¥ I lAIrPATRlBl' HAS MAzi&^THE TRAIL OP . ^ - . •-.*'^**» *fc.-— •• t'-o».-.*f.-. • :^ StateiM Fbtidii Pfaiite CMMti'knb 11 .;^ T«ttIieUk, Kent. BnsUnd, Deo. A BelflRB airliner, its ' ^ iKlacn (lo^ed vtth ice, embed In a valley today and 11 persons were killed in one of the worst cItH air disasters ever to occur in Great Britain. . ■ - .I ■■■sa^nisamataniiiwgiM ^ VOL. XXX, iWVffi. ■, Piiblahed For Trial On tli£ Cbarge of Throwing GO ON . SA1£ Jim Cheek hto.Vat of Boilii^ Slop f Inflatloa Advocated VVlashlngton.—Billions’ of dol lars worth of idle gold and silver stocks in the Treasury should be pnt to work paying the soldiers’ bonus and easing farm debts, ^Beimtor Elmer Thomas (D-Okla) • said today In a pre-congresslonal - . statement. May RetHiild Triple .1 Chicago, Dec. 10.—A predic tion the AAA would be rebuilt within the framework of the Con stitution if the Supreme Court finds its present structure un constitutional evoked applause today from delegates to the American Farm Bureau Federa tion's annual convention. Clemson Fletcher Is Taken In Ohio Deputy Sheriff H. C. Kilby Goes To Circlevillc, Ohio, To Bring Him Bach Accident Fatal Raleigh, Dec. 10.—James Ed ward Ormstrong, foreman of the ^Raleigh Gas.Company, was in ti jtired fatally today at the com pany’s plant When he fell 25 feet EDMONTON; Al^ta, Can. . . . George F. Dalsiel, 27 (above), is Canada’s first subarctie trapper of the air, using an airplane in cover ing his trap lines.. "The Mad Trapper of Amtie" just landed here with $5,000 worth of pelts. from the roof of plant, where he was repairing concrete tile, to the ’ cement floor. Pet Dies, Kills Self Sacramento. Calif.. Dec. lu.— | Homer Lee. 14, wa.s found shot to death in his room a shotgun at his side. Nearby lay the body of his pet, a black and white bull dog which had died of old age. Wm. C. Pearson Dies Suddenly In Wilkesboro 50 RE.t .lobs ApprovtHl Washington, Dec. 10.—Fifty resettlement projects costin,g ap proximately $50,000,000 were disclosed today uy Administra tor Rexford G. Tugwell tO have received the approval of Comp troller-General J. R. McCarl. Widely Known Contractor Succumbs to Apoplectic Stroke Tuesday Night .John D. Takes Rides to Raytona Beach, Fla.. Dec. 10. Return of "summer weather’’ the Halifax country, winter home of John D. Rockefeller, was marked today by resumption of automobile rides by the 96- year-old millionaire phtlantlirop- ist. Find -Ti-ea.sure BuruNi Clinton. Conn.. Dec. 10. Two bags containing old coins having an estimated face value of $1,000 and a real value believed mucli higher were found in the home of Albert Marqtiard by workmen installing a new furnace. Cashier Robbssl Ea.sl Orange, .V. J-. Det. U>.— -Miss Eva Steffanelli, cashier for the Metropolitan l.ife Insurance company's office in Central ave nue, was knocked down by two negroes and robbed of $2,469 in cash, $2,152.30 in checks and , .$3.5,50 in hank coupons today. William C. Pearson, for many years a pi-ominent figure in Wilkes county, suffered a total apoplectic stroke at his home in Wilkesboro about ten o’clock Tuesday night. He had been in apparently good health and was suddenly stricken. He was a member of one of Wilkes county’.s most prominent and best known families, being a son of the late William Asa Pear son and Mrs. Elizabeth Smithoy , Pearson. Many^ftieads and acr I quaintanecs thrcTughout this part of the stale are saddened at the news of his passing. P’or several years he w’as en gaged in the building trade, be ing associated witli the late John Kenerly in the contracting firm of Kenerly and Pearson, contract ors. He also devoted consider able alteution to farming, he be ing ow'ner of a Brushy Mountain apple orchard. About a year ago be suffered serious injury in au accident. Both his legs were broken when bo was hit by a car near his H. C. Kilby, Wilke* deputy Hlierlff, ha* gone to Olrcleville. Ohio, to bring to Wilkesboro demon Fletcher, negro charg ed with throwing Jim Cheek into a vat of boiling slop at a still in tile Traphill vicinity a- bont a year ago. 'The negro, wI»o wears a num ber 13 shoe and ha.s a frame of correspondUng proportions, is alleged to not only have thrown Cheek Into the hot slop but to liave held him there un til he was almost scalded to death. His bums finally liealed but it is reported that he was permanently disabled by the injuries recelvetl. For several weeks after the Incident oc- enred iltUe hoi>e was held ftn* his recovery. Sheriff W. B. Somers receiv ed a inessagte front the itolice department at ClrclevUlo .stat ing that they liaU Fletcher In custody and miuisition itapers from the state of Ohio have J>een piepared. The dispatclies from the Ohio police stated that Flercitei' is a dangerous character ivnd advised ample precautions in retunilng him to this slate. His capture emi.s ,a year’s search anti w a .s affected through means of a $50 reward notice lliat was circulated tlirongiiout tlie country. Tile negro will face trial in Wilkes sujHTior court on a charge of assault wltlt intent to kill. This is till- ,s’cond still slop case in Wilkes county during i-eeent years. In the first case a Blowing Rock'man wa.s sen tenced In Federal court to three years in .Atlanta prison for throwing M. H. Phillips into a hot vat and nearly causing ills leatli at a still in the Fer guson 'oinniiinity onl.v a few niontJis before the ailorcation in the Traphill vicinity. Mr. Piiillips was aidin);( federal of ficers to raid a still and niTCst a number of moonshiners. AUTO pants ON SATURDAY Time Moved Up From Mon day, December 16, to Sat? urday, December 14 RATES ARE REDUCED On License Plates For Pas- sender Cars; No Change in Trudf Rates Automobile and truck licenses tags for 1936 wIlL go on Sale Saturday, December 14, instead of Monday, December 16, It was learned here yesterday from J. C. McDlarmld, In charge of the license bureau located on the corner of Ninth and C streets. It was made public here early this week that 1936 licenses tags would go on sale Monday but the date was changed in Raleigh and moved up to Saturday. The law allows the new tags to be used by December 16 and since the IBth will be Sunday this year authorities deemed it advisable to place the tags on sale Saturday. The 1936 tags, which are substantially reduced in price from the charges last year for automobiles will have chrome letters and figures on a black background. Attention is called to the fact that the license charge reduction of from 55 to 40 cents per hun dredweight does not apply to anything but passenger cars and that truck and commercial car rates will be the .same as last year. All automobile and truck own ers are urged to buy 1936 tags at the earliest possible date in order to avoid the rush of last min ute buyers during the latter days of the month. Expiration date of the 193B tags will be midnight, December 31. Issuance of 1935 tags in North Carolina set.a new record for the state in a single year, there h^ Local Hobday Slopiion H9Di Ynletide ApjpeanMo^ » stale in a , 1 -In* fhore tbair fi IT.DOO iwurt^tfr motorists to date. Red Cross Drive Quite Successful Total Membership of 847 Dol lars Reported to Date; Oth ers Expected to Join Tfidiga, a real bad ladi^ Ut Broadifay tU* Ugh. He had'a rhbber skla NEW YORK A ^ ^ - week, a giant some nine or tea building itorict Ugh. —-— and was full of helium gas and wae escorted by a great thnng of strong- armed men holding tow ropes. When s partieniarly brisk brewe caught ths red-skin at cn* comer, he almost get out of control but was finally tubdnod and continued to featue a toyland parade of a .department store here. Federal Officers Arrest 2 Men in Distillery Raid Dallas Bishop and Ward Hes ter Taken Monday In Boomer Section Health Report Shows County in Good Condition No Eipidemics of Communica ble Diseases to Hinder Sdiools This Year.^ , 99 I home in Wilke.sboro. and only I recenlly had recovered sufficieut- ^ j ly to be out of bis borne and at- aiid * 'u business affairs, except “ ' for only at short intervals. ■Mr. Pearson was also prom inently connected with business life in the Wilkesboros “Old Officials Get Town Books Mayor Harris and ‘Old Board’ Now Wilkesboro Govern ing: Officials tof S|>eol I'p tVP.A I’ay T,.nc"Trd“‘'L;di*'Stockholder and director in the eliminate red tape anti speeu i r“ment of works progress [ IH-posU A- Savings Bank, administration employees Mayor \V. K. Harris and Com- He was j niissionevs K. K. Reins. C. E. Len- (lermun, Jop R. Barber and L. B. were taken here today. Complaints of delay in issuing pay che‘ks have come from practically every di.s- trict of the state. George \V. Coan Jr., administrator, said, and stopping of relief work last week brought the attention oi the state offices more forcibly to -M the situation than ever before. i Minister Suing Church j Elder J. C. Dunbar, of Mount | A.iry, well known among mem-1 wese. Anatvalt, here of the Primitive Baptist Leonard Reavi.s, Mrs. W. L. How- ch”rchL. instituted suit in -Sttr- eU and Mrs. C. E. Sloop. Moravian rv county superior court for dam- 5 alls. , la ..t of $25,000, naming .1. lAT ' Funeral services were be Members of his immediate family surviving include his wife, .Mrs. Blanche Neal Pearson, one son. Joe I’earson. who is asso ciated with the Goodwill store, and .Miss Ruby Pearson, who; holds a responsible position with I Spainhotir’s here. Also surviving are two brothers and six sisters as follows: Joe M. and Bruce Pear son. -Moravian Falls; Mrs. J. E. I’ardiic. .Moravian F'alls; Mrs. C. ,M. Pardue, Hays: Mrs. J. L. De-1 Va.; Mrs. | Mayor actively Dula, known as the "old board’’ during the lengthy and lively litigation over the Wilkesboro election on .May 7, are again the governing officials of the town of Wilkesboro. On Tuesday afternoon Judge F. Donald Phillips, now presiding over courts in the 17th judicial district, signed a judgment at Yadldiiville ,jeturnin| funds books, records, etc., of the town back into tlie hands of the "old ages J. Bad-j the North Wilkesboro Methodist Creed Arthur Taylor, B. „. - ( — ^ « G J Key G. T. Jones.! church this morning. Burial was ’ Badgett end Press Stone (Continued on page eight) ^Sejrett - ^3 defendants, alleging that the defendants conspired to have him excluded from the church and have his preaching credentials re voked, subsequently succeeding in their conspiracy. New Sales Manager At Gaddy Motor Co. Representative (tf FHA Coming L. L. Carpenter, of Durham, Succeeds Joe Wellborn At Local Firm , Marion Brfick Will Be in Office of Attorney W. H. McElwee Monday Of interest to many people in Wilkes county is the announce ment that J. Marion Bollck, field reprweutatHw of the Federal Honsipy Administration, will be in Nprtk Wilkeeboro on Monday, Deeen^ to assist home own ers in aBPljrlng for Federal Hous ing loaoa- Mr/Bollck wUl maintain head- "?*"'«turters in the law office of At- '^ toniey W. H,-McBlwee and any Mho are Jntorseted ia seeing him t®that date. ... .Mr. W. F. ttaddy. proprietor of the Gaddy .Motor Co., announces the appointment of Mr. L. L. Car penter. of Durham, as sales man ager to succeed MT. Joe Wellborn. Mr. Wellborn resigned his posi tion in order to take a dealer ship. Mr. Carpenter comes to the lo cal automobile firm with splendid recommendations, He has been iengaged in the automobile busi ness for twelve years, recently iiavlng been associated with the H. & H. Motor Co., at Durham. He is well qualified to fill the position to which he has been ap pointed. and Mr. Gaddy feels for tunate in securing his services. Mr. Carpenter was active in civic and social affairs in Durham, being a member of the Rotary Club. Ha has a wife and ooa cRy in the vtmr fature to rdiide. ilanis and the board resumed their offices yesterday morning ancl P. L. Lenderman. chief of police for many years, has resumed his work. O. F'. Blevins is town clerk and treasurer. The judgment returning Uie funds and books to the “old board’’ resulted from two deci sions of the state supreme court reversing Judge J. H: Clements for ordering the ille.gal ballots cast On May 7 canvassed, and re versing and remanding Judge Phillips in ordering the books and funds turned over to what was termed the "new board.’ Tlie unnnal Bed Cro.ss roll ciiB ill Wilkes county this year has liee.n mni’e successful than in prior years, despite the fact that the work of securing members was a week late in getting under way. Rev. Eugene Olive, roll call chairman, slated yesterday that the membership so far totaled ,S47 with additional memberships expected from a number of school teachers. The Red (boss membership re ceived a boost when the manage ment and employees. 550 in num ber, of the Wilkes Ho.siery .Mills enrolled one hundred per cent at the beginning of the roll call. In a teachers meeting held in Wilkesboro Tuesday afternoon, it was reported that teachers of Mountain View central school and Pleasant Hill had enrolled one hundred per cent and many individual memberships were al so handed in. The canvass in some other .schools which are ex pected to enroll unanimously had | not Ivsen completed yesterday. Any who are in the county and who have not had an opportuni ty to join may do so by mailing one dollar to J. B. WlUiams, at North Wilkesboro, treasurer of the Wilkes county chapter. Dallas Bishop and Ward Hest er, young men of the Boomer community, were arrested yester day by federal alcohol tax unit investigators in a distillery raid in that vicinity. In a preliminary hearing be fore J. W. Dula. ITnited States commissioner, probable cause cause was found and bonds in the sum of $500 each for appearance at the •'^lay, 1936. term of federal court were filled. The federal officers making the raid were J. C. Fortner. I... L. Kiiksey. C. S. Felts and J. T. Jones, accompanied by W. B. Sparks, deputy sheriff. An average size moonshine still and considerable quantities of materials for the manufacture of illicit liquor were destroyed in the,’ raid. County Teachers Meeting Tuesday Held in Wilkesboro School Building; MLss Devers Addresses Group R.R. Clark Dies b Statesville Will Present Play News Commentator Stricken at 71 After Doing His Daily Work “The Magi’s Gift," a colorful operetta of the Christmas season, will be presented by the North Wilkesboro junior high school in the high school auditorium on Thursday evening of next week. A small admission fee will be charged. AH are invited to at tend. Special Junior Meeting A spactal riMting of the North Wilkesboro Junidr Order council will be held on Tuesday night. There ■will be- d^ree work a,wi npmlnatioB* of ■ officers. 'Bve^ member is especialy urged to at* tend the one to be held before the hOHdaya. . Statesville, Dec. 10.—U. R. Clark, widely known newspaper man and editorial writer, died suddenly this afternoon at 5:30 o'clock at his home on . North Center street. ' _ . He was in his usual health to day and had just completed his editorial work for tomorrow’s paper when he suffer^ an attack of angina pectoris- He was 71 years old and‘ha4 bto» OOGve In newspaper work for A^ly' six decades. ‘ 4- KPiaCWAL • ■ j : ii'. ■i, .veanor ' n^' A***" IMaiecnal> ebniM, Sundtf •16. sTm. LScW. Hector, ia cbotge. With teachers from the cen tral schools and representatives of many of the smaller schools present, a county teachers meet ing was held in the 'Wilkesboro school building Tuesday after noon. The main feature of the pro gram was an address by Mias Nancy Devers. of Ralei.gh, repre sentative of the state department of education, on the subject of "Health.” She gave a compre hensive discussion of health in the schools and during the pant few days she has followed up her address to the teachers by making personal visits to a number of the larger school units. Various forms tor making re ports and other materials were distributed by 0. B. Eller, coun ty superintendent, who presided over the meeting. Rev. Eugene Olive, chairman of the Red Cross roll call for this county, was present and enrolled many of the teachers as members tor the ensuing year. W. D. Half- acre, superintendent of North Wilkesboro city schools, talked briefly about the Junior Red Ooss in the schools and a number of teachers'expressed interest In Junior Red Cross organization. Report of Dr. A. J. Eller, coun ty health officer, for the past month discloses that the county is in good shape, speaking from the health standpoint, and that there are no epidemics of com municable diseases to hinder the schools. Since the liegi-ming of winter weather there have, been no new cases of diphtheria reported, Dr. Eller stated, and again urged that parents lake precautions to see that their children are vacci nated aganist the disease to pre vent its spread. There were a tew isolated cases of diphtheria during the fall months. So far there have been no cases of whoopin.g cough hut scarlet fever has been nearing epidemic proportions in one com munity. No measles have been ' reported so far this year and ver.v few children have been forced to stay out of school on account of colds or fin. Reports from the school indi cate that absences due to sick ness have not been as frequent as usual. The health officer asks' people to take every rea.sonable precaution to prevent spread of any communicable disease this year. During the past month Dr. Id ler has spent much of his time inspecting school children in tlie various schools in the county. With only .^n shoppinK days remainiDg before Christinas, a Ifvely interest in Santa Claus being re vived and the Yuletide Spirit is beginning to prevail. Christmas shopping is ex pected to boost retail trade tremendously and the streets of North Wilkesboro are.al- ready alive with^ shoppprs who are eager to make ’^ly gift selections and avoid the ru.9h of last minute shop pers. The postoffice is beginning to notice an increase in the volum* of mail, affected by those who are taking Uncle Sam’s 'n’arning to mail early and avoid possible delay and congestion during the last days before Christmas. In anticipation of the holiday trade. North Wilkesboro stores have stocked heavily with the season’s newest merchandise and in qquanlity buying have effected savings for the buyer. Particular attention has been given to carrying stocks of mer chandise in sufficient variety to fill all demands from people in the ever-increasing trading area of North 'WSlkesboro. The mercantile establishments have decorated beautifully with decorations that are reminders that the holiday season is here ftnd that the human race is once more on the threshold of the an niversary of the Prince of Peace. Clifton Wheatley’s Home Is Destroyed Resident Of Huys Conun unity Loses Home .^nd Contents By Fire The residence of Clifton Wheat- ley, together with all its contents, was completely destroyed by fire recently, the damage running in to several hundred dollars. ■Mr. Wheatley has many friends in the community who were sorry to learn of his loss. Schoolmasters To Meet Friday, 6:00 Wilkes County Schoolmasters’ club will meet in its regular De cember meeting on Friday eve ning, six o’clock, at the Wilkes boro Hcliooi building. Prof. W. L. Ingcld. superin tendent of Taylorsville schools, will address the schoolmasters as the feature of an interesting program that has been arrang ed. Dinner will be served by the home economics classes of Wil- kesboro high school. Jay Anderson To Give Recital Local Girls In Play At Greensboro College .Many North Wilkesboro peo ple will be interested in the an nouncement that Jay Andersoji. local youth attending Wake For est College, will render an organ reqjtjal^t the Wake Forest Bap tist cK^ch Sunday evening, sev en o’clock. Quarterly Conference Firt^ quarterly conference of the Wilkerttorp Methodist charge wRl'.tp fold'at'iiUnlon dl^rtSi ..on Sunday j ' i Rovr he preeenL u^ are Wilkesboro Methodist Ladies To Give Oyster And Chicken Supper Ladies of the Wilkesboro Methodist church will serve an oyster and chicken supper at the Wonder Cafe in Wilkesboro this evening, profits to be applied on work of lenovating the Metho-, dist parsonage. It is asked that tickets be turned in and a quilt will be given to some one attending. Mi.sses Jane Whicker, daugh ter of Attorney and Mrs. J. H. Whicker and Adelene Jones, daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Jones, both students at Greens boro college, will appear in the Christma.s cantata “When the Christ Child Came’’ (Clokey) which is to be given by the Greensboro college glee club combined with the Meistersingers, Greensboro male chorus, on Sun day night Dec. 15, in Odell Me morial auditorium. Miss Jane Whicker is secretary of the Greensboro college glee club. Vesper Services At First Baptist Begin on Sunday Evening; Young Peoples’ Meetings Wednes^y Nights Masonic Notice :The North Wilkesboro Mason ic lodge will elect officers in a meeting to be held Friday night at the lodge hall here. Every member is urged to be present. Beginnin'g'Snnday evening. De- (^ber IB, weeper services from , BveiTbodr is to attend s^^pl^pppey to be gitoh Dalon fofodi at Cycle, m 8atard«,»!: >1. mUkm *«rai « the sale of-plwi a» a of the program. five to aiz o' the First* Bap’l of at 7:40. An vesper serv^ ter months 'was by-^. Eugene During that pe kervicM are held Sunday yohog paopfe’O hold their dpy nighu. 0 •k will ibe h^d at church instead leeaaht of the tlie wto- this weak . Ive, pastor, the vespw five o'clMk ragnlar .VBl