jac: ■ ■■ iSiS^PATRIOT Of fH)r Senate? .14. — Liberty ,^^^,pttted to be work- Bob Hanes of . ,,Bat«in-^l«Bi to offer for the ^Ited Statee senate. 'W-tE.V VOL. XXX, NO. 39 Published Mondays m>d Thursdays NORTH WILKESBORO, N. 'C., THURSDAY^ J^N. 16,1^86 m S Generations JaUed AsbeTille, Jan. 14—Three gen- •ntlpiia of one family—a grand father^' his son and the latter’s ■ere held in the same cell Asheville police station to rn charges of drunkenness. Savings In Insurance Costs To No. Wilkesboro People Assured BooDier Farmers Suffer Loss From Several Robberi^ SOB- Mayor Received Official Notice That Fire Department Has Been Raised To Second Class'And That Rates Will Be Lowered Accordingly. at kidnaping Clharge Jan. 14.—A man gflonald Ueaver. 26, of Teas arrested here to- ter a school teacher be- snspicious that he planned O^ki^ap. the two young sons of *V. Morton, local business man. Seed Loans .Approved Washington. Jan. 14.—Legis-1 tetlon to provide $40,000,000 fori •eda and feed loans to farmers in j the 1936 crop year was approved | today by the House agriculture! .-committee. Mayor K. T. MrXiel received offiriHl notice this week from the Southeastern Underwriters .Association that fire Insnnuice rates are to be revised down ward in North WllkesIbOro. The city fire department has met all requirements for a sec ond class fire department and j»s a result it is being raised from third to second, which will bring about the lowered insurance costs. Thi.s was made possible by the improvement of the city water works, addition of a sec ond fire truck to carry hose and additional equlpincnt. An other requirement that has been met was the appointment of a fttll time day fireman and a full time night fireman. Ijocal Insurance men have e.sti mated that the difference in fire insurance rates in North Wilkesboro wlU mean an an nual saving of from gl.'S.OOO to $‘.20,000 per year in fire in surance costs. In addition to the monetary saving, i>eople can feel a greater sense of .se curity in the knowledge that the city has a modem fire de partment ready to respond im mediately to all calls. Approximately 1,000 Pounds Pork Taken From Home of Marvin Earp OTHER PEOPLE ROBBED Chickens Taken From Sev eral Henhouses; Officers Seek Guilty Parties Held For Murder ^Wilmington. Jan. 14.—A true charging Alec Buie with the of French Lewis, at the JJarolina Beach roadhouse Sht of Xovembe’ 24. was returned by the giand jury in New Hanover Superior court to day. Senate Bonus Bill Approved By Committee Baseball President \ Five Iturn To Itcatli Voplar Bluff. Mo.. Jan. H Mp4. Vergie Willard. 2 6, and her four children were burned to death at their home near Taskee, Mo., today. A can of oil used by the husband and father. I’oney W'iUard. to start a stove fire e.\- ploded. He was critically injured. Hitchhiker? «ky Slount, Jan. II Kuy- bnhd Hunt, of Whitakers, opera- \ i'^ tor of a casket firm, told police j hspe-'tbnight that one of two, young men to whom he .gave a ’ ride kndtked him on the head four times, took change in his ■ pocket and drove away In his au-! Washin.gton. Jan. 14. — The compromise "baby bond'' bonus bill was swept toward a Senate vote today over testimony by .Secretary Morgenthau that its passage might increase to a $11,- I’.Oil,000,00(1 ‘‘miiiimum’' thei necessary treasury financing in ! the ne.xt 17 1-2 months. | Morgenthau privately told the; Senate finance committee, just 1 before it approved the proposed substitute for the House bill by a l.')-to-2 vote, that the measure I ; ' ' . (night reanire a $2 000.000.000 ( money-raising operation. Nal.unal League base Senator Couzens (R). 'vin-ii • ■ - Farmers of the Boomer com munity have been looted of sev eral hundred dollars worth of grain, meat and poultry during the past few weeks, according to reports Investigated by the sher iff’s office. About 1,000 pounds of pork were stolen from the home of .Marvin Earp one night recently, while other thefts on a whole sale scale have also been report ed. Mr. Parsons, a farmer in that community, lost 38' bushels of wheat. Dodson Watts and other farmers liave reported heavy losses in poultry. Sheriff W. B. Somers and deputies liave been investigating the thefts and not altogether without results, it being believed ! that clues have been found that | may lead to the apprehension of those who so wantonly steal from the farmer.-; on a comparatively large scale. Circumstances indicated that thtj, robberies may have been committed by the same parties, who conveyed the produce by truck or automobile to distant points. of HortbwOat f^***** ^OQ OtJT ■■■■•’WJij--——' - ... Here are the ABCD Perrieone ^dfnp _ , six-years oi age. They are Anthony, Bnroo, (brio and Bnira^' Tbelf BEAUMONT, Tex •t mother, Mra. PhiUp Pernoone snya as babies, Bmno was the aHghti»t ix4 is the bright^' She thinks the slightest of the IHoane quintuple will abs be the smartMt. SHRUBBERY PLANTED ABOUT TORY OAK NEAR COURTHOUSE Clinging Vinea Will Beautify Plot Where Tree On Which Ben Cleveland Hanged Tories Now Stands; Life of Historic Oak Apparently Near End Co-operat!i^ Being Ghren to' Schoob'(^iw Many Children Given Pro- liminary Testa in Schools of Wilkeaboroa MAY EXTEND CUNIC: To Include Several Larger Schools in Rural Seetioo.'; ^ Need is Urged BROOKI-YN, N Y. Mrs. I ball team, suicocds her father in tliat ([noted him as li.sting iheso oth-: ;ntieely nian.ige the club’s i (-r amounts which the Treasury ' affair;, might have to raise to meet it.s i .— Name Sanitary Insector For Wilkes County In his 3'i-j before June 30. ISS". I A,ifn pmobile late today near Battle-j AutO KlatCS lOroL - $5,800,000,000 f ottlSVatfdfng^bUgations; $2,000,- ] G. S. Odell Begins Work; ~ 1 j 1 Make Inspection of Dair- Must Be Displayed ; rie, and Eating Places 3’.. p Jan. 14—An Ameri-; 000.000 possibly to be needed for Wue/4agie was killed on Dun-; roHff (and not included in the S>ek near here bv Wavne "f«' budget); and $1,500,000.- Sales Good So Far, Reports Chief i .Anderson; Very Few I>elln- ijiiciit Motorists C 14-year-old local boy. Fhe eagl^ nieasured si.x feet and Fthre« inches from tip to tip. The |«agl« was killed by young Hamor while bird hunting. The feet Lwere sold for 25 cents each. 0()() which I’resident Roosevi'U estimated as ne.xt year’s deficit. Not iloiiiid to .SecrH-j- Saying he would not be bound James M. .Anderson. North Wilkeshoro’s chief of police, re ported yesterday that sales of (o ,ny.ng ne we^u.a noi oe oo.ii.a secrecy which Morgenlhan and , _ . . , a- McDonald Raps "Machine" Leaksville. Jan. 11.—Crossing fpralse for the policies of Presi- {dent Roosevelt with a bristling ‘attack, on "the Ehringhaus-Card- I mer-Graham-Hoey machine.’’ Dr. Ralph W. McDonald, seeking the I Democratic gubernatorial nomi nation. brougbi his campaign I here today. (’hairman Harrison (D). .Miss., impos(’d upon themselves after the e.xechtive comraittee session, Couzens also iiuoled the cabinet officer as saying the public debt iiii.ght rt'ach $35,500,000,000 by the end of rhe next financial yea r. Declining a.gain to comment on head of last year and that prac ' lically all of the automobile own- i ers in the city have purchased j : their city plates along with the I state tags. ^ ’ City plates aip being sold by J. ' C. .McDiarmld at the license bu reau on the covuer ot Ninth and I C streets, making it necessary for Get.s IJfe Sr-nloiice Winston-Salem, Jan. 14. The lllrst to receive maximum penal ity under North Carolina's 19.35 Ikidnaping law, William Barham and Fred Stevens, sentenced lo- Iday to life imprisonment for the fabduction of W. W. Pollock, ' witmton-Salern draftsman, were [taken to state prison at Raleigh llonlghf. the bonus question. President j Roosevelt expressed surprise at his press conference when he was i’.;formed that .Morgenthan's, sudements had been made pub-j lie. Remarking that he had not i ,,, heard what th secretary said. the auto owner to make only one trip to get .state and city tags. There ar,> still some few dclin- ([(leiits who have not purchased the city tags and they are asked to purchase them imn. (diately. for city plates is one dol- Roosevelt asked who talked. Ml He joined in the laughter when j .1 newspaperman said that would ; be telling. Only Couzens and Senator (Jer- I ry (D). R. 1.. voted against ai , favorable report on the bill which 1 lar for each vehicle. S. Odell, formerly an em ploye of the health department of Tennessee, has been named sanitary inspector for Wilkes county and has- entered upon his duties. Thp work carried on by Mr. Odell ill Wilkes is in connec tion with the state ami county health departments and he will niaiiitain headquarters at the county health office in the courtlipuse in Wilkesboro. Ilis ditties during the next few weeks will be cotiftned principally to inspection of dairies, cafes, restaurants and food handlers, he stated today. Other phases of the work will consist of promoting school sanitation and cooperation w\th individuals who desire to (‘feet sanitary privies. The plot on which stands the Tory Oak, for a centurj- and a half a landmark on the court- liouse square in AVilkesboro, luis been beautified by planting ■shrubltory and vines. This work is bein^; sitonsoretl hy the Rendezvous Mountain chapter of tlie Daughters of the •American Revolution, who sev eral years ag!o took measuro.s to preserve the life of the his toric tree by filling the hollow trunk with concrete. Yesterday workmen from A’iilley A'iew Nursertes, of I’ores linob, were engaged in {daut- ing FJnglish tvey and periwin kle alKtnt the D’ve trunk. This Is to jidd materially to the up- |K‘nriutc«* of the plot on which the tree stands on a mound in tlio center of the street that makes up the courthouse square. nie Tory Oak has an inter esting history dating back to the time Col. Ben {Tcvcland lianged. a number of fories from its limbs during the Rev olution. There are still a num- Iter of live branches on the free, which has decayed on one side, biitsM jg life is Its Carrier Serves . Route 30 Years j F. L. Parks Retires at Roar ing River After 30 Years of Service LAWRENCE GRAY HELD UP; , ROBBED OF CAR AND CASH Held For Homicide 3r, Jan. 14. — Probable ^as found by Judge A. R. ere today in the hearing ayson Bryant on a murder Harrison said he hoped to get be-, Daring Daylight Robbery Tuesday Afternoon Near Mo- fore the Senate when it recon-L _ - • m«_ — venes Thursday. .Administration ~ leader.s predicted it would he en- IjtWTCiice ravian Falls; Officers Search For Man Giving Name As “Padgett’* acted Into law this month. Couzens was the only one of —.-^"in connection with the , eisht committeemen who will be of Walter Carlton on De-;np tor re-election next Novem- sAber ^ report. After he BrVant was bound over J bad disclosed .Morgenthau’s tes- andet * I*®®** $2,500, and will J tried in the February term of pujerfer court. _pwigfaC Beard ('.-uight Tex.. Jan. 14.—Angus-| -Beard, 35 escaped | I* ner from North Carolina, j •was arrested here today, and of-. Hcers ssid he was identified in .two holdups tonight. He stead-! fastly denied an accusation that i.-he kfllcd John B. Roberts, former' i'Dallas detective, here on Decem- fTAter 23. they added. timony administration leaders were quick to explain that the $11,300,000,000 figure Morgen- tliau mentioned did not involve all “new money’’ raising, since it included the $5,800,000,000 in refunding operations. (d-iiy, Wilkesboro riii-nitiire dcjiicr, wjis lielU up iind ix»bbel of his automobile, wiitcb and about $7.5 in mon- ^Funeral Rites For Mrs. J. B. Bullis Tax Penalty Will Be Added Feb. 1 County and City Tax Collect ors Urge Payment in Jan uary to Avoid Penalty ey by a man giving hi« name as Charles Padgrtt near Moravian l-'iUls Tncslay afternoon. I’arlgetl was in Wilkesboro Tuestlay, aeeoi-dln;i to reports, and wa.s sup|M>sed to be making aniingements to go into the. Irueking business rvitcii Mr. Gray oblidglng gave him a lift toward Lenoir. .A short dLstaiiee from >io- raviun F'ulLs on highway IM the two men .stepped out of the automobile and Padgett sud denly threw a gua on Mr. Gray, telling him he wanted his car, his money and his watch. The holdup took plar-e about Itiree o’clock. •After looting Mi‘. Giity’s |K>eke(s Padgiett steppetl into the automobile and raced to ward liCnoir, leaving the car's owner by the roadside. Officers were ininiedlatel.v notified and on Wednesday a descripaon of the automobile, a 1035 model Pord coach, and an account of the robborj’ were broadcast over rtidio from Charlotte. Of ficers throughout the state have licen askesl to wateh for the stolen car. ROARl.NG RIVER, Jan. 14.— F. L. Parks, veteran rural car rier and prominent citizen of Roaring River, had distributed the mail on Roaring River, Route 1. for 3U ye.ars and 4 montli.s when he retired December 31, lfl.35. He began on this route Sept. 1, 1905. For twenty years the route was 23 miles long, but became 4 5 miles long after being consolidated ten years ago. For twenty years Mr. Parks used horses to carry the mail. He used 5 buggies, one cart and ! one mail wagon, drawn by sev- I oral different horses, during that ' time. Since 1925, he distributed i it in an automobile and used five cars. He traveled over 254.- 844 'niles. Mr. Parks is 64 years and 9 inonth.s of age. He is a descend ant of one of Wilkes county’s best and oldest families, a son ot the late Col. Lindolph Parks and I l.ucy Petty Parks, and he mar ried Mrs. Davie Wellborn Greene. His brother, H. E. Parks, rural carrier on Route 2. is also a vet eran distributor of letters, but has con.siderably shorter record than the older brother, F. L. Parks. Both are also farmers. B. The tuberculosis clinic which started In the schools of WIlk*» county Monday is meeting with good cooperation from school pa trons, it was learned today from Mrs. Bertha Bell, county n»«« who is aiding the clinician In conducting the clinic. Preliminary tests have been given children in the North Wll- kesboro city schools, white and colored, and WilkMboro .school. Dr. H. L. Seay, clinician from the state sanitorium, will give the examinations. Present plans of the county health department call for con ducting the clin;o in the central schools of the rural communities but the extent of the clinic will depend to a great extent on funds available for that purpose. The school clinic for Wilkes was not scheduled until 1937 but au thorities were able to move up the date one year on account of the fact that in some counties where clinics were Id he b Id Ihit year preparations had not been made. In the schools where the clin ic i.s to be held preliminary tests by an injection into the arm, which is quite harmless, are giv en and the number to be examined is reduced to suspects while those that are known to be lefinltely free from the disease ilnated. X-ray pictures ,yljj when necessary Monday, Jani Stockholders of North Wil kesboro Association to Have Annual Meeting consult Regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the North Wil kesboro Building and Loan asso ciation will be held on Monday night, January 27, according to a notice mailed out by J. B. Wil liams, secretary-treasurer of the association. The meeting will be held in the city hall and will begin at 7:30. The year 19 35 was a very suc cessful one for the association and a report of the year’s busi ness is being prepared by the secretary. It is expected that the stockholder.s’ meeting will be well attended. The meeting on January 27 will be for the purpose of elect ing directors for the ensuing year and the transacting of such oth er business as may come before the meeting. The 4 8th .series is now open! for sale of installment stock. I afit •dViued to ■ their family! Jdiyslcian. Before the clinic began Dr. A. J. Eller, other health authorities and practicing physicians issued a public plea for cooperation and so far the clinic has been accord ed almost 100 per cent support from ihildreu and their parents. In continuing the operation and permission to ex amine suspects, it was pointed out that childhood tuberculosis is different to that in adults in that it responds more readily to treatment if the disease is discov ered before much damage is done. District Junior Order Gathering Will Be Held In North Wil kesboro On Night of FrT day, February 21 Hotel Company Stockholders To Meet On Jan. 23 I Winston-Salem. Jan. 13.—Mon roe .Adams, of Statesville, state councilor of the Junior Order ^ United American Mechanics, has 1 issued a call for (ii.«tfict-wide I class initiations throughout North — i Carolina to be held Friday night, I February 21, .and to be known as ; the (Jeorge Washington birthday , clas.ses. Making Rapid Progress Qn; At least one class initiation will Grading Highway Across ^ ^ every dtstnet m the D, state and some of the larger dts- The Blue Kidge arranged for two 4 Miles Graded Oh Highway 16; or FIRE MONDAY NIGHT IN TELEGRAPH OFFICE (je Be Held Thin Afternoon At Grove Church: Passed Away Wednesday Ipuneral rites will b© held to rn., at Shady Grove Irs. J. B. Bullis. who nesday morning, four her home on Wilkes- 1. ; survived by her hus- Uis, and the fol- p.-^Iter, Mack, [inchud Bullis, 1; Roby BalUs, C. Cbttrt^l. on: MlBSL.f'- It If Mrs. J Mrs. J. P. Welch .A penalty will be added to all unpaid county and city taxes aft er February 1. it was pointed out this week by W. P. Kelly, tax collector for North Wilkesboro, and W. B. Somers, sheriff an'd tax collector of Wilkes county. All who have not paid their taxes are urgently requested to do so and avoid penalties. Taxes during January can be paid for the face amount of the tax state ment but a penalty wii be added after February 1. LICENSES ARE LOST BY 30 MORE DRIVERS Raleigh, Jan. 13.—Thirty re- rocationa are announced by the ll(DeM« department A fire that was thought to have started in the boiler room beneath did small damage to the Western Union Telegraph office here Monday night about eleven o’clock. The tire was quickly ex tinguished by the fire depart ment. Woodie Seeking New Bus Route BUND MAN IS SURE JUSTICE IS BLIND 13.—Sam see the High Point, Jan. Moon, blind, couldn’t ways of Justice today. Arrested with four others in a mid by police oii an alleged gam bling game, h® was the only one of the five who was found guilty when arraigned in municipal court today. E. O. Woodie. local bus line operator, appeared Tuesday be fore the Utilities Commission in Raleigh to seek a franchise to operate a bus passenger service between West Jefferson and Charlotte, by way of North Wil kesboro and Taylorsville. The petition was opposed by the Queen City Lines of Winston- Salem and the East Tennessee and Carolina-Lines. At conclusion of the ^hearing, it was Indicated hyAiembera of counsel for the contesting groups an' agreement might be reMhed without action of the 'iaiOB; ■ ■ '-.v-'v Annual meeting of stockhold ers of the North Wilkesboro Ho tel company, owner of Hotel Wiilkes. will be held at Hotel Wilkes on Thursday. January 23, at 7:30 in the evening. E. G. Finley, secretary of the company, has mailed out notices ot the ifieeting. The meeting will be for the purpose of electing a board of directors for the coming year, hearing reports of officers and transacting such other business as may come before the stock holders. IX)CAL MANUFACTURERS RETURN FROM CHICAGO Representativee of lotml fur niture manufacturing plants have been attending the furniture ex position in Chicago. N. O. Smoak, representing For est Furniture company, is expect ed to return some time this week. J. D. and H. L. Moore, of the Home Chair compiriny, have , re turned bat J. M. Quinn muiaed for a more extended stay. J-R. Hik and A. B. Johnston, ot the American Furniture company, at- md«d' the «xs»iHo& laM jifiM* Workmen engaged in the con-; three classes. Each district deputy stniction of highway 16 between! state councilor will have the re-, Wilbar and the Aslie-Wiljtes line ^ sponsibility of arriinpng for tl^ have completed rough gra!ding on i classes and for a speaker' who about four mites of the 7 j.oJ Will deliver a bnef message at 11 -^4 I place. ™; , ninunv J C, W. Snyder, field secretary T. M. Strider and company,-) Nashville. Tenn.. contracting firm, has been using about 100 meu in two shifts daily in the work. However, inclement weath er has delayed the work to a great extent during the past sev eral weeks. When the project under con struction is completed by way of what is commonly called the "jumping off place’’ the new highway froip Millers Creek will lack about fo(ur miles of reaching the connecting point with the old highway 16 near Glendale Springs. The new highway wilj be on© of the most picturesque routes acrewB the Blue Ridge In western North Carolina and will connect with the route of the Scenic Parkway near the Asher Wilkes line on the summit of thq Blue Ridge. Exaininatiffiitt Going-On This week is examination we^ for students of the North Wllkee- boro high school. The !mld4erp$ its tfe for the western division ,of the state, announces the following places in this section where class initiations will be held in his dis trict: District 7 with North Wilkes boro council No. 61 at North Wil kesboro and with Copeland joun- ■ Cil No. 101, at Copeland; district No. 3 with Elk Park council No. 86 at Elk Park; district 6 with Statesville council No . 399 at Statesville and vrith Newton coun cil No. 24 at Newton.' Neuse River Overflows At Han>erBviIle, Floods Land Kinston, Jan. 13.—The Neuse river overflowed into Happers- vllle, opposite this city, today^but residents believed there would ,hs:' iHrie damage from the flood an.d the'ktream) would start (ani> Ihg In a- lew houmf v- .. Cv Klnston-Wilmihliton read x- J " Meefeedv, Howhm!ja wsaiNd'. -( road, rnns ihld tbs fIVB miles' out. Msap ateres .of low i| ! 1 -

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