WWteJi trtenda . Mr. «ad' Mrs. Bret«tt' S}Ie^ juuioanee t&e birth of s son, ■Brsrett, Jr., Tnesda^t. Aneust U. Mr. tnd Mrs. Clyde Jones* and ftiiWfcf.- of' Badln, ace spending .the'veek with relatlTes and ^eM»)h Wilkes. ilSrg. Sherman Bumgarner and igkter, Pauline, visited ..^la in Winston-Salem dvrlng Week-end. _ Miss J||[|Er'^MB3CMl||M spent ' j£^jybtoead|J^ with Mlw^ Rebecca Jloeeley^ at Daniel Boone Hotel, |iS8 Bertie Rose, member of PHiatrict ERA office force, l^ddenlte, ; nMnu Jesae €wm, oti Wlnatpa- Saloia, has been alsiting hec.>paiv «Dts, Mr. and Mrs; H. d.;cnsfr' •and for .MTeinl days. -. Mr.e .i:";: . jMlawa Mildred rKllby and Jes-J sin ^rsp^,. of P^flear, lift Sun day tor dol'dsbbro, to spend a' ,weok nlth Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wlggtns,. WhUct, there they are planing.to vialt Ocean View ^ - .r. :s«ach and other piaoea^ot intoi^fT. R StwT. T^ Gnmgers eat. >the week-end at her hoiiie' deration, ham. P. H. D. Woodie, of Laurtd' SprilfB, was in this city yesteis •day Mtteijding to business mat- teie. of Miss Francea; Bumnrner, route 1, WMlU^e^' was a -guast of Miss Same Kilby over th«i week-end.'- ** , Mrs. J. M. Brown returned Saturday morning from a States ville ‘‘hospital, where she under went an operation. Miss Eloise Strickland, o f • j Goldsboro, Is spending this week ?i (f^wltb Misses Hazel and Alma Horton. ..Mr.; and.,Mrs.. jj. ^,;Myw ,^d liua BeaitiM PhUlt]^,' id were visitors in this, city /eatery day. _ Dr. ^an^'MEjd.*"R. O. Rex and dpugh^r, ^^.dra, .of Pen Argyl, Pa., are visiting Mrs. Rex’s mo ther, Mrs. F. B. Hendren. Mrs. W. B. Henry and daugh ter have‘returned to their home at Tarboro after spending sever al weeks at their cottage on the Brnshies. ( Mrs. R. S. Shoaf, Mr. Paul Shoaf, Miss Alma Shoaf and her honaeguest, Miss Hattie Lee Cost ner, of Lincolnton, were visitors in Greensboro Wednesday. Mrs. S. S. Jennings is a pa tient at the Davis Hospital in Statesville, having undergone an operation there last week. She is recovering nicely from the Mr.' aid «n. Frink Perkins, 6t *lu§iMd?%; itiiwdiy^ spend sdhiMi tliW^h Mrk. Sal^'lenningB’"aad Mrl’Wni MnH'.’^'ft. at Pores ii^ob. IMrs. PoifltIns‘ before' -her ti^tfriige was Mlrt Mlnntt,'Caitr iind Mrd.‘jen'nings. ..a" Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Parks, sons, Harold and David, r of Roaring River, and Mn. Dick Donglasa, and daughter, Elisabeth,*of Shel by, returned Monday from a sev eral we^ca’ antomobile trip to New Haven, Conn., NeW York, Washington, Annapolis, and through the Valley of Virginia. as ’• WllRt Tb.Hij^-M^cene «“■ embar^ against her Of State ^ven^n othe^ s^ faced \r Mrs. E. W. Higgins, Mr. and i|rs. Ralph Higgins, and. Mr. Hugh Higgins, all of Blackstone, Va., are visiting Mr and Mrs. E. E. Eller and other relatives in the city. • Miss Martha Harris, Messrs, C. J. Plexico and Herbert Crawford, o f Charlotte, were week-end guests of Miss Beatrice Holbrook at Traphill. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Allen, Mrs. Frank Allen and Mr. Elliott Deans are in Blowing Rock to day. ^ile there they will attend the flower show. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Alexan- der and three children, of Mon- y roe, have been visiting relatives f and friends at Roaring River. ' Mrs. N. S. Forester, Mrs. Eva i Mrs J Forester, Mias Grace Dean For ester and .Mrs. Carl Canter were '■visitors to Winston-Salem Tues- 1 day. § : Mrs. S. D. Duffleld and two daughters, Betty and Jean, of Orange, N. J.. arrived today lor a visit with Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Eller. Mrs. Duffleld is a niece of Eller. lYMMHieJ K 'i- Mr. and Mrs. Gwyn Caudill have returned from their wed ding trip through the Shenan doah Valley and Washington, and are now at ho.nje, 523 Wal nut Street, Statesville.'' Misses Thelma, Rose and Vir ginia L#aws and Mrs. L. G. Critch- er returned to their homes at Moravian Falls last night after a week’s trip to Washington and New York City. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Whitmore, of Durham, were week-end guests of Mrs. Ruby Pendley.^ I .Mrs. A. ^ Pendley, who has been spending sometime here re turned to Durham with Mr. and Mrs. Whitmore. CAN YOU IMAGINE- ♦low bright life now looks to a New York mon who suffered so from ' sivnoch trouble that he was pre vented from taking his own lire 6/ a ^ pncst.Hetried BISMA-REXond got such relief that h? now eats any thing he likes ohd chh hardly Relieve if to be true / EXPtA^TlON Blsmo-Rex la an antacid treat ment that’s different from the many other Ineffective treat ments you have tried. It acts four ways to give you a new kind of relief from acid indigestion, ' heartburn and other acid stom- aeh agonies. Bismo-Rex neutralizes acid, re- -llevea stomach of gas, soothes the irritated stomach membranes aids digestion of foods that most likely to ferment. Bis- ma-Rex is sold only at Rexall Drug Stores. Get a jar today at North Wllkasboro Drug Store. Remember Bisma-Rex. Mrs. James C. McDiarmid was accompanied by Mrs. Thos. H. Webb, of Concord, to Blowing Rock Wednesday to attend a luncheon given to the Colonial Dames of North Carolina by Mrs. Chas. A. Cannon' at her summer home there. - •• «■ Misses Gray Greene and Reba Thompson, who have been at tending summer school at New Haven, returned Monday.j Miss Greene and Miss Thompson are members of the Barium Springs Orphanage faculty, and Miss Greene is the daughter of Mrs. F. L. f*arks, of Roaring River. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. St.John, son. Bill, Mr. Furchess Shumate, of this city, returned Monday from a week-end visit with rela tives in West Virginia. Mr. Shu mate reports that the mines are operating most of the time in West Virginia and that busi ness is good there. Little Bill Shumate who is only six months old has already been in seven different states of the union. Poriear News PTTRLEAR, Aug. 14.—Misses Aline and Lucille Hayes, Elsie Foster and Helen Shatley spent Sunday evening with Misses Les- tle and Marie Benton. Mr. and Mrs. J. I. McGlamery and family #ere in North Wll- kesboro Saturday shopping. A most successful revival meeting closed at New Hope Bap tist church Sunday. Much inter est was shown throughout the series of services. Eleven were added to the church by Baptism. Mrs. N. T. Benton spent last week with her mother, Mrs. Mar- that "Walker, at Walsh. Mrs. Forest Yates spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh, at Walsh. Misses Lestie and Marie Ben ton visited friends Sunday at Call. Mrs. Sallie Yates is spending a few days with friends on Wilkes- boro Route 2. EXPECTING LARGE ENROLLMENT AT STATE THIS YEAR College Station, Raleigh, Aug. 14.—Administrative officers of N. C. State College are optimis tic over the'enrollment of stu dents at the institution this fall since IndteStions are that a regis tration equal to or larger than all past records will be had. Advanced freshman registra tion this summer is several weeks ahead of last summer, and al though uppercIaSsmea and- trans fer students are not required to make advanced registrations, an increase in enrollment also is ex pected in these groups Freshmen will complete their registrations Friday, September 13, and transfer students will be received on Monday and Tues day, September 16 and 17. Up perclassmen will register o n Wednesday, September 18, and classroom work for ail students will begin the next day. Col. John W. Harreleon, now attending camp at Fort Bragg, announced several weeks ago that the freshman housing pro gram started at State last year, i^or Ethfopit To “ If Oeoeva^^Atift ;14,—Ethiopia dla^tched i- tervi^' appeal to Ithe leagufr of aatleatii‘today tO: hitve many nationi an arms embargo agalMt her, aai>. ‘mao-! sacra’ from-Italy.7^; *The Joint^^ppeal - and^fftto^ ■warn (placed, Jlsfore Sw’^’Tfag s^reta^ genml by' ^ieett Ha^ ariatet’ BtUopian* mtnistaif ^ France, - acting npof Instr^e^ht; of his government, - v It calted lUt/ ^■all’i>()8jiWIF and Ethiopia '‘weak abd paelfle.” “Notwttluitandhkg. the reitii^' tiqn of arMW^B‘‘prqc^nre Hr con'torf^fjp ndth de cision *Anghst‘.4,'.'' sail' tlld’tnidt' sitd,‘ “the royal Italian ment b cohtttnlng to Caroltoa of unbe E. Story, master of Wllkks- boro Gnngb'k is the anthor^of a eompreheaslve aitlelS'appearing in the OaroUna Cto^ater, farm pablieatlon, relatlye to tha stpto Grange' cionYention to he held is North Wllkesboro September 16- 47, The artiele Is' vrortb reproducing and here it to:. . North .Wtik«Sbb>o ^ to to' ybb host to the Annnal SUte Meeting of the OreBM-^urtag the I'ast days of' Septefnltor V)f this year. ^ A glorious welcome to the Orang- »nd ammunition into . oaeteia ers of the entire State Is being planned by ' the patrons and friends of hudbandry of this com munity. ‘ The WSlkesboros with a popu lation of more than 5,b00 people situated in the heart of the mountains of Northwest North a constitute a community believable charm and de light. ' They' are located_^r in the Great Valley through which runs the beautiful Yadkin and are hedged in on the south by the Brushies of some five miles dis tance and On the northwest by the Spurs and low lying ridges contiguous to the Blue Ridge. They enjoy a wonderful climate, rarely ever knowing either of the extremes of temperature. The county of Wilkes was formed by the Legislature of North Carolina In the year 1777 at the instance of Col Ben Cleve land, a native of the county and a Revolutionary War hero. It is one of the largest ’ counties in the state, being surjjpunded and touched by eight other counties, a distinction which only one other county, Chatham, shares, grows well all of the grain crops raised In North Carolina, and produces potatoes, tobacco, cot ton, and air manner of vegetables with ease. Its orchards are unriv aled. The apples, /peaches, and other fruits of the Brushies con stitute the chief industry of all that section of the county. Poultry raising is a noted in dustry of the county. ’There are a number of hatcheries in the ‘Wilkesboros and nearby com munities which furnish chicks for both local and Southwide markets. An interesting fact is that at one thne during the hatching season one of these hatcheries had 16,000 chicks. E. E. Elller and Son of North Wll kesboro is the largest shipper of poultry products In the State. The city of North Wllkesboro is ideally located for a shipping point of many products from a wide territory. It is at the head of the branch line of the South ern Railroad out of Winston- Salem and is traversed by State Highways Nos. 16, 18, and 60, and U. S. No. 421. The Great Scenic Highway to be construct ed along the Blue Ridge may be reached within thirty ' minutes drive over either one of three State highways^ It Is our unbiased opinion ‘ Osoito,^, ■ Wit • I MoUie Beady Bf tilled baak4it».:|j lunch wbicit ibiaa on, tb Thfl ’JSIw. Mr. B| YamilyJ Africa. It to cekseleuly manufac turing-amB"*and .imptemente of war with the solemn^ ^"avowed intention of - usinf -them'^against the Bthlopiatt*‘enl$tf4.' Hm No Mnaltloii-BlMite ‘"There is no ihandtacture ip Ethiopia, either pubMc or pri vate, of arms /or munitions of war. 'The imperial Ethiopian gov ernment today finds it aibsolute- ly impossible to obtain means-bf, defense outride its own frontier. Wherever it attempts to obtain, them it meets ;'kit1i ^prohibitions of exports and emhargoeSl*'; * . “Is that real neutrality? Is it jiiBt? Will the'coinlcll‘remain nut moved in*the face of this situ ation which is growing steadily worse? Wm it allow,this unequal combat to continue between two members of the league of na tions, one of which is all power ful and in a position to employ, and declares It Is employing, all its resources in preparing for aggression, while the other, weak and pacific and mindful of its International undertaking, is deprived of means of organizing the defense of its territory and its very existence, both of which are threatened? ‘‘Will the council assume the responsibility In the eyes of the world for allowing these prep arations to continue unchecked for the massacre of a people which constitute a menace to none?” JJtk gTandchlldren of Mre, .iritto.herat .with w#l! alf enjoyfd spread on tis- a J Ur. ab4 Btonta, afid Up. aii^faianYr of f bore; tor Im Mlksajl aud famll: m/ W.ilktf Mrl!r (fi\ liains, of Goshen; Hr Mr. Jopea, , o( Brunei; and Mr, and MrA Hail, otv StataerUto. Mr.^ A, brother of Mrs. Fs;-.-; /Al^reportsd 9 ti« your in bis EPFECmVE “How did you make neighbor keeg) his hens own yard?” “One night I hid a half-dozen eggs under a bush in my garden and next day I let him see me gather them. I wasn’t bothered after that.” ii ‘ 'JikL;.; -It W ^Peautifnl, Durable, Modera.” are three words that are ap propribtely used in describing the new ROTAL ACE RANG&? It is a balanced range, with streamline features, and embrac*’ ing many new ir’^nroremwits that make it the best range value on the market. -Sf PRICED $75.0a '-fi ROYAL BAKER RANGES $22.50 up The ROYAL ACE is manufactured in various colors and you' may choose jnst the color you desire ... It weighs 6M pounds ... the very best materials are used and the work- manship is the finest the market affords . . . Range can be furnish^ with coK»«r reservoir tank or rack for storage com partment. Don't buy until yon have allowed us to show yw • America's most beautiful riid best made range . . . the, ROYAL ACE, Save On Your Furniture By Trading With Us Mark-Down Fnmitore Coi j F. D. Forester & Co. Building tenth ST. NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. t would be continued. The pro- Grangers of North Car- ■ gram requires all first-year men to room together in the Fresh man Quadrangle composed of four dormitories. Because of the Increase expected in.the fresh man class, the top floor of Sev enth dormitoiT also has been re served for the first-year men. olina will find this a delightful rendevous for their Annual State. Meeting. We shall look forward to your coming with the expecta tion for great mutual benefit. ,1- Commen Sense £5^ The thought of death is one that all avoid. Yet, in this age when men face problems bravely, one must sometimes think of the ending of life as well as its daily trials and triumphs. ■> Reins-Sturdivant home'of service ,. Wmaton-Salem Fair Big time antomobile racing, with all its thrills, chills and possible spills, will come into its own at the Winston-Salem and Forsyth county fair on Saturday, October 12th, according to man ager Tom S. Blum, who announc ed that Hankison Speedways, world’s largest automobile rac ing promotional organization, will stage an A. A. A. champion ship race meet as the concluding and outstanding feature of the annnal fair. Prominent speedway and dirt track drivers, corralied from all over the nation, will participate in the event. These headliners in the realm of speed will have as their mounts the, finest racing creations in the world today, in cluding the latest specially built Millers, McDowells, Vances and Cragars. “FRAIL” SNAKE HAS MAN-SIZED APPETITE Raleigh, Aug. 14.—The South CaroliiTa moccasin traded to the state. museum here some tlnic ago by a Philadelbhia natufalist for a supposedly mere hardy North Carolina snake Is not so frail after all. The South Carolina reptile was placed by Harry Davis, curator of the museum, in a cage with 'a dozen other snakes. One by one the 12 snakes dis appeared, and today the South Carolina moccasin had the entire cage to itself. Saying- “It Pays 12-CENT COTTON LOAN IS TO BE ANNOUNCED Washington,; Aug. 14.—Ex pressing a growing feeling of confidence in senatorial circles Senator Bankhead, of Alabama, said this afternoon that he felt “absolutely confident” that the administration would shortly an nounce Its intention to continue the 12-cent a pound loan on cot ton. The Alabama senator said that a number of his southern colleagues were in possession of information that “canndt be con trovert,ed” that the moment the AAA .amendmehta nnd the Bank- heaiL^ottoa* control act are con- olndeg, or after the npw bill Mtail hnvfr iMtoB finned hr j^the '"nt, the" ooBtliwatlbn of' I p4ioy wUl„,.be otUotoilri & Then you have never tried R-140, that fsjnons remedy that baa proved so - sncccsefni ia . tbons^ ands ot homes for tbe'pgst forty years. It you snffer from Indl- gesUon, Gas, Headache, Naasea, Disainess, Overeating aad.'Driak- ing, try a bottle and be eoartoo- ed. Sold in SOc aad !3Sc sfaes at Horton Drag Co., Rexall Drag Store, Brame Drug Store 'and Wilkes Drug do. aEBSBasKmBKBBaBcamn^Msmsm Treasury Department, Pro curement Division, Public Works Branch, Washington, D. C., Aug. 6, 1935. Sealed bids in duplicate, sub ject to the conditions ot bulletin 51 (modified) of the Federal Emergency Administration o f Public Wbrks, will be„opened in this office, at 10 a. m., Aug. 27, 1936. For insect screens to the U. S. P. 0. -North Wilkesbfro, North (jarolina. Speclflcat may be obtained from-, the Cus todian of the building, or at this office in the discretion of the' As%- jBtotant Director of'PrQcnnment, Fahlic Works ^Branoh. W. Ht ■olds. Assistant Director of it, Public Works f&f Quick Results Use 7)ie