THE J01IRNAL.PAW», N«TIl; WltKESBC«0, N. C. ' ■ ■■ ..n^lQ |,|I JIIIIU -UXI".. mm ^ %Li' ' iUMlte ' M V I*, fty *t th» ml4- gwBfcthwiifU^ «>d DepQ* Kin^ 1,'4iM^'{6 .peniten- i(I!.4e ^ f .BllaseB, ^ bad '^plttatleBi ^ A sBld. 5«*rge8. ’thp cbfcr'ge* prel«rred hlrn'Tii^f^ was Tlola- ot the automobile theft act V>f‘'^ ad he Is being held in jail at • ' ■'"Unikesboro In default of $1,000 - Jtond. He will face trial in the ' Meral term of court beginning -i'v>*onday. " ; Father and Son Are On '* I? 1^*115 — A a. to aerrlce. Stk. Piipema Hix, Nell Moo«yi[i«." Muiiphx, and W. Ci'^arlow visited ti^ho home yeaUisli^ evening. store her# iim, closed durlug>;^^tuner3 alhojir,^ Mr.' Gabriel is survirjsd by his wit#;aad the following tAUdren: Mrs!' j. G. Whltener, ,^dnroe; Mre 'R. M. Lockman, il’W Sta tion: Ralph Oabrlel, Honters- ville; Joe Gabriel. Davidson; £Eal ac.l Paul Gabriel... Lincolnton; W. G. and Howell Gabriel, North Wllkesboro: Mrs. E. C. Link, Hickory: Misses Geneva and Colleen Gabriel, Goodsonville. Funeral services were held this morning, eleven o’clock, at the First Presbyterian church in Lincolnton. WIUM3AT . . - ‘Oa»: of my iiet|rli.boffi DimaiiN ^ iFOR'FEEmimmoGs j 0* W idohey, fttf bo^, Trial For Killing Atwood g Taylor Fatally (Continued from page one) ■■3 Mcb several paces away. He was SBbjected to a gruelling cross ex- ' amination by Solicitor John R. Jbnes. Tom Love, Ornaville’s father who was nearby when his son ■■^dW the shooting, corroborated . lit son's testimony. 2''^/. Not less than five nor more seven years was the senten- ' «e meted out by Judge Phillips R> Carl Ballard, convicted on a Stricken In Mooresville (Continued from page one) Taylor, of 'Wilmington; Mrs. Bennett Lewis, of Wadesboro, and Mrs. J. F. Thomas, of Derita. Three brothers and two sisters, Adolphus Taylor, Harley. R. A. Taylor of Boone, Hampton Tay lor of Idaho, Mrs. Joseph Wardin of Charlotte and Mrs. J. L. Lewis of Boone, also survive. Funeral service will be held this afternoon, two o’clock, at Lacdir, saw a ' strange-lobking beast on the grounds'', of the Berkshire County Club,the other dsy:;-'Hs had his gun with him, so he took a shot, and brought down a'' Id-pound wildcat. Old timers up pur way say It is the areti..v^iWcat seen In Berkshire In, 3d years. There’s still a lot of wild, un settled country, even In New England. Up on top of a rocky spur of West Stockbrldge Moun tain there Is said to be a herd of wild goats. I've never seen them, but venturesome boys sometimes scale the crags and bring back reports of being menaced by fierce, long-horned, bearded bll- lygoats. Now and then hunters up our way sight a black bear, and every so often we have a wolf scare, while the deer seem to be Increasing lit numbers. I hope this country never gets so crowded that there won’t be room for all the wild things as well a.s all the people. porUNi lAst Snmiper . permission to takif nhe'would'wASp'to person and satisfy .thP;.'tQtfipi^ ties she needed the tfengyr; td Uv/gi ’ kfiwUt ’ ttrtO 4 *e gleaned W 1 Hnrvestlng the twuu » mneh ‘ ‘Batter than tuqilng thb hogs Intp the Held*to eat them after the porn hgs been removed,' says L, Lies olio UOOUOU UlO *UWJ*^.: on. She and her swi'ifft aall^^v Anderson,’ Perquimans county as Paris, where the 2>11 slipped and bgoke her itlp. conldnt gp to ,.J^^11n,> and .it||'j money**^ls sUil ^eip,' doing body any good. , ' ^ My friend’s account of that experience broi^ht home sharp ly to me the enpcts of natlpwil- Istlc poHclee carried to their *bi- treme, and the trouble caused by setting up artificial barriers to free international intercourse. ■"^rge of storebreaking in con-, MetLuB church in j awtion with the robbery of J. C. llrecn and Company store at -CWngman one week before he was tried Monday of this week, f.Ballard, it was brought out, has W lengthy court record, nnsault with deadly weapon on Charlie Parsons, convicted for «ain Minton, drew a term of grom three to five years in the penitentiary. Charlie Bauguess, who escaped while serving a sentence at the ■onnty home, was sentenced to Jg months on the roads. Hilary March, colored man convicted of manufacturing and possessing liquor, was sentenced Mooresville and burial will fol-1 low in Elmwood cemetery in Charlotte. GOOD INVENTORIES ENCOURAGINGLY LOW Washington, Nov. 11.—^Stocks of unconsumed goods—especial ly raw materials—were reported at encouragingly low levels today by official figure gatherers. Oenerally speaking, they said, increased consumption has match ed the last year's rise in indus trial production to prevent any threatening accumulation of in ventories. In event of continuation of the I m 60 davs in jail. ' Vince Casey and Arvil Wood- trend, they foresaw steady pric-j sow Martin were convicted of es and firm demand as present j burning a vacant dwelling and stocks are depleted and replaced. ' ■entenced to 12 months each on For the present, they added aw roads. numerous manufacturers delib- James Sale, colored, dr^w a erately are building up their in- 2fl-rnonths’ road sentence for as- ventories in anticipation of big his wife. I Christmas sales. Commerce de- Poverty-stricken husbands, of taiina, who pawned their w'ives •ocnplain they can't get them back, evnrt though the mortgagors have sufficient funds to repay the Sums, as the wives refuse to be adeemed. partmeiit reports have indicated i a tioliday trade substantially a- | hove that of recent years. | Patrolman Joseph Barrow of New York City was held up and relieved of his badge, revolver and $2. TKRMITK.S moving north The other day Fred Shaw and I went up into my farmhouse attic to see about winter-proof ing the gable ends. “Say, did you krtow you’ve got termites in your rafters?” asked Fred. He pointed to half-a-dozen mounds of sawdust on the attic floor. Sure enough, the little white ants were at work there. I thought I’d stopped ’em, seven years ago, when I found they’d eaten away one of the old hand- hewn 12 X 12 sills that the old house rests on. Now I’ve got to spend a lot more money, maybe put on a whole new roof, if I don’t want the house to fall down on our heads. Termites have been working their way north from the Gulf of Mexico tor twenty years. Now, the expert bug men tell me. they’re busy even in Canada. They get inside of a piece of timber and eat the heart out of it, leaving it only a hollow shell. I.,ooks to me as if we’ve got to figure out new ways to keep in sects from licking the human race and taking possession of the world. » » » GKHM.WY Holds ca.sli A New York friend of mine of Germai. descent owns, with his mother, a number of houses iu Berlin. A Berlin bank manages th(^ property and collects the rents. My friend can’t get any TKLBPHONE Improved I saw a new kind of telephone instrument the other day, which the telephone people say will be in universal use in a few years. It doesn’t have any box to fasten to the wall; the bell is contained in the base of the receiver. There are two clappers to strike the gongs. One is the usual one, the other is made of wood, to give a softer note for the benefit of nervous people who "Jump out of their skins” whenever the telephone rings. And the two gongs are pitched to different tones, giving a musical effect as the clapper vibrates between Soy^ns ^^tbh ham hMB eom irtUj- ylald "a. ,^jP WmdNo ROAIUNG RIVER 4. GIVE PI Arm agent '"■^or a nnmber of years, he 1, farmers In that county have fti growing soybeans with their wn, but did not try to harvest the beans, since the 'com stalks prevented th® use of a harvester. Many of the growers were sat- islled, as the beans improve the land and provided feed (or their hogs without reducing the corn yield. But some of the more thrifty farmers noticed that seed from most varieties of soybeans do not remain In the pod long after they become matu.''e. They fall to the ground, absorb moisture, swell, ferment, and lose their feed value. The fermented beans frequent ly cause stomach disorders, es pecially in young pigs. With this in mind, some of the leading farmers began har vesting the corn as soon as It matured, and cutting down the stalks. 'With the stalks out of the way, they were able to save the soybeans with a harvester. In this way, they are able to The Womaii*8 Mlssiourju ‘'’Ibtr o( Roartng Stvev vlllf proffBM'U th»> -iwioad’ aid9ertaua, aatmday at seveGrtkirty tor^tbe^'^ «(n ^ Mlsstow^-i'-'^'?*!^ ’ , ineindw 'a- lankmarr play in two act^-jin- "Tile Winning?, ot‘ Mii, RaHiii l^-iAard to oppoMp to aliwl^, Cfl^ aiid aeo hoir} akel'* .wa«/(reowlB' ihg will be taken. ,rr them. A little thing, parhaps, but of beans from each field, one more example of the way ldNN&AK)LIS ... Mrs. Vera Vath of ibis place invented a tear less onion 'peafer, which is being ex hibited ateve by Mi« Florence Snsag at Ae national inventors show being held here. and Service Electric and Acetylene Welding* Body and Fender Repairing* Radiator Repairing and General Aatoasobile Work. Wrecker Service Day or Ni^t. Williams Motor Co. T. H. WILLIAMS, Owner. PHONE 334-J. Vj Mile West, N. Wilkesboi Keep a Good Laxative alwajrs in your home QUINTUPLETS SIGNED, PRODUCER ANNOUNCES I Among the necessities of bo^ to 1 a good, reliable laxative. Don’t W Hollywood, Calif., Nov. 10.— Darryl Zanuck, vice president in charge of production for Twen tieth Century-Fox confirmed to- . , night the signing of a contract by In this way, they are am© 10 „ ... „ „ « . , ... .David A. CroH, Ontario minister securo a normal crop of corn and* * w ^ t.i t ± seuuin a iiu.u.a , 'Of welfare, for a motion picture of welfare, for a motion picture of the Dionne quintuplets. Croll is special guardian for til© five sisters. Moreover, he said, harvested ^ 1 IQ -1JLX VJ1 C ^AO-aas ^a^a,/ai.a*w **.a^ business enterprises are always beans can be crushed into meal trying to improve their product, j and the oil removed. Banuck said the quintuplets * * * will play important parts in the WEB over nation , whole beans as hog feed, for it. Country 1 sat ill my New York office not pro uce so , o y -1 work of Snoya Le the other day and asked the telephone operator to call my farm home, 150 miles away. “Hold the wire,” replied the ope rator, and in three minutes I was talking to my daughter. I hung up, then called for a without onel Do your best to pre vent constlpatioiL 'Don’t negleot it when you feel any of Its diangiee- able symptoms coming, on. . . “We have used Tliedford’s Black-Diniigbt for 21 years and have fouixt'it a very useful medicine that etery family ought to have in their home,” writes Mrs. Perry Hicks, of BeltOQ, , Texas. “I take Black-Draught lor biliousness, constipation and other Ills where a good laxative or purga tive is needed. I have always found Black-Draught gives good results.” Sold In 25-cent packages. GUILFORD WOMAN i Charles Blake. Henry J BLACK-DRAUGHT IS KILLED IN FALLjKins "•»> direct the picture. I- .1 .■uvii. Zanuck said he personally Greensboro, Nov. 11.—Mrs.; would head a group of technici- iicctu «A Ml II f\.i- Elizabeth Gabriel. 57. wife nfjaus and cameramen named to Ellas Gabriel, of McLeansville, | leave for Callander within two ! six miles east of Greensboro, was , weeks to photograph the famous BE SURE TO SEE THE NEW 1936 MODEL Washington number. It took even fatally injured shortly after noon | listers. FaII fvrtm Iha . less time to get ray connection, today when she fell from the with the Senator I wanted to talk to. I barely finished with him when my ’phone rang again. “Pittsburgh calling,” said the oferator. And that night I got a tele phone call from another friend who was stranded in Los Angeles and wanted me to telegraph him enough money to pay his hotel bill and buy a ticket back East! I went to sleep marvelling at the miraculous web which the telephone has woven all over the nation. Sixty years ago, nearly. Preaching Service second story of the store operat ed by herself and her husband. | Roby Johnson will preach The Gabriels lived in an aPart-, Pl'imitive Bap- ment over the store. Mrs. Ga-i^,_ , ^ _ hriel was leaning over the bannis ter of the second-story porch when the bannister suddenly tist church Saturday, 2 and 7:30 p. ra., and Sunday at 11 a. m. The public is invited to attend. gave way. She died before medi cal aid could be summoned. I saw Professor Bell’s first tele phone, at the P.n^delphia Cen tennial of 1876. rfw-as looked on as an Ingenious toy. nothing more. Charles Longley of Pontiac, III., having “got religion,” con fessed to railroad officials he caused a $15,000 wreck in Jan uary, 1934. He said he pulled the tracks out of line while get ting a truck out of a nearby ditch. ALL-METAL TUBE Westinghouse Radio BEFORE YOU BUY Wilkes Electric Company Refrigerators, Electrical Sup plies, Motor Rewinding PHONE 328 North Wllkesboro, N. C. ^1 Wise Fanner Will Sow This Fall With INTERNATI I NAL Lime Filler Fertilizer International has proven its worth with the Farmers of Wilkes and Adjoming Counties. If it had not been good, sales would not have increased from 400 bags in the Spring of 1932, to 6,600 bags in the Spring of 1935. Any of the dealers listed below are now ready to sell you any quan tity of International you may need. Claude Pearson PURLEAR, N. C. North Wilkeshoro Grocery Co. NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. A. K W ingler ROUTE 1. NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. Csiswell Brown ROUTE 1, NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. C. A. Forester, North Wilkesboroj N. C.