i I ryOL XXIX. NO. 86 Pabliihed Ml Ikii ; N01 N. a • ; - > A' twin X}in, olM, today >lott«, Ujit tM '•■Qtit- parole aystem «£b a oleeale grantios^t^^^arolel.'* » MertiS'tiaiia;--" :ta, Aag. 2.-.^The 0uke CaatmMty is~ conal4f»rlng oenatrtftttoB otr itt.i miMs -rural en'ension Uuea in North oUaa. St^alay Wtaberae, "iMA of ilie -state utiUHea klaslon, announced Thurs- Ta,?^^. 2.— today announced ^French, atlas ^mee 'atlas Jake JohnsMt, | ^tn iail here, is wasted In hoon^. North Oaro- a charge of aseaultlng .a , iroman and burglary. The was arrested here Wedaes- £ jniM Ogiwahjay an uttc5mm^^SH||jSnd' bone "disease -after ^^l^^operations and 85 blood transfusions, 14- yaar«ld Harold Pfieger prepared tahlght. to leare New York hos- pHpal for the home which he had gli^n np hope of ever Wing a^in. Says Woman Was Witch ClSTeland, Ohio, Aug. 2.—Mrs. Matilda Waldman, a staid, ma tronly woman, walked into the delicatessen of her former friend, Mrs. Ida Rose Cooper today, and shot her dead because she believ- -■ed'she was a witch. Mrs. Wald man had complained to police that Mrs. Cooper had bewitched her with '‘fireballs” which for three years danced before her eyas, played about her bedroom amid horned her husband’s legs. t^ovad Self Inflicted .AJbunarle, Ang. 2.—Coroner B. -M. Lafler today expressed be- Het the bullet which kUIe.l Wil liam Dry, 20-year-old farm youth turned bandit, came from Dry’s rwk gmn. An examination of the of the youth, fatally shot erday in an attempted hold- 'Hip iof the Home Builders associ- attan here, disclosed he was aW^k by Iwo bullets, one in the rld^t 'shoulder and one in the Bead. Rabies Vacdne Is Being Distributed Inspectors May Get FVom Office of Health Department ] Part of the supply of rabies ▼accine for Wilkes county has ; arrired and is now ready for dis- ’ tribntion to the township rabies Inspectors by the county health officer. The vaccine was ordered by the county several weeks ago from the state by 0. F. Eller, register of deeds, but state au thorities had some difficulty In obtaining an adequate supply of the somm. However, the order -was partially filled and Inspec ters may get enough to begin -vWocinatiiW dogs and get the under way at' once. ' - «3^Woelnation of all dogs against raMos Is mandatory under, an stct passed by the last legisla ture and Inspectors for the vari ous townships were named re- oemtiy to administer the vaccine. fbe iguspectors will make vac- apolntmenU in their tewauaps and it will be the dnty .-of etecy dog owner to seo that higjlec is 0ven the vawine. A fine of f 10 is proscrlh- «4 by law for tailarp to obserre j luir Wiaie the maximum fide with imprisonment op- ' tlonal-Wltb tbs court. A 5 WILL " O^^CT SERVICES ik. S., Cussel, active worker in : t)sa Wttlies Bvangelistic Clnb, rrllt conduct sendees n«tt 8mn- r4MT at Millers Creek and Char^ City Matbodlst cburdiss/ Serrlces ^ be held at Millers Creek at a. and Charity at 8:O0 p. puMlc baa a moat pordigi ^ ttvttatira to attend. Anuounce- ■ot the sarvioaa -was made QMitry. psator. enbordinato IntpMisdt a to-* tight o'clock. At- member 1s par- Jp^e Pbiffiiii pflnk^^ul Sctrion ¥dr:i’^£BStn^tiTe Cbnrgc De- liTCfcd to Gnuid July in WUfccQ Coyrt fiiday - iO CUSAg DOCKET Oidy Abovt J,26:Gbnes Pend Trial at lids Term; Few Important Cases Declaring that "no man is so high that be should escape pun ishment from the law and that no man is so low that he should not have th» law's prolsction,” Judge Don Phillips deliv^d ' ^oet instructive charge to the Ifkand jury in the opening of the ^gust term of 'Wtlkes court in Ijnlkesboro this morning. ;i^Judge Phillips urged the grand ; ^rors to diligently inquire Into ^very bill of indictment in ord er , that offenders might be brought to trial and that cltitens should not be persecnted because of prejudices in various com munities. In his instructions in regard to inspection of county property he called attention to the fact that a number of prisoners recently broke out of the jail by carving a hole through the roof. He ask ed the grand jury to inspect the county hostile and if they found that the roof of the jail was in adequate to hoid prisoners to make recommendations to that effect. His charge was very compre hensive and covered the duties of the grand jury fully. He stat ed that that iody is a most in tegral part of the courts and must function properly in order for the court to accomplish Us purpose;. George A. Crysel is grand jury foreman. The term which began this morning is tor two weeks and will be for trial of criminal cas es. In contrast to Wilkes courts during the past ten years there are only about 125 cases'pdsding trial, this estimate including what the grand jury can reason ably be expected to return as true bills. Solicitor John R. Jones stated that he was confi dent that the docket can be cleared. It is interesting to note that the grand jury at the present term will have but very few pills charging the more felonious crimes and no one' is expected to be put on trial for first degree murder, although there are three Supply! charging murder. -i^aia AaSffrilTSg J. lEMDaUTIC G. P. Dockery, Jr. Accidentally Shot E3kin Youth, Grand.son of Mrs. C. H. Swners, Dies of Rifle Wound in Head G. P. Dockery, Jr„ 14, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Dockery, of Elkin, accidentally discharged a load from a .22 rifle into his head late Sunday afternoon, death occurring shortly after words. The vidtim of the acci dent with his parents had driv en out to the Dockery farm near Zephyr to spend the afternoon. The fatality occurred while the boy with bis cousins, were in a ropm of the home. He was ex amining his cousins’ rifle when it accidentally discharged as he sat in his chair. The victim was a son of one of Elkins most prominent families. His mother before her mar riage was Miss Hallie Somers, a daa^ter of Mrs. C. H. Somers, of -^Ikesboro. and numerous fiiends of the family In this part of the state will be sorry to learn of the tragedy. Funeral service will be held in Elkin Tuesday morning, ten o’ clock. J. Ad«xia l^sseaif, for nwii]r, ypnn.n Uwtnr in Domo-^ cnUtc $siUMea iik WOkee. ooaa- ty, wail alaciMi ehalmaa of the county Deasoicratlc execu tive ooBunl|t^ in a call meet ing heM at Hotel Wilkea on Saturday aftcraooa. Mr. Roasseaa nacceeds D. J. Brookshire, who was elected diairman In the qiring Of 19S3 to succeed J. 0. Reins, Who reMgtted vriten be was ag>- pointed pontniMter pt tioftb WUkeehorp. fbe meeting Satsoday after- aooa was attended by nla^ tem of j^ftwea^-alae mem- ben lepfeMatBig the ^ pre- dncts in die opaaty. No bosl- ness of public Merest other than the Section of a chair, man was taksw ^ Hr. Roasseaa, who Is dc^n- ty collector of rovenae for the state in this district^ hss kmg .1 I ,i, I, I HfiS I iiuTft) bean prMa|t!iBl. hi local aad state poiltict- At prestmt he Is a aMssber of the; state-s^aecSK ttve ooanUftee. For several' yei» he vnts sacrehMT tbm eom^ eimoative. obmmittest 10s eleettoh Satitr^ as ehahw man was wtchont oppostthm. C. Q. Mclfeia.ls sscretary of^ the coanty Democratic execa- tlve committee, having been dtocted to that post when D. J. Brookshire,' then ^ secretary, was pnmod chsiiman. Fourth MaiistmeBt'tMMHBspm- sloB r^opiphi Tdok FtesS' ln, ’ This .Qty ow I^^-RBUKF mmORK UHM» Toatfce FBiiL tederai iDitmtea pMn p tiather Htan For Examtea- tion i^ad BlnHstiiimit FOR CABINET? Frank Walker Stated To Succeed Postmaster > General Washington . . . Despite that Frank C. Walker (above), wants to retire to private life when he finishes his work relief job. President Roosevelt. Is reported urging him to accept a cabinet post, that of Postmaster General Farley, who is shortly to resign and devote himself to the duties as chairman of the Democratic National Committee. Oxford Singing Gass To Come Rush Orders On Furniture For Postoffice Here Congressman Lambeth Ex plains Delay in Opening of New Building in City In respoo^^to i^'elbgram by five local b'uslhess' meq to Con gressman Walter Lambeth ask ing him to investigate the delay in opening of th© new postoffice building for Nqrlh 'Wllkesboro the congressman stated that he had taken the matter up with the postoffice department and that the contractors who were to furnish the furniture had been wired to rush the order. Delay in moving the poslofflce from its present quarters on B street to the new building on C street is due. It is said, to delay in obtaining the proper furniture and fixtures. Although Postmast er J. C. Reins has been asked by the department to rent the need ed furniture, efforts to accomp lish this have been unsuccessful and opening may not be until the contracted furniture arrives. Following is a copy of the cor respondence relating to the open ing of the new building: Hon. Walter Lambeth, House of Repreeentatlves, Washington, D, C. ‘‘Are you aware of the ■''fact that we are being deprived of the use of our fine new post of fice, which has been completed over sixty days. 'We understand (Conttnned on page Rse) H’ill Give Conceft In Graded School Auditorium Wed nesday Ni^t, 8 oi'Clock Binging class of the Masonic orphanage at Oxford will visit North Wllkesboro Wednesday and render a concert In the grad ed school auditorium beginning at So’clock. Proceeds from the admission charge will go for the benefit of the institution and wholehearted support on the part of citizens Is earnestly so licited. The class will arrive here In the orphanage bus and will be entertained in the homes of Masons during their stay in the city. The visit of the class is always an anticipated event by those who are Interested In chil dren and who wish to see an ex ample of training given the or phans by this well known insti tution. The program to be rendered here will be varied and will please the most discriminating, according to reports from cities in which the class has appeared this year. The following press comment is taken from the Greensboro Daily News: ‘‘The Oxford Orphanage sing ing class, making its annual ap pearance here in Odell Memorial auditorium at Greensboro ' Col- 1 ge last night, captured the large audience and went away with re sounding praise. Many of those who heard the concert said it was the most delightful to which they had ever listened. The material selected and the man ner in which these well-trained cluldren from the institution which the Masons maintain at Ox ford played their parts made the program one of enjoyment from start to finish. There were songs by the entire class, readings, recitations, pageants and drills— a variety that could do nothing but please the audience of sev eral hundred, made up of persons of all ages. And when those children got down to 'Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf,’ Dis ney’s popular piece, the audience simply had to sway to the tunes, which were sung in a way which many had never heard them sung before.’’ IS SENSATION Crime Student ' Works Wonders W^ith Saint Paul Police at St. Paul . . . Wallace Jamie, 27, (above), crime student . at the University of Chicago, is the young man who brought about the shake-up of the police de partment here and was made Deputy Commissioner of Public Safety. P. W. Eshelman * NamedjBoy Scout CommtBsioner Here 1 P. W, Eshelman,. president of Wilkes Hosiery Mills company and a leader in civic and com munity affairs, has been Install ed as Scout Commissioner for this district, succeeding H. V. Wbgoner, who moved recently to Philadelphia."' Mr. Bshsdman has already Uk- eh up his duties in thiit capacity and is devoting considerable at tention to the work.. 6 Prisoners Who Esofi^ Wilkes Recaptured 4-' _ Only Two of Eight Jailbreak- ers Are Still at Large as Court Convemes Only two of the eight prison ers who broke out of Wilkes jail by carving a hole through the roof with pocket knives on July 2G are still at large. It was learned today from Sheriff W. B. Somers, who re - incarcerated Charlie Gross after he was taken yesterday at his home. Gross was a federal - prisoner, jailed on a charge of possession of liquor, ifeubin Davis, colored man jailed on the charge of at tempt to rape, voluntarily re turned to jail one day last week, saying that he was not trying to get away but that he took ad vantage of the chance to escape to attend to some ‘‘business mat ters.” The two now' at large are Don Sprinkle, wanted in connection with the holding up of Sherman Elledge’s filling Station at Hays, and Kirby Nichols, who was serving a term a^^ the county home, escaped and was later placed In jail. Robert Walker, Watauga man wa'nted for endorsing govern ment vouchers, Reece Jordan, Grayson Dowell and. Ansel Jones, jailed on larceny charges, were captured soon after they escaped. Mr. J. O. Fennel and family have returned to their home In Columbus, Ga.,-after spending a few days with Mr. Pennell’s sis ter, Mrs. J. M. Bumgarner, in Wllkesboro, and his mother, Mrs. W. T. Pennell, in Greensboro. Youths from' tea- aortbWMtern North Carolina counties were ex amined st^he Armory here Fri day by ofrieers from Fort Bragg tor enlistment la Civilian' Con servation Camps. Incladdd in the number were 35 f.om 'Wilkes coanty. ' .. This was the fourth enlistment niuler a program of OOC expan sion'and b calculated to make r^ief for a large number of fam- ^}ea i^ttecessary. ' Tboro who passed the exami nation here Friday were assigned to the camp at Blanche, N. C. The Wilkes county youths were as follows: Coy Absher, Arnte Anderson, Greeley Church, Monroe . Griffin, Gilbert Hamby, Turner Hendrix, Anbrie • Jolly, Wayne Minton, Lawrence Parsons, Reger 'V. Waters, Fred M. Wlngler, Pres ley Adams, Willie Anderson, Conrad Carlton, Everette Church, Richard Dyson, Champ Hall, Ray Parsons, Allie Phillips, 'Wood- row Roberts, Thomas Russel, Arnold Spears, Bill Wyatt, Pres ley Ashley, Olln Blackburn, John Cartner, Howard Church, Harri son Hall, Joe Jonee, Joe Spivey, George Yale, Howard Saults, Fred Church, Ernest Johnson and Russel Hamby. Everett Garris, a veteran, was assigned to the V. C. Camp at Bakefsville. C. C. Boys Are Buildup Road Road Now Being Constructed Will Connect ‘Stony Fork and ink Valleys A corps of young men from the James C. C. camp near Pur- lear are beginning a new road to day. The camp members will con struct a road from Stony Fork to Elkin, connecting the two val leys by four miles of road over what Is known In that section as the Leo Hendrix Mountain. Before the days of automobiles there was a wagon road across the mountain, but this road has not been traveled except on foot for the last 15 years. The old abandoned road will be regraded. Travel between the two val leys, only four miles apart, is about 20 miles by automobile at present. Construction of the new road will mean a great con venience to the people, at the same tlm® providing a fire trail through several thousand acres of virgin timber. Another Project Approved It is understood that when this road is completed they will start work on a road between the vicinity in which Green Well born lives to a point on the Boone Trail near the Wllkes-Watauga line. This also will serve many people and at the same time add facilities for fighting forest fire in the tlmberlands of that area. •oV to 9cKoc4 Ant Lribor Om^ County May HbMiTo Part of ^ ' Sdiool On AdinMi^ -Woritf ProgroM. Uoa, which will place relief with Jc prelects, has set the scale. b{ in •Wilkes coanty at treit |4S'monthly, if whs. leanM Thursday by C. B. Bllef, SmeatF snberffitendent of schoHiT 0. McNeill, chairmail of'AdikftW- ty board of educatlop, whiiO oa. a Visit to the dUtjrict WTA ag- fice in Winstb'i^aTenL . » The superintendent ai^-‘ chairman discussed . ..tlia 0016- ability of getting school -'hull4^ ings and addttloi»:.lil WHlna 0^ proved as WPA' projects saA learned that it may be poosfhte to secure cost of such labor; at the WPA may be able to ftfiiiiafc and 20 per cent Of east of ji^ terials. ^ r.^- -fts The main difficulty. forsqpVt 4m the fact that the WPA, whd%'J» confined principally to reUeC case labor, may not be able to-- furnish the class of labor neoaa- sary for the erection of pqbHe buildings. "■*’ ' However, a check of regiataA- tlons at the re-employment ofBew here, which will act as a refS^ ring agency for the WPA, ra- vealed that there are a nnihllir of first and second class ters registered on reliet they will accept tbe wagM ofCiir- ed by WIPA there should bh IM- tie difficulty in securing tka manual labor in constructlM work. Since the WPA is to supplant relief the object of comparative ly low wagM Is obvious. Jobe ou works projects will be by ao- means lucrative and the object of the administration is to en courage people to accept work for individuals and in indnstry ratHer than on works progreaa projects. Belief Caee.s Registered Practically all employables on relief are registered at the re employment office here in antici pation of the beginning of work through the WPA. Attention is called to the fact that if one reg istered during the past tw» months that re-registration is not necessary at the present time. Mt. Pisgah Church Has Good Revival n ... . A most' auccMsful .revival meeting closed at ML Plsgah Baptist church Sunday. Rev. L. B. Mnrray^ pastor, was in charge and much Interest was shown throughout the series of lenriees. Tvauty-four were . added to the church hgr Baptism aad tl)rw ;hy letter. Miss icabie Scott and her guecL, Miss'Tone (jalllghw, of Chlci^ left' today for a, weeks 'stogr at'Myrtle Bead, S. C. lOss Oalltgher spent last week here with Miss Scott at the Wilkes Hotel. Legal Difficdly Over Parkway Right of Way Remowd; Work WiB Start In Next Few Days SUrt of construeUon work on th« first link_0f the groat scenic parkway connecting Shenandoah and Smoky Mountaiaa national parks has been virtually assured and the first dirt should 'to moved within a'^few weeks. The great project has- I^u held u'j) for a short whilejlne to a legal hl^h lu regard to rights- of way. While a case is pending in court in VlrgMria it; was believed that MortA ‘Gatollnd, wBl have no difficulty in tnra^Ung the right of way In - .this, aUtm Charles Ross, attoriier. foc the state highway commlsidon, has^ drawn up a contract 'with the federal government Indemnify^' It against aU right ,of way elsl|D^ and thl^ contract la expocteiT)'to meet the 'approval of SeopOfary Ickes and tho state h^way commission, Whose missi^ In the projef^ M to furnlsh^he re quired laods. on which ,|o con struct :the elongated./national park. / .‘I The tig6t of way range in width from 200. toil,000 ' feet, 'dependtng upon particular sections the soei^ road will trai*erfe. • ^ . f: The^/tadencI- Mi»aa ot^ roads has already approved the low ;i)ld on the first twelve mile link from the North (Jarollna-'Vlrglnla line to a point near Roaring Gap. Nello Teer, Durham contractor who has constructed aeyefhl mountain roads, including the Boone Trail, for the state, was low. Wdfter and is reported ready to start work as soon ss the word to giren from the nation’s capitot. Plans are complete Tor the next' section of the seesrlc road from near* Roaring Gap *to Air- Dr,J.H.M(JfeiU Returns To City Has Been T«J^ Course in Internal Medidne in Har vard SMical School Dr. J. H. McNeill,' prominent physician here, returned to this dty August 1 and has resumed his practice In 'his offices locat ed over Horton’s Drug Store. Dr. McNeill spent three months In special study of Internal medi cine in the medical school of Hairard University, a course which to considered of much valne to a medical doctor. Ths course 'dealt in special study of dlseasss of the heart, lungs, liv er, kidneys, stomach and the g«Berel> practice of Internal medi dne. i Judge Finley To Hdd Four Courts Commissioned For Tenns At Murphy, Albemarle, Hayes- viUe and Salisbury Governor Ebringhaus has is sued commissions to Judge T. B. Finley to hold tbe following courts: Murphy, August 5th; Al bemarle, September 2nd; Haires- vllle, September 23rd; and Salis bury October 14th. These are what is known as conflict courts. At various times the legislature has authorized couHs in these districte that conflict with othiw regular courts where the JiilidUis holding the regular courts in' tke districts are engaged, and thsgto fore other judges have to be as signed to hold these couplet courts. Mr. and M». J. C. Cobh, Mr. and Mn). Vernon Cobb and lit tle son, ^ph, all of .MeLeansr^ vlUe, and' Miss Elisabeth Cobb irom n«« CheriTvme. were 10^ benows or perhaps Mulberry Qfl© ^uraday and Friday In 0)e*| oA tbe: BJ ghany lie> Ridge: between AUe-. WllkM countieei .bonu'^of Mr. and Mrs. G..{«. 8o«k- welJ. a Three Gai^ F6f White Oak ConiNic urday; To Phy .Chathiiw ^ Here on North Wllkesboro (Hoy;W Cbalr) baseball aggregstips jjjP- have its hands full this ' we^ with three games with two oC^THhi' best sefti-pro outfits in the ftgte. On Wednesday the local pisqr- ers will abdht SV otHda down the Yadkin to play Otolr Old rivals known as tlu Cb Blanketeera at Slki«, auA^ turn game will b*; at 8 tSe o'clock.."^ On Saturday afternoon Oaks team, from Oreensbp^; play here. White Oal|s has ji team as Hiown by t^ Rome Chelris fifiNn with them at OneiAN day. ■