pppsmb ROSHU ftoitfa-Mwllllo 3 or l ir««k8.^ih^%t,tlt»:lnterestiBg rerlTal in Pride Wooten «n chfid ri4fr—TM AnUoeh tt/rifiM tcioni peogile eteo held ^^ine «t grew et Crwdwrry. *r®a th«ff Beat silSif rtelted Hw. ilut inndST wttli*ii eiteir eknrel. Union aroVe.^foU who h«re been glvln* Cmaberry Metthewe, Sundej^iMr^ II h*Te been *i* rei^'le— Oak Foreet, Brier Creek. Fish- inl -Creek Arbor, Antioch, Cran- -y, and Old rlablng Creek— See«)A were eoBTerted Wooten, admired er. end other^mtalaters th* yppelnr ye^r, Ser. Iloore, ot Ottmtb.‘» Rev. Jarrla Is^eald^to knew '^yoaatbly tW^ibeet eei^ kieer on art BnlUe £ *kw _™— ot^the '^eertieea gn^ng end. ynylng. Removing Oak Foreat. chnrch !e being atarted this week. .kir;,,aBd Mra. Judie ' Johneon and cMUdren were North Wllkee- lowiug their Sunday ichobl we* f alight reat are planning to go >i' isas*.'- - to a lew aerrlcea. 3A- ghel^ ehnrel. Union aroVe.^foli who hare been giving Cnaberryl|i^ MatthewaTsnndaj^iilrB. Mat . _ ...j-., , _ *“* ‘"‘Mhewaii Mra. WWl’e dan|9iter.^^ ^Mr. and Mra. W. U Kinnler and4 family, ot Boanofeei^ Ya,, apont fhfr'Wnek*^ 'Mn, C. iB. CoekdilinSin." Mr. and Mra. F, ■reatlon. if Walt Parke, colored boy, wai aselOf badly hurbed laat week, ao- eorddttg to reporta, bi^ M'eiy^e^ kboro rlaitora laat Saturday adto^ toon, Attended the ball ^.^game' dUng Creek, and.^. q)ent y n^bt and Sunday with ,jt(Anabn’B parenta, Mr. and B. iO(aorge J. Holland. Wilkea- jitonte 2. Rev. N. T. Jarvis, stor, has been holding a hi at Fishing Creek, where ehnrch was newly. electritied rorly :vge1 . an Ida Fouai^ wldely-ipjifa eld- ’ •—ia eald to be eary well tollowing last week in a Win; In tke past 3 or 1 weeka.'iS® |gi theJntereBtlng revlTal In pro 'bOapftal., pd to recover, Mn^' Haaol Johnson has a a Friends of Rev. hnd Mra. Per- vla C., Parke are sorry that their oldest' daughter, who»la married and living in Winston-Salem, has typhoid fever, according to news reeelved by her '■ parenta last webk-,'-- Mr. Julius J. Johnson says he Is planning to move to Wllkes- boro Route 2 and put up-a fil ling station. Ina Adams,.little foeter daugh ter ol Mrs. B. L. Johnson, was quite sick over last week-end. A house Is being erected lor “Boy” Sale, colored. Mr. Jay Jarvis, ol the Cran- 'berry vicinity, accepted work in Winston-Salem a lew weeks ago. The Oak Forest choir Is plan- ning to practice and attend the gtfth Sunday singing at Bethel, was held last Saturday ^«t Oak Foreat Rev. Parks was reelected B. !•. Johnson w '^^eeted^iliu'k "and . messengmm affljj&nted to the 114th wii^ sion' of "this'iSrter Creek Associ ation at Mountai^yieW' church. Gap, WifiiiliiP 4. and near this neighborhood riiviM - Tablets * Salve - Nose ^ Drops Toak ead Laxative checks Malaria in 3 days COLDS first day i Williams Auto & Radiator Shop Phone SS4-J — N* Wilkesboie Roate M Radiator Repairing, Body Re- baOdlng, Motor Blocks Rwored, Sxtensions Welded in Truck Fkames. General Repair Work a Specialty. T. H. WILLIAMS, Owner. flipjone ol the others. Messrs. G M^^ucker and Lloyd Rlchard- "^who will train the singers, '.contemplate importing an ^ai0rt singing school teacher lor qtTe week. Miss Ida Parks’ burnt sore has not yet healed and her sister, Miss Lou, is said to be in some what feeble health also. Mr. George R- Johnson, Wil- kesboro Route 2, has about re covered from a recent severe at tack ol sinus trouble, according to his brother, Judie. Rev. Pervis C. Parks says he assisted Rev. J. N. Binkley in a 'wonderful revival a t Holly Springs last week and that some where in the tee.^’, or more, were converted. Service at Oak Forest last Sun day was postponed until 2*30 in deference to the Antioch bap tizing, which was attended by a large throng. Mr. Parks preached at the afternoon hour. Mr. B. L. Johnson and others who raised some tobacco in this vegetables prevented some house- section are'curing it now. Canning peaches, apples, and Notice of sale of land for town taxes for THE YEAR 1934 vHtM and houabApinateri from attending the luvlvala “evur’ day*' and ever* hlgbt,’* as they wished Many”,' however, are % attend- iewR ROABJNCFRIVMl, Aug. 18.— W, Yi WaU and Mr? and. Pndft Wooten and chBdren: jto a leF aervlces A gaMHiiet rwrtval at gak jj^yaa scheduled Sanday to 1m^ •■Ohe first Snnday in Oslotlisr d, it whiSh time R Is hoped ^kat reaoivlitag}.)the chnfch will be eompiotad'. ’ . Miss Ruth,, sicit'a lew da:m thw S^tJR^bf last week and idsd huBt h^^WAd badly on therpir: : Monday v|w|^ tying the cow,5br A snakA^b(i tt.; but Is In no dtfteov* Mr. J. J. Johnson wan in Rtb: Wtlkeeboros Monday,; lit- y Revs. Pervis C. Parka and CS.: M. Call were dinner guests Issl^ Sunday at Mrs.' Laura Llnney.rt at the old Tilley place. _ Mrs. W. O. Harris says her mother, the* much-beloved Mrs. R. M. Prevette, of Wllkeaboro, is improving in health. Mrs. N. T. -Jarvis seemed to be unusually well when visiting in this section August 1 and at tending a lew services ol the An tioch revival last week. She walked nearly half a mile at 10 p. m. August 1; has made 3 or 4 dresses this summer and cro cheted a hat, a very large lace bedspread, or tablecloth, and oth er smaller articles. Mrs. Laura Llnney Is having a lew repairs made^to the roof at the old Tilley place, „ Manse Parks, colored, excellent amateur carpenter and handy-man, doing the work. :obert and Birttti, ol Chase City, Va., are visRlng ■their dalighter and sister, Mrs. JR. R. Parks. Mfjand Mrs. Vance Cook, of Hickory,'spent Sunday with MU.' Cook's parents, Mr. "and Mrs. J. P. Pardne. ^ ^ Mr. and Mrs. W. W,. and danfhter, Jay. and tbglr .tmphew, ®WR^L.HatrM, spent broth* ,, u,^ipr^.^fX^:li^.Moall Egnriii of Cricket,. inrth will be ^rold, and Mrs. 4nC,M»i.rA. W. Green at- Rar^of :^elbF, Jhave « lexSrWal^SQlHte .iMav Uaftinw - lkva. BtAe daagbtOT, Mrs.' Ygatruf MTi jMw.JIaTea,. EXPECT METHODIST BODIES TO REUNITE 65.56 76.08 Under and by virtue of authority conferred by Consolidated Stet- • ates governing the sale of land for taxes, and by virtue of an oroer 'passM by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of North Wilkes- boro, N. C., I will on Monday, September 9, 1935, at the boiir of 1“ noon, at the county courthouse door in Wilkesboro. N. C., 0“®*^ nRfcr sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the aP hereinafter described, situated in the Town of North Wilkesborc^ N. f. C- listed in th.: names of persons hereinafter mentioned, to satisfy w dminguent tax-s for the year 1934, including delinquent installments "^-^ aiad interest jue in the year 1934 on street paving assessments, as below: (Penalties, costs, etc., will he added to the amounts sboira below.) H O. Absher, lots 6 and 2 in Block 80 and lots 14 and 24 in ■ Block 62 * Tiww Absher, Tots 30 and 32 in Block 39 63.90 ifn.' Annie Anderson, lots 2 and 4 in Block 31 oO.M E. B. Barkley, lot 12 in Block 130 9 Varda Billings, lot 7 in Block 136 W. F. Blair, lots 28, 30 and 32 in Block 30 7.92 Jrt. E. L. Bumgarner, lots 50 and 51, Kensington l5-»» In. J. L. Davis, lot 10 in Block 35 19.84 'E. E. Faw, Jr., lot 1 in Block 128 and lots 1, 8, 5. 7, 9, 11, 13 'C C. and Mrs. C. C. Faw, So. half lots 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 ,’in Block 34 and lot 27 in Block 27 I. Finley, bankrupt, lots 1, 2. 3 and 4 in Block 93, and lots ‘l, 2, 3 and 4 in Block 129, and lots 1 and 3 in Block 94, Md - onallotted i ortion 88 ft. strip across N. E. side of Block 130, unallotted east comer of Block 61, and 7 acres and 55 acres and lots 17 and 19 in Block 27 and lots 7 and 8 m Block t-« 8# and lots 2 and 3 in Block 4 264.90 D. F-Fletcher, lot 2 in Block 124 -ah W: rf. Foster, lot 0 in Block 209 V7C5Vo,"““oT'r"cA CiMkte B. Gentry, lots 17, 19, 21, 23, 26. 27, 29l & 31 in Block 50 41.49 F. Hanks, lots 3 and 5 in Block 408 109 Mrs-. Minnie Hayes, 1 lot in Woodlawn n. a. Hinrins, lots 3, 4, 5, in Block 210 13.49 G. »W. Hinshaw Estate, lots 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 11’ 12, 13, „ Id In Block 110 and lots 11. 13, 15. 16 and 19 in B^k 114 - 4.08 5. H. Hudson, lots 1, 3, 11 and 12 m Block 140 and lot 6 in Block J"*'- o4.ol rjafejoTnes.'partTotsirand'27"in Block 64, and lots 10 and ^ P' J W.^o^es, part lots 1, 2 and 3 in Block 92 16-73 • E. Long, lots 9, 11 and 13 ir Block 41 54 74 XTF. Milam, lot 18 in Block 7^ 2.93 McGinnis, lots 4 and 6 in Block 411 3-77 jT McLean Heirs, lot 29 in Block 27 13.60 , r| McNeill lots 2, 4, 6y 8, 3 and 5 in Block 138 and lots 1. 3, und 8 in Block 139. and lots! 13 and 15 in Block 44 208.08 C F McNeill, lots-1 and 2 in Block 210 12.24 Nichols, part lots 6, 7, 9 and 11 in Block “B” 5.82 ^^orri. S 2%, 25, 27. 29 and 31 in Block 76 60 32 bmI w. B.^ymer. lots 21. 23, 25 and 27 in Block 56 43.% St. J^> lots 13 and 15 in Block 62 ^^’95 f- c. C. Smoot, lot 1 in Block 141 .27 Eitofford Estate, lots 1, 3, 5 and part of 7 in Rlwk 63 and north comer in Block 125 and lots 30, 32 and 28 •Stener, lot 7 in Block 138 ^ rv lots 26 and 27 in Block 33 39J)4 J C^tanoy Estate. No. half of lots 2. 4. 6 and 8 m Block 34 and 74 76. 76, 77 and 78, Kensington 31.97 VM^^wtal. part lot 2, Kensington, and part lot 4 in Blk. 92__ 54.40 A Trust Co., exwutor C. E, Crutchfield Estate,. " hlSaU. 46^6, 47. 63 and 64, Kensington 46.24 C JM .VhU*®®’ lots 1 and 2 in Block 401 3-14 ^ MtSW L. Williams, 5 acres — ^— ""i L^Wflliams, about ^4 acre, factorv site 6?,.28 ^Q^^ Wrenn, lota 38 and 39 in Block 410 ^ .66 Chicago, Aug. 12.—Methodist leaders tonight expressed confi dence that the historic three way rift among American followers of John Wesley would be bridsed by drafting of a constitution for unified denomination this week. A specific plan to effect union of the Methodist Episcopal church (Northern), the Metho dist Episcopal church, South and the Methodist Protestant church, 18 months In preparation, will be studied at a four day session of the joint commission on church unity, hearing tomorrow. Plan Gets Support “Members of the commission are unanimous In support of the plan,’’ said one official of the commission. “We are confident the union constitution will prove satisfactory to all parties. Its ratification by the general con ferences would be possible by 1938 hut Is hardly probably be fore 1940.’’ One of the questions which may he settled during the com mission’s sitting, the official In dicated Is that of a name for the re-united denomination, which would embrace more than 8,000,- 000 communicants, making It the largest Protestant church In the United States. All members of the commis sion, its official said, have ap proached their task, whose suc cessful culmination would crown 20 years of labor toward unity, in a spirit of hrotheriiness and conciiiation. ipuvtu^, tMmJV vyw wviy* W*Alft8i,b0ld Mt i&fao attar vdMIteR Mlw., ^Rgrrhoiq0^«f IRipk RfiiMti^lciA ■ I Ail'll Rfiii TTrimw 4-: £1 MIviaw WIm ^Mr A* 0. MineK Mfa» „ Mr. H»ym *a Oreaosboro, Is caUbA Witt ber-puNRit^' Mr Mrs. MeCagar A^uililer. T- :nmhig r. 'AlaMBder, ot BpeiSRMPlier .-j#*. •9* Oeotgo Garmoit ipgAte 2, Unio^^niity, has ^ tiap-nastad pm of W%it* boms In wbfcb the ben laU 264 qgfe b&a 14^ bat gnllafb latA over.'206 eggs eeMi daring tbelr^ pQllef jrewvv-., COLORED Odlovav part lots 3. 6, 7 and 9 in Block 122 5.« KJiBowwrs, lots i. 3, 4, 6, 6. 7, 8, 9 and 10 in Block 116 12.^ ■w> Fenruson, lots 18 and 16 m Block 48 6.68 /}i»ni) lots 12 and 13 in Block 120 . — ‘8.TO Harris lots 1, 3 and 6 in Blodc 114, and lot 23 in Block 30 11.66 Kilpatrick Horton, lots 2 and 4 in Block 48 6.76 Hos^ Ehtate, lot 4 in Block 106 ^J3 lots 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 in Block 120 .— 1 17.28 i^CTS, tots 4 and 6 in «1^ 122 ^ 7j2 i. lota F and J1 m Block 111 — 4-w lote 1, 2, 8. 4 and 6 in Block 300 —- 'AAO a^rv lota 27. 29 and. 81 in Block 30 4L12 Alfa; lespadesa,^ eomJ^anA cotton have tripled In'^^Ftb in Mecklenburg eonntr’ alnee tbe recent mine. ' K. Y. ttaSd Ci . Alheny, JT. T., Angr Tokk Stete > ov4r^»7,0l "in the red.” It waajrera ' the ottRa of the. State trolRr today that on Ji ieet, when tbe tiseel year at ’ endad, tb#detlett was $97jl 788.81. Ybe Mm, H adf .waa dne “almoM tfnttWr 9 a falling ^ in revannea.’* ■ipa .d OBt'WSn Van sbonU di -4MW a ioefc at opr wa _ are pMeed a* m flOM^ wtm eea aaoed jo Ra n. TopV hasdlr ndss bO ., Desseg Flakflr at llio Ona ’ Town of Mortii 1Wkaaboro,^N. C. t»-8-4t'^.^f- " NOTICE OF SALE OP LAND North Carolina, Wilkes Coun ty. Having been appointed com missioner by the clerk of the Su perior Court to sell certain lands described in a petition filed by B. F. Staley, Administrator of the estate of Thornton Staley, deceased, and Susan Staley, de- C6&86() * I will therefore, on the 14p day of September, 1935, at tne hour of 1 o’clock, p. m., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Wilkesboro. N. C. the following described tracts of land to-wit: First ’Tract: Beginning on a white oak, now down, on the hank of the north fork of Red dies River in E. T. Dancy’s cor ner, running up the said river to A. G. Whittington’s line; then following from said river the A. G. Whittington line with said line to the top of the ridge; thence north with A. G. Whit tington’s line to a conditional line; then with conditional line to the head of Hominy Mill branch: then down the branch to the mouth of the branch; then down Reddies River to the ?ld original forks to the P. A. Whit tington’s heirs line; thence up the south fork of Reddles River to S. E. Whittington’s line; thence north with S. B. Whit tington’s line to E. T. Dancy’s line north to the beginning. j Second Tract: On the waters of Reddles River. Beginning on J. F. Vannoy’s north west cor-j ner, and runa south on bis llnej 18 poles to a stake; thence south 45 degrees west 50 poles to a branch, Thornton Staley’s line; thence north 10 degrees west on the same fourteen poles to a maple; thence north 23 degrees east oh the same 28 poles to a stake; thence north 62 degrees east on the same 12 poles to a stake; thence north 71 degrees and 30 minutes east on the same 14 poles to the beginning. Done this 12tb day of August, 1886. HATRB, Commissioner. ’ ^ It. September 17; 18,19, 20, Are the Dates Far the I Exhibits Fireworks Acte and the Famous Marx Greater Shows On the Midway Emy Man, Wimuui and Gdld in and Adjoining Counties Is.Cordia% Invited to Enjoy the Days and Nights ■ n'v ...k* '•>5 G. WAUAdl, Secr(^^ Wr^iiR Lii 4