PAtili^iS^ hLaZHD raE'TiSAIL OF.'PftdGRHSS '1n\h^. “STATE''^jF _ “^'k ni^"' . ' -V ri' "-ai-*^ ~-il-.-y m$ fiCi 17.—C. C. ji«»n and flying and W. W. Slater alao a fll««. both of Dallas, were kiUod %)i6n thoir airplane crash ed near here late today. fSSO^Mayr Salee Tax BaMgh, Doc. 17.—Sales tax oollaotlons ywterday on Novem ber reports aggregated $308,- St®.77, a record for sales tax re- jMdpta in one day since the levy srn imposed In 1933. ;V'?S3 ■* ? i.* 1 fi ^St OUTC*^ To BoUd New Planes ^ i Washington, Dec. 17; — The Hpar department today announc ed the award of a contract for 100 attack planes. Involving $2,- 066,074, to the Northrop corpor ation of Inglewood, Calif. Liquor Taxes $6,000 Raleigh. Dec. 17.—‘Dry’ North Carolina Is reaping a harvest In revenue, estimated at more than $8,000 per month, from the sale of alcoholic beverages In 17 coun ties where liquor stores are ope rated under local laws. ■> Farmer With $48? -Martinsville, Va.. Dec. 17.— Two masked men held up John Itancock on his farm in Stokes odnnty, N. C.. today and escaped with a pocketbook containing a- bout $43, according to Sheriff J. M. Davis, of Henry county. Will Not .Affiliate -'Washington, Dec. 17.-—Senator Goorge W. Norris, an insurgent ,Rd[^ubtican for most of his 30 years in Congress, steered clear today of an offer to affiliate -with the Democratic party, although pledged to work for the re-elec tion of President Roosevelt. Victim .Auto Wreck Rocky Mount, Dec. IT.—Fu neral service for Robert K. Pitt man, 21, of Greenville, a tobac co company bookkeeper who was killed near here today when his machine left a curve on the Pine- top highway, will be conducted Wednesday afternoon in FHilk- land at 2:30 o’clock. Ranln of Mm Who Wore the GrayThiimuig Only Nine Confederate Vet erans Now Living In M^'es County CHECKS DISTRIBUTED Semi-Annual Pension Checks to Wi&es Veterans and Widows Total $5,275 Father time is taking his toll among the men who wore the grey in the War Between the States and today there are only nine surviving veterans of the Confederacy in Wilkes county, according to the number of pen sions checks received from the state by C. C. Hayes, clerk of superior court. Ten checks were received by Mr. Hayes for distribution but one of the veterans to whom a check was made payable died since the last semi-annual pay ment. Two of the 63 checks due vet erans and widows in Wilkes were not among those received by Mr. Hayes but it is thought that this was an oversight on the part of the Raleigh office. There were ten veterans' checks for $182.50 each, making a total of $1,825; 13 class A widow’s checks totaling $1,950; and 28 checks for $50 each to class B widows, totaling $1,400; and one servant’s check for $10n, making a total of $5,275 in the semi-annual, pension pay ment in Wilkes. Those to whom checks are due and who have not received them are asked to call at the office of the clerk of court. ^ ^ js Aa^mrmn^mrR:^th J^daced From 10 to M §d0 Over Eight Hundred Now On Payrofl’* ' of WPA For Wilkes County;.Wooten' .*X31a3erl^iest’' New York . . . The Rev. Father Barnard, Hubbard, of Alaska, (above), who has earned the news sebrlquet of the “Glacier Priest’’ due to rescue and explo ration activities in the frozen North, is now here on vacation. Group of Farmers Organize a Club Poisons Fncie, Aunc - | Hajmeadow" Community; Los Angeles. Dec. 17.—Life j program Rendered in In- imprieonment was imposed today i teresting Meeting on 19-year-old Leroy Drake for ■ poisoning his aged great uncle! Tijg farmers clul). of Haymea- and aunt. He told the court hejdQ^^. community met at Haymea- poisoned the couple to save themjdow schoolhouse December 11. at from “disgrace and suffering’’! 7 p m. k. S. Thornton, teacher growing out of an automobile ‘ (,f Vocational Agriculture at theft case against him. t Mountain View, was present. I The assembly was organized, eU-i'ling the following officers: ,1. E. Itrown. president; W'. H. a May Seek New Recoi-d Dayton, O., Dec. 17.—Captain Albert W. Stevens, who soared to height of 72,395 feet last month, said today it may bo pos- -sible in a proportionately larger brUloon to ascend 95.000 feet. Stevens told a Wriglit anniver sary gathering he may undertake such a night. Sebastian, vice president; Manley Coffey, secretary and treasurer: Itarnie Harrold. assistant secre tary and treasurer. R. S. Thorn ton will act a.s instructor. The meeting had 0 two-fold purpose: til it’ ftbt better ac quainted with how the farmers are farming; (21 to help solve Taylorsville, Dec. 17.- ■ rite ! tqich other’s problem.s. caae of Willard Teague. IS,- There were nineteen of the charged with first-degree murder I farmers present at the meeting. See Patrolman For ‘For Hire’ License Plates Patrolman Johnson Handling Applications at Police Headquarters Here Highway Patrolman J. J. John son is handling applications for “for hit e’’ license plates at po lice headquarters in this city. This type of licenses includes taxis, transfers, etc., which are not sold along with the private automobile tage and which must be ordered from .Raleigh. By making application before the patrolman the car owner may get a receipt which enables him to drive without being liable to arrest before the plates arrive from Raleigh. Patrolman Johnson will lie the police office from nine a. m. until noon each day for the pur pose of receiving applications of this type. DeAth Case Coiiliniiet in the alleged self-defense slay-! The subject discussed at the lag of his father. Porter Teague, i meeting was ’’Soil Improvement,’’ 45, was continued until June land 'Home Mixing of Fertilizers, term of superior court here today: The sulijecl to be discussed at because of illness of Hayden I the next meeting, January 8. is Fiiirke, torney. Taylorsville defense at-j “Rat Contror and “Poultry’’ as t Morgan .At Ridge-ri:si Raleigh, Dec. 17.—Perry Mor gan, of Raleigh, for 15 years con nected with the work of the Slate ^aptist Convention, resigned as ^Secretary of Sunday school work today to become general superin tendent of Ridgecrest. Southern Baptist Convention assembly' ground in western North Caro lina. IK side-lint All the farmers that can are asked to be present. .Mrs. W. E. Horton, resident of Ferguson, has been taking treat ment at a hospital in Lenoir. Wilkes Farmers Win At Chicago Ted R. Nichols, of Purlear, Gets Fourth Premium for Southern States Although they failed to win a blue ribbon at the International Grain show in Chicago recently, Wilkes farmers who exhibited their Wilkes County Wihite corn won two prizes. Ted R. Nichols, of Purlear, won fourth place on ten ears of corn in competition with corn from eleven stales and a prize was won by Quentin Nichols, alao of I’urloar, in the 4-H corn club de partment. He won the sweep- stakes at the North Carolina state fair. CONTRACT LET FOR ANOTHER SECTION FEDERAL PARKWAY ’ Held For Fratricide Fairfax. Va.. Dec. 17.—A nuir- (teg charge was filed today a- Fred Martin, 40, upon re- oeipt of reports he may recover from a wound received in a sui cide attempt after he allegedly shot and killed his brother, Isaac, 42, at their home near here. Sheriff Eppa P. Kirby swore out the warrant after county Coroner C. A. Ransom Issued a certificate of death due to homicide. Qnlte A Coincidence Greenville, Dec. 17.—Highway patrolmen were today investigat ing a wreck last night on the Vanceboro road between two automobiles driven by men of the same name. It was reported that cars driven by Dr. B. E. Moore, of New Bern, and B. E. Moore, of Greenville collided. Dr. Moore was accompanied by his wife, while there were five persons in OreenxUle cw. None of the oeeapaBte, bowe’M. received se- rieOs injury. X FOOTWASHING SERVICE CONGO HOUNESS ay Washington. Dee. 16.—With the letting of another Southern Appalachian Parkway contract today, the. National Park Service passed the 100-mile mark, bring ing one-fourth of the distance of the parkway iinflcr a construction contract and putting one-half of the $6,000,000 now available for the project at work providing •struetion cost will he $2,811,514. Only last week Demarary thought it would be in the new year before the 100-mile mark was passed. It some agreement could be reached with the Chero kee Indian tribe as to a right-of- way through the reservation for entrance to the Great Smoky Mountain National Park a con tract for another 13 miles could jobs in keeping with the recov ery program. ] be let with little delay. The contract let late today was ; Immediately upon learning to- for 13.2 miles between Mulberry day that the Cherokee tribal Gap and Horse Gap in North Car olina. The low bidder was Nello T. Teer, of Durham, and the a- council had rejected the compro mise proposal advanced by the government in an effort to reach mount he will receive for the con-I an agreement on the route of the Cr^k Roaii Project Started tues^y . . A ^ Journal-Patriot To Publish One Issue Next Week No Thurwlay Issue Will Be Published; Monday’s Pap er Be Issued Tuesday In order to allow the office and mechanical force of Hie Journal-Patriot to enjoy a brief holida,v period The Journal-Patriot will not be is sued on Thursday of next week. And in order to provide the fnllest possible eoverajro of news the Monday issue, De cember 28, will not be print ed until Tuesday inominj;. Representative Of FHA Has Busy Day ,1. Clarion Bollck Confers With I’e«iple Interested In Obtain ing Housing Ijoans J. Marion Bolick, field repre sentative of the Federal Housing administration, spent a busy day here Monday conferring with a large number of people interest ed In obtaining loans through the FHA. Mr. Holick maintained head quarters while here in the office of Attorney W. II. McElwee and during the day explained the Fed eral Housing plan to a large number of interested people. Open Evenings For Holidays III order to better accomodate the Christmas shoppers in North WilkesboTo during the nemain- der of the holiday shopping per iod, many -of tlie leading mer cantile firms here will be open evenings until Christmas, begin ning Friday night. This is expected to be quite a convenience to many shoppers who find it inconvenient to visit the stores during regular hours. F'ollowlng is a list of firms that are announcing today that they will remain open evenings until nine o’clock, beginning Friday night: Penney’s, Tomlinson’s De partment Store, Belk's, Rhodes- Day Furniture Company. Abshers, Rose’s 5 and 10 Cent Store. Har ris Brothers, Goodwill Store, Carl W. Steele, The Men’s Shop, Spain- hour’s, Yale Department Store, Wilkes Furniture Exchange, E. M. Blackburn and Sons Company, Duke Power Company. Best 1 Cent to One Dollar Store, Jenkins Hardware Company. Dr. J. 0. Mann To Preach Here WPA Workers Win Observe Holidays From Monday to December 30th WORK IS PROGRESSING Total of Approximately 2,000 on Payivll in Five-Coun ty District A total of 802 were on the payroll of the Works Progress adminisration in Wilkes county yesterday, according to information re ceived from the office of C. H. Smithey, manager of the branch office for five coun- tie.s. A total of 1,941 are on the payroll in the district. Simultaneous with this in formation is the announce ment that beginning with the next payrdll period the work month for WPA em ployes will be cut from 140 to 128 hours and the work week will be four eight- hour days, allowing the workers two days ta work at home or seek more prof itable employment. The same monthly pay scale will be in force. On Tuesday the long delayed Wooten’s Creek road improve ment project was started, enab ling the WPA office to more nearly reach its goal of placing ail relief eliglbles in Wilkes on jobs. The project calls for im provement on a much needed road through the Vannoy com munity to highway 18 at a point known as horseshoe bend on the Blue Ridge. Forty men are be ing used with Winfield Key and Tom Absher as foremen. Of the 802 WPA employes in Wilkes ^95 are men and 207 are ^ women given employment in the | sewing rooms under the direction of Miss Ila Holman, director of the women’s division in the five- county district. Works progress administra tion employes will disband for Christmas holidays on Monday afternoon, December 23, and re sume work on December 30. Information gained from the district office relative to WPA labor is quite complimentary of the people on relief in this sec tion and Indicates that a prepon- deiant percentage of the WPA workers labor willingly and as efficiently as they are able to do HO. Judge J. A. Rousseau, who for the past several weeks has been presiding over superior court in Wlnstou-Salem. will spend the holidays at his home here. Ishbel Ross (above), is the author of the new serial story 'Pi’omenade Deck’’’ which starts in this .newspaper Monday. It is a story which wins high ])radse from the critics. Like “(jrand Hotel” it is a study of people as they live together. The scene of this story is aboard ship .on a worl4 cruise. At North Wilkesboro Presby terian Church on Sunday Morning, 11 ot'Clock struetion of this section is $290,- 055. Teer received the first park way contract awarded on the North Carolina side. Six parkway contracts have just been let in Virginia, the right-of-way difficulties having been overcome. To A. E. Demarary, associate director of the National Park Service, must go the lion’s share of the credit for the .rapid pro gress which has been made re cently in getting the parkway construction under way. When asked today'for Ihe status of the pnffcway -j^axpOalned that the hEtlte aaw North fSuroUilA Dr. J. O. .Mann, who is in charge of Sunday school exten sion and young people’s work in the Synod in North Carolina, ■will preach Sunday morning, eleven o’clock, in the North Wilikesboro Presbyterian church. In the aft ernoon he will speak to an as sembly of the young people of the church. j parkway through the reservation. Secretary Ickes wired R. G. Browning, of the North Carolina Highway Department, to come to Washington for a conference to morrow. Secretary Ickes has designated Demarary to represent' him at the conference which is to be attended by Browning and John Collier, chief of the Indian Bu reau. * ■ I Demarary' stated tonight that he hoped that something could be worked out where^. the. .jgytk- way would - be' iocat^ the reservatipn Jtint .be did tepw wbethrf. $ny fuithec ceaslong wb'nld be'made to fbe'tjh Junior Woman’s Club Dance On December 26th Will Be In I^CRlon And Auxiliary Clubhouse; Bay State dr- chestra Coming $IacM 101 mllee undw a construction contract. The eon- dians to'secure their ci iisent. .ate: One of the highlights of the holiday season in North Wilkes boro will be the Junior Woman’s Club dance to take Place at the American Legion and Auxiliary clubhouse on Thursday night, De cember 26, from ten,’till 2. ’The widely, acol^med Bay State orchestra, which has been playing In Charlotte” for win, be used ulttb. Wtuton-Salem Friday Seven Escaped IMsoners Are Still At Large Price Miller Taken Monday Night by Highway Em ploye Near Rmda Of the prisoners who escaped from the prison camp in Wlilkes- boro Saturday night three have been recaptured and seven are still at large, although a persis tent search is being continned. John GambiJl, nefj.0^ was re captured soon after the break and returned to complete his two- year sentence for larceny,, which he received in Cleveland county courts. Bernard Ball was recaptured Monday in his home county, For syth, and is back in camp to complete his four-year sentence for larceny. Price Miller was apprehended .Monday night near Ronda by Dean Bentley, an employe of the state highway commission, and returned to camp to finish his six months for assault on female in Guilford county. Those who are still at large are Knox Brown, sentenced to two years for larceny; Will Brown, two years for larceny; Ray Huffman, 15 months for fortery; Jack Presnell, two years for larceny; Leo Williams, five years for bigamy; Howard Brack ett. three years for larceny; Roy Beck, two years for larceny. Lutheran Service Lutheran services will be held :it tlie Girl Scout “Little House” on the corner of D and Fifth .streets on Sunday evening, 7:30, with the pastor. Rev. R. E. Men- nen, in charge. This service will include a Christmas program for the children. A cordial welcome is extended to the public. m CHRISTMAS SERVICES AT CHURCHES ARE ANNOUNCED Churches in the Wllkesboros, and many churches in the rural communities throughout the coun ty, will observe Christmas with special services in commemora tion of the birth of Christ. Observance of Christmas in many of the churches will be Sun day, when special music and ser mons on the Christmas theme are planned. Following are announcements of special Christmas services in churches in the Wllkesboros. First Baptist a»urch Tlte morning worship service will be on the Christmas theme and at 5 o’clock in the evening the service will be devoted to special Christmas music. First Meftekllst Church *. Tlie program of Christmas services starts Sunday morning, 9:45, ■with regular Sunday schoti and at eleven o’clock the pastor, A “mi'”" Hr. R. B. Templeton, will preach Auxiliary “V7ihat Christmas Means^ To Me.” The evening sermon theme win be "How Some-Folks Keep Christmas.” Special music will be rendered, r On Monday evening. Decem- some time,‘•will fnmlsli siuMc for the ft;*30 In- the'^clMreh A. occeskm. Profits the dance onadav sehooL anperln- ^.Oassel, Sunday schooL anperln- sv." a. . ^-il4aao4«itt.tW.lll preald* At, an old Meearo.^«.- B. Rteh^^n aiid i$di!oi»d Chi*tin%-tr» Thare ■ P; ^illsr were btflfliijsss TtoHort jWfll he'PT®*®®*® those g registered itt tl^. kday sehooL “a real Christmas tree, candy, nuts, apples and maybe some thing more. Santa will be there in all his trappings,” the announce ment stated. Presbyterian Church On Sunday evening, 7:30, the Woman’s Auxiliary will present a pageant under the direction of the secretary of ministerial relief and young people of the church win take part. At this service the annual offering for minister ial relief will be taken. On Tuesday evening at the church hut there will be a Christ mas party for the primary de partment under the direction of Miss Julia Finley. There will, be a Christmas program and . treat for the children. Wilkesboro Methodist Sunday evening, seven o’clock, a Christmas program will be rendered in. the WilkMb'oro Methodist church. There’.■will be a treat for every member oL the Sunday school and a sp^gl Chriatmas program will b» ren dered. • * - ' • *• ^ I ■■ ■ I' T-y— of BaaiMM CeMM ji lSMi ' Copgrcaj^MHwIrt ^ ON An Fiolda ORrittep Inehided Jd Moef €o«s- i {dete Ceneiw tojpdte. ^ D. W. Maddox, who has named supervisor of the cenina of business in the elghth'congreo'- sional district, today, announced that enumeration work will start in the whole district on jaanary 2, 1936. He said 32 enumera tors will be named within 'the next few days to make the can vass in this district which In cludes 12 counties. Offices of the censua are t» be established in the First National Bank, Thomasville, and a staff of 37 persons^wlU be empldYod to handle the work. All cengna employees are bound by a atrie$ census oath not tp reveal §jiy lnfdira.a|lon contained ..on bnal- ness reports and the Ih'# makea any vkilatlon a crlmlntl offense. Mr. Maddox stated that every retail and wholesale bnslnees, all hotels, places of amusement, bus iness service companies, insur ance agencies, real estate offices, and trucking and bus companies; all banks, office building man agers and contractors will be canvassed for reports on their operations during the calendar year 1935. The results are to be tabulated in Philadelphia, head quarters of the business census, and become the basic statistics which businesses use In plan ning their operating policies. All enumerators will be in structed thoroughly on ail phases of the census, Mr. Maddox said, prior to the beginning of the eanvase. J. H. Donnell who haa been selected as assistant super visor, will help conduct the train ing courses. Supervisor Maddox explained this census has been extended considerably beyond the limita tions of the census of distribution for 1929, and the census of A- merican Business for 1933, as a result of business requests that all fields of business be included. “It is designed,’’ he said, “to supply a definite ans'sver to th* question of how many concerns there are In business, the total (Continued on page eight) Urging Motorists To Buy Tags Now And Avoid Rush and Possible Delay in Buying Later. This Month Motor vehicles license bureaua in this city and elsewhere In the state are urging car and truck owners to purchase their 1936 auto plates as early as possible in order to avoid the congestion, and rush during the last days of December. The state highway patrol is insisting that the 1935 tags wiU expire at midnight on December 31 and that all who operate mo tor vehicles after that date will be liable to arrest. Private automobile and truck license.s may be purchased in North Wilkesboro at the license bureau office at the Yadkin Val ley Motor company and all who wish to apply for “for hire’’ lic enses should get in touch with . Patrolman J. J. Johnson at the office of the city police depart ment. A Christmas aervioe held at Mount Pleaaant cbnrch..^at' JDhaioplon • on mas at two a’elock U. th® a Santa Claus At ForesUf’f Will Be at Foreateris Nit-.i Way Service Jo Treat, Children T\ie^y-: Santa Claus with all kls outfit and gifts for kiddl^ wiU be at Foreater’g Nu-Way ServjM eta- tion on Tuesday evening,“Decern'^ her 24. » , An attractive Christmas . tree has been 'Wnt^ on the groanda and ererytnVtff ,1b la readlBMa for the visit Vof 'Ran^ i^ Cluri»t-^ _ mas eve. V r j’" A public inv)|a^B^ls extead- ed to everybody Ki be present Banta CUns willW^ $ for every child J^a** dt .Age who vleits theV*vt®e stetlon between the ,honrs,]tf Jfonr ®?and six o'doek on Tne»t !^n ^he pastor. Rev. Watts, ipi eharge. The epb- Ts invite St" noon. Clans and every ohlH to meet him and re It,.

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