“‘oT rifej aw» ii^ S.-^]l6lrln a»4 Bax^, a4- 'WPA wnrken, were aeci kUJM this afternoon of the oi4 Cam' Kl|rlai^ eohatr ^ait prei^aratory -a:*«ott»^ asfknl few Days In Only Few MiN Of t Whkli To FiaOnt Work Sheets for Benefit* ‘wti*:' of tln^sMe «en- saM t«i^ OQf^rae- 4k» Wilkes county farinbs itho ar*' Intwested in reoelTlng lOTorn- j^fnl ^elp to improve their sol} should secure S wprA-eheet and J3U It out hi‘prej*raflae>^o patw tlcipate in the, sOp jons^atlon’ W nwigned to reiiAii triple "A. The. soil conservteion'eat hu ■0 contracts and others Is noth- Es susvsv''sew 'I |i j * bwvj'tnr oompuisory shout complying prison'^rojiicts in five' with any provisions. If a farmer dees eartain things he gets paid oh a certain scale If he does not he doea not get paid. 'That is the story in a nutshell and although a work sheet is filled oat the in« dividual farmer is still his own boss and can grow anything and •Tsr]rtfc|Bg 'he pleases. Those who are only mildly in terested should file application, ugrionltnral suthorltlee say, in order that they may be prepared to receive whatever benefits they ssra. The time Was eiktended a few days from last Saturday in order that those who had - not learned the workings of the plan might stiU hSire a chance. The extension was announced through this week but if there are those who have not filled out a work sheet and who are inter ested, they should act promptly. These application forms can be secured from any member of the county committee or any mem ber of any committee appointed to serve any of the six districts in th« county. If a member of the committee cannot be contacted a farmer may fill his aj^lication at the office of A. 0. Hendren, county farm agent. In the court house to Wllkesboro. MaunoBs For McDonald gk, Jupe. 2.-r-McDonaId ters revestied tonight in acquisition, the poblicly support of former F. M. Simmons, who om- moming atory repreeent- I as a McDonald man. Driver Is Killed Hickory, June J.—Onnie Car- .jHsle Maynard, 34, of Morrisville, 4ltbd in a local hospital this mom- : injuries suffered when his ' ..vAoMU struck the side of a tfitek. swvaral miles northwest of ; last night. Paroica Dewles 88 ' pHalaigh, June 2.—Governor aos granted, seven pa- -to prisoners today—one for agUond degree mnrder, three for laneay.^one for robbery, one for Ifamal knowledge and one for ■ ■moslaiighter. Thvrty-eix requests : for paroles were declined. Galls OambUng Fob ^Washington, June 2. — The _t Staitee court of claims yee- ^ay 4sailssed a wealthy south- . "es^mtriate’B suit lor a refund of taxes paid on gambling losses ..in France, ruling that he had “ ted not for profit hot lor fun. State-^Hlie^ce ForGoternor^ Is In Spodight Four CaikdklAtea Matking 1^ Minute Appeek For Vetea In PkimAry INTEREST IS HIGH The race for the Democratic nomination for governor holds the spc^light In ' *^ate politics and the primary Saturday. The four candidates are mak ing* last minute appeals in nnm- erens public appearances and ov er the radio for votes and their organisations are working quiet ly but almost frantlcaily in order to get everything ready for the big push starting at sunrise Sat urday morning and ending at sunset Saturday eveninr. The gnberhatorlal race is the big ahow and the campaigns for Rwr- . 'of inUntlle paralydb were ^ Skwnsed in Worth Carolina dur- f^ng the last week. The weekly re- rt of the utate board of health I the smallpox case in Union _a jaeaii^tig ease in Dnp- Hanover, Pender and counties, and an infan- Jysls case in Scotland and nbns counties. Warning To Farmers Baleigh, Juno 2.—^W. C. State ollege extension officials today ''warned farmers of a new kind of racket, which has sprung up '"with the rural electrification pro- >gram. In some counties where fpower lines are about to be con- i^atmeted, men posing as electricl- have made verbal contracts th fanners for wiring and ap- After collecting down ^SMjrments for tbe work, "they have ^disappeared, the extension otfici- ■ pis aaid. Driver d' the nominations tor other state elective offices are the sideshows that may be classed as minor at tractions in the biennial exposi tion. The principals In the governor ship race are (listed alphabetical ly) A. H. (Sandy) Graham, of Hillsboro, Clyde Hoey, of Shelby, Ralph W. McDonald, of Winston- Salem, and John A. McRae, of Charlotte. Possibly no other campaign in North Carolina has attracted so much interest as the present race for nomination for governor and this intense interest has so per meated every precinet in the state that political prophets predict a .CandidiliteB in Uk* R^uhlican •m Topeka.—"nies^ pictures^of Governor Alf Landon and his wife, Mrs- Li^drt»**are taken portrait studies of the governor and the first lady of Kansas. Bepublican Wends and supporters here think the WbiW House at iWailShgton will be their next home. Last Rites Held ForTwoVktiins Of Auto Wreck Funeral Servicaa For Miaa Frances Cashion And Frank Whittington Funeral servioca for Mte Fran^ Threeffii^es Are Granted In Superior Court Judge Hoyle Sink Presiding Over Term For Trial Chril Cages EXPECT LARGE VOTE While state-wide ' inters is shown in the campaign for nom ination to state offices by the Democratic party, membars of both parilk in Wilkes oOunty are watching with qhit« nlMh intmC est the campalgtis for nomtee* tiohs for connty offices.. • In the Bepnbllcan psriy thsrs sre contests for evsry. nonilnation; with the race bdlween.Aheriff W- B. Somers, incumbeat,'and D. B. Parker tor the nmninatlon fof eherlfPs office holding the spot light. Other contests of niajor in terest are between Old Wiles, to-' enmbent, and J. Rnft Henderson for register of deeds, and between J. T. Prerette and F. 3, MeDnffte for representaOre in the general assembly. These candidates, along with those for commissioner, survi^' or and coroner, are making Jeat minute drives for support ud tbe usual large vote is expected in tbe Republican party primary. Interest in Munty politics is by no means confined to the Repub lican party because tihe Demo crats also hate contests that are attracting considerable interest. Those seeking the nomination for shwiff are C. T. Doughtoq teat Odell WhHUngton and it it understood l^th have u John - % ff national eoaurit for Worth Carolina, J. Mack Brown, oonventioh ternate, will leave here IW to attend the natldakt con of. the Rapubiican .will open Tuesday in Clev Ohio. Mfs. Jones succeeds Jihe. /; Keiuion, of MpeksviUe, aa natiem- gl committee woman, h«rt^Jte|Mr^^ recommended by tbe state Woald SeU Hasband Wlereester, Mass., June 2—The ^Jdivorce suit of MltahSU A. Ber- ' earns, Oxford constable, against ii-wlfe, Mrs. Helen L. Bercume, ^ SBlivened yesterday by Mrs. _e’s story of 'how she tried ;hlm for 40,000 tp a wo- for whom he'worip^ as a leksoffMt. T h s mid^ aged Ifp readBy admitted coact'ahe haAtMtorsd hO'j kdiwlmnd to a “Mrs. Jones ^ but stOd got tut offer. Rob Fmmsinr, Earl Parks Fill Bands For Appear ance At Court Rob Felmster and Earl Parks, youn? men of the Harmony com munity ordered held in connec- tlon with the deaths of Miss Frances Cashion and Frank Whit tington in an auto accident Sat urday midnight, have filled bonds for appearance at the August terra of Wilkes superior court. The cor which collided with Hubert Mathis’ car and caused the death of Miss Cashion and Mr. Whittington was owned by Pei raster, who was accompanied by Parks. Parks was driving at the time, according to accounts of the affair told by occupants of the car to Patrolman Johnson, who investigated the wreck. Parks’ bond was set in court Tuesday by Judge Hoyle Sink. Feimster filled bond Sunday fol lowing the coroner’s hearing or dering the men held for court trial. jMriy made, nomlnatlohs in state convention and there Are'no ooBtests. Therefore the Interest in state politics concerning the primary is confined principally to members of the Democratic party with Republicans Intenssted by standers as far as these races are concerned. The state Democratic primary ticket has the followlns candi dates: u .vantlaA. On the last day «f Conventioa G. A. Jonaa, of, Ii»-v cohiton, will be nominate na tional oommitteeman from Woatt Carolina from tbe conventtM floor and the same proceedm pill follow for Mrs. Jones As nsi- tionfl committeewoman. F^lowing the convention tha aatifnal committee will meet t» .lay plaas for the national caaa- palgu,. at which time Mn. Jonaa will be an elected member. Thn North Carolina delegatiau will ' Vote on the first baUok strongly for Judge Meekinr for president but unless a "dairic horse" is nominated it is en^eeb- ed that his name will not be car ried through many ballots. There is a strong sentiment. It is understood, among the Mfi- bers of the North Carolina. .dAte- gation for Governor Alf lisadOB* of State Danocratic Ticket For United States Senator (Vote for One) DAVID L. STRAIN WILLIAM H. GRIFFIN JOSIAH W. BAILEY RICIHARD T. FOUNTAIN Pariors temoMi m Ciuaad For Half ajr» Wxt—atluV Afkenaeona For Gevemor (Vote for One) aANDY GRAHAM JOHN ALBBaT McRAE CLYDE R. HOEY DR. RALPH w. McDonald t^^saounoemeBt of much Ih- isaned tkis weak by ^ beanty parlors and baaaty eultara tp thM they will be closed , vdaaadi^ aflenoon dniv ' months of Jane, July and cooperative aune h If at the 4wratora and in- Miay have one half: day from their labors. This Into effmst on W!ediiaaday. I. and oloaing hoar Will be noon. 'Hie pnbUc la fe ^^a^ thia in mind in no one desWAg seTv- beauty parlors be Inoon- or disappointed. ' who will observe . the ^day' each Wednesday h^keauty Parlor, May- Sho»e,_yWl8ter4fc (kganizatioii 0 Merchants Grows Over 40 M«nb«-a In Aaaockatioak} Miaa Elaiw Nidiob Secretery Miss SMle Nichols, daughter of Mr. and Mrs H, G. Nichols, of this city, has been named tem- porwBy'aa secretary of the Wilkes County Retail Merchants’ assoolStlon. *lte-joet was made vacant by the triiiff death Saturday night of Miss Prances ' Cashion, who had worked, untiring for the as sOeUtion and who was quite ac tive' W ■securing the charter mem berabips. A meeting of the association _ ji* Urid Tuesday night, at iirhieh time qnaMllcaUons Of the i^Mcaiita for the position as sec- ' ratary were rerlewcd. Action was deferred by the execntlve coin- ihlttbe until the following ^ which time Mlsa Nichols was selected. The association is progressing splendidiy and bow has mot* than forty loeal bnineas firms ^ BODg to members. New men^g^: are being rtcelved at frequent * interfals. For Lieutenant Governor (Vote for One) WILKINS F. HORTON PAUL GRADY GEORGE McNEILL For Secretary of State (Vote for One) M. R. (MOB) DUNNAGAN STACEY W. WADE THAjD BURE For Anditor (Vote for One) BAXTER DURHAM WHJARD L. DOWELL CHARLES W. MILLER GEORGE ROSS POU Vingt'm/ W, tta tn an automobile ebUision on the Boone Trail highway 18 miles east of Wilkesboro Saturday night, were held Monday after noon. Last rites for Miss Cashion were held at the Methodist church at two o’clock with the pastor, Dr. R. B. Templeton, in. charge. Miss Cashion was secre tary of the Wilkes County Re tail Merchants’ association and was a popular and favorably known young lady of the city. Business bouses were closed be tween the hours of two and three o'clock. Pall bearers were Charles Jen kins, Donald Meiriile, , Hauser, Gordon Ogll'vie, Pardue and Darwin SinUb^ ^ Flowers, beautiful In theifJ,-PW>- ij fusion, were carried by MlSaes^ Frances Cranor, Florence Mc Lean, Vera Edwards, Gladys Ab- sher. Ruby Handy, Raebei- IJlQh- ols, Clara and Janie 0(dtei«,^.^r>- Pressley Myers, Mrs. jAm« Lowe, Mrs. Cecil Wiles and Triplett. . . , ' ■■‘.'•s- InteratAnt was In^'fhW Baptist cemetmjR , At '^serrice' was conduefAd Wbfttlngton, the Methodist >, chnrch. Templeton, pastor, was assisted ■by Bev. it- k.Mpfaig, a former pastor under whosb gSBtorate Mr. WWttlngton Monday. The divorces the following cases: Bessie Brown versus J. C. Brown. Nora Eller versus Herman Eller. ^ Lunda Niclfcls versus Lora Nichols. The docket is congested* and many cases are pending trial. Some cases have been disposed of by compromise or consent Judgment while many Jury trials yet remain on the calendar. Judge Hoyle Sink, of Greens boro, is presiding over the term, which will continue through next indflJn'fdr^^ olber major ty office—-^preeemative. Here are copies of the County" primary tickets; Mlso at th I>r. B, P. lex To Courthouse FjodtodiklMMi, Lmid An4 Brick i Mnato Gcanc Forward Wto MgkrWalla Consi^rdbld progress has been made ddring ti^ past few days on the erection of an addition to tbe Wilkes courthouse Iti Wilkes boro. -Although laborers ate rmtrict- ed'to a certain number ot hoars on WiPA projects, ■ they have been able to complete the fouadarien Republicaa County Hdcot ' Far Memhfw'af State Hoose of Bapteaentativea J. T. PBl^fETTE F. J. McDUPFIE For Ragiattf of Deeds (Vote for One) J. BUFF HENDERSON OID WILES for Sheriff (Vote for One) W. B, SOMERS G. C. THABPE J. W. JONES DEWEY PARKER (Note: Messrs. Thaepe and Jones have wittidrawtf - fran the race, but their names will appear on the official ballot since the tidkets were iwlnted before their withdrawal.) ato Btprt the fork qt laying Ahe hjfek "i^ls. Plans call -lot'irffsh- For Treasurer (Vote for One) CHARLES M. JOHNSON HELEN ROBERTSON WOHL For Superintendent of Public Insfraetion (Vote for One) GILBERT CRAIG CLYDE A. ERMnn^ A. B. ALDERMAN For Conuaissioner of Agrieidtare , (Vote for One) WILLIAM A. GRAHAM W. KERR SCOTT U. D. C. To Meet 0 'Vv*'ris • 'kt' Wilkes Vallay Guards ehaptay of tbo United Daurttmrs rf.'tW Confederacy 1rill meet Safuritay afternoon. 8:80,-at the home O wT c. SMBfe" Miss Mamie McNeil was a vls-'f’ itor at iieradtth College in Ra^ ^lelgh Friday and Saturday, going down to hriag her niece. Miss Annie Vannoy,'home for the sum mer, "who had been in sohpoL there the post year. 'Pbey wire accompanied baci; home by Miss Virginia OambiU, of West Jeffer- unlleih'^th the chu^lf. John^'^M.' ^ aoriplriion at p. J. Brame and Rassri Hhdges.' *'*^***’**®®\^^f^^^, Mrs. Johnson a%d , Mr.; praiay sang “Take Up Thy CiroM add fallow Me,’’ and all font .sang ns It Well With Thy Sottl.” Active pail beayers were Bvqy- ette Ifiyee,, Quincy' Atoms, i/est- br> Walker. Jamas 'J; M Crawford' and, Bill Honorary pill hoarem w^ J.' C. Miller, A. S, CeM«i, W. G.‘Ga briel, 1. E. Pearson, R. J. Hln^ Shaw, Friink Mooro, P. E. Bnown, D. o. Clary. Jack Hadlpy, A. M. Handy tod T, C. CaudllL A-beantttal floral offering was carried \(t. MesdamM Lestw Walkar^' Quincy Adams, Charles Brown, Jamna McNisl, Ams Beish, LeWto Adaam, Riahard Wfaittingtonr O. R. WblttlngtpnT and MhHMS Mamie Btfot, AMto iHandy, Lott Wlles^ SMto Wiles,' Gladys Ahsher, Verna HaySs, Reba Hayes, Iha Myttfc'aad Man- Jo Brower. Burial was in the Baptist ceme tery. a Vesper se. sonv also a stndsnt at the gili lE^scopal Chf ini to dtsiitew. Jana •» . ’The addition will be thirty- j^fve feet in length and will con tain four county office rooms downstaire- with the second floor being devoted to, offices for the county farm agent, assistant agent, alecietoihala and auembly room for gatherings of farmers. I^r. Per Qves Vacdnatioii Dates AppMfHaaMita AniMHmced ForTudtty WiH Cottimu* For tJiree Thursdofs Dr. A. J. 'Eller; county health officer, today announced vnccl- naUon dates begtnning ttoay and for Ahroe aB(aiiSt||B HuftHirii Tbe iijiiiiiiiihiiiUtii for- todto ThiFFndATS are Trajibtll nine a. mw RoariBg tiap KT a. m.: Austin 11:80 a. ;m.; Bonham 1 p. m, : Ii^nnlsatione agtoot tgplKdd .iriU adminlstared Jras but a cete efMdt sMisi.hA for dltiiftMto-ri" .vaeetollWK^ Per Coroner (Vote for One) reFT>Et.L M. MYERS S. A. RASH For Sarveyor (Vote-dor One) EARJi U CAUDILL tL d. cooper TREBLY M. COFFEY For Ceanty CommisBieners (Vote for Three).' ROBERT C-MEADOWS J. 0. BREWER RALPH DUNCAN J. C. BTAILACE M. F. ABSHER D. 0. CLEARY D. B. SWARINGEN Dwnocrntic County Ticket Far Sh^ (Vote for One) OgT. DOUGHTON ODEHJi WBirriNGTON For Begis^ ef Deeds (Vote for One) . J. W. NICHOLS F. C. JOHNSON Mdkes Empe From Anitual Saasien Of Bradhir Mtomtua Unit Hold S«t> . urdnjrf VoMoy Proa, ; The Brushy Monntafoi unit « the Hdrai Letter Carriers Ass^ elation of N- C., met at the Amsif^ jean Legton 'hot, on Bast Broad steeet, in SUt|BviIie, Saturday, hagiuning it ten thirty. It origlpally planned to have -held ^ the meeting at th# Piedmont Ei^ oerlqiotit road, eoB- dUiops were nnCavorable, too to the ^ry period, so the location of the meeting was morto from that place to the hut. „ . D. WUt\Hoover. of fitote|Wnsw presldod dariig thcr’ffrst' part od tto meeting, dnrtap Fhteh ■*> addresser Rev. J. G.^ WWtor, to Cool torings tod a tallf'by Post master C.' Mpnroe AdasM; ,'gava the gronp some valuaMo umtipn PwrtalBing to th*. " Hat of the bonus payments w«v veterans. ' ^ yk pienlc dinaier-.was tka grove , adjoining the luit to the large gronp that was present. Reconveoing at 8;to, the unit dlsenssed several mat ters'ef Importance and rietoid Ito fpliowiag officen: R. G-. Ym- gey, of Purlear. preaident; -D. Vfltt iHoorer, of StetesriUe, v||||h ^rsatdent: Da fowmaaT 'Jgd _ Ittylprsville, secretary: D.. jBttSi';. MRstead, of Hldde^e. ^ of the exeenttva fit. LJW^.i It^e, of New Hfltot chspigtiiLL-': The next meeting will ha in WlikM oo'naty, the exact ptiHe te he derided upon later, on~^Miv 19, JM7, - ^ s The state convention will. tta hfitd fi£Httoory, on July tto idtotdtot was elected '' with all who the meettag as ' ■ . . ■ .^^ttam^eeted in 1h« Fdgir iimtef Ereab Ban And Leaves For JBmte Utobsowa @ .TMistoii, injiht. to tiw Edgar, known as. Pe from tha city night, by bi. a wlindoWiWt Pete wu "of. iiney, familiarly. twol l:On.- i’hava bsan: PMy«r

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