»••• «TH INSTAUJiWtT I inu fat the cepUfat’s of- ^jrtwv Jenlss returned, Iting hi/ feetona. Behind - esate a j^ounc, Uun. curl3^ chap in the onifom of a •Atiror, •hready, Jeakst*' he com- g^*1t lm*t three lioun you left to check Hr. Keith’s ^p; you couldn’t go* wy far with It” mough to prove he never ■Mded that twelve-twenty-five " Jenks responded cheerfol- "Almost the first person I iooed was this fellow, Jim He has a yellow cab at PhiHy station stand.” "His story,” Jenks continued, that Mr. Keith no sooner quit Me .own niachine in the station JWd than he hired Blake’s cab !• follow it.” detective turned to the tenman. "Is that so, Blake? How, can you be certain the man was r this Mr. Keith?” “I don’t know his name,” ADMUOSTRA'TOR’S NtmOE Having qualified as adminis trator of the estate of Mrs. J. W. Walker, deceased, late of Wilk's County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to .the undersigned at West Side Ration, High Point, North Caro- llBa, on or before the 3rd day of August, 1936, or this notice will he plead in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make imme diate settlement. This the 3rd day of August, lt35. M. G. WALKER, Administrator of Mrs. J. W. Walker, deceased. 9-9-6t xonoE The undersigned having quall- ded as .idmlnistratrix with the will annexed of the estate of Ii«anora Gwyn, deceased, late of JVIlkes county, this Is to notify ail partl(?B having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned at Ronda, N. C., within 12 months from the date ef this notice or this notice will he plead in bar of recovery. All persons owing said estate will please nrake prompt settlement. This 1st day of August, 1935. MRS. A. J. McBEE, Admx. With Will Attached. By Eugene Trivette, Attorney. 9-9-6t NEW WAVE SET WAVES HAIR FOR U Tea can easily wave your hair at the fcwest cost evert New improved Wild- aeot Wave Powder, approved by Good Hoanekeeping Bureau, makes full pint professional wave set fen' 10c—three psaCa for 25c. Make your own wave set hy Aasolving powder in water. Follow ahaple directions and your hair dries in soft, lustrous waves, no trace of doat or flakes. Get a package today nt any drug or toilet • ppoda counter. ^ SSC sax MAKES 3 nNTS Mk SEEE, 1 nNT WILDROOT WAVE POWDER and recommended by Horton’s Drug Store North Wilkesboro, N. C. H ■V-- -iie: • Dr. Milep NERVINB "Did the wotV’ says Miss Glivar WHY Doirr YOU . TRY IT? . fbari three months tg taSeriag from a nervous ail- pMol; Glivar used Dr. Sfiles Ifawine which gave her such results that she wrota pp an enthusiastic letter. I M po« nSer from "Nerves" O W»u ^ awakg nights, ttart at sudden noises, tire smsOjf, are cranky, blue and fdQety, your nerves ara h yeobalAy out of order. ' ahnWt and relax them with tna paM Tpedieiise that “did fha ppgMh^ for this Colorado girl, ^Pfcpther yous-'Slerve^ harp WaHliled you for houw or for .you’ll find A this tfane- yemedy effective. ^ Stone '25e aMd. $UKk Stake ret>Iied, gainfaig aasnrance, ."but if he'wasn’t the same guy this bloke’s been askin’ about, then he’s got a double. He c(Hnes in a maroon colored Packard li- tuousine, driven by a shofer. It ain’t hard to remember him; I lukven’t bad such a fare and run up such a high bill in a half year of sleepless Sundays.” “I see,” Itankin nodded. "In your own way, Blake, tell me ex actly what happened. At what time did he arrive.” “About twelve-fifteen, yester day afternoon: and the car turned into the station driveway, right beside the cabstand. That’s why I could hear everythin’ Re said, The sholFer wanted to carry in his bag but he told ’im never mind and to go on, and handed it to one of the porters. He ordered the dine to check it for ’m in- .side and hold the check until he came back for it: and he tipped ’im a buck. Then he motion for my bus and climbed in, in a whale of a hurry.” ‘‘Well, all this didn’t take as long as to tell it, y’unnerstand,” continued the cabman. “And when Re got iti my cab, his limousine was only leavin' the station yard. He says, ‘Follow that car: don’t get too close, but don’t lose it, whatever you do.’ “In West Philly, he turns down Forty-ninth street and stops out side an apartment house; there he picks up a gent waitin’ for ’im —a tall, blond, handsome guy, like an athlete. I think the place was the Westview Apartments,” he added. Rankin nodded. “Of course, he went for Allen Rowland,” he informed Jenks. “I suppose then, Blake, the next destination was Chestnut Hill.” “That’s right,” the driver agreed. “ ft was easy followin’ along there, though the shoffer speeded some. He went to a real swanky apartment house, the Aldwich. I stayed outside the entrance and the shoffer got out and walked in; and in a minute a pretty, swell young woman joins the gent in the tonnoe. Then, a little after two, we was all off again.” “MTiere to this time?” Rankin queried. “Back to town—to the Wolff building, at Sixteenth and Market street. My passenger didn’t get out right away; he waited a couple of minutes after the lady and her escort went in before he follow ed them. The shoffer stayed out side in the car. I got order to wait too, but not over ten min utes; if Mr.—what’s-his-name did not show up by then, I was to leave. .\nd he hands me a whoop in’ big tip besides a six-dollar fare. So I hung around for al most fifteen minutes, but he nev er came out and that was the last I seen of ’im.” Rankin spoke with ill-concealed eagerness. “Did any of the peo ple you were Interested in appear while you were watching, Blake?” The taximan scratched his head j and replaced his cap askew. | “Oh, yes, the gent the shoffer I first picked up came out and I spoke to ’im.” he replied, as if | just remembering. “I guess to dismiss ‘im or give ’im orders, because he drove off as soon as he went inside again.” “Could you say what time this happened ? It’s important for you to be exact as possible.” “Well, since I watched the clock all the while I waited. I can tell you pretty close,” Blake returned. “My own ticker said twenty to three; and by the city .iwftMwMr uA^ Bi- itbrf” repl^ sloi^ unconsciMW^Mt on hl*t*®*^*’‘ rested accuracy of Kafaldn’s deduetimi. IS S“At the lobby m said goodbye and parted at the entrance of ilie building. I had to catch a train.” “Have yon any idea in what di rection Mr. Keith went?” tlw de^ tective asked. 'I cou|fai’t tell you that," Mr, hall dock, I wasn’t more ttan minute or so slow.” The detective received this Mh. - . . ^ expected support of Allen Row- MapQoire repUed. "A* I left, he of startei back into tl* Idiby, to some cigars fat the atmd. grunt land’s account with satisfaction. “Now*, J'enks, witii reglard th4 redcap at the station,” •said. “How long afterward did Mr. Keith return to him for his baggage?” “A quarter after three, Tom my,” the other answered. “In time to catch the three-twenty train.” “And that would bring Keith into jWashinjfton about three hoUkP later—say six-twenty, Rankin observed. • * • at his visit, did not appear es- Obviously, Rankin’s next step pecially disturbed. She had a [uire to three-room apartment. ’Taking learn the object of Mr. “Tarle- Rankin’s hat, the girl indicated a ton’s” call, the name the telephone chair. ^ “I must apologize for intruding NOTICE By virtue of a judgment of the Superior Court of Wilkes County, signed by the Clerk thereof on January 14th, 1935, in the case T. E. Gray vs. J. S. Johnson, Maiy Johnson and Hattie John son,, appointing the undersigned rommissioner to sell the lands dsecribed in the Complaint, and in the mortgage foreclosed by this action, recorded in Book 149. Page 105, office of Register of Deeds of Wilkes County, for the ourppse of paying the judgment in said action, and secured by said mortgage, the undersigned Commissioner will on Saturday, September 21st, 1935, at two o’ clock p. m. sell to the highest bidder at public auction for cash at the Court House door in Wil kesboro the following described lands; . ■ ^ ^ Beginning on a Mountain Oak, on top of the mountain, the En- o-le Comer, thence north with En gle’s line 236 poles to the White oak comer on top of the moun tain, Engle’s corner; thence Mst 1# poles to a jtake in Ellis’ line; thence a south course to a beech on the bank of the branch; thence with and down the branch to the cre^, and up the creek to G. J. Johnson’s comer; thence South with said line to the top of the mountain to a white oak; thence w«st to' the beginning. Containing 70 AC*^ TMArA OT Thia 17ttt day of August, 193R. ^CBAS. S. operator said Keith had given. As it was now almost seven o’clock, the detective could no longer reach Mr. MacQuire at the Wolf building. He obtained the lawyer’s home address from a directory. In answer to his ring, a maid opened the door. She escorted him through the sun porch into a larger living room. The second member of the firm, whom he had not yet met, des cended from above. Tall and un gainly, Julian MacQuire suggested a scholar rather than a practical business man. After introductions were completed, the detective’s preliminary questions disclosed that he had no special knowledge about either Mrs. Rowland’s di- vorse or the murder itself. Presently Rankin turned to the more pressing subject. 1 understand, Mr. MacQuire,” he said, “that you had a caller yes terday afternoon named James Tarleton?” The lawyer displayed surprise, but nodded. “That’s correct,” he said. “You were acquainted with him, of course?” The detective kept his tone casual. “He was a regu lar client of yours?” “On the contrary, Mr. Rankin, I never met him before in my life. As is my habit when strangers consult me. I inquire how ,ie hap pened to seek me out. He stated that he had learned of the firm’s special repute in handling divorce matters.” “And it was about a divorce, I suppose, that he sought your ad vice?” asked Rankin. Where the lawyer had spoken willingly before, he now hesitat ed. “That is somewhat difficult to answer,” he returned cautiously. “You realize I am bound to treat a client’s affairs as strictly confi dential.” “Yes, under ordinary circum stances,” Rankin agreed, but where a heinous crime is concern ed, there are exceptions. Have you noticed the pictures of Mrs. Keith’s husband in the papers?” Mr. MacQuire’s perturbation in creased. “I . . . not very closely. I’m afraid. Besides, 1 had all my information of the tragredy first hand from Mr. Dawson.” “That would explain why you didn’t mark the resemblance be tween your caller and Mortimer Keith,” said Rankin. Mr. Macymre s uneasiness turn ed into astonishment. “Mortimer Keith?” he exclaimed. “But that’s incredible! He explained he want ed to obtain a release from pay ing alimony.” “A rather weak excuse,” Ran kin smiled thinly. “Did anything Mr. Keith say suggest he was re ally interested in what his wife was doing there? For instance, did he mention her or the Row lands?” Mr. MacQuire’s jaw tightened. “Yes, he mentioned Allen Row land; but so casually I could hard ly surmise he had an ulterior mo tive. He said he had observed some one slightly familiar enter the office just ahead of him, who “And how did you reply to that?” Rankin asked. “Well, I jet him understand that while I. personally, had no dealing with him, Mr. Dawson was delib erating his case. Just what ■way, I didn’t go into.” “But Mr. Keith at least learned it was a divorce case that brought him there?” ’The lawyer flushed uncomfort ably. “He seemed familiar with his domestic troubles without my telling him; in fact, if his objert was to pump me, he was very cau At ^{Aicii.time, Rankin rsfiec^ »-9-4t fii the cKbrnan that was the last 1 saw of him.” Rankin rose with a smile ei satisfaction and reached for his hat — • * . • Rankin determined to interview the ex-secretery that very night. She lived in Logan on York n^, in a private dwelling with a brownstone frmt that had been remodeled into an apartment house. Jill Edmond,, though surprised dd not at this time of night. Only I need a bit of information you can supply immediately." “Of coqrsc, if I can,” Miss Ed mond returned curiously, do yotf want to know?” “It’s about the evening you went ■with Mr. Rowland to Sunset Inn. You told me before you had no idea why Mortimer Keith turn ed up right after Mrs. Rowland interrupted you, I’ve come to let you reconsider that statement.” The secretary /s^ffened, on Poin^Barrow, Alasl^ 16. —Will ■ Rogers, beloved No. 1 i comedian of ^e age, «id jWiley Poet, master avlatori ware crush ed to death when a shiny, new air^ about it”-~ X- .w-ex .J plane motor Altered and became an en^e of tragedy near this outpost at ci'vilisatiMi last night. Both were Idlled instantly w^en tReir red Arctic 47 cruiser slipp ed and fell 60 feet head-on into a river bank. Yhe 660-horsepower motor was driven back into the plane’s fuselage. It smashed out the lives of the two world fam ous men instantly, Native runners raced into Toint Barrow with wofd of a plane crash. Sergt {Stanley R. Hoigaa of the army signal corps daiAeA to tile scene to learn itg full sig^ nificance. He recovered the bruis ed bodies. * Pint the body of Rogers was ramoyed from the cabin. Then .Morgan was forced to tear the plane apart to recover the form of the chunky little.flier, who twice has flown jutrand the globe—-once akme. Were Hindered By Fog The bodies wer^ brought here and given to the care of Dr. Hen ry iW. Greist. He is a Presbyter- ian medical missionary... whose “What work of mercy and battle against disease have become an epic of the far north. A trifling 10-minute flight thus became the nemesis of the t^o famous figures accustomed to long flights. Although Rogers— gentle master of the “wise crack” —^never became a pilot, he was perhaps the world’s foremost aii> speat^, af- Plane passenger. it’s’still Resuming a happy-go lucky guard. ‘Add to it fecting perplexity/ ’*No, iva own ° ... “ - a puzzle to me brought him aenal tour of Alwka, a prelude there or where l»e came from.” to Post’s reported pl^ to fly to Siberia and on to Moscow, the Rankin’s features set in a stern frown. “You don’t believe that your self and you are hiding the truth.” Harshness crept into his tone. “In fact, Miss Eldmond, you kept to yourself a great deal ^ 'should have learned. For instance, that you rdteived four thousand dollars to act as Allen Rowland’s sweet heart, and correspondent in the divorce!” He saw that the shot thrust home, as she caught her breath, her eyes full of consternation. (Continued Next Week) May Gain Free Coal Many local residents have been taking advantage of the offer be ing made by ’The Rhodes-Day Furniture Company to deliver free coal with every Estate Hea- trola ordered before August 31. The Free Coal offer is a part of the fifteenth anniversary cele bration of the invention of the Heatrola, in which merchants in every state are participating. The Rhodes-Day Company is also showing special fifteenth an niversary models of the famous heater which, its manufacturers claim, has revolutionized the heating habits of the nation dur ing the 15 years since it was first announced to the public. noted travelers left Fairbanks late yesterday for a 600-mile hop to Point Barrow, northernmost white settlement in America. New York, Aug. 16.—The death of Will Rogers -and Wiley Post shocked the United States and brought expressions of profound sympathy from all ovtsr the world. Man high in statecraft, avia tion, and the theater voiced their sorrow. President Roosevelt expressed the grief of the American people, and Congress paused to pay an unusual and moving tribute to the memory of the dead. ‘I was shocked to hear of the tragedy which has taken Will Rog;ers and Wiley Post from us,” said President Roosevelt. ‘‘Will was an old friend of mine, a hum orist and philosopher beloved by all. I had the pleasure of greet ing Mr. Post on his return from his round-the-world flight. He leaves behind a splendid contribu tion to the science of aviation. Both were outstanding Americans and will be greatly missed.” Other expressions of grief fol low:"-'^ _ Vloej President Gnrner—“Two yfaushty good men have been lost to the world. I juct esnt taUi Herbert” Hoover ,—^ to origin 'and accomplishment they were typically American, with their careers appealing to everyone ap preciative of the piofaeer spirit. They were great souls, and I feel a sense of deep persMal loes in their ^ssing.”.^ K Attractive Color Effects Obtained, Unttsnal Roof A process wl^ deposits a lay er of cork on the, underside of as phalt sUngies has been perfected by a leadh^ roofing mandfactui^ er. These shingles combine weath er protection and roof insulation fai one unit wMch can be ipplied at one labor cost. They have an outer surface of durable slate that is fire-retarding and weath er-proof; and the under surface of cork is said to keep the home cooler in summer and warmer in winter, with resulting savings in fuel costs. These shingles have the further advantage of attractive appea: ance. Being extra thick, they c; deep shadow lines and are factored in several colors . can be used singly or in comb: tion to produce practically any desired color effect. tWs^^ffjB tipeiing ^le season assarts jobs for workers for seraral monthSj ineraase In emploifflMiit in;^ ol abopt ji.ooo over year? “ NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND North Carolina, Wilkes County. Under and by virtue of the power contained in a certain deed of trust e|:ecuted by Joe Benge and wife to the undersigned trus tee to secure said indebtedness mentioned therein, said deed of trust being recorded in Book 166, page 67, Wilkes County Registry, and the said indebtedness being due and payable and demand ^v-, ing been made on the undersign ed trustee to advertise the prop erty described in said deed of trust, I will on the 18th day of September, 1935, at two o’clock, p. m., at the Courthouse door in Wilkesboro, North OJrolina, of fer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described tracts of real-estate, to-wit: First Tract: Beginning on a rock, H. M. Anderson’s line and running south to a maple. G, W. Hayes’ line; thence west to a stake in W. R. Johnson’s line: thence a south course to a dog- wo^ SV. R- Johnson’s corner;- thence west with R. N. Garner’s line to a maple: thence north to g^ilining, containing more or less. iiic wiiitc juok --- Second Tract: Beginning on the he thought was Rowland whom he northwest corner of lot No. 3 of had once met.” ’ ' ' ' a dogwood cornel in H. M. An- x>cenuiwi« — — — derson’s line; then east to the be- Wright’s line and running thence 120 Will NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND North Carolina, Wilkes County. Under and by virtue of the power contained in a certain deed of trust executed by J. iW. Par sons and wife to the undersigrned trustee to secure said indebted ness mentioned therein, said deed of trust being recorded in the Of fice of the Register of Deeds of Wilkes County in Book 167, page 191, and the terms of same hav ing not been complied with, and the amount due thereon being due and unpaid and demand having been made on the undersigpied trustee to sell the property de scribed therein, I will on Wed nesday, September 18, 1936, st one o’clock, p. m., at the Court house door in the Town of Wil kesboro, North Carolina offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described tract of real-estate, to-wit: Beginning on a Spanish Oak in John Wright’s line and running thence south 60 poles to a stake and thence east to the dry branch, a conditional line between T. C. Milam and J^it Nichols, and thence west with the dry branch a north course to the Wright’s line and with the jVright line to the beginning. Beginning on a Siianish oak in the estate of the late W. M. An derson, a white oak, ruimmg north 87 degrees west with Noel acres, west to the top of the ridge. Will Church’s line, a conditional line between T. C. Milam and Will Church and thence south with said line to Joel Minton’s line and tiience east to Wiley Johnson’s line; thence with Wiley Johnson’s Anderson’s line 68 ipoles to his line to the beginning^ - ' Beginning on a Blackgnm corner a post oak: thenSe south 3 degrees west -with Lee Ander son’s line 21 1-4 poles to a poplw; „„„ „ „ bjr the road and runs south 52 de grees east 84 poles to a stone, J. son S line Zl pores w a , r-.- ----- ■ - thence north 88 degrees west with W. Bumgarner’s line, then to and his line and William Anderson's line 45 1-2 poles to a small pop lar W. R. and Vina Johi'son’s corner; thence south crossing a small branch ■with their line M poles to a small chestnut oak in the said line, thence' east 37 poles to a sasafras; then west 26 de- " grees east 30 poles to & stake; thence east course with said w tnence east course wiui ooju tious. We dropped the subject 4g poles to a stone in Ia-FF 1.rvA XTa Q* fVtaanAA and left together.” the line of lot No. 3; thence “That was at two-fifty, wasn’t north 11 degrees east with line of it, Mr. MacQuire?” the detective said lot 68 poles to the beginning, inquired. containing 36 acres, more or “To the instant. I was due at less. See deed from R- M. Myerc, my club at three-fifteen, and was Registry, Book so worried about being late for -.“I* my game that toward the last I constantly watched the. el()ck._” This 1936. the' 17th day of August, MRS/JOHN JU.JpNRS, - ;A. H. itee.' up with a branch 8 1-2 degrees east 61 poles to the public road: then with tiie road south 87 1-4 degrees east 68 poles to the be ginning, containing 10.7 acres, more or less. Beginnini; on a poplar, J. G. Parson’s corner and running north 60 poles with Brown’s ^d to a stake J>. B. Nichols line! thence west with the said J, B. Nichols line 28 poles to a plant ed stone at branch; thence a south course with the said branch 76 poles to a-dogwood on the west side of said branch in tlm Martha Nkhoht line; thence east 63 poles to the beginning, containing 19 acres, more or less.fx T1^17tii day of Angnst. 1936. - J. M. blackSuriC^- M-4L “ “ » { ■ . .. olffiiSdle''' Charlek Dickens used characters in 24 books. 1.425 RHEuiunstt''. alBStai. Doeun riWWIPt* p»Tnokito toter— Sold and recommended by Horton’s Dmg: Store North Wflkertwro, N. C. HELP KIDNEYS W Koe bedly and drztifwu, uent urina- t feat *s are «peeiaUy I- Itidneyt. seed ereiy year. They m i. ' by uMit the ceeelryj raeiglibarl ALL NEW . . . DOUBLY ENLARGED . . . TwijCE I IT’S FORMER SIZE North Wilkesboro SATURDAY, AUGUST %T ONE DAY ONLY AFTERNOON 2:15 NIGHT 8 P. M. FAMOUS ROBBINS BIG 3 RING « 1 IKUNEDANIMALCECUS SPECIAL ADDED FEATURE “REX,” Famous Movie Dog and Company More Performers, More Animals. Entire New Spread of Canvas. No Increase In Prices^ CHILDREN 25c I FAIR GROUNDS adults - 35c FREE PARKING SAVE ’money .... Repair NOWd Hoineovroera evefywUere know that the poatpooe- ment of needed repairs ia coatly. Roof and aide wall leaks frequently cause damage to the .home and fufttiahinga in ezeeat of the repmra required. Why not save money by aialring repairs NOW? THE NADONAL HOUSING ACT. enables you to have thia sroric done at ouee and to pay the money back in easy monthly inatallmenta ' extending over a period as long aa 36 montha. Coma in and let ua tdl you about it. Wilkesboro Mfg. Co.

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