i te Cbafmiiee « aVk. is.—Matt«ni at Of to bft folloired in plnanlnA ?r oouiruetion of linM to North w«r*^dteon«*(| hnr* to- bj tbo Bute lUral Sloctrlti- nathoiity. iT idler BncleTf ehaimnn, end ■J. L. Borne, Jr„ of Rockr Monnt, • member of the gronp,., wlU s.|^,i**Te here tomorrow night for ,;Pfkuihlngton to --take up these = )>lan8 with Mwrie L. Cooke, Fed- oral rural electrification admin- I'^fcttator, and exchange views on seoeedure in filing applications Orkh the REA. ^ ^ The authority did not attempt bg^.to pasa definiteljr on points in he State program, but did for- ihlate what may be taken as a tor the future. Cooke’s ?.iwlew8 Xll^unwaAt before the poiata Bagley , aaid. ;Jg|^/ wc I- * letter he from Cooke ,ln which aiatrator now apoafont- rors completion of the MUf- •^.la North Carolina aimed a^ ling feasible linea. Idiat tlfho^cdiyiij^tof wro^ a that aag-Aurveya being ttCiad thr^gh. the jtoer- Relief administration^ be suspended. ^At that time the State author:; ity had secured an idlocation of kd,B00 to complete the sarvey In seven oonntles.. Bagley wid TS eonntioe were Inclnded In . the original check, and of the kt re*' maiaing, 16 are la the Temieeaea Valley anthorlty area In western North Carolina and probably will be taken care there. Cooke ap parently favored continuation of the snrvey to preset a full pic ture of the sitnation, and this matter will be discussed with him Wednesday, Bagley stated. Soil Erosion Washington.—Details of the expanded erosion program plann ed in North Carolina with |1,- 427,922 in works relief funds were made public today by H. H. Bennett, chief of the soil con servation service. The program calls for the es tablishment of five new demon stration projects in Alamance, Franklin, Rockingham, Mecklen burg and Davidson counties and continuation of three existing projects In Guilford, Union-An- son, and Randolph Ouilford-Eor- syth counties. A. Bageae Sink Sooceeda B. & : Attmaa, Who Was Tfaas- tarred (> Hickory A. iTagene Sink, formerly of Winston-Salem, kas been ap pointed representative of the MetropoUtaa Lite Insurance com pany for this territory, succeed ing B. S. Altman, who was trans^^ ferred, a few days ago to Hickory, Mr. Sink has been with the company for fonr years and hkk' made a good record in Winstpn- Salem, where ho worked badl^ coming to North Wilkeshoro. and his wife and son will mpke their home hare. During the few years Mr. Alt man was In this territory be was active In civic affairs and made many friends who regret to learn of his leaving. MEZZJ AND GIFT SHOP )R RHODES-DAT FURNITURE CO. INVITES YOU TO READ FROM ITS LENDING LIBRARY ♦The late Fiction . . . Travel . Romance . .. Adventure Books for every taste. Rates 10c three days — 2c each additional day BOOKS TO SELL BOOKS TO RENT Second Deficiency Bill Is Signed By President Washington, Aug. 12.—ToUl appropriations since Congress met bn January 3 were boosted today to f8,153,208,000 when (President Roosevelt signed the I second deficiency bill. As the chief executive put his signature on that bill, two other significant thlnga were happen ing: Chairman Buchanan, Demo crat, Texas, of the house appro priations committee was talking about a “.halanced budget” at the next session, and the last ap propriation bill of the session— the third deficiency measure— was beginning to take shape. j^lctdiol Unit Given Praiae T. Ed Patton, investigator in charge of the alcohol tax unit of North Carolina, yesterday receiv ed a letter from Daniel L, Por ter of Baltimore, district super visor, in which the work of the North Carolina unit was given high praise. At the same time Mr. Patton announced that last week was one of the biggest weeks in the history of the North Carolina unit, with a total of 35 stills raided during the week. RU. f BotMrt H. !Lmm ot ICeatookr (above), fomer dinetw 6f Bepubikan Natimial Haadii»rt«n, has mailed 4,SSD let- .ten with meftioiaiairM. listiag 24 aaaes, sJmig G.Oi*. Inders who thay wot to Boiataato for the prod- dfiiqr neat year. f 'i BORAH LEADS a O. P. POLL uPMOsee' ' Twe neat vr wont! -thwu. make THAT HIU. FUOTEN OUT LlK^ A I eiLLIAOO TABte BECAOSE nSAUSEDl I OAR FROM UDKINVALLCYMontlil BA.CK tT UP A UTaE MORE SO WECANCJETJ I errreR view, vspeeoY. o Whshington—Senajtor ^William E.’ Borah, Idaho, was favored as the 1936 Republican presidential nominee 'today in a nation-wide poll of Republican county chair men and other local Repnbliean leaders. The poll was taken by Robert H. Lucas, former executive direc tor of the Republican" national committee -He sent letters to 2,- 400 Republican county chairmen, 300 city leaders and 500 “young Republicans.” Lucas asked for a vote on 11 possible candidates listed. He re ceived 1,665 replies, represent ing 1,036 counties throughout the nation. Those polled were asked to indicate first and sec ond choices. Borah, a liberal (^publican who has supported pome new deal measures, was named as the first choice by 247 and as second by 121. Colonel Frank Knox, Chicago publisher, was ranked second and Governor Alf London ot Kansas, third. Former President Herbert Hoover was sixth. Some wrote in the names of Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh, Governor Winant of New Hampshire, former Gover nor CauIUield of Missouri, Gov ernor Merriam of California, for mer Senator Otis Glenn ot Illi nois, and Representative-Elect Risk of Rhode Island. Ever Offered in Used 1$. Passenger Cars: 1 1935 Ford Tudor 1 1935 Ford Coupe 1 1934 Ford V-8 Del, Tudor 1 1935 Chev. Coach 2 1934 Ford V-8 Tudors 1 1933 Ford V-8 Del. Tudor 3 1933 Ford Tudors 1 1934 Ford Coupe 1 1930 Ford Coupe 1,1932 Ford V-8 Del. Sedan 1 1932 Chev. Sport Road. 1 1931 Chev. Sport Road. 1' 1931 Ford Coupe 1 1929 Pontiac Coach 1 1SP9 Pontiac Sedan 1 1929,Chevrolet Coach 1 1929 Cnevrolet Sedan 1929 Ford Tudor 1929 Ford Coupe 1930 Ford Tudor 1929 Chevrolet Coupe 1929 Buick Coach 1929 Chrysler Coupe Commercial Cars: with 1935 Dodge Truck School Bus Body 1933 Chevrolet Trucks 1934 Chevrolet Truck 1930 Chevrolet Trucks 1929 Ford Truck 1933 Ford Panel 1930 Ford Pickup 1930 3-4 Ton Internation al Truck Senate Turns DoMm 30-Hour Week Measure Washington, Aug. 12.—The Senate late today rejected the Black 30-hour week bill by a vote of 61 to 23 and then passed an administration measure com pelling all Industries bolding contracts with the federal gov ernment to observe labor and wage conditions embraced In NRA codes. There was no record vote. The action is effective for two years. It bans child and convict labor and freezes maximum hours and minimum wages at the peak fixed in codes under which in dustry operated before the agreements were suspended. The measure now goes to tho House where action is expected before adjournment. An attempt may be made in that body also to substitute the 30-hour-week bill which- the Senate turned down today. C. M. T. C. Boys Begui 2nd Week Of Traming Period Fort Bragg, Aug. 12.—Some 800 young Carolinians are being drilled in citizenship and mili tary tactics here In'the aitizens military training camp, now en tering its second week. Gen. Manus McCloskey, com manding officer of Fort Bragg, said he believed the CMTC to be one ot the' most important train ing activities on the reservation, and Is devoting a considerable part of his time to Its supervis ion. ial Sale For Month of August We^ust'reduce our stock of used cars and trucks, therefore, we have the greatest bargains in your life for you now,.., Every used car and truck must be sold during-this month . . , We are willing to target all profit in ' order to clear out our used cars . . . Don’t buy until you have seen the values we now offer you . . . Every car in first class mechanical condition and you may pay for the one you want on the easy payment plan of the ■ I Uniyersal Credit Company. ’ Pon’tdet the opportunity to buy one of our dependable used cars or trucks f pass by . . . Pay us a visit during tiiis special Augrust sale. j- 4kin Valley Motor AUTHORIZED CADfl DIALERS - ri#IW av Nitfth Wilfcw^Kwo, N. Morganton Votes For School Tax Of 12 Cents Morganton, Aug. 12.—In special election today, voters of the Morganton grdUed school district by a majority of 75 car ried the proposal to extend the local school term to nine months. A tax levy of 12 cents to sup port the one extra month was favored by 820 votes out of a registration of 1,4'89, according to tabulation completed tonight There were 81 votes cast against the' Special tax levy. How Cardm ^Hdps Women To BuiM Up Oardul stimuistes tbe an>etlte and improves digestion, helping women to get more strength from tbe food th^ eat. As nourishment ts im proved, strength is built up^ certsln frmntkwial pa&lS gO aWSy S^ WDSIp en praise Cardui for helping them back to good health.,.. Urs. O. E. BatUff, of Hinton, W. Va„ writes: ''After the birth of nur but baby. X dU not seem to get my stneglh baek. I tocdcdanhil i«sin and wai OMD sdund and 'w^' X have gtyepi .|k to my daugta^ and toCWtiniBOd i| to otttsr ladito* . . . mousaads Ot womm Oarthd bensfited If Miss Prndie Bbwklif,. of Moan- Martin county tsin View, tpl& Safnrday #ith|»H»»Iy ou top Miss Edna Btelr. C Mr, and Mrs. Rode HnftnM, of Congo, TlsUed Mr. A. El ler, Sunday. ^ Mias Edna and Freds Eller, op Millers Creek, were the dinjser -.gadlW of Hiss Okley Hutfmsta Srt; Congo Snndsy. Mr. Thnrmsn Pierce and fami- i)pi. of Winston-Salem, spent the week-end with Mr. Pierce's psf- enta, Mt. and Mrs, Walter Pierce. The Epwortb League, of Aiibor Grove, gave a very IntefMtlng program l^nnday night. It wag . followed by a trio was-anng^by some s visiting . n o y a. . Messrs. Clurltf i:^imd Ralph Shumaker and Domer Hnffman, of Congo. Miss 'l^lla NlcholB spent s few hours with her sister, Mrs. Glenn Eller, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Barker, ot Charlotte, visited Mrs. Barker's father. Dr. J. M. Hunter, who is very ill.-'^ Mr. Don Ausbin, of North Wll- kesboro, spent ^nday with Mr. Jim Nichols at ilillms Creek. The Epwo.th League of Arbor Grovo church wilt give ah ice cream supper at the church on Saturday, night, August 17. Eve rybody welcome. woman jnd'' fcffF Pt9 'aAit frost k Erank ’ Wllyi let, jumpid of a ratUji- snake’s head dsid I trampled him to death a feVr'embdC after the, repUle'had.Mtteajhis j^all hiss- yeaivold son tm hts be^ foot ^ MBssnHiisMBnanM|i^immmasnn It's 'a great aatfafadidn for yad to komt ytHt wiU aerer he o«ar> charged at 'the Ost^sill l>ept. Store. Onr methn^wpf Ofwni- ttoai aad efBclewcf 'fiiotect the pndUlc. Tow are nivNed to cen ter your trade with we. a Urge To Wsunder Trait Of Boones Of Present Hibblng, Minn.,' Ang. \2.—The urge to wander still seems to be part of tbe heritage of descend ants of Daniel Boone, says E. E. Boone, of Hibblng, direct de scendant of America’s famous frontiersman. Both Boone, a painting con tractor here, and bis wife are de scendants of the Boone family. Mrs. Boone traces her ancestry back to the wife of Daniel Boone. Boone worked all over tho United States before settling In Hibblng. *T have a cousin who follows right in the footsteps of Daniel,” he said. “He’s been all over tho world, working his way as a sailor and at present is In Amer ica’s latest frontier—Alaska.” If your hoase'Tcqtdres a new roof or new akfing; or, if yea desire to modemige your home, you can now barrow from $100to$2000fartheworkandpayttbadfooeasynioQtb- ly payment* extending over a pieriodfw loot aa 36 montha. Tm NATIONAL HOUSINO ACT * has made pamible these easy tcmH with 160 DOWM PATMBNT. MO MOKTOAiU and LOWEST INltRBST KA’ISS. TUa^ year appeetnaity to add to the aaCoa eg yoor property by tnsHng Impromaents the* are needed. Let us nphsn boar csw >t ia to tuwv this work done NOWl Wilkesboro Mfg. Co. i1 ROOFINGS 8 SHINGLES^^''^ STANDARD FOR OVER 60 YEARS % 'X- YOU DONT HAVE TO 'BREAK FORD // V You can drive it 50 miles an hour the day yon bay it The Ford V-8 is ready for normal driving when yon bay it. There is no tedioos period of breaking-in for 500 of 1000 miles. Yon can drive it up to 50 miles an hoar the first day. And after the first hundred miles ypn *^cairdrive it as fast as you desire. That means greater motoring enjoyment tor every motorist. It is especially important to motorists who are thinking about a new car for a vacation trip—to physicians, salesmen and oil those who use a car for basiness. In- stead of dn:^ging' along at slow speeda for days, yon can make good time from the start. The reason for this is as important as tho resolt. The Ford V-8 needs no breaking-in becaose of unosoal accoraey in the manufac ture of moving parts and the smoothness of heat^surfsoes. Qeannees are correct when yon buy the car. It is not necessary to depend on a long wearing-in'period to eliminate tij^ti- ness and insure smooth mmting. Lcmger life, • greater economy and better pc^rmance are bound to resolt from eneb precision methods. Tl^ Fortl V-8 gives you fine-car construction, ■, along with fine-car performance, oomfioct,' safety and beauty. --.-J*-'-; k'- -..-J' SERVICE^

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