>iTBIOT^ blazed -the trail MH- LUb teNewsOf ‘ State-Nirtion Told Briefly -ttlSf' VOL. XXXI, NO. 17 Published Mondays and Thursdays NORTH WILKBSBOBO. N. G.. MofeAY/BEC.'^ Jffe fl 60 m TMB OTATB-142.00 ^iUT OF> -m. I.y.-.iw...— „ I ■ ■ "i.r "g..'.. KiOed When Hit By Tml* . Huriingtjm, Dec. 4.—Walter W. fe lCawaey. 16, who . was struck by a nassenger train jwjrterday as he „ . ^ walked the tracks readutg^ a bow, at a local hospital ti^y- ■^was the'son of John P. and Mrs. •; Rei->wl Bnyliff /Causey. Railroad avenue. Large Crowd At Installation Of County Officers Today; Sheriff Doughton Appoints Bve Deputies SNEEZER IS CURED Edihontf'O, Alta., Dec. 4.—Ger aldine Spoer, 14, who for 24 days sneezed almost continually, was pronounced cured by doctors to day. She was taken home from the hospital and doctors said she would return to school Monday. The girl stopped sneezing last rbt Finley Is Named Chairman Board Oaths Adminutered^ By Judge Rousseau to Prin cipal Officers APPOINT WHITTINGTON Commissioners Bit By Train Fatal Wteston-Salem, Dec. 4—Albert " 'BadtJi, 54-year-old / railway elerk, was killed instantly by " BoBthem Railway freight train , Id Hanestown, near here, today. Smith was walking along the ^ tracks when struck. His skull was ^ - fractured and both legs broken. Two Democratic Members On Coimty Board First Time in Many Years Odell Whittington Is Chief Deputy; J. M. Beshears Deputy-Jailor College Tries Liquorless Night Cliib Hamilton May Resign Washington, Dec. 4- — Calling the Republican national committee to meet in Chicago December 17, John Hamilton announced tonight he would tender his resignation as chairman at that time. ‘I feel it impossible for me to continue in an official capacity without an ex pression of confidence,” he notified the members. Soldier Believed Suicide Fayetteville, Dec. 4. — Sergt. Samuel Fazey, 47, of the second balloon equadron at Fort Bragg, was found dead this morning with an apparent self-inflicted bullet wound through his head, in the op erations office of the air corps hangar. Sergeant Fazey had been o# duty as sergeant of the guard and jzas last seen alive at 5 a. m. by a sentry he had posted- His body was found at 6:10 a. m. Apostle of Peace Buenos Aires, Dec- 4.—Commit tees of the Inter-American Peace ’^fc*®(jnfcrence went to work tonrght the first full busine.ss session heard President Roosevelt hailed aa an “apostle of peace.” Secre- tary head'Of Sttse ^Fliroself in nam- members of his group to vari ous assignments. Indicating he will maintain a general super visory position and hold consul- t&tioQS wh€ii necessary. > School Building Work Will Begin Within Few Days; County Boards In Joint Meeting Sigin Contracts In a joint meeting Saturday of the Wilbe.s board of education and commissioners contracts re ceived official signatures which assure that the work of con structing three school plants will begin in a few days. The bullding.s to be constructed will be located at Millers Creek seven miles west of this city on highway 421, Sulphur Springs in Mulberry township north of this city on hi.zhway IS, and an ele mentary school building at Ben- ham in Traphiil township. Contractors for erection of the three buildings met with the county board and all details of The newly constituted board of commissioners of Wilkes county, with two Democratic members for the first time In recollection of the present generation, was sworn In today before Judge J. A. Rous seau and in a meeting a few minutes later organized. The board Is composed of R. G. Finley and Leet Poplin, Demo crats, and M. F. Ahsher, Repub lican incumbent. R. G. Finley, prominent local manufacturer who defeated D. 0. Clar>', Republican, by a margin of 533 votes In the November elec tion, was elected chairman of the board. Mr. Ahsher took no part In the organization proceedings, asking that the minutes show that he did not vote and that he protested the vote of Mr. Poplin. Through quo warranto pro ceedings Republicans are plann ing to institute a court action within the next few days to try Mr. Poplin’s title to office as commissioner. They allege that D. B. Swaringen, until today chair man of the board, received 441 votes in Rock Creek township, whereas on the returns certified by a majority of the board of elections only 341 votes were credited to Mr. Swaringen, who was defeated on the basis of the certification by two votes. After a brief session, during which bonds of the incoming of ficers, were submitted for approv al, thq>ij,Qard adjournetl ' to meet tbis afnriicMi for tr*u»aetIou tbur county bnatness; Wilkesbpro P.-T. A. Will Meet Thursday Ever}' member of the Wilkes- boro Parents-Teacher Association is urgently requested to attend the December meeting to be held at the school building Thursday aftornoon, 3:15. A program of much interest to school patrons has been arranged. A large crowd gathered at the courthouse In Wilkesboro tkla morning to witness the lirstaHa- tion of officers of Wilkes county for the next biennium. Oaths of office were adminls tered to C. T. Doughton, Demo crat, sheriff; Old Wiles, Repub lican, register of deeds; R. G. Finley and Leet Poplin, Demo crats, and M. F. Ahsher, Repub lican, for commissioners, by Judge J. A. Rousseau, of the 17th judicial district. Sheriff Doughton, the first Democrat elected to that office since 1894, has appointed Odell Whittington, widely and favorab ly known young Democrat of Union township, chief deputy sheriff, J. M. Beshears, loyal par ty worker, as deputy and jailor, C. B. Yates, of North Wilkes boro, deputy, Robert Mathis, of Antioch, deputy, and Enoch Sparks, of Ronda, deputy. Others, Sheriff Doughton said, will be named soon. After the sheriff, register of deeds and commissioners were sworn In, Judge Rousseau an nounced that he had to leave for Laurinburg, where today he be gan a term of court; and the oth er officers were sworn in later. These Included Goroner I. M. My ers and Earl Caudill, surveyor, both Republicans. Among the prominent men present to hear the oaths admin istered to the county officials was Representative R. L. Doughton, chairman of the Ways and Means committee in congress, the father ^ Stetfri Dow ■ — many bemocratlc' 'p'ai^ 7 from various parts of the county to whom installation of Demo cratic officers was quite a rare treat, Wilkes for many years hav ing the reputation of being the “hotbed of Republicanism” in the state. Clerk of Court C. C. Hayes, Republican, was not up for re- election this year, his being a (Cont«nned on page four) IOWA CITY . .. The newest educational experiment her* at vhe Uni- vrsity of Iowa is the liqnorless night chib. It was inaugurated In late November with a complete floor show of student performers, student waiters and student patrwfl- The idea' won which it is founded is “that students will have home town entertainment and wfll remain off iingcrous highways over the week-ends." Photo, shows the “Silver Shadow” opening night dinners. l^^t' Local Businets and Professiniiu Men O^er Workers a Total of $40.00ln Ouh; ^ Journal-Patriot Giving kACE CLOSE AMONG CANt>^:^ES Doable Votes To Be Credited On AD Subscriptions Tamed In From Mon&y, Deceml^r 7, to Satmrday, December 12 As an Inducement for extra effort on the part of-wp^^wa in th» “Cash Offer” Campaign The Journal-Patriot is adding EXTRA PRIZES amounting to $75.06 In cash to the already staggering list of awards. These extra cash prizes will be awarded as follows: To the candidate who turns in the largest amount of money for both old and new subscriptions from Monday, December 7, to and 'including Saturday, December It. (a period of one week) will b* Compromise Is Reached In Bus Collbion Trial Jury Unable to Reach Ver dict Saturday. After Long Del’bwation WILL RECOVER $6,500.00 Legion And Auxiliary Hold 15th District Meeting In This City; Department Commander Speaks For Two Deaths And Injur ies to ,Two Others In Highway Tragedy Car Is Stolen On B Street In City A 1931 model Ford sedan be longing to L. L. McNlel, of Pur- lear, was stolen Thursday after noon from where it was parked Pickens Tells Of Plans For Pensions For Widows And Vetersms Wiley M. Pickens, commander of the North Carolina department of the American Legion, here Prl- . before a meeting of A compromise Judgment of $6,- 500 in full settlement of damages to the plaintiffs was reached In federal court Saturday afternoon after a jury had failed to render a verdict in the case wherein Dr. W. R. Triplett and H .A. Canter, administrators of the estates of Miss Wllhelmlna Triplett and Mrs. H. A. Canter, respectively, and Mrs. Martha Wheeling were demanding large sums in dam age from^ Qreyhoiutd. I4aes, awarded an extra cash prize ct $25.00. To the candidate who turns in the largest amount of money for both old and new subscrlptlonA from Monday, December 7, to and including Saturday, December 19, (a period of two weeks) will b* awarded an extra cash prise of $50.00. This arrangement makes it poe- slble for any candidate to win either or both of these extra prizes or a total of $75.00 In cash In addition to any prize or commission that candidate may win at the end of the campaign. The money turned in this week to win the $25.00 extra cash prize will also apply toward win ning the $50.00 extra cash prixn offered for the two W'eek period. Therefore the more business » candidate turns in this week, th* better her chances will be of win ning not only the $25.00 prie* but the $50.00 award as well. Local Citizens Cooperate In addition to the^ above extra. - awards, the following buslnea*. .of HKor le retufndd'lT had" ndbn bofroWoA without Itave. Local police offi cers notified nearby towns but no trace of the car was seen that day. On Friday the car was found abandoned on a Yadkla county highway after it had struck and seriously Injured a pedestrian. The car was returned to Mr. Mc- Niel. ‘^strict discussba the Leglon*ir pt^j^ay afternoon. After the case legislative program. In which pen- was settled it was learned that sions for Widows and orphans of members of tjie jnry ■ ■ objec- opinion that a verdict would nev er have teen reached. “r $40.00 ■jr AWARDS WIN $5.00 THIS WEEK AWARDS Streets Lighted For the Holidays WIN $25.00 Merchants Ready To Supply Big Holiday Trading De mand In City THIS WEEK OR A POSSIBLE TOTAL OF $76.00 THIS WEEK AND NEXT WEEK. WIN $600.00 AT THE END OF THE CAMPAIGN. business requisite to beginning of! work were taken care of. The three buildings will bo erected as Public Works projects irtth a PWA grant of $49,090 supplementing the county’s bond . issue of $65,000. The Mlllors Creek plant will be the largest amd.^will house both elemcn'ary jAohi,=:h school departments, re placing the two condemned frame buildings now in use. The Mul berry building will bo a' modern township elementary unit while the Benham building will consist of four classrooms and an audi torium. Disposal Plant Project Approved SEE PAGE SEVEN FOR FULL DETAILS NINE SURE WINNERS THIS WEEK WHO WILL THEY BE? In order to be eligible for one of the EXTRA CASH PRIZES offered this week, a car,didate must make a report to the campaign office on Wednesday, December 9, and also be present Saturday night after all reports are in. Work will get under way next j week on a disposal plant at, Mountain View school, where the { Works Progress administration j only a few days ago completed a modem school building, It was learned today from T. D. Heff- •ner, division, engineer of WPA 'wfc- anbmltted the project for the Wilkes county board of ed’i- ...in ' Total noet of the project will $3,116.19/ of •ksl geverninenf is to furnish 12,4)69-10 and the sponsor $1,- 047.09. Twenty-five nnskillod men will be employment •ad 69 months of labor is allowed, >-' LIST OF CANDIDATES AND VOTES ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION NAME ADDRESS VOTES Miss Dare Eller —N. Wilkesboro — 316,000 Mrs. Grace Cooper —N. Wilkesboro 320,000 Miss Winnie Sue McLean __Cricket 318J)00 Mrs. Verna Woodruff Hays 317,000 Mrs. B. A. Edwards Ronda 321,000 Mrs. Russell Hendren Wilkesboro 323,000 Miss Chessie Edmisten Champion : 326,000 Mrs. Jay Hartley ...—N. Wilkesboro 817,000 Mrs. A. J. Proffit —Purlear, Route 1, 320,000 Miss Malvina Williaras N. Wilkesboro 326,000 Mrs. T. F. Greer Boomer .. 316,000 Mrs. Lois Jarvis Roberts —Cycle ; 328,000 Mrs. J. B. Church -Roaring River ^ 321,000 Mrs Tal Pearson N. Wilkesboro 320,000 Mrs; W. B. Sparks Moravian Palls S16,00Q Mrs. Larry.Brewer ; N. Wilkesboro 816,000'' Mrs. Jettie G.anibill —.^.-.Dockery ; 823,000 Miss Mary Inscore .—N. Wilkesboro, Star Rt. 818,000 Mrs. Joe Palmer N. Wilkesboro - 324,000 Mrs. C. T. Wiles N. Wilkesboro 248,000. Miss Margaret Hendmt N- Wilkesboro 166,000 Mrs. Beatrice Sloop ,N. Wilkesboro 106J100 Lights on North Wllkesboro’s holiday street decorations were turned on Friday night and the city has taken on a gay holiday appearance. The street and shop window decorations have been the source of an unusual amount of favor able comment from visitors to this city from a wide area. Local business firms are anti cipating and have prepared for an unprecedented volume of holi day trade which has already be gun. Meanwhile the urge to shop early is being made in order to avoid the late rush immediately, before Christmas. The trading area of North Wilkesboro Is constantly expand ing, which fact added to general ly Improved business conditions gives grounds for the large trade volume predictions. To fill the growing demand lo cal business firms with a pro gressive'outlook have endeavored to stock merchandise to suit the needs and wants of the people In northwestern North Carolina, making It unnecessary for the people to seek their needs In larger cities. All roads In this part of the state lead toward North WJlkes- horo in the holiday season and a cordial welcome awaits every visitor. Laurel roping for the street decorations here was purchased from Valley View Nurseries. Juniors To Meet /^On Tuesday Night veterans Is the principal live for the coming year. The 15th district is composed of six posts: Mooresville, States ville, Taylorsville. West Jefferson, Sparta and Wilkes post number 125. Five of the six posts and Auxiliary units were well repre sented In- the Legion banquet at Hotel Wilkes and the Auxiliary meeting held in the afternoon at the Legion and Auxiliary club house. In the Joint banquet meeting In the evening Frank B. Johnson, commander of the Wilkes post, served as toastmaster. Seventy were present and the meeting was described as the most enthusias tic and successful In the history of the Legion in the district. In addition to discussing the movement for pensions for wi dows and orphans of veterans, the department commander dis cussed various other planned ac tivities of the Legion during the coming year and outlined the pur poses of the organization. Other speakers included F. V. Fields, district commander. Marshal W. T. Dowd, of Sanford, grand chef de gare of of N. C. Society of 40 and 8, and Mrs. C. P. Andrews, of Charlotte, department Auxil iary president ■who spoke briefly and called particular attrition to the area child welfare conference to be held soon in Charlotte. As added entertainment fea tures Miss Ellen Robinson and Mrs. Frank E. Johnson, of this city, rendered solos and group singing by the assembly was very much enjoyed. The Auxiliary held a splendid meeting in the afternoon wUh many department and district of ficers addressing the members from the various units in the dis trict. Among those who addressed the Auxiliary meeting were Mrs. C. P. Andrews, department presi dent; Mrs. C. P. Frans, of Hick ory. department vies president; Miss Arella Adams, of Charlotte, department secretary-treasurer; Mrs. F. V. Fields, district com- mltteewoman; and Mrs. Carl Broom, of Hickory, department puhnclty chairman., ^ Miss Triplett and Mrs. Canter were killed when Miss Triplett’s car and a bus collided about 15 miles west of this city on high way 421 in October, 1935. Mrs. Wheeling and Mrs. Watson, other occupants of the car, were ser iously Injured. The compromise judgment of $6,500, It Is understood, also set tles a pending action on the part of Mrs. Watson, which was not included in the trial which ended Saturday in Federal court. Many witnesses were examined during the lengthy trial and a “great part of the time Friday was taken up by argument of coun sel. ’The plaintiffs were represent ed by Trivette and Holshouser, of North Wilkesboro and Boone, At torneys J. M. Brown and Kyle Hayes, of this city. Attorney A. H. Casey, of this city, and At torney Fred Hutchins, of Win ston-Salem, were counsel for the bus company. Receives Notice Of Extra Session F. J. McDuffie To Be Sworn In A% Representative De cember 10 Attorney iF. J. McDuffie, Re publican, who will represent Wilkes county In the legislature, received a wire from Governor Ehrlnghaus Saturday to report at Raleigh for the extraordinary ses sion of the general assembly on December 10. The message stated that the session will be to consider an un employment compensation insur ance act and when asked his po sition on the matter Attorney Mc Duffie stated that he^ favored an unemployment insurance act but was unable to tell at this tlpae what pfCrilicnlar form of statute he would support in the seerion. Attorney McDuffie was elected by a margin of 24 votes over his REPORT WEDNESDAY An important meeting of North Witlkiirijdro connril of the Junior order will b© held on Tuesday ; -wfelob every member la urghu^ requested to attend. Nomination of offleors and oth'* qg Important buslneM matteta wiB bo taken up and thare utUl'' iDiicity cnairumu.. 6pponeut, W. A. McNleL* Through both meetings a spirit uent local business man, in tfi* iarOUBB a*avw*—o- — -W —- - of keen interest in Legion and election on NoTsmber 8 AttriliaiT kctWtlea . shown imd quite much -enthuslaim was ev4deno«,.,It -was brouaht o.qt Tha action on the part of a governor In calling an extra ses sion is la line with that of gov- rtww mfetohiifuhi^ in" «mors of many other states the itaio has already pa»ed'tha ■irhlch did not have Uws whm^ - l-i. ...JI t. tamriir than'' atatsa Muld DartiCinate Is : es*. ^ degree work. Igooo mark and Is larger tharf their sUtss isonld participate In the membetuhip during the pasq«ha social sec^ty ^ enacted by year. the last congrees. to 'bo iward^ to tlie nekt ef candidates who turn in the next eight highest amounts of money" for both old and new subscrip- i tlons from Monday, December 7, “ to Saturday, December 12. Thaee extra prizes are to be a'warded Saturday night:—J. T. Prevette. $5.00, Brame’s Drug Store. $5.09, J. C. Penney Co., $5.00, BelkW Department Store, $5.00, Dean's Jewelry Store, $5.00, Pearson Bros., $5.00, Dr. E. S. Cooper. $5.00, Central Service Station, j $5.00. This makes a total of $65.00 In cash that Is being of fered the “Cash Offer” Campaign candidates during the present week, ending Saturday, Decem ber 12. Double Votes Beginning Monday, December 7, and continuing until Saturday, December 12, the double vote schedule ■will be in effect. Under this schedule every subscription turned 4n will be credited -witk just twice the number of votes aa pi'lnted on the back of the re ceipt books. While this schedulo | is less than any schedule up to the present time it is such that any candidate who is actively at work for one of the biggest a- wards cannot afford to lose any time during the present week. Every interested candidate will get her share of these doublw 'votes while they last. Remembar —Double Votes offer yon "two for one”! Two hours’ results-for one hours’ ^ork. Get them In thia Candidates are reminded to bo sure to make their cash reporta on Wednesday between 3 and 6 p. m. Schoolinasters To Meet On Tuesday’! Dinner Meeting To Bo Held At School Building Tuea- . day Evening ‘ Wilkes County Schoolmastoia^.j; club will hold Ite regular Decern-^ her meeting at the Wllkesh high school building on Tuesday evening, December 8, beginning at 6:30. f An InteresUng program on th» tnhject of “Gnldanee" wfll “bo die- etnaed and'all menrixM are ex pected to attend. •It will be a dinner meet with dinner furnished by thet-j home eeonomlca 'department tt ' Wilkesboro achoot Plates win b»“j 50 cents each and thoqe who wiek plates are asked to hifprai lU Helen Bostie; HttateT. *ot W .than Tnestoy,