BLAZED OBESS IN THE “STATE 0F„.WILKES” FOR MORE THAN^'raiRTY te News Of '• State^NatioD fJd Briefly __ IK>LL STOLEN >Iefw York, Uareh 28.—Three CVitmra,took » 12,711.95 pay roll from 'meosensers of the CouK Frees, Inc., today and esoaped a^r tying thetr victims to hot steam pipes. HELD FOR DEATH : V KantaipoMs, March 26.—Hu bert Peacock, truck driver, faced reekim driving chargee here to night lu connection with the dM^ late, .today of Doris Jean- nett^^nab', a^ed nine. Peacock vokt ar^Ved by Deputy Sheriff M||Ward Barnhart shortly after thb- yei»«t - and lodged Jn lail pei^l^ tnrthmr investigation. LOWER DEATHT TOTAM ^Habderson, Tax., March 26.— Miss Anna McMechen, American ^ted Cross worker, finished a * week’s relief work in the New London school disaster area to- * day and estimated the total num ber of dead might be near 350. Previously she estimated the toll at 455, but said duplications in the list, and listing of injured as dead probably would reduce the number considerably. YOUTH IS KILLED Princeton, N. J„ March 26.— Richard L. Wortham, of Ashe ville, N. C., Princeton Vnlversity sophomore, dtbd today ’of injur ies suffered Wednesday in an au tomobile collision on the Free- hold-Hightown road. Wortham, son of Mr, and Mrs. Richard J. Wortham, of Asheville, died with out regaining consciousness at VOL. XXXI, NO. 48 AD Fanners Urged To Attend Erosion Meeting ^ril 3r At the Courthouse Expect Large Attendance at Gathering to Be Held at Courthouse Saturday WILL SHOW PICTURES Talkies Will Illustrate Best Wajrs of Erosion Pre- vMition and Control -1^ ' iir ■ iwg |•rnll^r Published Mondays and Thondays NORTH .N. C.. MC^DAY, MARCH 29, 1987 $1.60 IN THE 8tAtE-$l00 OUT OF TM — »-.1". ' — * - - —As’'.. iff*-' ■--m VVA'A I^VV - -r All farmers In Wilkes county are urged by County Agent A, G. Hendren and other farm authori ties to attend a soil erosion meet ing to be held at the courthouse in Wllkesboro on Saturday, April 3, beginning at ten o’clock. The meeting Is described as something different from the usual soil erosion lecture In that the major portion of the tacts to be given will be In the form of a talking moving picture. Spe cial arrangements will be made in the building for this purpose. E. T. Erickson, of the state CCC coordinance, will be In charge of the meeting and district Agent O. P. McCrary will also be present. Interest in control of soil eros ion is evidenced by the fact that more than 1,000 farms In Wilkes the University infirmary. Dr. Al-, bert J. Sekerek, assistant Mercer | participated in the soil conserva tion act last year and several who did not participate last year have already signed work sheets county physician, attributed death to a fractured skull. murder-suicide Canton, O., March 26.—Three UU..C a.lev,., oifauv-vi ,.«i« Board of directors of the new- and plan to practice soil Improv- ly formed Northwestern Bank, a Ing and soil conserving methods consolidation of four of the lead- 1 Dr.CRnMSiM^ To Three Groups Of Pebple Friday Director of Mental Hygiene Hold* InterMjt of ly Mmded PeopI^ V. LOS ANGELES . . . Pauline Prior, pretty aviatrix, displays a model of the latest type transport plane. The sectional model shows all details of the interior of a large Douglas Sky Line. Board Directors Of Northwestern Bank In Meeting Central Board Newly Con' solidated Bank in Or ganization Meet Today Canton, u., Marcn — luree uuu dv,,i vviuov,. ....o -- — little children looked on late to- this year, for which they will re- ing banks In nnrrhweatcrn North day while their mother was shotjccive cash payments as prescribed ^maoHn., tnHnv [ to death and their father prob- [ ably fatally wounded in a quarrel f climaxing domestic difficulties. Police Chief Ira Manderbaugb said that James .Monticue, 36. .hnt his wife through the heart, then fired a bullet into his own head when Mrs. Monticue refus ed to patch up- a recent estrange ment. Monticue tvas taken to a *' * hospital In critical condition. BACK TO CAPITOL Aboard Roosevelt Train En Route to Washington, March 26. — President Roosevelt headed back to Washington tonight after a two weeks’ vacation at Warm Springs, Ga., which aides said had proved beneficial in prepar- * WjjlBg him for the long and busy ^4ays ahead in pressing his 1937 program. Several score colonists at the Warm Springs foundation for infantile paralysis sufferers gave him a cherry send-off at the village station where his special train pulled out at 2:30 p. m. c.s.t.) PATROL RADIO Raleigh, March 2 6.—Captain Charles D. Parmer, head of the highway patrol, said today the patrol’s short-wave radio system might be put into operation by the latter part of May, if favor able weather prevails. Broadcast ing stations are to be located at Raleigh, Elizabethtown, Ashe ville, WlUiamston and Salisbury. Parmer said, and work on the Raleigh towers started today. Sending equipment v,-ill be in stalled in the Raleigh station within two weeks, he added. In the farm act which replaces the triple A and which has proved even more, popular among the p-eople of the county in that it (.ikes in more diversified farm- ins. Wilkes i.s listed as ono of the I'iore badly eroded counties of the mountain and piedmont area and for this reason attendance of all farmers Is hrgc3 at the meet ing to be held bn April 3, at which time the best methods of erosion control and prevention will be graphically portrayed. It will not only be shown how erosion already at work can be effectively controled but emphas is win also be placed on erosion prevention on soils which have not been so severely ravaged by erosion. New Building For New Hope Church To Erect Brick a Veneer Structure; Five Rooms and an Auditorium Carolina, were in meeting today at the Deposit & Savings bank, headquarters of the instit'.itlor.. tc elect oCficpr.s and managln.g iier- sonnel. At the lime The .lournal-Pa- triot went to press tills afternnor the directors had not completed their meeting. I'he member banks are Deposi & Savings Bank here, ’The Bank of Sparta at Sparta, the Wktangs county Bank at Boohb, with a branch at Blowing. Rock, and the Merchants and Farmers Bank at Bakersvllle with a branch at Burnsville. Three directors were elected by the stockholders of each of the institutions Involved in the merg er. The bank will have total re sources of about ^,000,000. NEW COURT PLAN Washington. March 26.—Sena tor Cinnally (D.). Tex., an op ponent of the Roo'pvplt court legislation, produced a new con stitutional amendment idea to- Stlght with the explanation that It “just so happens” it would carry out the wishes of the Pres ident. His suggestion was that the r.jzo of the.Supreme Court be ,b,uuu mnoo .lived at Bine, with retirement of | have not paid ther subscriptions JustlcfA made voluntary at 70 | ^j^o wish at this time to sub- years of age and compoilsory at j ggribo any amount may get In 76. The amendment would e, E. Hayes or de- move- five present members of amount to the New the court Immediately upon rati- jj^pe church account in the De- New Hope Baptist church, one of the largest churches in the county, is planning the erection of a brick veneer church build ing at the site of the present building near Purlear and work will get under way within the next few days, it was learned to day from a member of the, build- in.:; committee. The new building will contain a spacious auditorium and five Sunday school rooms and is be- in.g financed by cash and labor .subscriptions by members and friends of the church. The esti mated cost is 33,300. Of this amount about two-thirds has been subscribed, Rev. A. W, Eller is pastor and the members of the building committee are E. E. Hayes, R. M. Church, C. P. Canter, J. T. Vannoy, Hubert Canter, Roby El ler and Vernon Eller. Those who Examination For Laborer Position Notice has been posted at the North Wllkesboro postoffice rela tive to a civil service examination to fill the position of charman- lahorer, at the postoftice. Application must he In the of fice of the manager of the 4th U. S. civil service district, Washing ton, D. C„ by April 7. The wage will be 50 cents per hour and the examination will be on physical ability. Asks Fanners To Exercise Patience County Agent’s Office As sured That 1936 Checks Will Arrive Shortly The department of agriculture lias assured County Agent A. 0. Hendren that checks for com pliance with the 1936 soil act, expected for several weeks, will arrive shortly RE-ESTABLISHED Wnil FULL cowXnyforerosion work I ,1^,, Gardenia Daacce «*-. ■ • • -i> ® "2 Dr. Harry Cmns; eminent pky- chotogist and direC'-or of the di vision of mental hygiene of the state board of eharltlM ^ lie welfare, Chapel Hllh. " Friday In the Wnkdsbopw discussed three ‘snblifetj hetW: three andiencM. ^ , 'f • . ’ Dr. Crane l^ke first at noon before the North Wllkesboro Ki- wanis club, using as a subject, ‘‘The Unrecognised Underprivi leged Child.’’ He touch^' npon phases of the subject little dis cussed in that he explained there were two types of underprlvUeg ed child, Inferior and superior intellectually. He discussed the difficulties and needs of dealing with both types to make of them' useful citizens. “Emotional Health of Our Chil dren’’ was'the gnbject discussed by Dr. Crane before patrons add teachers ef Wllkesboro school Friday afternoon. Following 'the addres h^ led' a discussion and answered many questions asked by the teachers. . „ In the evening he spoke before Winter Haven. Fla. . . . Gall a meeting of the Wilkes, County Armour, famous danseuse, re- Councll of Social Agencies held at hearses for her Gardenia Dance the public library. His subject at Florida Cypress Gardens where was “The Social Worker as a VkttO iUe aJVVicaa —w w i - «i i.i Mental Hygiene Factor.” in which blossoms are now in full bloom, he discussed, biases, prejudices. likes and dislikes. The meeting, oygr which Chairman W. K. Meanwhile the statement is gjurdivant presided, was well at- fn,.moro whose D. Halfacre, chairman of the library committee, made a said iven out that farmers checks arrive will be notified through the mall. Mr. Hendren and associates regret the delay In liayment, although final applica tions were forwarded several weeks ago and checks have been expected daily during the past month. Wilkes farmers will receive in ilm, neighborhood of 130.000 for laaT year. Thosn who dH ' nrt' sign work sheets last yeaf may participate in the new program by calling at Mr. Hendren’s of fice and signing a work sheet for this year. brief report in which .he plans were under way for estab lishing branches of the library in yarious communities and he Is sued an Inrtatlon for the people of the county to make free use of the library. Gneats at th* KiwanU meeting [Jat noon ^ 1. Bller, Mrs, Gives Dinner At Mount Pleasant The Home Economics depart ment at Mount Pleasant, which was installed this year, served a very enjoyable meal Friday, March 6, at 4:30 p. m. The following guests were pres ent: Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Bller, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. McNeill, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Shepherd, Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Minton, Mr. and Mrs. C. McNeill, Dr. A. J. Eller and Miss Bennett, Dr. W. W. Miles rnd the Mount Pleasant faculty. The meal was followed by short speeches from the guests of hon or. fication. Wedding Invitation At Mountain View The e'onientary department of the Mountain View central school request* the honour of your prea- ence at the wedding of "Jennie Ix)u” to ‘ Tom Thumb" on Thurs day night. April first, nineteen hundred and thirty-seven, eight This is the first performance to be given in the auditorium of the newly constructed elemenUry bnllding. The public Is cordlidly Invited to come nnd visit with ns. Admlasion 10 and 15 cents. posit & Savings bank. Pays His Taxes With 249 Nicklet Times must be getting bet ter! J. A. Hendren, of Call, who last year paid his taxes with penni€» he had saved np, went into the sheriffs office Fr'day and paid his taxes for this year with 240 nlckles. Mr. Hcn'’ren told Deputy gherlll Odell Whittington he had been saving ©very nlckle ho received since October but lacked a small amount having enough to pay his tax. ITie re mainder he paid te other change. Officers Discuss Safety of Traffic Sergt. W. B. Lentz, of the state highway patrol, and J. E. Walker, North Wilkesboro police chief, appeared before the North Wllkesboro high school iln the assembly period Monday and dis cussed safety before the achooL Sergt. W. B. Lentz talked a- bout highway safety and Chief uu >.1,0 — ■ ■ • - ■ Walker’s talk was concerning under near Hay Meadow on the’safety of children. He • highly Hays-Mulberry road about three i the nine students miles north of Hays. j ^yho do patrol duty on street In tersections and the boys who have done such splendid work in this capacity were on the platform with the officers.. Terracing Demonstration A demonstration of terracing has been arranged by Mr. R. S. T.itornton, vocational agriculture teacher of Mountain View for Wednesday March 31. The dem onstration will begin ut 9:30 a. m. and continue until 6:00 p. m. All farmers who are Interested in terracing or soil conservation are requested to be present for this demonstration to be made on the farm of Mr. W. F. Alex Explains Action On Tax Measure McDuffie Had Rill to Allow Special Levy Recalled and Tabled in House Miss Nora Bennett, (Jnerta of T. E. Story; W. H. H. Waugh and Robert Morehouse, guests of H. H. Morehouse: Mrs. Eugene Olive, guest of her husband; J. C. Saunders, of Bainbridge, Os., guest of R. G. Finley. J. M. Bumgarner, Former Officer, Taken By Death Career Included 28 Years as Deputy and Number Of Years Deputy Marshal . James Marshal .v Bumgarner, Officers Capture 3 Men at a Federal Agent* and Deputy Raid Large Outfit in An tioch Vicinity Friday erti^ years he served as chief deputy sheriff of Wilkes county and the term he served as United States deputy marshal, died at his home in Wllkesboro at 6:30 a. m. Fri day. He had suffered an attack of influenza two weeks before his death and pneumonia develop ed during the second week of his illness. Mr. Bumgarner’s career as an officer began when he was first appointed chief deputy by Sheriff J. H. Johnson. From that time Federal officers and Odell Whittington, deputy sheriff, made a very successful liquor raid Fri day in Antioch township when they captured three men and de stroyed a 300-gallot capacity still. The men, who filled bond for appearance in federal court, were Wilson Shew, Roy Wyatt and John Grlnton. The officers destroyed 1,200 gallons of beer, 200 gallons of liquor and vast quantities of ma terials for liquor manufacture at the large plant. Child Is Injured Playing on Road Police Chief Issues Warning About Using Coaster Wagons On Streets Attorney P. J. McDuffie, Wilkes county- representative in the legislative session which closed last weak, today explained his action on the measure which w'onld have permitted the eovn^ commissioners to make a epdoial levy of 22 cents to supplement the county general fund. Mr. McDuffie said ho Introduc ed the measure in courtesy to W. H. McBIwee and J. M. Ooop- •ir, county attorneys, and that after it had passed the house and gene' to the senate he had it ro- called and tabled in the house. Annual Music Concert April 2 Music pTtplls of Mrs. T. W. Shnford, Instructor for First Na tional Institute Allied Arts, will give theJr ^ second annual recital at the North Wllkesboro school auditorium at 8 o’clock on April Z. The public Is Inrited. The program prOmlsoa 4«. ha interesting wtth. solow- dt^^ tjrkM'lild'Unartets, OoteWtliig' of Cello, Violin, first and second vio lins and acoordlan accompanl- thousands ol the fragrant waxy the terms of Sheriffs Johnson, P. E. Brown, W. D. Woodruff and G. G. Elledge FULL COMPANY HAS 200 MEN; WORK PLANNED Say Ample Eroaion Control Woric Needed to Keep Men Busy Three Yean INSPECf~PROPERTY Buildings in Fair State o# , Repair; MoveY'Braadi Camp Back to Base Arrangements are rapidly bn- ing completed to re-cetabllsb a full company Civilian Consorsa- tlon camp at the James camp site near Purlear, 15 miles west this city, it was learned today from unofficial but reliable *oni»- es. The idans call for re-establisb- ment of the full company as a soil erosion control nnit and ia expected to be filled at the next enlistment call on or about April 1. ' The James camp was one of the first established ip this''part o( the state and was^ set np as a forestry unit. The company was housed in tents during the firet summer, when two large bar racks, assembly hall, mess hall, infirmary and officers qnarten were constructed. Having completed a greater part of the planned forestry work the camp us a company was dis banded two years ago and a branch camp of the Morganton company was set np with about fifty men to complete some tm- finlshed forestry work. Thea* men are to he returned to the base camp near Morganton. Realizing the great need of erosion control in the county and having completed many programs of work at other poteti, plans ii jhitt edmpanj^ jjf abbot fM>" men end devote attention to bna- ion control, which was practleei on a small scale by a small crew of the company before it was dis banded about two years ago. Those who have considered th* proposition are of the opinio* that the lamp will have ampi* work lor a full company within a prescribed radius for an Ind^- nite time, at least ihree or lour years. Army officers have visited th* J. camp site on several occasions re- he served continuously through ascertain and plan for , 1. i TxVtviarvn O a. _ u any work that needed to be don* before the full company of men were sent in. The hutldings were Badly Burned b Explosion of Gas Lish Parsons Severely In jured When Match Ig nites Gas in Auto Tank VI. WCre SCUl ID- Soon after he relinquished his ^^pgrted to he in good condition position as chief deputy sheriff I j^ig ^as found to b* of the county in 1928 he was cp-| ^gg^gg^ry. pointed Deputy U. S. Marshal by Marshal Jenkins and served for about three years. The many years he served in Wilkes county as deputy sheriff and the time he was deputy mar shal brought him into contact with a great number of the peo ple of the county and this part of the state and in his official cap'acity and as a citizen he won th© friendship of a host of peo ple and was perhaps personally known by more people than any other citizen of his county. His acquaintance with so many people and the fulfillment of his duties in an official capacity broadened his education and -knowledge until he was well versed in many subjects. During the past few years he had been engaged In general collecting bus iness and farming. Since early manhood he had been actively affiliated in poli tical life with the Republican party and exerted much Influence among the many people wltb whom he was acquainted. Ha was a member of a widely known Wilkes family. He I.ish Parsons, a resident of Wllkesboro route 1. was sever®- ly 'burned Saturday when an an- tomobile gas tank exploded. •Mr. Parsons was standing by when a match was struck as an automobile tank was being filled with gasoline. His condition is described as quite serious. Treat ment is being rendered at th* Wilkes hospital. A child was hit and painfully Injured near here Friday while playing on; the highway with a coaster wagon. J. E. Walker, North Wllkes boro polce chief, has issued -a warning of the dangdr Involved In children playing on streets. Mr. Walker s'..ated that the practice - is all too prevalent and urged g, ^nd the late Angeline oeeds will be ns«4 for tho^bOTodt that parente use every.Ttrecantlon Bumgarner, who died In of Macedonia Baptist ehnre^ ~f«tn December 16, 1911, he' The public la cordially Urvttte Box Supper At Buggaboo School Announcement has been mad* of a box supper to be held *2 Buggaboo school 2 1‘‘2 mil** igag northwest Of Rond* on Saturday' Known wiixes ...... — M c,.nd.... dt H. I d «;t.'T? to sec that their children refrain from this dangerous practice. Miss Scroggs Named Secretary Mewliants Mt8a RoBo ‘'Wado l»a* assumed her duties as secretary WIlkoacCojiBhz ment, also eolo. The ensembles of chants’ association, whICh ;TO 6f- vlolln and goiter will have 40..flees over Carlton Hardware players as one big orchestra. - store. ^ The students here will ttdto Miss'.Scroggs was namM . -te part In the Morganton . Recital' the ©I director* of ^ and in Hickory April 4 at S m. in Fawmonnt Theatr*; - l w*- was married to Miss Emma Pen nell, a daughter of tho late W. T. Pennell, of Greensboro. They celebrated their 26th wedding anniversary In December, 1936. Surviving are his lather, his wife, and one daughter. Miss 'HelSn Bumgarner, a student of W. C. U. N. C., Greensboro. Also surviving are three brothers and two aisteis: W. Percy and Mel vin Bumgarner, WUkesbor* route 1; Harley Bumgarner, iteahing- ton, D. C.; Mrs. James Jenkiai, (Continued on page tSrrp) to attend and h«^ to make th* occasMn a snedsm. Legion Meeting To:BeApra8 Announeement 'has been mate of the postpoament of the Aprft meeting of the American from Friday night, qt-thlit week' to Thursday idgjhL'ApfttV2r,' VtM« Some Interesttag fuatateKyim ing" planned >^and LagicHUUttite are «rg^ to mate plaaa b«w to i ■trttoad. , '.-if.. •■r'