EE raURNAL-PATRIOT HAS-BLAZED THE TRAHi OP ^ ^ _ -r .A PROGRESS THE “STATE OF WILKESV^FOR MORE THAN THIRTY r??* ite News Of Sbte* Nation Tdd Brk% ^i’TRAt'^inLLSMLAN ObaxIoUd, April SO.—STander K. WUson, C4*rlotte barber, waa crusihed to-; death here today by a Norfolk-Soatbem freight train. RESUME PARK WORK Raleigh, April 30.—A civilian coneervation corps group is eic- pected to occupy the camp site at Mt. Mitchell state park on May 4 to resume work of park beautifi cation and Improvement. PLANES HUNT STILLS Durham, April 30.—Moonshin- en in these parts were anxiously scanning the skies today. Feder- -al alecdiolic beverage tax agents announced they had obtained a coast guard airplane to aid them fn "spotting” illicit whisky dis- ^llerles. TJVWS FOR “CONTROL” Raleigh, April 30.—Governor Hov told the new state alcoholic bovi^rage oontrt^ board today that as he understood it “the trend of the new liquor law is toward con trol rather than to find new reve- The governor conferred wKh the board members for the first time since they had taken office. TEACHES PRISONERS Raleigh, April 30.—Governor Hoey agreed today to teach a Sunday scbool class this week-end at central prison here. For years the governor taught a Sabbath class at his home in Shelby. Shortly after his inauguration in January, lie took over the instruc tion of a group at a Methodist church here ‘T haven’t decided yet what I will talk to the prison ers about,” Hoey said. “It will be some sort of Bible lesson, how ever.” VOL. XXXI, NO. 58 Pub)in»>ed MoMayt and Thursdaya NORTH WILKESBOBO, N. C.. MONDAY, MaV 3, 1987 ^ Municipalities To Vote On Officers In Elections To Be Held On Tuesday No Contest in North Wilkes- boro But Expect Several Votes Will Be Cast ONE TICKET AT RONDA * ^ Wilkesboro Has Contest— Two for Mayor and Six File For Commissioner TWO MEN KILLED Martinsville, Va., April 30.— ; Tw-v wo.rkmen were killed and six injured here today in the col lapse of a two-story brick bund ling which was being remodeled. I ^Imdies of Jesse James Ba- il, near MartlaatrUle, and epU|lr Citizens of three Wilkes towns will march) to the polls tomorrow (Tuesday. May 4), to chose mu nicipal officers for a two-year term. The Incorporated towns to hold elections are North Wilkes boro, WMIkeeboro and Honda. In North wnikeeboro and Ronda all candidates are assured of victory because there is no opposition. In W'ilkesboro there are two can- liidate.s for mayor, D. C. Dettor .Trid J. F. Jordan, and six candi dates for the four places on the i)oard of aldermen; L. B. Dula, ('. K. Lenderman, Dr. G. T. Mitch ell, Wm. .A,. Stroud, James Lowe and W^ E. Smlthey. Dula and Lenderman are members of the present board. ■At Ronda only one ticket has filed. Mayor R. T. McNiel. Commis sioners S. V. Tomlinson, Hoyle ,\I. Hutchens. Ralph Duiumn. Dr. R. P. Casey and T. S. Kenerly, present officers, have no opposi tion in the North W'ilke-sboro elec tion. D. J. Carter and Joe B. Mc Coy, members of the school board whose lerms expire this year, are also on the ticket and have no opposition. Notwithstanding Uie fact that no opposing candidates are in the field, it is expected that many ,wtH.. 4Mt \ ballotfl in. the North •a. Omaha, Neb. . . . Mrs. Carl R. Gray, wife of the retiring presi dent of the Union Pacific Rail road, has been chosen by the Golden Rule MothT’s Day Com mittee as "The American Moth er of 1937.” Urges That Tax Listing Be Done Early This Month tie walls way. xptf H of the of the structure gave ITTING SUGAR IN ashin.gton, April 30.—Secre-. n-een noiicea reiauv Hull, the administration’s wilkesboro election and exponent of two-way for- trade. tried today to head off hslation that would reduce the amount of sugar Cuba could send to the I'nitod States. The slate ^department head appeared before the house agriculture committee to urg,. that the share allotted the island republic under the exp'r- ing Jones-Costigan quota systei’-' not be reduced. COLDER THAN COLD Washington, April 30.—A new city administration. The city hall will be the one and only voting place in North Wilkesboro. However, quite much interest ha.s been noticed relative to the a large vote i.s The election will he held in the building where reg istration took place, next door to Lyon Electric company. Stills, Liquor Galore Taken At Five Places Tax Supervisor Calls Atten tion to Tax Lasting Now Under Way in County W. P. Kelly, county tax super visor, today in an advertisement elsewhere in this newspaper calls attention of the people of Wilkes county to the fact that tax list ing is now under way. Tax listing began in the 21 townships of the county Satur day and will continue according to the tax listing notice,s posted in the townships by the ll.stakers. A penalty of 10 per cent will be charged against those who do not list according to law. This is the year for reassess ment and assessors accompany the llstaker of each township. TJie advertisepent placed by Collision of Two AutomobilesLands Three In Hospital Seriously Injurer' Cars Driven by Ballard Kelly and Otto Church Collide On Highway No. 18 . ONE FRACTURED SKULL Church and Lady Companion Critically Injured; Other Accidents Also Occur i»da who is mqatred by law bo list property for taxes. Farmers are asked to be prepared to answer questions relative to crop acre ages. Extend Time For Sign-up of Farms Have Until May 15th to File Work Sheet at Office Of County Agent Week-end accidents in Wilkes county placed four in the Wilkes hospital with painful and very serious Injuries. Three were critically injured late Saturday when cars driv en by Ballard Kelly and Ottd Churcli collided on highway 18 about ten miles north of this city. Dougliton Ellcdge was in jured when a n automobile struck a wagon on which he was riding about six miles out on highway 18. Other accidents in whicli minor injuries were sustained were also reported. Kelly was traveling toward \ortIi Wilkesboro when the collision with the car driven by tinireli oeciired. Kelly su.stuin- el a fractured neck, va;dous cuts and bruises, Otto Cliurch sevenil broken ribs and a punc tured lung, and his companion, Miss Della Church, a fractured skull and other injuries. Doiighton Elledge sustained !i fmclured leg in the auto wagon collison. The car was .said to have been driven by Willie, Norman. Meat Is Stolen Second Time At John Pardue Confeisee Tak ing Hams From Home For County’s Poor Washington April new Totaling 240 Gallons approach to the absolute zero of - temperature lias been devised, Dr. F. Simon, of Oxford univer- ♦ slty, England, told the American Physical society today. With this naw method, which consists of slowing down the spin of elec trons around the nucleus of at oms. it i.s possible lo reach with in one ten-thousandth of a degree of absolute zero—4 59.7 degrees below zero F’ahrenheit. and Vast Quantities Beer Cut at Number Stills ROBBED OF $400 | Taylorsville, .April 30.—Greene i McBride, 47, farmer living a mile north of here on Wilkesboro high- j vaay, was robbed of approximately , J400 last night. An unidentified j Still-s almost too numerous to nieutioii and liquor and beer in plentiful quantities were destroy ed by Sheriff C. T. Doughton, ileputie.s and federal investigators last week. 'I'lie capture-s included three stills. 170 gallons of liquor and quantities of beer in the Windy Gap vicinity and two .stills, 70 gallons of liquor and over 3,- 000 gallons of beer in Antioch township. Federal officers also destroyed a number of stills and details stnuiger came to inquire about a | concerning was not immedl- ‘ ately available today. Thu.s county and federal offi cers have continued their raids with the amazing results of about m&le McBride had for sale. Mc- iride was preceeding him to thej barn with a lantern when, the ^ stranger struck him. apparently re- with a blackjack. McBride ^ gained consciousness about 20 ; f’*' 0 illicit, plants during the month minutes later and staggered back to the house. He .suffered a con- of ti;e brain. Colvard Reunion To Be Held Sunday, 23 Fox Hunters To Gather Saturday ! A reunion or gathering of all the Colvards is to be held at No. 16 near Wilbar post office, Wilkes County, on Sunday, May 23. 1937. Everyone by the name The following announcement j of Colvard or a direct descendant was Issued by A. G. Hendren; itjof a Colvard is invited .to attend. Is self explanatory: "Saturday, May 8 at 2:30 p. m. Is the tBne. The courthouse in 'Witkenboro Is the place. Don’t miss the gathering of fox huntors on this occaclon. There will bo some very Important mattera to 4ISCUS8. All you boys who love ‘'the ‘mnslc of the hounds* be anro to be there.” James Edward (Caudill, student State Oollego, Raleigh, wss^'-end with, hla parents, g'r, and'Mrs. J. 8. OandiU. This will be an Informal gather ing and no special program is being planned. It will just »e a get acquainted meeting at which definite plans will be made for future reunions. Everyone Is asked to bring a basket and a picnic dinner will be enjoyed by all. It is hoped all Colvard.s and Colvard relatives nill make it a point to be present. The above announcement was issued by W. E. Colvard. tempor ary president, and Howard Clark, temporary secretary. Information of importance to (he farmers of Wilkes county is contained in the following article released for publication today by A. G. Hendren, Wilkes farm agent: ‘We have been advised that time for signing work sheets has been extended to May 15. We al ready have 700 new signers but there are others who are eligible and should sign. We desire that every farmer in the county par ticipate in this program and for that reason time has been ex tended. "The money ha.s been appropri ated to help us build up the soil and why not tak© advantage of it and get what is coming to us? If you have not filled out a v/ork .sheet and are eligible, please see one of the committee and come to the county agent’s office before May 15. "There has been paid to farm ers of Wilkes county for 1936 more than $33,000. We should receive for 1937 more than dou ble that amount. "There is one thing I wish to call special attention to; in, a, few eases the owner of a farm has died after work sheet was signed, 'riien It becomes necessary for somebody to sign application for payment and also sign the check when it comes. If this happens the proper thing to do would be to have an administrator appointed, have him come to the ^ouhty agent’s office and we will make a new work sheet in his name. Then he can sign application for payment and the check when it alrives.’’, JUNIOR ORDER MEETING TO BE TUESDAY NIGHT Every member of the North Wilkeaboro council of the Junior Order is urged to attend the meeting Tuesday night, at which time there will be side degree work and other interesting fea tures. A^sltlng Juniors will be weleome. ' ' 3Ieat stolen again from the I'ounty home for poor farm, sold, recovered and the guilty party Jailed Is the record sot on© tlay during the week. Cllnard Jones, keepei- of the institution, diptovered the los-s of (wo huni.s and officers were immediately notlflel. Within a short time the hain.s were dis covered at a North Wilkesboro store, where tite identity of the person soiling them was leam- -d. Officers proeoeded upon the investigation with the informa tion and arrested .lohn I’ardnc, North Wilkeslmro youth who immetliately confessel and was iiKiircernted. This is tlic second time that county home hams have been .stolen within a month. Charlie Mefilamery and Nnma Porter, two prisoners working on the farm, were Jailed on chai^ of stealing the Itams^and will fin ish their sentences on the road.s. .Anyway, the hams have been going the ronntls but with continued good luck maybe the county’s poor will gjet to eat them after all. High Court Will Hear Demurrer Demurrer to Be Heard in Election Case by Supreme Court on May 19th Considerable interest has been revived in th© Swaringen versus Poplin election litigation by the action of the North Carolina su preme court last week in denying the motion by counsel of Swar- ingen that the demurrer be dis missed on the allegation that the appeal was not filed in the time allowed by law and that the de murrer was frlvllous and appar ent attempt to delay trial of the case. Counsel for Swaringen on the motion before th© high court to dismiae the demurrer aaked that the appeal be heard soon as pos sible If the motion was not al lowed and May 19 was set as the date for the hearing. The appeal was from a decls- iorx In March by' Judge Felix Al ley’ Overruling thO( demurrer to khe comT*ilnt brought by Xttor- ney? tor-Fopllui:^ J* Royal Famfly lUady for Coroiia^iA -V .;*t ■’ .. . i J' ' ill’ PS'S'S'.^i London, England . . . Hero is a new picture of King Georg© ’VI and Queen Elizabeth and their two daughters. Princess Elizabeth (left), heir presumptive to the throne, and Princess Margaret Rose. Princess Elizabeth recently celebrated her eleventh birthday. Hackett Sworn b as Member Of State Highway Commission May isc; Discusses Highway Program Handicaps Fail To Daunt Children In School Attendance I,ouis:e, ago Ll. ami Milih'rtl Hue, age 10, children of Mr. and Mi-s. W. W. Kyle, hav© per- feet records of attendance at the Noi-tli ’Wilkesboro school despite the fact that they Walk ed a distance of four miles to and I’l-om ,-chool each day be fore the bns line made the walking’ distance less. Ijouise has a record of seven yean perfect pttendanoe and tour miles ..waijUitS ' par ^ .be fore ifie bos line.went iwv the home. MOdroJ Sue has tour years |>erfect attendance. C. 0. Bumgarner Is Badly Injured Pledges Best Etfort to Se cure Improvement For School Bus Routes Appliratimv For Assistance Age May Be , Made After Brst of July Welfare • Officer Ank« Poe^- ple to Refraiis Fycoo Ap* v . plying at TKia MAY APPPLY JULY i County Must Make Levy Pay One-Fourdi Cost of Aiding Aged Poor ' MACHINE SHOP HERE Commission Will Meet On May 11th to Divide State Into Ten Districts J. Gordon Hackett. of thU city, wa.if sworn in at Raleigh Saturday a.= a member of the state highway commission for the eighth dis trict, to be composed of ten coun ties. ilsMon’and man ara all now*men, Oqvomor •Hoey making a clean sweep in •the appointments under the re organization plan pa.ssed by the legislature providing tor ten commissioners to represent dis tricts of ten counties each. The next meeting of th© co^m- mis.sinn will be held on Ma.v 11th Both Legs Broken When Truck Is Crowded From Highway Near the City Charles O. Bumgarner, local citizen who Is engaged in the freight trucking business, receiv ed very serious injuries late Thursday evonlng when his truck left hlghw-ay 421 about one-half mil© west of this city. Both legs were broken and he was carried to the Wilke.s hospital in a seri ous condition. Mr. Bumgarner said that a car crowded his truck from the road and that it did not stop. Nothing was learned concerning th© Iden tity of the car or iUs driver. W.P.A. District Teachers To Meet In Boone Friday Featuring the meeting of third district WPA teachers in Boone on Friday, May 7, will be an ex hibit of products of the adult education classes, a great part of which will bo furnished by the several classes being taught in Wdlkes. The meeting and exhibit will be held In one of the college build ings and Is expected to attract much Interest, There wUl be numbers on the program by vari ous classes, including winging, string niuslct etc. Dinner and re freshments will be served and the public is cordially invited' to see samples of what la being accomp lished by the WPA adult educa tion. project. W. R. Craft, project eupervls- or, a number of aidult teachers and others interested are expect ed to attend the meeting from this section. for organization and the task of dividing the state into districts. Commissioner Hackett granted an interview with a representa tive of The Journal-Patriot today, in which he pledged his best ef forts to secure improvement for the leading secondary roads and school bus routes in the counties in his district, at the same time not overlooking the needs tor construction of paved highways. I He said h© •’ntended to use every effort to have the school bus routes placed in condition for all- w'eather travel and in such con dition that bus transportation would be safe for the school chil dren and equipment. * He pledged that he would rep resent the counties of his district in such a manner that each coun ty would be treated fairly and im partially. Commenting on various phases of the highway .rituatlon. he re- marxed that there is not a major machine and repair shop of the highway department in his dis trict and that he hopes to obtain a shop for the district and that it should be located here. In the initial meeting of the new commission SaturdayMr. Hax:kett took an active part and urged that the commleslon obtain and cultlvate^lia^^Bdwlll of the people of tlm,^8tate. He placed crniphasis on goodwill and favorabliiii publki^pinlon. Relative to the recent letting of contract on highway 268 be tween Ronda and Roaring River, .Mr. Hackett advised that rumors to th© effect that contract had not been let are false and that he was Informed by the chief engi neer that the contract had been let and approved. Applications for old age ance under the security prograas may b© made to the welfare de partment after July 1, Charlee McNeill, county welfare oftieer said today, and urgently requeet- ed that no person make appHea- tion before that time. In fact the law sets July 1 as th© first date on w'hich application can be ac cepted. Under the social security pn»- gram of the nation with the etete cooperating, a state law was poae- ed making it mandatory that commissioners of each county in the state make the neceeaary tnx levy and aporopriatlon to pay one-fourth th© cost of aasiatanen to dependent aged people and de pendent children. And under th© set up a board will be appointed in each county consisting of three members, one appointed by the state welfare department, one by the county I hoard "f oninTniisioners and the third to I>e selected l)y the two. This board will hav© authority to- receive and pass on all appllea- tions for a.'isistance to dependent iigcJ and dependent children. The action of the board on appBca- tioiis will determine the amount to be expended and the convml*- sionera will be required nndnr the law to; make a tax Very W. raise the county's part, or (ooetK ,ot the total ipiouna, i flndthg. MMnbers of lh« coa tee trill hot receive pay. * ' This new board, however, wdll have a big responsibility and wBl also serve with the board of enn- mlseioners in election of the county welfare office. Before thin law was enacted the county board and education and conxmissionain jointly elected the welfare officer. Revival To Begin Epworth League Friendship Church , The Friendship M. E. Epworth At Welcome Homei League was re-organf*ed on Sun- , .. day. May 2, at 4 o’clock p. m., A revival service will begin,! with Cyrus Faw as preeldent. The Sunday night May 9. at Welcome j I>eague will meet each Sunday at Home Baptist church In the this hour. All young p^ple of the Cricket community. community are Invited to come The pastor, Roy. Levi Qiwno. jnnd take part, and older people will be assisted by ReTj, Mr. Cook,: also Invited to attend th» from Watauga^ Everyone la oor- > meetings and give enconragetne^ dlally Irndted to attend. young people. * ■ -iSh.. rllSiT-, »-.j ■' ' Divorces Exceed' Licenses to Wed Six Couples Get Untied and Four Couples Obtaiin License to Wed Divorces forged ahead ol the number of marriages in Wilkee comity this week but th© caueo was that tile civil term of oonrt was in progress. Five divorces—uncontested— were granted during th© wert^^ on the ground."! of two years’ sep aration and on©' on grounds of adultery. The divorces were: ■*- liecca I.awson versus Harry L»»- son, Mrs. Tlncie,Holbrook Rich ardson versus He^hel Richard son, James A. Jennlng.^ venaa Jewell Jennings, -Mrs. Bailey Howard versus Marshal HoWkSfd, Mrs. Ruth Eaton versus Harry T. Eaton. Marie Pearson B-umgansr versus Atwell Bumgarner. Liconsea to wed wer© isoned. by Register of Deeds Oid W41e» to the following four couplee: J.. R. Crawford and Shirley Iron© Foo ter, both of North Wilkesboro; McKinley Chambers, Cycle, and Dare Gray. Ronda; Eagen* ToMor and Sherlle Jolly, l>oth of Neath Wilkesboro: Ambrose Wyatt, Vannoy, and ’Virginia Little, Iksy- lo. legion Post Has Fine Membershn* Exceeds Quota For the Yewr$ Interestmg Meeting to Bn Held Friday Night Wilkes poet of the A.m«riesn Legion has exceeded Ite meanho*^ ship quota for the year by four, it was learned today from John W. Hall, adjutant, . Mr. Hall announced , the next meeting to be hold Fricsy nighti May 7, beginning at 7:80,'* an* hf^ed 'a large attendance. 8ato^ i very important ■' and tntereatlhgr teatwpea ,. are . planned for meeting. . - - tlMii -i -

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