- ' V-*- f '-■'A-i.S>'*'^^. A; :- .- - -ri- • . ■ I^J %. I'-' *Jt-' KOI ).??• 'miss MAMIE SOCK WELL, Editor Telepliono SIS -r-:i'^ -j*-: Secnort 2 J«Br»0.— Hm. Jirie Dcsbs Is Hostess To Jr. Chib i'-Mi*. Jute Deans was hostess to tho members of the North Wll- keabero Junior Woman’s club at her 'home Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Frank Blair. Jr., the Pres ident. occupied the chair for the huataees seaslon. at which time aoTera) items came up for dis cussion. Mrs. Deans served sand wiches and coffee during the so cial hour. I »»»OO»»»»O0»»M»O»»0OOO» Social Ca^iklar ilOftk^st Circles Held ^Monthly Meetings Tuesday The three circles of the North kesboro Methodist church their January meetings eday with Circle No. 1 and he Mary Brame Circle meeting in the afternoon and the Frank lin Circle in the evening. At all three of the meetings plans were laid for the new year’s work and at the close of each delicious re freshments were served during the social hours. Circle Xo. 1 met with Mrs. Z. O. Eller and was attended by thirteen .Mrs. J. C. Smoot gave the devotlonals. Mrs. Eller, the new chairman, presided for the business session. Mrs. ,A. It. Johnston was hos tess to the Mary Itrame Circle Jth the devotlonals being given Mrs. \V. 1’. Horton. Thirteen were present. Mrs. Johnston oc cupied the chair lor routine bus iness. The Franklin Circle was enter tained by .Mrs. R. E. Scroggs with I Mrs. Palmer Horton ii\ charge. | Mrs. J. n. Schafer led the devo- tionals. Xineteen were piesenl. I The Wilkeoboro Woman’s club will meet cmi Friday, Jan uary XI, at the home of Mrs. L. B. Data. The meeting 'vas IMtatponod one week, FViday, January 24, being the regnlor meeting date. be hostess at her home in Wll- kesboro. Hour of meeting Is eight o’clock. It Is hoped that a | jj” ’diehard Pardue full attendance of the members \ will be present. ■ JUiNDA, Route 't^St tioadiy ^night^ Mr., &&d Mra Witter**"• Walker’s kliiit.' Voshtl ^ Calawajf Pardue, for a “bedtime visit’’. Soon after* they left for,, home Mrs. Pardue became spe^less. Her ehildren were called and all but one of them were there by midnight. She seemed to have , had a light stroke. We are glad I to hear she Is much improved. I T^rs. Minnie Smith Pardue. of j Cllngman, has been quite sick ! with heqrt trouble. Dr. Harding, I of Brooks Cross Roads Is treat- I Ing her. Mr. Richard Pardue. of Cllng- man, came to John Henry Hack- et’s blacksmith shop for his wa gon he’d carried there for re pairs the first of the past week. I Mrs. Nancy Walker with Mrs. * Vance Pardue went home with and spent j two nights and a day visiting the famllieH of .Messrs. Lafayette, 1 Badger and Richard Pardue. I Miss Lizzie Pardue returned ; bomb with her sister, Mrs. Walk- I er. and with her visited their .\unt Vashti Pardue. Mr. Fred Pardue and family were the guests of Mr. Martin i Pardue’s family the fifteenth I inst. Mr. Walter Walker with his wife, son, Clarke, and Miss Liz zie Pardue visited Mr. Worth Sale’s family last Wednesday -ft'.- - — ' Henry, Vaaston, 17-year old 'f- m«mb«r Pardue while visit- Greensboro .Alumnae Meetins To Be Held .lanuttrj" .‘51 The meeting of the WTIkes County Greensboro College .\him- iiae .Association scheduled lo meet Friday evening has been 'Tiostponed until the following Friday. January ,!1. at which time .Mrs. Julius C. Hnhiiaiat will A Three Days’ Cough Is Your Danger Signal No matta- bow many medicines , chest lau eaa- ... 'Wittt CreMbilaion. w.— may be brewing and Lcannot aSord to take a chance anythhig less tlian Creomul- which goes right to tlio seat ■ui ifSk trouble to aid nature to soothe and heal the inflamed mem branes as the germ-laden phlegm is loosened and e.xpelled. Even if other remedies have failed, don’t be discouraged, your druggist is authorized to guai'antee Creomulsion and to refund your money if you are not satined with results from the very first bottle. Get Creomulsion right now. (Adv.) Be Sure To .See the NEW 19.36 MODEL ALL-METAL TUBE Westinghouse Radio BEFORE YOl' BUY Wilkes Electric Company Kef liberators. Electrical Supplies PHONE 328 North Wilke.sboro, N. U. Senior Woman's Club Met Monday Afternoon Mrs. Frank Tomlinson, Mrs. R. .M. Brame. Mrs. C. B. Eller and Mrs. FTed Gaither combined hos pitality to the members of the North Wilkesboro Senior Wo man’s club at the home of Mrs. Tomlinson on Memorial Avenue ! Monday afternoon. The meeting i was well attended and with the I president. Mrs. F. C. Forester, in 1 the chair the usual routine of j business w'as transacted. ,• • Mrs. J. C. Keins program, cha.rman, presented Miss Rebec- ca Moseley, who gave an nteresf-, bat ing article on Xew dear’s Reso- « hitions, and Miss Louise Vyne end Armisa , a e. , , gave a reading "Questioning. " ! Mf®- ® *^'i •'*^*^°™ParHiip to During a pleasant social liour | sister, Mrs. Lizzie , the Ii.istpsscs served tempting re-1 Clingrnan. On their way ey freshment.s. i spent a short while with Mr. R. b. 1 Walker’s family. !Vlis .lohn Cashion Is Messrs. Martin Pardue. Worth Hostes.s To Circle ! Sale, Clark Walker and Arnustrong ■"Thy Kingdom Come ' was the , Pardue went hunting on the Sal- llieine for study presented at the I nion’s plantation near Brier Creek monthly meeting of the Biisines.s | and took dinner with Mr. ( hap WomaiTs Circle of the Wilkes- ■ pardue’s family last Wednesday. Mrs. 'Tyre Gray and her daugh ter, Miss Ruby, made a recent bt^- itiess trip to Winston-Salem. Miss , Ruby while there took the exami- ginia Johnson was in charge of being given prospective the program and the devotlonals 1 ^y^ses at the City Memorial Hos- wei'e led by .Miss Bess Stewart, i pita). ' '•'m N.-r, VENICE, Calif. . . . Large, color ful cloth bags willi drawstring at the top, are the newest and most port able heaeh “dressing rooms” yet introduced. They promise to be popu lar thi.s season. two or mdro yearn; L, R. .Harrlll, club teader ’-^i^itlte ^nrjr College, bee ' announced, began bis "Jersey .^"work .with on» grade animal. He now has a fine herd in which the gradee have been replaced wUh registered Jerseys which hav® .won heaTlly at the, various' cattle shows and fairs. . Henry also has completed projects with tiirkeye. colts,.gar den and corn, all' under the'snp- ervision of County Agent A. R. Morrow. S’?-- NEW HAY BUJLLBTIN FOR DAIRY FARMERS I Bulletin No. 308 of the North Carolina Experiment Station, ’"Lespedeza and Alfalfa Hay For Dairy Cows,’’ by Dr. C. D.'firln- uells, dairy investigator, has just been received from the printer and Is now available for distri bution to citizens of the State on request. Copies may be had on application to the agricultural editor at State College. ^ Waallington>^JaB. another #1^ eoi Igioa’^lhhr (ftten^a laiStUaptehisg lor thg vlrtaal sasjif letlwa of or tdaip^iT (1^ ^grtm Yo replace t]^ {i^i^Aiit- ed AiAA, and short^ Oherattar Pr«iiden^ fi«oanett, at bto rogu- taTcpreas eottferenpe, cdnOini^ thia IntqrfnatibD, but the PresI* dent, adherinf to a policy adbpt- OdTsome wdeks ago, declioM jo comment on, .or elaborate in any ‘tray a declaration by Secretary Wallace that "is ordering Abe im- Wdiate rpturn . to processors of amonot#,liapounded by the courts the Supreme court, had proceeded along legal lines, but had not been Just to the'government. But while Mr, Roosevelt did .not join In what "may be termed the affrontal which bis cabinet member made on the court he did remark that when the court re fused the government a rehear ing in the processing tax case there had been an apparent re versal of an earlier leading case In constitutional law. The Wallace utterance left lit tle doubt that while, under the Supreme court decree there will be a refund of the processing tas- Jf uhddr Insfraetlojw' Ihsued' " * ~' the Hepartmoiit of j . ^ irtti’ iui ti dte money ;'tef lh« .. or lit'ddWBl Is tfc« enaetlKW ,w tew „ : hr th&ideui^ rt- RMUrtlMr^lte aein lepiiw rptrpaaUve. fofea ho«H f» Um proMSBiifa ttua , as pbMlid eat by thte ,heraau ’_ (pw^lfaiyl agfli ;T1>er» to be^s^ ppcapie, as tfidn noted, from •ad tazse.. . . Stofi GaHfciy Hjlt MAIOI ITOB «te Use Juniper oil, Buehu lea.rp etc., to flush but excess'acids waste matter. Get rid oT bUd irritation that causes ’waking frequent desire. seantyT flotr 1 burning and backache. €tet JukI>I Iper 'oll, Bnchtt - leares, etc.,-taj little green tableU called Bakq^| the bladder laxative. In four daya j if not pleased go back and gpi'{ your 25c. Get your regular slqe and feel "full of pep.’’ Wllkd Drug Co. . j ifofilliN . HstMtenaatkl! ptlm 'rng piAMONP I boro Bapti.st -hiirch Monday eve- I niiiK when Mrs. John Cashion was liostt'ss to (he Cirole at her home in Wilkesboro. .Mi.ss Vir- The president Miss Elizabeth j Mi.ss Polly Pardue, of .Ionesville,j Bk-viiis, was in the chair for Uie , jj p p spent the past week-end j u.sual hiisine.ss session at which : home with her parents. Mr. | time plans were made for the year’s work. Sandwiches and cof fee were served during a delight ful sorial hour. Presbyterian Auxiliary liHiteiflily Meeting - The women of the Presbyter ian Auxiliary united their week at home ^v^th her parents and Mrs. Martin Pardue. i Mi.ss Mary Kate Sale is visiting j relatives and friends in Elkin. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Smith, of | Clingrnan, are spending some time with their Bon..Arlie,. olL^pd- kinville whose wife has been in bed sick for several weeks. Mr. Martin Pardue visited his aunt Puss Kaynes and found her declining. Some one is constiintly at her bedside. She is the oldest living member of the popular fam- of prayer and self-denial into two .-iorvices. the first one being a nrayer service which was held at the home of .Mrs. E. G. Finley Mond.-,y afternoon, Tn-shny 1 ijy „f the late James Haynes. • fhnrch hut at he ^ ^ rcgiihir montlily meeting ot the- ... auxiliary the program was given oMi lo home mis.sions witli Mrs.) i c„.„„ot r-,-,,,, „ , jj. nremise.s -f the late Samuel Gray E. C. Ptnley making a splendid'* talk pertaining to the work. Tlieii^ *^’ devotlonals were ied by .Mr.s. 1. * 3 to 3y2-YarJ Lengths 1,000 YARDS Silk' CMpes : Konda, and this route decided last I week to go "‘bird thrashing” on the .M "Don R. R ! robins. Several Gray” was chaperon, i Crater killed the mo.st 1 Xelson. .Miss Lm-y Finley, the , ,,„„a , Several ol the attendants got iiresideiil. presided at the meet-1 . . , , . ing Tnesdav afternoon, which bumps and scratches as hey wemd- was attended bv seventeen mem- them ways through the woods , i Everybody had a “pood time, her? r They went more for enjoyment Have You Tried? LA-LO (iregory-Myers bhan birds. Miss r>ixi,. Gregory liecam,. ihei Mrs. Blanch Ma.stin Cothran i.-. , .J , , , M, .. i hou.sekeeping for and nursing her liride of Mr. Joiin Myers in a | r ... (inict ceremony iiprformed Sun-! day afternoon, two o'clock, hy ' si.ster. Mrs. Gw.vn P’ord, and bright j .Mr. J. 1.. Turner, justice ot the peace at his home in this city. Mr. .Myers is a .son of tlie late James and Alice Myers. The bride is a daughter of .Mrs. I.iz- zie (iregory. little son, Dwight Waldo. I .Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Smith, of! ' Winston-Salem, recently visited | his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard! Pardue, and other relatives near! Clingrnan. i Soiled Merchandise Odds and Ends A Tjrfikal Pernmy Vdmt! Soft posUls for uadortUaga . . . Um anaon’a nc'w daeMr-^tonea for dresMs . . . and black, blue and brown! 86 inches, •icei'pbied. ONE RACK WOMEN’S and MISSES’ FROCKS RE-PRICED TO CLEAR 25 ONLY Nation-Wide Size 81x^9. Used on our table.s during White Good.s .sale. Slightly soiled— Unusually good quality Dresses for only SEE OUR WINDOWS $4-40 Birthday Dinner Summit News I new and different kind of Rat. Mouse and Roach Bxtermina- jk*r- compoand of 14 different ’"“''J'., - J A D.cA I Sl.'M.MIT. Jan. 20. Mrs. Xan- .\ surprise hirlliday dinner was i . • , _ ... , . lev .Mikeal spent Friday night in given J. R. Turner at his home in Wilkesboro Sunday on the oe-;'he home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. casion of liis TSth birthday anni- i Kiglit. v(-rsary. Metnliers of his family, neighbors and friends fro-m dist ant points gathered to make the, , . Church and .Miss Macf,ie Mil- occasion a happy one. .Among the. • F, out-of-town gue.sls were C. H. lev visited in the liomo/of .Mr. ind \V. B. Turner, of Statesville; land Mrs, \\. B. .Mikeal. b riday I Mrs. Fannie Church and dangh- ! ter. Rosa, and Helen. Mrs. Press- footte and Rat Squill. Will not hart domestic animals, livestock, poultry or human beings. Ready to use just the way you get it. Gomes in powder form and all you have to do to use is to shake it out in dark places for rats and mice and in damp places, such a.s sinks and around pipes for roach es. LA-LO is guaranteed by the manufacturers to rid your prem ises of Rats, Mice and Roaches or your money will be returned in full. sold in LA-LO Products are North Wilkesboro by O. F. ELLER & SONS Tenth Street A. C. DENNIS 907 Cherry Street LO Exterminating Products liufactured and Guaranteed .-Lo Company ■Mahaffey. of Danville. Va.: K. C and .Miss June Whicker. of Greensboro. Mr. Turner, in whose honor the o-,-casion was planned. ! , evening. Miss Eva Churrli spent .Sunday with Miss Rosa Church. Mr. and Mrs. Coy Church vis- is a widely known citizen of the i ited .Mr. Church’s, parents. .Mr. county. He was one of the found-'u*'d -Mrs. Lee J. Chnrcli, Sunday, ers of the Turner-White Coffiu' The i-t-ople of this community company. ' **>" 'eiy sorry to learn that Mr. .\sa l.ee. brother to Mrs. Essley Beshears. died last week at his Cleveland dub Member -.x-. l.s Cotton C'hampion homp at WinRton-Salem. 'P /V >Ir. and Mrs, Pressley Church !i>m ( ornwell. Jr.. Ih year old, , , ..... t , . . g ! spent Saturday night in the home t-H flub member from Cleve- \ . w, vT w , , , . . J 1 J * of Mr. and Mrs. H. C , Night, land founty ha.s been declared i „ ^ . .. Miss Mamie Miller, of Boone, t h p cotton champion among I , a. V. . r. .• 11 1 • ! who ha.s been spending some time .North Carolina clnb members for ... . . ., ^ -ft.,- ,, 1 1 visiting her cousin. Miss Husa the year 1-te produced , r. . • .* *u n-t pounds of iinl on two acres ! .spent Sunday n.ght with of land at a cost of $5S.7."). The I ‘ , lint was of e.xtra quality and ! , .. , ,j , „ ,o .. 1 brother. Johnson, spent Saturday length and sold for 12 .-4 cents | • night in the home of their broth- •a pound netting him $142.0.";, Fifty-seven bushels of certified e... Mr. Coy (thurch, of Pattons rillV->UVCll I/I4«vuuir> WA wia.y;.. . .... .seed also were sold lo bring the | f® total income up to $199.03. The work was done under the supervision of J. S. Wilkins, county agent, .says L. R. Harrill, clnb leader. Convicted of driving while drunk, Frank Gott hitchhiked 18 miles from the town of Augusta. Mich., to Kalamazoo, to begin serving a 50-day jail sentence. Mr. Allen Phillips, who has a position at Wilkesboro, was a visitor in this community, Sun day. Misses Rosa Church and Mamie .Miller, visited Mrs. Rosa Coffey Thursday. Mr. Lee J. Church spent Sun day night in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Wiaters, of Stony Fork. - ONE RACK Women’s Dresses RE-PRICED TO CLEAR Cotton Crinkle Bedspreads Ail Exdmsirt Ptnnry Va! *e 69c Hero’s j«it the yoefll wont for every day uoe. Smart atripee oo eoloi^ grounds. Seam- tesa. ^eoUeped ed^es. SO x 106'. 74c ea. RAYON SPREADS $1.00 All Remnants Re-priced for quick clearance. A large variety of materials, pattern.s and lengths to select from. SPECIAL! Box of 200 .sheets Clcnsing Tissue— A real selection of and plain colors to from— prints choose ODDS and ENDS $3^ See Our Windo'W Now! Miitet’ Ribbed -HOSE C h 0 o 1 • from four smart tan s h a d e.s 1 Fine gauge, 1x1 ribbed cotton. ■■♦'Stock lOc up now for CQlUMl. ' -r months to cornel Slxos Fern-Aid Sanitary Napkini A scientific- a 1 I y d e - signed nap kin. Full cut gauze. Rounded ends. Packed one dozen to the box.'"4 Buy ahead and save. lac ONE TABLE Women’s Shoes Extra Quality $1.88 pr. •v • 1 lot Women’s Purees repriced 43c 36-inch Factory Cloth, yard 7V2C 25 only Women’s Rayon Slips, each 39c 42 only Women’s Print Dresses, each 39c 65 only Boys’ Athletic Shirts, each IQc 26 pairs Women’s Tuck Stitch Pantys 18c 42 pairs Boys’ School Knickers, pair 98c Advance Patterns, 15c values, 8c 100 yds. Spool Sewing Thread, 2 for 5c Good quality Cotton Outing, yard 8c Women’s Pure^ilk Hose - - - 15c One lot Women’s Hats, each — 48c One lot 18 x 36 Towels, each 10c One lot Curtain Scrim, yard 81/2C One lot Men’s Dress Shirts 49c One lot 81-inch Sheeting, yard 19c 10c ea. 6 ONLY BOYS’ Rain Coats Good Black rulibei quality— 98c ea. MEN’S Dress Pants Slightly .soiled. Re- f priced to clear— i S1.78 pr Men's Mixed Yarn WORK90X A ’^ny” if' th«rc ever w a ■ o n « I Om Gray mix- Ow JEte • tuns. You’ll b« wiM to • tt a aopply that wfll (Iv»|ai| ptegJty of wnrictfpr iwwbH'

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