Fifltt b atilt H09M New AvaMed on-Salem, F^b. S.—Kep- tlTe R>hwl It. DoaghtoB, of lb* p^arfnl House Ind aeew eooAitttee. said _Ust algbt b« ;^?viU sund by Bt ReoBftTdIt OB tke qnes- ^ cttrraacy iitfUtloB.” nitlnc Ibat the" ipresi- 'inid tb* sedTaUry^of the ;^y are eharaad 'with the re* duty in matters of federal he added lie would re- ^thelr recommendations. Bob’* wae ea route to ji from Lahrel Springs, I booBo in Alleghany - county. ’ ^ a brief atop at Robert E. Otel b« left by train for the (^1 and will arrlTe at 7 o’clock aorning. tho question of taxation, sentative Doughton said be nothing new to add to pub- rejmrts. His committee , originates all revenue mea- hts received no request for revenue and no action will aken until a message is torth- alng from the President or the sury department, he said, he veteran congressman ex- sed his personal hope that taxes could be avoided thin ress dispatches from Wash- |ton indicated yesterday that inlation of any policy on tax- would await Representative Eton’s return to the capital. hOluoiltueh linkl-Tablets r-Noe^ Drops Checks COLDS and FEVER first day HEADACHES in 30 minutes >w Cardui Helps ^omen To Build Up Jul stlnrautes the appetite and oves digesnon, helping women re strength from the food eat. As nourishment is Im- strength is built up, certain onal pains go away and wom- I praise Cardui for helping them to good health. . . . Mrs. C. E.' of Hinton, W. Va., writes: | the birth of my last baby, I not seem to get my strength I took Cardui again and was sound^MUtwell. I have given FormaUjf Annoonons IbImi* faoiu to Entnr IRbllit For Ddogatog Washington. Feb. 4.—76enator Borah, of Idaho, formally tluttf down the gauntlet to the Repub- lleau organisation lat* today by announcing he would campaign in Ohio for delegates pledged to hie presidential nomination. ‘^ft« a thorough survey,” he said in a statement, after con ferring for hours with Ohio in dependent leaders, ”I am con vinced the people of the state should be given an opportunity to express their choice in the pri mary of May 12. "Under the so-called ‘favorite- son’ plan, this privilege is de nied them. ‘“To obtain an expression of popular will, it is my Intention to place at least eight candidates for delegf-tes-at-large in the field." "'I shall make a number of speecbee in Ohio and present the issues' as 1 see them." It was the first formal decla ration of candidacy by an out standing possibility for the Re publican nomination. It came aft er some doubts had been express ed that Borah would ‘‘follow through." Unless conditions change, it means he will directly oppose the plans of the regular party organization in Ohio. His disinclination to seek a pledged delegation in Massachu setts had become known shortly before, raising questions whether his field was being narrowed ra ther than expanded. Explaining himself there, he wrote to Robert .M. Washburn—president of the tT. R.) Roosevelt club of Boston —‘‘I had not thought at any time that it would be a practical thing to do." Tirom Route 2 Sottkwi RONBA, Rout* I, Fgh. 1—R*T. M. T. Jarvlh fSHd his rifhtor tp- .potelOPht nt ^rler Cr**h tb* four^ 8*t«rdny. H* f «nd his daughter, Mn. LoU Jairvla Rob erts, caRcd to see Mtcsc* Mgtttp and Armiaa Sal* on their way to Dennysville from Brier CSresk, 'The congregation at Brier CrMk on Saturtoy was amalL Servlooe were '.’called la” on Sun day owing to the Inclement wea ther. The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jennings in this com- mnnity, learned with regret, that on last Tuesday, their bouse and nearly all its contents were burn ed. Mrs. Jennings'dlscoveAd fire in a closet by the chimney. She managed to drag a dresser out with a hoe and saved three chairs. The flames consumed the house In twentr minutes. Mr. Jennings was away from home at a '‘barn raising.” No clothes were saved. It was an extremely cold time to have been “burnt out of house and home.” The house was about one mile from Union church. Mrs. Nancy Walker has suffi ciently recovered with a sprained ankle to be able to walk to Cllng- man. Miss Polly Pardue. of Jones- vilie, is at home with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Par- dhe. for the week-end. Mr. Andrew Smith, who had a third stroke week before last is able to swallow, his friends are glad to learn. It seems probable that he will again be able to en joy his invalid’s chair. Deputy Sheriff J. W. Huffman, of Summit, was a business visitor here last Wednesday. He spent the night with Mr. Worth Sale. Miss Mary Kate Sale has re turned from a visit to Elkin with relatives and friends. Mr. Worth Sale was a business visitor In Wilkesboro last Thurs day. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Boyd and little son. J. W., are spending the week-end with Mr.s. Boyd’s par- cnrc CTOLB, F«b4 4.^R*r. 1. |l> Wright, ot Union OroT^ jflUad hlg regnlnr appointmont nt Shady Om* Hitnrday and Sunday. ISw 'dtt*adiil^ was good'' oonsld«rinr th* cold weatbtc, V ' Sunday school wu ^well st-. tended at Union church Sunday moml^ with 7t prqjMBt. - ^ X'Mr. A, T. Rash, who has been, sick, Is somewhat kaproved;-his fricmda -wfll be glad to learn, - Mrs. Clay Mitchell and baby left Sunday for an extMded visit with her mother in WJnaton-SiU- eju. 'Mrs. Harbor Craig and three children returned to their 'bonne. In Oreeneboro, Sunday, after-two weeks’ visit with her mother, Mrs. s. A. Mitehell. > Mrs. Coyd^: Anderson rlsited Mrs. C. C. Mathis Thursday. Mr. Joe Brooks spent Saturday afternoon with, Mr. S. D.'-Mhthis. Miss Manda Oregory spent sev,- eral days last week with Mrsl Si las. Johnson at Wln'dy Oap. Mrs. I, M. Coleman Is improv ing. She was quite ill last week with cold. Misses Dorothy Mathis, Ruby Shores and Oeraldeen White were in North Wilkesboro shopping Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Jarvis and son, J. D. Jr., were guests of Mr. and^ Mrs. S. D. Mathis, Sunday afternoon. Mr. C. C. Mathis visited his father, Mr. Charlie Mathis, who is ill, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hemrlc and baby moved last week to Windsor’s Cross Roads. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Fonse Combs are sick with meas les. SUMMIT, , Feb. S,—Mr, and Mn, PeonW Chnyeb epent Sht- nrtny oi|^ in thg' home of Mr. drareb'a broths, Mr. Coy Church, of?i*tttonii RMge. Mr. and Mrs. Unnle Bong* ent Saturday night In the home: Mr. Arnold Key*. Mr, and Mr*. Coy Church spent' Sunday in the Ifeide of Mf. gniL Mrs. Lee J. Chnreh. We are glad to leant tjiat' Mr. 6, Mikeal, who has been ill tor some time, is improving nide- tSr,. 4rfWo havo, teen having some 'bad weather, in Htls'^.^H^ tnisnlty for some timet. There were (^tte a hit ot snow and le* on tte gIot^ld.aIld tluter Monday. Mrs^ Fdante’Chtiydh add daugh ter, Nlna,^ yisited Mra. Chtti^h’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B, .Mi-. keel, Mo)td»r. r ' ;Ur, and Mrs. Pressley, Church visited Mrs. ChnrehVi parents, Mr. and Mrs.'W. A. Benge, Sunday. .Although ho has indicat ed ho would seek no delegates in ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sparks, Pennsylvania, it developed that j of Maple Springs, this may not be final. He may do ! Harvey Boyd, who has so in New York, but his friends job with Chatham Manufacturing believe that, in the main, his campaign will center in the west and midwest. riaies." ... Thousands ^testify Cardui benefited does not benefit YOU, a physician. SPECIAL SALE! RYTEX GREYTONE Printed Stationery lat brings a smart gay note to your letters. 100 SINGLE SHEETS SO ENVELOPES OR 50 DOUBLE SHEETS ^ SO ENVELOPES $1 Name and address on sheets and envelopes—or, mono gram on sheets, envelopes plain. Greytone paper in lovely pastel shades of blue, ivory, grey or orchid. iting in black, blue, vio- or brown ink. CARTER- [UBBARD PUSHING CO. Lwilkesboro, N. C. California Turns Back Indigent Transients Los .Angeles, Feb. 3.—Los An geles police undertook today the e.xclusion at the State border of indigent transients. In a pro gram evolved by the police de partment And the chamber of ■cpwaoree', -I-2e--officers will be sent to strategic points in south ern California to- search freight trains and automobiles. The offi cers will give transients the choice of turning back or receiv ing a 30 labor. company, Elkin, came to spend the week-end with Mrs. Boyd, his mother. Mrs. W. G. Church, of Elkin, with her daughter, Delight, and nephew, Aubray Church, are ex pected during the “pretty spell in February, to spend a week with her sisters. Misses Mattie and Armisa Sale and Mr. Worth Sale’s family. Mrs. Gertie Gray is spending the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chap Pardue. Miss Mary Kate Sale is suf- TRAPHILL-AUSTIN NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Key and little daughter, Elva, of Boon- ville, spent part of last week with Mrs. Key’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hawkins at Austin. Mr. A. J. Barker, of Austin. I spent Thursday with his mother, Mrs. Jane Barker, who has been sick for some time, but is improv ing we are glad to note. Mr. and Mrs. Dewle Cheek and children, of Boonvllle, spent last week with Mrs. Cheek’s mothept Mrs. Eunice Scott, i Mr. and Mrs. L.- M. Hawkins Vetra j Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Key spent last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Nymphus Hawkins, at Lo max. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Barker has been seriously ill for a few days but is improv ing, we are glad to note. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Barker son, Dwight, of near Roaring River, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, F.-M. Cockerham, at Austin Mr. Coy Luffman, who has I been spending some time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Huston 1 Mary- 1 Nortitern AlexBadCT News PORES KNOB, Route 2, Feb. 8.—Mrs, I. M. Cnrtia, of^ Hay, Washington., visitte ber niece, Mrs. H. S. Deal, recently. She is spending the winter with rela tives in Caldwell county. Mrs. J. Payton Russell cele brated her 87tb birthday the 16th of January. She and her husband who will be 91 years ot age the 28th of February moved to their present , home on ber birthday 68 years ago and have lived at the same location since. They were married 68 years ago the 29th of Decembef. Among many strange things that are happening these days one is worthy of note. While the work hands of J. J. Lowe and sons were clearing up some land on the I>eal they killed an extra large Spreading Adder. It had plenty ot life in it and let them know it was being disturb ed. Rev. E. V. Bumgarner will fill bis regular appointment at Mt. Olive Saturday and Sunday. Rev. Charlie Pool will preach at Mt. Olive Baptist church the 3rd Sunday at 11 o'clock. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Sloop, of Moravian Falls, spent the week end with Mrs. Sloop’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Deal. Mr. 3. E. German and family, of Boomer, visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Deal, Satur day evening. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Deal spent last Tuesday in Granite Falls visiting their daughter, Mrs, Bill Sherrill. Flint, A teir pi* here hM really eerved ont a career for iteU. It wandered eo tar that H proh- IfilMy 'Will 'be mentioaed hi the pages ot a medlcfU Jodmal 0 of these days'. strange to the doetore is how thd Ikairpin tepponed to enl ita travels in a WMuan’e appent^ . "Tli&t le an amasing tUng,” said Dr, J. C, MaaOvegor, who re moved th* appendix after it had rgptarea. H* tea ncarar seen a report of aneh a Idrga obleet geW tiv into te sppandtx. it .is not: unusual to find tiny obfoets of foT^gn mnttw in smpntated ap-c poidioes. Tte woman reedveredi " iriii 'ywi' wit I* ssM. milk,* be gdvlsad the prndneerq^pf .America iwlj eewvantioii. DF. NBEvna" ggpn M'vs’, WHjrpdJW* rou . ; rarm . rthan tftfsa bmoHb I a nersotai all* "For CM§ - - SolJcylat# Alkollne Madiedlim'* llmf a vdiat modem doeton say, lliat’s vdwt Alka-Sdtxer is. 1^ stead of being admmitered fai two dwtfteeabl* dosss, Alka-Sdtasr fumi^es mis medtaitloo in on* pleasant drink. If yon ever used ara’ming more ef fective then Alka-Seliaer for Acid Indigestion, Heedacfae, Mueculer, Rheumatic and, Sd^tic Pains, we will refund the money .vou peld for your first package. Your druggist seOs ABm-Seltaer. BF W!Sf-AlKALI7t ’ ‘Midi CBS* bar xesolt* that ab* wniB m an eoHmsiaatle lettar. ^, H tfou $uffer jram "NtrtuM.* 1} yon Uo aiDok* oigktt, start at suddan noiaas, Ura easily, are eratdey, bbta and fidgetjf, your nerves art probably out of order. amulet relax them with tha Mine medicin^ that "did the work” for this Colorado giiL Whether your "Narvea” haws troubled, you for houk'i^ or far yearn you’ll find' this' tfana- tested remedy effective. At Drug Stores 25e and fLOd i -'.I fering with a sprained -inkle. Mr. Henry Huff, Mv. and Mrs. j Luffman. has returned to Thad Calaway. of Boonville, j to 60-day term at hard ! "'ere the guests ot Mr. and Mrs. : jjjgg Alma Woodruff, Austin I Martin Pardue, yesterday. | .jchool teacher, who has had -! «iwTTH ! pneumonia is well and she ex- DIES AT BENHAM HOME j ^ NOTICE OF S.ALE OP RE.AL ESTATE North Carolina. Wilkes Coun ty. Under and by virtue of a pow er contained 1-n a certain Deed of Trust executed by Jarae.s Sale and wife. Beatrice Sale on the 4th day of March, 1935, to the undersigned Trustee for Mrs. R. C. Miller, and recorded in Book 170, page 218 in the office of the Register of Deeds ot Wilkes County, said deed of trust being to secure the payment of certain notes, which notes are past due and unpaid, and request having been made on the Trustee, the undersigned Trustee will expose for sale at public anciion at the Court House Door in Wilkesboro, ff. C., on the 8th day of Febru ary, 1936, at one o’clock p. m. the following described land, ly ing and being in Wilkes County, North Carolina, and describe and defined as follows: Beginning on a stone in Mrs. I. J. Faust Holloway’s line, it being Master George Henry Kel ly's South Bast comer, and run ning north 50 degrees east -with old line, it being Mrs. I. J. Foust Holloway’s Una 49 polee to her corner, a stone; thence north 32- 30 west 17 1-2 poles to a stake in old sUte highway No. 60; thence '»lth the meanders of said highway south 70 1-2 degreee west 37 1-2 poles; then south 58 1-2 degrees west with same IS 3-4 poles to a stake in said road at Master George Henry Kelly's comer; thenoe south 48 degrees east with his line cross ing a hollow 81 poles to the be- glnnlug, containing 8 4-160 acres more or less. This the 7th day of January, 1936. J. M. BROWN, 2-7-5t. Trustee. Elkin, Feb. 3.—Mrs. Clarnie | J. B. 1 Pick Jacksonf s Portrait Washington, Darnell Smith, 30, wife of ». ... | Smith, passed away yesterday at j her home in the Bcnham com-j munity, west of here, from com- Morgenthau plications developing after the birth of an infant daughter the previous day. She was a daughter of Mrs. R. E. Darnell and the late Mr. Dar nell and a member of the Metho dist church. Surviving are the husband, two small daughters, Mary Frances and an Infant, unnamed, her mo ther, Mrs. R. E. Darnell; five sis ters, Mrs. G. W. Masten and Mrs. James B. Bell, of Honda; Mrs. R. C. Woodruff, of Elkin; Mrs. Walter Kay, of Nashville, Tenn.; .Mrs. Esther Pettijohn, ot Win ston-Salem, and two brothers, Paul Darnell, ot Akron, Ohio, and Ernest Darnell, of WSnston-Sal- To Grace $50 Bonus Bonds 8.—Secre- to- Fe'b. announced day that the portrait of Andrew Jackson will grace the 850 bonds through which Wbrlif war veter ans will get their bo’jus. “As a soIdier-Presldent, Jack- son ought to -be appropriate,” he added—but that didn’t tell the whole story. The treasury couldn’t very readily pick the last four Presi dents—Harding, Coolldge, Hoov er or Roosevelt—because they vetoed bonus bills. It was reported that the choice finally narrowed down to Jackson or Thomas Jefferson—both pa tron saints of the Democratic par- Oldsmobile Sales and Service Electric and Acetylene Welding, Body and Fender Repairing, Radiator Repairing and General Automobile Work. Wrecker Service Day or Night Williams Motor Co. T. H. WILLIAMS, Owner. I/, Mile West N. Wilkesboro PHONE S34-J. The funeral services was con ducted this afternoon at 2 o’clock from Charity Methodist church, Wilkes county, by the pastor. Rev. Mr. Wood and Rev. George Curry. Interment was in the church cemetery. Warns of Counterfeiting Atlanta, Feb. 3.—^The presence of counterfeit $10 Federal Re serve bank notes in store receipts today led George H. Brodnax, se cret service operative, to issue a warning to merchants. “Watch for New York Federal Reserve notes," he said, adding that the counterfeits were all on that bank. And today’s announcement dis' closed that the choice was for Jacksonian democracy in this in stance—rather than the Jeffer sonian brand. The bonds will be printed on the same kind of paper used for ordinary currency. Around 28,- 000,090 'will be needed for dis tribution to the veterans. Morgenthau said preparations for printing have gone forward without a bitch. He would not forecast when fUbtiondB likely would start coming off the gov ernment presses. A 4-H calf club has been or ganized at the Mills Home near Thomasville in Davidson county with the members owning 10 beautiful Holsteins. Have You Tried? LA-LO the new and different kind of Rat. Mouse and Roach Extermina tor compound of 14 different foods and Bed Rat Squill. Will not hurt domestic animals, livestock, poultry or hiunan beings. Ready to use just the way you get it Comes in powder form and all you have to do to use is to shake it out in dark places for rats and mice and in damp places, such as sinks and around pipes for roach es. LA*LO is guaranteed by the manufacturers to rid your prem- isee of Rats, Mice and Roaches or yonr money will be returned in full. LA-LO Products are sold in North Wilkesboro by O. F. ELLER & SONS Tenth Street A. C. DENNIS * 907 Cherry Street LA-LO Exterminating Prodn^ are Hanufactnred and Guarantted by ttte La-Lo Company m Worth of Radio Entertainment Goes Over Yonr Roof .. Every Year! s2S. Get ItAU With a New Zenith Radio! No more rundown batteries. Uses no dry ‘‘A,” “B” or “C’ Batteries. This is the finest Radio on earth for people without electricity. SEE US FOR PRICES “YOU CAN RELY OR LYON’ Phone 22>W Wilkesboro, N. C. / ■r THE HOUSE OF HAZARDS ■ Bylkc Ardnir HOTHW6 iHiS M0RNIN6 MOM, POP TO«.OM£TO TEUVOO HE OtDNTj / BHO OUT \ VIHAT rrs .M.U ABOUT BEPORE WHY ijHE OF ALL T HE 1^ KIDS' A SUV CAHT EVEN tlEJHuPTBE VAR0«WF”T BEtNS INTE 'T£0- NOWVOW (BACKASAIN?. )K|«MrWHKT 'THE MAlLaM t ndo! h [•wATtin^ JCPoSiCiwPt! • IETSUP5Q0I i I want TO SEE A

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