jij ... who ho lion ot- iiik- J| hi£d lifiwe- 40 iRky ^rytoodjr’8' ^him: n»It^ to tioh weag: call«d at tlM AMwkh tf'IQkd lb|rAhi trom htii' ' ttkijrTii kxi «artf . ha thowcht, d^fton.r iM ksned hh Hps ia dig- »nt "WashhtgtoDr' i jroh 4IaeoT«red what -tWr him -Ofere and ■o*MhW-h1fh the people he ‘to ato ,Cottman?” the 'de- toq«li«L I dltli’t, althouKh I tried K Chat’s wnc took me so long. k%|Ce!the^ c&e ibb; 'my,^ he fiad'^y whaH- s|tg^ j%top to •ft^T ,»hen hh isa’t pxpect- ehook Mb hrad. '•No, not until tomorrow,"- -he aany«to4T?'’wh.eB‘ completad his jhBaln6S8.»?i^.. •‘•‘WeH,'-I"tmaglne we can wall and giv® a chance to turn up atedi^hg toTehitoule,” , Rankin said, dlsmtasing Cottman^ Johnson entered as tjottman left. "Finished. Johnson?’’ asked Rankin. _ Jthnson did not reply nntil the oMc gone. IngerprtnthT Tom- “hnt f ohn’t misho ort nntil Ih^i^ad them—uy tmor ^ labor' troia,; re-«Bihloymeiip> olfice y tcii^ ^tC{ yC7ti // t Mii / /• /' ATHLETES " f Hii SAY : A M4U) 1 . teaacm. LOWUtS. THCV ■ 0*T MY i*NO aprtal! * ’ StAY A El GIVES ; A 'LIET' sTe; «Ve yakEM tne j'XTHUTES' riA OM j CAMELS, camels I OONt AFFECT MY-1 I CONOITIOM' they MUST se made FROM COSTUER TOBACCOS id SE SO MILO ,T. mom, had Cmdous Tennis Star MKMANKAL memm C jB. Smith Cs^MldeS gom* iMme for r^airs Why not inspect your home CEtrefully for needed rcpEtirs Emd improvements? MEtke a list of the repEurs or improvements that your home requires to put it in first-dass oonditioii. We’ll be glad to dicck your property with you, giving ydii Ein esti mate. THE NATIONAL HOUSING ACT enables yon to have repcun and improvements made now and to pay the money back in easy . monthly payments extending over a peri^ as long as 36 months. Let us explain tius simple plan to you without cdrligatmg you in the least. Wilkesboro Mfg. Co. 1 -V'* . ROOFINGS & SHINGLES^^^ STANDARD FOR OVER 60 YEARS All Its COOLNESS CLBANLINESS CONVESNIENCE BETTER COOKING RESULTS THE RELEASE OP TIME FROM KITCHEN EUMENAtlKW OP "HIE SCRUBBING OF POTS AND PANS heaijphfulness AND OTHERS The eteetri* per year of services it wifl render, I* the dieapest cookstove on the American ^ ^ BUrket lediy. With mr new low rates, it is as cheap to cook with a« deetrie range, according to ho^wives who use them, as it is to cook wdth any other fuA 'Under our special proportion, open for a limited inrio^ it is as easy to purduise an dectnc range otter jwrt.irf. cook ftpyj;.. a detEdlvd'l tikaft to' sew-wior “How abhmt the gloves?’’' Tn» detective silo'ke eagerly. due to whir owm ThsaT’^ - vAp "Agatu I ceMdn't saw, It,’’ to®“expert"told-, ■ ^hot, out ti^ilg them dh' lli’l 'the her^ But personally,'I’ve' Ilf doubt.4hoUt the oMy... pair itf.. hands here with such;, a^; wide palDs and short pudgy fingers that could wear a seven’r and three-quarters comXoSrtably,’’,.. ‘‘W]ho do they belong to, tot&r son?” asked Rankin. "Harvey Willard, 'Tommy— Mrs. Rowland’s brothtf,.who, I understand, denies ever Soiar into that room.’’ hi tal^B froio the flies (^^n^^employM and la this manner }oks are f^ilahed .'thosb’ vtoo'otoeriifiiSNrwiaBe^ worn. Otflcials at the NRS ot&ee sj|;ite to® otflee's sej ttoctorS w'o^ 1ft. „ today (or PorV Bragt will spendweeks with'toe NaUonal OtHg^ v .V D ft The tittle F^ur year old daacbtsri Helei^ oif Mr- apd- Mrs. t orAny® people^^m Ted R. Setser dieii o( septie soro throat tost waejk. ahtL-Vto .hnided at the Beaver cemetwy, A.‘J.,Yestii;i''£ld Mr.' Carl lett. condiNtli^flherifimeral. jbsf'. typhoid (ever conducted by , _^Dr.,A. Jf. Eller/ county.,,, health , e the ^tcer and Mrs ~ ‘ need by them. H this vras car-*^ rtpd out toft name, of .a. person who is, on u Jobl would be.xemov- ed from the aetlve iile nntil the jo£on which he Is being used is conflated. ► Much progreas^is being made on the butldlng-on Tenth street, at the present' time. When completed It will be occupied 4)y the Gaddy Motor company, "■'local Chevrolet dealer. The furor Rankltf expected the death of Barbara Keith to pro duce wag fully realized in the early editions of Thursday’s pap ers. They made capital of the crime in black screaming head lines; and half of every front page In the city devoted Itself as much to the facts behind Mrs. Rowland’s suit a» to the murder. There were articles ab^. the manufacturer’s business Recess and social posiMon; aad>^\>was recalled, with some before her marriage ■>iw.; Keith was Barbara Webb, ah unknown manicurist in a bpauty.ahop In Detroit. Yet the dearth of really mater ial Information about the' dead woman or her life was immedi ately and significantly ‘stppalr- ent. The detective read the ac counts at breakfast. At his desk in the Central De tective Bureau, Captain Thomas greeted Rankin from behind his newspaper. “Any news, captain?’’ the lat ter asked his superior. "Have you any word from Gordon or a message from Mr. Keith from Washington?’’ “NoT I hav^’t seen Gordon this moirnlng,” Thomms replied, “and Mr. Keith hasn’t shown up or got in touch with us. At that Instant, Johnson en tered w'ith some papers and ad dressed Rankin eagerly. “I think I’ve made a discov ery, Tommy!’’ he declared. “I’ve just finished comparing the prints I took with those I found. There's one set that doesn’t be long to anyone in the office yes terday and can’t be explained in my reasonable way. “A strange set?” But what good is that, if we can’t tell who it belon.gs to?’’ “That’s just it, I’ve been able to trace them.’’ ' The expert paused dramatical ly and Rankin asked, “Who was it?” “In our hands several times,’’ Johnson announced triumphant ly. “ ’.Mitch’ Riley, alias Tony Lynch, alias a half dozen other names." It was Rankin’s turn to be come excited. “.Mitch Riley?’’ Recognition rang in his startled tone. “Thug, second-story man and rumrun ner. Are you positive there’s no mistake, Johnson?’’ Johnson extended the paper he had brought. “Here, you can see for yourself the prints are identical.” From personal encounters, the detective was acquainted with Mitch Riley. Originally he came from New York, a hoodlum, ex pug and jack of many crimes. His criminal career began fif teen years before. His photographs disclosed a typical felon’s features, with a bullet bead, low forehead and closely cropped brown hair. He was about thirty-five, he had a flat nose and heavy lips. He was strongly built, ibyoad-shouldered and, according to the record, six feet tall. Even Rankin’s inexpert eye could note the similarity of the finger patterns Johnson was comparing. “It looks damn suspicious," Rankin commented grimly, "He must be brought in to explain, if we hav«Yv) turn the whole city Inside ou^to lotote him." Before they could depart, the detective Gordon arrived to pre sent the results of his hunt for Hugh Campl^ell. Finally he had located him at the exclusive and ornate St. Andrew Hotel, on Broad Street. From the registry, it appeared Campbell. bad been stopping there (or two weeks— ever since Friday, May 26th. The dlfficnlty now was that he had not -been seen-sinee-he went~ont yesterday;T be' had not nturned to 'the hotel last night. At the same time, since . his baggage remained in Us yoornsjand he had not chtoked out, he appar ently Inteoded^o return. (Continidi^ Next rWin^> Bell.. epAUar nurse. The' next day tor vaettier tloir Is wefteesdwni o’cloe' Mrs. T.-C.-Carlton^ of Ceil' tralla, Kon., toxislllng'her slsterV Mrs. 8." V. Fer^nsm^ OBd^::i other, relatives of thir eonnty and ot. Caldwell, fori, some time: - Mrs. Carlton is a former resident of this vicinity .„snd moved to Kan sas In her early llfEi. 'tr- Mr. and Mrs. John BrookSldrer of StatesvlUe visited his pueiito. 5COUT COURT HONOR I • MEE'nNC_IN BOONE|"Ji^“2r.SSd Much interest was shown in jhe Advent Christian service Scouting In the court of honor Vhile here. ; " - meeting held in Boone on July. Df. C.i-B. Nicks and Dr. Bd- 28, according to many from here wards, of Elkin and North 'Wil- who attended. keeboto, were here this week i) T. E. Story, president of the court, presided, and P. W. Bshel- man. Scout commissioner, acted as secretary. The court of honor of th® North Wilkesboro district and several Scouts from the var ious local troops, attended the meeting. Merit badges were presented to Robert Wood Finley and Don Story. Awards (or various* acti vities were made to Pat Wil liams. Jr., M. G. Edwards, Jr., Wmiam Gray, Don Story, Tom Wright, J. C. Canipe, Jr., Junior Greene, R. D. Hodges, Samuel Lyerly, Baxter Davis, James Hemphill, Sam Smoak, Ray Stroud and Edward McNeill. the interest of the cattle test for Bangs Disease which they haVd been conducting in Ihe connty for some .time. ' Quite a few from this section are preparing to attend the Mg camp meeting of the Advent Christian church and annual conference to begin next Thurs- _d^,_Aug. 8.to, on the. Y'onalossle highway just beyond Blowing Rock. The denomination owns^ a large Camp site at this place and will bnlld-;^ .-iaum- commodious tabernaclEi^in Ljjfebnear future. Accommodj^tio^^are now furni shed to ahy one lyishing to at- tehd (it .Vtoy rtosbnabi® rates. The hum of the thresher is at and prefers tome early. Pearl Thoi ^ of the Grange give an ai ceunty arsh-exp ent. jttt* socrolHf prtosnf and and other ov^r the to he pr^ jrowys in eastern^ .^ye reportjiBr heavf Infwti^cutt wanrlls on ^V. |niito^>ltomei ot'tiie odtton lAi high fiel^ shows a slight damtge. - t-• . - ... . fe?- •W isFvng n '6“- Sdd Horton . •;. NbriA in ,Tlie To^ Board of Qpfpiaiiobcrs hw or dered me to adrer 9tt, to be sold on 19^, to ratisfy 1934, also to adi^' on 'AiiCtMt ly, Sapfomber 9tt^* It taxes for tbe r«e| personal erty and gamishM wages W5r ^ quent taxes due by taxpayers .for taxes. ~ ' Please pay your taxes at mice and save costs. WT P. kelly TAX COLLECTOR FOR TOWN OF NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. YOUR MONEY’S when you buy a low-priced cor A I'ii r 1.^ l ) BODY BY FISXl.S 'k'!TH NO DRftFT VENTIUTiON I V SOLID STEEL TURRET- TOP CONSTRUCTION / !,-f A VALVE IN-HEAD ENGINE THAT ARE FOUND ONLY IN CHEVROLET "jzatUhJi^ The most finely balanced low-priced car ever built DEALER ADVERTISCMCKr I Flame Valve^-Bead Engi^ aad JfeaAer- prw^ (jable-CQi0olled Bre^^ Atid your own ’^eyea and your own tests to you that these features are absolutely esSatiai to the greater beauty and safety, the greater comfort and roadability, and the greater cmnlnnation of i^ormance and economy iifS^iiv ^ihAthtm^jona SolidStedTimvt-TopBofy whidi wily Chevndet provides. Visit your • I'v by Fidier . . . Knee-Action 'Ride , . . Blue neai^Clievndet dealer today. CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANT. MTROrr,'MICHIGAN Cflmf — OewiiW* Urn'iditefeipnom andGM.AJI tmwu. A Gmmwl M/mn ytom Get all of these vitally impor tant features when you buy ^fra^4ew motor car. You can get them at^ .loWi^ prices in the new Master De Luxe . —the mosffiudy balanced low- ^bed car ever built! Tim Master De Luxe '^evrobt is the only car in its price range 2).e J^ete '-i 3^4