«t •anditrmoTnhig. ^ ti «iirofled ■•wal ;TUHtcu». *t ligTV Tl«lt«d«|Hnk 9ue Mttek-' enuimy^ »»T*V®1 s Uat a»y* Ttrtt ^ttk! Sad re)aUr«« i«d ICirs; Pgr)ui dftcthter. Pasty Jua. iMuto,-sn on .an vttli ralatlT«» her* 'Qratory’a ^TaiMttoa. *-'i Ye»- W eitolr iilSIlQrjC. Are 1JCoaTlctefl ^, I Gif (Continued from nUK oue) the Oone Comtnt day^ at Paw, malMonn7 Paw Ridge ;Snoda7. Rnir Hi^rr amltt wiu«n»en#to Jennlnga, al with d.jw. Sonther, “^of r..Md.Mra. 8. O. Mat\ia ud ekildren and Mr. and Mn. Porter, anent Sunday at Biver. 'tfie gneeta of Mr. r^Mrea. kfhihd Mn. Silas Johnson lith, ot Windy Oap, at Mrs... Johnson's par- B. Mr- and Mrs. I. M. Cole- erening. Joe Brooks, spent a while By atternoon with Mr. and t|bw. I. M. Coleman. ,llr. and Mrs. Albert Johnson son. Prank, ot Windy Gap, at Mr. B. H. Roberts, Antes the week-end. V Messrs. Parks Roberts and j^j. .1lawejr Mathis attended Junior . !.jnmeil at Clingman, Saturday Mr. H. C. Roberts sp.mt a x^ort while Sunday morning his father, Mr. T. R. Rob- ad^' . . M&s Dorothy Mathis was the Mpat of Misses Lytha and Ruby Rbanrs, Sunday atternoon. - Mr. Elisha Wellborn was in Mtefe 0 n business Saturday ■araing. Mr. Clay Mitchell was in Cool- aamee Wednesday selling fruit. '.Miss Cleo Mitchell left' last 'uwefc for a long visit with rela- ftfes and friends in Danville, 'Va. Mr. T. R. Roberts and Mr. J. "W. Robbins attended court at WHkesboro Monday. Miss Ezeta Mahaffey, of teteensboro, is on a visit with her l■H)tIler and other relatives here. 1 A. G. KENERLY HAS ESTABLISHMENT FOR SERVICE ON'RADIOS ' A. G. Keneriy, who tor several jUKTS has been servicing radios te this section, has opened a ra- dhk service shop in the Call taOdlng on Ninth street. He will Aasdle radio parts, specializing te tabes, and Will service all makes of radio. Patronage is re- apeetfully solicited. ) at^ Vdlhw> Hill ^Bgftist Sunday, M^g, l:|flafc'^o^ o'clock. Bts^bbdy'li^ cottftwhr Miss' Mimie MOtAL Ifork.^jiran g wOnogiA wistCor In tho ^ 'Mr* and JUiy. Coy Chitfch. Ahtnydny ^ * and who is steUOA^' gt^^^fShasiHMi the C. C. Cams«, fl^: graak-end here 'visiting homo Vv '^Misai.^rgiiHa Church,\.of Deep 'Oap^-r spent Saturday night with Miss Annie Bell Fleenor. Rev. A. M. Mlkeal, of Stony Pork, spent, Saturday night .4n the home of Mr. Lee J. Chur^, of this community. 4 Mrs. Prank Walsh and Mr. and Mrs. Cletns Walsh, of Deep Gap, was the week-end gnest of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mlkeal, of this community. Mr. Wiley Miller, of Boone, has been spending some time in this community visiting friends and relatives. Mr. Floyd Simons, of Leger- wood, wa* the week-end guest of Mr. H. C. Right. Mr. and Mrs. Selemore Mc- Lester, of Globe, spent a few days with Mrs. McLester’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Fletch er, last- week. .-l ''' • Mr. Clark Chuiah, of Idlewild, was a visitor in the home'of Mrs. Lester Welborn, Saturday night. Miss Lizzie Kc3^, oi this sec tion, spent Thursday night with Miss Ina Church, of Pattons Ridge. Mrs. H. C. Right and daugh ter, Eva, and Miss 'Vemer Mil ler, of Boone, spent Friday night in the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Lee J. Church, of this section. Messrs. Gwyn Beshears and Glenn Collins, who is stationed at Purlear in the C. C. Camps, spent the week-end in this com munity with friends. Mr. Fabin Church, ot Benge, was a visitor in .this community Saturday evening. Misses Ina and Ruth Church, of Pattons Ridge was Saturday night guest of Miss Lizzie Keys. Mr. and Mrs. Lee J. Church and son, Pressley, Mr. and Mrs. Bine Beshears and Mr. Henry Beshears motored to Wilkesboro Monday on business. Messrs. H. C. Right and Rus sel Church, of this community,- and Mr. 'Wiley Miller, of^Boosc, was a visiter in Ashe county Saturday. Raleigh, liag, S;—A salary ■ohedule for Mty school sup«|j;t- tondonta probably Will ha ftitsd 'when the NoHh Csroilna School' •i Goigm&slofl'l&ats here x^P^dsy, l^^yer for Judguiaiit contlnu^.;^ LaSor Mavfih, secretarj^ of thO: iwlth 'Cost. ■ ■; ■AJhcrt B, ;a. with d. "w,. „ . . -:r Mvlted.i^guntjr^ 6t Stohy f lareany,* 4 moathB. OB roads. . j tftBiiA Cfc««h^ d^^ «*• • l^oBthr 0* '■ : Claude Wataoir^ a: with 4 ^4 fdr months on x _ i Cases against the toUOVl^ da- (endsnts were no! prosi^;^ foe Wyatt 8. O.' BarPf iw! flutchison. Mead Himby, Wi^* er Shepherd. . ‘ ' Launa' Dowell, colored, given a jall^ sentence on a ebarke at carrying* concealed ' weapon. The jail sentence, however, "was shspended on payment of 150 fine and costs. Charlie Brewer, bastardy, jsdgment suspended on payment of 15.00 monthly to mother of il|lgltimate child. George Ballard, trespassing, 18 months on roads. Charlie Wyatt, vlolatiog pro hibition law, prayer for Judg ment continued. • Commission,' sat^ today; Bchednlee fof -jwuniy snperin' . IhCrBasae ai^itjkloiatel^ Id Jf^. almdy beetf fl|a& commis-r steh atifo hM 9^1^ am OreenvUle, p®»- den, |j^ear-o|)|^ farmer, wag held in dha Pitt county jail to- I day'In^cmneetlon with the sliy- ing Of Battle ^Kh, 58, ^bis son- Ilh-Jaw; i^f^i’^lght, ‘*',^'8brone1r A. A. Bllwanger^ an-j nonneed tiglt a^aanlty hearing^ wpMite be given for Peaden ^bo'j formal > charges wete lodg-j Declsring-' ■BO long as on ^di'^imr right fi mnnIsUe aoUvUy . niiaa fqr at leaat sd^-idodlthB'^ ’^***“* 'thd iclttiot yea»:deMa»^l|i»'‘^{;?'J ' Vliia «Mp‘teinHflfenile^^ 4ttie^ t» teat msjor^g^d 'ttJ be set for the lOljjhiiT eclH'^ MISS ELUOTT RETURNS TO W. C. U. N. C. POST Greensboro, Aug. 7. — Hiss Harriet W. Elliott returned to the Wontatfs College the Uni versity of North Carolina yester day, having been on leave for six months, and will take np im mediately her duties as dean of women, a position which she ac cepted in June, following the resignation of Miss Geneva Drinkwater who leaves the col lege to join the faculty at Vas- sar. ^ Miss Elliott was borrowed from the college last February by the women’s division of .the democratic national committ^, with, headquarters in Washing ton, a'nd since that time she hds served that organization in the capacity of director of study groups, traveling extensively throughout the nation and dis tinguishing herself by a series of brilliant speeches. -' RADIOS THIS WEEK! (Condoled ftom page aswen) ■' lAMrew AStaenoa, 1 lot 287 Jonah Bailey, 17 acras .-.m- 2A4 J. Andrew Bgflejr, 4 Bcxes - .--280 Chsries C. B«It^> 1 lot W. M,'Barter. 3 acres and , '^-'l lot lii#lShtte SuboTt I lot M year. The special probably will make iece>nRddi£t|i^^.,.to full ^ommifuiU^r^ Woman Kill«d Wjbwn^Gtf Hits CnrolinA Bu* Lexington, Ang.'fl.-—Mrs. Dai sy Bailey Osgood, 84, High Point cafe employee, was almost In stantly killed on U. S. Highway 29, seven miles south of here, this afternoon when the car she was driving' collided with a Car olina Coach Company« passenger bus while she was attempting .to pass around another car. The crushed car was swept back forty steps by the front of the bus and. caught fire. The victim’s body was badly burned before bus employees could ex tinguish the flames. NEGROES “ENROLLED** . TO AID ETHIOPIANS Asheville, Aug. 5.—About 50 western North -Carolina negroes have tentatively ‘‘enrolled’’ In a regiment of volunteers to fight for Emperor Haile Selassie a- galnst Italy, E. W. Pearson, Asheville negro, who Is "recruit ing” the regiment, said tonight. But so far neither the lord— on whose assistance Pearson dkrefully conditioned his original 'announcement of the venture— nor the Ethiopian legation in Whshlngton has answered Pear son’s plea for transportation ol his volunteers to East Africa. MERCHANTS WARNED ABOUT SALES TAXES Raleigh, Aug. 4.—A warning to every person selling merchan dise at retail In North Carolina that they must file sales tax re turns and payments by August 15 or. be liable to a 5 per cent penalty was sounded tonight by A. J. Maxwell, state revenue com missioner. SIX-YEAR-OLD BOY DROWNS IN RIVER Charlotte, Aug. 6—Garthwalte Townsend, 6, son of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Townsend, of this city, was drowned at 3 o’clock to day at the Catawba River. * His body was taken from the river and carried to a Charlotte j hospital, but efforts to resusci-| tate him failed shortly after 4 , o'clock. ' Tlte ;ffrst Bh{^liigjibt;;th«. BAW 1988 G^BCfW VRadlM :' l» betai made" by Lyoii' IHectiic Co.^lh /W^lkeeboro, which is the Ive dealer In Wjlkea . Mr. liyott ooamentlnyj^. new seta MRi that sac^eral; reThlatioBBry^ features, timudihg the tone tested ri^n^ ator, which is a s^TfuHy gradu ated''series of resonancerings made of cafetnlly selected woods on which'the speaker is mount ed. Mr, Lyon declared that this new type ot baffle board Is a great improvement^; over the previous types ot speaker mount ing boards that have been used and that it, enables a pure, uni form re-enactment - of the entire range of musical sounds. Another '.important feature of the new Grunow Radio is the new metal' tubes that are used Instead of the conventional glass tubes used heretofore. These new tubes, eliminate^ the breakage problem and it is claimed that mnch finer performance is pos sible with this sensational new development. - One model in the Ornnow line uses three speakers, which, to gether with the Super Hl-FIdel- Ity circuit and speaker and tone resonator produces a tone which Mr. Lyon described as the last word In modern radio tone. Other Important features are the signal beacon which simpli fies the find of foreign stations, Aladdin Colorflash Dial, new streamline, modern cohinets and all-world reception.^— The public is most cordiajly Invited to see and hear the °ew 1936 Orunows when they arrive. ,L'_ 647 lot ^ 444 I 8.13 B ,,i— 6.08 B- 460 ;|4.i 44.46 ^2.83 .^62 f' .66 1.64 7.30 3.81 6.82 6.49 5,82 6.94 Odia^’ Smber, $ 4 &ab0r, B a A.~K Bwb«r, 16 a T^kUer-'Bodpxl, 8 Jt C. BIaekbinnt. 4 acres Georn Bowers, l lot fu B^ Brown. 2 acres ran Braw^ 1 acre —, Jaka Biwn, 2 lots J. H. Brown. 1 lot ' Mack Brown, 1 lot Winston Brown, 1 lot Ed Brown, Dee., 18 acres _ Lather Clark, 1 acre oRobert Denny, 6 acres Arnie Denny, 4 acres 1.89 Sherman Denny, 3 acres 234 Dora Ferguson, Dec., 1 lot _ James Person, 7 acres „ Ira Gilreath, 9 acres and 2 lots Grace Gordon,' 2 acres Robert Grinton, 79 acres Fred Grimes, 7 acres (Charlie Rackett, 16 lots C. A. Harris, 33 acres Bert B. Harris, 8 acres and 4 lots J. G. Harris, 20 acres Nelson Harris, 12 acres Laura Harris, 92 acres James C. Harris, 6 acres _ 16.82 Joseph Harris, 73 acres 11.13 C. €. Harris, 33 acres 19.98 M. W. Harris, 17 acres 6.46 Lewis Harris, Dec., 79 acres 6.49 JobayF. HaRto, 29 sere* — Bealnli & Ssi^ HBrrie 2 aena , ..o *' ..,1, Nnpideon HaMs, 9. acnw i J. T, Haw«nii;‘2 lot — E. B. Hayee. 2 acres Edward W„ Hajte, 2 lots 1.. Octa Htifi|ef»‘2'3ot w—--i.;." Jake Israkoaf; ll«c»s ^ ' Odell Jones, 1 acre : BoOeoe KeBy, 1 lot J. Rldiard Lomax, Det., 2 lota Larry Majors, 81 acres — Welborn Parks, 8 acioe Welboirn Parks. 8 acres Ernest Parks, acre* 'John Parks, 6Soes A06 Isabell Rooss^, 62 acres C. J, Rousseai^ 8 acres —■ 6.88*^ ' ' Hengy Hoassega, 1 acre —_ 331 Soather,40 acres 2,72 li^Allot..^ " 2: 8,72 196 ^ , 4.W •WJ 6.28 3Jr 737x^ 332. 487 43T 434 Hen» E ElUSo ttttPstoi 1.97 8.62^ 3^2.29 Cor»‘ flMmoy, 2 Gibobra Yannoy, Dee. Idas, 2 lots . ’tibern. 13 acres NOmCE OP PAROLE This is to notify all persons who may be Interested that I will make application to the gov ernor for a parole. All persons opposing same will file protest at once. This 30th day of Jdne, 1935. ZACK HIGGINS. 8-8-2t. 4M 834 38 8.41 elborn, 8 aerew _ Whiteman. 1 lo| .> ■WUtttegton, 2acrte^. Woods, Dec., 1 lot jWOtteate. 10 1^ fit 1.48 3 jS 138 1.84 iFicres- 3.81' 4 acres ' 236-: ATIONS Gordon MiHsTlnc., 26 seres 136.9S Hutton Bourbonnias Co., ^ , ^ acres 14.76 Miller-Long Co., 16 lots __ 8.82 ==^i| H Janes' Travel By Bus Three bases daily are now operating on a schednle through North Wilkesboro to Winston-Salem and Bristol, Va. Bqsee; leave North Wilkesboro for Winston-Salem and points east at 9:45 a. m., 3:39 p. m. and 7:20 p. m. -> Leave North Wilkesboro for Bristol 8:30 a. m„ 230 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. At Winston-Salem direct eonhections, are made with Greens-;, boro, Raleigh, Richmond, Norfolk, DanVBIe and all poiatu North. At Bristol'connections are made.for all points west..: Leave North Wilkesboro 930 a. m., 2:30 p. m. and 7:30 p. au for Lenoir, Morganton, Marion and Asheville. East bound buses make direct connection for Statesville, Char^. lotte and points sonth. ^ FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL LOCAL AGENT fe GREYHOUND BUS UNES Teleiriione 216 Nbrth Wilkesboro, N. C. 'A— On September 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21, All Roads Will Lead To Wilkes County Greatest Fair In History Every Citizen of Wilkes and Adj Counties Invited to Attend m 5 • - ni.i . ( ■ Free Acts! Racing! 17l V* V* If G ■ 5 Ria Dig Days r It c vv ikji iiLo# Midway Attractions ... Exhibits Nig^ ...OF... . The Great Wilkes Fair Is the Onfe ^ig Event OF # • • vA • • • Fun u of the Year You Are Wait^ For! Joy te J. C. WALLACE, the^cretary, Fot New Premium List ‘ 'v-*' ;'V - r K . - 1. i. ■■■ r. ;-r;'f.' .• i-:i- '4^ ■ sPST; ■ ■ - V-k"'