Ir. Mi*. WflA •-BUir^ are Bda ^aeek in RlehnMHxi, ','Via. ,r, ^ .TUl^n la J. tiie jclty - *“*■■ - ‘ raid Ifn. Guy and friends in Sparta^Bonday.^ , I'iiiw Miry EUa H^Creddil * is Jpjrading a week’s vacation at her J Itraw in Spartanburg, S. C. Mr. J. D. Stansberry ;'.^i^adnesday In 'Wllkesboro. land Post. Aug. 15. ' Mra. Kathryn Wells, of Lenoir. [.ijMMted relatives in North Wilkes- Sunday. Kitty Truitt has gone to veil. Va., to spend a few Miss Ruth Cohrai^ is spending W vacation this week at Crurap- Mr - , Mrs. Edison Holmes children.'^ of Greeaaboto*' aitors in the dty Sunday. MiasfBeati^ !j«h*iui|i has re- ta^led.^fxc1* Rkluhdnd. Va.. where 'she had been- visiting her eouiin, Miss fauline'^eadows. " ■>. .-4.' ■ T Mrs. Frank. MoiariB. of Winston- Salem, has been spending a few Mrs. w 'iW. Ashe, of Washing- Mrs. Thomas la.' ton. IJ^ p.. j surived Satuid^ *" Powl visit her granddaughter Elizabeth Barber. spent -Sky- ston-|||laa. has been-ependlng * |l^. few at. Qilreath -with mothe^M^- Rebecca Maflow. I^^'WILKESBO^. N. C? - Miss; E. L. r Gaenpe Hart Wva moved L into-their reaMeiice on B street,^ It wi^ hh'^Ued thaV the home^ was damaged by’fire a tvyf. I and Mr^* ..fetr-' days here with her sister, Mrs. J. Brame. 1 spe . C. l^DiOaM, letaraed ^^™ henlhmt, Wf^horo Isit dayivfcsirU^',^. spen^ng some-.Jpi4 Mrs. Thomas to Miss Nellie GowiM^'A iM^t^ Miss the late Calvid J^^OoW&s; dt" kesboro.—Skyland Port, Aug. IS P. Mr. J. E. Phillips, of Cleveland, Ohio, arrived Saturday to spend Robert,^ of ^Severn, several weeks with his mother, '' •- Mrs. Dora Phillips, at Boomer. Miss Hattie Lee Costner has returned to her home in lincoln- ton after a weeks visit here with her school mate. Miss Alma Shoaf at A. S. T. C. in Boone. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Pearson an nounce the birth of a son, Wil liam Clyde, II, Monday, August 12, at the Da\hs Hospital in Statesville. Miss Elizabeth Faw had as her ^ :^est last week Miss Love Mc- . -- - ^ - -jpotter, of Bayboro, a schoolmate 1^^ Florence Marlow, of 'Wto- ^ Miss Faw’s at Greensboro Col- Mr. and Mrs. Ir^' D. Fayne have as their guest, a ndphew of Mrs. Pa^e, Ray Bamhardt Winecoff. of Concb'rd. Mrs. G. W. Taylor, of Moores- ville. visited in the home of Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Taylor here Tues day. Guests last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Finley were Mrs. E. W. Worth, of Raleigh, and Miss Annie Louise Stanton, of Stantonsburg. Mr. 0. F. Blevins returned to his home in Wilkesboro Friday after spending a few days in Walnut Grave township with rela tives and friends. Misses Beatrice Peiirson and | Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bullis and Lucy Pearson and Mr. James Pearson were visitors in Boone Thursday afternoon. Miss Johnnie Taylor is spend ing a week in Greensboro in the home of her sister, Mrs. Charles Irvin. Miss Pauline Church apd Miss Ruth Attinson spent last week here with Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Forester, Jr. . Mrs. Pres Holder and children, of Charlotte, are here on a sev- oqgl days’ visit to Mrs. Holder’s father, Mr. E. V. Williams. daughter Rowena, of Wilkesboro, left Saturday on a week’s visit to Mr. Bullis’ relatives in Sanford and Hamlet. Mr. Ralph R. Rcirs and family returned last night from a few days’ vacation trip to Wrights- ville Beach. Mr. Reins and family went to Wrightsville Friday. Miss Bessie Griffing returned to her home in Helena, Arkansas, today after spending two weeks here with her brother, Mr. A. L. Griffing. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Minton and son. Dean, of this city, and Mrs. Julia Nichols, of Purlear, left Saturday for a few days’ vis- Mrs. C. G. Day, daughter, Lou ise, and little son, Jerry, ^ vis- oaiuruuy iu* = .c iting Mrs. Day’s parents in Wil-1 relatives at Sanfofd. son, N. C. t „ ,.r , r I Mr. and Mrs, Dudley Nelson, of Mr. A. F. Kilby and family and 1 Lenoir, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bishop, R. P. Casey and family are | Patterson, were guests last spending the week at Carolina Sunday of Misses M. E. and Vic Beach. Mr. W. J. Allen, manager of the -New Orpheum Theatre, was a business visitor to Charlotte to day. Mr. T. H. 'Williams, proprietor of the Williams Motor Co., was in Charlotte Monday looking aft er business n;atters. Mrs. C. E. Wagner and son, Billy Smoot, of Lenoir, Misse.s Verna and Joan Joines and Mr.s. ! toria Nichols, Wilkesboro route 1. Miss Addle Lee Pardue and Mr. Lloyd Pardue, of Charlotte, spent the week-end at Moravian Falls with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Pardue. Mrs. Frances Lankford Hen derson is recovering from a major operation performed at a States ville hospital on August 12. friends will be glad to learn. . Mrs. Richard Sloop and Mr. C. B.' Laye and children, of Bel | gjHj Brame returned to Wash- ’ ington, D. C., Sunday after spending last week here with their parents, Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Brame Air, Maryland, spent last week svyith E. G. Smoot at Moxley. RIPE it TABLE AND JUICE GRAPES it- (Concord) Per Bushel In your container at orchard SUNNYSIDE ORCHARDS o. P. Brrtholl MCmAVlAN PALLS, N, C, Joe McCoy, Jr. j Jr., Ted Hulet and Robert Wood Player of Lake City, S. C. Finley were on a camping trip at Elk Knob, Ball Mountain and oth MH^Vl ^ motSiSr ^of* "WiV Mrs. J. B. Stephenson, and son, are visiting Mrs. Stephenson’s' sister here, Mrs. Genio Cardwell. The Steph ensons spent several sdays last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Elements, of Greensboro on the Brushy Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Stroud’and son, Ray, of Wilkesboro, and Mi^ and Mrs. James Armstrong, of Winston-Salem, left Saturday on an automobile trip to Washing ton, D. C„ New York, and other interesting pUces in that part of the country; H " Mr. Harley Greene and family are expected to arrive the latter part of the week to visit rela tives and friends in the county. Mr.s. Greene is remembered here as Miss Emma Sraoak, being the daughter of the late D. E. Sinoak. Sr. Dr. W. A. Jenkins, former pas tor of the North Wilkesboro Meth odist church, and now located at Chapel Hill, spent Wednesday and Thursday with Dr. W. F. Jones. On Thursday they went fishing in the Linvllle section and had a very successful day, catching 16, the largest being 18 inches in length. Rev. and Mrs. Parker Holmes, of Forest City, spent the week end here in the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Gwyn. Rev Holmes, a former pastor of the North Wil kesboro Methodist church, preach ed at the church Sunday morning at the 11 o’clock hour. Mr. and Mrs. Edison Holmes and two children, of Greensboro, and Dr. and Mrs. George Holmes, of Win ston-Salem, came up for the day Sunday and also Were guests of the Gwyns. SCOUT~TROOP 36 TO LEAVE FOR CAMP Scoutmaster Gordon Finley, ac companied by Blair Gwyn, Ed ward Finley and Rufus Morrow, will leave tomorrow with ten members of Presbyterian Boy Scout troop 36 for a week’s camp ing trip at Topsail Sound, 20 miles north of Wilmington. The Scouts to go on the trip are Bob Finley, Pat Williams. Jr., Joe McCoy, Jr., Sam Vickery, Edward McNeill, Lewis and Rob ert Meade, Ted and Bill Hulet and Ray Cashion. Two Killed At Fayetteville Fayetteville, Aug. 18. — Two week-end automobile fatalities had occurred tonight. Both were cases of pedestrians struck by motorists. Arthur Augustus Willi ford, 38, died in a local hospital early this afternoon when he stepped into the Dunn highway Pat Williams, in front of a truck driven by C. T. Mrs. Addie West died on the way to a hospital last night after er points near Boone from Wed- being injured by a hit-and-run nesday until Saturday. ’ ’ -- j - Mrs. S. F. Ingram and son. Bill Ingram, of Pageland. S. C., were gfuests for a few days last week of Mr. and Mrs. Weaver Starr. Mrs. Starr is a daughter of Mrs. Ingram. Mrs. John Mahon and twin daughters, Clara and Ann. of Jonesboro, Tenn., are visiting I Mrs. Mahon’s parents, Mr. and 1 Mrs. O. F. Blevins, m Wiikes- I boro. I Miss Elizabeth Simpson, of^De- Icatnr, Ga., was a guest of Miss j Julia Finley for several daj^ last 1 week. Miss Simpson went to Charlotte Sunday where she I visit until Tuesday when she ‘ be. joined by Miss Finley, who will accompany her home for a I visit at Decatur with Miss Simp- .«on. driver on the Cedar Creek road. Henry Whitehead, negrro, the driv er, was apprehended and placed in jail. Williford’s injuries at first did not appear to be serious and Player was released. He will be required to return Here for an inquest, Coroner W. C. Davis said, evidence obtained by investigat ing officers tended to show Play er was not to blame. Preaching Services Elders Roby Johnson and Ra- mond Dancy will preach Saturday at noon and Sunday at eleven o’ clock at Rock Springs church. le communion will be observed Sunday. The public is invited to both services. THE BOOK AND GIFT ^HOP MEZZANINE FLOOR RHODES-DAY FURNITURE CO. INVITES YOU TO READ FROM ITS LENDING LIBRARY Li . The late Fiction . . . Romance ... Adventure . . . Travel . . . Books for every taste. 10c three days — 2c each additional day ^JIOOKS ’^SBLL BOOKS TO R|WT To Ommetce Post __^/i WASHINGTON'. . . Former Vxp- rcaentativet Charles Wert of Ohio, .(above) Is ^e Assistant Secretary ot Ortzitae^ He was i^pointod by ,Prcai4int Boeaevelti *4M>m h* 81, (ah^Ji li juu( gWas him aaetber dsia^ -' By Using BORAH LEADS IN POLL FOR WESTERN STATES Washington, Aug. 18.—An nouncement of greater Republican efforts to win the west In 19JI^ coincided today with word that Senator Borah, of Idaho, still leads the Lucas poll for ^jresiden- tlal nomination. Next in ranking afteir Borah were two midwesterners,. Col. Prank Knox, of Illinois, and Gov ernor Landon. of Kansas. Chairman Henry P Fletcher of | the national committee,. disclosed | it soon will establish joint head quarters in Chicago with the mid west Republican conference, the agency that promoted the June "grass roots” gathering at Spring- field, 111. "A program of Intensified and co-ordinated Republican activity in the western states has been worked out,” he said. Robert H. Lucas, director for the national committee in the Hoover administration, tabulated the standings of his Independent pell of 2,600 county G. O. P. chairmen and others. Victim Of Shooting* Salisbury, Aug. 18.—Dan Beas ley, of Long street, and Jake Sloan, of Park avenue, white men, are in the Lowery hospital suffer ing from bullet wounds received last night when they were shot by Buie Sowers, proprietor of a barbecue stand and dance hall two miles south of the city. Beasley has two wounds in the leg, one above and one below^ the knee while Sloan was shot in the side of his back. The men are resting well today and it is said neither is seriously injured. The shooting is said to have been provoked by the two men who attacked Sowers and threatened to tear down the place. Just think how much en* Joymmt jroo from using a ». - wbA* w(W' ^HOTPOWt ELECTRIC tiiis summer, and for the entire year, for that mat ter. We have the new models in stock in van-- JUS sizes and prices that will suit you. .Only a small down payment, balance monthly. If you do not own a . . . KELVINATOR you are missing ideal electric refrigeration. It operates economically, keeping your food well preserved and providing the means of making de licious frozen desserts. A model to suit you, a price to suit you. Investigate Kelvinator for electric refrigeration value. General Electric Fans $9.95 Hot Sninihff Da] , .TOC WAFFLE ; . automatic la*t tndi- - ^ catota, OMk^ #itf- flea juat r|^ weiy‘ ' ' Uma. ChrtMiiium fln-1 lab wtdi tra/ at- ladM* A rtal bar* n $4i5 THE ELECTRIC TOASTER New Residential Rate One and Nine-tenths Cents Per Hoar It now cost only Ic to make 37 pieces of toast. Hot, crisp , toast made nght at the table. Ev eryone in the family will appreciate this. Nickel finish, pleasing design and so economi cal to operate. 1 'P T- C THE ELECTRIC IRON New Residential Rate One and Four-fifths Cents Per Hour Taka a look at that old Inm that's been in use for the past flva or six years and i*e if you don’t think it deotevaa retirement. Here’s a new, guaranteed Unlvctiial Iron that’s well balanced and easy to use. ‘>rt 195 MANY OTHER APPLIANCES PRICED EQUALLY AS LOW. SMALL DOWN PAYMENT. BAmNCE MONTHLY WITH LIGHT BILL DUKE POWER CO. “ELECTRICITY IS CHEAP—USE IT FREELY” PHONE 420 North Wilkesboro, N. C. •%r 1 % Office Supplie WE CARRY IN STOCK A COMPLETE LINE OF OFFICE SUPPLIES.... Ledgers, Day Books, Family Financial Rec ord Books, Columnar Journals, Columnar Pads, Order Books, Carbon Paper, Type writer Ribbons, Inks, Stamp Pad Inks, In- debbie Markup; . Outfos, School Supplies. , A NEW SHIPMENT OF OFFICE SUPPLIES HAS JUST BEEN RECEIVED We invite you to inspect our stock, and s^D orders wiD be appredated OFHCE SUPPLY DEPARTMENT Ninth Street « NtMrth jIHyiesboroirN.

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