- Bettjatein ^^»w«U Atwood Geoi^ Irwte, 1 Ow7B Wlittite •s » ns«h of o« i^ecidoBt on the Sparta i md about one o’clock ay noniing. ^ are t^t f!r* or alx j and women walkias aloBK . highway would lock , arma a c^r came in sight« out across the road and ck.it so that the car was forced in low. gear or stop alto> ar. The fun, as they cidled it. progressing nkely when a 1 >7^;ldiima Ariven by George Irwin [ TjmduSjM to go around the end of fke blockade. A car approaching .^ . dltegn the opposite direction caused the^pick'up to swerve first into walkers and then away from over an embankmmit. |t;-i ®verett Irwin was instantly killed. Atfrood was earned to the hospital at EUnn but'died about . the tlsM he reached there. George Irwin has been in a serious con dition but is reported to be im proving. Bower Irwin received some minor cuts and bruises. Gwyn iWhitaker. one of the men .. walking on the road was hit and ■ received several cuts and bruises but his condition is not consider- 'ed serious. *« -»t' We G^es Da%^TAacco iSimimiuy from T. on ~ of*CaroIiiiff Ford I^i3ers Ogdy .Cole, popolaf ndjkMsom- -imo hat for some, I time been 'beBid daily at 5:4S Station WJJ.T. on ll, 'Gf fm Chariots Brtncfa m KMv Ct^oi^y rM , .dMibin' of Norta e^ rSottCh hit a asnMiiito OF in bis daily ^ sum maries of tobacco sales. yir-' .-Pi' Ford new^per adverting throughout the two CaroUnaa with a special and timely aj^Mal to the tobacco areas, is' now | augmented by the daily spot, announcements of tobacco saka^ summaries at 5:45. \ ^11 — -'*W The Broadcast has created un usual comment and int^est throughout the tobacco sections specially. ACCOUNT OF THE BIG IVY REVIVAL WALSH, Aug. 19—I am resolv ed to sumbit the following re marks concerning the revival meeting at Big Ivy church, con- , ducted by the pastor. Rev. Edd O. 'Miller, assisted by Revs. T.. J. Walsh, I. C. Woodruff sind Lee Beshears. There was a very good attendance each day and a house full every night. ^ .The preaching was sound doc- krlne, very inspiring and impres sive, enough to save the whole world if heeded. Meanwhile there were only two penitents that at tended the altar and one profes sion Coan Gives WI^ Program ^ For State to Commissioners (Continued from page one) ization of State and District of fices has been completed, and over $9,000,000 in projects has been dispatched to Washington for final review and approval. The approval of these projects will immediately place thousands of North Carolina workers on Works Progress Administration pay rolls. District offices for the State have been located in Elizabeth City, New Bern, Raleigh, Fay etteville, Greensboro, Winston- Salem, Charlotte and Asheville, with a District Director and Ad ministrative Staff familiar with problems confronting their re spective communities. On an approved W. P. A. pro ject, the Federal Government will pay the total labor cost and other than labor costs, including ma- other girl remained a penitent. It is to be hoped she will find peace to her soul ere lon.g. Tnere was a large crowd of unsaved people at jilghf and only a few would 'give their hands as a token of their desire to be saved. Oh, how sad to see how people are drift ing 80 far from God. their crea tor and .best friend! While they know that death will soon over take them and that they must give an account of their deed.s, good or bad. Turn, sinner, turn. Why will you die in your sins when Jesus bids you come to Him now? Forsake all worldly pleas ure and accept Christ as your Savior and He will take you in the end to a peaceful home above. The preaching service closed PROVIDENCE. .. Republican staU leaders are rallying around Judge Charles B. Bisk, (above), bitter foe of the New D^, returned the vic tor in a special congressional elec tion' early th's month. Miss Fannie Powell, a ] terials, rental of equipment, etc., motherless girl who gave in her up to twenty per cent of labor experience to the church as a can-j costs. All projects must have the dldate for baptism later on. The sponsorship of a local govern- .... :_.j T. ^gutal agency, such as Board of Commissioner.^, Aldermen, etc., ■ with careful consideration being I given to the type of project that it may be of useful and perma nent benefit to the community, and at the same time, be of a na ture that the community can fur nish adequate labor of a type suitable for the completion of the project. All projects under W. P. A. supervision will be completed with funds allocated at the time of approval. E.specially desirable projects to submit for W. P. A. consider-; ation are sanitation and drainage, I farm to market roadways, rural i recreational playgrounds, a i r- ports, school buildings and also gymnasiums where the total cost Brushy Mountain Baptists To Meet August 23-24 (Continued from page one) Sunday at noon after which the does not exceed $25,000, stated emomunion season came, also the Administrator Coan. foot washing, which was institut- Ninety per cent of workers on ed by Christ Himself and He told w. P. A. projects will be .selected His disciples that He had given] from relief rolls, and only one them an example and said if ye i member of a family may be em- know these things, happy are ye' If ye do them. So we find that 10:15—Enrollment of messen gers and recognition of visitors. 10:30—Report on Religious Lit erature—Biblical Recorder, Char ity and Children, Home and For eign Missions, etc., E. M. Black- bum. Discussion by Rev. J. M. Page and others. 11:00—Report on Orphanage, W. A. Stroud. Discussion by orphanage representative. 11:40 — Introductory sermon, Rev. Avery Church. 12:15—Announcements, appoint ment of committees, miscellane ous busine.ss, adjournment. Friday Afternoon 1:30—Praise and worship, Rev. A. ,W. Eller. 1:45—One minute reports from the churches, directed by the moderator. ‘Christian Stewardship re- P^GUSON, Aog. 19.—The - ' I rival the Beaver *tiat chuieh etarted Jifey and is bring xoDdHprAby Peeler and ^Ehnest BSinJrarttfct «f Tflle . : ^ Mfc S. P. Mot^Mr. and Mrs. Ohka. Cumnunjji'ahdf Aindtj^, Mias Louise. Moore, ~of 1341*611 and Sumpter, S- ,C.V visiting at home of Misa iFaak' Spicer for sev»^ days turned home last week, after alif tending the Ct^p meeting of ih^ Advent Chrfsasii' dawsh Blowing Rock. They ware joined at the camp. meetiw by Mrs. Curtis Edrias « Dabell, and climbed to the summit _ of the Grandfather while in the Moun tains. - ■ Miss Pearl Thompson, secretary of the State Grange, was a,visitor in this community last week in the interest of Grange work. Her home is in Rbwan county. , The local Grange will have an ice cream supper Monday night at the home of the Grange mem bers. All juvenile and subordftiate members are asked to be present. The county-wide Grange picnic held in conjunction with the North Wilkeaboro Kiwanis club and Fruit Growers Association will be held at Kilby’s Gap Thursday Aug. 22. 10 o’clock. A large number of local people are expected to attend this annual festival and bring baskets filled with an abundance of eatables. A number of weddings have taken place in this community in recent days, but this correspon dent has not yet been informed as to the contracting parties, hence hesitates to give details of the happy occasions. Any way our good wishes are extended to all concerned. Mr. Roland Davis and family, of Kinston and Mr. David Hor ton, of Boone, were business visi: tors in the community last week. The Parks Subordinate Grange of Rowan county will render a program at the school building Friday evening at eight o’clock. As far as we are informed at present this will be open only to Grange members. Miss Hazel Shepherd, who has been employed at Hickory and Raleigh, is spending' a short va cation here with her mother, Mrs. Ella Shepherd and other rela tives. She will return to Raleigh Thursday. I His words came true when we do His bidding. May God help us to do His will in everything that He requires of us. MRS L. C. BLACKBimN. FUNERAL OF ROGERS to BE HELD THURSDAY Los Angeles, Aug. 18.—Private ftaneral services for Will Rogers will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday at the Wee Kirk o’ the Heather in Forest Lawn Memorial park, where every effort will be made to avoid demonstrations. Arrangements for the funeral, the cemetery announced today, were made by J. K. Blake, a bro ther of the widow, and three sis ters, Mrs’. H. L. Adamson. Mrs. A. M. Ireland, and Mrs. Zuleike Strond. It was only last year in the Wee Kirk O’ the Heather that the funeral was held for Marie Dress- Isr, a close friend of Rogers. The efficient handling of that service ■revented disturbances such as eceurred in New York at the fu nerals of Rudolph Valentine and ' Idlyan Tashman. Admission to the Rogers fu- : neral wiU be by card only. Whe- : ther the N)dy of the great come- : ^ will lie in state after its ar- ' rival here by airplane from Alas ka has oot been determined. applicants pr^are STATE BAR TESTS ' Balelgb . Aug. 18.—Applicants ft>r licenses to practice law in Worth Carolina began arriving IMO today where they will take tbe semi-annual examinations of ' the state hoard of law examiners tomorrow and Tuesday. At tlw close of registrations last young men and women " kud registered to take the test, ykff ujnmlnation this week will •• tha lari before new regulations ^Mlgned to raise requlremenU for Boenses over a period of Jve ' yean go Into effect. Only 40 per cent of the appli- «nU who took the examlnati^ January paased and 2:15 Made Practical.” A. H. Casey. ployed simultaneou.sly on work! 2:45—The Co-operative Pro projects. To be eligible for work j gram: (1) State Missions, report on W. P. A. projects, it is neces-j by Eugene Olive; (2) Home Mis- sary that registration be made; sions, report by Avery Church, with the U S. Re-employment j (3) Foreign Missions, report by Service, offices which are located Miss Bessie Brock; (4) Address I hv convention renresentatr C. H. ,, , i by convention representative, .through the state, as all workers | •' ~ will be drawn from the U. S. Re employment rolls. W. P. A. work ers in North Carolina will re ceive the Security {A^age, ranging from $19.00 per month of 140 hours for unskilled labor, to $.39.00 per month for professional and technical workers on W. P. A. projects. Country Reporter Home 3:30—Historical report, 1 Jones. ' 3.45—Closing Meditation, Rev. j N. T. Jarris, I Saturday Morning I 9:30—^Praise and Wcl-'dhip, I Rev. A. J. Foster, j 9!45—Woman’s Work, directed 1 by Mrs. Eugene Olive. ' 10:30—The Co-operative Pro gram continued: (1) Christian Education, report by Vaughn Jen- ! nings, address by visitor; (2) Re- ; port on Hospitals, U. G. Foster, address by representative of hos pital; (3) Report on Aged Minis ters’ Relief, Miss Bertha Hodges, general discussion. 11:35—Report on Digest of Church Letters: (1) Summary of year’s achievements; (2) Our Goals for Next Year, Rev. Efl- gene Olive. 12:00—Blectionf of officers for next year. 12:15—Closing Meditation, Rev. l Richard Day. Satiiiday Afternoon 1:30—Praise and Worship, Rev. ’ H. A. Bullis. 1:45—Report on Temperance and Public Morals. Lnrille Bum- gamer. Address by Rev. J. M. Page. 2:15—Report on Sunday Schools, Miss Marie Haigwood. General discussion (CQBtigued from page one) ine ' ge¥enmient for the benefit of riL" In ihg recent session at^ the General Aeaemblp McOonald be came known throughout the state for his nnrelrating opposition to the sales tax,^is ardent sni^rt of the* public ^schools, and hia ability to smile in the face of the moet bitter attacks. A vigoroos critic of tbe E^ringhans adminiri trstion, McDonald aUqr led ' tiin' flriit for reduction of the automo- bile license tax. He sided with ali i iBMiinM for social and humani>'' tiirian advancement, was a fi-iend .of labor, and joined 4 the farm group in supporting RooSlvelt’s farm program against the, attacks 'howeverf “should be _ cot -way to ttf. pie,-and wi are sold Letpedria planning to eonuneraal in August ~ Joe. Iibms^ btowit.- »- .1&BT1KHT ... - bomber of the heavywei^t’s, M’» at all^ worried about boring eritie’B concern "whether or not 'he can take it" His rs]dy to such queries is to point to the,above photo, Us favorite, caught during Us> two minute knockout of King l«rin^, •t CUeago, ' FA^_ COUNT AFTER W PASSES Old Orchard Queen Rutherfordi Aug. 18.—G Edgar Hill, well known citizen and coun ty rabies inspector was lodged in jail here late this afternoon charged with committing an abor tion and murder on Mrs. Wilda Tessneer, wife of Faye Tessneer, farmer who lives between Ellen- boro and Henrietta. Mrs. Tessner died Friday night. -Sheriff J. Ed McFarland, and his department, with County So licitor Wade Matheny worked on the case all day. A g^rl today told officers that Hill performed the operation Friday night and also told them that he was a doctor. Friday night, after Mrs. Tessneer died, a physician was called and he advised an investigation. Tess neer signed the warrant. Today Dr. P. H. Wiseman of Avondale and Dr. G. 0. Moss, of Cliffside, performed an autopsy on the body of Mrs. Tessneer. Hill’s arrest followed soon after. County Coro ner Robert Horis summoned a jury and inquest will be held here Monday' night at 8 o’clock in the courthouse. Mrs. Tessneer was 23 years old and was buried at Lattimore late this afternoon. She is survived by one child and her husband. Ncamils oont IuksCT wt ntRvt$| S OR AFFta MY 1 WINQ TH{Y ARE SO MUD... AND TASTE RICHER Land sahoother CVMt I. HAIUSON 7>Goal.Polo Stu ( CAN SACK IWHAT THE K I SAY: CAMELS NC \ 4MTERFERE W MV CONDITI f ANB rOET.A 'with a CAMM WITH a AMNnKT EM. Johnioa Travel %y Bus Three buses daily are now operating on a schedule through North Wilkeaboro to Winston-Salem and Bristol. Va. Buses leave North Wilkesboro for Winslpn-Salem and points east at 9:45 a. m., 3:30 p. m. and 7:20 p. m. Leave North Wilkesboro for Bristol 8:30 a. m., 2:30 p. m. and 7:00 p. m. ^ . -.l ^ At WbistoB-Salem direct connections are made with Greens- boroi Raleigh, Richmond, Norfolk; DanTHle and all pointe North. At Bristol connections are made for all points west Leave North Wilkesboro 9:00 a. m, 2:30 p. m. and 7:30 p. m- for Lenoir, Morganton, Marion and Asheville. East bound buses make direct connection for Statesville, Char lotte and points south. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL LOCAL AGENT GREYHOUND BUS LINES Telephone 216 North Wilkesboro, N. C. IVs An Saying OLD ORCHARD, Maine ... Mias Joyce Gilmour of Montreal, Can., (above), came South for thnsummer. And now she’s glad that she did bo- canse she’s “Qneen of OM Orehan^’^ voted me most beautiful girl here. North Wilkesboro Postoffic.e Now In New Building (Continued from page one) ting, the postoffice moved and making arrangements for accom modations of patrons at the new building early Friday morning. The new building is a hand some structure, although con structed along plain and simple plans that are now being used to supplant the fancy architecture off a decade ago. The interior is par ticularly striking and affords much greater facilities than the leased quarters. 'There is an increased number of lock boxes, approxi mately 800, separate letter drops for local, train, airmail and pack ages, and separate windows for all functions. Fuller Service In the new building the stamp and general delivery window will be open continuously from 7 a. which is consid- CABTHAGE, Mo Mrs. Mary Matokey (above), named “tiie beri country newspaper correspondent” ia the U. S., U back in her Ozark Hii«, tired from the receptions t.m- dered her in New York and _Waabi ington and ,Vhappy to be home” ■heeayt. * Remove the old birds from the winter quarters. Scrub the floor and the fixtures and expose ev erything possible to the sun: then let the house stand vacant until well dried. Use disinfectants Uberally. Bead JottnuU-Patrlot ads. . m. until 6 p. m., 2:40-^Report on Bptist Tram- improvement over „ TTninn. Mrs. John Cashion. former system of closing the windows whUe the daily train mail is being worked. ing Union, Mrs. John General discussion, 3:00—Reports of committees, miscellaneous Jbusiness, final ad journment. “A Hearty welcome is extended to all visitors who represent the great work our denomination is doing in North Carolina and throughout the world. You are our fellow-laborers. We are anx ious for you to tell us about tbe work whic'b is all ours, and we , trust we may have an increasing ly large part with our fellow- Christians everywhere in sharing Congressman And Mrs. Doughton To Take Trip Washington, Aug. 18.—Repre sentative Robert L. Doughton is to take his first real vacation in October, -He will ssiil with Mrs. Doughton October 19, from San FrELDcisco to attend the inaugura tion at Manila of Manuel Quezon, former .congressional delegate from the Phillippines, as • first Ihrorident of the arelupelago, the with otheri'the , Abundant life ^ pong^iom will be three Chriat.”~PW!iS!itia CommittoS.'^^ niririllifi': It ^ys To For Quick Results Use The " \ --3k:-