ION FATAL rtapton,'Jsn. 22.-^C. Mar- ^Stroppe, 43, eastarn Burke and flBwinni operator, was oibers were i^en the boiler at a saw- exploded la the^utb moun- ^ ai^ miles aonth of Mor- The two employes, Obe FraakllB and Berg Tranklln, wera severely burned by the blast ”i.wbteh icnoeked them 30 foet. ^ P. a R. ON JOB ^l^ahiii^on, Jan. 22.—Preel- deot RooMvett took perMnal command today of federal rel’ef for"'flood Tiotims, ordering every agency of fh.» government to leadji ^nd. He delivered bis in- atrvo^ds at a cabinet meeting after Rear fkdaalral Cary T. Gray- n, chidrman of tbe Red Cross, 33b^^d^-tltat 126,000 refugees bad. ^heen moved out of flood •ones to the mid-west and south. FltUrr DAMAGED Ang^e^ Jan. kg.-r-IVinter the balf^bUUon dc^r Cai- eitrus fruit Industry Its ;'blow to 24 years totoy. tok the rrePt of crop oramgea, lemons and grapefruit, vn^ke unestlmated. Temperatures in the heart of the 250,000-acre citrus empire dropped as low as 14 degrees—16 below freezing— early today. JGIBL Np LS SELF Lshevs|_,, Jan. 22.—A coro- here this afternoon St Pauline McElrath, 16- F«ld girl employed at tbe borne of ChrU Moshoures, near Bnka, dlsd of a seif-inflicted bul- l«t wound. Mies McElrath’s body was found in a bedroom of the Moshoures home Yednesday aft- oriKXto. a ,22-«al. or bullet hole in her chest and a rifle lying be side ker on tba floor. holding s®Ecr ' Luray, Va., Jan. 22.—Sheriff •toha William Ruffner. of Page county, said today he was holding a man picked up at the Stanley. Va., railway station today for Questioning in the Charles Matt- -^rson kldnap-slaylng case. Sheriff Ruffner said the man “answered d,»crlptlons” of the man who snatched the 10-year-old Tacoma, .Wash., child from his home and .' later toft his beaten body In the •now near EJverett, Wash. THREE QfUAIK Montreal, Jan. 22.—(Canadian Pfpnn) Doctors and nurses tried toniglit te preserve the life of the only kttrvtvtog Rondeau quaSlmp- tot baby after her two brothers sad afster died, only a day and a ?*ke ehlWren, horn yester- AO-year-old Mrs. Arcade a^u in her farmhouse at St. Thomas. 4« miles northeast of Montreal, escaped Injury as an watoilnnce taking them to the hosplle* crashed into a snowplow bn au icy highway. TROIJBLE jP^^^^Meckleu- Jan. 22.-r-MecKjen ^^unr r«r»» busing ^iaetadsB l»T«tl«atlng thefts, were tubberfssted to find their ttot guns bad >- ^ded. Some high-powered began at home, and officers discovered one Hie ‘ikeapons—literally taken - ttpder their noses—in an ^srashop. Wy A, Harris, ,„jr rmral policeman, later rarterted and sentenced in gcaaty teemrdirt ^ a ot the roads. Harris did itify hut Rural Pollce'Chlel Moseley tfkOted the former be took the was hungry. persons'to the eweoct Apec- s^it^A^iiwiMies that eyeActe and ever More than 100 people Interest ed poultry raising, represent ing teg counties, attended the poultry short course held In Wllkesboro Friday. Counties represented by coun ty farm agents and poultrymen included Yadkin, Iredell, Alex ander, Caldwell, Catawba, Wa tauga, Ashe, Surry,. Alleghany and Wilkes. Wilkes, now becoming one of the leading poultry producing centers In the state, was well rep resented by representatives from the hatcheries and a number of leading poultry producers. Representatives of the exten sion service who conducted the course were O. F. McCrary, dis trict agent; C. F. Parrish, Roy S. Dearstyne, H. J. Guager and C. J. Maupln, poultry specialists from State College and the ex tension service. The meeting opened at ten o’ clock and continued until 3;.10 In^ the afternoon with an Inten-nls- slon for Innch at noon. The fore noon session was devoted prin cipally to discussion of subjects pertaining ta successful poultry management and In the afternoon a number of diseases chickens were examined and special em phasis was laid on dikbase preven tion. iteem interest was fhowu '‘^d^ icribed as very successful. Berean Class To Banquet Friday Interest'ng Program Planned for Members and Guests at Legion Clubhouse Berean class of the First Bap tist church, one of the largest and most influential Sunday school classes in this part of the state, win hold Its annual banquet at the Legion and Auxiliary club house on Friday evening, seven o’clock. jVnnouncem nt of the banquet was made yestercay by 0. O. McXiel. president of the class. Every member Is asked to be present and cost of plates for members Is paid by . the class treasury. The cost of plates for guests will be fifty cents each and reservations should be made with C. O. McXiel or Attorney A. H. Casey. Those who desire transporta tion to the clubhouse should call Frank Tomlinson, chairman of the transportation committee. An interesting program Is being planned for the banquet meeting. Home CominR For Jr. O. U. A. M. Here A home coming meeting has been announced by officers of the North Wllkesboro Junior or der council to bo held Tuesday night and every member of the council is urgently requested to be present. There will be side degree work and refreshments will be served following the meeting. Visiting Juniors will be welcomed. J. C. Livingston Hatchery Improved Announcement la made today of Improvements at the hatchery and poultry farm of J- C. Liv ingston, located two miles from Wllkesboro on the Moravian Falls highway. New and Improved hatchers and Incubators have been Install ed and the capacity of the hatch ery is greatly Increased to fill a growing demand. An advertise ment ©Uewher© in this newspaper gives details about the Improve ments and has a special message to poultrymen. George Spivey, a inemher ot the Renly 4-H club in Johnston county, has ordered 300 baby chicks for his broiler proljeet tUs spring'. He clear«d exactly. $27 on 3,00 broilers faat sepoa. DETROIT . . . Above are motor aad labor officlAi fa IB honr confer ence with Governor Frank Morphy, in attempt (roqsd for-truce in untangling the rtrike of anto workers in Cleigtokl Mot^ plants. They are, left to right), Wm. S. Knndsen of Q^ral Rotors*, (Sot- emor Murphy, James F. Dewey, federal mediator,J^toner Martin, J, A, Wyndhajn and John Brophy of the workers’ Gopinjlttee loir Industrial Organization. Below: Scene as “sit-down^ str^ket* maijjhed from a Detroit plant following first trhee agrfeement.- P. C. A. Meetiiig WiUBeHeUOn Saturday, Jan. 3( Announconant Of Annual Meeting laaued By Paul J. VestsJ, President The annual stockholder’s meeidnjf . , ,,, . _ ^ of the Winston-Salem Productlow Credit Assodatoia-.egll be lud4.iii the Focaytb ooonty co^^OllBBe,,Jm Saturday, mornipg,' . Jat^|ny 3^^ at W p. ‘m-," promptly, fccpr^'-^ *^- People. . Linea ‘ At tfc*. A Ratal in Wtikesko January if.;?' day Mi :i riri^lecbo^ meet- ^urUjMse dn^ay, aeM to> ^’;^ilkes LATN'T RBPOiVr Atteney J. H. Wblduc; Red Cross cbainnMi Irtoe, ssMl tbia afternoon. that tber gooln far tbe ebapter li^ tana . 4 b«im' raised by volnatary snbsccip- tlons and without^ sotlirttsUii|». However, the need for fmito increases hourly and contribu tions from tbose wbo have abC already given wlil h^p to a|> levlate suffertng in the flood devasted areas. Mmptoyees of the Wilkes Hosiety Mins were reported this afternoon to hava subscKb- jd about flBO for flood relief end ^ployees of the totemas. tional Shoe company plant hem a siiiillar amonnt. flgmns do not Include donations by the compaale& Napoes of contribu tors win i>e published later and Ihe Red Cross chapter bam to day exjireeeed deep i^ps^ria- tion to’the" many vMktitMy contrflMtors. - yoday reportsi from the flood ed sectoVs of the Ohio valley and triWtgrtes Indicated that Washington . . Among the -women in Wpshington official life Is a Treasury Department official, Mrs. Marlon Blair Banister, who Is Assistant Treasnrer of the United States. }■ * , .. AdieCoi^MaB Is Vktini of Auto Acjcidoid Prid^ Wilkes county schools oloasd on account of bad road conditiow will remain closed: through fliis week uiilsss them is a c^Age in the weather, it was learned to- O day from C. B, EHer, eonuty sup erintendent of schools. High schools elbeed inclnda) IWkeeboro, Ronda, Roaring QJv- er, Traphlll. Moantain Vtrw, Mount Pleasant and Fergoaon. Blementary schoolg’ elpeed *)■!► Boomer and Morariad Halls. Snpt. Bllet said that action Im bloelng the schools was taken hsr cause it was pntctledily iapoa- sible to transport chUdrsa by.kur- es to the schools and ;^ool au thorities did not wish to dsprlTs any of the children of the oppor tunity to attend each day’s ew- sion. Another factor which enter ed Into tbe decision -was that Of danger of exposure oh the port of the children, it hetog couaid- ered detrimental to their health: to allow them tO attend school u-nder prevailing weathOr cohdl- tions. Millers Creek was today tbs only central school in operation (.lid the opinion wu expreomd that the school would not be forced to close this'week' g With almost. tocemnt ,ra)tolau“ luring, the past monrii dlMr j t(iday bad reashsd>«; lorab invited to-httend/ * ' The annual meeting is thp asost important' meettog bs)9 by the Prodiiction Credit Association dar ing the year, be added-. • The stock holders present wiB elect two -di rectors. In compliance with the by-laws there can be no voting by proxy. The board of directors and the secretary will report on the op-. erations of the association for the period ending December 31, 1936. H. L. Gardner, vice-president of the discuss the Farm Credit Adminis tration with particular reference to the Winston - Salem Production Credit Association, Any questions pertaining to the association may be presented and discussed at this time. In order to have additional inter est, the association is giving to the lucky person present four valua ble prizes, consisting of three fine pigs (female) and a pen of thor ough-bred barred Rock (diickens. These prizes have been selected from the finest stock obtainable and can be used for breeding pur poses. Each person present will receive a handsome souvenir. The Winston - Salem P r o- duction Credit Association is a farmer’s cooperative organization cliartered under the Farm Credit Act of 1933 for production pur-: poses. Financial aid on business basis is offered fanners in Alle ghany, Ashe, Caldwell, Davidson, Forsyth, Stokes, Surry, Watauga, Wilkes, and Yadkin counties. Council of Social Agencies to Meet Friday Ew«an^ at the Hmae of Mrs. C. E. Jenkins; Attendance Urged Wilkes County Council of So cial Agencies, a central civic or ganization composed of represen tatives of civic and social organ izations and public institutions, will meet, on. Friday evening, 7:45, at tbe borne of Mrs. C. H. Jenkins. The council 1» apenaoring some very worthy oSJectvea and a full attendance of members is desired for the meeting Friday night. Rural SleS College and ce serVlca, will open att.ten o’efa^ ani all persons int^^ted In’ ike subject are Invito^ tiS^-attend.;', M, G. Siutn«> manager of the local branch Of Duke*Power com pany, will be present*:Imd-people interested in obtaining ijilectrio lines in rural communities Will be able to learn, under wAat.jGircum- stanceti ^w' lines are practical. During: the past year more Production Credit Corporation, wjU--^han 50 miles have been added to rural lines Of the power company In Wilkes and hundreds of homes Lave been provided electric fa cilities through the extensions. Several branch Itoea are now under construction while many have been completed. People from communities where lipes have already been constructed are also Invited. Speakers r will streer the advant ageous uae of electrlctty and there will be Interesting facts presented to those present. Local Teams Beat Mountain View Hi Will Play N. c7s. D. Here Tuesday Night; Morg- anton Friday Night Five From Wi&m In Tobacco Cnurse FIto from Wilkes coauty aV tended the annual tobacco grow ers’ abort coarse held at State College Taeadax,^throug)i Huep- day of last weeij North Wllkesboro high school’s Mountain Lions ran up the score on the strong Moantain View high school basketball team here Friday night to wla 22 to It. The first half was a straggle with the score being lO to $ with North Wllkesboro holdtag the edge, which Increased as the game progressed. North Wllkesboro used ten playei* kg follows: Day, ITt Ckaw- fprd; Jones, 8; WUllama; Sink, 3; Hudson, Wendland, McNeill,. Sturdivant. 3; (tttoyson. The Mountain View playeto Included: Brown, 8,'. Holdaf.jgit ,C. Brown, 1; R. Holder; Rhoadra; Johnson, and Henderson, a The North Wilkeshoi^^o i all- Btart defeated Vrt|Bte Okjfs from Greensboro by the clara- neore of 3Jl to 22. : _ The loealB will beg^ th® Weet- ern conference acb^ule ttls^ehk hy games rtlth' rt-" ^- -^ Rhr- ganton, here ‘ftiaalay nigd^t, both hoys and, glrisT: a«r, ISfl^gantoa Wgh on Friday , Citizen ur new CastlR east throughout tbe'eon In this illsaster which has ren dered so many homeless and In desperate need the American pe^ pie have been asked to contri bute a.,fund of two million dol lars to the American Red Cross, that, motherly organization that Is always on the job and ready to help the distressed. In view of this Wllkee people have been asked j contribute to the fund being gathered by the Wilkes chapter and Attorney J. H. Whicker reported today that already half the first quota had been subscribed by personal call and by telephone. 'The following telegram from Cary T. Grayson, national chair man of the Red -Cross to Attor ney Whicker tells something of the flood relief needs at present; “In order to meet hourly In creasing needs of flood -victims In eight states Rcri Cross is call ing on people of United States- for minimum relief fund of two mil-, Hon dollars. Reports "received late tonight Indicate total of 279,000 men, -Women and eWtdren driven from their homes and now de pendent on emergency relief, In cluding shelter, food, bedding, medical attention and warm clothing. Raging blizzards and freezing weather In many floodedf section add to suffering of refu gees and greatly increase need for Instant relief. Bare people of your community will wteh to aid promptly and generously. Urge you take immedtoto ^ction to raise yoQr chapter quota of fl’kO; Please report daily progress your campaign.’’ This Is ihe appeal from the ®a- tlonal chairman of ■the Red Cro^ aad-ioegl chapter- officials : ar^ confident that the people of this city add county will, woe a^to resppnd roa^y and UhegaliT W. aid BuffMing people, ^yeral , con tributions have, alr^d.? made and ai(.,ap^peal la Atodo to thdse who have'^not contributed to contribute any .^amount they wlifa. Donationa.'should be sent or mailed to J. B. Wtlllams, toeas^ ucer of the Wilkes ;of the Red Cross, North Wiltss- ’boro. ’Fhfap who have read, newspap-. -Bdirfn’sthisni. a Lansing, Ashe county, mei almost], ion that tWo or thrao fair weather would .silow instant death Friday about noon have llteteced to radtoe'during thA ipaht'few da)re could* not help-her tog Impressed wlrix-tlse need]^«g vmu to the hoMWefa jeSre^Februarr J. F. Cooke, kilt ' of. the How Those attending were A. (I.' dl^ on Hendren, Wilkes farm agent, 0, apBrlde wan. C.^Tharpe, Q. A. Keys, H. O. Rob- r'lS a.ud; Afiie'Gray^^. : ... lag, many of whom have their po«(r|(Bal»s a^ «» nepd of told, clothing tand iho)tfir. -Wlfll .Mleaisslppl rfrors canflnnHig to nse tod«r when his car colUded *■ with • a truck on highway 421 about a mile wesf of this city. According to the investigation of the accident made by a pa trolman, it was learned that Sturgill, alone In his car, was on his way from Ashe county to a hospital ih Statesville. His car skidded Into a truck and over turned. He died while on the way to the hospital here. No charges were preferred against the driv er of the truck, Eugene Holland, of SUtosvllle, -who apparently was on his right side of the road when the collision occured. Funeral service for Mr. Stnr- glll was held in Lansing Satur day. roads to become nearly solid for. travel. T Superintendent Eller said that if weather conditions should sud denly Improve that some ecbooht may be able to open some time this weiek. In which case eveir effort would be made to inforai the people of the date schobla would re-open. NeW Sidewalk Is Being Made Here Connects Main stnd C Streets Through Alley and Poaioffice Lot Construction work on a new sidewalk In this city to connect Main and C streets has been com- pletod. Forms had been placed for the sidewalk and incessant rains pre vented completlcHi of the work for aevesal days. The sidewalk cob- hecta with tbe alley between tbe Deposit d.Savlqgs Bank and the 6. P. Store and follows the west sidi( of the postotfice lot to C staat. ? , ’nje sidewalk, which will be of gr^t convenlenje to people going l^""and from the postofflee and nearby business, firms, was ob tained through .request of C. T. Doaghtqn;. J- T. Prevette and At torney 'J. Milton Cooper before off’dais to Washington, D. C., last summer. Pi^alty Cfe Taxes After February 1 W. ,P. K«Uy, clerk and tax col- W reports ol the flood dlsastop, rtrftector' for North WJUraboro, la eaUlng attention to the fsqt that a panaRjr be added to hn- paid'tiw if not paid on or be- Taxpayers dre u'rg^tly re- *quested to pay. during the re- rmainder. of tl^ nlohth and savo the.eort of thaiPanalty. Peh^ty will j^alsd be added to the relief need Is gro-wing rapidly: nnpato county ItaXpa after Feb- and ll fa probable: that ani«ldad- ri»^;'l and SberlH C. T- Dough- R^gjkiakltlng-i^oi^Jtolpiy th«lr " taxes fam if posrihle r * Dr. Pepper Spei^ To Kiwanis H»« Varied Program Friday B#* fore Local Civic Oria>H .ixation Meeting Dr. J. K. Pepper, of Winston- Salem, lieutenant governor of Ki wanis division 3, dropped to un expectedly on the North Wllkse- boro Klwanls club Friday, heard a good program and responded to ‘ a request tor an address. The Kiwanis division heed did not find the locai club napping because there was a good at tendance and all wag set for a, good program with Rev. Eugene Olive, program chairman, to charge. However, Dr. Pepper was cidL ed upon first and he proceeded to outline,four things hi wanted the local club- to 4° in 1987: in crease Its membership IP. per cent; report all actl-vltles, no mat ter h(fw trivial,, to the division office: send large delegation to the international conventloiJ at IndiannapoHa; p*y more atten tion to normal children- as well as underprivileged, with partteal- . ar stress on vocational *'**^*l^®**^-> Rev. Eugene Olive, who prepared the program along ’’the Kiwanis theme, outlined lowing aims; give primacy to^ man and. spiritual; enc?u;ag^^ dally living of' the goldeiTTrtito promote - higher social and fessiofial sUndards: - develop^ telligent and serviceable ship: provide' for enduring ship; "promote 'co-operation s&reral other cbmmendata^^j poses. The program was In ch .pt Uwania annl Nikrrts*,wiis' n .f CardwelL at - 'the' PeppOT was A, Bronson, em. ' Halley" tobib«h was

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