"o 0 >AT, oc?r. 8C im !AL MMdow Atrlpa Uk« «»r« 'Twater from temcw and proYldo a hay crop at th» same time, ac> eordlns to H. B. Tribou, a«rlcul- - ;^tural enshtoer of the Soil Con- ^ . aarratloB Sarrlce. 1 > x%a atorip la sanerally about 20 to 20 feet wide, wihlle the length s depends upon the site of the Oldtmobde Sales and Sendee Martric aad AeetylcM WekUaff Body and Feader Repairiac* Kadiator Bepabtoc aad Geweral AataanoUle wark. r'Whdete Serriee Day or Nighb Williams Motor Co. T. H. WILLIAMS, Owaer. H Mile West. N. WiMeabote PHONB U4-J. DAIftyTAAi) ! LOOK WHAT HAPPENED ^ WHEN I ADVISED HiMToTlE THE miCK TO MILUE'S TML TD KEEP \T FROM SWISHINO HIM— HAW? milk from MONTVIEW DAIRY SURE DEVELOPE5 ONES $EHSB OF HUMOR . HAW HAW.y ^ AMD ITS A LUCKY THIN6 ITPEVBIOPES 'THEkvosuesm OHE'S UBdSTOO- COME liQl(l .a»d ttie ana that tka teatF wanta to ooaTert lato a meadqv atrtp. ' Water fUnrln* from terrace# emptying into the strip la slowed up, spread out In a sheet, and 3011 that might wash from ter race chr.rmels Is collected, elimi nating practically all soil loss on the field. The practicability of tbe mea dow strip, said Tribou, lies in its being easy to establish, its per manency and usefulness. Meadow strips can be mowed several times in one year. The hay from the strips Is often worth more to the farmer than any crop that could be planted on the same area. A very good example of the efficiency and utility of the mea dow strip as terrace outlet can be found on the farm of L. O. Wllllard, who lives in the Deep River erosion area near High Point. When the hieadow strip was con.«tructed two pears ago Wll- llard did not like the idea, Tribou continued. But at the end of the first year, after he had made three cuttings of hay from the area, he was particularly pleased and reported he had made more from the meadow strip in the form of hay than be could pos sibly have derived from a crop grown on the same land. QUESTION AND AN'S^VER ■ ■■ - ,f r , Roes SMT No JwrtkB Releigh. Oot 24—Charle* Rp«l genentl eoniuet of the Sthte ffigb-. way and Fltblk Works Commis sion, told the commission Invaeti- gating county road ebdins that "for ev«y 220,000 taken out of the highway fund to pay baci: counties, some mile oI road will never be built." Speaking after representatives from nine counties had presented claims totaling $‘6,428,000 to the commission, which Is bolding a three-day hearing here, Ross said: “We should keep our hands off the highway fund that Is paid to build highways by persons who :se the highways. I ask yon what Justice there Is to tax the motor ist of 1938 for a debt created In 1919 to build a road that may not even be fit to use today.” Seventy-nine counties have filed claims totaling 261,100,000 with the commission. Twenty- four western counties were given hearings in Asheville last month. There’s a barrel of health in ev ery glass. Drink more Montview Dairy milk and always feel full of “pep.” MONTVIEW DAIRY BOOMER. N.C., GRADE A MILK Q.—Is it too early to havest sweet potatoes? A.—Sweet potatoes should be harvested when mature and al ways before the vines are killed by frost. If the sweets are not har vested before November there will, in all probability, be heavy losses from soft rots. Where the pota toes do not mature and the vines are killed by an unexpected frost, the vines should be cut from the stems immediately and the pota toes harvested as soon as possible. In digging the sweets every pre caution should be taken to pre vent bruising as this renders them subject to rots in storage and also lowers the market quality. A Chinaman's idea of revenge is lo commit suicide on the ene my's door step. This gives his ghost the privilege of haunting I the hated one. Ford iSale Of R. & G. Used Cars Progressing “Ford ‘R & G’ used cars and trucks, now being offered to the public through the nation-wide Ford dealers' Used Car Clearance Sale, furnish a definite guide to buying quality,” according to A. P'. Kilby, bead of Yadklu "Valley Motor Company, local Ford deal ers. “This merchandising policy means that every used car and truck offered at our clearance sale under the ‘R & G’ emblem has been renewed and bears our guarantee," said Mr. Kilby. “The policy is recognition of the fact that few used car buyers consider themselves sufficiently expert to judge the mechanical condition of a car offered for sale. Our plan provides a reliable guide to quality backed by the integrity of our organization. The emblem is permitted Lo be affixed only to cars which are guaran teed to meet definite specifica tions. The emblem means that the car has passed a rigid inspection and measures up to standards set by the Ford Motor Company.” TOO Mvmn D,H. MAT h. mJJJKE, PEA€H'>TREKS Afiwr t; i»nidi^ilon^nutaiu>^h2s been applied t4> peetab tree# to control bdrera, it ehoold not -be left too long or it may,dama^ ^ tteea. ■>—. This chemical, commonly kagerF as "P. D. B.,” ia pEwed in a tin|; around the tree trunks and eovai^ ed with small mounds ot earth. Alter a few weeks, the mounds should to'TQmoyed to give any re maining gaa a chance to esc^ into the air. says C. H. Brannon, extension entomologist at State College. The mounds should not be left around four to five year old tines for more than a month, he states. Older trees will stand the treat ment for six weeks without in- jury. Brannon added that P, D. B. is the only material known to give satisfactory control of peach bor ers. P. D.. B. crystals give off a gas that penetrates the holes and kills the borers. The borers work in the rooty part of the tree trunk closes to the surface of the earth. To treat a tree, clean and level off the earth around the trunk, then place a ring of crystals around the tree about one inch from the bark Cover the crystals with a mound of earth to hold the gas in. Three-fourths of an ounce of crystals is enough for three and four year old trees. A full ounce may be applied to six year old or older trees. Very old trees with large trunks will stand an ounce and a quarter. When two to three year old trees are badly infested, they may be treated with half an ounce of P. D. B., but be careful not to place the crystals too close to the bark Brannon warns. Ads. get attention—and resuics! ATTEMPT OF G. 0. P. TO SPLIT PARTY IS BRANDED A FAILURE lieu; 193? CHEVROLET pile (ffumlgfe Gpl.” CoiTip|gtcfcj~n^^ Lumberton, Oct. 24.—J. Wal lace Wlnborne, state Democratic chairman, told party members of the seventh congressional district here that “t h e Republican campaign of hunting for sore spots in the Democratic organi zation in order to rub salt into them already has proven a fail ure.” C-arging that Gilliam Grissom of Raleigh, Republican candidate for governoir. "has written to Republicans all over the state for the names of Democrats who have not recovered from the re cent Democratic primaries,’’ he added: “But 1 am not worried about disaffection In the Democratic tanks. The ' Republicans are learning that we can settle our own differences between us like true Democrats. It was an ingen ious campaign plan, but it did not work." NOTICE OF .APPLICATION FOR P.AROLE Richard Anderson hereby gives notice that he will apply to the Commissioner of Paroles for a parole for the remainder of his prison term, having been sentenc ed from Recorder's Court in the Town of North Wilkesboro on ? charge of larceny, which applica tion will he filed on or about November 10, 1936. This the 8th day of October, A. D. 1936. 10-19-2L G. E. ANDERSON. Suit Headquarters FOR MEN AND BOYS ABSHERS Tbt Morning AfftrUUng Carttr^UtttelfvtrPiii With an entirely new type of motor car body —now available for the first time on any low- priced car—combining new silence with new safety for your family. i di&p£cu| MM ! m an ALKA-fELmB FAN SISTIOM i BKABTBUKN, acid STOMACH, GAS ON STOHACT? Have you tried ALKA - SELTZER? Alka-SelUar makes a sparkHng •Ikallne eolnUon. Aa It contatoa •a analgesic, (aodlum acetyl-aalt •teta) It tnt rallevaa U» •varr-dax allmanU, than by raator- tha alkaHna balany, remOTja catam whan dua to hyperacidity STtha atomach. CM Alka-Seltiae at yoez dng staae. - Me. PoekM She 2te BE WISE-ALKALI7E ' I" ■ " - .'S K.C^ BBPlilPI... It Onflow county farmen thin thalr woods ae deni- :ed by it. W. Oraeher on J. a farm near Rleblanda they would have plenty t^'tliwwoad for many yean to ignuo^ and wonid bo growing a pirofiUble crop of Ambor at tbo game tlmo,'sayB Chaflee p. Rnt»- di er. imcE mmit lfVERBH.1^ WMMfAaal '«Bf Mnl« MiTIf 6* ■ ■jw ikwltgaer an twajeea* at . laaaUwa axa tmir ^aaahaaUfta. A nan bgjlMeytdoyH gWttthaeawa. It aid Ontw’a UMa lirar rmatofatt^ twn pemMaf bOa%wfay paalraiifiiiafcaraefM apaadap".HMia- BUM. Stabfcogdy nfoM sa^thlBc mIm. Sca The fraotioe of tatoolng eai from the nativt ot tbo So«tb Sea Itlanda. It wm at one tlaw' a part of sofM pHalUTe rollgioni eoro- mony. iiiM vm-r^ OMt kl; aiewfodi •MMIVAMli h STVOVB PAVOWR 0II2M BfOM ■haa tkff I Foraaloby HORTON'S- CUT.RATE DRUG STORE' monm m\ aUd 'Muunr. Th« From One Farm« to Another Save time and money, and get greater efficiency by equipping tbe rear of your car or truck with a pair of Firestone Ground Crip Tires. These tiles will give you the super-traction that is needed to pull through mud or unimproved roads and will save you the time, trouble and money of applying chains. The secret of the extra traction buiil iulo Fu'eslonc Tires is the massive rubber lugs, scientifically placed on the tread so that it runs as smooth on a hard suiTaced road as the ordinary lire. Ordinarily the stresses and strains would be so great on this super traction tii'e that the ti'ead ivould he tom from the body, but because of the Firestone patented processes of two extra layers of Gum-Dipped cords under the tread and the Gum-Dipped cord body. Firestone engineers are able to build a tire that is stronger, more diwable, and ivill hold the massive super-traction tread securely to the body of the tire. No automobUe or truck owner can afford to travel unimproved roads unless his car or track ia equipped with a pair of these Firestone Ground Grip super-traction tires. Come in today and let us show yon how Firestone Ground Grip Tireo will mto yon time and mon^. See the comjdete line of Croond Grip Thes for cars, trades, husea, troeton and aB idieeM Una implomrats. Uaten to Wm Voieo of Fh^^^^Monday E»Bning$t ooor N. B. C.—WEdF NeUoork GtovinI Grip Grovnd Grip Hoory Defy 4.40/4.50-21 $8.70 $10.90 4.75/5.00-19 4*45 11.75 5.25/5.50-17 11.70 13.90 6.00-16 13.X5 15.70 FOR PASSENGER CARS FOR TRUCKS AND RUSES 6.00-20.... 6.50-20.... 7.00-20.... a4*40 7.50-20.... 30x5 32x6tmATwm 33.45 3B.74 FOR TBACTORS AND FARM IMPLIMINTS 6.00-16.... 7.50-16.... 9.00-36.... $1X.4« 14.1G 73.45 11.25-24... 5.00-21.... 7.50-24.... Other Slxea Priced Proportionetely Low H LET US PUT YOUR CAR IN SHAPE FOR FALL MOTORING WASHING ■: POUSHING GREASING IS A SPECIALTY WITH US H. P. ELLER, Proprietor PHONE 27 NORTH WILKESBORO, C.^ L'J-':