MtSS ItAlRE I ....Etnertoii ^ ^ Bfakochle Chib4^ nUn ■«W^?feUgh^fan3r‘ . - St . ,.- '=»d'TMiiW eTenlng «t. ijisi ‘■Mn, Walter Bmersoa !V«i^ > ..;^b.«pjU ta the club at tlutir boiM ** lb^lik«abpro. The first i>srt of :J^petsniofr'the geests motoreii ^ SbUrwood jAke for s plo- sr- gjid sirlninlng, later ig to the borne for tbA tS* *•'-■■' - - . ts0> vera arranged in siting: dt-. cut flowers with ’He f e a “ Winkler wln- r ^ high score' grlse tor the la- 1^' , dtos nd Paul Billings tor the 'f laen. Hr. Billings also held the .. tfaTelers prise and the consola- 'Bqa award went to Bill Johnson. *■ lakdibift riSid Woman Who IS.€%edk On Local Attonic I Are In Toffls of Law; In to be ^irfi •m hearsi^ia; 'itlss WHnains for the past tew years has been a popular member of the North Wllkesboro school faculty and news of her approaching marriage will be re- ceiired here with much interest. Anziliaryi^ : 14'Monthly Mooting g,;Tfae monthly meeting of the L)^on Auxiliary was held Moh- , day evening at the Legion club- ' house with the president, Miss Toby Turner, In charge. During the business session interesting reports were given from the var ies committees. One ot the out- jfl^^dlng reports given was by ifis. A. F. Kilby, child welfare chairnTan, who reported three families had been cared for dur ing the Pust month. At the close of the meeting those attending went to the drugstore for re freshments with Miss Turner act ing as hostess. FidolU Class Met Tvesday Evening Mrs, A. H. Casey and Mrs. C- B. Eller combined hospitality to the members of the Fldelis class in their monthly meeting Tues day evening at the home of Mrs. 3aaay with around fifteen mem- bpoa in attendance. Mrs. Chal , l|«Seil,, the president, presided f ft^ia ’short business period after wti^h a delightful social hour 'waa enjoyed. In serving delicious ref^ at close of the eve- 'ning the hostesses were aided by Casey’s two small daught ers, Lm:Hl«..and Mary Anne. Mias Violet Erickson Is Wed To Walter Brewer Miss Violet Erickson ^ n d ' Walter Brewer were quietly miar- ried at the bride’s home In Wil-' kesimro Saturday afternoon, Au gust 10, at five o’clock with Rev. Avery Church, Baptist minister, officiating. The vows were spok en in the living room before an improvised altar of Queen Anne’s lace and pink cut flowers. The bride wore a lovely wed ding gown of egg shell satin with slippers to match and for travel she ,-chausod to an ensemble of cope blue with navy accessories. Immediately following the ceremony a wedding supper was served after which the popular young couple left for a short trip. A* color scheme of pink and white was carried out in the dinihg room, the table being ppreei with an Irish lace cloth. Mrs. Brewer is the attractive daughter of Mrs. Katie Erickson Jordan, of^ Wllkesboro. Mr. Brewer Is a son of Mr. and Mrs, Linney.Wall Wedding Solonnized Wednesday ' Characterised by* unusual charm and beauty was the wed-* ding of Miss Pauline Unney to Herbert C. Wall, impressively solemnised Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock at the home of the bride’s parents-. Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Linney, In the presence of members of the two families. The TOWS were spoken before an improvised altar of lattice j work Inter-twlned with clematis, banked with floor baskets of white gladioli, and cathedral tapers in floor candelabra. The bride and bride-groom entered the living room unattended. The ring ceremony was used by the officiating minister. Rev. E. V. Bumgarner, of Tayloesvllle, for mer pastor of the bride. Prior to the ceremony, D. Ed ward Poole, of Mars Hill, uncle I of the bride, sang “Oh Loyely I Night.’’ Mr. Poole was accom panied by Miss Ursula Blevins. The bridal chorus from Lohen- al and Mendelssohn’s Wedding March for the recessional. Dur- grin was used as the procesion- ing the ceremony Miss Blevins played Libestraum. The bride Was attired in a fall model of green crepe with gold trim. She wore a felt bat in the same shade as her dress and used black accessories. Her shoulder corsage v^as ot butterfly roses. Miss Linney is an attractive and accomplished daughter of Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Linney. She received her education at Wom en’s College ot the University of North Carolina. Since her gradu ation she has been a member of the school faculty at Taylors ville. Mr. Wall is a son of the late Joseph Addison Wall and Flor- anM Aldfidge Wall, of Sophia, verslty of Nofth Carolina. H;»'1s ■He was graduated hoSW 'iSe TJni- a member of Phi Beta Kappa Honorary Fraternity. He is con nected with the Queen City Printing Co., at Charlotte. After a wedding trip to north ern states, Mr. and Mrs. Wall wjU be at home at IGll East 4th Street. Charlotte, N. C. Whittington-BIevins Mr. and Mrs A. M. Whitting ton announce the marriage of their daughter, Kate Elizabeth, to Mr. James C. Blevins Satur day, August 10, 1935, Indepen dence, Va. , . , mes8iig«,:^WM recolved ^^yis- torday by Sheriff W^ B. Somera to the'effect that and -Mrs. ■tkfW0ir smith, wanted on chargM of forging checks here afid^,:bt ^Blkltt, are being held by authorL ^ttes in Bristol, Tend. Smith is alleged to have forg* ^ the slguataire^ Attorney R. ;C. -fennlngs oh a |1S' check aqd cashed U at t. T. Church’s Illl- ISLg^station tour miles west of this city on July„4, The check was made payable to 'A. j. Gar- Hind.-“'Payment of the check was held up at a local bank because the signature was known not to be that of Attorney Jennings. The same couple is alleged to have forged Attorney Marlon Allen’s name on a |12 check in'- Elkin. The Smiths are fighting extradition from Tennessee, it was learned today. Sheriffs Told Nation ^ollov iUraed from. R. B.' “T»^l> Top!a.'*’ n-silem! Sentindil; - - "I' am inollhed to hetloyj[|^ that North-Wttki^rQ Is the”" best, toa^'^of its Alse l|t North .Ca^ llna.^twi»a&#4 a kgl&oM «bo u Oh thw rns'«ttd makes a |dund trip front^Wli^ ton-Salem nearly every day. *?^' the public knew of the vast amcitt'nt'of freight we haul to and from ttuit town.* t Wlleve thUy^ too. Would, agree with me. the mecchants and other kuab; ness houses nP there were jOying a^splendld trade," con-?, tinued this raliroidWi He add^ that the largest town In tne “State of Wilkes" Had a fine back country to draw from. “Talk about tine crops. R la a delight to those who cross the Yadkin, either on the train or Ist automobHeor to see tkh com growing In the river bottome,’* this man went on to say. He added that with continued fa- J w oi. t vofable, seasons he ■believed the Needs To Obey Ln^,f ^e able to harvest Hickory. Aug. 14—“We Amer-fthe best corn crop this fall that leans and North Carolinians the river bottom soil had pro- Lenoir, Aug. 14.—Charles Broach, Jr., youthful aviation Fr^Brew“er7of Moravlan”Falla.^«“‘l>«slast. tonight remained In a critical condition following the crash at dusk yesterday of a small,oneyplace unlicensed air plane in a cornfield nea’’ the Le noir Airport. The plane was completely de molished when it fell from an estimated height of 150 feet. It belonged to Henry Burgess, lo cal youth. Broach, an unlicensed pilot is experienced in flying and is a well known young mechanic. He was married abqut six weeks ago. No definite cause for the mishap, whfeh was the first ot its kind of any consequence here, has been announced. Broach was alone when the crash occurred, and has remained unconscious with a concussion of the brain aince the accident. Hutclkens Are To Attend 'WiMnins-Sprinkle Wedding M^.and Mrs. Hoyle Hutchens find waiall daughter, Margaret Anne,' will go to York, S. C. to morrow to attend the wedding of Mte Rdith Williams and Charles Sprinkle, of Winston-Salem. The marriage is to take place in a .'formal ceremony at the Presby- ' terian church Saturday evening should change our attitude to ward law observance If we would check the wave of crime sweep-, ing over the state and nation, ’ Clyde R. Hoey, of Shelby, candi date for Governor of the 'state of tongued’’ orator, told the sher iffs of the state tonight in their North Carolina, and “sliver- twelfth annual convention here. Wilmington was selected as the 1936 convention . city and. Sheriff S. A. Whlteburs, of Greenville, Pitt county, was elect ed president of the Sheriffs’.As sociation to succeed Sheriff O. D. Adkins, of Marion. Other officers elected are Sheriff O. D. Barrs, Hickory, first vice president; C. O. Robin son, Gastonia, second vice presi dent, and John R. Morris, Wil mington, re-elected secretary. Retiring officers aside from Mr. Adkins are Sheriff N. H. Mc- Gehy, Fayetteville, and J. Tran- sou Scott, Winston-Salem. yean> r, WE NEVER CO 01 ^ ->n Aaji>v V'V r£- ■ V-** V Q IK Man Shot During Scuffle At Kinston Passes Away Kinston, Aug. 14. — Barney Anderson, about 31, shot in a •hcuffle with Eunice Pritchett ov er a pistol Sunday night, died In .a hospital today. The shooting occurred in a suburban cafeteria. Anderson told officers it was accidental and the weapon was In his hand when it went off, but Miss Pritchett was held. m- I Airrx* DRILLING WELL- AT FORESTER’S NU-WAY Workmen are engaged in drilling a deep well at Forester’s Nu-Way Service station to fur nish the station with water. Plans are also under way for the construction of a pool to be used as an aqnafTnm for tlu'stu> tion’s menagerie, which Is fo oe supplemented soon by the *4^ tton of several odd and Interest- ing species. k:1 Episcopal Church Vesper service will be held at St. Paul’s Episcopal church Sun day afternoon, August 18th, at four o’clock. Rev. B. M. Lackey, Rector, In charge. How One Woman Lost 14 lbs. in 3-Weeks Husband Lost 12 Lbs. AVIATOR SERIOUSLY INJURED IN CRASH Mrs. J. H. Valentine of Free port, \. y., writes'; “lost 14 lbs. with KrnRclien and my hnsband took off 12 lbs. in ,1 weeks and intends keeping up the good work. I think Krusehen Is simp ly wonderful.” To take off fat easily, SAFE LY and HARMLESSLY—take one half teaspoonful of Kru- Bchen In a glass of hot water In the morning before breakfast— cut down on fatty meats, butter, cream and rich pastries—It Is the safe way to lose unsightly fat and one bottle that lasts 4 weeks costs but a trifle. Get It at Horton Drug Co. or any drug store in America. If this first bottle falls to convince you this is the safest way to lose fat— money back. But be sure and get Krusehen Salts—Imitations are numerous and you must safeguard your health. THIS WEEK 'Jk iMiiri'dycf'** B>U^i riwttonSiy. «©»«•» Local Merchant Joins National Celebration Announcement Is being made today that the Rhodes-Day Fur niture Company Is joining with more than 1000 merchants In every state In the Union In cele brating the 16th anniversary of the Invention of the original Heatrola. New, 15th Anniversary models of this famous heater are being shown, and, In addition, the Rhodes-Day Furniture Company is offering a supply of coal, free, with every ..Heatrola sold during the period of August 10 to 31. The Heatrola, It Is claimed by Us manufacturers, has revolu tionized the small-home heating habits of the nation, offering circulated fumaco-type heat at stove cost. . Mr. C. G. Day, manager of the Rhodes-Day Company announces that he^wJU vreloome ^la- by limyone Intent^ In a iinodani, rheoitbtol beatiw plhni' tor s^att; IPI 'homes. NOTICE OF SALE OP REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power contained In a certain deed of trust executed by W. A. Durham and wite, E. G. Durham, to the undersigned trustee, re corded In the office of the Regis ter ot Deeds of WJlkes county, in book 16, page 433, default having been made in the pay ment of the note thereby secur ed, and at the request of the holder of same, the unders'igned trustee will offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, on the 7th day of Sept., 1935, at 11 o’clock a. m. at Shepherds Cross Roads, Edwards township, Wilkes Coun ty. North Carolina, the following described property to wit: Lying In Wilkes county. North Caro lina, beginning on a double birch on the west bank of Roar ing River, mouth of Big Shoal branch, running up said branch to the fork of branch, then up west prong to a white oak old corner, then west to a stake, north to a red oak, west to a Bourwood old corner, north to a large Spanish oak. Brewers old corner, north to a branch, down I the branch to the forks of ' branch, up branch to red oak, west to a pine. Brewer’s old cor ner, west to a stake on the west bank of Roaring River, old rock fence, down river 28 chains to large rock then south west crossing the river, dowh said river to the beginning, contain ing 70 acres, joins lands ot A. Brewer, (deceased), L. D. Luff- man, W. A. Durham and others. References recorded In the office of Register of Deeds of WllkM county. North Carolina,; in book No. 160, page 433. Therefore this sale ma^ to satisfy principle, in terest and coat thereirf. '-**!*%i4 This Srd diyp of Aug.,; awr. Iriistee. We Carry a Complete of OfficezSupplies. . . Line Rec- L^ers, Day Books, Family Fmanijal ord Books, Columnar Journals, CohmiBar Pads, Order Books/Carbon Paper^ writer Ribbons, Inks, Stamp Pad Inks, In- delible Marking Outfits, School Supplies. ■■ . • .-.i'li'Ji .L-, ■ ' ' ' A NEW SHIPMENT OF OFFICE SUPPLIES HAS JUST BEEN RECEIVED ' We invite ](0U to inspect our stock, and idl orders will be appreciated Carter- (Mce - /. '^1 « Nindi Street -'S'- i ' Jif’- tN. C’

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