(I r. V^Ai^RM nM BLA^gtm TflAIL OP^PRO^S IN THE,-OT^ OP TH^TY YEARS .'iSSw' V5^ ■ ‘i'-iT rN^Of ; '#Mt; mffbiimtmkn itel;'%1il^‘reb. 4.—Q«orge (•*(14 ^ «|rt 'ii4iiM(4 yHcle 4» moitt tklags. Mvteed tS* V»H«4 SUtes today jtO '^liuck*'' fls Constitution "Into itb* ocean.” Italy May Withdraw ' tlOMTa.—^Italian circles Indi- .iied today that Italy would bo IMsiy to leave the Ioague o{ Na> 1 If It imposed aa oil em- bifM In penalty for her war on hithlpia. '41-. ■Jm. \ M 'i/V ? W%^ •i;,.. J rJ9 VOL. XXX, NO. 44 'Published Mondays and Thui^sdays ■ NORTH^WILKESBORO, N. Veterans Rling Applications For ^us Payment A. F. Kilby Delegated to Aid Ex-Service Men With Ap plications Here SHOULD BRING PAPERS ^SSZ New Hospital Plant Open For Itepdetion To^y - 1___ ^ 'j|a» lauidoa’s Friends Active New York, Feb. 4.—Supporters of Gover^r Allred M, Landon of Kanaas for the Republican jjgilirtfintinl nomination have op ened headquarters for him here, [it waa learned today. Veterans Asked to Bring Discharge and Loan State ment; Many Applying .-t Clweece May Pap Up tWaBhlngton, Feb. 4.—A Greek offer of partial war debt pay ments today marked the first break in the impasse resulting from wholesale default by a ^^osen other European nations two years ago. Greenville Boom Town ensrlUe. — The population has Increased 6,000 since ail'd civic leaders say the t ,|s on the boom. Greenville boasts between 14,000 and 15.- 000 persons. In IgSl the census figure was 9,194. Tried For Old .Murder WaynesvUie, Feb. 4. — Ance Phillips, 56, charged with the Wilkes post of the American Legion and the county chapter of the American Red Cross have delegated A. F. Kilby, active Le gionnaire. to make bonus appli cation blank.s available to World War veterans in AVllkes county. Mr. Kilby has a supply of bonus application blanks at his office at the Yadkin Valley Motor company and already many veter ans have called for blanks. A sec retary is employed to assist them in properly filling out the appli cations and giving them instruc tions about sending them to the proper office to await payment. Mr. Kilby stated today that it I would greatly facilitate matters | if veterans will bring with them ' their discharges when calling to fill application and they should also have with them statements of amounts borrowed on adjusted compensation certificates. Al the time the first bonus measure was passed there were .N ’■ ;Co(lg«rted' Docket' Fact March Term For Trial of , Criminal Case* Above is pictured the modern plant of the and kitchen quarters. The second floor is used . , , . , -HI. ' ontirelv for pateints’ rooms and the top floor con* Wilkes hospital, which will be open this afternoon i-'iviivi.v lui *„i YY iiaes iiusp , I i tains the operating suite and additional and tonight for inspection by the public. The new building on the right, containing about thirty COMPLAINT DRAWN. UF Amount Involved is (57,000 Commissioners Admit Tiro B . • I J .. T R HnaBkalY.RMutlM Principal and $6(000 Interest ^ .. . tp T. B. H^itsJfiRotttiM Matters Heard , The town of North WlUtetlwrte ^ Bjoard of county coromUatoa- .( - ** . V.* ^ first degree murder of Jim Sul-, about 900 veterans in Wilkes en-i ton at a Christmas eve celebra-! titled to adjusted compensation, tion 36 years ago. and who was! Many ha\’e borrowed on the cer-1 arrested last month after being a | tificales but there s still ap-i fugitive since 1900, was arraign-' pcoximately $389,100 due in bon-1 ed in Superior court here this ! ii.s to World War veterans in the afternoon i county. The service being rendered in, tains the operating suite and additional rooms. I The remodeled and renovated building on the left coniains offices and laboratory, department for col- rooms, was erected according to the most modem „red people on the ground floor and the nurses’ plan for hospitals. The ground floor has an am- home on the top floor. The opening hours today balance entrance, emergency ward, dining room are one to four and six to nine p. m. f, ^"^Fiays Foreign Deblors Washington, Feh. i.—Senator distributing and aiding in filling out applications here is sponsored Board Educatimi In Quiet Session On First Monday No More "OUCH!" vv rtri». f.— j tnu. i*v» c — Bobert R. Reynolds joined in the by the Legion and the Bed Cross Senate today with Senator J. j and no charge is made for the Hunilton Lewis, Illinois Demo-; services reiidemd. This service 1*^;- cnit, in chastising foreign nations ! will be offered throughout this tor their failure to pay their war j month and will provide oppor- Cebts to the United States. : tunity for all veterans in this vl- W. H. Hayes Named on; Committee For Mulberry Central School District i , cinity to secure and fill out their Tlie Wilkes county education held a ver;' hoard quiet ruary session Monday with C ■Ml ^l.'^iWood, So., was ^ abarked loday upon his third nrarrlag^— his second in six and Mrs. Mary Price, ^f Nevada, were married yes terday. He married Mrs. Mary Konkler. of Creston, Iowa, last August 19. They were divorced in October. ^Legion will meet ♦'rlday night, at the Legion and Auxiliary club- hnuse. 7:-30, to discuss bonus ap plications and othei important matters of interests to ex-service men. .411 veterans in the county, irrespective of whether or not they are mcmber.s of the I.«egion. are urged to be present. Marry, Starve or noth'.’ Stockton, Calif.. Feb. 4.—On the theory, apparently, that mar riage is to be preferred to starva tion, a war veteran in.serted this advertisement today in the “help wanted, female’’ column of a Stockton newspaper: “Wanted, a .wife Veteran, refused relief by SERA, must marry or starve." Collecting j. P.’s Must Pay Taxes schools.'- C. O. McNiel, chairman, and, It. R. Church were present for the meeting. Routine matters I were rarddly disposed of and there were few people liringing matters before tlie board. ' W. II. (Rill) Hayes was nam ed 011 the Mulberry central school district committee tq sue- • eeed J I' Hall, who died re cently. ] j State Income Tax Returns Must Be Filed By March 15 NEW YORK . . Dr. LeBo; Hartman (above), of Columbia veraity faculty, ia the man who dis covered the dental “pain killer” formola to use while drilling teeth, lie forfimla is free of royalty feee to all dentists. It is nst to be pat ented by the University, J. R. Rousseau, Collector Here, Will Assist People in Filing Returns March 15 is the time limit for tiling ineopie tax returns to the state of North Carolina, J. R. Lestty-:^enue-inllscU)r here. All single persone with an in come of $1,000 or more yearly and all married persons with an income of $2,000 or more year- through J. H.' Whicker, aftora^ has instituted suit against W)lkn county asking the court to f5m- pel the county to assume the school bonded debt for North Wilkesboro. The amount involved is $57,000 In principal and a- bout $6,000 in Interest, making a total of $63,000. The complaint in ' the man damus action has been drawn and was to have been filed today with the clerk of court.' Among the allegations in the complaint Is the constitutional duty of the county board of coramlsslohers and the board of education to provide necessary school build ings in all districts and that heretofore the school building cost in North Wilk«»boro has been borne by the city. It Is also claimed that the county has and still is levying ad yalorem prop erty taxes to pay s:hool building indebtedness in all other districts and that bonded Indebtedness of special tax districts has been taken over by the county. It is further alleged in the com plaint that the county is levying at the present time 28 cents on each hundred dollars valuation of property for the purpose of paying school building Indebted ness, all this being in support of the contention that the ' county should now assum^he remaind er of the spq|ia! bonds ouM^ding The ^aplalnt further ^ _ _■■■,. iJ)rop«rty YxItBrawk for the fy more than $3,000,000 is district In Stale Wants $50 Each From Magistrates in Bill Col lecting Business Double Header Cage Games Friday Night Niswoi^[er Will Demonstrate h Seven Orchards Faces Murdei’ Trial Raleigh, Feb. 4.—Beachor I’. Patton, 28, w«ht on trial in Wake county Superior court here today for the second time within two months on a charge of seond de gree murder in connection with the slaying several months ago of Vernon Knight. 2 6. Patton ad mitted the killing and sought to establish a plea of self defeii.se. North Wilkesboro basketball , learns will play Morgantoii in .1 K, Rousseau, collector of ^ W e s t e r n Conference schedule revenue for the state of North i games al the school gymnasium Carolina for Wilkes and Yadkin hiere on Friday night. The first counties, today called attention game will start at 7:30. of people in this section to the All basketball fans who are state law which says that a jus- inlerested iu the sport are asked tice of the peace engaged in col- lo be present and add moral sii))- of Whistle, in I,nng 50 Yean. Montreal, Feb. 4.—The little histle Philllppe Pettigrew ^ Jore than a half century ago been found in his right lung. Dolton) who located it today, while probing an irritation, will attempt to recover it Wednesday Yvlth the aid of a bronchocoscope. y^rtlgre'w, liow 51 years of age, jie remembered swallowing .ArUhitlft When he was a child of (ehf. lecting accounts for compensa tion must pay a privilege tax of $50 to the state of N'ortli Caro lina. Mr. Rousseau said that he uud- erstood that .some justices in this port to the home teams. I vicinity have been engaged in collecting for compensation aud that they are required by law to pay the specified privilege tax. Cse of copper sulphate on eastern Carolina soils, as one of the important minor elements in fertilizer, is gaining wide atten tion. Recently the Experiment Station had a request from Ger many for further information a- bout the results secured. WSkes Expected To Furnish Large Delegation At Lincoln Day Dinner Auto TeeCs Feb. 4.—The staie putfn) after February 15 will «tart conducting "sur- priie!' fnnpectlons of automobiles oyer [the state to determine that they are mechanically fit to use Capl. Charles D. Anv Deairing Transportation I \Yant Homes Fof May CsJl J. M. Brown or Kyle Hayes 'Che Republican party in Wilkes county, sometimes known as the “hotbed of Republicanism in North Carolina,” plans to send a large delegation to the Lincoln Day dinner to be held at King Cotton Hotel in Greensboro on the night of February 13, it was 4 Children Now At County Home the highways . Parmer of the patrol | learned today from J. M. Brown, the efflcers would check “utomo-. Republican coun- Mles at the same time they J® executive committee, quire motorists to Attorney Brown said that ... complying with the new dr ready many have slated their in nl- lieense act rails. by carrying their per- lention lo attend the dinner and j it is expected that Wilkes’ dele- j—i liquor Store Profits ~ Henderson, Feb. 4.—A net profit of $32,985.60 had been ,4^e by Vance county’s one ' ij*ij*tT^~’'7*“’ liquor store to ' V 1, according )p an audit Ade public. The store had •les of $18,550 in January, Qded in the audit, which Otal to $165,493.45 in the date of the f July 15, 1936, hary 31, 1936, a land a half months. 4H»f&ess shown in (h .jDetfpmbor 31 |46; 50. I gation will number between and 100. He has asked that all 1 ' who desire to go to get in touch ^ i with either him or Attorney Kyle ; ' Hayes, secretary, in order that i : an adequate number of tickets be purchased. They will also make arrangements for transpor tation for those who have no means of conveyance. Senator Dickenson, of Iowa, ' keynoter of the 1932 national ! convention and a nationally known Republican who has been mentioned as presidential timber, will he the future speaker at (Contiaaea on page eight) Wanted: homes for four chil dren — one baby girl four Yveeks old; two boys seven years old and one boy nine years old; nil bright, and good looking. The above is the SOS ,1. M. .Abshee, keeper of the county home, a-sked t»> be inserted in today’s paper. Anyone who nuiy be interested In providing a home for om^ of these unfor tunate chlldi'en is asked to see Mr. .Vbsher as early as possible. H. R. Niswonger, horticulturist the extension service, will be in Wilkes on Wednesday and Thursday. February 12 and 13, for the purpose of conducting six orcliard demonstrations and meeting with the Brushy Moun tain Fruit fJrowe.rs in annual meeting to discuss orchard prob lems. The first demonstration will be al J. J. Hendren’s orchard, where Mr. Niswonger will continue pruning demonstrations started a year ago. The second demonstra tion on Wednesday will he at i 10:.30 a. m. at the Crawford (Redney Rrother.s) orchard. In i the afternoon at 1:30 a demon- 1 stration Yvill be held at the Boone * Trail orchard west of this city. F'ollowing the demonstration at I the Boone Trail orchard all mem bers of the fruit growers associ- I alien and other interested orch- I ardista r 1 meet at the court- , house, thr^e P- m.. to discuss orchard problems. These discus sions with Mr. Niswonger have in the past proved lo be quite valu able to orchardists of the asso ciation. Demonstrations on Thursday will begin at nine o’clock at the II. S. Deal orchard in northern Alexander county. The remainder of the day will be consumed with further demonstrations at the orcliards of B. C. Price and 1. J. Broyhill. North Wilkesboro and that taxes are paid on this property for county wide school purposes. The total amount of school building bonds sold by North Wil- kosboro was $87,000. $30,000 having been' retired as of July 1, 1935. ly must file returns regardless of exemptions, taxes o r Interest paid. All places of business doing a gross annual business of $5,000 or more must file returns and re turns must be filed by partner ships and corporations regardless of the amount of business done. Mr. Rousseau emphasized the importance of tiling returns ear ly. Anyone desiring blanks or fur- iher information about state tax-1 Presbyterian Pastor Dur- 91NK WILL PRESIDE ^ In February session this* dreF jurors for'the March teria'' of Wilkes superior court whlck will convene in Wflkesboro on Monday, March 2. Judge Hoyte Sink, of Lexington,, will preslda over the two we^s' termf whlel will be for trial of criminal cas es. '' The court will again -face a congested docket, .notwithstand ing the fact that the calendar was practically cleared during the last regular term. A number of homicide cases are pending trial. Except for drawing Jurors for court the board did litte outside of the general routine of auditing claims''and receiving reports and held a quiet session. Two patients were admitted to the county tu bercular hospital and some chil dren were temporarily admitted to the county home. All members of the board, D. B. Swarlngen, chairman, M. P. Absher and Ralph Duncan, were present for the -meeting. Following is the list of jurors for the March term of court: First Week Joseph White, North Wilkes boro; B. F. Brown. Mulberry; J. K. Eller. Reddies River; J. L. Walters, Jobs Cabin; S. J. .Miller, Union; Ivey Triplett, E3k; Glenn Shell, Elk; H. L. Wyatt. Union: T. R. Nicholson, Somers; J. E. Parks, Edwards; Edgar Brooks, Wilkesboro: W. C. Waddell, Wal- Grove; Arlon Tripiett, Wil- WaNfe’ Cabin; M. F. Phillips, Jobs Ca bin; Vestef Farrington, Mulber ry; Jim Pardue, Wilkesboro; Guy Cox, Traphill; V. C. Cleary, Wil kesboro; J. S. Bryant, Edwards; R. L. Eller, Lewis Fork; Mack Moore, Wilkesboro: W. D. Wood, Jr., Rock Creek; J. G. Adams, Dr. John S. Foster Will Supply Here «s may call Mr. Rousseau at his ' office in Hie nono.'-il & Savings Bank building. ing Convalesence of Rev. C. W. Robinson Healing Is Postponed A preliminary hearing for three persons charged 'vith the robbery 1 supply Dr. John S. Foster, former pastor of the F'irst Presbyterian church of Winston-Salem, will as pastor of the North of Spurgeon Johnson in the Doiigliton community a few weeks ago will be held befoip, Magistrate P. i,. Lendetman in Wilkesboro Kebniary 20. The date of the hearing Yvas postponed from Sat urday. The two defendants in jail are .Mrs. Sallie ^plbiook Murphy and MozMle OwtYns. Riitus Wagoner, of Jouesvine. was arrested and released on ball. Wilkesboro Presbyterian church during the convalesence of Rev. C. W. Robinson, venerable and beloved pastor who Is recovering from a seige of illness. Dr. Foster will preach each Sunday morning at 11 o’clock and no Sunday evening services will be held. The Men’s Bible clas.s will continue to have charge of the prayer meetings on Wed nesday evenings. Mrs. W. R. Absher Will Not Be Able To Attend Child Welfare Conference New Castle; Albert Baity, Brushy Mountain; A. C. Pruitt, Wilkes boro; L. B. Murray, Edwards; T. J. Brock, Moravian Falls; K. I. McNlei, Reddies River: \V, M. Blackburn, Traphill; G. H. Brown, .Moravian Falls; Ed Dan cy, Union; Columbus Weils, -New Castle; Robert Holland. Wilkes boro; U. C. Adams, Brushy .Moun tain; Parks Roberts, Somers; Estel E. Hawks, Walnut Grove; J. F. Walsh, Lewis Fork: George McGlamery. Reddies River; W. .M. Holder, Rock Creek; Cran ford Blevins, Walnut Grove. Second Week B. F. Staley, Union; Com Huff man. Reddies River: Jeff Rus- Booraer; F'. T. Myers. New Castle; Jacob Bare. Union; WUey Miller, Mniberry; G. C. Green, New Castle; D. L. Hen derson, North Wilkesboro: I. M. PInkenton. Stanton; G. D. Well born, Elk; H. E. Ilarrold, Mul berry; G. A. Bumgarner, Reddies River; T, G. Johnson. Walnut Grove; A. T. Shumate, -Mulberry; H. C. Miller. Union; A. L. Sid- den. Walnut Grove; E. C. Foster. Lewis Fork; C. M. Dearman, Rock Creek: W. L. Haynes. Mul berry; T. E. Holder, .Moravian Wilkesboro: P. Native of Wilkes Dies In Bel Air Wilkesboro PTA Sponsoring Play Miss Pearson Is Named Postmaster At Moravian Falls , Falls; Ed Crysel Still Suffering Intense Pain B. Brown, Wflkesboro:. W. From Injury to Arm Sev- ] Absher, North Wilkesboro; W eral Months Ago i Holcomb. TTaphill. “The First Commandment” ■To Be Presented In Wil kesboro 10-11 The pOstottlce department at Wa.shington has announced that Miss Louise Pearson, daughter of Mrs. C. S. Pearson, has been named postmaster at Moravian Falls. N. C. Some time ago examination Was held to fill the vacancy at this' place and a number of appli cants took the test. The postoffice has announced the eligible list as follows: First. Mrs. Carrie B. Mix; second. Miss Louise Pear son; third. Mrs. Clyde Vestal. ’ Miss Pearson is expected to re ceive her commission from Waah- I ington within the next feWi days, j after which she will take charge I of the office. Mrs. W. R. Absher, child wel-j fare chairman of area C of tljo I American Legion Auxiliary, stat ed at her borne here today that | she will not be able to attend the: area child welfare conference of the Legion and Auxiliary to be j held in Atlanta, Ga.. on Friday and Saturday, February 7 and 8. Mrs. Absher said that she is, still suffering intense pain as the rfe.sult of a broken arm re ceived on October 20 when she fell on a sidewalk in Raleigh while on a visit to her brother. Major A. L. Fletcher, commls- ■bloner of labor. Mrs' Absher has secured Mrs. J.- Reverdy Miller, of Charlotte. : vlc^ chairman of national '■tel- i farej. to pinch hit for her in pre- Is Rested On Larceny Chai|;e Grayble Prevette Held on Charge of Looting Store at ClingiiMin Charlie Crabb Victim of In juries Received Sleigh Riding-in Maryland The remains of Charlie Crabb, 29, native of the Lomax com munity of Wilkes county, who met instant, death while riding on a sleigh near the present home (CoBtlnu'ed oo page e'tght) J. R. Rousseau Will Be “The First Commandment,’’ a Transferred- March 1 Biblical drama of the highest J- R- Rousseau, of this city. type, will be presented In the l^lkesboro .schtfoB ■Mqditorium Monday and Tuesday iftghts, Peb- nfary 10 ao4 11. The play is unusually enter taining and carries a message and story that are destined te te of (Gontlnned oq page ' J. R who has beea collector of rev«4|ps for the state In WllXee and Yad kin counties for several ^ysare, said today that-he win be "hAiiBr ferred from this " territory op ;necUon March 1. However, he has not been ttotlried.'qf■ ita futttfe lopa- Uon. siding for.the Auxiliary at the conference. She was also on the program for an address on “^tl- ficahon Child Labor Aaited- meut.''; Th|s topic,'she said; will be discussed by E. Heniy .iSspps^ mann, oLfonth CaroHna, in oon- his'’ sdAreed on '‘Workl4f (Inward Rid^catten.” .whlA Attthef^a'TMSbrdays program.' Grayble Prevette; resident of JonesvlliB. was placed in jail at Wilkesboro Friday on a charge of being a member of a party that . looted J. C. Green and company store at Clingman of about $20» worth of merchandise nearly a year ago. , • The arrest of Prevette was made by George Holland, rural 'poltoeman, Friday afternoon. It is understood that officers bad been looking for him for' some time. ' ' Carl Ballard, one of the duar- tet charged with tlw is eqrvipg a tbreo-year Jwntenp^.te prison n»etod'pnt. dftrtegj^W^^iv: g*sC2tetes OP soniEti j^ye bpen teftni ’