ton. Au*. IS.—^hrwd- I JbMOTelt toOny •Igand 1«a> TMtorlax all ponsloa 9ta irbieb th« IbSS oconoioy Wok sway from Tatarasb ot ;^ntab Ameiieaa war, the riAelHoB %•« tb« „ PblH»- ,f»arr«eUoB. ot restortac the beaatUa Milmated hr the ratr ’fte"’Aiia>loa roll* ■T- J^^nlS^nomjr cats in the «eon- act bar* been nodifled by ^er laws and rnllDnu.M The Spantsh-America^ rcter- aaa wore the tint to gain restor la f atioB of the old pension rates for all tbelr members, bowever. P: Washtngtbn, Au*. H. ( Aat3. caster)—Congress *111 stick a- ' round 'Washington long enough iitohuass the new taxjbill, but how Id^ Marriate Gwm Oa IQ« new MUV aa^r, Rocks} Imorca^Is Filed Bineb longer than that Is any Los Angelii^g.-^'ia.-^e heralded "Ideal* ®*“**®*^ coca widely marriage of ioan Blondell, viva or RepreaentSitlTe who^, really llkoe marriage oi eoan aionoeii, rira- ,— v_ elons screen actress, and George the Ux bltf as ^ ' AW. xtAssM /InmmlttwA on WftTfl the House Committee on Ways and Means. It^ls a case of going along with |he Pwaldent for the 4 good of the party.3 - Bren Mr. RooseTOlt’s most S. Bamee, "ace" merle camera man,, was. brought abrnptly Into dlrorce court today. . ea eeiuua»«a or see Tee- Mtresa sucd and listed ^ nlaraed to the rolls nnder the ^ P”ts and ^t he of^n js^geeury Morgenthau, n uroTletnna WMnw. nt war automoWlo against her *“« ITCasury morsou » - — lug. MaroAfe Licensee WltSd.OOO annually. ■While ♦he Prealdenfe pen st &34Ms«*e swept away one of hie •^Mjor ISSS economies, officials Licenses to wed were issued ■ ““'eBongh of the economy act during the past week from the to maintain savings of office ot register of deeds for ’■ flfg.f00,000 anncaily. Wilkes county to the following ' They referred to the fact that couples: Herbert C. Wall, Char —*•“ war veterans with non- lotto, and Pauline Llnney, Wll kesboro; Albert Parsons, "Wllkes- boro, and Clyde- Combe, North WUkesboro; Dillard Carroll and Merook Gentry, both of Cham pion; Noah H. Blackburn, (Greensboro, and Ethel Truitt, Roaring River; Walter Brewer, Pores Knob, and 'Violet Erickson, Wilkesboro. B.r>' . Reins- Sturdivant Inc. THE FUNERAL HOME LICENSED EMBALMERS AMBULANCE ' SERVICE North Wilkesboro, N. C. Phones 85 - 223-M AUCA-SCLTZER for CDUXS, Acid Indigestion, Head- ■Ae; Neuralgia, Fatigue, Mus- «rihr. Rheumatic, Sciatic Pains Mi other disorders due to an SHMW-add ccndltion at the body. Wheeoalgesic, (scstvl ssHfylsts) le- ■bvss pern. The sikaWssrs help to 1 the canm of thoes peliis 4ns i Add. eng iSe seekam ter I fc te a drink a Alka-SeRaer at V vvibl -AlhALIZf ' Travel By Bus Three buses daily are now operating on a schedule through North Wilkesboro to Winston-Salem and Bristol, Ve. Buser leave North Wilkesboro for Winston-Salem and points east at 9:45 a. m., 3:30 p. m. and 7:20 p. m. Leave North Wilkesboro for Bristol 8:30 a. m- 2:30 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. , _ At Winston-Salem direct connections are made with Greens boro, Raleigh, Rklnaond, Norfolk, DanvRle and all pomts North. At Bristol connections are made for all points west. Leave North Wilkesboro 9.-00 a. m, 2:30 p. m. and 7:30i p. m- for Lenoir, Morgantwi, Marlon and Asheville. * f?^at bound buses make direct connection for Statesville, Char lotte and psints south. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL LOCAL AGENT GREYHOUND BUS LINES Telephone 216 North Wilkesboro, N. C. TALL VALUES TALL GLASSES 6 FULL GLASSES. Enough in one bottle to serve 6 thirsty guests a tall glassful of radiant PAJLE DRY GINGER ALE. Tested'and Approved by Good Housekeeping Bureau 4897 par-T-pak Fun Quart 10c plus 5c deposit Also in Orange, Qjiape, and Linie Rickey. Keep ... PAR-T-PAK In yoor refrlgeratv for your family and guests. FOR tfALE AT YOUR GROCKt AND LUNCa STANDS Distribnted by NEHI BOTTUNG COMPANY mCKOKT ri N(WTH CAROUNA -.Sf Two more pure bred Guernsey heifers have .been placed with 4-H club members of Polk coun ty this month. NOnen^ OP SALE OP REAL ESTATE North Carolina, Wilkes Coun ty. Under and by virtue of power vested In the undersigned by or der of the Clerk of the Superior Court in a certain action entitled F. J. McDuffie, Administrator of the estate of J. W. Dyer, deceas ed, vs D. V. Triplett, et al, and having been appointed commis sioner by the Clerk of the Su perior Court to sell the said lands described in a petition fil ed; I will therefore on the 14 th day of September, 1935. at the court house door in Wilkesb.oro, N. C., at the hour ot 1 o’clock p. m., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following de scribed tract of land, to-wit: Adjoining the lands of J. W. Church. L. N. Triplett and oth ers and bounded as follows, viz: Beginning at a ledge or rock on L. N. Triplett’s corner, runs down the creek to the mouth of the branch; then up the branch to the mouth of the spring branch, up the said branch to a wild cherry above the spring; then east to the big branch up said branch to a large walnut stump, runs north to a small per simmon, runs eastward to a stake near the sta.ble, north a marked line to Z. W. Church’s line; then with said Church’s line various courses to the begin ning. Containing 50 acres more or less. Excluded from this de scription is a tract of land deed ed to Lillian Dyer in Book 147 page 586, and also a tract of land deeded to^ J. W. Dyer in book 147 page* 584, leaving a balance of jipproximately 23 acres more or less. Done this 12th day of August, 1935. KYLE HAYES, 9-5-4t “ Commissioner. it who was quite outspoken last Winter on the necessity of Increasing taxes If the Bonus Bill were adopted, politely but firmly re fused to make any comment whatever when the Committee asked him for his opinion. He didn’t say yea, and he didn’t say no. Ho stood pat on the perfectly sound technical ground that It Is solely the business ot Congress to enact laws and that the only job of the SecreUry of the Treas ury would he to collect the taxes under any tax law that they might pass. The taxes levied un der this new act will not be col lectible until 1937, and a good many things may happen In two years. A lot of thjngs have hap pened in the; past two years. Othe^ Legislation It is about 50-50 whether any of the other major measures on the President’s program will be adopted before adjournment. Ad ministration leaders, disappoint ed at the refusal of the House to Include the "death penalty” clause in the Utility Holdings Company bill, would Just as soon see that measure lay over until next session. In the hope of building up public sentiment for it. The new Banking Bill, with the limitations upon the Govern ment’s control of the whole banking and credit situation, w-hlch were forced into It by Sen ator Carter Glass, stands a good chance of early enactment. Whe ther the Social Securities Bill will come out of conference com mittee in a form acceptable to both Houses at this session seems a bit doubtful. The President has not yet ap pointed the new Labor Relations Board provided for under the Wagner Industrial Disputes Law for the surprising reason, so is rumored, that he has not been able to find good, men willing to serve on it. It Is understood here that he has invited ten dif ferent men to take the job and each one of them has said "no, thank you.” Politically speaking, as 'Whsh- ington always speaks, the Ad ministration forces are building great hopes for 19 3 E on the ef fect ot Postmaster General Jim Farley’s “swing around the cir cle.” Mr. Farley is. regarded here as possessing a peculiar kind of political magic. There are those who doubt that he la as good a politician as the President him self, and many who are certain that Col. McHenry Howe is a still better politician. The Farley Plan But Mr. Farley is Chairman of the Democratic National Com mittee. and those who are In his confidence say that he Is build- on the belief that he can line up ing his campaign for next year the West and the South solidly against the East. Party leaders are beginning to concede that the Anti-Adminis tration movement in the States east of the Mississippi is gaining strength. But they are figuring that the President could lose the whole Eastern seaboard, down to South Carolina, plus Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, and the remaining states, if they could all be held in line, would elect him. This combination of the West and the South has been the dream of almost every liberal Democratic candidate since Mr. Bryan, Mr. Bryan came very near to making It. Mr. Farley a*d his associates are confident they can do it in 1936. Barring accidents, it seems quit© possible to the most experienced political ob servers in Washington. But no body knows better than Mr. Roosevelt himself that aceldents 1 do happen. The Farley plan would not permit the loss of even one important state, such as Cal ifornia. It is pretty early for political forecasts, with the election still 15 months away, but it Is not too early for the politicians- to begin laying their plans, and that they are doing most thor oughly. CARD OP THANKS We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy shown ns during the sickness and death of our dear wife and mother. D. L. WELCH & CHILDREN Copyright notices on the last J page of a book nail and TOid. [TbBf. must be pla^ op-the tit' or the one tollomli^iL- &h«dtik of 12 Gases OiPFmr Next Fw Weria; Ohanpteoidiip GaaMs . .„ 1 With softball gaining la popn larUy^throughont the nation ** Wilkesboro softballers aro to start the baG rolling with^-'a big leagaa aehednie that It expected to attract eosalder- able interest and .famish. some tiret class recreation and ph>9l- eal exercise to the participants. There are fonr softball teems In the North WUkesboro league. Home Chair Company,- Hosiery Mill, the Cassel aggregation and tbn Oilreath outfit The schednie will be divided Into first and second half and after .'the oche- dnle Is ftnlshed a three game series will decide the champion ship between th« belt" winners. Following Is the schednie: . .5 First Keif Aug. 12—'Home Chair Co. vs. Cassel. Aug. 14—Gllreath v^. Hosiery Mill. Aug. 19—Cassel vs. Oilreath. Aug. 21—Hosiery Mill vs. Home Chair Co. Aug. 26—'Hoalery Mill vs. Cas- sel. Aug. 27—Gllreath vs. Home Chair Co. Second Half Ang. 28—Home Chair Co. vs. Oilreath. Sept. 2—Cassel vs. Hosiery Mill. Sept. 4—Oilreath vs. Cassel. Sept. 9—Home Chair Co. vs. Hosiery Mill. Sept. 10—Cassel vs. Home Chair Co. Sept. 11—Gllreath vs' Hosiery Mill. pf atf, and Mrs. BdtCilimUHMi aa» kla (that. Cwl, it; w«» f^^J>; • I •' '1 v"' •Fn^wii II Si'sliMh - f. :■ - Here’s tiie news that is awaited annually by diousands of thrifty people. This store joins with the nation- ^^wide org^ization of Heatrola dealers in offer ing worth-while dividends^to all who look ahead a few weeks in preparing' for winter comfort n Summit News SUMMIT, Aug. 12.—Mr. Bine Beshears, who has a position in Boone, spent the week-end in this community with his family. Mr. Fabin Church, of Benge, was a visitor in the home ot Mr. Henry Beshears Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Church and children, of Pattons Ridge, spent Sunday in the home of Mrs. Church’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Church. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Klgbt and daughter, of this commilnlty, Mr. Floyd Simons, of Ledger- wood, spent Sunday visiting Mrs. Verner Greer, of Boone, and friends in Punear community. Mr. and Mrs. Lee J. Churcb and children, Mr. and Mrs. Coy Church, of Pattons Ridge, spent Sunday In Brownwood commun ity visiting friends and relatives. Mr. Noah Beshears, who Is sta tioned at Arden„ in the C. C. Camps, spent the week-end here visiting home folks. Misses Ina Church, Ruth Church and 'Vetra Church, of Pattons Ridge, spent a short while with Miss Rosa Church, Sunday evening. Rev. Joe Wilcox was the din ner guest of Mr. Henry Beshears Sunday. Mrs. Garnett Greer and chil dren, of. Brownwood, are now spending a few days visiting Mrs. Greer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee J. Church. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mikeal and children, Mrs. Liza Fleenor and children and Mrs. Martha Mikeal, of this community, were visitors In the home of Mr. E. R. Mikeal, at Todd. Mr. Chester Church, of Benge, was a welcome visitor in the home of Mr. Easley Phillips, Sunday. SFECIAL ADVANCE SHOWING and sale of the 1935 models of the. original and only genuine Heatrola Heater It pays to buy the genuine Heatrola, because only the gen uine has the Intenai-Fire Air Duct, the Ped-a-Lever Feed Door, and other fuel-saving, labor-saving features. It pays especially well to order it now —while the great annual Free Coal offer is in effect (500 to 2000 lbs.,* depending upon the model you select). In the 1935 line, there’s a size to fit every home, a style to please every taste, a price to meet every budget. *On«-h«If thn* cnioanti If bard coal U fnmUhad. A •m*U deposit now it tU thst it rtqairtd; rt^ uitr ptjmtait do not aterf aatil yoor HoatroU it iatitUod tnd ibt Fret Cotl it delivtred. / FREE COAL with the Estate HEATROLA RANGE, too! Everybody knows ^e Heatrola Heater and everybody will soon know the splendid new Heatrola Range for coal and wood. Ic is a worthy companion for the Heatrola Heater. Come in and see it. You’ll be delighted with its many con venience features; with its smart, modem design. We’re offering a supply of coal with the Heatrola Range, too, (one ton with the DeLuxe model; one-half ton with the Standard model).* *On»-batf tiWM qautUle* If bard OMl la faroiahad. Rhod^-Day Furniture Company Always Outstanding Furniture Values NINTH STREET NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. “We make things Hot for you” , ■■—----- . —- — ■ ~ ^ a 3 week test makes you lifelong friendsi -t: •. H i Meet Good OuftI If yon haven’t had Gulf gas in yoor tank lately, try it just 3 weeks and dis cover what it can do. Then see if you don’t agree with an ' army of amateur “testers” ... 780 saftf “Pat 'er there" 750 car owners agreed to fill their, tanks with Gulf for 3 weeks—Co check it against their regular brands for (1) mile age, (2) starting, (3) pick-up, (4) power, (3) all-arOund performance. ResoH: Pels for Uto ’ At the end-of 3 weeks, 7 ont of 10 - owners found Gulf better in one or more of the 3 points—many on all five. Why? That’s easy! Gulf is 5 gstttlmts in one. Controlled refi^g gives it not only 2 or 3, but alijive ideal gasoline qualities. Try 'That Good Gulf Gasoline—and yon’U stick to it for good! .^OULF R6FININO COMPANY Q '^ ^ * Whtt hint on bow to shi9‘4 gears can save yon gasaUaeP You’ll find tto answer in this Gulf Booklet, piM 14 other velnable econoasy hiats. AM-rst dw Sige ed the Orange Disc CHS