irr J»H. Ml-.- and -J. Chttnh spent Satiir- s7 jUiAt In the home of Mrs. ^**h^BV^f«j®nts,' Mr. end ‘ Mrs. gj The people of this community are very sorry to learn that Mr. B. Wltea) is rery ill. Miss Mamie Miller, of Boone, ^1s sov spending sometime rlsit- bher eoasin. Miss Rosa Church, rer B. R. Mikeal, of Todd. Bnaday night in the home hia..parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mthaal. _ Mr. and Mrs. Pressley Church .apent Friday night in the home Mrs. Church’s parents, Mr. ’ aad Mrs. ^ A. Benge. Mrs. Het He Robinson and chli-| rence and Fred, spent Sght in the home of Mr. Dorothy Spears at Par- Lizzie Keys and Eva i spent Sunday with Miss l*'urch. i'4 Mrs. Lennie Benge ^ay night in the home Mrs. J. W. Church. ^Anna Pmllips visited Mr. W. B. Mikeai Sunday, and Mrs. Garnett Greer and ^'>ehlldren, Loise and Herbert, vis ited Mr. and Mrs. Lee J. Church last week. Mrs. Laura Keys, visited -Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Mikeal Friday. The young people of this com- unxtity had a very nice time at the home of Mr. Lee J. Church. Sunda]^ throwing snow bails. Old Agt Pension “Racket” Bein( Worked In East sa-'- Dei .T^iOU^AIi-PATRiw? 11^ oirannfTant liT ■ * -. , (nngs ■UiidbcfitbHoac? |Pord DMtl^iirs Hear 3 1936 Sl^ei' Plaii WMhlngton/ Jas. 6.—A direct | prmlons of glee V Republicgp attack upon the Supreme court’s j opponents of the AAA, who saw decision inratidating ^ the~ AAA, j and a qnalifled move to press for « A- hwi of Ldd Ifiis VvMif Hard, sidsst goMw, who is ssoa te be- eeme tks bride of Wbl ILanisda latdOk samtoar golf kfag of £ag- lasd sad As Uaittil States. and Roaring River Route 2 News ROARING RIVER Route 2, Jan. 6.—^The snow of December 29, re ported as six inches over the county, was slightly deeper in this locality. The snow- of five years ago, December 17, 1930. was about 17 inches here; and that of the morning of March 1,1927, was about 14 or 15 here, 17 in Greens boro, and 20 in Durham, the two biggest snows of a quarter of a century. Besides being the coldest weath er for 18 years, during the two sston, Jan. 6.—The old age “racket’’ persists in this according to authorities j .snows of the Christmas and New here. Persons have wheedled var- j Year .season, there was about the lous sums from aged men and | most ice in streams of Wilkes I women In Wayne and Duplin i there had been in 18 years. It counties with promises to secure ! w ill be recalled that in the winter j pensions for them “immediatel.v.'' of 1917-1918 there were 17 snows;. It Is said. i and the bridge washed away by the' Lenoir county authorities liavi a constitutional amendment t&t night came from Democratic con gressional quarters. Senator Bankhead, Democrat Alabama, an agricultural leader, asserted that “as a lawyer I think that the Supreme court opinion is totally unsound.” He added, he would proceed on the sssumptipn that the ' Bankhead cotton control act, which' also is before the court, likewise would be declared invalid. Senator Costigan, Democrat Colorado, declared simultaneous ly that “unless convinced that other early action will more defi nitely serve the public good” he would demand an early hearing on the constitutional amendment he prepared last year soon after the highest court bad held the N'RA unconstitutional. “The constitution,’’ Costigan said, contingently, “should be promptly, adequately and effec tively amended to permit the na tion to obtain the objectives of national action when states are not able to do so effectively.” His amendment as now drawn right to regulate “industry, busl- also would give Congress the ness, trade, and commerce to pre vent unfair methods and prac- j tices therein,” and to fix hours, minimum wages and conditions of labor. The statements by Costigan and Bankhead coincided with ex- ■m' Coa^itvtkitt Now —^ „ , Chlgggq, J«n. 0. — Q«»®rml ^1;^, Belief that butisess wUl .tbowl Hugb Jolnucn, wh«M MBA marked 'fmpro^rement ip tba iww kap/ilpfl' out in iin earlier mltei; the Democrats now In the eame predicament ^ as themselves of having to find a substitute farm program. In his direct attack on the AA.1 decieion, Bankhead, ,Who was cc- autbor of the Mt to provide cois- trol of cotton production through a tax on all cotton ginned over A set quota, said: “The ebuft has assumed t)M! right to review and reject appro; priatioBS made b y Congress, whether for general welfare or otherwise. It did not say Con gress did not have the right to levy a processing tax, hot that Congrees could not appropriate money for the purposes set up in the agricultural adjustment act.” The senator termed Justice Roberts’ opinion “as fine a politi cal stump speech as I have ever heard on what Congress might do if they lot us do this.’’ He said Justice Stone’s dissenting opinion was a “legal classic, su staining the charter rights of Congress in handling the nation's purse.” Democratic leaders generally; The North Wilkesboro Athletic were dejected but not as stunned | basketball team will as they might have been had j jggg season in the high I SWa,, a a a I m t rnA * tei#- be kMt lb OUoMl aad kW.AA: Be|^ Season With Game, at High School Gymnasium Monday Night; Good Game Promised year waa' ezpreasbd by ikird^tea1nirs''ac they , met at ^ Ghuf’Iotte bolM fta Charlotte lt^ ‘day and J^Mday Mccjmi.idgM tom. A coming ■glee caiupalga and to learn detalU of,the Unlvenal Credit company’s new finance plan. - This meeting was attendejl by 226 ‘'deileB." A,^F'v'OThy. _repre- nented tbcrTadkla, ViJiej Motor Pord aeSaa. Dealers were guehti 'Ibf ,^thjo Ford Motor company at' lanbh- eott'i^nd heard tallm by W.' C.' Patterson,, manager''of the Char lotte branch ,of the Ford Motor compi^y, N. A. Oliver,, assistant manager, and M> :P- Carey, credit manager.^ Policies snd plsns of the com^y for the Iste winter and spring selling campaign were outlined. Representatives said that the new plan of the credit company for financing purchases is expect ed to have strong influence in increasing sales in this territory. jU>^ the SdpraiiiA, Court’s k^uUdfdlOB o^tksr.,4^ the RoosWelt gdratdwtns- Uen iuto the 19S6. eamPdln. a single iseoqr-ritjiq ponittflkpk > i "It „this deeIsio]it,.make*' UT form "of fkrm relief by the Feft- enl goVemmeut uncenstHntlou- al,’’ said the former ehiei^ of the " NlfA, “it means the sdnilnfstm- tlon be driven to a single Is-, sue, 'the Constitution. It leaven them BO alternative but to cam paign W that Issue.” - ' • • - Asphalt is not a modern huild- ing.jnaterial. It was used in an cient babylon. A^out 100,000 of London’s population lives pndearoi;^. ^ *TNI aiAMOMP they entertained great hope the court would decide in the admin istration’s favor. Several expressed the opinion that a new program would be formulated within existing con stitutional bounds, although how this might be attempted remain ed an unanswered question. Today and Tomorrow broadcast a warning. The aged in the county hav(. been informed there is no old age pension as yet and that they .should lieware of persons claiming that there is. "SI I and us iiomi of 1916 not having been re-j ^ have read hundreds of edi- olarod. the substitute carrier onl'o>hiI comments on the departure Route - walked across the ice on t e Yadkin tor six weeks or two 'inmths and distributed the mail.* '" ■fhe ice this year would not have been .safe to carry mail over. or. ^ for wholesale skating, but on .sev-1 ■;0 • ■ • i ioreigii country, tin* lax enforcement ot tlie laws of bis .Illative land gives liim good ground lo fear that the lives of for England of Col. Lindbergh I and his wife and baby son. .Ion. are in agreement that it is la national disgrace that .4meri- I ca's foremost young man should driven lo seek refuge in a ‘ il braiK'hes \vould boar up onej I porson. Thf boautiful day Sunday on «ouno?ed ueople to bojrin tbo yoar. , , , Light by'attending services '"‘"l"’'' Antioch, or the Roaring. River• .Methodist cliurch, but the mud in j water wa.s too deep for school auditorium here on Monday night, January 13. at 7:30. 'The local team is made up prin cipally of those players who were members of the team in 1936 and I who experienced a most successful season in a series of games last I year. j Their opponents in the game to i be played on Monday night will j be the Coca-Cola Spirals, a strong ; all-star team from Statesville. I Many other good g;ames that prom- I ise to be exciting are planned for [ the next two months. j THlXKlXfi .s(might I Considerable interest is being j Nothing is more difficult than '■ showm in the reorganization of the straight thinking. That goes for j local all-star team and the athlet-j the trained intellect as well as | j(. association. It is expected that | for the average citizen. One of) the game will be well attended. } the ablest editorial writers I i ' know said not long ago that he | PROCEDURE IN LO^VER ' never felt sure that he was tliink-. COURTS IS ATTACKED j iiig straight unless he could shut j himself up alone for two or three ^ days on a stretch and look at the i V7 e fCi;;.-// . THANK YOU! pe- C A YEAR OPERATING POWER COST "4^ b*' if iii'.-rtriaiis. Mr. Luther I’. Staley is reported lo have killed -some hogs this rirttsi—’(00 pounds. Mr. Joe Love and Mansfield ' I’arkp. colored, put a partition in i a large room of Mr. Love’.s house * hist week and made other interior | . in4«!'' venicnt.s. It is said that chicken.s can no ; longer endure as miicli cold a.s in 1 the old days when they roosted in , i)ig cedar and apple trees, before i the advent of many tight poultry house.-; and brooder stoves. But a recalcitrant imllet of Mrs. l.aura * Linney’s insisted in roosting on : top of the barn in the snow the night of Sunday, December 29, I without apparent damage except to * drive her owners frantic. And ! al)out all the chickens of Mrs. B. I., .iohnson are said to have staid up in trees from the falling of the snow on Sunday, ‘29th, until the afternoon of Tuesday, 31st. the coldest day in 18 years, without footl or water until they were sctired doum Tuesday afternoon to ' be driven into a well-equipped “''e i poultry house. ; A deer is said to be at large in I this locality and has been glimps- i ed or tracked by several hunters, i Described as partially tahta^rS^ only about as tall as an extra I large German police dog, it is probably one strayed from a park or reservation. I Mrs. Laura Linney, Miss Ruth 1 Linney. and others suffering I from chilblains and frozen ex- 1 tremities are improving, j Quantities of poLatoe.s. box ilow- I cr.-;. and canned fruit were lost i during the bitter cold, though it i -va.-! possible to save them by care None of the comments 1 have seen, however, puls the finger on till’ .spot wliero the blame for this condition lies. Some demand more and belter laws, some siricter enforcement. It seems to me that the root of the whole matter is in the .American people themselves. New York. Jan. 7.—Assailing “assertion of .supreme au- , thority” by the judiciary, Donald snl.jnct in hand from every PO«-1 ,, RR.>,berg tonight called on | si1)le angle. ' And even^ then, he ^ lawyers to urge that congress pre-; ‘ said. "I have to watch my lower federal courts from I i emotional reactions." Our emotion.s—likes and hates, j fears and hope.s, prejudices and I personal affection.s, desires and ambitions—keep most of ns from thinking straight. We are the playthings of our emotions, and the most successful leaders ot public opinion are those who I know lliat We don 't really care whet her * to sli laws are enforced or not. If we have it did, they- would be enforced. The I»eiple of tbp Lulled States liave it in their power to stamp out organized crime whenever they want to. That we haven’t done it is good evidence that w,. don’t care. • ■ * KK.AK nation-full .4s a people, we seem to be in the .grip of fear, to an e.xtent un known in our American history. A si>ecial grand jury investi gating "racketeering" in New York City reported Hie other day that hundreds of business men had refused lo give evidence be- they were afraid of repris als by organized crooks. And it is not onlv criminals of wlrom we all over the ones irv lo make us think. who ■rapping up in the house, even Dr. James Thomas, president I ot Clarkson College, told a teach ers' convention the other day that America’s worst trouble is that we are scared of everything. "We are afraid our officials will not govern us. that onr eco nomists cannot feed us, that our preachers cannot save us.” he said, "and, being scared, we list en with eager ears lo the intelli gentsia telling ns that the first interest of business men is to bring periodic collapses, that our farmers are failures, that we who work are oppressed." ■What America needs most, right now, i.s a "shot in the arm’’ of a potent extract o'.' the old- fashioned self-reliant courage ot o'.ii' foivfathei's. vent lower I pa.s.sing on the con.stitutionality of j Ir.w.s. ! Making his first public address j since retiring as NRA administra-j tor, Richberg told the bar associa-1 tion of New York; * ~ i “Regardless of the conceded * character and ability of the judges,! and" undersUrd how ! I” it bluntly, a traver.sity j people’s feelings up. They | representative, popular gov-, I ernment to empower one man, j serving as the judge of .an inferior court, to annul, even temporarily. . ! a law which has been enacted by .VXGKIt action i bo^y of .531 men, constituting the I don't know which i supreme legislative assemble of emotion is the most powerful, ^be nation, and approved^.-by the lint I believe that the most ef- ,.bjef executive who i.s elected,by fective way to stir a crowd into people.” action is to get them angry at j Asking the “more conservative something or somebody. | „ieiTiber.s of the bar” :o recognize | It looks to me as it the most | j-bat there is “someth) g seriously | useful public service that co"ld i ^.j^b the present procedure,” , t)e performed right now would be j Ri^bberg .said: j to get everybody so angiy a., j “Unless they advance a reason-] crooks and racketeei.s and ^*'®|able program to meet a reason-j politicians who protect them that j and growing complaint, that file public officers would be fore-; p.^n be eXpeeted to check an ed to clean up. J inevitable demand for .sweeping .411 that most public servants j aniendments that will either ex- want to be assured of is that | „nwisely the powers of the there is a united public sentiment. {•g(jg,,a| legislature or contract un- behiiid them. Then they will do j (-be powers of the supreme While the New Year 1936 is only a few days old, may we take this means of thanking every friend who patronized us during 1935. We preciate your trade and cordially invite you to visit us often in the future. You will find that we carry a complete line of Hardware, Roofing, Paints, etc., at the lowest prices that quality merchandise can be sold, and that you will receive both courteous and prompt attention. Come to see us for vour Hardware 1936! CHURCH HARDWARE CO. J. C. CHURCH, I’lop. Tenth .Street North Wilkesboro, N. C. their duty. Once make it clear that we are sick and tired of be ing left at the mercy of erfinin- als. and that we Intend to make it hoi for those who protect them. safe a place to live in as is Eng-j heated land. court itself?” Fire That Killed 2 Laid | To Overheated Furnace j Washington, Jan, 6.—.4n over-1 House Group Votes For I Bonus w thont cellar.s and pit.®. ; During the intensely frigid iays ■ the suffering of animals was even t more distressing than that of hii-, » «■ «. mans. The cold animals h-ad 1“, oi-rseia KS ebunge ■*l,0NC,pi51fANCL*' gjidure in the long ago. hoxvever, jj nauii'c to blame seems incredible. In old volumes l^jj (,.Q,jbles upon somebody of the “Rej)0rt of .else. Its "the system" that is , measure, which would: Annual Industry " \ '' | "rong, whenever we find onr-j soldiers full which belonged to the late James FARM RADIO Zenith has eftectet! a special airangenient with the maiuifac- Washington, Jan. 6.—Without a single voice raised in opposi- j tion. the House wa)'s and means! committee voted today for cash ^ payment of the bonus to 3,000,-, 000 war veterans. ] Sitting in secret session until j after dark, the committee approv-■ ed a bill supported by leading | veteran organizations and once-! warring House blocs. Plans were ] drawn for a speedy House vote. ! Only minor changes were made ini for the tire in an apartment house here yesterday which cost. the lives of Mr. and Mrs. David ; R. Bernard who suffocated in' their fonrtb-floor studio apart-, i raent. ANNOUNCES $25-A MONTH TIME PAYMENTS AND A New UCC 6% Finance Plan ANY NEW FORD V-8 CAR OR 1934 OR 193') USED CAR CAN NOW BE PURCHASED FOR $25 A MONTH WITH USUAL LOW DOWN PAYMENT THROUGH THE UNI VERSAL CREDIT COMPANY'. Yadkin Valley Motor Company SALES — FORD — SERVICE Ninth Street North Wilkesboro. N. C. ma- . U Mastin, it is agonizing to read arnith F«r.« ' of how great droves of cattle, par^ ««n reduce his operatiag power cost j ticularly in the w,pstein states, had to !50 cents a year for 10 hours rmiio ,o jjve all winter in the open, in oajoy>n«ot every d»A. J'his means | intense cold, and tried no more dry -4, « or C batlcru-s to j valleys, where even ^LX^oiUmid r’Xmg" were scarce, and sometirnes ^oith Farm Radio. Model No. | under a temporary protecrion i which was only a roof, supported tunes American stalions, | ^ jbe cattle were said to ■ ,|;ec calls, amateur, aviation eon- : ^ fjesh, too. It rsjilions. ships at .sea Mil foreign I ^own more Hus Black Mapnavision j seems mat we ua b loving Splii-Seconif Fun- | humane toward animals, but prob ^!UMbK■s logging ami rU»- j j^bly no cattle now could Stand the reign stations acciir.aWv. ! horrible exposure of 60 years ago. Mils from a 6- J 4 r«A i Today, “Old Christmas,” the \44 Sy I fi„t time superstition will allow charged by | since “New Up I Christmas”; and reminiscent of picturesque ’Tudor customs and Shakespeare’s “Twelfth Night,” I was dark enough for “Twelfth I Ni?ht”r-^r a total eclipse! tith Frirpou-er. # jEjectric Co. oy«i *Wflke8boro, N. C., jouTnai-Patnot aOa. selves in a light place. We don't jbeir adjusted! stop to think that perhaps some | certificates. | Allow those desiring to hold j their certificates and cancel un-! paid interest. ! Set up no definite method of | raising the money for payment, estimated by supporters of the bill at $1,000,000,000 immediate ly upon enactment. of our difficulties are our own fault. Senator Norris remarked the other day that the thing that needed changing was not our form of government or our economic structure, but o u r- selves. To do that, to correct our own , cleared for the, outlook on life and events, calls committee to report the measure i for a great deal more effort than | backers of the Patman bill! most of ns are willing to give.; jp pg^r currency de- j cided to postpone their fight over I It is so much easier to throw all the responsibility upon some malignant exFernal influence, and proceed to denounce the bnnam- ed "they’’ who have got us into this mess. the method of payment and join the drive for passage of the au- j thorization bill advanced by the] i American Legion, 'Veterans of j ! Foreign Wars and Disabled A- Notbing could be more whole- p^g^ican Veterans, some in its effect upon the na tion than for everybody to take a day off from his p^rsnU. ot; dpl-*^. lars or pleasure and try to find out what’s wrong with bimsBlf. . The word "Aiithabot” consists dj but twtf tetters,-Thn Gresk tebij ter A (A^ha) *Bd tlie Greek ter B j(Beta)j.,,i SPEEDY BY YADKIN VALLEY MOTOR CO. WHAT (/ TEH-, AND HE LUCK, 4SOUNDED MUCH SPEEDV-l WOOSE- OID VDU y W0ULDN''T SOUND (V even listen ■PAPA ? VTO IvlE. OUTf Lli I'M ASHAMED OF HIM.SPeEpi; YadkinVaueyMotok.(q have THE finest U5EI CAR values in TOWN wnviooT A DOUBT XDUROLOJ MAN'S A C(?AB. Z' WHY DIDN'T you SAY YOU SOLD, CARS from THAT FlPM-OFCOUPSf they have the bestAUTDM08ILES IN TOVIN EXCEPT THIS ONE which is coino to be mine!! LootcrrHAftCo'i S«e These Used Car Values Before You Buy A Car or Truck: 1 1928 Ford Touring 1 1928 Dodge Sedan COMMERCIAL 3 1933 Chevrolet Trucks 1 1931 Ford Truck 1 1930 Chevrolet Truck 1 1929 Chevrolet Truck 1 1929 Ford 'Truck PASSENGER 1 1935 Ford Tudor 1 1935 Ford Coupe 1 1934 Ford Coupe 1 1933 Ford Tudor 1 1933 Ford Coupe 1 IftStJ Ford DeLu.xe Roadster 1 1933 Chfcvrotel DeL Coupe 1 1932 Ford DeLuxe Tudor 1 1932 Chevrolet Sedan 1 1933 Ford Cov. Sedan 1 1931 Ford Tudor 1 1931 Chevrolet Coupe 1 1931 Pontiac CoacJi 3 19.30 Ford Tudors 2 1930 Ford Coupes 1 1930 Chevrolet Sedan ■ 1 1930 Chevrolet Coach I 1929 Chevrolet Roadster 1 1927 Pontiac Roadster Also other used cars and tracks at real ttargain prices. Yadkin Vall»^y Motor Co. Nkith Street Sales—FOR D—Service North’Wilkesboro, N. C. ill )i fi '..I 'I ^ — .Buy Your Used C^r on the Easy.Pi^jiiont Plan of the ■ ■ '--mm"'" tStaA-;’: .-'A-i