. - '1= |g tefilwsjof late an ^ 1- f M " • mr Bum StoroiMd > 3ia» SS.^—^The atskte |ot KorU Ckrtfllna la tb« last five 7^ baa startliied 207 penoas ^W» wara maiitally diseased, fse- bla*Blnded or atfllcted with ^•ptl^psy. Boadstera For Patrol Balelgb, June 26.VTwenty- alabt blue and silver Ford road- [■j P atars, equipped with bullet-proof 'Windshields, ware bought tolay by the division of purchase and copttract for police use by the . highway patrol. - Oaa't Keep Poet Down New York, June 25.—Wiley Post, famed world filer, accom- 'paaled by his wife and Fay Gil- Us,. woman pilot, will fly across the North Pacific and Sijteria to Moscow vrlthln thre© w^ks. It Was utnounced tonight. Proteet Negro CCO Kllaabethtown, June 25.—A large majority of the property owners at White lale met at Qoldston’s Beach this afternoon Sifter receiving reliable informa tion that the CCC camp located sear the lake is to be filled with s^roes In the next few weeks. larwyer Is Convicted Chicago, June 25.—Louis P. Piquett—target No. 1 In the gov- ornment’s efforts to exterminate •*iawyer-crlminajfes’’—was speed ily convicted today of harboriug Homer Van Meter, machine guu- ser of the Dillinger mob. Train Patrol Applicants Raleigh, June 25.—Dr. M. C. S. Noble, Jr., assistant state oommlssioner of revenue, an nounced today that 111 of the 164 applicants invited here for competitive training for the 6d _ -atatfi ';>1^roI had accepted. Th© traln- inr school will start July 2 aqd , continuo for several days. >l*ablished Monday and /thili^ya ...miiKi'niniiL-iini-i II II i.»! aum NORTH WIUSESBORO, N. C., ■■ ' i I rrn" ,CNistnictkio of ^iParidray SSated, To Bc^ Aug. 1 Ndto Teer Low Bidder On First 12H Miles of Scenlc' - Road In North CaroUna SPECIFICATIONS GIViW August 10. 1S36, Is Date On Which Completion Is A^- ed By Government If all legal obstacles are clear ed. dirt should be flying on the first North Carolina link of the Scenic parkway by August 1, the time specified for Nello Tee(r, Durham contractor who submitted the low bid, to begin work. In th© advertisement for bids the governmental agency set out that work should begin on or about August 1 and the com pletion date was set at August 10, 1936, allowing one year for compleitlon cf grading) and crusted stone surfacing on the 12 1-2-mlle line from the North Carollna-Vlrginia lln© to Inter section with highway 26 near Roaring Gap. Although question of the le gality of right of eminent do main in regard to right-of-way has been raised. It Is expected that all obstacles will be remov ed in time for work to go along as scheduled. In instructions sent to the five-county re-employment office here it w^as set out that around 200 men would be required on the project and that the labor would be classified as follows; 20 machine operators, 3 drillers, 3 carpenters, 4 stone masons, 20 truck drivers and 150 laborers. However, these figures are esti mates. It is expected that labor will he furnished for the parkway construction, by the re-employ- mAnt ariw nerving tarrl- ttoOTg?^mch It^tS be constructed. A great part of the labor, it is presumed, will be furnished by the office located Surplus Is 8200,000 ' here, which serves Alleghany, Raleigh, .Vune 25.—North Car-’Ashe. Watauga and Wilkes olina's surplus, which furnished the basis of some^ very fancy legislative fighting, seems, five days from the end of the fiscal w©ar to he as large as $200,000; it could be $50,000 to $100,000 more and it could fall to $50,- OOO below that figure. m. Bold Daylight Robbery Burlington, June 25. — Two unidentified, unmasked' | white men at 3 o’clock this a.lernoon ■staged a daring daylight holdup In the business district when they bound and gagged D. R. • Fonvllle. secretary, and Miss j Alene Tate, bookkeeper, of the First Federal Savings and Loan I association, escaping with ap proximately $25. 2 Held For .Murder Fayetteville, June 25.—Mrs. Jj. L. Johnson and Eugene "Watts, 17, are being held in jail -without bond pending further Investigation of the death of Xiouis A. Fulcher, 48, who was found dead with a bullet through his heart on the Johnsons’ farm In Eastover township last night after he bad gone on a drunken rampage, visiting vlo’ence on hia own family and threatening his neighbors. Both the woman and the lad allegedly admit fir ing in self-defense but both ^Im that ,their shots missed. Rates Are : . h City Bfinimiim Raiae^To $1; In crease Necessary Because , of Improvements Made In a recent recess session of the board of commissioners of the to-wn of North Wllkesboro the minimum charge for city Yl^r was raised from 60 cents for the first three thousand gal lons to one dollar and the rate for «sh additional thousand gtflons was raised from 20 to 25 cents. . ~ ’ This raise la water •f«sa-,.Jp necessary, city officials stated, because of the Improyements and enlargement of the qlty water aystem, which were affected at considerable ewt by means of a loan and#rant from the public orks atalnlstration. 3|»w rahsa will ««> In*® **' a "July 1, beginning of the. ftoeal year. ^An ordinance forth the change in wat- counties, through which the parkway survey runs. Some of the specifications set forth in the advertisements are 60 acres of clearing and grub bing, excavation o f 440,000 cubic yards, furnishing 42,500 cubic yards of crushed stone, 175 cubic yards of concrete, 163,500 pounds reinforced steel, 2,850 cubic yards cement stone masonry, 4,100 lineal feet cast iron pipe, 35,000 cubic yards topsoil. 'V 'J—eg ag^cBaggy IHURSDAYj JULY»27, 1936 4-H Club Winners Wadiirigto^ Youth and Girl Win Scholwuhip For Study In Deparianent of .Agricutupe; Awards Made For Outstand- - ingAc3uevem«it8 ni6t Mo ^ . .^Plot iii4 91 » .Cs.\ W s WasUngton—^Above are the 4-H club winners of the Payne Fund Fellowship for 1936-36, consisting of $1,000 each with which to ctudy for nine months in the department of agriculture. The award is made each year to one young woman and one young man for outstanding farm club achievements. On the left is James J. Potts, of Aspermont, Texas, and right, Miss Ruth Lohmann, of Znmbrota, Minn. Field Representative of FHA To Assist In Filing Insured Loan Applications Ralph Hallock To Be Here Saturday LOO STATE—3U0 OUT OF' Fdining mes Coohty’a Hero” Completed Here Liquor Stored In Bee Hive In City Have boney bees taken to moomshining? is a question that was con-sidcred bere today whdn Patrolman J. E. Walker, of tbe city police force, lookpd found six half gallon fruit Jars FHA Insures Building Loans and Refinances Existing Home Mortgages wen filled am* ripped but with moonshine whiskey. 'Tlie lower section of tbe lave was occu pied ’'V a b’lsy colony of biies. Tl.e bee lUve was located on the porch of Silas Johnson on 0 street near the business dis trict of this city. The police department l»a/j reerdved re ports that liquor had been sold at that household, it was leal n- ed this morning, but previous investigations had revealed nothing. Southside Singing Will Be At Arbor Expect Best Singing in His tory of Aassociation on Fifth Sunday Coca-Cola Co. To Buy Blackberries Will Pay Ninety Cents Per Bushel At Warehouse On Forester Avenue The Southside Singing Associ ation is expecting the best ses sion in its b-lstory at Fishing Creek Arbor,^located five miles south of Wllkesboro, on Sunday, June 30, it was learned today from Attorney F. J. McDuffie, chairman, and Mrs. Floyd M. Jennings, secretary. The association was organized several years ago for the pur pose of promoting sacred sing ing and It has spread over a largo territory. The following churches are expected to be rep resented Sunday b y singing classes: Goshen, Beaver Creek, Moravian Falls, Cub Creek, Lit tle Rock, Walnut Grove, Wilkes- boro, Bethany, Fishing Creek, Fishing Creek Arbor, Edgewood and Mount Olive. The public has a most cordial invitation to attend with a big basket of dinner and take part in the day’s program, which will begin at eleven o’clock. More Convention Plans Are Made Wilkes Pomona Grange In meeting at tbe courthouse in Wllkesboro Tuesday night spent much time in laying plans for the North CaroUna Grange con^ vention to be held in North 'Wll- kesboro in late September. Various features of the com ing meeting gained attention of Coca-Cola Bottling Company has accepted the dealership of a Brooklyn firm to buy blackber ries In North 'Wilkesboro and buying will start on Monday, July 8, 'at the firm’s warehouse on Forester Avenue, formerly the Blue Ridge Hatchery build ing. One hundred tons can be han dled by the dealer heie. It was learned today, and th© price to be paid will be 90 cents per bushel. It is expected that the unlimited market for blackber ries will provide a considerable source of incom© to the people in the surrounding rural ateas. sentative of the ’ I^oSral Hous ing Administration, will he In North Wilkesboro Saturday, June 29, for the purpose of help ing interested persons to fill out applications for FHA Insured loans. Mr. Hallock will maintain headquarters from 9 a. m. until noon In the office of Attorney W. H. McElwee, second floor of the Bank of North Wllkesboro building. He will assist in filing out ap plication for insured mortgages for the purpose of building new homes, purchasing of existing construction, and refinancing of existing mortgages not now in distress. He urges that all In terested parties see him. He will have the proper application blanks and will be able to give first hand Information about the opportunities afforded the home owner or prospective home own er under the national housing act. The nati'^al housing act, it is pointed out, not only insures loans for modernization but for the purchase and construction of new homes and homes already erected. BE SHOWN NEXT TiddoK of Movie With Entire Locil Cast Creates Modi .^The Journal-Patriot’s two-reel motion picture comedy, “Wilkes County’s Hero,” Is completed. Filming of the first real mo tion picture In Wilkes county with plot and story has attract ed wide intereet and tbe vray lo cal people, who compose the en tire cast, have, broken into mo vies, has exclt^ the admiration of all who have witnessed "shooting’’ of the interior scenes on the stage of the New Orpheum Theatre and the outdoor scenes about the city. “Wlikes County’s Hero,” will have Its World Premie:'-* show ing Sunday midnight at the New Orpheum Theatre. It will be a miniature Hollywood premiere with flood lights at the front of the theatre and all the local mo vie "stars” there In person. The midnight show program will con sist of tbe showing of the pic ture filmed locally and a num ber of other features to round out a full program of entertain ment. As introduction to the cast It will^ be seen that Miss Elizabeth Faw, attractive daughter of Mr. oup Boys’ Enroll In ti CAST OF OH.ARACTERS Baby Ethel .... Elizabeth Faw The Hero Paris Nuckols Hie Rival Isaac Dnncan Katrinka Lillian Liimey Mr. Henpeck, 3, Bid WilUams Mrs. Henpeck— Nwmut Stevenson Other characters include policy tlHggfimiiii't- imtomo. put InuliiaiyB/ it-iparo tors, etc. Saturday Last Day To Vote On Tobacco Control Wilkes Marriages Licenses to wed have been Is sued from the office of Register of Deeds O. F. Eller during the past few days to two couples: M. O. Miller and Manie Dillard, both of Daylo; Wayne Caudill, of Abshers, and Bonnie Brooks, of Springfield. - and Mrs. C. C. Faw, is the lead ing lady. Miss Faw won recogni tion in dramatics at Greensboro College last year and is particu lar fitted for screen perform ance. Paris Nuckols plays the part of leading man and per forms splendidly. J. Bid Wil liams, well known Insurance man, may steal the show as Mr. Henpeck except for Mrs. Hen- peck, who Is none other than Miss Norma Stevenson. Isaac Duncan plays the role of "The Rival,” a cub reporter. He is a popular young man here, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dun can. The picture could not be complete without his personifi cation of the reporter and he plays the role in splendid fash ion, according to those who have seen him perform before the camera." Miss Lillian Linney, of Wilkesboro, has the part of Ka trinka, the country flapper who roUer skates her way to fame as a real comedienne. Miss Mae Church, of Route 1, Wllkesboro, plays the part of Miss Novarre. There are many Wilkes people (Continued on page five) WILL PLAY CHATHAM TEAM HERE SUNDAY Home Chair company base ball team will play the strong Chatham nine, of Winston- Salem, on the local field Sun day afternoon at 8:80. A spe cial Jnly 4 attraction here will be a double header between North Wilkesboro and Albe marle. Ballots hlay Be Cast At Denny- vUle And lAttle Mountain School bouses Saturday, June 29, will posi tively be the last day for tobacco farmers to cast votes on the question of whether or not they wish the present policy of tobac co crop control to be extended. As the law now stands the act will 'expire with the 1935 crop unless the farmers want it con tinued. There ar© around 600 tobacco growe.rs in Wilkes county, many of whom havo already cast bal lots at the office of County Agent A. G. Hendren at the courthouse. Two places for voting will be maintained Saturday afternoon from one until five o’clock. To bacco growers may vote at Den- nyville and Little Mountain th© Wilkes Grangers, who enter- schoolhouses Saturday aftMmoon. ed Into a discussion of publicity,' or may vote at the office of Mr. Last Chance To Renew Your Subscription At Same Low Price message to •Rlertainment, program and oth er things for whloh'^^the ground, published elt«where^ work most be~lald far In .ad- ^vance of the convention date. Hendren’'until spyen p. m. Sat- ipAy eTening. All tobacco grow ers we urged to vote on the ques tion of crop coBtrolj^’ ■, A personal subscribers: This is the last week in which to renew your sub scription to The Joumal- PaWot at the present low price of $1.00 per year in North Carolina or $1.50 oiitside the state. After June 30 the price will be fifty cents higher. Saturday will be tbe last day to renew at the present low prices, although a let ter bearing a June post- mark and containinj? mon ey or check for subscrip tions will be accepted on ftrrivftl* week many have taken advantage of the of fer to get their subscrip tions a year ^in advance at 1^,f „j, I. „, O&EB i Patient Survives Qpera- tion For . Di sease Chardon, O. . . . Joseph Krch- mar (above), 48, Is alive and home today, the first patient in the world to survive an opera tion and be cured of angina pec toris (heart). Dr. Claude S. Beck of Cleveland performed the operation last February. Tbee Men Taken h Still Raid By Revenue Officers R. J. Childress, Filo Bauguess and DeWitt Billings Ar rested Monday R. J. Childress, F(lo Bauguess and DeWItt Billings were arrest ed In a distillery raid by Investi gators of the federal alcohol tax -token at a still In the Traphill vicinity. Federal Agents J. T. Jones, J. C. Fortner, C. S. Felts, Leonard Roope and J. R. Brandon con ducted the raid, accompanied by Deputy Marshal 'WV A. Jones and Clinard Johnson. An average size still and considerable quan tity of materials for manufac ture were destroyed. A preliminary hearing was held before United State© Com missioner J. W. Dula in Wilkes boro and bonds were fixed at $600 each for appearance at the November term of federal court. Jay Brookshire Is Taken at Still Raid Made By Sheriff and Federal Officer Tues day Evening Jay Brookshire, resident of the Straw community, was ar rested in a raid on a distillery in that vicinity Tuesday after noon. A preliminary hearing was held before Commissioner J. ■W]. Dula in Wllkesboro and bond for appearance in federal court was filled In the amount of $500. J. R. Brandon, investigator of the federal alcohol tax unit, conducted the raid, assisted by W. B. Somers, sheriff of Wlikes county, Clinard Johnson and Bob Jones. A medium sized still in opera tion when the officers approach ed the scene, was destroyed, a- long wlwth about 20 gallons of liquor and some * materials for liquor manufacture. Two other persons escaped from the scene of the still. Tondu Countm C^tlPeir Here To Army Offiertt From Fort Bragg Examine Over 250 Api^cants At Amoir The largest group of Wllkeo youths ever to enroll th«. Civilian Conservation Camp* en trained here Monday at nooa. There were 59 applieatlona from Wpikes county boys approved by the relief antUoritfer here. 1 Applicants from ten couatlao gathered at tbe arm^,..,.her» Monday morning for examUurUoo by a corps of phvslelans' aaK army offlcors from fort Braga and th© ©xaminations wero eosa- pleted in time'for them to boarg’:| a special train at. ,nj)oi^.' A ma jority of the 'Wflk^ boys irero^ assigned to a camp near Bristol; Tenn., while many of those from the other counties and some at the Wilkes boys were assigned to the James Camp at Purlear. The large June enrollment fa the first of a series under tha enlai-gennetfit ,ifrogram of C. C. Camps of the present nattonnl administration of the works-re lief fund. „ V The Wilkes youths who -left for camp Include Clint Da'v1s» George 'Thomas Elledge, Bonson. Cothren, Ransom Roscoe Har ris, John Money, Thurmond Kil by, Van LaFayette Spears, Joa Shafter Brock, George Edward Brown, Willard P. Smith, Ted Thomas Fortner, Van Henry Clark, Percy B. Sebastian, Cn- bert Huffman, James Laws; CharUe Church. (Toqrad J. , luulanr Arilini' —iVlCttOl Tommie Faw, Charlie Burchotte, Arnold Church, Jesse Willard Blankenship. George Wlashlng- ton Barlow, Avery L. Hunter, Earl Tolbert, Gwyn Beshears, Claude Huffman, Richard Grif fin, William R. Minton, Benonia Prevette, Henry Burnette, Wood- row Dancy, Raymond A. Davis. Leonard W. Wyatt, Glen L. Mar low, W. J. Higgins, James Wor ley, Arlle Lankford, Ralph King, Albert Marlowe, James Combe, Jaret Eliaa Ball, Dachie A. Marlowe, Barney R. Johnson, Earl McKinley Owens, Robert Olin -Burchette, Brady Combs, Frank Levi Tomlinson, John W. Wellborn, Frank D. Prevette, Howard Cothren, Edgar MitclH ell, Watson, Walter Lee Jolly, Sturgill Sanford Watson, Bristol D. Mathis, Elbert Burton Wlsh- on. m the present low price and in so doing have saved themselves at least fifty cents each. If you have not brought or sent yours in act between now and Saturday evening. ^ . If yo"ur subscription has expired or will expire this year you are entitled to re new at the present price. In order that an unfair ad- vatage cannot be taken The Journal-Patriot is urg ing all subscriberB to take advantage of the offer. Examine your subscrip tion label today and if your subscriptions expires time in 1986 you may re- mw at the present price by brtnsdng, seeding or mail ing your suwSCMption be fore Saturday evenmgi Testing Cows For Bang’s Disease County Agent A. G. Hendren pnd Dr. Nicks, of Elkin, are working In the county this week testing dairy herds for contag ions aboYtion (Bang’s* disease). Only a very few cowa have been found to be infected in the exam inations thus far... , , The federal government. Is try ing to eradicate the dise^ and is paying $25 per grade oow and $$0 for each registered cow in fected, pro'vlded the animal is killed. Herds in othw sections have been found to be badly in fected and it is expected that the drive to eliminate thq' will cause,a considerable increase' in the price of cows. Dairy ,spec- iahsts are advising people in this section, where the disease is scarcely known, to raise all good belter calves. eh Hear Wilkesboro Matter Saturday Hearing on Mandamus Action Will Be At Courthouse Saturday At 10 A. M. A hearing on a writ of man damus asking the “old”, board of commissioners and officials. of the town of Wllkesboro to show cause why they shonld-not turn over records, etc., to a group Of candidates alleged to hav© been elected on May 7, ■will be held ‘before Judge J. A. Rousseau, of this city, Saturday morning. The writ was originally sign ed by Judge J. H. ClCiheBt, ^ of Winston-Salem, and - made rs- turnabl’d before Judge Rouauwa on Saturday, Jun© 29, at.tM o’ clock. It is presumed '^t Iho hearing will be at thpj.,cqurt- house. , ’ ->v ■ Much Interest Is' centered in tbe Wilkesboro election maitter, which has b^n tied np' .ini.- the court since May 7,: dfete foY^ths election. Ronda Singii^^ At Swui Credt AR Gospd Singera Invited to Singliig Conventioii On Fif^ Sunday — p «;'Neiit convention of the S Association Will be at Swan .Creek ' Baptist on the fifth Snndl^, Jnne The- day’s program witLe||9i 16 a. m, \ - All singing , and ell otheis mnstc me

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