^ - ■ '^- ^■"■-= ':■ '■.."' ■ ' ■' _ -'-I PAGE POtm 9M9rte==ts= ,■;, .1.. -> LVrs rjv'**'^ "j ‘ tfAMIB;SOCKWEIIi, Editor ' Ht- ••.’fr Telephone 115 mei^ng of tLe Lo- 0fm 44wiUai7 'vras held Monday >tthi tka* following hos- e, E. H- Phlllipe, Mrs. Mrs. T. A. Fin- at^|ji$^^dme 6f the latter. ; iNouaeC^Wwa attractively ar- tk hright setting for '■ 16*‘grb^jp wrho attended. The r^P»eeJdairt,>SUQ|. w. R. 'Abeher, 'vreelded WThHarintereeting reports ■ Virere giv^ 1^ the ohalnman of varionei ctiZiliary activities. An In^rtant part of the husi- eme eeeslon wds the election of wfttteers for the new year. All Vfere re-elected ex^t the preel- .dM' and the second vice presl- dettt and tlha compile )ist is as follows; Pre^dent,''Mrs. J. A. ' .IIMr. !• B. McCoy; second vice I l^recddent. Mrs. E. N. Phillips; Mrs. W. B. Halfacre, recording secretary; Miee' Toby Turner, treasurer; Mrs. Ed Dancy, Chap lain; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Jack Quinn; historian, Mrs. Charlie Porter; and sargent-at- arms, Mrs. Nell Henderson. Delegatee to the Legion and Aaxiliary Convention to be held in Durham were named too at the meeting with Mrs. T. A. Pin- ley, Mrs. Andrew Kilby, and Mrs. J. A. Rousseau as delegates and alternates are Mrs. Nell Hendren, Misses Lillian Stafford, and Toby Turner. June being Fidac month the program was given by Miss Lil lian Stafford, who made an In teresting talk on Pidac. A pleas ant social hour was enjoyed dur ing which time delicious refresh ments were served. Miss . Hank Waugh Is Hostess At Two Parties Miss HalMe Waugh waa ^hoa- tess at two delightful pnrtlee »t her home on B Street Saturday afternoon and Monday evening, entertaining for a iiuni^r of friends each time. Larkspur and other blossoms of the season made fesUve decorations for the home. Saturday afternoon, five table® were in play with Mrs. W. K. Sturdivant winning high score prize. Mrs. Harold B.urko, a bride of the winter, who was the former Miss Grace Dean Foreeter, was remembered with a gift. At the conclusion of play Miss Waugh had the assistance of Miss Myrtle Norris In serving tempting refreshments in two courses. Three out of town visitors we^ present, Mrs. Prank Parker aso Mrs. James O’Daniel, both of Le^ nolr, and Miss Frances McLeojJ; of Cheraw, S. C., wiho was hejfe on a visit with her sister, Mrs. H. B.. Smith. A (linner4bri(fge was the oc casion for Monday evening wlthi a two course dinner 'being served at seven o’clock. Following the dinner bridge was played at three tables with the top score prize going to Mrs. Melvin Kenerly. Fidelis Class Held Meeting Tue.sday Evening With Mrs. J. I. Myer.s, Jliss Rosa Billings, Miss Manie Brew er, and Miss Lhnda Hendren as hoirteases the members of the Fidelis Clas.s of the First Bap tist church were entertained in their monthly meeting Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. My ers having sixteen members present, and three visitors, “Mrs. R. S. Shoaf, Mrs. B. J. Robwon, and Mrs. Warner Miller. The meeting opened with pray er which was'Offered by Mrs. C. B. Eller, and Mrs. Nell Hendren was in charge' of t^ie buslneee session.y^Mrs. J.( ,Q. Adam.s gave the dertdionals and told in a moot interesting manner f h e story of Lydia. During the social hour Miss Lillian StatfbrdX' di- rected contests and tho.se wining out were .Ml.ss Lmida Hendren and Mrs. J. G. Shipman. Refresh ments were served during, the so cial hour. ! . Bib’e Clas.s Met Monday Evening Mrs, M’. F. Gaddy and Mrs. Thurman Kenerly combined hos pitality to the memibers of the Young Ladies Bible class of the North Wllkesboro Methodist church in their business and so cial meeting for the month at the home of .Mrs. Gaddy on Trogdon Street Monday evening. Miss Ruth Colvard. the president, oc cupied the chair during a brief l)usine..ss session. It was voted to change the time of meeting of class from the second Monday evening until the fourth Tuesday evening to avoid a conflict with one of the civic organizations. To open the meet ing Mrs. Stokes Hunt led the de votional period after which the program was presentoji by Mrs. Walter pfewton being Vssiifdd by Mis.s Colvard. -Mrs. W. H. Duh- ling, and Mrs. Murphy Hunt. A social hour and refreshments were enjoyed at She close. Y. W.^. Has Meeting With Mrs. C3ark The »■ W. A. met with Mrs. H. T. Cte$k. Councilar, Monday night, '^e subject for the meet ing was ’‘Ttuly, Yesterday, and Today.” The entire topic was dis cussed by .Miss Jean Bare, bliss ! Doviie Pardue: having had the 9 } WHITE HATS A Style and Shape For Every - Occasion • OFF FACE • ROLLERS • TURBANS • WIDE BRIMS • STITGHED CREPES • PANAMAS • LEGHORNS •FELTS ^ U 1.98 to 5.00 HSPAINHOUR’S dOToflonaf. Mrs. Clarit *»▼* * talk 'on. “Rhulldlng old North ^te Ghttreb," SlMtn*h»l,,, C3iln».t' rais lAt of the PTOgrath was tho Heck Momorlal Missionary pro gram.'An offering -was taken aft er the program for the Heck Me morial ,Pund, , Junior League Qub Is ' Meeting Tonlgbt , ^ Th6 86coDd mfiotlng of tn© Jtiix- ior League club which has bOen organized by^ Mrs. Rwby Pendley as a“WIPA project, -will b© held at the anmory this evening at 8; SO o’clock. The meetings aro to be held each Thureday evening with dancing as the main recreation. Age limit for the cluh Is from 16 to 20. All charter memibers of the club are especially Invited'to be present tonight. * • Baldwin-DulA Ansonvllle, June 16—The wed ding of Miss Mary Grace Bald win and Harry Louis Dula was solemnized Monday, June 14, here at the home of the bride’s parents, Rev. and; Mt», J. A. Baldwin, with Rev. Mr. Baldwin officiating. Mrs. Dula was gradu ated from Duke University and Is'a member of Sigma Kappa sorority. They will make their home In Mountain Park. the JOURNAL-PATRIOT, NORTH THURSDAY; Anderson-Taylor Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Anderson, of this city, announce the marriage of their daughter, Blanche Estelle Anderson, to Teddy John Taylor, of Chllhowle, Virginia. The wed ding took placd March 28, 19?'^. Mr. Taylor Is the' son of 'Mr, and Mrs. D. M. Taylor. He holds a position with his father In Tayr lor Motor Co. The happy couple will make their home In Chllhow- ie, Va.—Reported. , Presbyterian Auxi’iary In Monthly Meeting With Mrs. B. G. Finley pre siding the monthly meeting of the Presbyterian Auxiliary was hold at the church iliut Tuesday afternoon, having an attendance of twenty-throe ttemhers. During, the husluoee sewlon the usudl re ports, were hoard which showed mufih activity;’^; 'The devotional period was led: fey Mm. M. A, Vickery while Miss Clara Ogllvie gave the inrogram using as her theme, , “Teacfttng. for many yean. Mr. Llllard wa# a native ot Aahe county hut weist to Etklh* te live after 'Ips mar riage, lat^ moving to bharlotta. Among .,the guests yesterday were relatives from Hort* W41 ton.'ff-yrhe Chsiletts Oheerver, [ si?liyS Mary Owyn W1I14 AViS^fesdsyf'- ^ ^ ® .^ley, find Jg^e '^d Amofir^iiose j||lBg over from|;Ms^V. B. |4nla|y. JUlivd| N^fth. Wll^^g^»'W«fo Mr. sifttzw ol^r. Qwjgtf Mf^ R. w.'^wrs and twi- tdbi, Meeeen wek- an* fllalr-^fJwyn, Lillards Rec«ve On f Anniversary of Wedding Mr. and Mrs, T. J. Llllard cele brated the fiftieth anniversary of their ^Wedding at a charming reception given by their daught er, Mrs. Carlton M. Schoonover, and Mr. Schoonover, ' at their borne at 246 Fmiton Place, East- over yesterday afternoon from 4 to 6 o’clock. Mrs. Llllard prior to her mar riage' was Miss Mamie Gwyn of Elkin. Eight members of the wedding party were preeent ‘at the. celebration yeeteeday: Judge and Mrs. T. B. Finley of North Wllkesboro, Mra. R. L. Hubbard and Mrs. Van Poindexter of El kin, Mrs. Ada Penn Coffey of Marion, Va., and Paul Chatham of this city. ; Mr. and Mrs. Llllard have two children. Mrs. Schoonover, and Owyn Llllard of Memphis, Tenn., and one grandchild, Carlton M. Schoonover, Jr. Receiving in the living room were Mr. and Mrs. Schoonover, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Llllard, Mr. and Mrs. Gwyn Llllard and mem bers of the wedding party. The home was arranged with a profusion of yellow flower* The dining room table was covered witbi a lace cloth and In tbs cen ter, was a large white bowl fill ed: ■with Shasta daisies, ma'rguelF" ites and larkspur. 'Wlhlte can dlesticks held gold-colored tap ers. An ice-course and accessoriee were served. Later the guests went to the beautiful garden In the rear of the home and punch was served there. One h'undred or more guests called to extend congratulatlone to Mr. and Mrs. Llllard, who have made their home in this city Basement Specials! Friday and Saturday Cotton Dresses One large Kroup of women’s cotton Dresses. Col orful prints on light and dark grounds. Sheer cool materials ... in the newest styles. Sizes 16 to 44 . . . 79c values. For Friday and Saturday ^ ^ Each,. - - - 9 tl V Two Dresses for $1.00 SILK CREPE DRESSES One group especially priced to clear quickly. $5.95 VALUES $1.00 SILK CREPE DRESSES One group mostly solid col ors greatly reduced. VALUES TO $7.95 $2.00 INDIAN HEAD LINEN Lace material, voiles and prints d>riced for quick clearance. VALUES 25c YARD lOc Yard MEN’S, WOMEN’S AND CHILDREN’S RUSH HATS A large selection of styles and all head sizes. 19c to 49c Ton vil[%d ft hiterautlnif to kes'boroi Elkin, Lenoir and N^-!m*8. P. M. Wllllama and diuight-j read tho odrartlimnoaU. ^ .• i.T ■ WOMEN’S SHOES One group of sport oxfords and dress shoes, broken sizes; greys, bieges, brown and white. $1.98 AND $2.98 VALUES $1.45 pair MEN'S WORK SHOES Black and brawn, well made to give long wear. 51.98 Values $1.5 9 pair s rresem a Collection of Cotton Fa^dns Jjet- Every one brand new and different, in the gayest of colorings washable and sunfast the styles Bre so flattering and the workmanship so fine that you cannot afford to be without several of them. Choose the styles that you like best, and you’ll find that they have all the trimneas and beauty you desire. PRACTICAL IDEA: Get half a dozen and save your more expensive clothes. '' M \'f V 11 ^.4 VOILES DI.MITIES • DOTTED SWISS • SHEERS cS,. • FLAXONfV^^ Light and Dark Grounds 1.98 and 2.98 Womferi’s and Misses’ Sizes Special Purchase Sale TAILORED SATIN SUPS TEA ROSE AND WHITE \ We pimchased a limited number of these wfutiful tailored Slips. 'mA.- 0- . n They are made-of the b^er Qualtty of satin and the workmanship^is ex-, cellent. We do not hesitSte to'^raf^pih*-'' ' Weji^g^st tha%3^^,j;>UK^ser|pi»iiiiwU ‘oflhein at tifis unusually low pr’^' .. .j;:; SIZES 34 TO 42.. V . tf $1.49 ^VALtJR^'^' ' • ,t A i-r '' —■ NOTE-^feNOW HAVtji^RAND G OF THE NBWEST JAMAS SUPS AN0 GOWl«Sc .X- -

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