"Fete VM hoat«H at Wtj TttMdajr altar* ; M har htaa oa KamiiMton . hraoriai Itar Uttla ion. Jr„ oa hla aUtk Itlrtbtejr airaruiT- Arooad S ( UtUa aa4 lirla caaa to calabfate .^.-^.^■peaaaloB vith UU Jr., aad leteftJpd in a niuBbar ot amas on tt$'Inara, attar whick tliar vara aar\^ an lea eoaraa and mints. A kufa vUta birtkday oaks daeoratad in six tinjr pink eaadlas biaid plaea ot honor on tba din* TtMUB taUa. ^J%a hanoraa vas tb« raoipiant ^^a larta number ot oaefal gifts „ . the guests vara presented with attraetlTo faTors. Folp, Mrs. Love Are Cli^ Hostesses Mrs. W. A, Fulp aad Mrs. A ' li. Love combined hospitality to ,^.tha members of the Woman’s Bl- bla class of the North Wilkes boro dathodist church in their regu- lilarly monthly meeting Tuesday ^ ttemoon at the home of Mrs. ■V^lp haring fifteen members ^’preeant. • Mrs. W. *E. Shutord, the pres ident, y>ccupled the chair during the business session and for the derotionals Mrs. Shutord, Mrs. B. E. Paw, and Mrs. A. E. Spain- hower gave passages of scripture wHh comments after which Mrs. R. M. Brame offered the prayer. The hostess served an ice course daring the social hour. fifiaaes Hendreti Entertain Basiness Woman's Circle The May meeting of the Busi ness Woman’s Circle of the Wll- keaboro Baptist church was held Monday evening at the home of Misses Mable and Catherine Hen- dren with an attendance of twelve members and one visitor, Miss Eloise Starr. lODERN WOMEN d NM SMhr niathl!'paia aad dday dne to ^BttvoaMtniD, azmunardidlar cauM. wa^awDiamonilBraadPiUiawaffaoayth lisadiiv»Osldil>iEil.8oMhr aiiocswt4>y»»«a Adtiw ‘"nra Youth- Mevement' Among the BotttiMM Baptlats** made a moat iwteraatlng pwgram and was given under the dlreetlon ot Mra. Zeb Dixon with several ot tha membem Uklng part Devotional leader was Miaa Nora Belle Yate». Mrs. Haxel Johnson waa In charre of the hualnass Sbsslon during wAlch Uma pUns were made tor a social meeting Thurs day evaning June 4th. Dainty re freshments verb served during s pleasant social hour. Tndie Hix Is Hostess To Her Musk Club Tudle Hix' was hostess to the Junior Music Lover's club at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. J. R. Hix, Monday afternoon. Practically all the members were present and Ina Myers presided for a short business session. The program was made up of piano solos and the reading of articles of unusual Interest about maulc and musicians, those tak ing part on program were Annls Ruth Blankenship. Gladys Tem pleton, Tudle Hix, Blanche Hall, Ina Myers, and Patsy Ruth Mc Neil. Refreshments were served by the small hostess and Mrs. Hix at the close of the meeting. T. K. L. i|ect In 'With seV(Hd|^'.%^i^i^ and one vlsttor pradhnf B. class of the First Bi^tlat church held a mojt^ii^iK^tte} aoclal and business mehttlNf-" l^msday eve ning at the home of ffn. J. H. Johnson In Wilkesboro with Mrt name at the' rennast of a number *TNt aiAMONO^ Garden Club IMd Meeting jHonday Aftenuon Members of the Carder. De partment of the North Wllkes- boro Woman’s club gathered at the home of Mrs. C. E. Jenkins .\Tonday afternoon for their regu larly monthly meeting which was largely attended having around twenty members present. Hostess es for the occasion with Mrs. Jenkins were Mrs. A. B. Johnston and Mrs. J. M. Crawford and at the close they served sandwiches and cakes with tea. Mrs. Chal McNeil, department chairman, presided for the busi ness session and also acted as program leader. It was decided to hold the meetings this rummer on the third Thursday of each month. Members of the club are asked to keep a record of their plantings during the year and for this Mrs. Prank Tomlliwon aented each one with ;ttmctlvo^ -turwed booklets'that nhe had made. ' Uvlcgstone and Mra. A. C. Den nis m associsfe boBlMses. Vlsttof for the evening was Miss IT»Ty Lane. To open the meeting Mrs. W F.. Jones led an impressive devo tional period after which Mrs Dennis presided for routine bus iness. A social hour and tempting refreshments were enjoyed at the close. ;; Bfs statement, nei^bors, Mends publican voters of ^ _ is quoted as foUsifM' ‘ “dome ttmeM^ L ae'd M Be.[A. county, 4 filed 'my I beroi- For a Limited Time Only 50 Felt Plated On Sale At — ■ * R 55 Pound Weight The regular price of this mattress is $10.50. Buy during this special sale and save] the difference. Fuindtare Company «Alwaya Oatstanding Furnitare 'Values* north wilkesboro. n. c. Bethel Newt RONDA, Route t, Muy it. The shrill dramming of the lo custs are with us for a while. In this community. All vegetation seems to be suf fering for rain, as the dry wea ther continues. Reports were from those who attended the commencement ex ercises of Ronda high school last week that the programs at every session were highly interesting. Misses Nannie Sne Burchett and Kathleen Martin and Edward Martin from near here, received diplomas for having finished high school. Mrs. J. T. Stroud has been 111 for the past week but Is better, we are glad to note. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Haynes and children, of Clingman, were the guests of Mrs. Haynes’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Gretn, here last Sunday. Rev. Noah E. Melton, accom panied by his wife and two daughters, from Hendersonvilie, spent last Saturday night here with his brother and family, D. J. Melton. He was enroute to Mountain Park where he was to preach Sunday morning there at the Home-Coming. Mrs. D. S. Gilliam ami sons. Flake, Charles and Bobby^ ra- iKifM' taat; AaAdaF" . WSnaton-SiUem, where they ..^had been visiting relatives for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McBride and children, Robert and Doro thy, of Elkin, spent last Sunday visiting the former's aunt and family, Mrs. Wm. Morrison. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Mauldin were the guests of Mrs. Mauldin 8 sister. Mrs. T. M. Lawrence, of North Elkin, last Sunday after noon. Little Miss Edna Mathis visited her little friends. Misses Blanche and Rebecca Pardue, last Sunday after Sunday school. J. A. Gilliam spent a while here with relatives Sunday after noon. He was enroute to his home near Hays from the Sunday school convention that was held at Knob’s Church, near Benham. Elmer Morrison, Misses Lucille Mauldin. Elenoir Melton, Eugene Jones. Major Pardue and Paul Mathis are the delegates elected to attend the Brier Creek Sunday school convention that will he held at Mt. Pisgah church on Saturday before the second Sun day in June. Elmer is our effi cient Sunday school secretary at Bethel church. Eugene Jones played baseball at Clingman Saturday afternoon with the local team, who had an interesting game with Buggy Boo. The result 2 to 1 In favor of Clingman. Mrs. Seaman Dobbins, of El kin, spent last week here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Stroud. Mrs. Jesse Church and daugh ters, Mys. S. M. Price and Miss Margaret Church, of Greensboro, were visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Burchett, a few days last week. of my friends for the Rep0Uf#th pmmination for shacitt ot WHtmt County. Since that time I have talkad to nnmerons Repn^icans .from all parts of Wdkaa Cottety and have been gratifled bt the oxpresslone of frtenitship that I ,have received, and I am partlaiU- arly pleased with the expressions of confidence and. offers of . sup port that my frieqds and neigh bors have seen fit to given me. However, it is my judgmen^now that the best Interests of thA Republican party will be served by avoiding a bitter fight tor the Republican nomination in the coming primary, and I am there fore withdrawing my name from consideration in the primary. I wish to state that I am and shall be forever grateful to my neigh bors and friends for their well wishes, and I shall always be found fighting for our party and the candidates who support the principles of the party, and also the candidates in the primary who have demonstrated their loy alty to the party; and most cer tainly as all my friends know I will be found in November back ing every nominee of the Repub lican party to the limit ot my ability.” A 22-caliber gun cannot shoot a 44-ball. Junior an, cooteeteir^ mda; Uiim sentinel; Pxnl ._ , sentinel; C. B.Hk^.Clay due and C. O. M)^el, truAtekf H. L. Mecham, ehablaliu J. B. WUUamg; C. B. Bller and C. O. McNtel were namA repre- seatatlvM to itte aute eonveotton with Bradley Dancy, C. A. Can ter and 8. L. Pardue aa alters natem O A n Intereatlng meetiag 1 a planned for Tuesday night, Jnne 3, at which time there will te de gree work and all members and any visiting juniors are asked to be present. ^ wai aUfli^by . H, ww. litxw^ aaersfliry of the aCpte otesUll ^literd of stecUoa. ■ WoBtan Loses License Raleigh, May »6.—-Mrs. Cath erine Rath, ot Raleigh, became today the first woman in North Carolina to have her antomobile drivers license revoked for an extra 12-month period for ope rating a ear while under Influ ence of intoxicants. Episet^ Service There will be a celebration of the Holy Communion at St. Paul’s Episcopal church, Sunday morn ing, May 31st, at nine o’clock. Rev. B. M. Lackey,, rector. In charge. Raleigh, - May it.—^AtteriMy OMetal A. A.. rflsagwell rated tedby ragistored riftbra wkeae" party affiliation la not listed on registraUen books wonM h*va the righ| to parttcipeta in the' primary of his party by satlafy- ing officials of his proper attlli- ation. Raymond C. Maxwell, aecretary of tha State beard of eleCtloas, asked' for the ruling and said it had been called to hla attention many persona entitled to vote tn the Juno prinuriea of the Demo cratic and RepnbUcan parties are not .registered'eithdr }ui Demo crat*, Repablicans or Indeilen,. dents. Maxwell said the attorney gen era) held such Toton thonid ^ve the right to cast hallOta by sat isfying the registrars ot their af filiation. bnt the vote would, of course, be snbject to challenge by bona tides of such affiliation. Five pairs of pure'bred Berk shire pigs were purchased as foundation stock from Pinehnrst Farms by club boys of (^nilford county. FOR U. S. S^ATE Don’t forget iltiiiil the Firemen’s HenefU Show at the ' liberty ’Theatre this afternoon and tonight. Registrars May Sell Name Lists Catawba, May 25.—D. ,E. Mc- Sbane, federal officer of Char lotte, was shot and painfully, but not seriously wdundod this attefc- noon as he sat In his car on a rural road about three miles northwest of here while ^ part ner, Federal Offiem: J. w. Her- sey, also of Chortotte, searched nearby woodlands for an Illicit whisky Btlll. His assailant, who drove up in another oar wltbr three companions, escaped during an exchange of shots with the of ficers. Hers^ was not hit. The identity ot the man who shot Officer MeShane, and at least OBe or two ot his compan-^ ions, waa ri^xiirted to be known to the federal agents. Sheriff D- Barn and Deputies Ray Pitfs'and t. J* Alley of CafpJwba county, Utoit bloodhounds to the scene of wofei'd— SA'niRDAY One Lot FAST COLOR Dress Prints 5c yd. TAG END DAYS • One Lot Curtain Scrim Short Lengths 5c yd. TAG END DAYS One Lot WOMEN’S LOOK FOR THE BIG RED TAG ONE LOT EXTRA SIZE DOUBLE A DOUBLE TERRY H " fBJi# terry PLAIN WHITE, COLORED BORDERS SLIGHTLY -gr ^ ^ real SOILED JL^Sw BUTS LOOK FOR THE BIG RED TAG Rayon Panties All Sizes , 15c pr. One Lot SILK HOSE Odd Lota! Light Ctdoral 10c pr. TAG END DAYS ■ One Lot ANKLETS Suatmer Shades Xi«r END DAYS ^ One Lot Odd'' • 4Xpre .3: SPECIAL BUY jjiriim Thre lI^Yard Spools 2 Snods ONE LOT SEAMLESS BLEACHED HEMMED EXTRA QUAUTY — SIZE 81x90 BUY AT LEAST 5 OR 6 days SPECIAL LOOK FOR THE BIG RED TAG ONE RACK WOMEN’S Spring and'^ummer Styles . . . Formerly m Our $3.98 and $4.98 Group. ODD SIZES 9X.W SUMMER SHADES IOOK FOR THE BIG RED TAG QMfL TABLE WOMEN’S Gijpup^KSistrDri^w^iz^ _■ ^ '-^''^E#TIES puiips^_^i; ONE STRAPS « and i OXFORDS One Lot Women’s Hats New Styles! New Shades! 5Qcea. TAG END DAYS One Lot Boys’ Shorts a"nD polo SHIRTS 25c ea. TAG END DATS Special Buy BROACLOTH SLIPS White or Flesh! Nicely Finidiedl 29c TAG END DAYS One Lm CHILDREN’S DRESSES iSheer Priuta! Fast Colors! 39c TAG END DAYS Dark Cidors! Extra Heavy!

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