►a~ IBB MAMtt 80CXW|ijL''Ed^..S ;i‘. 1 T"! "n iv.'i—ffT^.—'""'‘r.' WM rfili«d with _ thuiK^ ;te ;Mt. Tw«Dt)r-foHr __ beijB mem .ptfmmt^.%0 mioy^ Urn •HU Sofring: dob a,. ■“ VUton W BtM* > A lov«ty party of the week was tte one j^iven by Miss Janie #c- Ihiannid at her aj>artineiA. ow E Street Monday,^evening*wheh‘Bhe entertained for two Visitors ^in the city and a recent bride. The honorees were Miss Frances Mc Leod, of Chersw, S. C., who is visiting her sister, Mrs. H. B. Smith, Miss Lottie Burnside, of Greensboro, guest of Mrs. C. B, Bryan Higgins, and Mrs. C. A, Ritchie,* who prior to her nuptials was Miss Patty Hurley, of Biscoe. Four tables were made up for bridge in a bright setting of ros es and dahlias and as a result of play the high score award went to Mrs. James Somers. To each of the honorees Miss McDiarmid presented lovely remembrances. When cards were laid aside dain ty refreshments were served by its. The devotional per-! the hostess with the assistance of led by Mrs. T. B. Finley, j Hubert Winkler. W :-yv>K ’jti -its 't.v> \tt tiM Wi^na- en Sixth Stoeet. Qt!'|to«*rs formed a for the •n informal ^ _ knitting and «Q» dose of the itod k .delidooa salad nerved by Mrs. Cart- Auxiliary , ifliM&ly'Meeting _ Tbe' Angust mbeting of the Preabytmian Awdliary was held . Toesday aftenmoa at the church ' hut with a large* number of the neBSiMES in attendance, and Mrs. titcbell, the president, in meeting. Speakers , , axm were Rev. R. i. .*011^ Jdferson, and Miss I it^Hont. of Glendale |»bf)th'made splendid talks ^’Introduced by Mrs. J. . been, spent in recrat‘'ydtr8 id educating 'p«(qito'lu to^the, advantages complete hoose-in^ation, and for that reason Hie«new Ca^ Shbi- C,.i^ Penney company gntd^atore in North WilJceSbprb in temiie»tdre. pbuming to -a of dK. have number of chlldftb of WUlM* ix .i »- county at a free moving‘JdctUM show, it was announced today by A. L, Griffing, store manager. . , R will be a regdar moving pic^ ture with inany of the stars the qbildren like to see tnid there will ■’be no charge whatever for admission.' ’ '■ Full information about where and when the free show for chil dren will be held will be given out at Penney's at any time and th^ are all invited to qdl at the store within the next few*' days' and learn the details. y Circle Met With Smoak Smoak was hos- t menihers of the Friend- : of , the Wilkesboro 5al church at her home in ■WIlkHboro Tuesday evening. In .dutfgtf of the business period was the chainpan, Mrs. Walter Bmer- •on, IBm usual routine of business ~ ^ j* leader for the eve- aiivsxu Mrs. Eileen Phipps, who Midsted by Miss Smoak. Melville gave the de- L' .fttul also taught the Bi- We (Wdy. Following the program X jdMusant social hour was enjoy ed doling which time tempting lefreshments were served. N. W. Methodist Circles Met Tiwcday Afternoon monthly meetings of the three Methodist circles were held Tuesday with Circle No. 1 and the ManA Brame circle meeting in Circl® N°* 1 enteriauned at the home of Mrs. Muiphy Hunt with Mrs. George Johuon joining her as hostess. Ten members and two visitors were present. Mrs. Hunt presided for the business period and Mrs. R. 1I»*‘Brame gave the devotional. Ibm H. K. King and Mrs. J. c/^Msry combined hospitality to tho Mary Brame Circle at the knnc* of Mrs. King. The chaii- man, Mrs, A. B. Johnston, occu pied the chair for the business ses^ and Mrs. W. P. Horton led the^evotionals. Mrs. King conducted an interesting Bible contest. The meeting was attend ed by twelve members. jnembers of the Franklin ' Young Ladies Bi- ' ble^ljw joined in their annual ’mcnio^eeting this time’ at the ^ ‘i*Ji:hhouse it o’clock. The table, which was arranged on j ience of all postoffice patrons. Miss Hallie Waugh Hostess At Bridge Party As a courtesy to three popular visitors. Miss Elizabeth Simpson, of Decatu6r, Ga., Miss I/)uise Ward, of Wallace, and Miss Par- alee Dean, of Erwin, Tenn., Miss Hallie Waugh was hostess at a pretty bridge party Saturday aft ernoon at her home on D Street. Mis% Simpson was a guest of Miss Julia Finley, Miss Ward was visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Williams and Miss Dean is visiting her cousin. Miss Myrtle Norris. Mixed garden flowers formed a festive scene for the players at four tables of bridge. The top score prize went to Miss Janie McDiarmid. Gifts were presented to the honorees by Miss Waugh. With the assistance of Mrs. C. B. Higrgins and Miss Myrtle Nor ris, the hostess served delicious refreshments in two courses at end of play. NEW ATHLETIC COACH FOR CITY RESIGNS L. C. Ward, graduate of Le noir-Rhyne who was recently elected as member, of the /North wilkesboro high school faculty and as school athletic director, has resigned to accept the posi tion of principal of Mooresville high school. Two vacancies now remain to be filled on the city school fac ulty before beginning of school on Wednesday, September 4. LIMIT PARKING TIME AT POSTOFFICE FRONT By ordinance of the town gov erning authorities parking time for automobiles on C street in front of the new postoffice is limited to five minutes. This action was taken for the conven- Tq,Fiff^ Free Movmg Picture Corli rotoettoB '■j: ->t' _ Chihfaren of^ CHy Invited To J; G. Penney Stoire For Partiealara the J. roanlfeated in e product de veloped. l^tbeiPhiUpOerey Com- 7) .rr ‘nany. Clnct^ti, Ohio, Jb ia 4ll*i gle • promiaes to efft^ eubettatia! Carey C^> Ximulpted Single, r h^not' only^ incorperatea^ all most approved feathkea of ;^,j|,nk^iflg mateiiaLibut alao haa the h’ M VALUE GENEROUS TR^L CAN OF ROGERS RAPID DRYING ENAMEL AND BRUSH FOR , 10c Enou9h^&»«»ei -V linpiiidi'e Cbeir or OHmr Smol Pioco • ^ hM a wminM mrfAt, a waadar- ^fa> ahi yUaw, red mi bla«k ba«wr -J ^ ^ 'TOO SJjSSonD TO MISS THIS VALUE. ; ART COURSE THIS YEAR AT W. C. U. N. C. Greensboro*, Aug. 21.—^An art department has been established at the Woman’s College of the University of North Carolina, ac cording to‘ ah annouheemerit by Dr. W. C. Jackson, dean of ad ministration. Prof. Gregory D. Ivy, who comes to the Woman’s College from State Teachers Col lege, Indiana, Pa., will be head of this new department. Courses in industrial and ap plied art have been taught at the college for many years in both the department of education and home economics. In recent years. Dr. Jackson said, there has been a great demand for additional art courses, especially in paint ing and commercial art. LARGE VOLUME FORDS DELIVERED IN JULY Dearborn, Mich., Aug. 21.— Volume of retail deliveries of Ford V-8 trucks and commercial cars in July was the largest for the month since 1930, it was an nounced today at the home of fices of the Ford Motor Com pany. The volur le for the last 10-day period in July was the largest for any 10-day period on record since May 20-31, 1929. ^tvwiali ed the purcjjliijp of t^V. latihg material and'thj^,^ of placing H. Gonsequmlyi this ,aiw Carey Cork Btfmited' Shin- additional ad^taga, of..,JiunUat- ing the hdiuei it. covorB *agpmat savi^ wherever the buUder'a budget does not provide for the use of separate insulation. ; The manufacturer pdkits i^po against heat or coIA: •.B^^antbori^es state tkpL. Wge percentage of beat, leekaga of a boupe passte through ^of,, it ipay be assumed that the insulation feature of the new Carey Shing^ will save consider^ siturstad felt, ^sa^egproottea.dudtia.eesMinb cam- heavy preeiiw^ it/^ retenkuit aa^waU as w«ath«rpir]^. . ^»n nl* Handsome color effects ' arS that its new product proyidea ii^ 'available in,the new sbii^. Jlhis snlation acrainst heat or cold,- and .. i . ‘ %hingle , iteiBg .made: extra thidc. pMUces shadow -i -lines nteldng’ a.|( sfarikingly* attraetivsh Hnidted roof. b«-. .Jonrnal-PM ads. ^ WmiarntJAuW Bxwnsimw weuwi u Frames. General/Bepalr ^Wet» T®B?NKiLLIAMSi Owagr* fc-.: WANTED Good man or woman in every community of Wilkes and Ashe counties to sell and ad vertise a good line Of prod ucts. Earn from |6 to $8 daiiy. State name and ad dress. Write BOX 225 North Wilkesboro, N. O. ‘P43WT SPECIALS FOR AUGUST ONLY . $149‘--- 98*= . HARDWAiRE COMPOT rriroBtH "wnjuiiwiw. NEW ORPHEUM THEATRE The Best Show Values In Town There’s NbTWck To It! THURSDAY & FRIDAY August 22-23 “HeB’s Angels” Ben Lyon, Jean Harlow and Janies Hall Back again by popular demand, and the greatest air picture ever produced. Don't miss it. Comng MONDAY & TUESDAY August 26-27 JOE E BROWN in “ALIBI KE” The one and only AU-Ameri- can BasdMll Comedian. It's a sc;ream from start to finish. A family picture for family . PLU^ EPfERA ADDED A’nRAi^ON “HIGH LIGHTS OF WILL ROGERS*-AND WILEY POST’S CAREERS*’ Also Comedy and News Ebrenteu COMING SOON “Steamboat Around the Bend” —Will Rogers. ' _ “In Old Kentucky’’ — Will Rogers. ■t ■ • - ' “Curley Top”—Shiriey Temple. “Parmer Takes A Wife”—Janet Gaynor. > “Love Me PoreveP’—G. Moore. There is no doubt about It, we give yon your money’s worth in high class enterteinment, ^ THERE’S NO TRICK TO ITUS MUf- 9' Dutinctively styled ^ , Tub FROCKS for girls 3-6 and 7-14! .1 ^ i ^Tb« result of our'eash-Mlling policy! - FMtoior, h^grsds ' percalM V snd broadcloths—to tile very newest prints! , ^ jumpers, pleats, embroidery! With low nuliiary h«U »J.9S « Growing girls like the style of I this shoe and raothers approve ' of the sentibie lines. StHebdw^ Irather sole. Sixes 214-9. '' ChUdren’s UNDIES Sturdy Rayon! 19* each Panties! Vests! Bloomers! Fan cy trims. Flesh and tea rose. Sizes 2 to 16i dress prints Fast Color! tfy F«rd A new Pall se> lection I Perfect , tor children’s I* togs — morning frocks. 86 to. Girls* Rayon SUPS Sizes 2 to 14! A deep, dressy ruflle at the bot tom ! Built - up shoulder. Flesh, tea rosy. Buys! Pfinted Broadcloth Tub Fast IS* New dresses for your*«if — frocks for Uie children! It’ll be easy at I5c yd. rondo prints Fall- Patterns! IS* J«rd Florals, checks, diagonals, dots, geometries! All fast to washing! 36 inches. Girls* TUB FROCKS Fast-color! 49- 3-6 with match ing bloomers! 7 to 14 with finished backs! Quality percale! ROTS* GOLF HOSE Elastic Tops! AS* Allover fancy patterns, a wide choice of colors. Reenforced! Size.1 7 - lOH. BROADCLOTH ; WkUe—CoUts! 15* ye'd Fast - to - wash ing! Finely wov en with a smooth finish. Many colors. 36 inch.' FREE Picture Show For AM Kiddies. CaD At Store For Particulars ^ BOYS* KNICKERS Fully Lined! 98* Tweeds, checks, blue cheviot, novelties. Knit* "ted cuffs! Sizes „ 6 to 16! Values! BOYS' SHIRTS I Fast Color! ! 49* Percales, broad cloths, in fancy patterns and solid colors! 1 2 % - 1 4 %! BOYS* GOLF HOSE For School! IS* Allover fancy patterns, knit turn-down cuffs. Sizes 8 - 10% ! I They're buys! Boys* Wo^ Knlekera Kmk Cu§s •1.98 Pina fours, fid- ly linad. 6 pock ets. Cbeclis plains, novzdties. * Sixes 6 to 16. Famous Trsu Blue Bosrs’SUrts Fast Colors! Crtat Vtdmes! i> 4 Champko values of their etos^ and broadcloths, to, stternt, solid eolorsi, il BUmtts far yammgsttnb, Coampk PerealM Here’s Value for Youf, School Oxfords Sizfs ^/z ^ >c i Bhidier'stitchdowns in sti^r leathers for boys and girls. Our own markka# compoeition aok. Unustmlly weU-made shoes. LET’S START TQ SCHOOL IN PENNEY’S SHOES BOYS* OXFORDS ' CrtitH leather '' •a.49" Bal style with wing tip. Lesth-. er eonstructioa] thruout. 1 to 6. Sites 4-1 i, $2M. Stack Nim. 1706—1M6 '% WELT OXFORDS Towmeroft L98 ]M.^e Sto^ MEN*S OXFORDS Bargain priced! •1.98 A comfortable BlUeher" style Black composi tion sole and heel. 6 to 11. , No. 1520 Borr oimim 'Sttirdj Bbiehers •1.89 Broad toes for active growing feet Tot^com- nositioQ. soles.’ Aises I2H-5%. Ssedc No. 1920 i A R9y«* Ckotm SHORSi For School ■ 69* Penuey^i Bo* give long rwttbspi^ in every step. Odorieaa insob. Oxhide OVERALLS Made To Wear 7SC Tested quality, triple stitched, with eight pock ets. Re-inforced. Bojt’ sites % 98* Durable, b I a e k ?or Imowa katii- ers. Extra sturdy C douMe aok. Rub ber heel. Boys. Stack Na. 7128 PATBNT LEATHER - 8% to 2 n.49 One-straps. Ex tra ser^ceabto ieatiier sole.; Robber heeL A' grknd boyl ■ SsMk Na.^7114 *' yr Boys’.ite.rJ9c j ^Stadc 14^7126 ~ | FREE SOUVENIRS FOR SCHOOL CHILDREN . ‘ ^ N Nw E Y /%E PENNEY COMPANY, Incorporatea NORTH WlLKESBOROj,«N.* il '(W/‘

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