion and other items were mtoc-_ ing in comparatively large qnaa- tities from the hardware store. Longbottom suffered loss of several items of general me»- chandise and the cafe was loser of a considerable quantity of of cigarettes. Local officers worked for spn^' time on the case with :r'.Mood'- hounds without results untU'-nv*- picion centered on Dowell, wb* was arrested and to said to here- confessed to his part in tite tfir berles but refused. to.;,lM^» bto- associates other than'' Jordan, who, he said, hauled the 'stoire goods In his car. Egbert Wil« Arrested At St9 Revenue Agents Make Sac- cessfol Raid In Traphfli Cowmonity Egbert Wiles, resident of the Traiphill community, was arrretr, ed during a rald.oq % vicinity Thursday by fbdetwr officers. * ' Investigators from the afeohol tax tanit conducted the raid, which netted Wilre’ arrest .end the seizure of a medinm siaed — .stilt and considerable. Auaatities es were featured by , Insidring qj spirits and materials >Tor li- CB V»«X» \JX BpirJLO ttUU UittWAlttia *-4vr U-* gospel messages and much intM- qnor manufacture. OKicen in. Keb a.*.. __»« . v «« vi, . m' * w the raid were J. R. Braro4n» R. Williams, Leonairi 8. Felts, F, D. Lunqlfia OUnard Jojiiisan. ' la a preltainary beCore Commissioner' f. in Wflkeaboro, bond fo^\ ayqearance ;at ^9 of ^edei^ court in

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