ir.c.7 ' I r— ■■■ ■' CAnm iu4 juuus a bumubo. H _ rwoMw SUBSCSIFTION RATBS: ;Y®arlL MoBtlu — .75 Jour Months — Out of the State .60 12.00 per Year Eatend at the poat office at North Wilkes* horo, N. C.I aa aecond class natter OBcler Act ; of March 4, 1879. THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1936 *Are there any optimists left?” someone asks. We think so, but what we’re far more interested in knowing is, are there any optimists right?— Montreal Star. It is stated that a typical American is one who has his home mortgaged for his car, plays golf when he ought to be at work, and has five differ ent loans from the government.—Florida Times- Union. 1 „ ; Only A Dad Only a dar, with a tired face Coming home from the daily race; Bringing little of gold or fame To show how well he played the game; But glad in his heart that his own re joice To see him come and to hear his voice. Only a dad, with a brood of four, One of ten million men or more. Plodding along in the daily strife. Bearing the whips and scorns of life With never a whimper of pain or hate. For the sake of those who at home await. Only a dad, neither rich nor proud. Merely one of the surging crowd. Toiling, striving from day to day. Facing whatever may come his way; Silent whenever the harsh condemn, And bearing it all for the love of them. Only a dad, but he gives his all To smooth the way for his children small; Doing with courage stern and grim. The deeds that his father did for him. These are the lines that for him 1 pen, Only a dad, but the best of Men. —Exchange. Noticeable Improvement Local police officers deserve a word of cMnmendation for keeping traffic un raveled on the streets here Saturday aft ernoon and Saturday night. There was a noticeable improvement. , Officers kept traffic moving and those who were inclined to double park and jam a streak of traffic were courteously and promptly advised to move on. No doubt some motorists were shocked to find they could not leave their cars in the middle of the street and go shopping or to wait for friends to come from some part of to»ui to join their automobile but the streets are not the i^ace for leisure. If a person must stroll alwut in an automobile the roads of the country beckon. We have a fine city here and there is no sense in motorists acting like they were in a *%ick town.” Just because we have one of the best towns in the state is no reason to quit trying to improve. We have a community twice as good as any other and there would still be room for inqnoveroent There is always plenty of room at the top. The Constitation ARhoiMdi much is being said and writ- teo about the United States constitution, the average person knows very Kttle about the natjon’s diarter. We are not fannKar with the course of study in pdbfie schools now but when we went to sehocrf we wert'iequirad to study the state and natibaal eonititnilons in a course known as civil fxwsrnmsiit, which was quite an interesting tUtdy* At that time the coons was offered in the hi^er grades of elementary s(dioofs« which was the wroog plaee for H eu|ht to be in the higher grades of high sehotd and the course should be eoMprehenelve enough to give the graduathif high school etudent some knowledge of gororwmeot and its various departments, ftffletkms Md powers. The Journal-Patriot is now publishiog ' § §€fim §f artlolea by a historical authof- gf Ihe subject oi ‘The Constltotioci," 7m I# h9h4oUtiea), if not biased in any Mif trtes to ioujart a needed iMden, Wa recHBinend the 91V ltl4RnL,^Tbe laet article.. m. Batcti#i.otii Repiman OQPgrilimiLn in a lUi9de|!ibj|jy||j^ Huit iefi|:grong ic two ycira ajehan Hvened intor^st in the R^ubll^4»rt^ national speaking, Just v^t the reveraal of opinion in the Rhode Island district portends, if any thing, we 4^ not venture a guess. But it is a fact that the RepoUican party is no longer considered dead, even by the Dem- ocratie^ and lively iidorest will be idiown between now and convention time next year. Speculation upon who will be the stand ard bearer of the R^bUeans is an inter esting subject. Unless the unforeseen takes idaoe soon President Roosevelt will be the ahnost unanlpious choice of the Democrats to succeed himself, despite the wide gulf between “new deal” and con servative Democrats. 'Somecme recently undertook to take a pcJl of Republican leaders in states, dis tricts in Older to tind out, if possible, pub lic opinion on whom the Republicans de sire. Out of eleven candidates listed for the vote there were three who-were favored by outstanding proportions, Senator Bor ah, Colonel Knox and Governor Landon. A brief comment on the three is inter esting. Borah is the more or less inde pendent senator from Idaho who has been just regular enough to be classed as a Republican and independent enough to hold the highest regards of the more radi cal group of the Republican party. He has been talked for president for at least ten years but the talk heretofore has always died down before convention time. Col. Knox is a prominent newspaper publisher who has been outspoken against the Roosevelt administration. Governor Alf Landon, of Kansas, has stepped into the limelight because Kansas is operating on a balanced budget, which is considered quite a disitnction for any government at this time. These three were in the lead in the poll and Borah was 80 ahead of Knox. Choices indicated follow: _ » -, - Senator Borah 247 121 Colonel Knox — 167 99 Governor Landon 127 106 ^nator Vandenberg 97 108 Frank 0. Lowden - 88 107 Herbert Hoover 52 18 Theodore Roosevelt 41 66 Ogden Mills 40 47 Representative Fish 38 55 Senator Dickinson 28 36 Representative Wadsworth 17 30 All others — 94 142 The camparatively small number indi cating their choice for Herbert Hoover shows the present trend to a great p-^- tent in the Republican party. AlihougA many pai’ty leaders believe in Hoover’s ability and do not blame his administra tion with the depression, they well remem ber that a president either gets credit or blame for the way things go under his rule and for that reason they do not want him to be standard bearer. It is too early to make any predictions with a reasonable degree of accuracy but as things now stand it looks like the G. 0. P. may search for a candidate in the mid- w'est or even as far west as Idaho. Sunday School Lesson By REV. CHARLES E. DUNN MARTHA Lesson for August 18th. Luke 10:38-42. Golden Text: John 11:5. It is eas^ to misunderstand this appealing do mestic scene chosen for our lesson. For in stance, we4kre tempted to be unjust to Martha. We are inclined to belittle her as a rather un worthy sort of woman. But she was nothing of the sort Her work was necessary, and most diligently and faithfully performed. She must have been an ideal housekeeper. We can well imagine how clean was her lovely home when the Master arrived for His visit, how delicious the food, how perfect the table appointments, how painstaking the service. There was nothing slovenly about Martha. She was a superb hos tess. Morsover, there is no re%|on to believe that Martha was not a devout woman, sensitive to rellglMs influences, in love with her Lord. She may very well have yearned to change places with Mary. We muct beware of condemning Mar tha as an Irreligious person interested only in |iva«ti«al efficiency. On the other hand, it is easy to swing to the t/ppifgiU! ektreme, and glorify Martha in a very Ofie-si^ fashion, Kipling, for example, wrote a poam “The Sons of Martha,” in whi^ h« depicts Martha’s boys as the hard toil- sfs vwld shouldering rough, rugged bui^ 4m in wder that the idle sons of Mary may have a som/eriahls, easy time. 'ttw t«th hstwsen tbeee two extremes of aadM and satravagant praise. Martha #aa i whailSahiSt wsthbalaneed woman, sensible aad itinstivA 8ut In this particular incidmit ^ tta# i 1^ dlstfaet«d and fuaay. Perhaps she am At ifiy rate her irritation deserved tiw feflfis fCfhtilie H Jssua. “Martim, Martha, hai «H#8sa tlw hast dish.” ‘ what th« XaMf msMt Is that the things of tha MdsH MMl ha flvaa a oantrai place injhia — wa Jtf9r ■ 1||U7% dboica was the A- C0KCRI The form of jOoveruSent eet’ up by -the Co&ai[lttttienal Opa^m- tion was a eompromiee Mtween the loose alliaace uqdef the Ar- tlolea ot Ceofeaeratloh, and the plan ot a single nation with com pletely oentrattsed powers. The ■naU States insisted upon an tuual Totoe with every other State. The laria state# felt that their wealth, slie and Importanoe entitled them to a larger voloe In the affairs of tha eonntry. These oonfllcttng viewe resulted In what historians oall the “Con- neotlont Compromise.” The oolony of Conneetieut from Us earliest history had a dual lyatem ot rspreaentation in its lestiluture. On« house repre sented thtf towns u eqnal units. The other house represented all the people as Individuals. -This plan became the buls npon which the Congress of the United States was set up. The Constitution provides for equal representation of all the States, large and small, in the Senate, and for representation of the people in the Ho.nse of Rep resentatives, in proportion to the number of inhabitants. The Convention was a unit in agreeing that all power to direct and regulate the affairs of the country should reside in this rep resentative organization, the Congress. Section 1 oi Article I of the Constitution reads: "All legists tlve powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which Ahall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.” That provision of the Constitu tion has never been altered. It has recently been brought to the front of public discussion through' the decision of the Su preme Court that certain acts of the 78rd Congress were ilnoonatl- ttttioaaif; because they run con trary to this first and fnnda-' mental provision oif the Constitn-. tion as drafted in 1787. Congrees cannot delegate to the Btscuttve, dr |o anybody else, the power toi euin lawg or to issue regniations having the force of law unless,It puts £Iear and deflnita^ limita tions npon tb# regnlatlve anthor-- Ity. Members ot the House ot Rep resentatives, elected directly by a rota of the people, must be at least S6 years old, and be inhabi- U«s of tto state In which they| are elected. There is no constJtn- tional requirement for dividing state# into dlstricta, or for mem bers to live in the districts they represent. That is something for each state to determine. In New York, several members live out side of their dietrlcte. In Mis- edurt there are no Congressional dietrlcte. The 13 repreeentativee are elected at large by the voters of the whole etate. Senators must be 30 years old and resi dents of tbeii' States. As the body originally closest to the people, the House of Rep resentatives was given in the Constitution the ekelusive right to originate bills for raising reve nue. The insistence of the smaller States brought about another re striction upon Congress; it for bade the levying of any direct tax except In proportion to popu lation. This was later changed by the income - tax amendment, which became effective March 1, 1913. That Is the only exception to the rule established in the original Constitution, intended to provide that direct taxes levied le# OJ *Your:€ar IF YOU WANT TO SAVE M(MEY, bI SURE TO SEE US! Motor $0 WILEY BROOKS P&MM 385 by the Federal Government shall bear equally, npon all citizens. The Senators, as the direct representatives of State govern ments, were to be chosen by the legislatures of the States. That prevailed nntil 1913, when an amendment was ratified provid ing for the popular elections of Senators as well as Representa tives. A still later amendment, the twentieth, ratified in 1933, changed the date npon which the terms of office of Senators and Representatives begin, from the 4th of March to the 3rd of Jan uary, and fixed that date tor the annual meeting of Congress, in stead of the first Monday in De cember, as originally provided in the Constitution. BLUE SERGES. We q>eclal- ize in Men’s Bine Serge Snite. Style, workmanship and qnalltjr at a price.—The Goodwill Dept. Store. ' it’s your first car and your best girl, and you’ve taken good advice and stopped at the Esso sign .. and your car behaves like a V-16 and she says “My, I could ride with you forever!” (And you hope she ujUI) .. AERO TYPE The recognised leader Gnanuitece smoother per- The oU of prwd— gneL premiopi motor formanee than any other ity told at regular price, fnek, adapted from fight- regnlar-prieo gasoUno. Effectively combines ing grade aviation fnd. Contains a solvent oiL economy and protection. ESSO fflflRKETERS C*|r. l4lS, Zmt, Imc. STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEW JERSEY LUtao to Cay Lea*. ^■ntoaodUbBoyal: CanaUiana •vory MoB4by olakt~r to TiSe ,KaMoro; StaaSanl Tha^ aad Afliiatog Ola. Be Swe to Fffl Up Euo Gatolbe at^ trf... s ^^^luubyERTOWN” DICKCASHION ^HN

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