, .-V - . s Marthar^ , Attonwy^V. H. ' /boaineas viaiton tot'Le^t^ Mok- ^day.P ■ I>r, and Kn, C. A. Sink and ehildi^ ir.^Jfra. C. P, Wal- .. ta tiafttng H . B, t»anm* I 3; Sik!&. i’ttt ¥Hite t; ^dHbalidkKb will b« laaxn. ES!3^_.-. aparkttoo It ital Satuiday.' «»d' Mrs. Cy. Bi \®gg&a,‘ Boraaide, of Greenaboro. Mr. iMter Son^r and a». al, of Cytle, were visitors in 'forQi WiUcesboro yesterday. ^J ltra. f, P. Johnson, of Winston- a, a guest of Mrs! M. M. on Tuesday night. .ft J. C. Snoot returned home ay after ah extended vhdt rlotte with her daughter, R. H; Pound. Mr. and M^ F. C. Tomlinson spent Suntdiqr in Winston-Salem brother, Dr. F. N. Tom- Knaoi _ .. G.' XiM^ *a Ai a Statesville hoapitaL 'hope for him an early . rfd»(P> .dlri B. L. Woe*in7>if her SSf r^iaployneftt office. *» ^ ‘Harris-, ' bqrg, Pa., and to many points ot Tocovday. i^Edna and. Loia , Wiled' we apemlBf a few days CBifr'^ kitte, guesta^ef Miss Mary Es- tdlle Parlier. lorn to Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Lj^|ris, of West Jefferson, a sou ^■^Vugust 14 at the Wilkes Hos- Ir. T. H. Williams is confined to his home on account of illness. Mw. W. J. Sheridan and daugh ter, Miss Virginia Sheridan, of OcaPa, Fla., arrived in the city Monday for a visit with Mrs. Sheridan’s daughter, Mrs. Walter Mydrs. RIPE TABLE AND JLICE RAPES (Concord) $1.00 Per Bushel . In your container at orchard SUNNYSIDE ORCHARDS O. F. BrCthoU MORAVIAN PALLS, N. C. )atlor*'P«rt:‘Ci^ fids- weak me registering relief caedafor labor.*45," ' fdrft’ Worth' TokflfiSsoh'hka from'^ ■vial^>''o$i^'Wbnsl ..hia under H' M* hud ntilier relati^!'.a& ,Ky. Mrs. M^y^te^dds, of Win^ 'htbn-Saleik. was a Week-end visi tor witia'ber .sister, Mrs. J. F. Adams, 0 f ' North fi^iUcesboro route one. Elders Roby Johnson and Ra- mtod Dancy., will'preach Saturday evmiing. 7:30, at Cross -Roads Primitive Bi^ifist church. The public is invited to attend. > Mrs. Allan Banner and two children, Jane and Allan Jr., of Greensboro, are visiting , Mrs. Banner’s mother, Mrs. G. S. Bor en at her cottage on the Brushy Mountain. Mrs. Orten Boren and two lit tle girls, Clarence Call and Sallie, .of Greensboro, are spending ''awnetime with Mrs. Boren’s mo- tter. Mrs. Clarence Call at her .^tage on the Brushy Mountain. :‘\4lr. and Mrs. W. M. McCulley ’ind two sons, Billy and Edward, of Salisbury, arrived in the city today to spend the week-end with Mrs. McOnlley’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Eller. I Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Scott and i little daughter, Frances Eliza beth, of Tenafly, N. J., are visit ing Mrs. Scott’s fnother, Mys. George W. Johnson. Jr., and sis ter. Miss Lena Faw. Mr. Ralph Duncan, Misses Anne and Eilizazbeth Duncan and Mr. Isaac Duncan were visitors to Charlotte Monday. Mr. Ralph Duncan attended a banquet of Delco Light plant dealers of North and South Carolina. InUipt in northern stn^ r>4|rd. R; T. McNmll, 14^ Ml*. J.‘ N. Sb«^/= nnd ' $^;f North Will^borp'^ Wthnll DonUb B«^er to Be Piafed Friday AftentoM Between ^ 4 B4r Ue$tte Outfits ■ -.v ■ m Softball-nmy be game but^thei* is « Vi^.^ha*d «see to tke^lkHdetship iKlW'''’{ftdnt m'^ TTewtrnn went to to attend school •''i'i**' ^bly'and W^hew a ser^n by Dr; Gdorge W, Tlrostt. Mr. and Mrs. 6. Mi Earp, Mr,, and Mrs. Glenn Carlton, Miss An-' nie Howell and Mr. Rainond Jar vis, of Boomer, spent a few days this week at Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Bkach and '.Port Fidner., They repoAed. a most enjoyaUe Mr. and Mrs. Jake Capdill, Misses Belva KilbJ^;'Mamie Mc Neil, and Naoin^Hi^ginB, Messrs. Athel Phillips; Gail McMilUan, and Fred Emerson made up a party spending the Week-end at White Top, Va., on a camping trip. Mrs. Phil Forester and Miss Virginia Sprinkle attended the Williams-Sprinkle wedding in York, S. C., Saturday. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Ed Cox, formerly Njss Oleana Sprin kle. .Mrs. Cox %as an attendant at the wedding. . PINEY RIDGE NEWS team ai»’-$on^" ) Hoe^ Still; fiilmtl] lutd is the stoning, " ■ Team ' 'L ife. Home Chair ™:_^ 2 1 Wl Bbsitry Mills ifeiu t: 690 Cave) —- L ,2 888 ■^ere n»yjbe'some ch|^^ in this ^^ndlblg after Friday aftoi^ nmn’s games. CttsePs team will tiy to get out of fiie Mllar when they p|a^ Hosiery Mills at four o’clock 'and at 5:15 Home Chair will try to hold, their lead when they play Gilreath’s aggregation. Softball is attracting ^ms^ ui- terest and when the t^ms 'get well j>n the way toward the home stretch for the first Half ^cham- pienship itHfir iejirpected that large crowds will witness the g^aines. There is no admission charges and the public is invited to see the contests.. val at’^tiift. S^ny Hill ^ iseh ck$M There was a very gooClttendance each day and k houaf full every, night. Revr Lavi Gr^ Mndncb. ed the services. sf . |] iMiss Lestie Benton nnd^Mrs,; kesboro Monday shopping; ’ ^v’ llQMes Jessie jE^arsons ^ ||%s Kiiby aiil?’s]^diflg a - fW day* with llii',. and Mn. Robert Wiggins, ^ Gphfahorq. Sliu Sfiqr V*^eC3eiiidiy wng hi North Wilkesboro „ .Satn«iay(i' ifibaas Alina Hayes and Elsie qiient liinrsdfiS’ night with Lestie 1^ Marie BentOD;. Marie Tates spent Sunday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Dotrl J. B. Bi .-fori the, Sg^ty,. Li|g. ...Jawrance Cofipany,''attended annual, eoktfention of asrapaky''npikeei^, tatjyes at Oce^ View, Va., Ad- Sallie Yatea w«fe in North* ISff fa at-' Huffmakj^v. gMiss Xmz Foster, of Wllkesb^ ifante 2, is spen^g a few days with Mr. and Mia. B| Benten. .Masses'Lucille Hayes and Elsie lister and Mr. Clyde Hayes left Sunday for a trip to Raleigh, Fayetteville and other points in the east. ’ Miss Aline Hayes spent a few whd‘'mkde thefa qtioteia the year alia w*w ckfitled $r ^ ; A p»a.*it:^ ’w.k re-: WSSSSPtSTVST fnr mm ivtag daUjtiO-] Thkp yoa have never tried :&140, that^ fiundne remedy that ^Aaa proved so ancceaafid in. tiioaa- ands of bomea for die peat forty yeara. If yon suffer firom Indi gestion, Gaa, Headaches vNanaea, IMninees, Oveweatlng and Drinfc,, tag, try a bottle and be convinc ed. Sold in SOc and 2Sc slzea at Horton Drug Co., Rexall Drag Store, Brame' Dmg Store''and Wilkes Drag Co." of/Deedb 177, records ofWilki fSsnlt havfag^been mafa aameWiel the bx4,at ^ request of the toe saidMte, the said x ed tfastee will offer' fur ^|ml^ auction tdpthtf Mi ,m. > Septei fdlosmg 1^ fa the said deed of ^ a^th 88 - **'*1 a hi^eny, Tom Haynes' ai^ Haynes’ comer ; east 4 chai' po^r on big branch, OhWk’s comtt; up the m of said branch north 57 detj^jU east 3 1-2 chaina to a atakei, *t the branch;'*still up the braadk U degrees east 9 chains to a soV' wo^; north 25 degrees w^te>$ chains to a maple near head of; brancll; north 25 degrees;,!? 4 1-2 chains to a walnut; * noon. 16 deg^s west 15 chains beginning, containing 30 more or less. ’This 24th day of August, Id^t^ NARVIK STONESTRBET.T-: 9-19-4t. Tnufafla'; Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Adams and daughters, Miss Mae Adams and Miss Iona Adams, of North Wil- kesboro route 1. Mr. and Mrs. Evie Rhodes and little daughter, Doris Anne, of Winscon-Salem, motored to Blowing Rock and Boone, Thursday. Mrs. E. A. Wilson and grand son, Herbert Clark, returned to their home in Greensboro Wed nesday after a ten days visit here with Mrs. Wilson’s sister. Mrs. C. L. Sockwell. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Moser and daughter. Miss Rachel Moser, motored up for the day to accompany them home. Guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Forester last week were Mr. and Mrs. Warn Lowry and two children, Anne and Warn, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McDan iel, all of Richmond, and Mrs. T. P. Ray, of Taylorsville. Mrs. Lowry and Mrs. McOaniel are nieces of Mrs. Forester and Mrs. Ray is a sister. ¥ / THE QUESTION BEFORE THE H00SE..V ^ f 1 ' an Importan! loo. Your doBiM ar* naUy part of yoiu^JiurolT, B la wiaar to b* ad*.- fgfaar thaw soar, months after tout purchaso. Only fin* wooUns dasarrs Ed. V. Priea 4 Co« fina .nrT^«"*kp- Only through fina tailoring can you saeora raal atyla. fit distinciion and tha aaauranca (hat yoor aoit will stay stylmh. La( na taka your ordar and let Ed. V. Frica 4 Co., tailor, yonr siriL You ^ hp pleasad—perfacUy—with faa BL faa fabric, and the fine finisL We guarantee it. The Newest Autnnm and Wnter Woolens are now being shown hare. HE MEN’S SHOP UKJEBBORO, N. C. ^Remember Bisma-Bez. ,^^)^^ w C. MARLOW, Prop. — NORTH WVLKJEBBOHO, N. C. PINEY RIDGE, August '20.— A most successful revival meeting closed at Piney'''Ridge Baptist church Monday night. Much intei^ est was shown throughout the series of services. Seven were added to the- church by baptism. The meeting was held by the pas tor, Elder Glyn Huffman, assist ed by Elder Lee Minton of near Wilk^boro. Mr. Lassie Parsons and little grandson and Mr. Hamp Harless, of Glendale Springs, attended the meeting and visited among their relatives around Piney Ridge. Mrs. Minda Marsh, of Obids, visited in the home of Mrs. Wal ter Miller, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shepherd and Miss Virginia Little, of Sher man, and Miss Myrtle Marsh, of Obids, visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. (Woodie, Sunday, Mrs. Etta Paw and family, of Wilkesboro, attended the revival at Piney Jtidge last week. There will be a sacrament meeting held at Piney Ridge Bap tist church on the third Sunday in September. Everybody is invited to attend this service. A revival meeting will begin at Glendale Baptist church on the first Sunday in October. Elder GlVn Huffman, and Elder Lee Minton will do the preaching. The Sunday school at Piney Ridge church is progressing very nicely this year. Mrs. Dollie Mil ler is the superintendent. There will be a Baptising near Piney Ridge church next Sunday. August 25. Everybody is invited to attend. The Union Baptist Association will begin at Piney Ridge church on Friday before the third Sun day in October. Everybody is in- vi^ to attend these services. . Exams Completed Raleigh, Aug. 20.—The regular August examinations for prospec tive lawyers in the state were completed here today. The exami nations were held by the state board of law ejxaminers. A total of 130 applicants took the tests to mark the largest number since the board took over the task of giving the tests. Successful applicants will be annoimced in a few weeks. Last January approximately 40 per cent of the candidates received law licenses. Examinations are held each January and August. Next year will be the last time the tests will be given semi-annual, however, as new regulations of the state bar become effective next June. Be ginning in 1937 tests will be given once each year, in August. Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 20.— Kirk Hart, of Nashville," Tenn., here for the second annual con vention of the young Democrats this we^, today scoffed at re ports that President Roosevelt was losing strength in the south and probably, would' “find the “solid south’’ -broken in 1936. I YOU CAN ALWAYS SAVE AT HORTONS has A new and simple mpgn^c in strument developed by 1J» General Electric company can be used to measure lightning currents^ Driver Being Held Greenville, Aug. 20.—Herbert Haddock, of Black Jack commun; ity, was held in the county jail today without bond on a charge of driving drunk growing out of an automobile wreck on the Greenville-New Bern highway last night in which four persons were injured. CMYbUlMMINCl CANYOU IMAGME* Rie foith in BISMA REX of one of th« weoWiiest men in a New England State who although he can affora the finest medical neotmciiT depends entirely upon BISMA-REX for relief of his stomoch onment; EXPLAHATION Blsmo-Rex Is an antacid treat ment that's different from the many other Ineffective treat ments you have tried. It acta four ways to give you a new kind of relief from acid indigestion, heattbarn and other acid stom ach agonies. Blsmo-Rex neutralizes acid, re- Ifevds stomach of gar, soothes the Irritated stomach membranes .and aids digestion of foods that are most likely *'to ferment., Rls- ma-Rex Is sold only fa I>^ Stone. OatJar today fai Itortk 'Wllkosboro Drug 'Store,' New FalP Suits and Shoes ar riving daily.—Payne Clothing Co. 8-26-2t Cififarettes 13c 2 for 25c Prince Albert lOc Agents For ... GENUINE Texas Crystals The “New Deal’’ 1 l-2-T)ound package . . . And remember, folks, these Crys' tals are guaranteed. 25c . Johnson’s Baby Powder 14c 25c Black. Drau^t 14c Rubbing Alcohol 14c pt. Prescriptions * WHO FILLS YOURS? Bring your next one to HORTON and be assured that your Prescrip- tiom will" be . filled exactly as your Doctor, has ordered . . . and at HORTON’S money-saving prices. We Fill Any Doctor’s Prescription 40c Fletcher’s Castoria 29c $1.00 Cardui 67c I.J HORTON'S CUT-RATE DRUG STORE IYOU can ALWAYS SAVE AT HORTON ‘ | les WE CARRY IN STOCK A COMPLETE UNE OF OFFICE SUPPLIES.... Ledgers, Day Books, Family Finandal Rec ord Books, Columoar Jojntmals, Columnar Pads, Order ^oks, Car^n Paper, Type writer Ribbons, Inks, Stamp Pad Inks, In- d^ble Marking Outfits, S^ool' Supjdies. , A new; SHIPMENT OF OFFICE-SUPPLIES s HAS JUST BEEN I^CEIVED We invke you to inspect our stock, and all orders will be aj^edated OFFICE SUPPLY DEPARTMENT ■rf- ~ * M. ’S, . -T-: V??’' j$ 7- '.-IT'-'-' ' •' NintbStreet ■ -xr Nwth Wittesbord, N. C a -«- •