'>‘r-T ITRNAlJPATfeT HAS* BLAMED ?S^E TRAIETOF PRdpBESS IN’'toe‘‘STA^iDE^ W New$(M '^te ■ Ni^n ;T(^ Hiljy )VER BODY f S«liid)iary, J(in« 2S.—The body of 'Kt. Araemoker, Kannapolis man> drowned In High Rock lake Sunday afternoon, was recoyered .this morning within SOj feet of •iy »the shore where he entered the water. Dr. Walter atom, county ooroner, examined the 'body and I found death was due to drowning ' and nO' inqueet was held. 'M'- ■Ei Fort»Wl*i«r row fai: keobMTO. the ot Hnthweot ioL. XXXI, Pnblished Moli'dir> W;T^Uttl7s, NORTH WILKBSEOgO, H; g. ttfaBSPAr, JOINE M, 198? tt.59>lN THSOrAHjHN*" W” ■',,jji83eBBWfegaagggggaesg=ggr«;^MaHggB^^*ai*gagg=^^»^=?=^— Annual Banquet of Merchants Will Be Held On July 2nd At Hotel Wilkes Mr«, FraWdin D, Roo»evelt On Recent Visit To State MAN POUND DEAD .. Lenoir, June 22.—Funeral was conducted yesterday afternoon at Hartley Hill for Theodor,* Pritch ard, 58, who was found dead Sun day night In the Big Section of th^coonty, near Vaimead. Pritch ard’s body was found near a side path. Sheriff J. C. Tolbert and Coroner J. P.. Swanson were call ed to the ecene and decided that death was due to natural causes. Statesville Daily Editor Will Be Speaker At Annual Gettogetber Meet DOWELL TO ATTEND Tickets On Sale At Office of Merchants’ Associa tion; Get Reservations Ivy-WO REPRIEVED Raleteh. June 22.—Governor Hoey tas announced he would grant 30-day reprieves to James McNeill, Alfred Puckett and Le roy McNeill,' all schediuled to be exscitted Friday. Tbs governor '■ ^ said Warden H, H. Honeycutt ad- \ T^^ 'hioi that he expected the ? ; Peaovhitton work on death row at 5 the prison tp be comg>teted 'by t >Ay 9 so-that executions could . he 'performed. PASS RELIEF BILL Washington. June 22.—Roose velt force® over-rode all opposi tion today to push next fiscal year’s $1,500,000,000 relief ap propriation through the senate in I I eubstantially the form wanted by the administration. After brush ing aside an attempt by Senator Vander.biir.g. Republican, Michi gan. to turn relief administra tion lutck to tbe .state.s, the cham ber approved the big measure on a voice vote. COUPLE REUNITED Los Angeles. June 22.—John Barrymore and his Elaine, the “Ariel and Caliban’’ of a long, hot-and-cold, headline romance, sent Into a clinch at a railroad Xion today, and then announc- that once again they are as 'one. “We’re going home to ♦tnama.*’ said the dark-eyed New Yorker, “and I'm going to set a- side my divorce decree” “I’m just a family man at heart.’’ .said Barry mo:'-, wlin iias l)ecti mar ried and divorced four times. GANGLAND MURDER New York, June 22.—.A. well- dressed man who shouted, “Help, going to ^6 murdered.’’ as __ automobile in w'^'ich he rode through New York’s crowded low- or east side today, was shot through the heart a few seconds later. His iKxiy tumbled from the apeeding car iuto the street. Ra dio Patrolman Edward Stark, who heard the victim’s frantic shouts, saw one door of the auto mobile open slightly and the vic- .tlm’s body fall. LOUIS CHAMPION ^Comiskey Park, Chicago. June n. — Bartered and bleeding, James J. Braddock went down for the first and last time to night. under the crushing impact of a right smash to the side of bead, and lost the heavy- ^-eight boxing championship of the world to Joe Lcuis, a 2,1-year- old boy from the cotton fields of Alabama, in a stunning climax to the first mixed match for the big title in 22 years. Ix>uis came iback from a first round knock down to batter the defending chaaufion into a bloody pulp and become the second member of his race ever to caipture the most prized crown in pugilism. Brad- game to the core and a int fighter right down to the last blow, collapsed and was county out by Referee Tommy just one imlnute and 10 Is Ffter the eighth round On July 2 at 7:30 o’clock in the ball room of Hotel Wilkes the Wilkes Couhty Merchants’ Association 'WiH bold its annual banquet. The speaker for the evening will he Ben ,Sronce, now editor of nho Statesville Dally and former ly of North Wllkeeboro. W. L. EkKWhll, oxecutive secre tary of the North Oarolina Merch ants' Association, will also be presented. The entertainment will be ex ceptional, the favors novel and the speakers Interesting and huim- orous Everyone is invited. Admission will ibe 75 cents per plate and tickets are now on sale at the office ot the Merchants’ Association. Everyone is urged to make reservations early. The Merchants’ Association, al- Lliough comiparatlvely young in civic life, is a very progressive or- ganizaUo.i and the annual ban quet this year is expected to he a siiecesisful event. Expecting Close Games Saturday Legion Junior League To Play Third Game of Sea son In County Results of previouiT contests in dicate that close and exciting games may be expected in the t.egion junior baseball league in Wilkes county as the eight teams swing into their third playing date on Saturday of this week. People of tibe various commun ities are asked to attend the games and lend every possible encouragement in this civic un dertaking de-signed for the good of .Amerienn youth. The standing of the teams in till' league after two games is as follows: Moraviian Falls .V. Wilkfwboro .. W'ilkeMboro Roomer - Cricket — Trap'hill - Champion Clingmaii Schedule of games Saturday 1000 500 .500 500 500 500 500 000 of this week and Saturday. July 3, follows: ,I line -(> .Moravian Falls at N. Wilkesboro Traphill at Clingmaii Boomer at Wilkesboro Champion at Cricket The game between North Wdl- kesboro and Moravian Falls will start at 2::i0 at the fairgrounds. ,luly ;t X. Wilkesboro at Moravian Palls Clingman at “'raphill Wilke-sboro at Boomer Cricket at Champion. Chester Billups Is Granted Parole Erosion Meeting At Mountain View i A soil erosion meeting will be f held at Mountain View Friday •vPlkht. June 25, at 8:00 o'clock, j " o. F. McCrary, diatrlct agent J from State ■Golleige, and L. F. •'Brumfield, county agent of Yad kin county, -will ibe present and talk cn the Importance of work. In oonneotion with building. There Will also be show which will lllus- 'bom terraces are made. jt ^iMPKci fttt&ndfiiiic© ol farmsTB of Mountain View and nearby oMBmanitles is expected. Two Second Degree Mur ders Among List Given Freedom From Pen Cliester Billings, sentenced during the March term of Wilkes court to serve one to two years for larceny and receiving, was granted a parole Monday by Gov ernor Ehnlnghaus. Otlhers paroled Included. James Saunders, sentenced in Riohmond county in April, 1934, to 12 to 20 years for second de gree ntMPder: Albert Askew, con victed'in May, 1984, in Bertie county, of second degree murder and given a five-year term; Hor ace Buddie Dunn, sentenced last Augmet In Robeson county to 18 mionths to two years for man Dog Vaccina^ Law ts Cited By For UHmtjT Officer Of Cou^ Exceed G^ . Mad Do^s Have Bitten Num- ToUl Of 2,050 Hi|iy« erons Animals and Rald&i njEiddemic Feared' Work Sheets T^;1Pturtfc^ .•n pate ThisAfear Oliy^ERS ARE LIABLE ^ For Damage Done By*Mad Dogs Which Have Not Been Given Vacc^ 1,008 NEW SK Meets Held to Ele^ munity Committees For the Ensuinf’iP(N«’j;^it^'’ After a libt. dustii.drtvi*1n aa open 'i^r velt Wallace to be greeted at the hOme’iilrs. J: =d: Rohfitton Shown on't.he porch of the Riwnson l«m>e ere. left Dr. Robeson. Robert R. Reynolds, Mrs. Roosevelt. Governor Hoej’.’Mrs. Hoey and Mayor Anbrey Harrell of Wal lace who arranged the Strawberry FegUval and Mrs. Roosevelt’s apimarance. Stores Will Be Closed July 5th Col. C. D. Cowles Dies At Hartford guilty In Forsyth in January, 19.34, of robbery with firearms and sent up for five years. (Continued on page eight) Independence Day, July 4th, one of the few holidays observed during the year by merchants, will be on Sunday this year and stores here will observe tlio holi day on Monday, July 5, it was an nounced today by the secretary of the Merchants’ Association. The list of stores to lie closed on Monday, July 5, was announc ed as follows: Carl W. Steele. Carlton Hardware. Klein’s. ' ■ Jean’s. Harvllle’s. Spainlliours. Miller-Long. G. P. Store. Quality Cleaners. Abshers. Blackburns. Belk’s Deipartment Store. J. C. Penney Co. Yale Department Store. Harris Brothers. .Moore’s* Meat Market Wilkes Electric Co. Smoak Purnltiire Co. Hadley-Moore Hardware Co. MarlO’W's, Men’s Shop. Payne Clothing Co. Jenkins Hardware Co. Tomlinson’s Department Store. The Goodwill Store. L, A. Harris & Sou. Bare-Miller Furniture Store, Pearson Brothers. Church Hardware. Haye.s Hardware. Rhodes'-^y Ftirnituf^ Cq., Roses 6^'& '10 Cent StMV.- Crest Store. _ 1. H. McNeill & Sons. ■ ' Dare’s Fair Store. Duke Power Co. Deans. V Veteran Of Many Military Campaigns Was Brother of C. H. Cowles Prosecute Two For Violation Sanitation Law Nle-ws was receiA’cd here Tues day morning by Charles H. Cowles of the death Monday night of his brother, Col. Calvin D. CowK'.-s, at his home in Hartford, Conn, Colonel Calvin Duvall Cowles was 'born June 20, 1849, and spent his boyhood days in Wilkee- boro. After attending Guilford College, then knowMat NeiwJShr, d«n- „„ Point Military Academy. Graoast- ing at West Point, he .beicaime an officer in the U. S. Army, serv ing as lieutenant, captain, ma jor, lieutenant-colonel, and^ col onel. In the Spanish American IVar he served as lieutenant-col onel of the 1st N. C. Vol. Inf., and went with that regiment to Ciiiba. He took part in tlhe follow ing military campaigns: Northern Cheyenne. 1878; Uncompahgre Ute, 1880-81; Spanish American War, 1898; Cuban Gcciipation. 1898-91; Philippine Insurrection, 1900-02; Cuban Pacification. 1906-09; World War 1917-19. He was awarded six medals, one for the two Indian Campaigns. Among the many important du ties he performed was his work as compiler of the Atlas to ac- com'pany the Official Records of the Union, and Confederate Ar- Sanitary Inspector Says Red dies River Wttershed Must be Cleaned Up Dr. A. J. Eller, Wilkes county health officer, today issued a stern statement relative to vac cination of dogs in Wilkes coun ty, ' Dr. Eller called attention to that’ fact that two or more mad dogs have been killed in the coun ty and that they had bitten nuim- is feared and for the safety of erous dogs. An epidwiic of rabies men, women and children Dr. Eller urged observance of the law which requires that every dog owner have every dog in his possession’ vaccinated against ra bies. ' He went ou to state that, dog owners .who do not comiply with- the law are liable to prosecution and would be liable under the law for any damage Inflicted by their dogs should they go mad. Dog vaccination, he said, costs nothing in that the fifty cents charged by the rabies inspector for eacihi dog vaccinated is de ducted from the dog tax due the county. —I 'iti- ^' Six meetings havo'baeo helik'at (}, S. Odpil, count./ sanitary inspector, said today that two more persons have .been convicted for failure to erect suitable pri vies on their premises on Red dles River waterslied and again warned that the watershed from which the Wilkeaboros derive Dr. Eller Gives Vaccination Dates 9 Larry latest abide ■Vernon Sprinkle and Bi^ckburn were the two convictions for refusal to by the law requiring sanitary privies. Mr. Odell said that other warrants are being issued and that any who have been notified to have privies constructed may save the cost and embara.ssment of prosecution by complying with the order at once. The sanitation project main tained by the WPA continues in operation and labor will 'be fur nished 'Without cost for construc tion of an approved type sanitary privy. Those who desire privies comstriicted are asked to get in touch with C. -M. Cranor, project ^uipervisor. Aged Woman Pa.sses Ml'S. .Sarah Abs'her, 91-year-old mies of the Civil War, while sta- resident of Walnut Grove town- tloB^ in Washington City. While in the Philippines, ho served as acting iHspector-general. provost (Continued on page.eight) ship, died Sunday and funeral service was iheld Tuesday at Wal nut Grove church with Rev. T. E. Blevins in charge. Gaffney To Speak To Merchants Here Premium list tkeat Northwestern Fair To Be Off Press In Few Days J •• ‘ -V. 1 ’7 -.-s • _ K. People Urged To Take Ad vantages of Opportigu|^ Disease PreVenlIbn Dr. A. J, Eller, Wilkes county health officer, today announced a aeries of appointments for the purpose ot administering vacci nations. It is urged that peo>ple attend the most convenient ap- pointiment and avail Bhemselvee of the opportunity to be immuniz ed against contagious diseases. The vaccination dates follow: Tuesday, June 29 Union School (Cricket) 9:30 a.m. Miillers Creek, 10:30 a.m. J. A. Pierces — 11:30 a.m. I'lirloar P- O 1:30 p.m. New Hope 2:00 p.m. Claude Pearson’s Store, 3:00 p.m. IVednesday, June iWl Parsonville - 9:30 a.m. Snmimit P. 0. 10:30 a.m. Walsh P. O. 11:30 a.m. Big Ivey 1:00 p.m. Thursday, July 1 Oakwoods 9:30 a.m. Mt. Crest —- 10:30 a.m. Mrs Enlch Moore’s - 11:30 a m. Mr. M. Hendren’s Store 1:00 p.m. Rev, P. Robinson’s 2; 00 p,Tp. Mr. Jonei} ERtqp’» home .3:00 p.nl. Friday, July 2 j Denuyville School 8:30 a.m, Clingmian School .10:30 a.m. the varioue places fn Wlltos county to elect commltteameB for the 1937 Agricultural ConsoTf*- tlon Association, an organlzatfam composed of the 2,050 signers of work sheets to particlpa.te in tho soil program this year. And incidentally, the 2,050 signers represent practically dou ble the number who signed Uat year, the first year of the farm act replacing the Triple A. The goal set by A. G. Hendren, Wilkea farm agent, was 2,000. Of the num'ber who have signed and have made the first step Yowart soil conservation and cash bone- fits, 1,041 signed last year and I, 009 are nevi signers this year, Indicatiive of the growing popu larity of the new farm act which requires no contract but which pays for compliance with provis ions for cash crop curtailment, soil conservation and improve ment. The community committees, whldh w.ill serve for 12 months, are as follows, the first nar.ed being chairman, second vice chairman, third additional regu lar member, and fourth alternate: Community A, composed ot Beaver Creek. Boomer, Brushy j Mountain, Moravian Falls and Wilkesboro townships: J. M. G«- man, Clarence J. Hendren, T. W. Ferguson and Seth T, 'Walsh, - Con»mBnlty B, conipoead" ' Antioch, Lovelace, Nem Caatla and Somers townships: H. C. Roberts, C. M. Wellborn, J. R. Calloway and T. IK-Inscore. Community C. composed ot Elk, Lewis Fork. Jobs Ca^n and Stanton townships: R. L. Prof- fit, H, H. Beshears, W. O. Bar nett and Cicero Parsons. Comimunlty D, com'posed of Reddies River. Mulberry and Un ion townships: W. M. Absher, H. H. Jennings, A. R, Miller and A. M. Whittington. Community E. comuposed of Rock Creek. North WilkeiAoro and Walnut Grove townshlpo; Lonnie G. Billings, P. E. Churoh, J. ,M. Blevins and J. L. Gregory. Community F, composed of Edwards and Traphill townships: L. B. Murray, Jack Hoots. Coy Durliam and J. A. Poplin. The chairmen in each of the six communities met and elected the county committee as follows: J. M. German, president; H. C. Roberts, vice president; Lonnie G. Billings, additional regolnr member; W. M. Absher. alternate. William F. Gaffney, inspector for the North Carolina depart ment of labor, will speak to the Tnerchants of North Wilkesboro at the city hall tonight at 7:30. He will explain all acts rela tive to the new labor law. Eve ryone is Invited and drinks will be served. Schaub To Speak . To Kiwanis Club Dean I. O. S.^haui>, oi , .State College and the North Carolina extension service, will address the North Wilkesboro Kiwanl* dub Friday noon, June 25. ■ vir ’ Tom Redding Will Seek To Market Two Very Interesting Inventions Tom Redding, colored resident ists have expressed interest of near Wllkeeboro, bos patents on two novel inventions whicb have attracted ’much interest. ■Within the next few days he ex pects to interest some large man ufacturers in production of the articles. The “iTtonrist Seat’' is the most interesting and novel of the t/wo. It 'is an adjus.ta'ble seat whicb be constructed and has been using in .his own car^^ for the past sev eral months. Th® back of tbe seat can be placed in a reclining por slaughter; Fred Wyatt, found sitlon or all the way 'back even with the .baejk seat to make a cot. Both adjustments can be ^ made almost Instuitly by a button in the front o.f the seat. Many auto- the seat and he has'had offers to form stock companies for man ufacture here. Hcnwever, he is seeking an ap- poinbnient with leading aotomo- bile; manufacturers and iboipes to market the idea, wflrfoh ia tSior- oughly covered by patents,' through theon. He has Invented - a lounging chair that works ,on the same principle as the atrtti seat and which may lie adjurted in a re clining positton'or. tB«de into a comfortable cot, just iby tonobiiig a button. A mod^ of this choir is now on dletplay at Smoak rup- 'niture com pany and bas 'been'the source of much comments ’ ’ . , . . . .. Bethel Church 11:30 a.m. ContractsMajor Ronda School 1:30 p.m. ' ■ ‘ Pleasant Hill 2:30 p.m. , AitY^ctioiM 'At September .'1^18 ■'’J^remlum catalogue. for the Gr^ 'Northwesternf' Fair ' is in process* of publication *and will 'be off the press in a few days. It was learned today from .olfloiale of- the corporation. In a recent meeting. iUwas,de- sided fliat the Great Northwest ern Fair will open .the five day exhibition on September 14 and continue through September 18. Contracts for the major at tractions have already been sign- Including the 30-car railroad carnival. West Wonder Shows, which will tax the capacity of tbe spacious midway. Grandstand attractions have been booked through Hamid, show promoter of international reputation, and. the co’Jlract for ' Orawbrks call for a. display" on five nigbts that ahonld easily dou'ble any previous fireworks at tractions at any 'previous fair here. ' ’ ’’ ’The premluim list soon to be distributed .will offer coveted cash prizes in all department# ’ and should attract a-large odJooti(« Group Meeting To Be Held With New Hope On July IS; Local Junior News New Service By Joumal'Pati^ Meetings of Junior Order Announced Every mem'ber of the North Wilkesboro council of the Junior Order is requested to be present on Tuesday, July 6, 7:30 p. m. Officers for the ehsu'lng term will be installed, refreshments will be served and several items of important ‘business will be taken up. On Wednesday, July 16, the district group oneetjng will be held witib Now Hoph Council and every cooncil in the group is urged to be present w4tii - a full membersbip. The group. Includes North 'Wllkeeboro, I^da, ci|ng- mah and New Bbipe oonneiis. Employees should , help eonployers by making certain that ouwulu every employer for whom they of tbs beat products of the farms have worked riBce last December 31, has Ahe Social Sisonrlty ko- „!• and hemeo o* northwestern Ner^ Carolina. number of ths "Torkeiv asf''6*4.;-r-' -."P p VI Beginning -'Witli this bieae. The Journal-Patriot offers to its readers and advertlseTs a qne.'.tion and answer colninn on Social Security. It wtU be foand on another page of this issiiei. Tlirougli the column. The Journal-Patriot will nttswer in- (|uiries from its traders on the social .Security law. All—work ers, employers, housewives, others—are invited to use thia service. It is not a legal service. It is an informational serviau. Answers will be authoritative. . , The Social Security Board, through D. W. Larabmt, Aek- Ing Manager of the Board’s af- Ice at S02 Post Office BoOdiug (n SaUsbory, has consented, as a special service to iRia Joo» al-Patriot and its readers, t* answer all questioBs ml ,the sw> oial security law rabmirted bw ttds paper. Make year qaeakhms bsied and to tile pebtt.’ ■Beeaaag off space HmUotions The JewMib*,,, Potiiot most coadynwe 9mm- tlewi aid .,MMMMBi.*'^'-Qaes«iiiiia ' vriU be answered aa qaMdyan- poorible In ^ reeedvcA. Addrap yofir Jja|iiiWwi to Urn , Journal-FMlie^'-Mbiih WlthM bnra. n, lDBiiiMBg''’wia Social 'Seeorily. simsa. , wBl not. be 'pabllkh^ ■ ■-2'/. - .■ 4