Q I THE JOUBNAL-PATBIQT, NOIOT WIUgflBSQgO, N» C; pled by Greeks. Kemadians ^ other ixiles «B on accpont of Wm- rokratic rule and alsr^iirasbnta''^ tion, a condition of our otrn state in thcKbands «f the Diauaiemtic party wlU soon be similar. Turn yonr eyes to North Carolina and see her follow in the same path of desuetodinous destruction. At the reqaest of a number of I®, renders and •> m • • ! a forbidding^ spectacle too full of fsntwrp we an reprodocta?*“tb^' diagnose with ana- HffHona address ot “Windy Billy” ‘y**®**®’ LANDOK PILOT . - Oimtor tihe 70*a Much RiMUon But Planty of Rhyme If Christofer Columbus were here today he would hang his head in shame at the sorry spectacle which would confront his illustrious and auspicious vision. If he could see the aristercrats once more in office, if he could see the abuses and the deviltry of which North Carolina is now both rampant and pregnant, he would disown it: he would regret with all his buoyancy ever having spoke of freedom to the good people of Plymouth Rock about liberty, would cover his head with sackcloth and ashes Uke Job of old and retire to his grave in much of a disgust and a high dungfeon. Two Outstanding Foreigners Lord Byron and the Pope of Rome was both furriners. Christo fer Columbus and Abraham Lincoln was our two greatest native bom citizens, and as I said before. Ab raham Lincoln was the greatest. He was born at an early age of humble parents out in Kentucky where our former illstrious citizen, Daniel Boon once lived. He was not a aristercrat, but just a poor, common boy like the rest of us. He had no education; he never went to school, but by hard work and intrepidity prepared hisself for the president’s office to which he was elected over three other sets of conspirators and he made the greatest of all not excepting General George H. Washington. When Lincoln was elected presi dent it made all the Dimmicrats mad and they brought on the war thar~aTpiymouth R^k and preach-‘ ended just a few years ago. «d freedom and equality to the be-1 Abraham- Lincoln won that war nighted citizens of them parts. 1 I has accepted this invitation tol address you on this glorious day ■ P“*- Dimmicratic party w ar because of a message,! has to give! belongs, but it ^r an you on the state of our country at' Profound work. Lincoln ha a Headersm iu published recently ^ State, a publication edited by Chyl Goerch. Here is the article with Introduction by Mr. Ooerch: Sometiine ago we learned about « famous speech made in Recon struction days by “Windy Billy” Henderson, who upparently was P»ite a character in his day and tisae. Knowmg that Pete Murphy keeps up with everything of this nature, we wrote him last week and ,-4, liujuired if he could get us a copy ,of Hie document. Here is Pete’s * Dear Carl—I am sending you a copy of the speech. It is a gem of purest ray serene; one which brought fame to its author. There D*ver has been one similar to it Isiaee the days of Appollus. I feel sure that you will be asked for many reprints of it. for its fame bat spread all over North Carolina. The speech was delivered in Salis bury. July 4, 1876. Poor old ‘Win dy Bill’ was one of the most uni que chaps ever. He never got any thing straight but loved to speak Bd in his own opinion was a greater orator than Cicero or De mosthenes.” After reading Billy’s speech, we are inclined to agree with Pete, and we believe you will, too. Any way, here it is: Christofer Coltnubus We have great occasion to con gratulate ourselves on this, the ever recurring anniversary of that most auspicious hour when Christofer Columbus landed up this gloomy time when darkness hard and preverse time steerin’ overshadows the land and obfu-i ‘be old ship er state in the raging scates the vision of our contempo-; adversi y wi a i s "■^laries, this day dedicated to po-; embellishments, it -ep ini u y ^tical liberty which has been ob-j served in every civilized country,™"”*" into Syllibud on one a since the splendid epoch at Plym-;"*- ^errybobus on the tother; but outh Rock and one which we has be brung her right up to dry dock assembled here fittin’ly and patri-i""^ ‘b"® be tied her right after otically to observe. , Gineral Lee had -surrendered at j Appomatticks. We is livin’ in the Washington . . . Here Is a new picture of John M. Hamilton of Topeka, Kansas, the man who di rected the Landon campaign for the Republican Presidential nom ination, his reward being the chairmanship of the National Re publican Committee, after Lan don won the nomination. ;;^HJ^istofer Cohimbus w„ one ...i -- ^t history the three a^t of which was Lo | right now thar is so much deviltry he.ISipe of ISam'anrt g:allivantin’ aloose that it be- ..incoln, t - I all partriots to rescue and Lincoln wasK. far the most mag ja non,,- ! beaded for hell. Onl^y the Repub- _ tiBg Of the Pope of Rome, eminds me "f the conspicuous com ^ Luperation in history f-dlition of deplorabiv soon might j, ^,4 the blood of patri- Rome’s .llustnous example and circumvent it. My friends SrectS. 'Vov Juf us knows that constituents. I appreciates this S; the once proud ^ster of RomTi whose proud wall 'thejt-es and realize that the destinies Lddv waters of the Tiber flow-1 "f ‘b•-^ peat country is in your e4 for at least ten ginerations,; composition-our country the Rome who had her Plutus. her De-1 f neatest on earth, you love it I mosthenes and her Shakespeare, j loves it, so right now let us dedi- Rome who gave us Alekandcr the u.s and our posterity and other Great and his horse Buckyfailis, is !*’*e"d3 the task o ' .today a howling wilderness no long-1 ^be fullness of its g y er than the city of Lexington peo-1 P>-ofO"d'‘y of it.s nature until it the plentitude of its immortal des tiny. I am no prophet, but. at the last great day. at which time all the patriots and patriarchs will march forward and plant the star spangled banner on the ramparts of Zion and all the world will fall Gineral Grant heard of it and sent me word he wanted to meet a patriot from the land of the rebles. I put on my silk hat and went to the White House where he were a livin’. He seed me a cornin’ up the walk and come to the door to meet me and when I opened the door he grabbed me by the hand, handed me a seegar and said. “Come in, I am glad to see you.’’ I had no morn sec uown until a nigger with a blue suit on and brass buttons handed me a mint julep, the Gineral a sayiii’, "I hopes it will refresh you.’’ We had a pleasant visit and he shovved his confidence in me by offering to appint me envoy pen itentiary and ambassador extra- ditionaly over to Berlin on the Dead Sea by the river Rhine, and when 1 declined, says he, “If you can’t go there please accept the some office down there at Rio Jaiiierio,” which is in some fur- riiT part and has a big salary. I told him on account of the absen."e of educational faculties thar, I would have to decline and whereupon he appiiUed me Depu ty Internal Revenue Collector for the western district of North Car olina, in which I now reside and hold offise. I>et me ask you, would any Dimraicrat a done like Gineral Grant? No sir! And that’s why 1 be long to the Republican party, the only party what rewards the pa triots and depreciates their serv ices. .An Honorific Future My fellow countrymen, we has a great country, we has had a glorious and portentious past and We can have a honorific future if we stick to the right party. And unless we do the future is ablaze with the fulminations of felon ious Kpocrater which spreads lbs, slimy proportioM alaag-tbi dls-j ^liitsd ..vort«;bre x)ia^ta(f^m of grflhi magpltttdp which it at once 'alaraing dnd gVeat magnitude. If liberty Is .to b« preserved In its pristine embeUlshmenta, it honor is to be maintained as our quid pro quo, aa Gtissar says, it the ship of state is to sail on the untrammelled waters of the salty seas, it our future is to be most auspicious and refulgent, If men are to cease beTng slaves and boundmen. If cotizens of Integrity and puchrltude are to fill our of fices, if peace and happiness is to remain with us Indefinitely and indubitably, If our beautiful and wonderous womanhood is to re main unsullied and inordinately attractive iu Its purity and vir tue, if our children are to have a chance to augment and prepare themselves for the serious and conflicting duties of advanced life. If the stars and stripe:) are to remain afloat in the azure ex panse of a comprehensive and in clusive heaven, then my fellow countrj-men we has but one thing to do and that is on election day to march' in solid falanxes up to the ballot box and vote the straight Republican ticket and then all will be safe; prosperity will be vindicated, and our glor ious country will remain as she always has been the fount-of lib erty, the home of unalloyed civi lization, the wonder of the world, and the delight of humanity—a haven of rest and the ubiquitous land of contentment and the en vy of all the rest of the world, both civilized and uncivilized, both furrin' and Ixlle, Christian and heathen, Presbyterian and Episcopalian, white and black, and in the words of Oliver Crom well when he was led to the gal lows for killin’ Watt Tyler on London Bridge, “The Star Span gled Banner, long may it wave; give me liberty or give me death.” Cp.setting Tyranny We is now livin’ under tyrrany and it must be upset or we is doomed. If our glorious and lugu brious destiny is to be fulfilled, some pa:'iot must arise like that great Republican Patrick Henry to put down sedition and con spiracy, if the Dimmicrats carry this cornin’ election, the war had just as well not been won, for then the aristocrats will be in power iu the nation just as there is ill the state. To your tents oh, Israel, the enemy is knockin’ at the door: if he gets in, all is lost: if we keep him shut out then we may look to the future with Indulgent complacensy and conspicuous pbllity. In conclusion let me say this country of ours will endure if we is successful un til the time when old Rory Bore alis herself drops into the chasm of eternity and now finally and ultimately let me say in the words of Saint Paul, when he heard of the death of Julius Caesar, “Sick seiiter Tyrannibus.” Instead of sentencing Charles Gibson, 19, of Rochester, Ind„ to 2 to 14 years in the state reforma tory tor forgery. Judge Robert Miller ordered him to attend church every Sunday for two years. Keep a Good Laxative always in your home Among the necessities of home la • good, reliable ’iaxative. Don’t be vrltbout one! Do your best to pro- | down and pay homage to the party vent constlpatlcn. "Don’t neglect it which made liberty possible and when you feel any of lt» dlsagree- •Ue symptoma coming on. . . “We have used Thedford’s Black-Draught which undestrans the profundity of nature. .\nd when the mornin and evenin stars shall sing tog^eth- tor 21 years and have found It a | pr, I expects to see the prophet useful medicine that every ■ Jeremiah conxe forth in all his ori Xkmlly ought to have In their home," Wittes Mrs. Perry Hicks, of Belton, ^Itecaa. *T take Black-Draught for tjOiousneas, constipation and other ms where a good laxative or purga- ^ tfvs la needed. I have always found 1 j,am Lincoln and Black-Draught gives good results.” Grant. KT-Bta in 35-cent packages. | soon after the war were over BLACK-DRAUGHT ental clothes and say the world was made better by the Republican party and all the blessings which it has enjoyed is due to the muni- fercens and impertibility of Abra- Uuderses S. I happened to be in Washington. • •• - JI Stag Paint Siains... THE PAINTING SEASON IS NOW ON. WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE. SEE US FOR YOUR RE QUIREMENTS. HitcUey - Moore hardware COMPANY PHONE I»s NORTH WIUCESBORO, N. C. A Friendly Message To World War Veterans When we receive something of value, we wish to share it with those we love in a way that will give them the most pleasure. Some thing, however, that will be of lasting benefit and something to show for in years to come. In this connection, don’t we think first and instinctively of our HOME—^the place where we spend so many hours together? Because the HOME is the very foundation of our Nation, should we not give more thought and Considera tion to the influence the surroundings have on our children? The more attractive we make the home, the more favorable the influence on the children for life. Of course you and your family have made many plans for the use of the money you are soon to receive from the government for your services, and we are sure you have considered the needs of your home and*thought of many things which would mak& it more comfortable and attractive. We cordially invite yoa to come in and let us show you through our stock. .We have a, very complete line and, we believe, .sometlnn? to meet the needs of .tlveiy one, bpth in quality and price. ^ It is always a pleasure to have you come in whether you buy or not. _ ’ : i Very truly- y^urs, -.-.a-,,.,- Rhodes-Day Furniture Co.l'hc. By C. G. Day, President and MaBa|rer. Boii^ Again Wants . His SMt In Senate Vetemn IS*bo ButeamMi An- ■ooBCM iBteBtfoB of SeeUag m-EtoeOca ^ ^ Pocatello, Idaho, June 18.— 'The Poeateilo ’Trlbano said today Senator Wlliiam B. Borah, Re publican of«Idaho, has written that he is '^ililng and rather anxious’’ to seek re-election—be cause of questions involved in the coming campaign. The veteran statesman express ed himself, the paper said, in a letter to R. P. Parry, Idaho Re publican State chairman. Parry could not be reached immediate ly. The letter, as made public by the Tribune, said Borah was writing to make plain his position in case Idaho Republicans should wish “to agree upon another can didate In view of Borah’s stand on the Republican monetary plank.” Borah, since he left the Cleve land convention after hammering pet planks into the platform, had wit,iheld definite announcement of 'vhether he would again seek the Senate seat he has held 30 years. Dr. Chas. W. Mosdey, ^edaUat in stomach and intend medidne. whose fasUli will »P«“i the sum mer at m Brushy Honatan Iron and' lithia Springs, seren^ miles southwest of Wilkedwro, family ahd on jCoaity «f" week from June l#th to her wIU a« aU P*ti^^ desire to see him in the office w Dr. B. M. Hutchens, opposite Hoiel Wnkea in Nmrth Vilkesboro. g HiMm TW FEaJIM OF WELUEIIMe-^ QBpll«RUiili>t OoW-. Cup winner. "I smoke Cae»e!ii” he say^ "enjoy X mCAMILS HILP my di gestion, cheer me np,” says Miss Travis Lander,cashier. TSAuieof, DR. E. S. COOPER GET WELL! CHIROPRACTIC is wonderfully successful in such so-called dis eases and symptoms as the following: Nervous diseases, rheuma tism, appendicitis, stomach and liver troubles, menstrual derange ment, ovarian and womb trouble, constipation, headache, diabetes, all kidney and bladder troubles, lumbago, paralysis, heart trouble, dizziness, catarrh, asthma, dropsy, infantile paralysis, misery in back of head and neck; ringing in head and ears, lack of pep and energy. Professionally I am interested only in your health and my repu tation. Therefore, I will accept only eases which, in my judgment, can be benefited by my service. Dr. E. S. Cooper CHIROPRACTIC—NERVE SPECIALIST X-RAY SERVICE Telephone 285-R. Office Next Door to Reins-Stnrdivant Inc. AN) BEDROOM SUITES-ACT! SAVE! LlViNGROOM SUITE VALUES $35.00 One 2-piece tapestry suite One 3-piece mohair suite, consists of sofa, club chair and CH guest chair - — ^Ul .alv One 3-piece high grade mohair suite, large and massive, nicely decorated; sofa, club chair and CQ7 guest chair vaJ I One 2-piece suite, rust frieze up holstery, sofa and guest $115.00 One 3-piece fibre suite, covered in cretonne and damask; settee, rocker and straight $27.00 One 3-piece fibre suite, settee, .straight chair and (71 FwH .rocker (Liberal Discount for Cash on all Livingroom Suites) BARGAINS IN BEDROOM SUITES One 4-piece bedroim suite, 4-poster bed, triple plate mirror vanity, chest of drawers, and bench. (^1 Cfl Walnut finish One 4-piece bedroom suite, 4-poster bed, triple plate mirror vanity, chest of drawers, and bench. (AA iWI Walnut finish V,““ivV One Modernistic suite, walnut veneer, bed, vanity, chest and (C7 9^’ bench ,.^qJI .4i«l llitC OVAktUy $65.00 One 5-piece genuine walnut veneer suite, panel bed, large triple plate mir ror dresser, large vanity, nite stand, bench. An outstanding I Rhodes-Day value One mahogany suice, consists of twin beds, chest, vanity and 1A AA bench (See window).... vlLv».vv (Liberal DisMunt for Cash*^on all Bedroom Suites) MONEY-SAVING PRICES ON STOVES, RANGES, RUGS, * BEDS,- DRESSERS, MATTRESSES, KITCHEN CABINETS, TABLES, CHAIRS, ETC. . “ALWAYS, OUTSTANDING FURNITURE VALUES*' NINTH STREET - 42 ^NORTH WILiCESRORO, N. C. Ik

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