y T0: #&a»9KMal Moi '^ir^ .-Awr- BeStretoUie ’•f .^*r. FERTILIZER For Your Coro This Season and harvest a better crop this Fall. ..Merco is made RIGHT and'is bes^ for crops and land. Drive hi For Your Needs YOU WILL FIND PRICES THAT WILL BE SURE TO PLEASE YOU We Pay Highest Cash Prices For Crossties (No Mixed Oaks Wanted) Wilkes Tie & Feed Store Forester Avenue ISAAC-ELLER, PROPRIETOR North Wilkesboro, N. C. Wholesale and Retail Grocerfes, Flour, Seeds NowOpeu For Business In the Snyder 8ui|diiig, Next Door to Pripcess Cafe Harville’s The public is cordially invited to visit our store today or later, and let us explain our “Budget Pay Plan”, or, better still, open an account on your first visit. The Best InXawlies’ Wear is Our Aim and at Pri^M Tkl$ Will Be the Best iis the City. We List Below a Few of Our Outr standing Items Carried: Dresses Coats Suits Hats ;s (^ove Lingerie Ihoe and Hosiery BE SURE TO COME IN RIGHT AWAY HARVILLE’S CREDIT CLOTHING STORE jwonigMrre Skaw, ^and M^r4U9y Make Calls In WUkeS^This Week Four represss^ves ot State College and the extension service have paid visits tOjWlllcee county this week. ...is ' On Tuesday C. F, Parish, poul try BpeciaUst, pasoeJ^through tho county en route to other points and stopped to confer with Coun ty Agent A. Q. Hendren and poul try gro'Wers. On the same d^ Luther Shaw, agronomist, was' In the county and yest^'day H. R. Nlswonger, orchnrd gpWlallst, vis ited a number ot ocohafd deanon- strationa. 0. P. Mctrary, d.ljidrict agent, is expected Thursday ,lor a short visit. — CELEBRATE lOTH ANNIVERSARY OF - RHODES-DAY CO. (Continued from page one) of the company, Mr. Day said that the policy of fair dealing with the public has first conslde- ratdon and that every precaution Is taken to guarantee a" fair deal to each customer. Among other reasons given Is the fact that the company’s representatives are on the hlert to keep up with the fur nlture Industry, attend the furni ture KCpoeitions at Chicago and the southern shows, and ond^vor St all times to carry a wide va- g^ty of furniture and home lur- ^^Ungs for the most modest and fiirmhle homes as well Why Suffer With Colds-Pam ?— TAKE COOK’S —? CCC And Be Relieved Rates: Ic A Word (MINMirM'CHARGE 25c) FOR RENT NORTH WILKESBORO, N. FLUMSUBD APABXldENT, liv ing room.. bedroom, breakfast room, glpibin. bath, close, in. Modern oonvenlencee, mltahner for couple. See Absher Real Estate Co. Phones 299 and 252. 6-6-lt FOR SALE FOR SALE—Transplanted To mato Plants, lOo per dozen. Ready May lOfcb.—Archie Og- llvie, Oakwoods, N. C. 5-6-it FOR SALE—Between now and fall—fire-room house; good outbuildings; six acres land; located at Moravian Falls. If interested see or write S. P, Pennell, Moravian Falls, N. C. June 6-13-pd FOR S.4LE—Several used Ice ■boxes; also one 1 1-2 H. P. second hand gasoline engine.— Wilkes Plumbing Co., North Wilkesiboro, N. C. 5-6-lt FOR SALE: Locust posts, seven feet long, only 8 cents each. A. T. Nichols. Wilkesboro, route 1. 4-19-tf FOR S.ALE: Dahlia tubers', large flowering, all colors, prices rea sonable. Mrs. W. B. Snow, Falfplains Road, North Wilkes boro. B-10-3t FOR SALE: Fresh jersey cows. C. S. Felts, Hays, N. & It-pd WANTED LDhfflER WANTED—60,000 feet 3-4, 4-4, 6-4, 8-4 poplar. South era Desk Co., Hickory, N. C. 5-13-3t .WAN(PED: To wash and stretch curtains, 2 pair for 25c. Tele phone 269-M. It-pd W’ANTE3>: Lady, white, around 35, good references, care of small child, and light house keeping work. Will furnish room, board and $13 & month to start. If satisfactory after four months will pay railroad fare. C. C. Graninger, Route 1, Bennlng Station. D. ) C., Box 399-E. . 5-17-4t MISCELLANEOUS SPEXIIAL — Permanent Waves from $1.60 to. $7.60; Shampoo and Finger ■Wave, 40c. AU work guaranteed. Featuriiig the Eugene'Wave at $3.76.— McNiell’s Reanty Shop, next door to ToaUinson”s De))art>- ment Store, ^hone 246. 5-6-lt FREBt If excess add causes yom Stomach Clears, das Pains, In digestion, '^Martbnm, Belching, Bloating, Namea, get tree sam ple doetorVpreyiptleB, Udga, at WOke^ Dnj Oo. ; ^PATSfOT, NOBIU WIUkESBOBO» K. cS demand#''-fin(^ the most faetifbotti purahtfsar-i^ Close sMimtiDa-la^t:gtvsn. th^ stock of tnraltnre to keep it $4 nearly ctuni^ete as possible In all department m order that no prospectlref |a' away because of a lack bf 'rt' furniture or home furnishing ar ticle he deelres. Lines that have proven their worth are featured for* living r»m, bedroom, dining room, kltchin and porch. A number of lines are purchased In ■ carload lots, assuring the lowest possible prices consistent with the market from the manufacturers. I An instance of this Is the Rhodes-Day range, manufactured by the Athens Stove company in Tenh^ee. During the past seven }ears 27 carloads ot Rhodes-Day ranges have been sold by the firm and It reports well satisfied users. Similar success has been met withT In handling Seller^ Kltchin cabinets, Florence and New Per fection oil ranges, Karpen living rooh) sultM arid" mattresees, Stell- el mattresses. Hunt’ eprings and beds,; of" which 24 carloads have been “Wid In the past seven years. Lane cedkr CbeC'ts, Falrbenks- Morse r^rl^rators, a new addl tion which lal manufactured by the oldest manufacturing firm tn America, Alexander Smith and Sons rugs, Blglow-Sanford rugs. Gold Seal and PaJb'lco rUgs and many other favorably known and nationally advertised lines of fur niture and furnishings. Belleivlng ih trade at hiome principle, Rhodes-Day buys high ly creditable furnitrirfe from In- dttptrle^ in Nef$h Wilkesboro, in^ lading' bedroom suites from A- m^cap Pumltrire company and Foreetv Farnltaro company and chairs'from'Home ChalT com pany. These have proven their ■worth, and are superior to many lines that could b© purchased clsewh^. The personnel consists of t). O. Day, D. B. Elledge, E. R. Wright, Shelton Brewer, I. C. Ohurch, Mrs. C. S. Coffey, Mrs. John Rhodes, Charles Day, Jr., and Johnnie Parks, colored handy man. Attention of the reader Is turn ed to- the second sectioni of this ne'wspaper lor news of the Tenth Anniversary Sale at Rhodee-Day company and some of the values featured for the event. There will be useful gifts for the women and also gilts that will please the children. Details may be fonnd In the anniversary sale announce ment, v WILKESBORO FINALS (Ckmtinued from page one) school ^rirday and was well at tended by students and paU-ons of the schooia In the large dis trict. I The high finals get under way tonight with a mosic recital by Mrs. R. E. Prevette’s music class es, followed-by another recftfil 1^ her classes on Friday night. Eaob-|- program will begin at 7:45 p. m. and the public is Invited to at tend. Rev. J. C. Canipe, ipastor of the Boone Baptist churchi, will preach the' baccalaureate sermon on Sunday evening, May 9, at the Wilkesboro Methodist church, where tlie graduation exercises will be held on Tuesday night. The class night exercises will be at the school auditorium on Mon day night. In connection ■wlth tbe seventh grade commencement Saturday diplomas were presented to 30 seventh grade graduates o f schools which have already com pleted the term and 70 others will be presented when the remainder of the schools close, making a total of 100 in the'^'Wilkesboro district. Following are listed the win ners in the various contests Sat urday: Recitation contest: first place, Mary 'BtSwer, of Moravian Falla, A Lessen For Mamma”; second place, Joye Miller of Wilkesboro school, "A Few Days Off.” Declamation contest: first place, Zelotes’’ Walsh of Ferguson school, “Chad’s Story of the Goose”; second place, Albert Dennis of Wilkesboro school, "A Superflus Teacher.” Brain^ bUater contest: first places Joys Miller and Albert Dennis of Wilkesboro. school. Med. for first "place: second pWe, Zelotes Walsh of Ferguson, Spelling Contest: 'first place, Stokes Peafson of-kioravlan. Falls school. Field .Day Eveata Yp-Yo contest: first place, Car olyn So© Llnney of WUkw^ro school; second place, 'Wayne Hen dren of Plney drove achoot. Boys lN»d Jump: Robert Phillips of Rotuner Mhmd; second place, Jim Frank- RobOkta of Wltkwboro sobool. o, ! , Boya high tint plaaa, Russel . Brpoka or WlUcesbpito sdkool; a^nd lipa of Boomer. , Boy« -:jt.daah plaae^ botoi Dm ol FsrgMoa. — Girls high! lamp: first place, lo Mae Walsh of Ferimson d Loniso Footer of Wllkeeboro for tint place;' second place, GraOs Land of Mors'vlan Palls;^ Girls 60-yard dash: first ^^ace,’ iecta Masdln ot Wilkesboro; see- place, Rena Heeter of Mora vian Falls: ’ ’ ‘ ■ ' (ilrlB basketball throw: first place, Annie Mae Walsh Fer- cmson scbotM; second place, Qraee Lane of Moravian Falls. ' j Boys relay race: three , boys from each ^ school; (irat ^ place, Wilkesboro, Archie Matihla, Rus sel Brooks, Darrel Minton; sec ond place, Ferguson, Bobby Al len, Grover Allen, Zelotes Walsh; third, Moravian Fails, William Campbell, Howard Lowe, Rnssel Smlthey. TraphiD ■ Austin Community News Mrs. Eunice Scott, of Austin, Is very 111, we regret to note. Mr. Ilia Blackburn, of Phll- llpin© Islands, Is visiting bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Blackburn, of Austin. Mr. John Byrd, of Austin, is seriously ill, we regret to note. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Cheek, end family, of Boonvllle, spent the week-end -with Mrs. Cheek’s mother, Mrs. Eunice Scott, of Austin. Mr. Tom Hayes’ son, Walter, hae Just returned from th© hos pital and la seriously 111. Misses Beesi© and Bertie Bar ker, of Austin, were the Sunday evening guests of Miss Pearile Rose, of 'Thurmond. Mrs. J. W. Blackburn and Iris spent Monday with their daugh ter and sister, Mrs. Tom Hemrlc, of State Road. • Mr. Garfield Key and wife mad© a business trip to Wilkes boro Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Coy Richardson and daughter, Cecil, spent a while Saturday night with Miss Ollle Caudell, of Austin. HOUSE OF FASHION Mother's Special FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY 36 Dresses $4.99 Values Up to $10.95 4 Mannish Suits $6.99 Values Up to $14.95 4 Mannish Suits $4.99 Values Up to $8.95 22 Swagger Suits - Coats. .$4.99 Values Up to $21.50 Also Hundreds of New Dresses JUST ARRIVED FOR Mother’s Day... $1.95 Up • • • • KLEIN’S HOUSE OF FASHION Two Doors Below Orpheum Theatre THE ADS. ARE YOUR MONEY-SAVING FRIENDSl Is Answered in Your Savings Due to ear nnusnally large stocks carried at all times, and the farther fact that we bought heavily before the sharp advances in pirice, we are now in poeition to offer you highest quality merchandise at sobstantial savings. Our lines are complete in all de partments, and we invite your inspection of both quality and price. Note a few of our many oatstanding values below. COME HERE FOR YOUR LAWN 12 to 18 Inch Blade Priced From $5 to $16 Disc Harrows |r Rakes, Mowing Machines at below the market prices Why pay more, when you can buy it for leas? We are listing in this advertisement only a few of our many special values. Come in today and look over our stock, and you won’t overlook the fact that our prices really save you money. We bought to protect you in future prices. Now stock up on what you will need 150 Wheelbarrows TO CLOSE OUT AT $4*.S0 TO $l*.00 Reconditioned, and good values indeed at these low prices. Quality Ro(^ Galvanized and Composition At Bolow Market Pricea A FEW William JL Oliver PLOlWS AT \j^ PRICE r Bariied Wire, Nails andFencing Lem Than Factory PrioM Bay Now — All Hardware Pricea are Advancing ' II-. , NORTH WlLKfiSBORD, N. €. -I'j fe

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