£te«w WlttiJH* DekU ' SUETtto, OUo, Wtaeoasia »nd th« oBly States list- officials as having BO a^le 4«Hb. All . of tiMse StaiMjnKW ooaaUtutloDal restrlc- p^OB deb^^ . 0«B To CoUaot _ _ _ , »ot Bt Jr., of bIm, pvah his auto- arly Saaday at Jaans C^^Jdbay eharced him 50 cents. Th«B he refused to pay them ke money they took It from him Hegedly at the point of a gun rhe-two were placed under $500 ^^nliMds each for magistrate’s ^ court. Se^ Hit-Run Driver Panrllle, Va.. May 19.—State city officers sought the nar- "^west strands of evidence today hoping to determine the iden tity of a motorist who struck Siarl Shelton late Sunday nlght|,.> he Walked along the side of rddte Ho. 58 on the outskirts of Dan- vltle and kept on going. Shelton was left with a broken leg and a broken arm to be found by two other pedestrians. Cannon Finances School Kannapolis, May 19.—Cannon Mills company will finance the extra month of a nine-months school term for this city begin- ’^Ing noKf fall, the school board chairman, H. B. Robertson, an nounced today. Approximate cost of the ninth month, which is in ltddition to regular state suppor-- ittseight month term, will be ^Nj(^i,000, and the company v/ill hear entire cost, no taxes to be leried for the purpose. Sentenced To Chair DanrIUe, Va.. May 19.—In ritrai aenrtraom, gwotl-- jp^byalx’ police and all the coun- * ky*s force of deputies, Isaac Wat son. 50, negro ex-convlct, was to day sentenced In Halifax circuit court, to die in the electric chair. Execution date set was July 3. jOlyen an opportunity to make a ment, he refused. On his o Halifax, guarded by depu- from Danville where he has hsen since he killed William Powell, white farmer, he said •TU be satisfied with anything they do.” SnutU Dear Seen With Doe in Western Piurt of Coun ty} to Be Protected W. C. Lisk, district gams pro tector, was in this county Mon day assisting County Protector W; W.' Barber In the prosecution of a number of indiriduals charg ed with dynamiting fish In the streams of the coiraty. Warrants hare been issued tor five persons who face this serious charge and investigations are un der way of other reports. The minimum punishment, Mr. Ltsk pointed out In emphasUlng that the law will be enforced, is a fine of $100 and SO days imprison ment. I n commenting o n Wilkes county and the -game and fish situation, Mr. Llsk said, “I hopv that the citizens of the county will cooperate with Ur. Barber In enforcement of the -fish laws as well as they did the game laws. The department cmtalnly appre ciates the cooperation extended^ I hope that those now being pros ecuted will be the last to violate the laws against dynamiting fish. In regard to selfiing Mr. Lisk said that he hoped the lovers of that sport would hold up and be patient until July and August and then seine only in streams specified by Mr. Barber. Some comment by the district and county protectors was in re gard to the ner that th^ depart ment has loosed in the counter for breeding purposes. The doe now is the mother of a little deer and they are frequently seen , in the western part of the county. They . warntBgij.thBf* '•*»>'■ who' hunt or allow d6^‘ to' chase the deer will be vigorously prose cuted in the courts. ^ ' - '* ' ■ The above is the new home of the Gaddy Motor opqwany on Tenth street, especildly constructed to meet the needs of the local Chevrolet dealership. The building contains approximately 16.000 of floor space—basement and street floor used for show room, offices and service department. Formal Opening of Gaddy Motor Co. In New Bdldii^ Will Be On Friday Mrs. Finley’s Class Recitals Friday Murd«w.Buicide Henderson. May 19.—Apparent feeling between a white and ne gro farmer In the Bobbitt section Of Vance county culminated ear ly today in the slaying of the negro and suicide of the white ■nan. Joe Moss, 42-year-old farm er on the Walter Pinch planta- shot and instantly killed yrui Liewls, 62, negro, with a double-barrel shotgun as the ne gro was driving through the Moss yard. Mow then went Into his home, laid his empty gun across Si bed, picked up another rifle and killed himself. Agronomist On Visit To County E. C. Blair, of Extension Ser vice, Aids Nuntber of Far mers With Rotation E. C. Blair, agronomist of the extension service, was In Wilkes county Tuesday aiding a number of farmers with crop rotation plans. Systematic crop rotation has been carried on for a number of years by some of the county's leading farmers, who express themselves as being favorably Impressed and unwilling to re turn to haphazard methods of growing crops. Mrs. Richard FTiriey closes her classes for the summer with two Bxmrwitioa ReeJ^al^^ Rotenone. which Is obtained from both derris and cube root, may be purchased from dealers all over the State, Brannon point ed out. Central Social Service Unit For Comity Proposed h Meeting Here be li3rd’'ln'tbif1ilgS^hool’’fcad9- torium on tomorrow, Friday, Hay 22. The pupils of the grammar grades appearing in the after noon at four o’colck. The Junior High and High School pupils ap pearing at 8 o’clock in the eve ning. This recital will be in the form of a contest. Competent judges will decide on first, second and third places in each group. First place will receive a gold medal and their first months tuition paid next year. Second place will get a pair of new tap shoes—and third will get a pair of profes sional tags. Three prizes well worth working for and the com petition is keen. The public Is cordially Invited to each of these contests, there being no admis sion fee. Fireman’k Show Thursday, 28th In order to raise the remaining amount necessary for the pur- chase of life saving equipment, Pictures will also be a t^ture of Spacious Building On Tenth Street Erected To Suit Needs of Dealer The formal opening of the new home of the Gaddy. Motor ^aee tofnciyoW, aad^ 'tke pohUe' Is most cordially Invited to at tend. The new building was erected by A. F. Phillips, and was con struct^ in a manner to be high ly suitable for an automoNle firm with approximately 15,000 feet of floor space. The Gaddy Motor Co. holds the local Chevro let dealership and has been high ly successful since organisation here more than a year ago. Mr. W. F. Gaddy, owner of the company, and L. L. Carpenter, sales manager, have made many plane looking to the entertain ment of their many cnstomers and friends tomorrow. All day members of the sales iMrionn^l will be on hand to* demonsirate the new lines of Cb*vrotet cars and to give free rldM .ibout the city, I From 6 to 10 p; m.-rrefrosb- ments will be served to visitors. There will be punch and' other soft drinks for the ladies and gentlemen,' {'also cigars for the men),.and-old-faahloned red lem onade for the children. Talking IBJ - Hbtb c«m»itte« I Three Wilkes Girls *’*”i.SSS2r' ! Graduate At G. C. raeeUpg ,y«eeat raeeUpg of the ruiiwtty board of charities sseltare It was pro- po^Ttkat a central social serviee be organised for the this plan every civic or ganization dealing In charity or lieneftts to underprtvleged would be reprasented by » committee. In this way the work could be bet ter cemtrallsed with an organisa- that would prevent overlap ping ' of aetlvlUee and would broBdM tbe scope of civic work. The board meeting was held niday nlgkt at the home of Mrs. W. R. Absher. EouUne matters oeeupied the attention of the board In addition to the proporod central oTganisatton. It is nstderttood that the pro- ^gesal srin he presented to a npm- of .tdvlc orgsnlsntlons with the aim In view of setHag np the central organisation within a , short time. Park Imad’ of a quarter-mMlion Cat acres land for the foresta waa approved last~W«ek by the Nattonal Foreat .jtoosBvit^n Commission. One- purchases are to ^ Misses. Mary Hlz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hix, Mary Sink, daughter of Dr. and Mrs, €. S. Sink, and Elizabeth Faw, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Faw, will be among the gradu ates at Greensboro College who will receive diplomas June 1, 19:30 a. m. Dr. John J. Tigert, president of the University of Florida, Gaineevllle, Fla., will be the principal speaker. Dr. 'W. A. Smart, of BImory University, At lanta, Ga., will preach the bac- ealanreate sermon and the T. W. C. A. sermon Sunday, May 3,1. Almedia Chambers Is Taken By Death Funeral service was held Tues day at Chapel Hill church in east ern Wilkee for Miss Almedia Chamber, age 09, wbo died at her horns near Cycle Monday. She H survived by four bro thers and one sister: Borne Chambers. ^ele; J. 1. Chambers. Ronda; Watson Chambers, WIik ston-Ssletrz; Andrew Chambers, Ronda; Mrs. Ullle Wellborn, Ronda. the North WUkesboro fire de partment will pponsor the moviiyi; picture, “Robin Hood of El Do rado” at the Ulherty Theatre on Thursday, May 28. It win be recalled that a re cent drive for contributions was made for the purchase of emoke masks, ladders, rubber costs add other items of equipment that Is badly needed and although the response from many business firms was quite gratifying, the a- monnt raised is still somewhat short of that required. The fire department will sharpy In the proceeds of the ticket sale for the picture, which promises to be really good entertainment. Tickets have been printed and will be on sale throughout this week and until the day of the performance. - Fifty-eight 'boys, members of six 4-H corn clubs of Surry coun ty, were given JarvMGpa*. »ed , . thti club meettaggr tut encetr^nr tweak. riOn.on ... I '"'MhiTtirriinMii Qusftedy Conferoice The third quarterly conference for the Wtilkeeboro charge was held Sunday at Roaring River, following a flue sermon delivered by the presiding elder, Rev, A. C. Gibbs. , Rev. Mr. Gibbs presided at th»: conference and F. J. McDuffie was secretary. Reports of the se- tivltiss of. tlMi three cburclmp of the conference — Wilkeehbro, Roaring River and Union—were heard, these showing much church activity and their finan cial condition the heat In a num ber of years. It is hoped by the pastor. Rev. A. W. Lynch, that all financial obligations of the the evenings entertainment ^ 3Tw .new. home of the^j^^.Oj^dy Motor^o. hj a spacious aJRFcSSt- modious building. It has a large basement used for painting and' waetaing cars and storage'purpos es. The street floor contains a large, well-lighted service depart ment, offices, parts department, and-sn attiitotlve shoir room. With -th'e Advantage of tie-lat est mechanical equipment avail- able, and with more up-to-dnte quarters In which to carry on its work, the Gaddy Motor Co. Is now in position to give Its pa trons the best service In its his tory. And It Is in celebration of this that the public is most cor dially Invited to attend the form al opening planned ter tomorrow, and Jt is eimectad that hundreds of patrons and frhmdai'wlll do so. W3ietib^TI^ I^Dids on Friday: s,*-—— . Final program of WHkeSboro high school commencement srlU take place on Friday night with preeentatiett ,ol high school.. di plomas and the eommmicemant addMss Iv Frbf. Hoyt -BlaekvrtH, of Mars Hill College. The class night, a .unique ar- rauem.ent showbig Jiro g f e a s inSe In education, wfll taka place in the school auditorium on Thursday . nlgltf (toiMght) at eight’ o’clock. . T^ final prograai^on. Friday Prison sentences totaling more ban twenty years and fines ag gregating more than 12,500 have been handed down by* Judge Johnson J. Hayes since the May .term of federal court opened .in WUkesboro Monday morning. court criminal docket con tained approximately 100 cases, many of which remain to be tried, and it is expected that all this week will be consumed vrlth the crimVml calendar with civil cases following next week.. For the first time in tbe his tory of the present generation a negro is serying on a jury at WUkesboro, names of colored having been placed on jury lists during the past year. John Cashion plead guilty to an indictment charging that he deprived negroes of the right to rote by refusing to register them and was find |800 and placed on probation for a period of three years. The indictment contained four teen counts and was returned by the grand jury in Greensboro after a number of witnesses were examined. A number of witnesses were examined in the trial yester day and they testified that they went before Mr. Cashion, who ■ was registrar in WUkesboro fof the primary apd election in 1934, took tbe tMt for eliglbtUty but WasBl^on .. 'Bppublicans In the Southern VtsiM want to have a say in the'il6}Mikatton of a national G.O.i*. ticket. thU year. Florida has a caildMtto for the vice presidential ,nV>0inBtion in J. Leonard Reploglo"; .of Palm Beach (above),' whB* "iias also been endorsed by Gtorgla and Alabama. It is reported here that the boom tor RepTbgie Is gaining rapidly. - "t, Saturday LiM Day to Register For the ^huary Candidates in Bo^ l^rtiet Actiwe in Hawiiv Young Voters to Rogiater ^ Saturday, May 23, Is the charge will liave been imld Is fulf night, o’clbw,’wMl bt> fn the throbak HNNBMUpZir^- J. T. Alexander, fined flOd and sentenced to year In Chll- licothe. Woodrow Sloop, fined $100 and sentenced to year in Chil- llcotbe. Ernest Tates, fined |100 and sentenced to year in Obillicothe. Chelcie Green, fined |100 and sentenced to 18 months in Chil- llcothe. Roy Davis, temporary proba tion until next term of court. James Perkins, of Cabarrus county, was given a sentence of 33 months for violation of the motor theft act. Howard Gragg, Watauga coun ty, temporary probation. Marshal Marley, temporary probation until next term of court. ' Everett Blackburn, and Robert Dowell, temporary prbbatlon un til next term"of court. Ben Gross, fined flOO and sen tenced to year in Atlanta. J. D. Sebastian, two years pro bation. Jake Wiles, fin4d $100 and sentenced to year in Atlanta. Ward Hester, fined I $00 and sentenced to yeat In ChllUeothe. John Foster, fined* $100 and sentenced to 15 months In Chll- licothe. ■ Curtis Blevins and John H. Ford,, temporary probation. Ernest Poplin and Eli Grimes, tempwary probation. , Luther Sale, temporary BjU^a- tlon. James Parker, fined $100^ and sentenced to year In Atlanta.. James Gordon Mitchell and Ed Grimes, temporary probation. Herman Chambers, temporary probation until next term of court. Daniel Chambers, temporary probation until next term of court. Robert H. Anderson, year and ..i^ day in Atlanta. : Pearless Remedy company, fined flOO for violation of pure food and drug act. Garde Woodie, fined $100 k'nd given two Sentences of year each on charges of liquor lajj? violation and obstrUctlpf an officer. Two sentences at ChlUicotbe run con. currently, n R. J. ChUdress, fined $100 and sentenced to year in Atlanta. Philo Baugneps, fined WOO and sentenced to y^r Dewitt Billtnix, fined i'tow of'^‘$200 and penalty of $6dd and sentenced to ChllUeothe for i toUl of four years Ih two cases Ono-year and threAdMr Mktoso ee rnnnla/ ooneirwHF John Fnnk Joindr-iiMA ,$^0 gpid All tor id. day for voters to rei registering new ’voters or making transfers of registrations frem one precinct' to another. Anyone who has become of age since that last election or who win be 21 before the Novem ber election, or for any reason is not registered, must register not later than Saturday of this week if be or she expects to rote in the June primary. Candidates for various nomina tions in both parties are expeet- ed to be quite active this week In working among new voters and' requesting them to register. -Saturday, May SO, will be challenge day' and the following j Saturday will be primary day. Attends Meetingr C. O. McNlel, of the D. A M. Electric Co., local Fnirbanks- Morse stoker dealers, attended a { meeting of dealers In North Car olina in Charlotte thia week. He| was accompanied by Alvin Kilby, an employe of bis company. aeaeim f_o,r North WilkeeTraito high' sehbl sriS begin Sunday. evening, eight (F- eloek, May 24, with the com mencement sermon by Dr. J. A. Cunningham, paator of the Find Presbyterian chqrcb of Winston- Salem. This service will be held at tbe First Baptist church here. The commenenment will con tinue with a unique program oC class night exercises on the eve ning of Thursday, May 28, In tbe school audlrorlnm. This program will be On the theme of a cen tennial In education. A most successful school year will come to a close on Friday evening. May 29, with presenta tion of high school diplomas to a class of approximately 40 seniors and the commencement addraM by Dr. Clyde A. Erwin, state superintendent of public instruc tion. The city high school will have operated a nine-months’ term this year in order to fully meet all requirements for retaining Its membership In the Souiftbm As sociation of Accredited %boolg. Following is tbe detailed pro gram of the commencemenf serv ice Sunday night: Organ prelude, Miss Rab Blackburn. ’ Z Processional: “Lead Ota, Qh for the first half of the year by tbe time of jlba district.,confe: Wilkesharo due to the jlnct Methodist ■ti" churA, tnc«fi idt4lMi|9;Rcv. Mngaae' Prayer,^ ilT. R. B.’ Templetoa, pastor Methodist church. Anthem: “Let All on Earth Their Voices Raise,” Choir. Announcements, W. D. Half- acre. Offering: offeratory, Miss Ru by Blackburn. Solo: “Sunrise,’’ Miss Marcella Pendley. Commencement sermon, Dr. J. A. Cttuttiagham, pastor First Presbyterian church, Wlnstoa- Salem. Hymn: No. 20, "Savlonr Breath An Evening, BlssalM*” ’ congregation. Benediction, Dr. B. B. Tesa- pleton. Postlude, M14s Ruby Black burn. A To Cond^^Semad , Rev. C. S. Bdmgamen of city, will conduct ,a serricp • day afternoon, 2730, at FiM Grove Mission five miles north oC Taylorsville on highway 16. Recreatii^ Projects Expl^ In Luncoeon Meeting Here Tuesdaif Majliy Marriaige Licenses - iMued The past week-isfsi «‘busy one for DgA Capld in WUkea county, as shdWn by the feet that .licenses tq wed were IssuiH^by'-the regis ter of deeds to the fallowing sev-. en couples: Leonard Gfeen, Har ley, aad Eva Eatiier Church, Stony Pork; Marshal, Tilers and Hester Dillard, beth ’■« Haye; Nathan Davis, Porta Haob, and Rosa Lee Brown; .Taiflorsvllle; Albert Carter and Helleo Hudson, both of State Roiidii'Dallas Wat son and Mae Whltik, both of Hen drix; Connie Wagenar.vWkd Zellle Royal, both of MeOrady: How ard Davis and Cl(?ml’DAad, both of Wllkeshoro. , H&iB boftHNfi at tnpgr 7!^vb Heme oemfeg served Saadsy, ifsy at? tdh- erty Gro|T*, ehun5ir.' H**bylddy is inritod. to be pre»«B$,.iett|i A"*™* sa^ bythe riiato, itov. JBfe/A' *dl- l^'-asd saady interestlag feiatseii aae for gram. ' ’ _ _ 8b0^ - -ijr; VetsmO ’Who a j tamaa^Flth'khalv bottBs Probability of Seeuriag Play>* grounds in WHkosbewns m Discussed With Interest The-nature of the recreatiimal projects maintained in 'WOkas county by the Worlds Progress sd- ministratiott was dmaonstratdi and told in -a tunelmoa meettsg held at the Legion and Auxiliary clubhouse Tuesday noon. The meetlag was presided over by Miss Ludle Hamby, -project supervisor for the county, sad - was attended by members of the WomaVs dabs. Legion and An>- iliary, Klsranis club and other or ganisations. •' A'group'of children from reo- reatlonal classes furnished a mosd detlghtfnl prograscgi and dia>F. items of handwork, a»adp,j».pd>- classes were exbibttod in the ImlL' The program consisted of aCffS- batloB. and pfeylets ’hy tha dren. FpDowlag t^^ogi^^fBiu; Infodhal tiei carirtd^ont la ee$a la- of thw