Wi 4* ^ ' ^T* i jW'PiwbjrterlM f Aiailtarjr; meets wt tiio diarcti bu» TnWj lay afteuipOTi at 8:80 oVlock. Has.Dare 01er Feted At Lovely Party ' iy> honor a ipo>pular biiHO^lect, Jllm Dare Eller, Mrs. B.. S. Coop er and M ss Lucreda Tedder en- iMtelned at a pretty card party mlscelleaneods shower at the of the former on Sixth Street Thursday erealn^. Mlse ■Her and Harrel Howell were wed In a formal ceremony a.t the teme of her parents, Mr. and Xra. Z. O. Eller, on Tenth Street flanday afternoon. Two tables were placed for rook and one for pltt in a color- lal setting of cut flowers with Vtnk and white being the predom inating hues. High and low score prizes in rook went to Miss Lu- rfllo Pierce and Mrs. Harry Pear- aon and In Pitt Miss Eller was the winner. Mrs. Harry Pearson recelred another award In a “Gar den Romance’’ contest. ■ As gliests arrived they were aerved pdnch by Mrs.^ Pearson. The shower of gifts for the hon- oree were placed upon the din ing table and when time came tor presentation all,, were invited in to the room, to enjoy the'most pleasant surprise for the ibride- elect. At the close of the afternoon the hostesses, with the assistance of Mrs. Pearson'and Miss Lizzette Stone, served mints and an Ice course which furthered the ac cepted motif. The Gordon Fin’eys Host At Watermelon Feast Members of the Wednesday Sewing club, with their husbands, were delightfully entertained Wedne.sday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Finley at their home on E Street. An informal gather ing was held on the lawn which Mi REPORT OF COXDinOX OP DEPOSIT & SAVINGS BANK of North Wilkeelvoro in the State of North Carolina at the close of business on June'30th, 1937 124.249.27 169.407.15 10,000.00 ASSETS Msh, balances with other banks, and cash items in pro- ce.ss of collection $137,793.17 HiUted States Government obligations, direct and fully ^ guaranteed State, county, and municipal obligations '■ Other bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks, including None of Federal Reserve • , ■, bank stock — \ - — ,! ;lja4ns and discounts 'VOrordrafts - — . fitoaking house owned, furniture and fixtures ^ (Bank’s equity, subject to None encumbrances not assumed by bank) larestments None in and advances None to counpany or ^ 1 nominee holding title to banking house — Other real estate owned larestments None in and advances None to companies or nominees holding other real estate for bank’s benefit Customers’ liability to this bank on acceptances executed by or for the account of this bank — — Borrowed securities (contra) 9,707.48 326,524.68 NONE 22.635.00 NONE 10,000.00 NONE NONE NONE Other assets - — - 31,415.01 ’TOTAL ASSETS $844,731.76 28,404.84 1,921.33 lA.'iBILrnES AND CAPTT.\T.i Deposits of individuals', partnerships, and corporations; (a) Demand deposits - $199,550.77 (b) 'Time deposits evidenced by savings pass books 305.007.36 (c) Other time deposits - 20,57 6.27 Dnited States Government and postal savings deposits — 45,119.78 State, county and municipal deposits - 134.837.59 Deposits of other banks ;— - Certified and officers’ checks, letters of credit and travel ers' checks .“.old for cash, and amounts due to Feder al Resen’e bank (transit ac.count) TOTAL DEPOSITS $735,417.94 Mortgages or ofner obligations on banking house and on other real estate - — — - Bins payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for bor rowed money — — Mortgage bonds and paiticipation certificates outstanding Acceptances executed, by or for the account of this bank and outstanding - - Securities borrowed (contra) - Dividends declared but not yet payable Other liabilities — - TOTAL LIAinLITIDS EXCLUDING CAPITAL AC- NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE 4.473.59 COUNT $739 891.53 Capital account: (a) Capital stock and capital notes and debeut.urest ... (b) Surplus (c) Undivided profits . (d» Reserves - $60,000.00 0,000.00 2 7 92.22 2.048.01 The four circles of the North Wilkedboro Methodist AnxlMary ^ wlU meet Tuesdaywith the following a» hostesses;. Circle No. 1, Mrs. Fulp, 8 p. m. Mary Brame Circle, Tom Perry, 8:80 p. m. Franklin Circle at the home of Mrs. Claude Doughton with Mrs. Russell Hod^ and Mrs. L. h. Aycock as associate hos tesses. An outdoor meeting Is being planned and all members are urged to b© there promptly at 7:80 p. m. Gardner circle at the home of Miss Bcutrlce Pearson with Mrs. Clyde Pearson as associ ate hostess. Time 7:45 p. m. was featui’ed with a watermelon feast. About forty-five were pres ent with some out of town guests, Mr. and Mrs. Evans Sparrow, of Statesville, -Mr. Rufus Person and his son. Rev. Allen Person, of Charlotte. ITHE tBEPIi;i OFTTHNCSj 4m mmSLY,JULT^ Mrs. Finley, Mrs. Grier Gave Lovely Tea.s Two teas, charmingly informal, were the ones given by Mrs. J. R. Finley and her daughter, Mrs. W. C. Grier, at their homes' on E Street Tuesday. The caller.s, num bering around seventy-five, were received at Mrs. Finley’s home during the hours from four to six and went from there to Mrs. Griers from four-thirty to six- thirty. Tea, and sandwiches were served kt Mrs. Finley’s and at Mr«. Griers an ice course. Both hoDiee wer© lovely in an artistic arrangem^t of garden flowers. .| w«re ’ 3*fw. ^«T- «nts, Ifr. luid Mrt. Fylt Mp3^iad 'Mia. >n, ot Mrs. Robbins and Daiighter Honored At Tea Honoring their housegueats, Mrs. Phillip D. Robbins and her daughter, Mlas^ Mary Emma Rob bins, of Durhain, Mrs. W. P. Hor ton and daughter, Mrs. Walter Newton, entertained at a charm ing tea Thursday afternoon at their home on Sixth Street. Ros es and gladioli and snap dragons were used throughout the lower floor. Guests were greeted at door 'by Mrs. John E. Justice and receiv ed in the living room by the hos tesses and the honorees. Mrs. (lari Coffey directed the guests to the dining room where Mrs. Pal mer Horton and Mrs. Hi!! Carlton Presided at a handiC.-.v.c'.y ap pointed tea table. They were as sisted in serving by Misses Lou ise Vync. Lura Coffey, Mary Williams, and Rebecca Brame. Mrs. C. Donald Coffey, Jr., bade the guestS' good-bye. ie) Total capital account 10 1,840.23 TOn’AL LIARILITIES .AND CAPITAL $844,731.76 Or. June ;iOth. 1937 tihe reiuired legal reserve against deposits of this bank was $7'2,P53.7.5. .Assets reported above which were eligible as ’egal reserve amounted to S137.793.17. Deiferred obligations not included among above liabililies, which are subordinated to claims of dopositoi-s and other ' creditors None. Undeclared dividend.s on r’referred stock and unpaid in terest on capital notes and debentures, accrued prior to end of last dividend or interest period $525.00. UThis bank’s capital is represented by None capital notes and debePtures sold to Reconstruction Finance Corporation and None sold to public; 2500 shares of first preferred stock, par value $12.00 per share retirabl© at $12.00 per share: No shares of second preferrel stock, par No pe>r share, retirajble at No per share; and 3000 shares of common stock, par $10.00 per share. Jaimes Davis Blair Given Birthday Party James Davis Blair, small son of Mr. and Mrs. F’rank Blair, Jr., was honored Thursday afternoon when his mother entertained a- round fifteen little boys and girls at her home on B Street to cele brate James’ second birthday an niversary. The children were led in a number of games on the lawn after which they were in vited into the dining room for ice cream and cake. The dining table held two white birthday cakes decorated in pink candles, one at each end, one for James and one for Wad© Gilbert Poster, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert F''oster, who al so was celebrating his second an niversary. James received lots of nice and useful gifts. Mrs. Blair had the assistance of a number of the mothers in entertaining the children. MIRRORS ARC COtNO • RANOBAMie 0 Sy-FRODUCT OF A CAMERA INVEN’riOF4- THIS NEW type MiraW PLACED IN FRONT OF A WAUL MIRROR'WlLL REFLECTJALL VIEWS SIMULTAMEOOSLV SKETCH£V IN -rue />1EI9CIMN0IS£5 A)ART CfHC^OO. mann), and “I Love You ’Truly.’’ She sounded the bridal chorus from “Lohengrin” (Wagner) for the entrance o.f the young couple, who were unattended, and as fhe marriage pledge was taken played nruted notee ot "To a Wild ftose’’- /MacDowell), and signall ed the end of the ceremony hy Mendelessohn’s triumphant wed ding march. The bride was love ly in her wedding gown of Wallis blue Alencon lace, which was fashioned redlngot© style over white satin. She wore slippers of matching hlue and her shoulder corsage was of Brlarcllff - roses and lilies of the valley. Immediately following ttfe cere mony the bride’s parents ■^ter“ tained at an informal reception after which the bride and, groom left for a wedding trip to West ■Virgihiia and points north and upon their return will be at. home in North Wilkesboro. For travel the bride changed to an ensemble of navy* crepe, trlm'med In a white collar, .with which she used blue and white accessories. ' Mrs. Howell, only daughter ot ^ Mr. and Mrs. Zollie O. Eller, has always lived in North W41kes- boro, and Is an attractive and accomplished young woman. Since her graduation from the North Wilkesboro high school she has been associated in business with ter, Mrs. Mabel Jacobi, of Wash- in.vton. D. C. Among tbo.se present were Re- bs .?,riner. Iva Jean Church, Chib Ruth Blackburn, Gary Elac’.;'j;ira, Reba Blackburn, Ina Fay Triplett, Mattie 'Vee ’Triplett, Jean Ll£v:]i=. Elsie Dyer. Ruby Dyer, Floyd Jones, Coy Triplett, Addis ’Triplett Hensley, Joan, and Jerry Carolyn Eller. TWdar"Bl4M at 1 o’clock,; gloving on ot eerprsal .mootke., 0arrlTlw!,aie seven. cUldfMi.^kin,. Arthur mons, of' Krtea, Va., Mrs.; Snow, of 'Ihurmond, Mrs.. Cheek, of Boonville, Mrs. Ten Hayes, Mrs.- ForeskMolcocnb, Mr%|.. Georg© Cooper -snul Mias Lannt Scott, all of Traphlll; jCThlrty-elx grandohUdren and nix > great- graadchlldren ^so sniwlva Fu neral service was held from Roar ing Gep' church Sunday, at ten o’clock. Mrs. Scott wSs widely known and greatly loved by all who knew her. She woe active in church and community affairs and leaves many friends to grieve her passing. Miss Viola Cooper, of -Winston- Salem, spent the week-end with her parents and. attended the fu neral of 'her grandmother, Mrs. Eunice ScotL Mr. Percy Barker, of New Can ton, Va., spent a while Wednes day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Barker and family, at Austin. Among those out of the community who attended the fu neral of Mrs. Scott were: Mrs. Arthur Simimons and children, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Snow and children, of Fries, Va., Mr. and Mrs. Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Luke Mastin and children, ot Elkin, Mr. and Mrs. Lon Snow and chil dren, of Thurmond, 'Mr. and Mrs. Dewie Cheek and children, of Boonville, Mr. and Mrs. John Burcham, of near Lomax, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hemric, of Elkin. Misses Bessie, Maude and Ber tie Barker called at the home of Miss -Mattie Barker late Sunday afternoon. Messrs. Dwight and Ira Hinson, of near Thurmond, spent Sunday' afternoon with ithelr grandpnr- ai(d' aril gkpaoted thS mldMo July to with parents, Ur. Mrs. A. J. BM’ker and ‘Wra. Thomze Homrlc, of nekr' Elkin, bu beep epeodiqg a, day* -with har'parepts, Mr.' Mr*. Jim Blsekbnrn at Austlm'^ '-■-•Sr,. Sweeten it with Domino pure cane-cieanful! weight Rei'ini’d ii. L'S \ ' EaiJOY THE SEASON’S HITS IN COOL COMFORT Liberty Always the Best All Way* Baptist Y. W. A. Met Monday Evening On Monday evening at the home of Mrs. H. T, Clark, coun sellor for the Y. W. A. of the First Baptist church, the mem bers met for their regular month ly meeting with Miss Dovi© Par- due in charge. “People and Life in Africa”, made a moat interest ing theme wnich was presented under the direction of Miss Elsie Nichols with the assistance of Miss Annie Vahnoy, Miss Virgin-: ia Biillis, and Mrs. John Craw ford. Devotional leader was Miss Annie Jo Halgwood. Th© fourteen toembe'rs present were served tempting refreshments during the social hour. TODAY anef TUESDAY “White Way Revels’ 9f % Comedy . . Girls Dances . Songi 18 — PEOPLE — Iff 7 —BIG ACTS —7 Change of Program Each Day—Don’t Miss It. Traphill ■ Austin Community News her father in the O. F. Eller and ; start a week’s revival at Son firm, a leading wholesale and ; Penecostal Church of God Rev. Reaves, of Goldsboro, will the the MEMORANDA Pledged assets (except real estate), rediscounts, and se curities loaned: (a) U. S. Government obligations, direct and fully guaranteed, pledged to secure liabilities $ 91,000.00 (b) Other assets (except real estate) pledged to se cure liabilities (Including notee and bills redis counted and securities sold under repurchase agreement) — (c) Assets deposited with State authorities to quali fy for tihe exerofe© of fiduciary or corporate powers, or pledged for other purposes (d) Securities loaned to banks, dealers in securities, and others 65,000.00 NONE NONE $156,000.00 (o) TOTAL Secured and preferred liabilities: fa) Deposits secured by pledged assets pursuant to requlreanent of law ——- 179,957.37 (b) Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money — (c) Other HablUtlee secured by pledged assets (d) Deposit® preferred under provisions of law but not secuce'd by pledge of assets — NONE NONE NONE (e) TOTAL I. L. -$179,967.37 _ L. Aycock, Cashier, of the above-named bank, do solemn- fr swear that the above srtatement is true, and that it fully and cor- ^Mv represents the© true state of the several mattera herein con- *wcuy represeu_ knowledge and .heUef. gsln^ and set forth iijDrreet.—Attest: L. L. AYCOCK, Cashier, J. T. PREVETTE, . C. A. LO'WE, C. T. DOUGHTON, ■ Director*. ...» 4., July, m7, I am not an officer or dfreetor ot this hank, * LOIS SCH0OO8, Notary Public. : eaplrs* FWwvwn ». Miss Dare Eller Is Wed To Harvel Howel! A wedding characterized by its beauty and solemnity was that of Miiss Vetra Dare Eller and Harvel Pearson Howell, of Moravian F’alls and North 'Wilkesiboro, which was solemnized at the home of the 'bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Z. O. Eller, on Tenth Street Sunday afternoon, July 18. ■The vows were spoken at 3 o’ clock before Dr. R. B. Temple ton, pastor of the bride, who used the Impressive ring ritual of th© Methodist church. The wedding, which was fol lowed by an informal reception, was attended -by just members of the two immediate famiiiies and a few close friends. Bridal decorations of green and white made lov^y decorations for the home. In the living room an arch en twined with greenery, from which wedding bells wer© suspended, formed an Improvised altar in front of the fireplace, while on each side was a floor candelabra bearing five 'whtth: toders. V^e* ot 'ptnk, and white gladioli were placed In the foreground. An impreeeive part of the beautiful eervlce 'was the wed ding music provided by Mrs. Har- ry„ JPmusoiv piviUit.. vho .play^ jimk' befoyg the ceremony vah retail store, of the city. Mr. Howell, a son ot Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Howell, of Moravian Falls, graduated from the 'Wil kesboro high school and for sev eral years has 'been connected with the J. C. Penney store in North Wilkesboro, at present be ing assistant manager. Both young people and their families are well known here and through out the state and their marriage will be the occasion of much in terest. last Sunday in munion service July. The corn- will be the first NOTICE To Delinquent Taxpayers Of The Town of Wilkesboro: Your attention is again called to the fact that all property for taxes unpaid for the year 1936 must i be advertised in the near future, and I am anx-.,] ious to be relieved of this unpleasant duty. In ■ In order to comply with the present law it is necessary that a list of delinquents be furnished the publisher on or before August 6th, 1937. Please bear in mind, pay your taxes and avoid embarassment of being advetrised. J. R. Henderson, Tax Collector. You .^mong the out of town guests prejent for the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steele, An- ^ derson, S. C., Charles and Richard i Dula, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Grif- fing and Mr. and Mrs. George I Howell, all of Winston-Salem. | Cards giving formal announce-1 .ments of th© marriage hay© been ^ issued by the 'bride's parents as follows: “Mr. and Mrs. Zdllie O. ‘ Eller announce the marriage ol ■ ARE INVITED TO ATTEND OUR JULY “QUARTERLY” PARTY FEATURING SOLT^D MOVIES ENTITLED to I their daughter, Vetra Dare, Mr. Harvel Pearson Howfell on Sunday, the eighteenth of July, nineteen hundred and thirty-sev- ’ en. North Wilkesboro, North Car-' oUna.” i During the reception punch, cake, nuts, and mints were served in the dining room by Mrs., Frank Steele, Mrs. Joyce ^ Dula, Mrs. Georg© Howell, Mr*." C.' C. Kilby and Mlse Luclle Pierce. The dining table, spread with a handsome lace cloith, wjw cen tered with a three-tiered wedding cake on which was a mlnatare bride and groom, from which ok- ; tended tiny etreamers of white satin ribbon tied with pink Qttera Anne’s lace. On each end-was a triple crystal candelabra with “STATE POUCE” “SPORTING NEWS REEL” RELAX” CONQUERING ROADS” AROUND THE CORNER” u it .•>r These pictures are ve^ instinctive ag well as entertaining. The Date— July 26, 8 p. white candles. Birthday Party For Tony Cowles Kter , On Saturday afternoon de lightful party’ was given f,? Ah* home of Mr. and Mr*. T. Av ®B*r»’ Tony Cowles Eller, Iji*' being his fourth versary. During the nt^iiniii. on our USED CAfi LOT. Plenty Seats. Open Air Show. Other Entertainment. Plan now to attend. Ask any of our Employees for B^e Tickut^.,- wa i^ea m f:, HOSCTH WimeaSOBO

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