iGm: . 'V"' ■ - .''-V' THE JOUK^ ^f*S^ Rite*'. * ^•*t*'-—» ** ■ **'' • > rtvt. ^ ^«nl Mine* for Un. -Unh lokuoB. u. vlte -• *•-- '•-*- rty), ,'.!■• f, of the New Cm»t\|^ held Sunday,.., 11 ■ ot Pleasant Grove ch,^r(^, .iVt • • *i>“* wa^V . Mhn Johniion, of ' "WWiithlir, was ■ L t^K i' K-n -®he died Friday afternoon. She leaves five chldren; Spur- ^OhssM, Ronda ; C a TI -^.JiAnsoB, Harker's’ Island; Thom- ' «a Johnson. Raleigh; Mrs. Hk Begraolds, Greensboro; Mrs. At- tle Chambers, Cycle. *' Rev. N. T. Juris conducted the rites. ■•*' ' '■•..i fISS MAMIE SOl^WKLL, EQtor Te>ai>imM ns l*he annual play of the r-^ matics last Five 4-H club boys of the Mar-^ tins Creek community in Chmrokec^ county have purchased seven Aber- jsm Angus ^ves as club projects. Is ^ Quick Action Rates: Ic A Word (MINIMUM CHARGE 25c) FOR RENT FOR RENT: One 4-rcons apart ment with bath. Paul J. Vestal. 2-8-tf FOR RENT: Hou.se, truck patch es and pasture. Eight miles east of North Wilkesboro, just off of highway 268. See D. F. Sebastian, Route 2, North Wil: kesboro, N. C. 2-lS-2t-pd FOR RENT; Nine-room house on Trogdon Street; also new store bnllding opposite postoffice on "C” Street—See L. S. Lowe, North Wilkesboro, N. C. 2-15-2t-pd ■|«, ;:{:■■■ —^ 'Winhun Httiy KeBy- •BRterfiilns At Bridge ComjiUmenHng Mri. Harold D. Spd Mrs. Sloatfe W. Payne, |i)^nt tjCldes; Mrs. William Hen ry Kel^( enfertaihed ' at bridge leedneejdhy afternoon at 3 o’clock. 'Pb© jlvag was beantlfnl wt^'-Ji^nlca. jonquils, violets afid'pdtt^ plants. Bridge was .played at nine tables. Mrs. Bill White who won both high scdre and traveling honor prizes, MCelved two sets of silver saiyand pepper cards while Miss Intno' LeQueux was cheered by a sympathy card for the low score Vrize. Mrs. iKelly served two course refresh ipents. Out-of-town guests were Mrs. John E; Justice. Mrs. Jimmie Carter. Mrs. Claude Doughton, Miss Christine Irvin, Mrs. Pal- mlr Horton. Mrs. N. S. Forester, Jr.. Mrs. George Forester, of North Wilkesboro and Mrs. Car- lyt? Ingle, and James O’Daniels of Lenoir. -- The Taylorsville Tlii'ies. Mrs. Kelly is the former Miss ^^arjorie Dean.s, of this city, j^- niong cithers having entertained III TayloTSvllie. tor the two brides weja Mni. J. Hayden Burke and Mrs. J. H. .itlexander. Social Calendar The Fiilelis class of the First Baptist church will meet Tue*- day evening at 7:80 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Andrew 0»^ ey with >US8 SaHle Outlaw, Mrs. O. B. Eller, and Mrs. Ed Dancy as associate hostess. The tlirce circles of the North WUkesboro Methodist church svill meet Tuesday with tl'.e Franklin circle meeting at night and the other two In the afternoon: Circle No. 1 will meet at 8 o’clock at the home of Mrs. J. C. Smoot and Miss Lizzie Hisle. Mrs. P. J. Brainc and Mrs. Joe White will be hoetess to the Mary Brame Circle at 3:30 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Brame. Hostesse.s for the lYanklln circle at 7 o’clock will bo Mrs. Robert Braiiic, Mrs. W. D. Halfttcre and MLss Etta Turner at Mrs. Branie’s home. The Fe.bniary meeting of tlie 1-^esbyterian Auxiliary will be held Tuesday afternoon at 8:80 o’clock at the church hut. drv club will be presented Wednesday and Thursday in the high school auditorium. ’The aft ernoon pOTformance will be Wed; nesday at 2:05. The evening per fotmanee will J>e Thursday a( eighti o’clock. ' ’The play is entitled “Miss Ad venture.”, In this comedy a col lege girl runs away to a country farm house in^the^ disguise of boy. The cast Includes the following hiembers.of the dramatics club: Vivian Kerbaugh, Lucila'SecUoL Elizabeth Cushion, Ralpt’ CiW^ ford, Ralph Bowman, Leonard Brooks, Emily McCoy, Gwendolyn Hubbard, Margaret Hendren, Mickey Bryant and Vania Ander son. The public is invited to both the matinee and evening perform ances. FOR SALE FOR SALK OR TR-\DE: Gool work horse and good saddle mare. Priced right. See W. H. Faw, Wilkesboro route 1 near Millers Creek. 2-15-lt-pd FOR 8.A1JE: Baby Chicks, blood tested, XJ. S. Approved. White Leghorns. Big Typo, Heavy Laying. Also Barred Rocks and Rhode Island Reds. See me be fore you buy. J. C. Livingston, Box 194, Wilkesboro, North Carolina. 3-8-St FOR TRADE: milch cows for work steers. Address I, care Journal-Patriot. ?-15-2t-pd FO fie _ SAl£r -'Pla>ly Jersey Wake- eld cabbage 'plants; now rea dy for delivery. See John Vick ers, Wilkesboro, N. C. 2-lS-Xf| FOR SALE OR TR-tDE: horses and- mules and three cows; also quantity of locust posts. A. T. Nichols, Wllkes- boro Route 1. J-l-tt -Jlr. and Mrs. Spainhour Host.s At Dinner-Bridge ^Ir. and Mrs. Eugene Spain- hour, of Elkin, were hosts at a charming dinner-bridge here Fri day evening at the home of Mr. and .Mr.s. W. D. Halfacre on D Street honoring Mr. and Mrs. Sloan Payne, of Taylorsville, who were married here about three weiek,H ago in a private ceremony 'at/ t/ie home of the bride’s par- en'.-/. nr.'iSnrt Mrs. R. M. Brame. Mrs. Payne the former .Miss Ruth Brame is a sister of Mrs. Spain- hour.- Another bridal couple, At- io.rnsy and Mrs. Harold Burke, of North Wilkesboro and Taylors ville n’ere honor guests at the pa*rtj, Mrs, Burke before mar- iliage being AHss Grace Dean For ester. of this city. Dinner was served at seven o'clock the guests finding their positfoms by means of attractive bridal card.s at eight small tables placed about the rooms in a beau- I-:"-:! lU' pink roses. .-X mln- Four j irtnr,. bride and groom marked ,l}r. and Mr.s, Payne's table. ; In the bridge competition Mrs. Bill .\bsher won high score prize for the ladies and Frank Eller fur the men. Honor reniembranc- Payne FOR TRADE: J'resh mJlch c«w presented to Mrs for work horse o-- ■'‘'’i-nd Mrs. Burke. dress I care Journal-Patriot. ; 2-15-2t-pd I ValentineDance Givan FOR~ S.ALE: One gool farm! Miss Emi j Mcf 0\ mule. Yadkin Valley Motor Co. An otunrtr.di-.ig social event of 2-ll-t£ 'be '.veek a.mong the hi.gh school ■ , . I s-'t was ’It- FOB a.\LE; I Imve a i'X Bbl. y^i, Capacity Flour Mill complete j Emi'.y wlth Bleecher, Corn Mill. Feed , , Crusher a:'.d r.i.''V .Mil.. Colic, Wilkesboro Parent-Teacher Asso ciation held Thursday afternoon in the school auditorium. Mrs. Palmer Horton, ‘.he president, wa.s in the chair tof the usual business session. Rev. Mr. Arrabrust is widely known for his activities in child welfare work and In his talk iho fold about what he is doing in Hickory with Juvenile Delin quents. The meeting was largely attended and the attendance a- wards tor the afternoon wont to Miss Ruby Blackburn’s room in the elementary depar-tuient and to Ralph Barker’s room in the high school building. Entertains In Honor Of Mesdames Payne and Burke Mi.ss Eunice Payne entertained at a lovely party Friday evening, February 5, honoring Mrs. Sloane W. Payne and Mrs. Harold D. Burke recent brides, at Hotel Campbell. A salad course and a sweet course were served in the dining room in banquet style. .Six table.s of bridge were played in a colorful setting of yello-.v jasmine. Mrs. A. T. Lott was awarded the high score prize. The honorees were presented with beautiful gifts. Out-of-town guests wore: Mrs. Watson Brame, Mrs. Frank Blair, Jr.. Mrs. F’rank Eller, Mrs. Jule Deans, Mrs. J. B. Carter. Mrs. Bill Absher, Mrs. Jimmie Ander son, Mrs. A. T. Lott and Mrs. •;Vi>ek-end house par-i Henry Moore, all of North Wll- n’.ii'o dance given by | kesboro and .Mrs. Hill Moose, of at the Hotel j Hickory, — The and tor, Mo- -icct- ed Engino, al.so Elfcii; with = ’-bd. on hT;-a s'ln'acr-d higi'..viy; Jill o'.itfil -all under same roof will sell at a bargain, Tbi.s mill , outfit i.s in good r'lnniiii c | ditioP. if >o'u .it-c iut--rv write or see W. G. Ilarri.son, | Auctioneer, euro .lournal-Pa-j triot, North Wilkesboro, N. C. ; 1-4-tt i \VJ' . parr w*.-: W: .iau '1 ' R .McCoy 's her.-' for the house j Times. .\t;...s Betty Pressly, . 7,. u:-.s Maw Frances 1 Chldren Given . and Iiurold Watt, i Valentine Party Friday o' nwriot'e. .Viiss .Sue The superintendent and teae.n- aud Miss Willa Jean! ei'-s. M-'s. A. L. GriCfin.g, Mrs. A. t>: i-y FOB SAl-E: th Rock Creek bargain. Dr. Tobaccoville, > acres of laiitl in -. To'A'P.ship at a I Floyd J. ^tr-u’o • N. C. 2-ir>-2t-pd| both of Greensboro. Siifu'day evenin.g Mis.s Mc- ivas hostess at a Valentine dr.t’.cc :n the bal'.room nf tiie bo te! 'vv'aVi d flowei'.s ;uid Val entine decortuion.s made a festive, -e'tiiig. Fav-.'i's were in the ac- -■■'■'.ed motif and throughout the ev.ynin.g punch and wafers were ■ p.-.i-enes for fao dance v.-re Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McCoy, WANTED White or colored man WANTED: to drive car, milk cows and doiP'o general work; must he sober jind honest. C. A. Green Hill farm, Ronda. N. C. 2-lS-4t — par-jnt.s ■.> _ I Miv, F. C S.e-vensvui t'ri-' lios'.os.s. Dr. and Hr.iibard.. Miss Norma t.nd Miss .Ma'ule Top- Dlmmette.|>l»-^’ C. IX i;o[tey, Sr. Book Club Ho.“stess miscellaneous IX)ST: Beagle dog. white and black spotted, yellow head and ears. Reward for return. Dick XVelborn, at Gaddy Motor Co., North Wilkesboro. 2-15-lt-pd fSO REWARD for information leading to arrest and convic tion of persons who dynamited ■and pump on Reddies River near Rhis city Saturday night. H C. Sheek, Yadkinville, N. 2-18-2t-pd. the green oaks flower shop Plaata has a loi of Potted on hand; —Tulips —Pr'mroses —Azaleas —CycWen —Cinerarias —Kaluichoes With C. 1). Coffty, Sr., as hoste-.s the memhers of the Fri- .iL.y Book club and a few other Irieiid-; '.vt-re graciously entertaiu- eJ. Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. D. Coffey, Jr., on Me morial Avosiue. Mrs. W’. E. Jonea presided while Mrs. XV. P. Hor ton called the roll gue.sts making nspoiises "vvith unusual interest ing current events. At the close of the afternoon delicious refre.shments were serv- i J from the dining table and a few smaller one.s placed about the home where the color note was of the Valentine season. The bo.ste.s.5 was assisted in the serv ing by Mrs. Coffey, Jr., and Miss I. 'icy Fi'-.ley. Visitors of the club were Mrs. Harvey Church, of Ronda, a for mer member of the club: Mrs. C. S. Sink, Mrs. Tom Perry. Mrs. J. Q. Adams, and Miss Finley. B. Jolinstou, Mi.ss Ruby Pcar.son, •.liss Mamie Sockwell, in the and ■lunior department of the North Wilkesboro Methodist Sunday school, entertained the children i:i tilt ir department at a Valen- tiii't party at the church hut Fri day evening. A number of con- te.sts were engaged in and those V,-inning prizes 'were Helen Wyatt, Pat Hunt, Bernard Caldwell, and Bill Halfacre. Dixie cups with cakes were .sewed and Valentine candies were given as favors. Valentines were exchanged being distributed from a large Valentino box. A- i-ound twenty-five were pre.sent. CMiss Adventure” ftw- - , U«'«v urday at Bis Ivey BajttUt ehureh tor J. M. Powell, age S8, who Wednesday at his home in Stanton township. He is survived by six children and two sisters. PENNEY’S HAS SPECIAL SALE NOW ON DRESSES One thousand wash dresses, al attractive patterns, ■will go on sale at J. C. Penney’s store tomorrow at 97c, 77c, and 47. ’These dresses include the Pctei Pan brand and all the latest prints. The sale w'ill continue through Thursday. WILKES OFFICERS ARE AIDING IN SEARCH (Continued from page one) It 'Rev. J. H. Armbrust Addressed Local P.-T. A also cut FLOWERS ,o RMtAMUtbly Pricod Rev. J. H. Armbrust, of Hlck- ' ry. a former Methodist pastor here, ..was the speaker for the J'‘ebruary meeting of the North Elsie Hudson Ho.stess To G. A. Groun The white group of the Junior G. A.’s of the First Baptist church met at the home of Elsie Hud son Wednesday afternoon with fourteen of the members being present. Ray Miller 'nad charge of the business part of the meet ing with Elsie Hudson’s group giving the program, which was a study of the Jews. Several of the children took part. Mrs. A. H. Casey, counsellor, and Miss Lunda Hendren, leader, met with the group. Fruits were served during the social hour. Miss Alma Dennis Hoste.wi To Group On Friday evening Miss Alma Dennis was hostess to the Senior i Group of the B. T. U. of North Wilkesboro Baptist church. Atttractive arrangements of sprng flowers were used by the hostess. Interesting games, Sug- sy performed tins afternoon un der the direction of Coroner Ro berts revealed that the girl had been attacked, strangled to death and thou dragged about 100 yards. Her body was found with her clothing undisturbed and her school books neatly stacked near by. From other sources it was re ported that the girl’s clothing was torn when the body was found and that she had been bru tally beaten about the head was also said that her lips were badly lacerated. Autopsy Performed Sheriff Irvin said the body was decompored, but that Dr. Guy Duncan, Dr. B. O. Choate and Dr. Leff Choate, who performed the autopsy, determined that the girl w.as attacked en route to school and slain about t-wo and one- half miles from her home. Feeling in Sparta was running high tonight. Sheriff Irvin said, and citizens quick!;/ raised 3105 /eward for the apprehension of the killer. Blva ivas first tnl.ssed when she failed to retu-n home from the Dividing Ridge School on the Surry county line Monday night. She had been last seen walking to school along the new scenic highway. Fifty Alcjt Join Search The search for the missing girl was started after she failed to return home. Fifty men joined in the search which contliiuetl un til the body was found this moru- Taylorsville ing, less than a quarter of a mile from the school. Rain that fell Tuesday obliter ated nio.st of th-o footprints in the area where the girl’s -body was found, and sheriff Irvin said he was unable t.o uetermine whe ther a struggle look place before the girl was killed. However, Sheriff Irvin said he found some fcotprints near the body and was able to .deterntine through footprints the exact spot where the girl was slain. Although he was reluctant to discuss the .ack on the girl, Sheriff Irvin said that the only motive he could find for the mur der was the criminal assault. He expre.ssed the opinion that the man strangled the girl to death after the attack, fearing she would reveal his identity. Sheriff Irvin said he had some clues to the Identity of the man who attacked the girl. dined to reveal them. He said, ho'n'ever, that he might have some information to release some time Saturday afternoon. Following the autopsy, Coroner Roberts said it was a . clear case of criminal attack an(i| murder and deemed a formal ii^quesl un- neccs.sary. Meanwhile, tihe sheriff continued his investigation. Miss Brannock was la student in tho seventh grade at Dividing Ridge School and had been accus tomed to walking the three mile# to school each day alone. She had two brothers and two sisters, but they attended different schools. The Brannock home is in the Saddle Mountain community and the family is well known In that section. The home is fifteen miles east of here and about twenty mdes from Elkin. It is near the Burry coLiii'i;,- il.io. members enjoyed hospitality. She Dennis’ as her gestive of the 'Valentine season j quests Miss Louise Sturdivant of were enjoyed throughout the eve- ■ j^grth 'Wilkesboro, Miss Winifred ning after which delicious re- Carlton, of Goshen, and Mr. Por- freshments were served. S»t m ter Stallings, of Lenoir. ' f -V « * ' Pilgrim for R.,B. Nalmutf^^l cltisen of tl»» 0M^‘‘«OB8iniitr R.' C. ,, who died Tbundair ,oif- bout Tti>r..A. W. ElIeKrIlMtdr, fundraMlltk. sease. ■iV, mP: r«S 5^: 97c Even ’to'*® i\ie up to V oUt van, CO vja" Peter tnd flareo ani_?, Vi oi :s^itonW ,\eatcj an® vat P*'*^ to 52- Vrlte ncvf i V. TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY BE SURE TO COME EARLY—SEE OUR WINDOWS B’WV ifrv. New! Fast Color! Dresses Sensationally Low Priced! JiA jL ^ ^ Sensationally Priced! Vat-Dyed Wash FR@€ES 47C If we could only show you every dress! Just imagine fast color Ave nue vat prints in the most flattering n e w styles ut this amazing low price. Sizes 14-44. it-: Breath-taking values to say the least! You can^t have too many of these good-to- look-at, comforiable-to-wear wash frocks. • New Spring PritUtl • Short and Cap Sleeves! • Sizes 14 to ‘4f! They’re AVENUE vat prints —that means tliey l! tub like new. Self trimmings—some with saucy touches of crisp pique. You’il want no: oc'’ —blit x.^’Vcrnl' USE OUR UY-AWAY PLAN NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C.

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