EASON’S! GREETMGS^ VOL. XXX, NO. 82 P^b&hed Moiubys and Thursdays NORTH WILKESBQRO, N. *C., MONDAY, DEC.' 28, A THOUSAND, niae hmdred, thirtysix years ago, a laby was given life by i" beaoiifal girl X. ' to whom motberhood was Btiraculoiuly granted. That baby was cradled in a manger, and the scent of Mynh sweetened his slnmbers. He was a hearty, strong baby, and in His eyes g>ewj|||. a light over-wise for one so shortly on this earth. He became known to mankind as Jesns^/;^ Christ, and the anniversary of His birth is In' holy rererence.' those who> are spiritaal, pnd se the Lord for thn day He was aesi^ In G^s image. In awe and infinite admiration, those who are practkal and worldly record Him as the most sagacious of all men; history’s greatest ph ilosopher, leader, meter of justice, and prophet. And to all generations which have come after H im. He has proved Himself to be both mentor and teacher most worth emulating. May His spirit ever guide us to brotherhood, peace and the love of man. ' Burns Are Fatal To Resident of Traphill Section *' Hinson Succumbs to Borns Received By Fire in Woods; Funeral Today •* .. -I Carl Hinson, .5S-year-old resi dent ot the Traphill community, died Saturday afternoon from burns received when his clotliing caught lire from a blaze he made j In the forest to keep himself | warm. , ! Hinson, according to reports | here, was heavily under the in fluence of liquor and after he bum a fire It caught his clothing «nd Inflicted fatal burns. He was brought to the hospital here In a dying condition and died within a short time. He was a son of the late Parm and Mary McCann Hinson. Sur viving are his mother and the fol lowing brothers and sisters: Charlie Hinson, Elkin: J. M. Hin son, Pulaski, V’a.; Mrs. Lucy Cockerham, Vestus, Mo.; Laura Hinson, Winston-Salem; Mrs. E. M. Yale, Traphill. Funeral and burial services wero JmJd ^teday at Charity «burch with Rev. L. R. Wood In charge. G.O.P. Candidate Senator William E. Borah, of Idaho, whose statement that he will allow his name to go In the Wisconsin primaries, is consider ed tantamount to announcing himiself as a candidate for the Republican nomination for presl- (lent in 1936. ^W. L. Forester Dies at Goshen Aged and Highly Esteemed Citizen Passes; Funeral Service Saturday W. L. Forester, aged and high ly esteemed resident of the Gosh en community, died at his home Thursday afternoon. Mr. Forester, who was quite active despite hi» S3 years, was in apparently good health and was able to look after the affairs of his farm until he was sudden ly stricken with apoplexy about mid-afternoon Thursday. He was carried into his residence and died within a few minutes. Over a long period o’ years Mr. Forester had taken an active part in church and community affairs, being for over 40 years superintendent of the Sunday school i n Goshen Methodist church and a faithful churcn worker. For 20 years he was post master at Goshen, retiring only a few months before his death, i The sudden death of Mr. For ester was an occasion of sadnes.s; to many friends in his and other | communities. He is survived by his wife, j I "Mrs. I.k>u Ellen Forester, and the following children: N. H. For ester, Lake City, S. C.; A. H , R. C., K. P., E. H. Forester and re. Sallie Sauls, of Sumter, S. lias Rhetta Forester and ../s. Ruth Holder, of Goshen. Also Burvlving is one brother, J. A. Forester, of Wilkesboro. Ptrtteral services were held at bis residence Saturday morning and burial was in Mountain Park cemetery In Wi'kesboro. Borah To Enter The Presidential Race Next Year Statement About Primary is Tantamount AnnouncemMtt Washington. Dec. 20.—A state ment by Senator Borah, of Ida ho, considered by some to be , tantamount to an announcement i that he would seek the Republi can presidential nomination, was given to newspaper men tonight in response to inquiries. Two Wisconsin Republicans, after a series of conferences with the Idahoan, first announced that he had indorsed a proposal to elect a Borah-for-president dele gation from that state to the 19.16 convention. .\sked about this. Borah re plied : ■‘I told them that whatever^ they did f.long that line I would! .■stand in with them.'' The original statement, by State Senator Phillip E. Nelson, of Maple. Wis., and former State Senator Bernhard Gettelman, of Milwaukee, coupled with Borah's reply, certainly projected him into the nomination race further tlian any previous public pro nouncement. Adult Schools Commence Work In the County Seventewi Schools Begin This Week Under Direction of WPA Group Seventeen adult schools beein operation in Wilkes county this week under direction of the Works Progress administration, it was learned today from C. B, Eller, county superintendent of schools, with whose office the adult schools are closely corre lated. This phase of the WPA. taken over from the relief adminisitra- tion, is designed not only to fur nish employment to jobless mem bers of the teaching profession, but to give adults an opportunity to broaden their education. The work was scheduled to get under way today but on ac count of the snow and cold wea ther some of the adult schools may be delayed for a short time. Wonderful results were obtain- • ed from the adult schools under the direction of the relief admin istration aud the schools are ex pected to be equally as effective this year. Back From Trip BOB DOVOHTON Winston-Salem, Dec. 20. — James W. Blum, 63. Norfolk and Western railway engineer, died tonight of Injuries received in a freight train wreck last Sunday »t Walnut Cove. J oumal-P atriot Not To Be Iwued Thursday, Dec. 26 Hie Jovmal-Patrlot will not he Issued a« «» Thurs day of week. Thnraday’.s lasne to »>«**« \ o"”**"*^ order to aUow the employes a brief b^iday vaeadow. ■ This Issoe w being puWlsh. ed one day bOer tlua WBUl In •eder to give fitOer OoWMgJe ot the WBWB.. Here’s wtridag Federal Officers Get Two at Still Ernest Poplin and Eli Grimes Face Charge of Manufac turing Illicit Liquor Ernest Poplin and Eli Grimes, youths of the Buggaboo com munity near Rcnda. were arrest- k1 by federal revenue investiga^ tors in a raid at a still Thursday afternoon. A complete illicit distillery outfit and materials for liqquor manufacture were found and de stroyed by Officers A. R. Wil liams, J. R. Brandon, F. D. Lump kin, Deputy Marshal W. A. Jones and Bob Jones. The young men were carried before J. W. Dula, United States commissioner, and were released under bonds of $500 each for appearance at the May term of fede-ral court iii Wilkesboro. Many Accidents Reported Here Gilreath Youth Loses Right Hand; Virginia Lady Has Bro4cen Leg Ernest Moore, youth of the Gil- roath community, suffered the loss of his right baud during the week-end while he and a play mate were playing with a shot gun, which accidentally discharg ed. Treatment is being rendered the wound at The Wilkes Hos pital. Mrs. L. E. Jones, a resident ot Rugby. Va., is a patient at The WSlkes Hospital, where she is receiving treatment tor a badly broken leg from fulling on the ice at her home Sunday. Marcus Johnson, a son ot Ar- vel Johnson, is being treated for a badly lacerated heel iii an ac cident Sunday, DoughtonWill TalktoKiwanis Weekly Meeting WiB Be H«W FrifBiymt Niw Tfcis Week Same as Usual Hon. R. L. Doughton, chair man of the Ways and Means com mittee in congress, will address the North Wilkesboro Kiwanis Club in regular meeting Friday at noon. Plans to observe this week as a holiday week and not have a meeting Friday were abandoned when it was learned at the Close of the meeting Friday noon that Congressmaii Doughton could be present this week and address the club. He has just returned from a trip to the Phillipines and Japan and is spending a brief holiday vacation at Sparta, Laurel Springs and in this city. He will have a mes.sage of interest for his heaters and a full attendance of members and many guests are expected. To Hold Singings On Fifth Sunday B.&L Group In Wilkesboro Has Good Year Usual Six Per Cent Profits Apportioned by Associa tion For Year Doughton (^ad To Be Back In United States Does Not Bt^eve PhilipfHne Independence Will Last Washington, Dec. 19.—With a buffalo horn measuring over five feet from point to point as his prize souvenir. Representative Robert L. Doughton, along with other members of the congres sional delegation, returned to Washington today after having witnessed the launching of the new Philippine government as an independent state. After traveling half around the world Doughton said he was con vinced there was no place like the United tales a.id during his quarter of a century here the capitol dome never looked better than it did this morning. He left tonight for his home at Lau rel Springs, admitting that he is homesiok for the moiRitains of western North Carolina. Meeting North' Carolina newspaper corre spondents at his office, the house ways and meant cbalrmiKi devot ed an hour relating some of the impressions which the various countries he visited made upon him. “The most interesting thing I saw was the activity in Japan," he said. “There wore no loafers and no idlers there. Everyone was at work, and I think I saw more bicycles and babies than I thought existed in the world. I (Continued on back page) \Wafnsof W^ Buaine | |16-Year-0Id@ri Dies From Won^ At Own Hdfflk New York . . . Paul Garrett, 72, dean of the wine industry, predicts an early favorable action by congress, drastically reducing taxes on light American wines. “Otherwise there will be a wine famine because the present sup ply will not supply 10 per cent of the demand,” he says. - Wilke* Youths In Chicago Conference Two Wilkes county youths are among the representatives of col leges from many nations gather ing for a conference in Chicago December 28 to January 1. Nell Hartley, of Wllkeaboro. daughter of Mrs. Pearl Hartley, is representative from A. S. T>. C„ Boone, and Billie Bumgarner, .son of Rev. and Mrs. J. L. A. Dum^rner, _ of Wilkesboro route i, to representing ene»4k by and Y. M. C. A. Walnut Grove, Rock Creek and Mt. Plea.sant To Be Meeting Places The fifth Sunday in December, December 29, will be the date for three “big singings” to be bcld in Wilkes county. The Soutkside Singing Associ ation will convene at \Valnut Grove Baptist church on the Wil- kesboro-TayiorSville highway. At torney F. J. McDuffie, chairman, issued a public Invitation for all singing classes, quartets and oth ers who render sacred mu.sic to be present and take part in the day’s program starting at ten o’ clock. Everybody is asked to car ry along dinner ba-skets well filled with good eats. J. C. McNlel, of Champion, chairman of the Blue Ridge Sing ing Association, announced the next session of that organization for the promotion of singing to be held at Mount Pleasant Bap tist church. All classes and other singers are invited to take part in the all-day program. The Stone Mountain Singing Association will convene at Rock Greek Baptist church between Mountain 'View and Roaring Riv er, according to an announcement J. A. Gilliam, chairman. All singing classes who can attend^ are invited to participate In tke Wilkesboro Building and Loan A.ssociation experienced a very Vf Mliss Heldit 'WliaWef w&’i'^vtoi- Itor to Hickory Wjbdnesday. I succe.ssful year through 1935, j aceordin.g to the report of Wm. A. Stroud, secretary-treasurer, in the annual meeting of stock holders held on Friday night in Wilkesboro. The report disclosed that the association passed through the year without any losses and the usual six per cent profits were apportioned to stockholders. Sale of shares totaled 25 per cent larger in 1935 than during the previous year. The 8tockholder.s elected the following directors: J. H. John son, J. T. Prevette, L. Bumgar ner, J. W. Dula, W. B. Smlthey, B. J. Kennedy. T. B. Story, Wm. A. Stroud, J. M. Bumgarner, R. B. Pharr, 0. K. Whittington and J. H. Leckie. Following the stockholders’ meeting the board of directors assembled and elected the fol lowing officers; J. H. Johnson, president; T. E. Story, vice pres ident; Wm. A. Stroud, secretary- treasurer; Kyle Hayes, attorney. The following were named on the loan committee;. J. H. John son, J. T. Preve^,'^. Bumgar ner, J. W. Dula and W, E. Smith- :ey. . The foregoing ip -the annual re- iport - of Mf, jBtfdQd, secrotary- .._itrea8ur©r,’which'ja follow^ by '^|{r»dlntJoinB-Vcff-'roapert'‘ t|i* ^te Wm/^'C. Pearodn, "a member (Contisued oa page eight) 0. F. Blevms, 68, Dies Suddenly at Wilkesboro Home Heart Attack On Monday Night Fatal; Funeral To Be Held Wednesday Oliver Franklin Blevins, clerk of the town ot Wilkesboro and for three decades a prominent fi- siire in Wilkes county, died at his home in Wilkesboro Monday night about 11 o’clock. Death was attributed to a heart attack. Mr. Blevins had been suffering with heart disease hut on Mon day was apparently in as good health as he had been during the past .several months. Funeral service will be held at Wilkesboro Baptist church Wed nesday, two p. m. and burial will be in Mountain Park cemetery. Mr. Blevins was born in Wal nut Grove township on March 10, 1S67, his age being 68. He was a son of the late Rev. Calloway and Lucinda Blevins. Fifty years ago on November 26 he was mar ried to Miss Sarah Ann Gambill and this year they celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. They moved to Wilkesboro 35 t ears ago and since that time Mr. Blevins had taken an active part in church affairs and public life. He served Wilkes county as reg ister ot deeds for eight years and was active iu the Republican par ty, having for a period served his party as county chairman. He held other positions of public trust, at one time being assistant cashier of the Deposit & Savings Bank and at the time of his death was clerk of the town of WJlkes- boro, which posjtlon he had held for several years. He was known by friends in many communities as a whole- souled Christian character. He united with Walnut Grove Bap tist church in Walnut Grove township in early youth, moving his membership to Wilkesboro Baptist when he changed h'to resi dence. For many years ’lie serv ed as a deacon In the^ilk^boro Baptist chnreh. hnlfOv ih»t po- islBon In the church at the ,of hls'deafhyv.-.-u«^s, 05,; > In admtwn Xd h«r wIMT (Continued on hvwtJMPJ Purlear Youth Is a Victim Of . ^ Knife Wounds Tikon Byers Succumbi From Wounds Received In Alter* catitm Last Wednesday Tilson Byers, 23-year-old resi dent of the Purlear community, died Monday morning at the hos pital here from a knife wound said to have been inflicted by Spencer Parsons, neighbor^ boy, of Wednesday night. According to current reports of the affair. Parsons was at the home of Forrest Yates and held up a member of the nearby C. C. Camp at the point of a shotgun, which snapped on an empty chamber. About that time Byers approached and Parsons whirled with a knife and stabbed him. Parsons has not been apprehend- |ed. Later he whh brought to the I hospital here in a critical condl- ' tion. Byers was a son of the late J- IW. and Rhoda Phipps Byers. I Surviving are his mother and j four brothers, Webh, Joe. Weav- ,er and Robert Byers. I Funeral and burial .services will he held at Purlear Baptist clnirch. Tuesday, eleven a. in. Only 6 Days to Purchase Tags Automobile Owners Asked To Buy Plates Earliest Pos sible Day At Bureau Only six days are left in which to purchase automobile and truck license plates by owners who ex pect to operate motor vehicles on January 1, 1936. J. C. McDiarmid reports a stea dy sale of plates at the license bureau at the Yadkin Valley Mo tor company but unless sales pick up sharply this week It is ex pected that there will be an in convenient rush during the last days of the month. For this rea son all who can are urged to pur chase their plates this week. All private automobile and truck plates are being sold at the license bureau and Patrolman ,J. J. Johnson is handling applica tions for “for hire” licenses at police headq-iiarters between *the hours of nine a. ni. and 12 noon. Mb>s Jansk Kanupp Shoots Self Ilf Head At Home Neaif This (Sty •Miss Jennie Kaniipp, slxteen- ycar-old high school girl, shot and killed herseR at the home of iit.~ p-arentii' n^r this city Son- day night. According to reports here she was in the home with a boy friend and they were conversing when she excused 'herself, went into another part of the home, procured a 32-calibre pistol and shot herself in the forehead. She died only a short time later. No cause could be attributed for the act and no Inquest has been held. She was a daughter of Russel and Blanche Miller Kanupp, who recently moved into the Falr- ;daina community from Catawba county. In additioin to her par ents she lefives the following bro thers and sisters: Margaret, Ro bert, Richard,' Edward, Jack and BllHe Kanupp. Funeral and burial services will 6e held at Hickory Tuesday afternoon, two o’clock. Many Schools Are DroppedFromlist Of Members In Southern As sociation; North Wilkes boro Still A Member Local school leaders and oth ers who take an interest in the city schools were pleased with the announcement that North Wilkesboro school is one among only 20 high schools in North Carolina to retain membership in the Southern Association of Col leges and Secondary Schools. The eight months school term, which falls short of the associ ation requirements of 175 days, was the primary reason the 47 schools wore dropped from mem bership. Other reasons were ex cessive pupil load oa teachers, salary schedules’for teachers be low the $900 inininrum set by tlie assoclpi’on and lack of prop er library facilities. Scliools dropped from mem bership were: Badin, Beaufort, Henrietta - Caroleen. Cliffslde, Clinton. Dunn, Edenton, Eliza beth (lity. Elm City, Fairmont, Fayetteville. Forest City, Gaston ia, Glen Alpine. Graham, Ham let. Henderson, Hickory, High Point, Kinston, Lenoir, Marlon. Maxton, Mebane, Monroe, Moores- ville, Mt. Airy, Oxford Orphan age, Plymouth. Raeford, Hoke County High. Raleigh, Hugh ’ Morson and Needham Broughton, ^ Rjeidsvllle, Rockingham, Rox-’*^ boro, Rutherfor4ton - Spind^, ^ Boyden at Salisbury, Sanford, Scotland Neck, Selma, Shelby, Smithfleld, Spencer, Statesville, Washington, Wilmington, New Hanover high, .Wilson Charles L. Coon high. D. Wellborn Is Manager Chevrolet Afiimcy In YaaKin J. D. Wellborn, for over two years sales manager for Gaddy Motor Company,' has taken ovot the management of Ploiieer Chevrolet company, 'Vj^kte- vllle,. bas already ' aasasiM his IbUtm ^ tkat eapadty. ludi mibir trienfia B every sa«- JUNIORS WILL ELECT OFFICERS DEC. 31ST North Wilkesboro chapter of the Junior Order will not meet on Tuesday night of this week but especial attention is •called to the meeting to be held on Tues day nig^ December 31, at which timeVdegree work will bo carried out Vnd officers for the next perii^ wiroted. Every .mem ber is as^ to^ present and a good time is assi £sV)gf(nkiit trhoMj^ him vrutj boriim cott^y,t 1 Marriage Licenses |o wed' dttrtnK the past Wjlei;* register 'of T co«9Im: Dai^ 'I JO^ Browh,' bbt&“; HWd; Wm. H. '|Urwi and Alice Hei

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