(S^0% IIbi^-^^ —f^-v-, kI?*. JOm ofj:i^a oldest llnaiidid ■ttdiM Qaa Qi^- Record ' •HH: tU North Wilkesboro Bulld- iitat a Loan AAoeUtion, one ot North ^WlIkooboro’B oMeet tlnaa oial tBBtltnUoBS, was orsanixed .-^te the Huring ot 190S. This fine iBiUtutioa has been a pioneer In : hOBM hnlldlng for North Wllkes- toro. During Us many years of eglstence It has loaned several million dollars tor home building here, and during its entire exist ence it has never failed to take of a worthy demand, and duHng the depressions ot our na tion and the world that it has gone through, it has always been able' to take care of any demand such as withdrawals or loans without being embarrassed in „ any manner. During the recent l^'.^k.^depTe88ion it came through in hying colors, not a denAd was ever made at any timer ior a withdrawal that the association could not take care of, and dur ing the darkest days it was able to make all worthy loans request ed of it. Today it has more than one-half million dollars working in this community in building, buying and paying tor homes of North Wilkesbor'o’s citizens. It is a member of the National and State Building & Loan Leagues, has maintained a dividend pay ing schedule throughout the years without having to reduce to a lower percentage as a lot of associations have throughout the state and nation. In other ' words, the .Association has al-! ways been alile to apportion prof- j its to installment stockholders of 6 per cent or more, and to its full I paid stockholders, it has paid , and is continuing to pay. a per | cent dividends. It is ably man-1 aged by a Board of Directors at I present consisting of J. C. Keins. I president: S. V. Tomlinson, vice j president: .A. H. Casey, attorney: j J. B. Williams, secretary-treas-1 urer: C. P. AValter. D. J. Carter. | H. M. Hutchens. J. H. Rector. J. \ B. Snyder. C. E. Jenkins, R. 0. Finley and \V. H. H. Waugh, di rectors. These directors meet once each month to consider any matters of business that may icome before them. This associ ation numbers among its stock holders people from several states, as far south as Alabama and as far north as New York State and into the middle west. North Wilkesboro and Wilkes county are proud of this fine fi- ^!icial institution. “China Clipper” In Flight Baltimore. Md.—.America has launched her largest passenger- carrying plane, the "China Clip per,’ product of the Glenn Mar tin plant. The ship, a flying-boat, took off from Chesapeake Bay, circled over Washington with S.** passengers., and came to an easy landing after hitting up a speed of 160 miles’ per hour. Designed for 17-hour flights between Cal- idfornia and Hawaii, the "China Clipper" has regular pullman berths, a wing-spread of 130 feet, will lift 51,000 pounds, has a range or 4000 miles and a top apeed of 179 miles per hour. Four SOO-horsepower Pratt-Whit- ney engines power the last word in commercial aviation. MANY FARM FAMIUES GO FROM REUEF ROLLS Washington, Got, 28.—Reset tlement administration officials said today they were taking steps to remove 175,00 farm familiea from relief rolls by De cember 1. As many families will be trans ferred by November 1 as possible, they said, but added that the transfer of the entire number may take as long as six weeks. These families. In widely scat tered sections of the country, will be placed on a "rehabilita tion” status and will be advanc ed loans or grants intended to en able them to regain a self-sup porting basis. THE JOWiNi R«W5S R^e 2 ROARING *RiviR, Route 2. Oct. 29.—Since Hr. Simon Curfy died tb^ past Sunday night it Is generally allowed that one of the >est men in Wilkes county Is gone. • '.i Mrs. D. S. Lane and atep-son, Mr. Joe Lane, of North Wllkea- boro, spent Wednesday of last week with Mrs. Lane’s sister, Mrs. Laura Linney. Late in the afternoon they, also called in the Cranberry vicinity to see Mrs. Lane’s brother-in-law. Rev. N, T. Jarvis, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Alexander visited her father, Mr. Dave Burchstte, near Rock Creek, last Sunday. The next to the youngest baby m NORTH WILKBSBORO, fppmi nK .Mh»' ' kiiw 4; iittW M ^ lUUe kad hew- k et its Ule« 8us,y4ii^ii.]^rpsM. seemed to feel •0 InebnapIVblir'grltf, 'ta wl)^.k the eommsttlty synkpathlMs. It is reported that lir.vvgad Mrs. Amos Alexander and two children, who have been living in the Jim and Basle Byrd house and tending land at Mrs. Laura Llnney's, will probablr move away. They seem to be good workers. Miss Minnie Sue Jarvis, stu dent nurse at Davis Hospital, Statesville, spent w;ednesday of last week at home in the Cran berry settlement. Her'father, Rev. N. T. Jarvis, went down for her and accompanied her back. Mr. Frank Sparks is said to be cultivating land at the old Car- Tinder Tilace, wherci his son, Thurmond Sparks, lives. U ls.#[lBJrt(|l Mr. Jim Byrd,, ilfidfw.ftt&hard^aurfaesd the time.vbecamiO' of the gre^ esteem in which he was held.* x; ' A good mam people also ited Mr. Ciaud Bell,’ who was still in'the Wilkes Hospital, last Sunday. A number from, this locality went to see the Will'Rogers pic ture at North Wllkeeboro last week. Mrs. Lois Roberts and lit-' tie sons. Jim Frank and Shirley, being among those attendiag the theatre after school last Wed- fAGE^ "'tSk ' A Of andjfrs. njHlli C. FwNM. " ^ ' Mr. P L«wrie:;.8aUfc, O4(|on4^ an&baTlBg ehin^ ^ bUltt. auur flkQ«4|iuai Us owa IkxiiBf of ' M1!». Lhaii UbI^ 4^ isr. 'probably’, tbbsd tnm distance‘''aUeading' serin^^irat Brier CrMk^ l^nday after which the pastor, 'Beir.' N. “““ T. Jarvis, and Mrs. Llnii^..weU' to see Mr. Simon Curry,t^hose^' condition bad bemi critical for some weeks. Huge crowds were Sag^ U t^^ gathered at Mr. Curry’s moat was 1 njdred trBsB be Csn tpmistf bn teken to the San ta Monica ho^taiv neouMdons aid had not regainedf oonscions- ness tonight. " Dr. A. W. Kosky said the ac tion was sntferlng from a severe brsln concussion, but apparently was in no immediate danger. Wmbtt fell ..when" his horse wheeled suddenly and lost its balance. EX-CONVI ^ JUDGE ^T8 ft .HiMSI p Gkleago, CM, 28.— Ing oil'Jt twfstod mind^Sr^fSiN Umr ^ Judge William B. Totser, ei two other men, aa| lit«‘of Raymond. LanUngq^SA thefr assailant. Lannfng died about ffro after be had slaht the Judfif; Fetser’s office on'the 12th of tbs AshUnd block, U5 MoctA! Clark*’ street. Lanning’s came from a bullet wound la tka head h« himself infHetod. Apparently obsessed .with t|ba,' idea that it must be "five Itvaa for one,”, Lannlng, or LammlllN^!^ as he was listed in court reeoriiw also shot William L. Hawthorask a court reporter, and then Ws(»>^ p troob, 28, a clerk in FetseFs oS^i^ flee, and attempted to shoot tw» stenograiAers. •■MgnHmiMiiwim I Last Chance! | 3 3 I Pianos, String and Band | 1 • In.stnunents and Radios g 1 at Unheard of Prices. | $39 $95 $165 $1.95 $4.45 Good Used Pianos Self-Player Pianos New .Modern Pianos Good Used Guitars Brand New Guitars We must move our pres ent location are the or ders from the postoffice as they are going to start enlarging their building next week. Full size Violins . New Modern Trumpets Crosley 1936 Radio, com plete, 1000-hour ^attei^’ sets, at $3.95 $1U95 $27.95 j Strings and all other S com^te Musical Sup- j plies at One-Fourth to m more than One-Half Off. | Act before it is too late, j STACKLEY’S | Piaao House | Across From Montgomery- j Wards. 516 N. Liberty St. jriNSTON-SALEM, N. C. THE NEW CHEVROLET FOR 1956 i NEW PERFECTED HYDRAULIC BRAKES the safest and smoothest ever developed IMPROVED GLIDING KNEE-ACTION RIDE* the smoothest, safest ride of all SOLID STEEL one-piece TURRET TOP a crown of beauty, a fortress of safety T he Chevrolet Motor Company climaxes a quarter-century of quality manufacture by presenting Chevrolet for 1936 — the only complete low-priced car. Tliis new Chevrolet is the only car that brings you all these good things at lowest cost. The only lower-priced car with New Perfected Hydraulic Brakes. The only lower-priced car with thelmprovedC'iding Knee-Action Ride'*. The only lower-priced car with L'eautiful new Body by Fisher- new high-compression valve-in-head engine—solid steel Turret Top, and many other improvements which give smarter, smoother, safer and more economical motoring. See and ride in the only complete low- priced cor-today! CHEVROLETMOTOR CO.,DETROIT,MICH. Oimporg ChenvtH'g low ddioend pricoa and tho new r,remHy Toduetd G.M^.C. 6 per cent time payment plan—r/bg Irwnt financing co*t in C.M.A.C. hutory, A General Moton E'alae. DCALER ADVCRTISCMCNT NO DRAFT VENTILATION ON NEW BODIES BY FISHER the most beautiful and comfortable bodies ever created for a low-priced car HIGH-COMPRESSION VALVE-IN-^HEAD ENGINE giving even better performance with e ven less gas and oil SHOCKPROOF STEERING* « making driving easier and safer than ever before ALL THESE FEATURES AT CHEVROLET'S LOW PRICES $495 AND UP. List price of New Standard Coupe at Flint, Michigan. With bumpers, spare tire and tire lock, the list price is $20 additional. *Knee-Action on Master Models only $20 ad ditional. Prices quoted in this advertisement are list at Flint. Michigan, and subject to change without notice. GADDY MOTOR i«^

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