IN POLITICS D: ■' •ad TharaAljs «i Wttesbora, N. C( iL. >. urt nruns ^bvbbabd. Ip SUBSCRIPTION RATES: j ^ .tw * One Six Months Four Months Out of the ^te I1-60 ♦76 JM (2.09 par Year Entered et Uw post offlee North WOkes- ban, N. Cm as second class noatter under Act •f March 4. 1879. ?■ It isaccurate to say that the national debt has reached a new peak at $29,000,000,000. Peak nothing; it’s a new stratosphere.—Indianapolis Star. Author Btdliburton is crossing the Alps on an elephant to see how Hanibal did it. Our earlier suggestion, that the elephant ride Halliburton, is ignored.—Detroit News. :What the government should do to make the taxpayer feel happy is to drug him with a slo gan. Our suggestion is “Pay Until It No Longer Hurts.”—New York Herald-Tribune. No man before Hitler has undertaken on so large a scale the experiment of being loved for the enemies he has made.—Washington Star. The nazis have banned dime-novel thrillers. iWe suppose they really are a bit superfluous over there.—^Boston Evening Transcript. Radicals in colleg^e aren’t new. Sophomores in dad’s time argued against God and women and the Republican party.—Richmond News-Leader. A good many lean to the view that if Sena tor Borah were elected President it would serve him right.—Philadelphia Inquirer. Stom)iiiir An AStemobile Memphis dty officials, in an effort to promote safety? sent out a. questionnaire >' nabiBy motoiists in what distances they could/stop at various speeds. s® , It is*fetereting to note that the average driver has a podr conofiption of how quickly he can stcq> an autwnoblle at’*an average spe^. “ — MONI>AY, AUGUST 19, 1986 Evidently ttie emperor of Ethic^ia does not get armmd much. All our best govemnsent now chi* aider it a eoci^ error to mention the Kellogg Pact.—New Yorker. The Fruit Growers Brushy Mountain oyhardists are known far and wide for their products. It is hard to get far enough away that you cannot hear of fruit from the Brushies. •In this connection we pause to say a word about the Brushy Mountain Fruit Growers’ association. The orchardists are organized into a compact group and work in unity. Needless to say that they are reaping benefits by co-operation. They make co-operative purchases of fertilizers and sprays, thus saving much hard cash. The association furnishes a means by which the advice of the best specialists can be provided for all without expense. A representative of the exten sion service may come to Wilkas and through the medium of the organization he can contact all the orchardists. Producers of other products would do well to observe the methods of organiza tion and co-operation. Agriculture has suffered more than anything else because of haphazard methods. Grand Jury Report The semi-annual report of the grand jury is the one official way of letting the public know the status of county affairs, particularly the condition of county prop erty and management of public offices. It is interesting to study the reports of grand juries. For instance, the Iasi one examined 116 bills of indictment and out of that number 72 were true bills and 54 not true bills. This seems to indicate that there was quite a bit of indictment under way that was either not comprehensive enough to go before the court or was of a frivilous and malicious nature. Apparent ly the grand jury did a good job of culling out and keeping many frivilous indict ments from reaching the stage of trial. The report of the county home is also interesting in that it denotes that things are in good condition at that institution. The 25 inmates in the county home are well fed and cared for and the only recom mendation in regard to inmates’ care was that they should be fed whole millk instead of skim milk. The recommenda tion that more fruit trees be planted is a timely ona An abundance of fruit for the inmates would be quite an asset, "^e I recommendations in regard to enlarging the vaults in the courthouse are not ^iss. Personally we know that the vaults are badly crowded. The grand jury, althou^ not specific, recommended that the jail be placed in safe condition. By this we presume they . mes" escape-proof and jodging from pre- . vioiis experience of jailfceepers. It must be ** jn esoi9>e*proof jropf that ia so badly need- W£EI> ^eilOF iiiRT BY HOT WEATHER Hot. dry wMther hu Miioaaly damagod a largo part the flue- eared Miaeeo cr^ in Nokft Caro lina .this year.. The heaviert damage haa been 4a the middle belt and^e iipgiiS part of the new^ belt'll^ Some oee- done have lo«t aa much as jOne- _ . , j u of-the crop. rf For example, driyera were asked how. Much of the^^tobacco that has been harvested In these areas is thin and light in weight, nl‘ though the color is good, shys S. Y. Ffoyd. extension tobacco dalist at State college. We^ in the old belt has been 8uff«iM from tile hot, dry weath er dunng late Jinly and early Ao- gust and indications an ti^ in this area the tobacco will not pro duce the yields which were an- ticfyated 20 days ago. - In the border counties, where harvesting was a little farther advanced, the growers were bet ter aUe to take care of their crop, and they suffered less dam age than growers^ in other -sec tions. The weather tiiis year haa been about the most variable ever ex perienced by flue-cured tobacco growers in the state, he added. In June the extremely hot, dry weather hurt the older tobacco a great deal, although it did not seriously affect the younger leaf. In the rainy period that followed, the young plants made rapid gains. The wet weather in July caus ed about as big a change in leaf spread as has ever been witness ed in this state, Floyd said, and a large growth was put out. Had the weather been favorable during the latter part of July and the early part of August, he commented, some of the yields would have been exceptionally heavy this year. Ford Reconditions Automobile Motors [mkm? ^ttumy f«6t would be needed to atop a car witii four-wheel brakes moving at'a speed of 40 miles per hour on an ordinary high- ■ way. Two per cent of the drivers answer ed ten feet or less; 15.9 per cent answer ed 11 to 20 feet; the heaviest majority, 2S.2 per cen.t, answered 21 to 80 feet, and 14.1 per cent answered 61 to 60 feet. The true answer is 80 feet—and it was^ given by less than 6 per cent of the drivers. Only a minority of motorists realize that, no matter how good a car’s brakes, it is impossible to stop witiiin 5(1 feet—that a car going 40 miles an hour will skid farther than that with locked wheels. 'This shows the need of “schooling” drivers and teaching them something about the powerful machines they operate. In many states the ownership and use of firearms are strictly regulat^ by law while a motor car can be driven in almost any manner by even the most irrespon sible persons. An intelligent driver that cares for his own safety and the welfare of others will learn ^bout his machine. Adequate knowl edge of the limitations and capabilities of the motor car is a fundamental accident prevention. The person who drives care fully enough that he knows he will be able to stop should something unforeseen get in the way is truly a good river. We hereby put an idea Into Secretary Hull’s head. Tell Mussolini that if he will call off the war with Ethiopia, he can have the Virgin Islands.—New Yorker. AP, «•««» I 'tSa Detlove Sigmon . of Catawba •county is building a new hay bam to take care of his increased har vest of alfalfa and lespedeza hay. Twenty-six farmers in Stanly county are raising colts as a part of the county-wide program of producing workstock at home. It is estimated that the farm ers’ reduced purchasing power has cost 4,0OOJK)O city men their jobs. If Germany keeps on this way, It can hold the next Olympics In a telephone booth, as far as attendance is concerned.—Knickerbocker Press. Maybe there isn’t going to be any war. Floyd Gibbons hasn’t left for the front yeat.—Toledo Blade. _ THE BOOK the first line of which reads, “The Holy Bible, and which contains four great treasures. By BRUCE BARTON WICLIPF AND TYNDAMl So the Bible passed Into Latin and finally into English. There had been partial transla tions from the Latin from the time of the Ven erable Bede and King Alfred, but the name of the great English pioneer translator is John Wiclif, who lived from 1324 to 1384. As a translation his work was of secondary value, for he, too, used the Latin and not the original tongues, but he put the Bible into the hands of the reading public of England, which was small but potent, and made it what it Is today, the Book of the common people. One hundred and fifty years after Wiclif came William Tyndale, who undertook a trans lation of the New Testament from the original Greek. People were horror-stricken by the impiety of the Idea. He had to flee to Ham burg, and never again set foot on his native shore. Against fierce opposition he continued his work. Printing had been invented, and Tyndale determined to "make every plow-boy in England know th© New Testament.” His book, printed by Caxton, had to be smuggled Into England and was read by stealth. With such asinine drivel as the following, written by the pious Friar Buckingham, Us circulation was obstructed. Where Scriptures salth, ‘‘No man that layeth his hand to the plow and looketh back is fit for the kingdom of God’’; will not the plowman when he readeth these words apt forthwith to cease from his plow, and then where will be the sowing and,the harvest? Likewise also whereas the baker readeth, “A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump,” will he not be forthwith too sparing in the use of leaven, to the great Injury of our herlth? And so also when the simple man reads the words, “If thine eye offend thee, pluck it out and cast it from thee,” incontient he will pluck out his eyes, and so the whole realm will he fall of blind men, to the great decay of the na tion and the manifest loss of the king’s grace. And thus by reading of the holy Scriptures will the whole realm come into confusion. Tyndall himself was treacherously dealt with and arrested, and lay for eighteen months in Antwerp for no crime other than that of giv ing to the people a truer version of the Scrip tures. On October 6, 1536, he was strangled and his body was burned. Thus have Christian folk welcomed the better and more accurate translations of thi Book which teaches kind ness, tolerance, forbearance and the open mind and thus do they still denounce those men of learning. King James 1 of England and VI of Scotland saw that he could not prevent the reading of the Bible by the^people, and he determined to get credit for what his scholars told him was much needed, a reliable translation into good English, for all the previons versions had been made under- condiUons that rendered, 'echoiarlT: tTMtaent imposalblel^ i j" Application of scientific pro duction methods to engine recon ditioning A? practiced 'by the Ford Motor company, is consid ered by experts the post notable advance in service twhnique of this decade. It produces some fling new in the automotive world—a reconditioned motor in every respect the equal of a new one. And it is done with the very hearty co-operation of the dealer, who is relieved of heavy investments for service equip ment and obtains a potent argu ment to assist in sales of new cars and trucks. : . In brief, the operation m^ly be described as complete disassembly of the motor and its components, followed by replacement or refin- ishing of all worn parts of sur- face."The operation is exactly the same as the building of a new motor. Elvery bearing surface is fitted to precisely the same limit of tolerance as a pew motor. In part the assembly operation is done on the new motor line, al- J’tough natilally most of it is conducted on a special disassem bly and assembly line. To provide sure control of the policy that every part must fit to the original tolerance limit, those parts which are to be used again are returned to the factory de partment in which they were first made, for gauging, either acept- ing or rejecting. There is thus no pressure on the reconditioning line to attempt a d.ingerously high level of parts recovery. What is new in the Ford V-8 reconditioned engine ? Pistons, '>iston rings, cylinder head studs, nuts valves, valve as- semblira (except spring, many of which^re 0. K.L main bearings, connecting rod bearings, camshaft bearings, cam gears. In almost any given dxample a great many other parts will be new, as all those which fail to meet gauge and other tests are replaced. COAl ONCE AGAIN THIS GREAT ANNUAL OPPORTUNITY with the genuine ESTATE HEATROLA ^ Every year, in August, Heatrola dealers all over the country make this generous offer to thrifty folks who place their orders early. Every year, thousands x ^ take advantage of it; insure delivery of the model ^ ^ they want—when they want it; receive as a ^ 0 gift a supply of coal (5(X) to 2000 lbs.,* de-. pending upon the nxidel selected). x ^ ^Ooe^hnlT these amoQOte if hard coal lefarulehed. ^ 4, / / General Grant was once a slave owner. checlu Malaria in $ days COLDS Liquid • Tableta day ^Ive - Nose Drops Tonic sad Laxstive 666 '! '"A LOOK! ‘The diagram shows the big reason why the gennine Heatrola gives MORE HEAT with LESS FUEL. The Intcosi-Fire Air Duct spans the combustion chamber, blocks the escape of mach of tha haat which in ordinary haaten goat to waata—np the chimney. LISTEN I It pays to bay tha gennine Heatrola, for only tha gennine haa the Intanti-Pire Air Dnct, tha Ped-a-Laver Fead Door, and other ezclnaive fnel- ■aviog, labor-saving featnraa. It payr extra well to order it now, while the giaat annnal Free Coed oiler ia in aflact.. Coma in aoon, tha handsoma new I5th Anniversary modela—a aise for avtry homa, a ttyla fiar every taste, a price for every bndget Reins- Stnrdhraiit Inc. THE FUNERAL HOME LICENSED EMBALMERS AMBULAN(^ SERVICE North Wilkesbbra^ ’N. G. Ph^86>228-M Only • unmtl deponit now; niuUw payments do not mtmrt until year Heatrola ia InataOed and tfce Free Coel ia deSvared. FREE COAL with the Estate HEATROLA RANGE, t0|O! Everybody knows the Heatrola Heater and everybody will soon know the splendid new Heatrola Range for coal and wood. It is a worthy oompanioo for the Heatrola Heater. Come in and see it Yoa’U be delighted with hs many con venience festtores; with its smart modem design. We’re oShring a supply of coal with tte Heatrola Ran^, too, (one ton with the DeLuxe model; bne-balf ton with the Standard model).* •Oaa-haVtlMaaqaaatMaatfbaiSeoalisfMshlMA .. 'NINTH STRi^ Alw^s Qtttffanifipg Furniture rValu^ .'W- - V-'/Sj. ---a.—— ' ' ■ ^RTH WlLKSSBOBp^ N. a' Hpt for yo

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