- ■'.■■■*i'>i-T7^-,iTjt--f, :;V.- HAS^LAZED THE’ TRAIL O? PR0GBESS '&; ' mt " .■’■*■ Section 1 Da T«wr CIuMbhu Sl>op* pli^ Ja Norik H^kcriMro. VOL. y^TT, NO. 20 Publtshed Mondnyg and Thursdays NORTH 'mM £ate News Of State-Nation Told Briefly Ballet Oat of Brain Baltimore, Dec. 15.—George F. Hopkins, 15, of Penn Yan, N. Y., was reooToriBx tonigSit after a delicAlA, oparfUon for remoral of a kaUw.lrQm klr brain. H^SfoOs BfaikiBr In Bade :y4t., D«. 16.— ho back aa He stood wUk anas raised. Mack cashier of the Bank burg, was In a serloas saditloa While state and county PoUee IMktrolTed this section In aoarch of the bandit pair who looted the bank of $3,000 here. 285 OoBfederafes Nfgikh, Dec. l^^i-Two hun- ' anV'^£hty«tlTe North Caro linians, the only surviving wear ers of the grey uniforms of the Oootedeiacy who claim state pen sions, received checks today. In a number of the counties of the state the last veteran of the war between the states has passed on but there are also some yeterans who do not claim pensions. Capture Bootieggers Manteo, Dec. 15.—Four men were captured with 15 pints of ho^Ueg whisky by officials of the ccc camp soar Buxton Sunday afiernoon. Lfent. W. P. Beckham, commanding officer of the camp and E. J. Byrum, forestry super intendent, made the arrest. The four men. two of them reported Ho be from Currituck county, were said to have driven up to the kitchen door of the camp In f small touring car. Murderess Suicide Losing,, Mich., Dec. 16..—■ Hf^lP^MlVSan, who killed her best fl^Wtd, Banged herself In the , county 4all today after a plea that “Isa' itetes 'found on •magailnea la her cell told her remorse for ahootlng Elisabeth G 111 n e r, daughter of a Michigan State college dean, to death a week ago as the two addressed Invitations to Miss Giltner’s approaching wedding. Is EstaUishing Mirror Plant h No. Wilkesboro Carolina Mirror Corporation Will Be New Manufac turing Firm INSTALL MACHINERY To Use Building Owned By Meadows Mill Cmnpany On B (Street The Carolina Mirror Corpora tion, organized by W. A. Aider- man, of Galax, Va., H. O. Wolts, of Mount Airy, Clarence S. Aider- man, of Galax, Va., and Ed F. Gardner, of Mount Airy, Is es tablishing a mirror manufactur ing plant In' North 'Wllkeeboro. The corporation has leased the brick building owned by Meadows Mill company on the comer of B and fourth streets for the main pla. t of the mirror corporation. All new and modern machinery is being insital’^ and it is under- *stood that the plant will manu facture mirrors to be used by the furniture industry In the manu facture of furnltutJ. Ed F. Gardner, formerly with the Mount Airy Mirror Corpora tion. of Mount Airy, will have charge of the plant. Mr. Garner Is a man of wide experience in the mirror manufacturing business, having been engaged in the bus iness for many yeahs, and is thoroughly versed in the manu facture of mirrors. The plant will be one of the best equipped in the Carolinas and it is understood that the corporation has ample capital with which to expand should bus iness justify an expansion. The citizens of North Wilkes boro are very glad to have the new plant located In the city and Mes-srs. Gardner and Alderman have been well received by the business interests and social cir cles of North. 'Wilk^boro, ime here and are ocenpyisg the Henry Reynolds residence on Sixth street. ), N. C., f HUBSD/^T, Jwestx $1,60 IN THE StA5»-^2.00WT OF SOON TO ANSWER FAN MAIL Doughton Placed In Contest For House Leadership May Be Compromise Choice if Rayburn - O’Connor Fight Develops NOW HEAD COMMITTEE On Ways And Means; Is Described As Most Able Democratic Leader Says Watershed Is To Be Cleaned Up Tfr Killed His Wife Easton, Pa., Dec. 15.—Pres-j Sanitary Inspector Says Bad Ident Judge Russell C. Stewart | Conditions Must Be Cor- ,sentenced Robe^'t Albert, 27-year- \ rected Now old WPA worker, to 10 to 20 ! years’ Imprisonment today in the killing of his wife, Queenie, who was run down by an automobile driven by Albert.. Albert, who lives In lower Mt. Bethel town ship, pleaded guilty to a charge of murder yesterday. The three judges of the Northampton coun ty court adjudged him guilty of murder in the second degree. Q. S. Odell, county sanitary In spector, today issued for publica tion a statement in regard to the watershed of the water supply for North 'Wilkesboro and Wilkes boro and pointed out bad condi tions which he said must be cleaned up at once. His state- I ment, which is self-explanatory, ■ follows: ' “I am cooperating with city of- Two More Exocntion.s j fidals of North Wilkesboro in Raleigh, Dec. 15.—The grim sanitating the watershed, from gas chamber at state prison here} which both towns get public wat ts scheduled to claim two more | er supply. There are a number of TfeOms before New Year's day, to i homes In this section above the ^ all-time record for the i water plant, who do not have any | I privies at all, or any other sew-, disposal system, and others | Representative Robert L. Doujghton of North. G^arollpf hns ' ^"ooai Hodsi* by Repre'sehthtlve Zeb Weaver of the 11th district. In announcing for Mr. Doughton Mr. Weaver declared, “He Is one of the ablest members of th© Horse, an outstanding Democratic lead er, and should be chosen.” Representative Rayburn o f Texas and O’Connor of New York are engaged in a bitter fight over the leadership. It is expected that the North Carolina delegation will indorse Mr. Doughton and back the movement to make him (Continued on page eight) School Payroll For 4th Month Beii^[ Delivered Total Of $27,700 Being Paid This Week to Teachers; Other Employes Fourth month payroll aggre gating approximately $27,700 will be paid to school ttochers and other school employes In Wilkes county the latter part of this week. day of this Week and vouchers have been prepared In the office of the county board of education and are ready to be .delivered to the teachers through district principals when the month’s re ports are accepted. Pay days come around prompt ly for the teachers, all of whom will receive their salary for the month before the Christmas holi days. Uniform school opening dates made it possible to have uniform pay days. OVER-CONFIDENCE AND FALSE HOPES "number of executions in N\rth Carolina in a singl© year. Unless Governor Ehringhaus intervenes, Reed Coffey, white youth convict ed last July ia Avery county of the murder of his uncle. Hardy Coffey, and Fred Grey, negro, found guilty la August In On slow of. sla^ng bio wife, L«ettuce Gray, will die Friday. Former King Depressed _ sfeld. Austria, Dec. 15.— ard of England was describ- morose, dishearten- “jaddenly aging since the ^ft march of events that cost him his throne for the love of Wallis Slmpeon. The now Duke AlW Wlndsof Is “iu the depths of afprasalDn from which It impoasiWe to arouse him.’ said member of the Baron Eugene ^Blel Rothschild household •^ero Edward la a guest. MolheTOf Mrs. Eshelman Passes Med At Home In Ohzmlotto Tu«»- dov: PorenU Held There WedBesdr.y McLaughlin, mem- of 900 of ^famrtotte’s oldest »d heat families, died v,^e«^y morning. She had Koem -9^ aeverai-week* at crltilmlly Amwm. llM, tMeL*nghHn was the of Mr*. Ward Eshelman and of this city. ‘ ifm. HoLanghlto -was 74 y^ra tai been » reoldont of age who have old unsanitary privies. ■ ‘‘The state law requires every | property owner on the Public | water plant, to have an approv-j ed sanitary privy if they do not 1 have a septic tank or other ap- j proved outlet tor sewage. "Failure to comply with this law Is a misdemeanor, with a fine | of not less than $10.00 or more j than $50.00 or 30 days In jail or both. Each day for failure to comply shall be a separate of fense. A survey of the watershed has been started, which Includes all sections above the water plant that have a natural drainage to ward Reddies River or branches running Into it. All of this water shed must be cleaned up at once. “There is a sanitation project in this county, by which anyone can get a privy built by furnish ing only the material. The labor will be furnished free. Those de siring this service should at once get In touch with the local health department or see the supervisor of this project, who is Charles M. Cranor, Wilkesboro, N. C." for 6$ 7f»n. Funeral 9nro h«l* ■“ Wodneodar ^ming at etoiwn o’aloek. Another Auto Death Rocky Mount, Dec. 15.—Jacob B. Ward, 56, qf Fraoklln county, succumbed In a local hospital to day from Injuries received Satur day afternoon wh»*n ho was run over near Bunn by an automo bile driven by C. A. Griffin, Jr„ University of North Carolina student. Mr. J. F. Dancy, of 'Wllbar. is a patient at' the Wilkes hospital. Over-confidence may lose the coveted award. Too mahy votes will win—too few will lose. See to it that yon have enough. The last week is always the biggest for the majority of candi dates. Opportunity never knocked so londly. No doubt every member of the “Cash Offer” Campaign hopes to be in the winner’s list w‘hen the final count is annonneed by the judges. But it is plain that not every one can be a prize winner. Only those who fight their way to the top can share in the big award* To those who feel that they have done enough, that nothing re mains hut to claim the prize, let there be warning- Don’t slip on the banana peel of over-confidence. No Race Is V/on Until The Race Is Ended LIST OF CANDIDATES AND VOTES ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION . NAME ADDRESS VOTES Miss Dare Eller. N. Wilkesboro _ 1,252,000 Mrs. Grace Cooper N. Wilkesboro 1,262,000 Miss Winnie McLean Cricket 1,254,000 Mrs. Verna Woodruff. Hays 1,265,000 Mrs. B. A. Edwarda JRonda —^ — 1,251,000 Mrs. Russell Hendren ..Wilkesboro 1,263,000 Miss Chessie Edmisten.Cfaarapioa 1,260,000 Mrs. A. J. Proffit J*urlear Rt. 1, 1,261,000 Mils Malvina Williasm N. Wilkesbo^ .— 1,259,000 Mrs. Lois J. Roberts Cycle — 1,258,000 Mrs. J. B. Church. Roaring River 1,265,000 Mrs. Tal Pearson ...N. Wilkesboro 1,^5,000 Mrs. W. B. Sparks Moravian Falls — 1,008,000 Mrs. Larry Brewer N. Wilkesboro 1,256,000 Mrs. Jettie Gambill Dockery —^ 1,257,000 Miss Mary Inscore N. W. Star Rt. 1,255,000 Mrs. Joe Palmer N. Wilkesboro 1_. 1,206,000 Mrs. Jay Hartley N. Wilkesboiro 868^000 Mrs. T. F. Greer Boomer __.J. 316,000 Mrs. C. T. Wiles N. Wilkesboro _ A 252,000 Miss Margaret HendrenN. Wilkesboro 168,000 $50.00 IN CASH to the candidate who lams ia the largest amount of money for snbseriptions from Monday, December 7. to Ootordoy, Decem ber 19. ' { TransadMany. Items Bnsmesf W. H. MeElwee And J. M. Cooper Are Appointed County Attorneys AUDIT IS CONTRACTED SheHfFs Sottihaaent Tenta^ lively Aceepfasd; Name Appraiaal Gro«p j Wilkes eona^ bokr4 bf eom^- mlssioaers in recess nei^n Tues day transacted a number of Items of public interest..The hoard, for the first timevia recollection of the present generation, has a Democratic" minority; ^hairtsan R. G.' Finley and Leet Poplin, Deniocrats, and Jf. F., Absher, Repuhilean Inoumbent. In Tuesday’s session W. H; He- Elwe© and J. Milton Cooper were appointed ceunty attorneys on motion of Leet Poplin seconded by R. O. Finley. W. F. Absher Imt in nomination Attprney i^e ^^yes^ and protested the- of Mr. Poplin, against whom D. B. Swaringen plans to f -gtad ^no warranto proceedings to try.tttle to the office. Prior to thg Indtto- tlon of the new ^members o'n-De- cember 7 Mr. -ia^raringey-;.was chairman of tie board. 0% J)e- cember 7 both Mr. S#.srlsggn end Mr. Absher filed nt^cea.-ol l»rb* test In regard to Mr. Poplin with the commissldnors and Mr. Ab- sher’s protest was made to cover all proceedings for which Mr. Poplin has or will cast a vote. Attorneys McElwe® and Coop- '>r succeed Attorney A. H. Casey, who served ah county attorney for 14 years at a salary of $100 per year. Settlement - of W. B. Somers, whose term as sheriff expired De cember 7, as tax collector was tentatively accepted subject to audit and lee^ determinaUon. Tax books for the year 193$ tipped, oyer to hlg, for’ coHeetlon. The firm of Chapman and Strand, of Charlotte, was award ed contract for auditing books of county offices from June 30, 1936, until July 1, 1937, at a cost not to exceed $800. The au dit is to Include a separate report pf business until December 7, when new officers and re-elected incumbents were sworn In for another term. Books of the county war* au dited, last year by A. M. 'f’ulVen company, ot Greensboro and Ra leigh, at a ep»t of $676, county records showw jf. On motion R. O.j. Finley seconded .by’Leet Poptlm It w^ ordered by the bdard that ?. O. McNlel, R. B. Pre-^te and Rus sel Gray he appointed to. l^pect the county home and to ai^r^lM the personal property of the home and to report findings to the board. They are to receive $3.00 per day for their services. W. A. Brown was appointed janitor for the courthouse, to be gin his duties on January 1. His salary was fixed at $40.00 per month. Thieves Busy At Morarian Falls Poatoffice, Seroggt’^ Store Entered Monday Night; Merchandise Taken Thieves of unknown identity on Monday night forced their way Into Moravllan Falls post- office and Scroggs and company store, also at Moravian Falls. Entry into the postoffice, lo cated In th© Yellow Jacket baUd- Ing, availed the thieves nothing because the postmaster bad car ried all funds and stamps out of the office at closing time. Evi dence left by the thieyes indicat ed that they had broken in the front door and had broken Into the postoffice through the win dow for packages. However, the store suffered considerable loss. It being esti mated that more than a hundred dollars’ worth of mercuandlse was stolen. Including some new merchandise which had just been stocked for the Christmas trade only a few days prior to the robbery. No dhio has been found by o$- ticers that promisee to lead to the idenUfIcatlon or capture of the thieves, it being believed that the same party or parties entered both the postoffloe and etore.^: Mr7 IL H. a ttsM known rwldenl 'of township, waa a North 'Wilkes boro visitor 'Wednesday. me To increased Efforts Closii^ Hours Only a Few Days Off—Wed* nesday, December 23, is the End. (My Five Days Left to Secure Wimiing Votes. Second Payment Subscrip tions Important To Those Who ' Want To Win. * BIGGEST WEEK OF DRIVE PREDICTED Candidates Swing Into Lut Minute Fi|ri>l For Major Awarda In Big Profit Sharing Event. The race for the twenty-five dollar extra cash prize last week was close between three of the candldatee. This leave? It very much in doubt as to who will be Sldires Plan To BeGosed2Days Friday And Saturday, De cember 25 and 26, J3e Christmas Holidays A former action on the part of the Wilkes County Merchants' as sociation In regard to holidays for stores has been rescinded and according to an agreement reached today by association members and many non-member firms, two days, Friday and Sat urday, December 25 and 26, may be observed aa Christmas holi days. Definite announcement as to plans and list of firms to ob serve both Friday and Saturday as holidays will be published Monday. Both banka will be closed on Friday and Saturday, December $6 and 26. School Reforms Resolution Containing Three Point Legislative Pro gram Adopted Here In keeping with actions being taken by P. T. A. units through out the state, the North Wilkes boro association in December meeting adopted a three point legislative program for 1937 em bodying a number of school re forms. The resolution adopted here follows; Restoration: After, a careful study of the facts we find the need of a definite stand for the appropriation of State Funds to provide for the full restoration of salaries for all teachers In the public school system and State Institutions of learning in order to insure to the Youth of North Carolina, teachers of ability, training and experience. We stand further for sufficient funds to provide for similar In creases In th© following phases of the school program: 1. Additional teachers. 2. Instructional supplies, li brary facilities and operating costs. 3. Sick leave. Increments and raised certlflcatee. 4. Health program. 5. Enforcement of compulsory attendance. 6. Replacement of basses. Supplementation; We request provlBlon In the machinery act for the right of properly consti tuted districts to supplement the State minimum program to make possible the provision of the ninth month, twelfth grade, re duction of teacher load, ungraded classes and an enriched curricu lum. .... Professional Requirements; As a mMus of protection for the child, the teacher and State, we urge that every consideration be given to strengthening the pro fessional requirements. the winner of the $60 extra cash prize that is to be won this Sat urday night. The $60 will be wo® by the candidate who turns in the largest amount of money for old ■•and new subscriptions from Mon day, December 7, to Saturday, Do- cember 19. This Is a nlc© award In Itself and is In addition to any prize a candidate may win at the end of the campaign. They’re now on the home stretch In The Journal-Patriot "Cash Offer’’ Campaign. After weeks of strenuous effort on the part of ambitious workers, who have been striving zealously in quest of subscriptions and votes, they see victory just ahead of them. With closing time a few days off, the curtains will come down upon one of the most far- reaching “cash offer” subscrip tion campaigns ever conducted in North Carolina. Hundreds and hundreds of new subicriptlons have been add ed to The Journal-Patriot list— new friends have been made— come to stay. Plenty at Stake With the rich awards hanging In tb© balance, all candidates are bat Us naSWF^"risesmber 23.-' If you are expecting to win the biggest award In The Jonro- al-Patriot campaign. It Is up to- you a’on© to hav© more votes than your nearest competitor. Work hard—victory ia just a- head. This Is the time to work for “Second Payments,” and the con testants are not forgetting their possibilities in that direction. A Second Payment” is another payment on a subscription prev iously given. By this plan a con testant can go over the field •- gain and get subscribers to ex tend their subscriptions. ’Tbesa extended si'.bscriptlons will count on the special offer under which the original subscription was given. Per example, if a one-year sub scrlption was given you in the first period and is extended t» two years by the payment of an other one-year subscription, th» candidate securing the second subscription receives credit for the additional votes, which count 22,500 votes Instead of 10,000 votes. The extension subscription therefore adds 12,500 votes. Then a subscription extended from one to ten years would add still more votes In proportion to the slz© of the subscription. Ten subscrip tions extended from one year to ten years in first period would get 2,556,000 votes. Consequent ly “Second Payment” subscrip tions will play a big part In the winning of the Big Awards. “Second Payments” count In the Extra Vote Offer In which the original subscription waa ob tained. ’That Is, If a candidate secured extensions enough to make a $30.00 club, the original of which “were secured In the 300,000 Extra Vote Offer, they would get 300,000 ESxtra Votes— the number allowed for $30 clubs In the first period. Taere is still abundant oppor- tnnity to amass a great vote, and the contestants realizing this, ore working with renewed energy ts the contest draws to a clo^. There are only a few days left. Christmas Dance At Legion Hut Jottior Woman's dnb of North IViikesboto is epMUorlng a dahoe’ fo be beM Ouriatmas .nlteraooB and uWht at the Xm? gljon nod AojEBhHry ctabboaoe. n>e afternoon dance will be from, temr to abc o’clock, and at night frrat 6:80 aatll 1:S6. atabby and bts wide ly known U-piem orchettea wtU fnndah nnmie fer Oe dane- TToftis from Ute donee wQ berwaed by the chib to forthar- onoe of worthy aoliilHes. *Slim Jim’ Comic To Appear Again “Slip Jim,” the comic carried by The Jonnial-Patriot and whltih proved 30 popoltr a-'^pertSd''s of four yean, will appear acala^ la this newspaper- W* glnninf Monday, Xanwgnr^ ’ q p _ While the comla baa been til»p- ** {j ommlttfd.-., tlMtb... have behn manf inqnimnjiiiiidCiMjHlk it ia to be reanmel'v -A.-ragalar weakly faatnre. The ceink, al- thongh 'With an appeal to adalMt; " IHI pn>rad to be sepoUally pepn- iar wUh childTMi. tc _ ' * ' D »*>■; ’ '/u

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