ill ^ % Sst a«i4t«r. of j .- L. iu Qxiil^^^ jVm , wnA Mn. 0. 8. a tevfhter »t Tha OB Svatey morn- R 0. T. MUer, of «M Tlaitlng Mn. in the Crete com- 0. epoer, of Albany, re to apOBO the holi- £-«Uh her father. Mr. M. J. W. BitliUM- and chUdran. rkiehorr. 1^ Tlaitlng her fa- Mr.,W. C. Winkler, In Wll- oro. ■thel‘Oayia, Mars Hill ■tndent, la Branding the eeason at her home at th. Roaa Billings, Audrey platon and Elsie Foster 'were nil» j|) Wlnaton-Salem Tues- Ht. Dah ^ HndsoB, Tetoran aalaaaKan for the Vick €h»ii|i^ Co., la^hara to ipand the holidays hla tamljiy. ReT. and Ifn. J. C. Canlpa. of Boone, vara eallers at the home of Mr.: and Mrs. M. W. Beach Monday aftdraoon. CMboraa, student of Oak JUdM'lnatttuta; is home to speadsthe OhrMtasas season with celaMfaa aid Men^. Mrs. Johh Wh^, Lai^i«toB„ |C)t, arrtTad ^ , Christmas with Mf, IratW mothw, Mrs.; 3^’ W. .wwiit. . ' sAss Thelma Johnson, of Gar den Cltyi Long Island, New Tork, wlH Wnd the holidays hmw with h» #d^ts, Mr. and^Mrs. J. B. -Jdhhson. Misses lAllian Linney and Lu- cile Hartley, students of wars Hill GoUege, are spending ^ the holidays at their homes in Wil- kasboro. ’ Mr."and Mrs. J. D. Moore, Jr., will Tlsit with Mrs. Moored mo ther. Mrs. Ada B. 'Allen, at Beau fort; during Christmas. |Miasee Lucy Pearson and Alma af, students at A. S. T. C. in one are in the city for the Inlldays. L.M1S8 Annie Vannoy, who is a ttjgat Meredith College, is lidlng the holidays in the cUy relatives. . Gene Pardue, student of r-Rhyne College is spending holidays at his home at Roar- River. W. C. Hule, citizen of the eomjBunity, was in this attending to husi- Hampton McNiell, student University of Florida at neavllle, is home for the holi- He is a son of Mr. I. H. 4iel. Mr. Culos Settle, student of A. S. T. C.. Boone, is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Settle. James Hamby returned from j-McRae College Thursday to tnd the CSigistmas holidays at home in 'Willkeeboro. Miss Gladys Melville, student of Guilford College, is spending the holiday season with her mo ther, Mrs. D. S. Melville. Mr. L. P. Staley, resident of the Reddies River community, was looking after business mat ters in this city Tuesday. Mr. Morris Davis, who is in school this year at Catawba Col lege, is spending the holiday sea son at his home at Gllreath. Misses Gladys Swift. Marguer ite and L,orene Miller, of Boone, were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Beach Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Myers, of ' Lyman, S. C , are spending this week as guests of Mr, and Mrs. T. C. Foster, Wilkesboro route 2. IDERN WOMEN iff, aadddaydueto —I pordmiUr eaifou i PiUs are effecave. S(^by om4ft9«n.AAfQ« bHICHESTERS PILLS 1 ilAHOMO W gaAND*, Mr. R. A. Barnette, of Twin Bridge, Montana, is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Barnette, at Hen drix. Misses Mary Sink, Mary Hix, Adeline Jones, Virginia Harris, Jane Whicker, Elizabeth and Mar garet F a w. all students at Greensboro College, are spending the holidays in the city with their parents. kasons THE iherty Theatre NORTH WILKESBORO. N. C THE STAGE TUESDAY ON the stage THE GREAT LESTER in AND HIS COMPANY On the stage at 3:00 — 7:30 ON THE SCREEN “HAPPINESS C.O.D. MATINEE Seats 25c 9:45 jldren lOe NIGHT Ivower Floor Balcony Children 10c WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Special Christmas Program Mr. Chulss Hulcher^ a studeut of the University of Florida at Gainesville, la home for the holi days. He la a son of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Hnleber. Miss Rebecca Brame, who Is attending Weht Ccdlege in Win ston-Salem,' Is here for the holi days with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Brame. Miss Lu'ra Coffey, who Is In school at Queens Chlcora College In Charlotte, Is here for the holi days with her parents, fir. and Mrs. C. D. Coffey, Jr. Miss Mary Gwyn Williams, stu dent at Pmc6 College In Ra leigh, is spending the holidays In the city with her parenU, Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Williams. Miss Elizabeth Johnson, stu dent "of Mars Hill College, is spending the Christmas holidays here with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. Jay H. Johnson. Miss Annie Laura Vannoy, stu dent of Guilford College, Is spending the Christmas holiday at Purlear with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Vannoy. Miss Anne Estes, a member of the faculty of the Grlmesland, N. C., school. Is here to spend Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Estes. Mr. S. E. Matthews and daugh ter, Ruth, are spending the holi days at his home at Smithtown, He is superintendent of Mt. Pleasant district schools. Miss Rose Laws, teacher in Albemarle high school. Is spend ing the holidays with her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. R. Don Laws, at Moravian Falls. Miss Thelma Laws, teacher in the Oxford high school, is spend ing the Christmas holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. Don Laws, at Moravian Falls. Miss Addis Lee Pardue and Mr. Lloyd Pardue, of Charlotte, are spending Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Pardue, at Moravian Falls. Mr. ai^ Mrs. David Klmbrell and daughter, of Charlotte, spent the weekend with Mrs. Kim- brell’s* indents, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. i ardue, at Moravian Falls. Miss Hester Tulburt, student of Lenoi&Rhyne College, Hick ory, is spending the holiday vaca tion at Millers Creek with her mother, 'firs. C. H. M. Tulburt. Miss Vjhginia Laws, a student of Duke University, is spending the holiday season at Moravian Falls with her father and moth er, Mr. *nd Mrs. R. Don Laws. Miss Marie Haigwood. who is attending the Asheville Normal in Asheville, is visiting her par ents here, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Haigwood, during the holidays. Misses Frances McNeil, Izetta 35c Smithey, Sue Moring Clements, Elizabeth Jennings, and Helen Bumgarner, students at Woman’s College in Greensboro, are spend ing the Christmas vacation with their parents in the Wilkesboros. . Age 90, DM Boip PUoMnit At Beaver Ckeek'TMeOay ^Cor _ eHjf irttn,4Blr pBfenU,' fir. as8 fir^C. ‘CK V of to BpmiI ^ Cbytotniu aoUw# ^J. WKh fili.,.3|it^d’t and Mra..W. Rf ravlan falls. .. ,..4.n, 4^-‘. 5tcs Mr. Jones vraa a mem Mr. James Bumgarner, a stu- - - dent of Leee-HeMae At Banner’s ''is * ^iBe holiday sedkon at homek'Rd to A son-'of’Rev. fitd’fira: J.' L. ' A'.’ Bnmgameri of Millers Greek. " iilsy. 25c )UR CHANCE TO AND HEAR THE S T UNUSUAL rURE and STAGE low EVER Offered— E STAB-JAMMED [SH HIT THAT DE A NATION UGH! ‘IFIHAD A MILUON fy GARY COOPER JACK OAKIE W. C. FIELDS CHARLES LAUGHTON GEORGE RAFT CHARLIE RUGGLES MARY BOLAND MAY ROBSON RICHARD BENNETT ROSCOE KARNS ALISON SKIPWORTH LUCIEN UTTLEFIELD ON THE STAGE BE SURE TO SEE THE NEW 1936 MODEL ALL-METAL TUBE Westmghouse Radio BEFORE YOU BUY Wilkes Bectric Company ORIENTAL FANTASIES” Jp%ECT FROM THE SAMOUS STEEL PIER ATLANTIC'CITY, N. J. ,11 ORIENTAL CAST of STARS DIFFERENT — NEW — NOVEL I* CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE CHRISTMAS DAY / 1:00 P. M. TO 11:30 P. M. ADMISSION Refrigerators, Electrical Sup plies, Motor Rewinding ' PHONE 328 North Wilkedboro, N. C. .Reins- Stordivant MATINEE 1:00 P. M. to 6:00 P. M. Ln Seats 25c ICliildren 10c NIGHT 5:00 P. M. to 9:45 P. M. Lower Floor 35c Balcony 25c Children 10c Inc. THE PUNERAL HOME FRIDAY — ONLY NNAPOLIS FAREWELL” LICENSE© EMBALMERS fir. attendlhit Wale FowfiV XJcweior vrlU be home during Gbristp bias holidays. ^ Is"s^dinc^tlt#: holiday’inwgtion^with'a ilkiii- mate in Alabama. - > Mr. and Mrs. Jones. Hedrick and daughter, Martha Craig,- of Tampa, Fla., will visit Mrs. Hed rick’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Johnson here during the Christmas season. Rev. A. W. Lynch and family, of Wilkesboro, left Monday morn ing to spend Christmas with rela tives at Wayneeville. Rev. Mr. Lynch Is pastor of the Wlllkes- boro, .Roaring River and Union churches. Mrs. W. R. Absher returned Sunday from Duke Hospital, where she had been a patient for several days. Her many friends Jonso, reaident oi the tdriz eommmdty, died SAtni^ well knoira Wilkes famil^ gr son of the late J. H. .aai|l! lueNiel Jones. He was' S of age and is survived mother, hla wife. Mrs. Jonee, ^d tW-folIowing bi 'gnd sfitera; Wi A; Jones,’ U. 6. marshal, Wilkesboro; jqntts, J,.p. Jonee, T..I1. Jonee, 8.; Jones and R. L. JonM, firs. 8dtar^.,hwanson and- Mrs. - Bob, viiwah.^ ■ FnnerU and burial services held at Beam Creek church ’Tuesday, 11 o’clock. . tears streaming down hla face, here and in all parts of the state returned to the store. ■ "’Please, sir,” he asked. "Will are glad to know that much Im provement Is noted In her con dition. Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Smith, Jr., of Draper, N. C., announce the birth of a daughter at the Leaks- vlUe hospital. Mrs. Smith Is pleasantly remembered here as Miss Louise Dnla, being the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Dula of Wilkesboro. is Miss Addie Hendren, who taking a course to become a trained nurse at the hospital at Banners Elk, arrived the last of the week to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hendren, who reside in Brushy Mountain township. Miss Carolyn ’Taylor, daughter of Dr. end Mrs. W. A. Taylor, is spending the holidays at home. Miss Taylor, a student of Atlan ta Southern Dental College, Is accompanied by a guest, Miss Ellen Wakefield, of Jacksonville, Florida, also a student at the dental college. Messrs. Fred Hubbard, Rich ard Johnston, John Henry John son, Bill Waugh, Roes Scroggs, Phillip Brame and J. II. Whick er, Jr., students of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, are home for th© r-olldays and win resenie their studies at the University on January 4. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Jennings, and son, Al, of Hopewell, Va., Miss Pearl Bumgarner,: member of the High Point school faculty, Mr. and -Mrs. W. H. Riley, of Raleigh, are spending the holi days with Mr. and Mrs. L. Bum garner in Wilkesboro. Mrs. Jen nings, Mrs. Riley add Miss Bum garner are their daughters. L. W. Harrold Succumbs Saturday L. W. Harrold, young ‘man of Mulberry township, died Satur day. F'uneral and burial services were held at Zion church with Rev. D. M. Dillard in charge. Surviving are his parents, T. F. and Nancy Hincher Harrold, and the following brothers and sisters:'A. P. Harrold, Mrs. Com Teague, Danville, Va.; J. A. Har rold, Charlie Harrold and Mrs. J. C. Teague, Hays. NO G.O.P. VOTES LOST JIM FARLEY ASSERTS SIR GLT STANDING — ROSALIND KEITH TOM BROWN — RICHARD CROMWELL AMBULANCE SERVICE THE BIGGEST WEEK IN THE HISTORY OF the LIBERTY YOUR JOT AND ^HOTaSiBuNMENT ' ^ Nerth Wilkeaboro, K. C. Humes 86 - 228-M Washington, Dec. 17.—Reply ing Indirectly to the Republican party's bid for support by anti- Roosevelt Democrats, Postmaster General Parley tonight asserted "some millions of RepubllcanB voted for Roosevelt in 1932” and “just as many” will again in 1936. Renewing his prediction that the President would be re-elected by a huge majority. Parley, speaking as chairman of the Democratic national committee, contended in an Interview that this would b© true whoever the Republican candidate happened to be. “What difference does it make?” he replied, to a question. ‘Senator Borah might get a big ger Republican vote than Ex- President Hoover. Governor Lan- don might get more in the West than Colonel Knox. The logic of the situation might call for Mr. Hoover, inasmuch as he typifies more than any other of the as pirants the opposition to the New Deal. But it is the Republicans’ problem and I certainly do not envy them their task of com posing the abysmal differences of the fragments of that party. “After all, it appears to be merely an academic question, be cause, regardless of who is nom inated by the Republican conven tion, President Roosevelt will succeed himself as decisively as he came to the Presidency. I have been In nearly eveijrfiW^ of the union and;i mn. luwEljH^rbngh- ly apprafie the ■trangw bt . the oppe^tlPD; APPEAL OF YOUTH PASSES UNHEEDED Memphis, Tenn., Dec. 80.—^An 11-year-old boy ran breatbleesly into a drug store. "Please, sir,” he told the clerk “My mama’8 sick. Won't you get us a doctor?” The druggist called, the lad went to school. Maybe the doctor couldn’t find the home. No doctor came. Several hours later the lad, Iftp* P> P* Held Bdiilfijr ^ lit* ritea tor firs. F. JT. Roo: age 4Lheld _ with !!•»«; ■ IK'M. Dillard M , ^ in Ourgen^bn dtod PHdaF ' their hopke atdGNMheo. ^ ‘ fi!rB.:Btibpe:leaii9i befi&vibiip» W gykrtlift.kmp:v ■ Dae ”dl|IMrtt»W Mlonmi’aMa Wfifltinit seeea-yaar-old functor of land" IM: James' Godfrey, killed bir an antamoMle toiii)e al~ she eroseed the street Id fronf of" her hope-retnmlng from setfifibij^ an iiiMttl@IU)ir. Oatttm VMfmon jpw MAAPk-r ta fitd , Sbope.-' b^j. W.OiviaGiF8t ^ V To Frrtanii^ '^Dr^ 'j. 'W. Davis, a natltm- Jot WHkM who owns and opmtss the Davis Hospital In fitatwvilte, feted’ the members of fiddhl PliMuuutt Masonic Lodge, of which he is a member, recently at a dln- hor at Hotel ^Ikes. ^rty^m Masons and their wives enjoyed the occasion and a number of lodge members paid fine tributes to Dr. Davis for the sptCndld work he is doing. 'bl-'Hiqifieml T.-'-.i Afltf -' Hlicl»l^:8£ra^d, -aaraO. amif^itr in tbe 'naial pneenlatfon of tbp. Don!' COUCH Ml.' . -.It’ Mt. 'V- you call an ambulance? I think my mama is dead.” He v/as right. Ambulance at tendants found Mrs. Daisy Fitz gerald, 35, dptd serveral hours apparently of a heart attack. She brought her children, Sam, 11; iMary, nine, and Byrd, five, to Memphis from Gift, Tenn., re cently, on the promise of work for the holidays at a department, store. ‘U’w- The children were taken VLv/m protection of the juvenile couri. Plesmant Def«nU Millers Creek Tesuoan Boys and girls of Mount Pleas ant high school defeated Millers Creek in double header games' Wednesday, maintaining a per fect record of victories for Mt. Pleasant teams so far. The hoys’ score was 36 to 11 while the girls shut out Millers Creek 33 to 0. ask fop. M[HTHOMULSION K it Fails to Stop Ycuf Couqh inunediately Ash f(» >our MONEY BACK Sold by HORTON’S CUT-RATE DRUG STORE Give aBushel of Fancy Packed Apples For Christinas ... Staynmis, Starks or Grimes MBIER & LONG Elledge Damage Action Is Moved to Gilford Court A 150,000 damage action In stituted in Wilkes county by Bl- led£e, administrator of the es tate of Walter Blledge, who was killed In a motor mishap in High Point, against A. T. Peace and his wife, Ida Peace, has been re moved to Guilford superior court for trial on a motion allowed by Judge F. Donald Phillips, of Rockingham. Blledge was killed January 24, 1934, In High Point when the motorcycle on which he was a passenger, was alleged -to have been struck by an automobile driven by Mrs. Peace. A Merry Christmas! Our whole staff shares the sentiment of the Christmas Season and takes this opportunity to express our gratitude for the old friendships strengthened, for the new ones formed, and for the co operation and patronage our friends and customers have extended to us during 1936. N. C. TOWN TO BE MARKED FROM AIR Raleigh, Dec. 20—After con ferring with aviation officials here today, Miss Helen Richey, noted woman pilot who has charge of the alr-marklng pro gram for the Eastern seaboard, announced tonight a works pro gress administration project is being drafted to mark approxi mately 260 towns and cltiee In North Carolina. It is our earnest wish and the sincere desire^f our entire organization that the condng Holiday Season may bring to you all a generous share of the good things of life. May each and every one of you enjtqr— A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR City Barber Shop. Ideal Beauty Parlor Hinshaw School of Beauty Culture America’s favorite momenif the T^^^sie that reiresh^ V I 1 ■ Coca>CoIa is pare» wholesome, energy* giving refrohment... containing ngnoardfiii^ flavor or coloring. *»—Mt-M MilluKis of people every day enjoy die refreshment of ice-cold Coca-Cola—the short pause that’s long enough for a big rest. And it’s always ready for you —ice-cold—around the corner from anywhere. Coca-Cola Bottling Co. ICE-COLD COCA.COl IT tilt :e else. .Ht - Sfit -

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