« wwyjibhwaBP? r^ATRIOT HAS BLAZED THE. ' -- OP pj Tp! “STATE OF ' ' inhm‘ i**» IlewtCM “rS^ v. B T« >rjwitul •drtjigP For. yos knbonk tlM 9f j^Xtthwgrt Ifo ■tor OommeoB B1 dt,,- Oct. *•.' — Senator ' Jatoto Consfaa, in f« Harper Hoajdlal with nremlc r«isonUtt> •iMaadned te » critical condition .^totdSMt, .his physt Jna said in re- '. porting no change in his condi tion Totmeco Market Report Winston-Salem’s tobacco mar ket Tuesday handled a total of 847.7(4 pounds of leaf for which a total of 1164,481.13 was paid to Mowers. 4n average of (18.22 Iweight was made. •trie Tears In Pen Va., Oct. 20.—A roll circuit court Jury found Kathleen Pheips, IS, guilty of Tolnatary manslaughter today in ooaaeetion with the death of her sr-In-law and fixed her pun ishment at five years in the pen itentiary. Protest To iJoover New York, Oct. 20.—The Pro- resslve Republican committee lor Franklin D. Rooseyelt today sent a protest to former Presi dent Herbert Hoover against his "sporadic and misleading phrased attacks upon the President of the United States." K. B., Jr., Pays DtHlar Boston. Oct. 20.—Two civil suits totaling $30,000 against Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Jr., based on an automobile accident In 1934, have been settled In fav or of the plaintiffs for the nom inal sum of (1, superior ccurt records showed today. On Speaking Tour Washington, Oct. 20.—Presi dent Roosevelt hustled through a series of conYerences today and, with a major speech in his brief case, turned toward New Eng land tonight in quest of the 29 electoral votes of Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Connecticut. Drowns In Alligator lanteo, Oct. 20.—A searching Trty from Currituck left here to- • day to drag the Alligator river [ for the body of Elijah Hubbard, }6, of Mamiev who was drp^.ped vm. YTtrx. NO. 6 PBbliahed Mondiyi ^—• ■. i r III- ^ - -t-. :TH8STATa-W.OO pOT OF 3ch60k Complete l^ood ModA Of Year; Payroll Out Feachers Being Paid Prompt ly Without Delay; Have Uniform Pay Days . VOUCHERS FOR $25,750 Being Distributed to Princi pals Today; $23,730 Go to Teachers it' Today ends the second month of Wilkes county schools and the payroll to teachers and other em ployes will go out this week from the office of the county board of education. The psyr >11 this month will ag gregate approximately $25,760. Of this amount $27,730.90 will go to teachers with truck drivers, janitors and other employee re ceiving the remaining $2,020. This payroll includes all the schools on the county system hut does not Include North Wilkes- boro schools, which operate as a charter unit. The city school pay roll, amounting to about $3,000, will he paid at the end of the second month, the city schools having opened a few days later than those of the county system. The pny checks will be deliver ed from the office of C. B. Eller, county superintendent of schools, to the district principals, who will give them to the individual teachers as their reports of the second month’s work is turned in. Teachers are being paid this year without delay. The vouchers are made out and ready for de livery at the end of each school month and the teachers receive them at the time they complete their reports and turn them in. Schools opened at the same date throughout the county. Mak ing'uniform pay days practical. kjcuoiui *■' y. s Washington . . . Above are members of the executive committee of the Future Farmers of America, at work on the task of selecting from all high school students taking vocational agriculture courses throughout the U. S., the one that shall be named “The Star Farmer of 1936.” The committee comprises (left to right), Wm. H. Johns. Na tional Advertising Executive, New York:Owen D. Young, General Electric Co., and R. H. Cabeli, President of Armour and Co., Chicago. Farm Authorities Woman Killedln ToGatherInCity Fall From Auto For All-Day Meet | On Monday Night ExtensiHi Megi and Agents From Seven Counties To Be In This City Friday Mrs. Emeal Stutts, Formerly of South Carolina, Ac- Farm agents and assistants and extension specialists from State College will gat.ier at Hotel W’ilkes tomorrow to map out work for the coming year In this district, which is composed of seven counties. Each specialist will confer per sonally with each county agent and discuss the work that will cidentally Killed Mrs. Belie Sfiitts, wife of ICineal Stutts, an employe on the Blue Ridge Parkway, fell from a car In which she and her hmsband were riding near Deep Gap Slonday night and died within a few minutes, death resulting from the in- jurj:. It could not be ascertained InMoment^TIik W(«k; Both Active Republicaiu to Hear Gris- ^ som, Jonas and Meekins Saturday Night DIXON COMING 28TH Democrats Active With the Township Caucuses and Series of Meetings In Woikmg For" IgtYefO’Votm This week-end will be featured by special drives on the part of both political parties for votes in Wilkes county In the election No vember 3. In the Republican camp the feature will be the speaking on Saturday night at the courthouse, at which time Qilliam Grissom, candidate for governor, W. C. Meekins, state chairman, and Charles A. Jonas, national com mitteeman, will speak. Frank Patton, candidate for senate, is also expected. The speaking will begin at 7:30. pn Wednesday night, October 28, Thomas Dixon, famous author and lecturer, and Attorney R. H. McNeill will speak at the courthouse for the Repub lican cause. In the Democratic camp town ship rallies will be the order of campaign with the first being scheduled for tonight at the city hall here. Voters of Elk numbers one and two and Beaver Creek precincts are invited to attend a rally at Ferguson school on Fri day night, October 23. beginning at 7:30. A similar rally will be held at Boomer at the same hour on Saturday night, October 24. County candidates and other speakers will he present and the public, especially ladies, is Invit ed. Republicans continue with speaking engagements 1 n all townships and the appointments for Friday night of this week are an. follows; C. jH-ijafiBiySi R«gistnurs Will Be at PoUi^ Places Saturday Fw_ RegiatmtioB CLOSES AT SUNDOWN Saturday, October 31, Will Be Challenge Day.At , All Voting Pla^ ilngtoa... Mrs. Lucy Con- neUi^jjl?. of Marianna, Fla. (a- bove)j,' bears the distinction of being the youngest woman law yer ever admitted to practice be fore the United States Supreme Court. She was one of 40 Admit ted at the opening of Fall ses sions. Her husband was also ad mitted. Wilkes Officers GetManSoi^ht In Murder Case Tom Baldwin Taken Monday Night For Slaying in Welch, Weet Va. Officers came to. WllkeebopQ According to the el^ion-lam of North Carolina Saturday, Qei tober 24, will he the last day for voters to register to vote In the election to be held on November 3. Registrars will be at the pre cinct polling places from nine a. m. until sunset Saturday, which will positively be the lut chance for new voters and those who have moved to have their names placed on the books and be en titled to vote In the election. Persons who have become of voting age since the last primary or erection or for any reason are not registered in the precinct In which they reside are those who are interested in registration. Party leaders in both political camps have been quite active in getting out new voters to register but it is expected that the drive will be climaxed Saturday of this week. New registrations have been reported light in a number of precincts so far. Intense interest is centered In the campaign this year, due main ly to the fact that voters will choose a president and vice pres ident, a senaldr and a represen- Of i shni boat fdafleffl shingles and lumber. Brother Of Carl Steele Taken By Death Wednesday Democratic Cause Porter Steele, of near Elkin, died Wednesday afternoon in a Statesville hospital following an ness of several days. He was a brother of Carl W. Steele, well known local jeweler. Predicts Victory For Demo cratic Tickets; Making Two Speeches Daily To Give Prizes At Street Dance Plans Nearing Completion For Gala Event To Be Held Friday Night Plans are nearing completion for Wilkesboros big night, when young and old alike will assemble on the Courthouse square for a night of real entertainment. The dance committee composed of Lon L. Lunn, Miss Louise Melville, Miss Geneva Church, W. B. Turner, and Police Chief R. H. Cranor, state the plans are practically complete, and from all indications it is going to be a splendid event and a marked success. Everything is in readi ness, the music has been arrang ed for, and will be suitable for both round and square dancing, :e street will be attractively ^decorated and well lighted and treated for dancing. A large number of very use ful, valuable and attractive priz es have been secured for the prises wore made through ' the generosity the following merchants: The J. C. Penney Co., Belk’s ^Department Store, The Wilkes ^Drng Co., Crests 5, 10 & 25 Cent Store, Prevettes. Hadley-Moore Hardware Co., North WUlkesboro Wocery Co., Horton Drug Co., Rbodes-Day Furniture Co., Pete's Sandwich Shop, Deans Jewelry, Lance Packing Co., Waldensian Bakery Co.. American Bakeries Co., Lyon Electric Co., Gray Bro thers Furniture Co., The Wonder Cafe, The Try-Me Cafe, The Rock Diner, Peoples Barber Shop and The Journal-Patriot. Delicious refreshments will be ■tfld and all proceeds will go to ward purchasing a fire truck. Mr». I. C. Chnreh, the proprietor of the Rock Diner has very gen-, lusly loaned the facilities of .onttre cafe, to the committee It will be used as headquar ter* for the entire event. large number of very charm- asd attractive young Udles B^a been named as hostesses, and hhve consented to lend their offtotaiice toward making night a snecess. Senator Robert R. Reynolds, of Asheville, was in Wilkes Tues day calling on friends and mak ing new acquaintances. While here he granted an in terview to a representative of The Journal-Patriot, in which he dis- cvissed political topics relative to the present state and national campaigns, saying that undoubt edly North Carolina will pile up substantial majorities for the Democratic tickets and expressed complete confidence that Presi dent Roosevelt will be elected. Through Monday Senator Rey nolds had made more than fifty campaign speeches in the state and he said that before the cam paign ends he will have made at least 75 speeches and visits to 97 of the state’s 100 counties. On Monday he spoke to an overflow ing audience at the courthouse at Danbury and loud speakers were used to convey his address to a large number on the outside. Democratic national headquar ters have requested his services for at least ten addresses in New York state, considered a pivotal point in the campaign and Sen ator Reynolds expressed regrets that filling those engagements would keep him away from the Tar Heel state for a part of the campaign. will be arranged' tor visits to each county. In this manner there will be no conflicts and when a special ist visits any county he will find the farm agent prepared for his visit. This arrangement will also give agents an opportunity to tell farmers when a certain spe cialist will be In the county and he will be able to see him for aid in solution to his farm problems. District Agent O. F. McCrary will have charge of the meeting. County Agent A. G. Hendren and Assistant Agent W. J. Hanna will be Wilkes’ representatives. The counties from which coun ty agents will come to the meet ing here Include, Forsyth, Surry, Stokes. Yadkin. Alleghany, Alex ander, Caldwell, Ashe, Watauga and Avery. Teachers Going To District Meet Resume Clerical Project Monday WPA Project Will Continue Indexing County Records Over a Long Period Th© Works Progress adminis tration’s clerical project will be resumed Monday, October 26, In Wilkes county. This project, which is calcu lated to be of quite much bene fit, was suspended on September 15 because the old project had expired and the new substitute had not been approved under the WPA program for the current year. Mrs. B. R. Underwood will a- galn supervise the project and ten persons certified as being in need of work will be used. Indexing county records is the work to be continued under the project. All county records dur ing the past 60 years am bkng accurately indexed. Will Be held In High Point Today and Tomorrow Schools Not to Close Wilkes county will be well represented in the meeting of the Northwestern district q f the North Carolina Education Asso ciation meeting in High Point to day and tomorrow. Although none of the schools will be closed, Supt. C. B. Eller said he expected one or more teachers from each of the cen tral schools to attend the High Point meeting Friday, All teachers in the North Wil- kesboro schools will attend the meeting Friday afternoon. Schools In the city will close Fri day at noon. Enormous Pumpkin On Volunteer Vine Sirs. ZoUie Eller, of this city, reports that a pumpkin. 62 by 32 Inches grew In her back yard on the garden fence and nature did it all. The vine Is what is common ly known in this locality as a ‘‘volunteer’’ in that It grew without the seed being pianted or without cultivation. In addition to the enmrraous pumpkin with the above stated dimensions, th^« were two other large ones and a num ber of others of sufficient size to make a number of pies. Lowe Inf^t Dies James Thomas Lowe, infant son of Clarence and Mabel Lowe, of Oakwoods, died Monday morn ing. Funeral and. burial services were held at Bdgewood church. : WjHV-.J* I own accom. Ttie' Mdc head struck the pavemmt and .she died on the way to the Wilkes hospital here. vShc wjus 25 years of ago, a daugliter of J. L. Miller, of Co lumbia, S. C. In addition to her Imsband and father she leaves three brotliers and one sister, Muller Miller, of I.iexington, S. ('.; Harper Miller, of Colum bia, 8. C.; Tolbert Miller,__who msides in Florida; and Mrs. .tiable Dade, of I.iexlngton, 8. C. Funeral .service was held Wednesday in Lexington, 8. C. Kyle Hayes On Campaign Tour Through District V41l Deliver Campaign .Addresses In All Counties In Eighth District Kyle Haye.s, prominent local attorney who as Republican nom inee for the eighth congressional district is seeking the office now held by Representative Walter Lambeth, is making a campaign tour of counties In the southeast ern end of the district this week. Mr. Hayes is waging an agres- sive campaign that will include major addresses in each county. He will not return to Wilkes- boro until Saturday and on Sat urday night will be on the pro gram at a speaking to be held at the courthouse In Wllkesboro. Others expected for the speaking are Gilliam Grissom,'' candidate for governor, Prank Patton, sen atorial nominee, Charles A. Jon as, national committeeman, and others. mhklrk church; F.’ JT MtiDuffle and J. F. Jordan at Harmon school, two p. m.; F. J. .McDuffie and J. F. Jordan at Miller’s school, four p. m.; P. J. McDuffie and J. F. Jordan at Shepherd’s school, seven p. m.; P. E. Brown and R. Don Laws at McGrady school; A. H. Casey and C. C. Hayes at Haymeadow school; T. R. Bryan and K. P. Osborne at Pattons Ridge. Republican speakings for Mon day: R. Don Laws and P. B. Brown at Roaring River; P. J. McDuffie and J. M. Blackburn at Pine View school; C. H. Cowles and T. R. Bfyan at Moravian P’alls; Solicitor John R. Jones and Mrs. Jones at Mountain View; A. H. Casey and AlUe Hayes at Windy Gap school. Republican speakings for Tues day: J. P. Jordan and L. Bum garner at Cherry Grove school: T. R. Bryan and J. H. Whicker at Cane Creek schohl; A. H. Casey and Clyde Hayes at Little Elkin school; F. J. McDuffie and C. C. Hayes at Cross Roads: W. L. Cooper, J.'M. Blackburn and Old Wiles at Mine Rid.ge. All speakings are to begin at 7:00 p. m. unless otherwise stat ed. ^[h^'imooting of^k m.n’^ a few weeks ago. - Baldwin was arrested in the Mulberry'vicinity Monday night by Deputies Sheriff C. H. Dancy and S. U. Reynolds and lodged In Jail at Wilkesboro while West Virginia officers were being noti fied that the wanted man had been taken. Baldwin was said to be a resi dent of Grayson county, Va., and had been in Wilkes only a short time before he was captured by the deputies. Off To Conference Rev. R. B. Templeton, of this city. Rev. A. W. Lynch, of Wll kesboro, and Rev. J. C. Gentry, of Moravian Falls, are attending the Methodist conference which began today In Salisbury. Sever al others are planning to attend the latter sessions. North Wilkesboro church, Wll kesboro and Moravian Falls charges report all pledges paid in full. Democrats Will Have Caucus On Thursday Night Democratic executive commit tee of North Wilkesboro township has announced a caucus to be held at' the city hall tonight. All Democrats of tho township are invited to be at the caucus, whieh. is described as importa^nt. LadlW are especialljr invited^ ' ’ t Parkway Office Is Located Here To Handle Right of Way Claims Relative to Con- straetion of Parkway The state highway and public works commission has establish ed an office here to handle right- of-way claims resulting from con- stfuctlon of the Blue Ridge Park way, which is now under con struction from the. North Caro- lina-Vlrglnia line southward more than 50 miles to Deep Gap and the Intersection with highway 421 between this city and Boone. J. P. Dodge and J. R. Cates are in charge of the office, which Is located on the second floor of the Bank of North Wilkesboro building. Watauga County Road Project To Commence Today Officials 61 the state employ ment office here today reported the beginning of _^work on a bifh- way construction praj|f;t in Wa tauga county. The new^tixde wfll extend from Sugar Grove on Ugk- way'421 toward^ Av«t Skilled la(borw8 afe;>needod ois tSo Johy Canvassing Party Solicits Recruits __ ymueuBiierf^ leaders are anxious thaf all new voters favorable to their re spective sides of the fence get their names on the books. The campaign is now entering the home stretch and election forecasters working over time on a number of contests. Various circumstances and conditions add zest to the national, state and county campaigns. GOP Headquarters Established Here Those Who Wish to Join May Enlist In This City Oct. 31 A canvassing party on recruit ing duty for the United States army will be in North Wilkes boro on Saturday, October 31 for the purpose of examining and ac cepting applicants who desire to enlist in the army. This Is a convenient opportun ity for physically fit young men in this Immediate section of the state to enlist and the recruiting party is expecting to examine a number of applicants here on that date. Applicants must be be tween the ages of 18 and 35 and be of good character. The recruiting office explains that there are vacancies In varl- oup branches of the army both for the Stateh and for foreign service In Panama. Begin Work On Benham School Winston-Salem Firm Has the Contract For Elementary Plant at Benham Construction work has begun on a public school building at Benham in Wilkes county, the state employment office report ed here today. Powler-Jones Construction com pany, of Winston-Salem, has con- trket for the building, which will contain four classrooms, auditor ium, principal’s office and teach ers' room. (?- ■Th e building is financed through county funds and a Pubj lie. Works grant. Labor ia ..being furnished, through the eSpl^F- ment service office located here. J. M. Brown, chairman of the county Republican executive com mittee, has announced the open ing of campaign headquarters In the building formerly occupied by E. M. Blackburn & Son store on Tenth street. The headquarters will be open day and night until election date, Mr. Brown said, and extended an invitation to everybody, regard less of political affiliation, to visit the newly established head quarters. The building has been attractively decorated and every thing has been arranged for con venience of visitors. Auction Sale Of Valuable Lands Penney Brothers, the world’s original twin auctioneers, will conduct an auction sale of valu able lots in the Finley Park ad dition to this city on Friday, Oc tober 23, at ten o’clock a. m. The lots are considered very valuable property and will he jsold at the purchaser’s own price and on easy terms. An automobile will be given away free and lunches and refreshments will be served by the Parent-Teacher associa tion. Anyone desiring further Infor-. mation may get in touch with J. I. Myers, local real estate agent. Oyster Supper On Tuesday Night, 27th : -^1 Mr.’ and Mrs. Codl wd Mr. Cyms Wllas^went to. Chari lotto Tuesday to attood a huaiiMt W the Retail tnln. Wtomen’s Auxiliary of 8t. Paul’a Episcopal church will sponsor an oyster supper at the Wonder cafe in Wilkesboro Tuesday night, Oc tober 27, six to nine o’clock. Oyster stews and fry* and oth er delicious plates. w4h all' ac cessories will he sevr^ at S6 cents per plate with- the sponsor ing organisation receiving th* profits. The public is cordially In vited. . ' iO? Mr. J. B. Deans, ■wttWy- knfewn local Jeweler and- merchant,, re mains In’a critical condition, {iobl injuries received Sudday In ’ an antO'dioblle accident. He suffered an Injury to W( . -7'V'?