Meet> Mefliddiiits Agm ^ \)tt Union Plan^^ _ - r% ~“;j.^V" W *1*^ ^Ddei^ Vote Viunivowly Far R. ^ Of Tlnraa 6ro«pa$ Six Ik «ik TCbmfUmiI llAbrlnm Diatricta ® Evaaiton, Dl., Ansr. lA — A to fteluid, Be%iam * and France nia, R. Q. t Finley dUlghted .:,nMml«Ts of the North WilkesboirD lie Club in a i»»g»a«*Fri- at noon by a aery hrittries^a at of har leeent trip to Ena- j’Wifaaen' and Bdclh™> Mrs. ^ ]ha« j«et returned fro« Lo^on. trtkere ehe attended the FbUc Bence Festiyal, a part of , the 'ICi^'s jubilee celebration. I and ehe related many interestiaa ^ tlieWknte to the chib. , Fbetmaster J. C. Reins reported that the postoffice was occupyina .ita ’biew building and a committee that the city commis- are willing to grant lands tto the state for the purpose of a new armory. A. A. Lin- program chairman for ^ day. Goests were Miss Lucy Fin- ?lay, guests aC tyfndatber. A. A. Itnley: Mnpi^ora^Fard and [ Mias Looiiie ‘Ward, |oests of R. 1^. C.^Crier, guest of For Den ‘*nK tUCKWl"’ A^GOLDBN BOty T0(^ : •jr- 'tn 87 to Wgltoattm, Aug. 15..—Tha ^.“wealth tax" whippl|H||«mh the aenata. a 67t^*4 lmj^;jPhe action stirred prospects^o^jjlUO’irnnic’^^ before next weeriPWfe • Only two days of debate pre ceded the vote to take an esti- mated $260,000,000 from million- doUax incomes, large corporations, estates and gifts. Senator La- Follette’s, Progressive, Wisconsin, two efforts to boost taxes on small incomes were crushed by three to one majorities. ..But the bill returned to the house with an amendment quick ly interpreted in administration quarters as threatening a serious handicap to President Roosevelt’s financial program. Adopted 40 to 39 on the motion of Senator Borah, Republican. Idaho, this amendment would prohibit future issues of tax-ex empt federal securities. Treasury officials said immediately that, if accepted by the house, the amend- [r’^.nient would place the government '■ at a disadvantage, since states and municipalities would continue to enjoy the tax-free privilege on their securities. schism which years ago tba ranks of the powerful chardi into three hostile fsc- tionsr wss nearly healed today as 50 drtegates, ^ rei»«senting the church in all sections of the coun try, agreed unanimously on a plan of union. If it is accepted by thel three general conferences, it will bring 7,000,000 church members into (me body, making it the most powerful U. S. Protestant organ ization. May, 1936, del^ates will pre sent their plan to the general conferences of the Northern Meth odist Bpistiopal church and the Methodist Protestant church. It will be brought before the Meth odist Episcopal church. South, in 1938. Ninety-one years ago a little slave gjirl played on a plantation owned by a Southern bishop of the Methodist church. The bishop, James O. Andrew, was taken to task at the general conference at jfew York in 1844 for his owner- jifeip of slaves, and in that year branch which later resisted attempts at reunion, occurred. „ The slavery issue became a thing of the past after the Civil War, but ill-feeling between the Northern and Southern churches lived on. This week, as the con ferees met in another conciliation attempt, there was constant fear that the old question might arise. It was forestalled, however, when Bishop Robert E. Jones, unassuming negro delegate from New Orleans, rose to his feet yes terday and informed the dele gates that the jurisdiction pi in for the negro church was acce it- able. The plan adopted involves sjx regional districts, five laid out geographically and the sixth turned over to the negro church es. Negroes will have full con gregational rights, and, with the other jurisdictions, will elect their bishops and delegates to the re gional and general conferences. Nine hundred representatives will attend, the uniting conference. 400 each from the North and South and 100 from the Protest ant group. > Community Newt -r • ® Floyd HK3ann, of Austin, has been taken to the ESkin M»- m».ial hoepltal where he had a leg removed. He is getting kltnig very nicely. . ' Mr. and Jfcrs. Lon Snovi’-ptf Botmville.-spent the t^-enf Hftth Mrs. Snow’s mother, Mrs. Scott'at Austin. " , j,;jM1s8 Opal^SpjlM, riL.M SlAKa OUMlNG Wll'M [| ROBBINS CIRCUS COMING TO tOWN SATURDAY, AUG. 31 State College Gets Large Forest Tract mCORNB A ras w tM «t C»tm-rii t»tm ^ b CORNS F.YOUR BREATH HAS SMELL YOU 17 FEEL WELL An 84.000-acre tract of wood land in Jones and Onslow coun ties has been acquired by the the State college department of forestry to be used by the stu dents in connection with their class work. During the school year the for estry classes will do work on this property, When the famous Robbins 3- ring wild animal circus comes to North Wilkesboro for two per formances on Saturday, Aug. 31, pitching its tents on the fair grounds it will bring with it the greatest array of arenic and cir cus features that this big show has assembled for this season’s tour. Three circus rings and massive steel arena are used and neces sary in which to present the big two hour program of this time honored show, and outstanding as the stellar features to be seen in the galax of fifty circus features to be seen with the Robbins Cir cus, there are such outstanciing acts as the riding Bartoni family; Capt. Wallace and his sixteen fightihg African lions: Schwyer’s Bengal tigers; Leona’s leopards; Ray’s zebras and baby elephants;, Robbins celebrated high school' and dancing horses, introducing Dorothy Hughes, world’s greatest lady rider mounted on “Dixie Bc^yT [world’s greatest hind leg walking horse and equine wonder; Robbins herd of performing ele phants. trained pigs, goats, mon keys, bear.s. clowns by the dozen, Herr Schumann’s stallions, Rob bins high jumping and hurdle horses and mules, Barth & Meyer, periodic | German teeter board acrobats: and in Ali Hassen’s Arabian tumblers; “Rex” appears in person at each performance of the big show. For this engagement the circus has reduced its admission price to 26 cents for children and 35 cents for adults, which prices include a seat in the largest circus tent ever erected here. Performances at 2:16 in the afternoon and 8 p. m. at night. Farm Question Q.—When fs the best time to sow crimson clover for soil im provement ? A.—This depends on the sec tion of the state, but as a general rule the best time to sow in the mountain section is from August 15 to September 16. In the Pied mont the seed should be put in between September 1 and 30. When the seed are planted in the hull they should be put in one month earlier than the dates given. Where the soil is not in oculated for legumes this should be done by mixing the seed for one acre with two to three hun dred pounds of soil from a field known to be incKulated. ’The s(-(k1 and soil are then sown with a grain drill or by hand. SCOUT^cbURT OF HONOR IN MEETING North Wilkesboro district court of honor met on August 13 at the (Methodist Boy Scout hut with a full attendance of court members and a large number of .scouts from the four troops of the Wil- kesboros. Scoutmasters were also ...jMlss Opal Spiliiil aprat (fie Wl^-end_^tii ents. Mr. and Mra. at Auatin. .1, Mf. Coyj ^UBton Iretiimed tu M^^iana. - Misa Heater ISiiiegai^Aa. spend ing :tiie wedc witir Bettie Mae BlMkhum at . Messrs. 'Grover "-jSiWeo’ gojo Watson Higgins. ^-’^llaryl«4^ who have been njfeaSagBtimb time visiting friends and relatives in tiiis community, have returned to" Maryland. - They were accom panied on the return’'^ by '■ Miss Mary Higgins. Miss Brttie Mae Blackburn, of Austin, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Calloway Hayes at State Road. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Havduns and children, of Austin, spent a while Wednesday night with Mr. and Mrs. Nymphus Hawkins at Lomax. Mr. Burrette Hawkins, of Aus tin. is spending some time with his sister at Boonville. lteptiMk«n Lesi^ara Q Class Long As Aid To TMr Party CUdago, Aug. 15.—Mfd-vreatem fi^Uican leaden, 5 several of them planning edaium^' with fonner^President Hoover tomor row,''^^oifight cheered Senatw fioey fang's announcement of |iis 1936 presidential plans, HI "More power to hhal," exg^m- > icak. foriner United SttlW Senator ie Fw Glenn. — Other prominent. Chlca^ meu* IIS have no regnit if theVLot^* Danoorat csirried out his pro- gWm^ inaction. lln New York Quince Nrtrted,, "if the Bo Boover^ the Demi VelLjaUd there is niS jjjMsr:, caxufidate,” ^e would ' rafi" pe^ntly for ^ pr^enc, tiiniAiim Fifty am iFatauga''. ers shipped 878 lambs sey Cit^ ‘market last wpek-:^ a majority of the aniB0^ “chMee” or "good." rnrnmmmtifmmm WYmWikar FAUEJ yttr^NtwAlkaMi^l gs-jans-gSE— pOM4Ma MberraffMot r 'oliiMO Ow F. at any 4rns store. lendGA Sold and Horton'i Nortli Wflkiwifwror yyPt. 1 wa eat too macli, onr food decJiTi or bOTklk. Our friendj a^ll tail' |^' through manage j aomilaa out of our mouta and call It , •„ t. , r„-„. Ml hraata. Wa fael tke poiaoa of tali i ment. Timber Will be cut from 'iCt,:“,r,S:X:3.^S>dfor'S!Sta“j the are^to demonstrate approved , nakas taa food decar la taa boveiai methods of timber harvesting. wbcB wa cat too much, our blit lau’t dicGst tt. What la the bile Juieel I ma. most rUal diKeetlre Juice In oui , Oaleae 2 plnta of It are flowing from I , a t-ipoTAtn ’ into onr bowela erery day, oui Lexington, Aug. 10 A telegram a_ WAkkcl moksk metnmVmjrl wnH summer a full si.x-weeks course | Miss Pearl Harris, the world’s; —- —- will be offered, according to J. i greatest lady aerialist and many j present and an interesting meet- v'. Hoffman, director of the for-1 other features. As the added at-1 ing was held. ■>^trv deoartment. traction is “Rex” the original) — ; — — The students will make special | wonder dog and famed canine Rabbi fur is so un er studies of the growth and devel-1 stars of radio and movie fame, j ferent trade names. opment of trees and will gain i ^ ■ first-hand experience in the care and management of forests. The property will also be used as a demonstration to show the oublic how forest lands should be managed and what improvements Hena Need Good Care In SununUr The productivity of laying hens in fall and winter depends a great deal upon the care and management given the poultry flock during the latter part of the summer. Good egg prices are expected for the rest of the year, says C. J. Maupin, extension poultryman at State college, and it will pay the flock owners to bring their hens into lay under favorable' conditions. He recommends that the birds be given good feeding, a clean range, plenty of clean fresh wat er, and a clean comfortable house or shelter. Sexual maturity should be de layed in order to give the birds a chance to put on weight before starting to lay. Do not give early hatched pullets a feed high! in protein. Avoid mouldy or! chaffy feeds, or such material as j com ground with the cob.' | If the birds fail to grow well,, examine them for internal and j external parasites, Maupin says.! If mites or lice are found, clean the roosting quarters and treat the birds at once. For round worms or tapeworms, give the pullets a reliable worm treatments j Find a good feed and stick to; it, Maupin recommends, unless' there is a good reason for chang- ^ ing. Poultrymen often lose money 1 by switching from one brafid to another. The British Isles are made up of over 5,000 islands. TALL VALUES , TALL GLASSES FULL GLASSES Enough in one bottle to seire 6 thirsty guests a tall glassful of radiant PALE DRY GINGER ALE. ’ Tested and Approved by Good Housekeeping ,, .. Bdreau 4897 PAR -T par Full Quart 10c plus 5c deposit Also in Orange, Grape, and Lime RiAey. Keep . . . PAR-T-PAK In your refrigerator for your family and guests. FOR SALE AT YOUR GROCER AND LUNCH STANDS Distributed by NEHI BOTTLING COMPANY HICKORY i-t NORTH CAROLINA % WOULD YOU TRADE your automobile for an ox cart, or your electric light for the tallow candle? These represent stages of progress and just as the new has supplanted the old, so has CHIROPRACTIC I will print below a partial list of the most common ailments in which Chiro practic is effective: Headache, Stomach Trouble, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Sciatica, Paralysis, Diabetes, Female Trouble, Colds and Catarrh, Hibrt Troubles Nervous Diseases, Uver Trouble, Kidney Trouble, High Blood Pressure, Appendicitis, Constipation, Diz ziness, Asthma, Gastric Ulcers, An emia, Arthritis and Bright’s Disease. X-RAY SERVICE DR. E. S. COOPER CHIROPRACTOR NERVE SPECIALIST Office Hours—10-13; 2-5; 6:30-7:30 Office Second Floor GUreath’s Shoe .Shop PHONE 205-R ^ 8plu b tka -Human SUttekboard ooflhoOb^ ib«iUt«i/ \n^or 'eufiou- \nmu- , rdusa -Vi4 fii/tr Neck Broken, Lives ret h*rd and eonatlpated and ’ Mr food dacara la «or 28 faat of . Thia decaj lends poison aU over I body ovary aiz mlnotot. IW onr frtenda smell oof bad breata lw« doa't) and we feel like a whipped , don't nae a mouthwash or take a Get at the cause. Take Cartel PiUa which ceatly start the bile Jnlec. Bat If "somethlns - u offered yon, don’t'buy It. for • calomel (mercury) pill, which 'i. giipea and scalds tb« rectum _oplc. Ask for Carter's Uttls TmUa by name and gat what yoi received by relatives here today related that an operation on Rob ert Leonard, 16, local high school student, who broke his neck in the surf at Virginia Beach 10 days ago, had been successfully per formed in a Norfolk hospital this morning. Java is the most thickly popu lated country in the world. I^EGIN work now on ... i?all Knit Suits and Dresses • iSAMPLES AND STYLES IN Bernal’s Line of- Beautiful Yams AT tm& w sflf wf FENNELLi Knittiiig Instrwte 1#^ SAT-IS-FY. Something that pleases, gives satisfaction; something that just suits. For example, you are pleased with a dress. As applied to cigarettes, it means one that is MILD—that is not harsh or bitter; one that TASTES just right. i" ■ ■* -i-V' ' :A' " • »'«ktv'5o ,.■'* ■ 0 0)1. iMCrir ft ilM8Td2ii0»O». theorem ;ilk^.. , tAc cigm *v ^11'

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