2.^5 ■ ?s« ‘■ ■\-^ MAMIB SOCKWBLL, Editor Tdcphone 215 preoUMlit,' pret{d^^ tlM mMtlug ft iBg the boaineeSg^ Blluibeth Finley, »♦♦»»»>»»»♦«♦♦♦♦•♦•♦♦♦♦» Social Calendar The Kidetis Claes of the First Rnptist church meets Tuesday evening at 7:30 o’ clock at the home of liOss Mamie McNeil with Mrs. Nell Hendren and Mrs. Jake Can- dill as associate hostesses. ;;W>A-Mariey ; liiRi«Ke Is Announced . «ad Mrs. J. F. Walsh, of ,»■ rttylu^, ftimouBce the marriage «t their daughter. Winona, to • A^n Marley, of Winston-Salem, •nt .Btelwp^lle, 8. C., on Decem- lMi». The bride was be- ■ WBilngly attired in a navy blue : afttt ■wttlr white accessories. Mr. Marley holds a position In the City Market, of Wlnston-Sal- and Mrs. Marley is an em- * •• ot Swift and Company. Marley is a sister of Maurice who holds a position with I Goodwill Department Store, is city. own bridge club and a few extra Ir. and Mrs. Marley spent i players. Two tables were made , ^ their honeymoon in Jacksonville, J up for the game. :,,,*ta. Savannah, Ga., and other! Within the club Mrs. Frank f** points of Interest in the sonth ■ Eller won top score prize and ■-and they are now at home to I among the visitors Mrs. N. S. was the winner. A was served at the _ .woMftft, a _ iih s^ool. Mnk 'T.t A. ftBd 1|^ i. B. 'yjiiu^^ho hol4l''|i:jWO*rtM« l^on in «(^4he Wnkw HoiJ^ Mr. ChlU0M|.son ot Mrt. M. h. Chilton, of^ Aifthabnd, 'Yn., and the late Mr. Chilton, la managei ot the Western Union in North Wilkesboro. Both young ' people are well known here and their marriage has been the occasion of much Interest. North Wilkeskesboro P.-T. A. In Meeting Thursday The December meeting of the North Wilkesboro Parent-Teach er Association held Xbursday aft ernoon in the school auditorium wgs largely attended and was fea tured by a talk by Mr. W. D. th( and opened Chalrnum. ^ rep^dd,j^J^v^4 prayer, eaaion^ Mias membership .v,;ddWW n^mbsrft-.^d the welfare committee waa^ftppoirit-' ed, Mrs. ,C. 0.^ Yaw,i» Mrs. J. , B. McCoy, Mrs. A.- H. Casey, Mrs. Palmer iporton. Miss Sam John son and Miss Nell Rousseau. Program chairman for the aft ernoon Mrs. C. D. Coffey, Jr., in troduced the speaker, Mr. Half acre, who spoke on “Parliment- ary Law.’’ The attendance awards went to Miss Rebecca Mosley’s room tor the elementary grades and In the high school it was a tie between Miss Julia. Finley and Miss Nell Rousseau’s'room. GWl^WdW fiteterfsdned^Fiidi^ Eire: ^ " TTie 'Drna Bine Olrl's Mdss of^ apW) the First Baptist ebarsh held :4eKghi|B^ social apdt^||w8| uaBtihg’ niday erenlnr at ■ home, of Mahlfr Johnston drlth Orpcft Fftw, Lonise Dfty and. Beth Jones as asslcate hostesses. The meeting opened with a song aft er which Mrs. tiable Lottes, teacher of the class, led the de- votlonals and made a talk oh, an evil report from the book of ra dio talks. Agnes Elledge presid ed for the business session, the main Item was making plans for a Valentine party. The eighteen members and two visitors attend ing were served dainty refresh ments during the social hour. tibnt.' Clt|ine4 By Dea^. ^'Jftnili’ nther, «n ededT'man i-rf. “ of'd Spnrfsoit;. oonuunnity, -mitr Read Journal-Pat not ads. clafthed byAeath at t his sbn, ybiArew,. oh Funeml serifloe by Bevfc J. N. ^lBkI«r. Wooten and J. — PlsggB Baptist ,:CWi^ wed*'^ ’ hesday afternoon. * 7„ after A brlell UlneM. Mr. SoniW was bom Dec. 25, 1850,^ his ag» being 85 years and 13 days. He was piarried to Ra chel McCarter In i874, who pro- ceded him in death in 1P24. To this union were born two sons, Andrew, of Spurgeon and Charles of Los Angeles, Calif. He pis sur vived by both bis sons and five grandchildren. He was united with Mt. Pis- gah Baptist church In 1887 and service was hell PdpliO''Springs taeaday for'Mar- tha All«, 85-year-old y eolond,f^3 woman who died at her home in the Ronda community Sunday. - A man discarded-a cap bought--' In 1898 for a new one. A, D. t Wilson, a Spi-lngdale. Ork., news- ^ paperman, thought It a good story and published • it. It: hftFr ^ pened to be the drst nepre th» man’s daughter had bad .fron* hhn- In 10 years. The Workers’ Oooncil of the North Wilkcaboro Methodist church meets Tuesday evening at 7:.30 o’clock at the church hut. 4heir friends in the Wade Apart-' Forester. Jr. ■tents at 419 Woodland Avenue, Winston-Salem. salad course close of play. Min Dorri& Laws Is W«d To Mr. Bomgarner AnBOuncenient is made of the manriage of Mlsa DoirirLaws, of Moravian FailSi and Tyre Bum garner', of Wilkesboro, In Char lotte, November 18, 1935. The yonng couple are now at home In ^Ikesboro where Mr. Bumgar ner Is operator of th* West End Service Station. Mrs. Bumgarner is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Laws, of Moravian Falls, and Mr. Bum garner a son of Mr. and Mrs. Linville Bumgarner, of Wilkes- boro. Bridal Party Honored At Cake Cutting Party Mrs. A. L. Lippard and her daughter, .Mrs. Clyde Pearson, entertained the Vannoy-Chilton bridal party at a cake cutting k'Vlday evening at 211 Sixth Street, the homo of the bride and her mother. Mrs. Lippard. The party followed tho rehearsal for the wedding of Miss Ruth Van- noy and Kenneth Chilton, who were married Saturday afternoon at four o’clock at the North M'il- keeboro Methodist church. The guests were restricted to famil^ members and a few close friends. Throughout the dining room and the living room, which was artistically decorated in the.nu Fofusion i of roses, carnations, and white glowing candles were used. In the dining room a lace-covered table was centered by a three- tiered wedding cake, on which 'Vas a wee bridal pair. About the cake, which was cut for the tra ditional tokens of fortune, white tapers burned In silver holders. The ices, in green and white;' and in molds of wedding bells, slip pers, and roses, furthered the accepted motif. i Miss Ruth Vannoy I.s I Wed To Mr. Chilton I The North Wilkesboro Metho dist church was the scene of a marriage ceremony marked by its beauty and solemnity Satur day afternoon at 4 o'clock when Miss Ruth Vannoy became the bride of Kenneth Leigh Chilton, of this city. Rev. R. G. Temple ton, pastor of the bride, officiat ed, using the impressive Metho dist ring ritual. In the presence of relatives and a large number of friend.s. Chaste green and white made j a pretty setting for the wedding tableau. The young couple plight- I ed their troth before an impro- ; vised altar, the background of ■ which was entwined with ivy and ! white carnations, while a huge; t)Oiuiuet of gorgeous Easter lil-1 ! lies were arranged on each side. ,. ' White candles in a seven-branch- ! !cd candelabra at the center of: : the altar, -nitli seven graduated j ' ones extending from either end, I eiust a soft glow over the artistic | I arrangement. On t!ie clioir rail i j was a bowl of white carnations i , placed amid a pair of triple ctin- , i delabra with burning tapers. ! 1 The bride was escorted by her | j step-father. .A. L. Lippard, and j I attended by a dame of honor, Mjst, Clyde Pears^;,^^ii§t^fX^ the bride- 1 groom were a best man. Jack Brame, and four ushers, Herbert Allen, of Charlotte, Austin Sauls, Richard Deans and Jack Vannoy, a brother of the bride. Miss Lois Scroggs, organist, and Mrs. Frank Johnson, soloist, I were wedding musicians and j their program was a beautiful complement to the marriage cere- ^ ] roony. To open the program Miss | Scroggs played a Prelude to the i Loheiigrin music, after which j Mrs. Johnson sang, “Because" | ,gnd;’‘A Dream.’’ Miss Scroggs; ! th^ji ‘rendered the Introduction ’ he Third Act ot Lohengrin’s chorus, signalling the ap- I prioach of the wedding party, i and gi! the solemn vows were REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Deposit & Savii^s At North Wilkesboro, North Carolina, to the Conmiissioner of Banks, at the close of business on the 31st day of December, 1935: ASSETS Mr. and Mrs. Pearson Feted At Dinner Party i A delightful courtesy was ex tended to a popular bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pear-chor- son, when Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert j Foster were hosts at a loTOly din-j tij^ ushers entered PrsV in ner party at their home Tuesday | followed by the dame of honor. The bridegroom and his best man approached from the evening. Mrs. Pearson before her marriage the last of December was Miss Joyce Wellborn, of Wil kesboro. A three course dinner was served at eight o’clock with covers laid for ten. A bowl of white narcissus, a- bout which white candles made a frame, made a pretty centerpiece for the dining table. Honor gift for Mrs. Pearson was crystal in her wedding pattern. Mrs. E, S Loans and di.scounts Overdrafts United State.s Government obligations,, direct and fully guaranteed Other bonds, stocks and securities Total Loans and Inve.stments ' .§732,443.01 Banking House- $20,000.00, Furniture and Fixtures, $2,0000.00 Real estate o^e^LtjlJxfij^^hftirbanking house... Cash in J^g^j^i^exchanges, cash items, and bal- HTceswith other banks . - $400-930.67 14.82 148,289.39 183,208 13 22.000.00 1,230.00 146,176.96 TOTAL ASSETS ■ .P : _$9W,849.97 LIABILITIES Deposits of individuals, partnerships or corp orations payable on demand or within 30 days.._ $214,191.26 Time deposits of individuals, partnerships or corporations payable after 30 days or sub ject to more than 30 days’ notice 345,291.59 Public funds of states, counties, school districts, municipalities or other political subdivisions. 170,243.31 United States Government and po.stal savings deposits - -- —43,466.49 Deposits of other banks, cash letters of credit, certified, officers’ and travelers’ checks out- .standing - 30,290-96 Summary of Items 12 to 16, inclusive: (a) Secured by pledge of loans or investments $240,660.70 - (b) Not secured by pledge ^.of ^ . . ' Toans or ihv^m'enls (c) Total Deposits $803,^83.61 Interest, taxes, and other expenses accrued and unpaid Dividends declared but not yet payable Other liabilities - Capital Account: (b) First preferred stock sold to R. F. C- 2,600 Shares, par $12.00 per share . $30,000.00 (e) Common stock, 3,000 shares, par $10.00 per share,.. 30-000.00 (f) Surplus 15,000.00 (g) Undivided profits—net 13,480-96 (h) Reserve for contingencies, depreciation — 3,200.00 1,270.01 1,800.00 3,615.39 TOTAL, including capital account $901,849.97 Tt-ar of the church to meet the bride and her step-father before the improvised altar. Just before the marriage benpdiction Mrs.‘| Johnson sang "O Perfect Love.” and after the benediction the' strains of Mendelssohns weddiiru march rang out as a recessional. The bride w-as lovely in a bla- ' ■ j; i velvet suit, trimmed in blue fox. Cooper, a bride of several,^ blouse and black acces-, months, the former .Miss Grace, completed the outfit with | Sink, also received a ■'‘'“'em-1 ^ shower bou-j| brance. I duet of valley lillies. Her only'" ! ornament was a beautiful cameo | Tea and Topics Club Met With Mrs. Schafer The Tea and Topics club mem bers were delightfully entertain ed with a number of other guests • FTiday evening when -Mrs. J Behafex 'W'a* hostess at her home j •on ■Vhhee Street. An informal j hour was spent together in nee-1 ! dlework and conversation after 1 ‘ which the hostess her mother. assisted by 'Mrs. A. S. Cassel. served tempting'“ j pin belonging to j ; Mrs. Pearson wore a fuchsia metal cloth dres.s and carried an I arm bouquet of yellow carna- jj ! tio'is. with fuchsia edge, tied '! With silver ribbon. Her shoes and j hat too were of silver. Immediately following t h e ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Chilton left for a wedding trip to un- nnounced points, and on their ,rofroshments. Guests j. 2i j sixth Street. r^ium they w'ill be at houi6 at || State of North Carolina, County of Wilkes C. T. Doughton, Cashier, J. T. Prevette, Director, and C. A. Lowe, Director of the De posit & Savings Bank, each personally appeared before me this day, and, being duly sworn, each for himself, says that the foregoing report is true to the best of his knowledge and belief. C. T. DOUGHTON, Sworn to and .subscribed before me this the 13th day Cashier, of January, 1936. C. A. LOWE, ROSE McNEiLL J. T. PREVETTE, ■ ■ r iQQ7\ ^ Directors. (My Commi.s,sion Expires January 12, 193/) T1 were Mesdames Frank Johnson, j J. M. Crawford.,' !.«lub members .■Walter Newton Weaver Starr. ■W.. J. Allen and Miss Ruth Co.- , vard. Birs. C B. Eller k Idlewise Club Hostess Mrs O. B. Eller was charming hoBteas to the Idlewise club of which she Is a member, at her 'home on Fourth Street Thursday erenlng. Following a '’“sy period of sewing and chatting Mrs. El ri rtrved a delicious salad course . „d1r«lt cake with of the club were exchanged dur- . fag the evenlmf- Mia Bin Is Bridge CJob Hostess fBUI Absher was hostess at . n-- afternoon at -aramben of her Mrs. Chilton is an accomplish-11 THE HOUSE OF HAZARDS By Mac Arthur S.AV OAO, WHllE WE’Rt OUT THIS -NAT WE OUSMT TO VISIT MR.ANO MRS.art rtOPECK,., YA- LET’S SEE, THEY LIVE OUT route €>"1’U ASK AT THE HEKT GAS STATlOft HOW WE CAN PICK IT UP FI^OfA HERC HELLO) COULD YOOri-W ‘ WUi PLEASt DIRECT -riGOiN i fiTfc TO BELLVOE I^OHTS? ROOTS 4? ' whYTHATS away out op YOU'RE ALL TURNED AROUND-’ HE CAN SAVE HIM' SELP A halt HOv‘^ IF He'OLU^- Yltt YA OOMI TO A CLUMP OF BUSHES AND-;, ^ 1 vwE’f?E TURNING RIGHT AROUHO AND GOING HOmE BEF012G I FORiSfiT Trt6 way;

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