til-, ‘■if.'-a ^MHMI lIvMfced May It.—Th« roToca- Soia ot 17 slat* drtTer’s Mcenaea bffpiy^ht to S(ST1 tbo BC2®* 6t ftfaiiU Ukan ap (rom |n- jtiVidaals atnce last NoT«mber 'l . under dtoreetlon of the North Car olina highway safety dhrlslon. fOL. xxxViSJ^ ’■*' Puid Thursdays NORTH Oosrder’a Father Diea Winston-Salem, May 12.— "Oeneral” Alrln Crowder, De troit American league pitcher, aiTired here last night to attend the funeral of his father, George K. Crowder, who died suddenly ::8knday night at his home near CW7J5 . - WWo JSK .. .. h 'Saiiry lahie mobrief' of the ■-Karhia gang, today plead' ^ , g^“ioone^fa^ fn the jBdward .O. Bremer kid- nid^g and was sentenced to life la prison. HeUef Controversy Washington, May 13. — The senate today ptunged headlong into a partisan controrersy orer the house-ajlproTed 42,284,229,- 712 relief and datleiency bill, with majority spokesmen leaping up to defend the works progress administration after a sharp Re- pnblican attack. Urges mgber Pay Staiesville, May 12.—A new deal lor state highway employes was urged here tonight by Dr. Ralph McDonald, candidate for tor governor, who said, "the workers bare been treated un justly in the matter ot salaries.” Easier Hum Names Pasaaic, N. J., May 12.—The New Jersey quadruplets, now listed ae “A, B, C and D" In St. Mary's hfispltal maternity ward bulletins, continued t o gain strength tonight on quadrupled milk rations, although only one showed an increase in weight. OhUd ts Killed Cary, May 12.—Maxine Up church, four-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Upchurch, of Cary, was killed instantly here to- drlver of the car, was exonerated by a jury summoned by Coroner U. M. Waring, of Wake county. Measure Held Invalid St. Paul, Minn., May 12.^—-The United States court of appeals for the eighth circuit Monday ruled unconstitutional one farm relief measure sponsored by Senator L. J._ Frazier and Representative William Lemke as the house in Washington voted to consider another. Held invalid was the amended Frazier-I.,emke farm mortgage moratorium act. Robinson Taken; Confes.ses Ix)uisville. Ky., May 12. An nouncement that Thomas H. Rob inson. Jr., has "wlillngly admit ted” that he kidnaped Mrs. Alice Speed Stoll and that during the 20 months since he had spent most ot his time traveling tween New York and California was made here tonight by B. J. Connelley, in charge of the Cin cinnati office of the federal bu reau of investigation. Includeg FuimI« Id- B« Ex- p«nd*d Tlirouflt June 30 of TlJ» Ydy $70,000 FOR ROADS SixteoB Oth«r Mxjor Actiri- ties CgjnrM Out; School - BoiMiMt Akdfep Woy - Director Jim Rivers, of tlto eixth WPA'dl5tl*ti In which Wllkea countjr 14 located, an- r nooBced today that this county had during the WPA program re ceived a total of $146,877.85 ih fadwal funds. I^hts money has al ready been spent, or Is now be ing used to catry on projects In the county to give Work to unem ployed. Under the present pro gram WPA should continue until June 30, acoording to Mr. Rivers, and It is hoped that before Con gress adjou^ suitable provision will have been made for a much larger and better Ffbgram for the balance of the year. Road building In Wilkes coun ty received a greater portion of the WPA funds, over $70,000.00 being alloted for this work. An other major project was th® con struction of the Mountain View school, $7,231.00 in federal mon ey being used for this work. In addition to the above pro jects the following were also ope rated under WPA: completion of school room, Wllkesboro; street improvement. North Wilkesboro; street improvement, Wllkesboro; street repairs at North Wllkes boro: construction school garage, Wllkesboro; Community House, privies. agricultural building. Roaring RivSr Street improve ment, commodities, recreational activities, sewing room, book mending and clerical. UQife^ciate - gfiBBI Zi 4 m Charles W. Miller, of Asheville, who is asking support of Dema- crats in the primary June 6. He is a candidate for the Democratic nomination for state auditor. Draw Jurors For June Session of Superior Cot^ Judge Sink Will Preside Over Civil Term to Begin ‘ First Day of June June term of Wilkes superior'^''**®"™'^’ court for trial of civil actions will convene In Wilkesboro on Monday, June 1, with Judge Hoyle Sink, of Greensboro, pre siding. The term will be for two weeks. Due to the fact that crim inal cases occupied the greater part of the time In the April ^ Court londay^ Many Lii|Uor Cases ScitSK]- uled for Trial Daring First ,„■> • IBF --Ilf ^ .. ' tTCvK tJT 101U1 • ClViJ- CASES LAST ' —.ierin . Judge Hayea bo, ‘Preside^ Court Faces Heavy Docket Spring \erm of federal court for cases originating In Wilkes, Alleghany, Ash^ and Watauga counties will convene In Wllkes boro for a term of two weeks on Monday, May 18. J'udge'Johnson J. Hayes, of Greensboro and Wll kesboro, will preside over the term. Criminal cases will be called during the first week and the docket is heavier than usual.. Practically all of the cases in volve alleged ^violation's of the federal llqu®*^ laws. , although there' are a few cases In which violation ot the motor theft act, narcotic act or poi^r laws is cJKarged. ' A calendar of civil cases has ,heen made out for tlve latter part ’^the term. A mnnber'of cases are pending trial on the federal ^^valKe)roiM^^ k^$^otos'wlue1i who 'Win- $bdhd'i>e publican and DemocraMc ebUbentiiana ndd*r wAy 'ddifng June. On the left is senator Alben Wi Pfiklay, Ken tucky ,^who will be the 1986 Democratic keynoter at PhMade4>hia, June 2?, and on the right is Senator Frederick Steiwer Oregon, Rapobli- can keynoter at Cleveland, Jane 9. Seventh Grade Out at Saturday • Sdh IjouLsiana Governor Baton Rouge, La.. May 12.— Richard 'Webster Leche was in augurated governor of Louis iana today, pledged to carry on the work of the late Senator Hu ey P. Long and keep peace with 'Washington. , Both, Long and j.Presldent'^RydseV^. wbs^^e at , odds landed by ^4th* iWiyar-old attorney in a tntqirBiaute speech. JPobred Man 1$ IGUedByAuto m By Car Dri^ nor Edmiaaten Near Wil- keaboro Tuesday Night JohnTIenry Barber; 48-year- oW-stored resident ot near WU- keshoro, died In the hospital here early yesterday morning from In- Jarles recced about eight o’- aUek Tuesday night when hit by a. car on highway 421. Barber, aoeordlng to a witneaa oxamiiied by tb® «>roJ»r’» iVT. had jist itepped the ypnt ot hta haaup .$0 Ih® pasidMnt irttaa 'ha wt'f hlt^ the vhlcli was meeting a car traveMag weat. In the Igduest It was f^d that tha Md® her-. Indicating that he stepped B the automobile and, aecord- to the report of the coronerM aV, his death “was due more bis own eatelossnett than any- tktag stas.” Seventh grade graduates of schools in the Wllkesboro dis trict carried out a splendid com mencement program at Wilkes boro school Saturday. The morn ing program was devoted to lit erary subjects and the afternoon to field day events. In the recitation contest Jule Ferguson, of Ferguson school, won first place. Cicely Laws, of Moravian Falls, second, and Re becca Gentry, of Wilkesboro, third. In the declamation contest Arvil Phillips, of Ferguson, won first, S. E. Gambill. of Moravian Falls, second, and McKinley Moore, of Cherry Grove, third. In the spelling contest Gay Phillips, of Moravian Falls, won first prize, a large dictionary, and Lorena Triplett, of Ferguson, was second. The three highest grades by seventh grade students were Mar garet Vestal, of Wllkesboro, first, Ray Stroud, of Wllkesboro, sec ond, and Jim Hendren, of Moun tain Crest, third. Twenty-six medals for seven years perfect attendance were awarded and one for eleven years. There were 280 in the dis trict making a perfect attendance record for the year. . In the field day events Moravi an Falls school scored highest with 19 points, Wllkesboro sec ond with IT and Ferguson third with 15. Oliver Wendell Holmes, fam ous American author, was a phy sician by profession—literature was merely a hobby. term, a large number of civil ac tions are pending trial. The fol lowing jurors have been sum moned to serve during the' two- weeks’ tprn^: 'tVlpiett;^ Bodmer; 'Vlclofy Ad- ■nms. Reddles River; T. M. Fos ter, Wllkesboro; L. E. Phillips, North Wilkesboro; W. O. Bil lings, Edwards; Kirt Sparks, An tioch; R. F. Brown, Elk; Mar shal Smlthey, Wllkesboro; J. H. Davis, Stanton: Jaimes E. Haynes. Somers; E. S. Ferguson, Boomer; W. E. Blackburn, Lewis Fork; Albert Baity, Brushy Mountain; IVl J. Bason, North Wllkesboro; W. A. Proffit, Elk; A. S. Absher, Mulberry; J. P. McCarter, Som ers; W. A. Caudill. Boomer: W. E. Harris, Wllkesboro; H. , H. Warren, Traphlll; J. M. Hutchi son, Edwards; W. C. Stroud, 'Wll kesboro. Heeond Week J. G. Rhoades, Reddies River; C. D. Earp, Boomer; A. E. Spain- hower. North Wllkesboro; T. H. Sturdivaril, New Castle; Gentry Adams, Mulberry; Austin Min ton, Reddles River; J. E. Howell, Boomer; W. C. Scroggs, Mora vian Falls; J. H. Johnson, Wll kesboro; R. H. Green, New Cas tle; W. J. Templeton, Rock Creek; Wi. N. Alexander, Rock Creek; Theodore Barlow, Beaver Creek; D. C. Casstevens, Trap- hill ;J. W. Ferguson, Moravian Falls; D. C. Whittington, Red dies Rly$r; Dewey Wheatley. Rock Creek!-Vance M4Uer, Un ion; W. W. Ashley. Wllkeaboro; C. L. -pomeV, Somers; Conrad Jones, Lewis Fork; IftHln Reeves, North iVJlkeeboro; j). H. Brown, Traphill; R. C. Jarvis. Man has increased more in number during the past 100 years than during all the thous ands of years he has been on earth. Firitenneii’a Club May Be Foijuitd I ToStockWilkesSbreauisTfaisTear Local sportsmen have started a movement which will make of the I streams of Wilkes county a fish erman’s paradise If properly car ried out. ' EntkBsiBstic supporters of the "hook. line and sinker” n^rt are proposing the organisation of a Fisherman’s Club at North Wll kesboro to Include all lovers of the sport who ears to join. The outstanding purpose of such an orgaaintlon would be to stock a number of mountain streama in Wilkes coanty. Sports men :ar® aware of the fact that .nafnntl conditions are tavorabte to trout 'an4 bass and thai the streams are sadly atoeksd if thars are those with Inftlatlve to go ahead wtth the work. The club, adcorJIlnX tp plaas Following are the names of Wilkes county men summoned to serve as Jurors In the federal court, term:' W. E. Bell, Newlife; Daniel Key, North Wllkesboro; Ed Par sons, Parsonvllle; W. C. Wink ler, Wllkesboro; Archie R. Ogll- vie, Wllkesboro; W. R. Hubbard, Moravian Falls; Blair Gwyn, North Wilkesboro; Arthur Sales, Roaring River; W. W. Starr, North Wllkesboro; Sam Welch, Ferguson; J. T. Brame, North Wllkesboro; Nosh T._ Jarv lens forth Wllkesboro; Odell 'Whit tington. Reddles RlVer; Joe Woodruff. Dbughton; B. Frank Staley, WJlbar; Sherrod F. Mil ler. Denny; Lee Hackett, Lewis Fork. now In the making^ wpnid ehargh' an annual membership fee of a small ambuBt and the tnnds thus dwived would be nged-in defray ing szpet^ of deektng a hnm- ber of styuams eablr yuer. Morem$dt dor tfee ^irganlxstiop of a FttlMPUMtn^s Ulub baa galn^ ed to a qoaaWerable extent dur-«_ lag tbs past few daya and sonje: Ume heat wi*k % aieetla» wlH'-bti (tailed to peVtaet the oixahlnition, and $st the work started as early as possible. Some of the shMams mmttlon- ed as good Piaess tor stoeklng fish ara RfiMios River, Roaring Rhror, LefU " Fork, Bullhead ersek, Blk ?»ek, IWl creek and several others wln^ natural eon dl|lens VUW - Ideal for; Miss orl tio«L ' ■ ■■ ■ ■r.S-.'-:''; : Poppy Day Will Be On May 23rd Memorial Flower to Be Sc^d in North Wilkeaboro by Legion Auxiliary Unit Poppy Day will be observed in North Wllkesboro this year on Saturday. May 23, when memor ial popples to be worn in honor of the World War dead will be distributed throughout the city by the Wilkes County Unit of the American Legion Auxiliary. The Auxiliary women are making ex tensive preparations for the ob servance of the day under the leadership of Mrs. Andrew Kilby, Poppy Day chairman. The popples, made of crepe paper by disabled veterans, will be offered on the streets by vol unteer workers from the Auxil iary Unit and cooperating organ isations.' "Poppy girls’’ will dis tribute the flowers in the busi ness district throughout the day, and will also work In the outly ing shopping centers. Contribu tions for the welfare of the dlit- abled veterans and needy fami lies of veterans will be asked in exchange for the Dowers. “Wearing the pop*y is a per sonal tribute to t»- men who gave their lives In the country’s serv ice,” Mrs. Kilby said. "By having a poppy on the coat on Poppy' Day, all can show that they still remember and honor the sacrific es made for America during the World War. The J«PPy 1* tl»e flow.e»"W*i*®J^ bk)o’»ed on the bat tle where they feH and on Poppy Day It b^pfins oy®*" the. patriotic heifts where they are rdmenthered. "Wearing the poppy the wearer _ part in the vaat work carried out by the" American Legion and Aji^itanr for the waria living Vtetlme; the disabled, their faml- «ud the ’temilleg of the dead, y penny contribu^4 for a C®*® t® the iuhiwt of thli wwi, the bulk of the moneit be ing used here In Wilkes county in 'the welfare actlvltlea of the lo cal Imglon • Post and Auxiliary Unit.” Tharpe Issues Announcement Of Cmnlidacy Prominent RoUda Citizen Sedcs ReptAlman Nomi nation for Sheriff C. C. Tharpe, citizen of the Ronda community and a promi nent member of the Republican party In Wilkes county, yester day iskued a formal announce ment af hi Mr. Tha^ riled his notitee of candidacy and required fee Sat urday with the county board of elections. His announcement, ad dressed to the Republicans of Wilkes county, follows: "After careful consideration I have decided to present myself as a candidate for Shwrlff of Wilkes county In the primary to be held June 6 subject to the Re publican voters of Wilkes coun ty. If nominated and elected to this high office, I pledge to the voters of this county that I will faithfully perform the duties of this office to the very best of my ability and to the Interest of the tax payers ot this county, I shall be glad if elected to this office, to serve the people for the legal salary allowed by law and turn all fees received by me into the general county fund.” W. H. mnd Watson Brame Are McDonald Managers Raleigh, May 12.—Headquart ers for Ralph W. McDonald, can didate for the Democratic nomi nation for Governor, today an nounced appointment of W. H. McBlwee and Watson Brame. of North Wllkesboro, as co-manag ers of the anti-sales tax candi date’s campaign in Wilkes coun ty. Conunencement At Mt. Pleasant Draws To Gose Graduation Exercuse* and Presentation 6t Diplomas Saturday Aftkmbon Only two events remain in tbs close of a very successful year at Mount Pleasant Mgh school: the 8(>phomore play to be presents^ May 18, at 8:ftO,'P. ta. Smith Stays At Home New York. May 12.—’The Her- ald-’Trlbune says, it had learned that former Governor Alfred B. Smith has decided to rmnath ar way from the Democratic nation-' al convention in Philadelphia. plays given at Mt. Pleaslit' tbli year. Tb« parts are ably poriipy- ed by Hazel- V. Church, Greene, Wanda Barnett, LucUje Jones, Ettle Lee Triplett, Hasel R. Church. Chalmer Dyer, Her bert Tomlinson, Boydo Church, Hoke McNein, Harold Proffit, and Pul Eller. It is directed by Chas. C. Elledge, and assistant director, Ruth Huffman, and the stage technician is Robert Mc Neill. Following is the high school commencement program: presen tation of seventh grade diplomas and awards of merit, by C. O. Eller: song, by senior class; salu- tatorian, by Ruby McNeill; his torian, by Valeria Blevins; pesst- (Continued on page (our) Several Given Road Sentences During the last few days of the April term of court which ad journed Friday a number of sen tences previously handed down were changed and other defend ants were sentenced. Claude Ingram was sentenced to tout months on the. roads for forcible trespass. Garfield Eller drew four months on the rosds for false pretense. Hade Mallis eight months for carrying con cealed weapon, and Frank Wad- kins, colored, five months on the coa(lB^or larceny. Jolm Cashlon was freed of a charge of Carrying concealed if®a- P®R ® verdict of not guilty aftdir a plea of nolo contender® was entered. * Character Education Conference Held At Presbyterian Church Here of the Methodist church herf «n# now at Hickory, was the flrst-.^b the program for an address. lUnr. Jdr. sArmbrust has become widely" known in recent me®^ for the success of bis juvesU$ delinquency work in Hlrt^,’ where he said 97 wayward Juv^’ nlles have been before hidi he has found It necessary to Bwlng MlUsaps, county agent of Randolph County, Is ewtato- Ing tl» new tarm progrs* by *y nifhL ^ I J. H. Amhvmt, pamor One of the most Interesting and most Impressive meetings la recent years was held here yes terday when representatives ot six counties gathered at the North Wllkesboro Presbyterian church to engage In a Character Education conference under the auspices of the North Carolina department of education and sponsored loyWr Av the Na$h wnly « to corrective wsikeshako and Wfflwntaro Wo man's clubs. The meeting began with a luncheon at the church hut and the assembly following WW in the chnrcb auditorium. Tlie program began wfth a solo by Jehh Kermlt Blackbnrn and whrfs of wrteome by Mrs. F. C. fVaiitBr, prsaldent Todxy;- Sdries Testerdhy; and totey x s®r ot meetings wm'hiild throiigl out the county to acquaint far ers with provfslons of the »- farm aid measure which is to re-vj place the triple A. Coanty Agent A. G. Hendren and his assistant, W. J. Hanna, attended some ot the meetings and at the others members of the - community committees were presMit to explain the provisions of the act whteh is to go into ef fect this year. Much taterest was ^ reported at many of the meet ings. The series of meetings endins today was purely for the pur pose of telling the farmers a- bout the plan and will be follow ed by another series of meetings beginning today. In these meet ings applications will be taken by the community committeemen for participation iU the soil conserva tion benefits. County Agent Hendren and his assistant statsd that applications will be handled by the commun ity committeemen for the aix communities In. the county and that interested farmers must get applications from . them and not at the county agent’s office. Following is the schedule ot the second series of meotilsgs, at which tls^ application fprsw wtM, the others bsisc handtld it Bstisfaetory mannsr without storing to such measures. main point of his address, that “some adult directly or indirectly, one of the 97 Juvenile qneots. rr -0 ,, f ]' Miss Mabel Hendren wa^ 4 the prodtnm to; ( address xtfl is respoaei^' stly, for fHn' nvenile d^fW. ’Bs'hionilings on' tliw' dates named at eight o’Cleck': Thursday,' May 14—Lewis Foiic voting place and Ellis WcKxjls’a store; Friday, May 16—at Lewis Fork church and Stanton voting place; Saturday, May 16—at the voting place in Elk township, Beaver Creek, Boomer, Brushy Mountain, Moravian Falls and Wllkesboro townships will havo meetings at eight p. m. as fol lows: Monday, May 18—at Little Rock church. Scroggs’ store at Moravian Falls. Hendren’s store; Tuesday, May 19—;;At 'T. W^ei]^. guson’s home, county courfSAse at Wllkesboro and at Bobbltf’S store. Walnut Grove, Rock .Creek and North Wilke^ro toWnshlW will have meetings as follows at - eight a. m. unless otherwise spdo- ified: FridaJT^ay 15—A. M. Holbrook’s store, Dockery (ons p. m.); Sattfday, May 16—at Rock Creek ^voting place; Mon day, May 18—iat J. W. Jones' store, Springfield, Liberty Grove (one P- m.)^ Tuesday, May 19— at Motor sAlce store In Nftyth Wllkesboro'Bid at C. D. Hall’s store at Union, tpBdies River an d Mulberry townships will have meetings ax/'f^tows at eight a. m. on days JMfmed unless other wise specified, Monday, May 18 — Whittington voUng ptace; Wlngler must’s store (one p. m.), A. G. rtwter’s old store; Tuesday, May 19—Vannoy, J. F. Bumgarner’s filling station. Mil lers Creek, A. R. Miller’s store (one P. m.), C. B. 8hepherd*a service station (one p. m.>^ ' Antioch. New Castle, Lovelace and Somers townships will have meetings as follows on the dates named at eight o'clock a. m. un less otherwise stated: Monday, May 18—J. C. Green’s store, DenneyvUle school. Jarvis and Inscore store. Oilliam’s store (one p. m.), C. L. Comer’s store (one p. m.), Ons Myers store (one p. m.): Tuesday, May lb— A. H. Roberto store (one p. m.), Dellaj^aue, Vance Wright’s, Mt. ginal seheel (one p. m.). Traphlll and Edwards town ships will have meetings at eight I’olock a. m; on dates named m- im otherwise stated; FtMay, * 16—^WhUe Plains schoeL Bgtoe, Ptaihsant Mountain (on* p. m.), Ooet one p. m.l; faoedonin, Ronriag nUn (one p. m.),^- p. m. rredl^K §nt eFf^

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