ThtaridayB, NOStH^ ■l?-: «daa- j > «oa- r^ther Tsea* -r^y/vton thoy'irere ^ruek by ■■ ,'^^tiilDX. ‘Darlnff V hearr elec trical atoni^'0lar»lkbara «£d tWb' ; :j|^ns, anl Huab, vere . / Tokina )tbelr vky luMQ«i woas PDja fleld oti^ the filaataUon all ithree w«« struck Idwii hy lUrhtn- 4nk- [G REWARD Traaciaed, July 24.—Syd- Jey e. 9d^an, doae friend of George raMfiM- PatnaiD. announo ^ today a reward of If.dOO for duay InformatkHi which would *deflnttely clear up the mystery' surTOUDdlne the dleaweerance of Amelia Earhart and her narlga- tor, Oapt. Fred Noonan. Putnam Is the husband of Miss Earhart, who. with Noonan, was lost In the south Pacific on an. attempted world flight. REE INJURED Hendersonrllle, July ?4. — Three men were injured, two seri ously this afternoon when a tire blew out and the automobile In which they were Plunged 160 feet or more down a steep embankment on the Oreenrille highway, about 20 miles south of Hendersonrille, In South Caro lina. The Injured, all brought to. the Patton Memorial hosplUl here, are: H. D. Phillips, 67, irllle carpenter; H. D. West, BlTendty Bidge, Greenville, and T. B,. BaUard, Jr., . of J>ixedo. « ADVISES SOLONS Washington, July 24. — Dr. George W. Calver, whose job Is to guard the health of members of Congress, prescribed for them today less worry and more relax ation. Noting that the death of Senator Robinson, the majority leader was the fourth since the start of the session due to heart leases he advised: ‘‘We might fit more by being less tense, do less driving of ourselves, to relax and enjoy life w© pass through it.” wqp-ol DIES IN POVERTY Budapest, July 24. — Gabor Ssakacs, 44, inventor of a flame thrower used by the central pow ers during the world war, died In poverty yesterday after a kid ney operation. He was credited with Inventing 40 new devices tsed by Germany and Austria during the world war. They In cluded a machine gun and a steel piercing bullet. Siakacs was be lieved wealthy, but police said his only preeentable suit of clothing was in pawn. Two >re HO|J) YOUNG DRIVER H^koiy, July 24.—-W. D. Boa- -J^in. 1'7-ysnr-old W«t Hickory mth, irae arrested on a charge o^ratlng an autOTnobile with out n driver's license early this afternoon after hie vehicle had ^iu|j|lll4ed with a bicycle ridden tiy "i K«nert LnU. about 12, liHlictlAg injuries. In addition to a Concussion of the brain and i>o3- Bible' Internal - injigdeaa-the girl suffered lacerations about the body and cuts on tho bead. Filed h Eleclion Suit % Attorneys For Parties Rejmner to Heply Fileid By Cowuel For Loot Pop lin, ijclendant SUR-REJOINDER FILED By Counaol.rFor Swsuwgen; Illegal Voles Fwr Swar- IngMi Alleged Latest doTj^lopments in the Swarlngen-Pojrtlh election suit u^er^tt dwiwitligen; former Re- pdblioaa chainglaa of the board of county ooaaittiBsioners, is su ing Leet Poplin, Democrat, for title to office as a member of the board, where the filing of a re joinder to the -teply to the an swer and th« filing of a sur-re- joinder t§ the rejoinder. In the rejoinder filed cy Pop lin’s counsel it was again alleg ed that the matters covered in the controversy were heard be fore! Judge J. H. Clement In a mandamas action soon after the election and dlsmlesed by that jnrlst, and, denied that Judge Clement in his judgment suggest ed any further action in the mat ter. The rejoinder alleged that nei ther Swarlngeu uor anyone In his behalf protested the election or asked a recount of the votes from Rock Creek, where Swaringen contends he was credited with an even hundred votes less than he received. Another allegation in the de fendant’s rejoinder, considered somewhat gnrprlslng at this stage of tka cafe, waj tOLthe effect that illeg^ votes were cast for-Swar- Ingen on election day, November ServioBs Fof /fiolilbsoii la liie D^iartalent Pomona Grange and Kiwan- is Club Enjoy JointJ^c- nic On FiMay IS LARGELY ATTENDED State'" Grange Master And Lecturo* Speak At Picnic; ' Other Features 3. In the sur-rejolnder filed by Swaringen’s counsel the allega tion that Illegal votes were cast for Swaringen was denied, saying, in effect, that Democrats were In charge of the election machinejy and that the right to vote of persons who vote for Swaringen was closely scrutinized by Demo cratic registrars and election judges. The sur-rejolnder also pleaded the statute of limitation. With the last papgM filed the case Is now schedul^. for trial in the August term of Wilkes su perior court beginning on August 9. Plaintiff’s counsel indicated that about 600 witnesses will be summoned, including 411 resi dents of Rock Creek towmship whom they say have signed affi davits that they voted for Swar ingen while the returns from that precinct credited him with 341 votes. TO FIGHT SYPHILIS Chicago, July 24.—^Health of ficers began the country’s first mass attack on the syphilis plague ly by polling Chicagoans on imtlon of aobmittlfig tA Dwe %1ood tMU admtniBtmred doctors. Dr. Louis hegd.of Mayor Edward mawoal disease, gfld that In VUaag* th» probleqi baa been dl- from, ga^arsfi^a, ,lgno- 1^. falsa fs nba lofleal city .. po^nlar ratsrMLdam and of lyphilia” ®LY RUN WIDOW ..I^tUe Bock, Axk., July 24-—^ X>0&o*atle party dlspnta In Ar- kppgiif orar sstscttoa of a noml- wm to sasseed tba lataawtate nia- fertty Imder T. today /broaght tha a^a of his to tha forsfroat as a poa- ' ad^la' iBdcpeadsat. candidate, ms closa to Mm Bobteson site ibad reootred many tale- wgtng’her to run agrtnsl .r. CmI B. Bailey, aomtnated (the Damocratle state commit- it iostordfr to autar the special * i —= iJQi call. Washington. D. C. . . . President Roosevelt, Cabinet Offlcere, members of the Diplomatic Corps and fellow members of the Senate joined in solemn tribute to the lat^ Senator Joseph T. Robinson during State funeral rites here. Two Girls For A. record was established in Wilkes county Friday when sheriff C. T. Dongbton arrested two girls for stealing two hors- 'They were Mary Helen Lowe, 16, of Statesville, and Eliza beth Foy, 14, of MaysvlUe, who confessed to stealing two horses from'a bam on the farm of Mrs. E. B. Minton in the Hunting Creek vicinity I'hurs- day night. The girls, scantily clad in “shorts” made by cntting off the legs of men^a paste, were agfeated 1^ abont a mife^ Creek at eleven o’clock Friday morning. They were riding the horses and readily confessed that they took them from Mrs. Minton’s bam last night. They had ridden 18 miles. The girls were lodged in jail and Friday afternoon Mrs. Min ton obtained warrants foraially charging them with the crime of horse stealing. The ghds, staying tit Creek community for a’^ Tew days, would give no explanatiom. of their senaatlonat horsu stealing act, other than to say they took the horses and decided to leave. When Sheriff Dougbton asked why they didn’t steal a cor in stead of a hone the (dder gift explained that a car would run out of gas but a horse would not. They were observe in this city at If o’clock Thursday ttaiMk attA* re dana around her lu'past. The other bad a shnilaslF odd out fit. in passing through Millers •fkeek- they made fast thne, so fast that the smaller one was thrown to the road when the hOTTO whirled to one side. She suffered a emshed ’ heel . and several painful scratches and bruises. Called Meetii^f Of Republicans Chairman And Secretary Call Meeting of Commit tees For July 31 J. M. Brown, chairman, and Kyle Hayes, secretary of the Wilkes county Republican execu tive committee, have called a meeting to be held at the court house ip Wilkedboro Saturday aftwnoon, July 31, two o’clock. Xha, call for the meeting ro- the pnshdefe of every mom- 'b^of itiiO:county Republican oi- ecntive committee, every member of all township -conunltteee and all. other Repniblicans who wish to attend. Wilkes People Are . Planning to Attend Farm, Home Week Car Cuts Down White Pine Tree 16-hch Diameter Another unusual actomoblle accident, ndracnlons in that no one was killed, was reported in Wilkes Saturday night about eleven o’clock, when a 1987 model Ford left highway 18 a- bont five miles north of this city, ran over the bank of the road, cut down a white pine 16 inches in diameter, ran across a ditch, left the ground, knock ed branches from an apple tree and finally stopped when it hit a third tree. The car, reported to have been traveling between 85 and 00 miles per hour, was said to hare been driven by Hal Miller, accompanied by Robert Hartley in the front seat. Miller and Hartley reoeiTed serioas injur ies and are in the Wilkes bos- lUtal. Two other nm in the hack s^ were not inJuircA. The battmd wt!f«k palled to this city attention of hundreds^today. "4cha front bumper, wfakh «M>. BhnuJty wrapped around the tree by the crash, wSA.jA Miape ^ almost omnplleie eS/fd^ Eight'otlM ,W|90Gl>:iS in which cars vrere' budlv thnutged tet no persons ’ spr tssi.slr were reported in Wllkep Aurtauf; the week-end. ‘The ansogl Farm and Home Week, of farmers’ convention, will by held at' State Collegn In Baleigh next .Week, beginning Monday and conttnuing through Saturday, August 7. It is. learned that a nomber of Accepts Pofition At FFV^SiJiMnAial P^lo ATo Interested In ily for geotenlM 1- attending the week thin ye*r «nd bly for jmettoiac uae wa ^aetton inmflSsgthe B^- attend are a rift *^cd to get in touch "with A G^ Etodrea, WUkse fam agant. y/ '.A Wamsr Miller, Jr., who hie held a poelthm at .SpalnluMir’s foy tho past two rsaie> has accepted a poeition -with %>uthern BhUMiA -eocgiany, makHs of the widely kuowii FFV prodgets. Mr. Miller 'soi^e the many patrons of the company in Wilkes, .f- TadUn, Alh^Aany, ' Ashe, Wa-| taisga and jJStmSt pamiiitm. Age Of Applicimt May Be Verified ^BiUe Record something of what the stot« department of agriculture is striving to do was outlined in an address by W'. Kerr Scott, state cammlseloner of agriculture. In an addrees before the annual Wilkes County Pomona Orange picnic held at Pine Bldgo picnic grounds near Moravian Falls Fri day. * ' The picnic, always an enjoyable occasion, was well attenaed. The North Wllkesboro Klwanls club and a number of visitors joined the Grange In the picnic The program opened at 10:80 a. m. with T. W. Ferguson, Po mona master, preaiding. J. M German, past Pomona master, de livered a brief address "of wel come and Harry B. OiWwell, lec turer of the state Orange, Intro duced the speaker. In the outset Mr. Scott com mended the Grange for the steady progress It Is making In the state and for having, attained a num' her of objectives. Then he lanmA- ed Into’a resume of the outlined purposes and (Aj«tlves of the state department of agriculture duiiug his administration. Relative to tbe^ba^e In ,p^ „ agrkmlfWe he said ihal Whwi bm manner as at present and . ■. ■ p.». Over 1,000 Seeking to Ap ply For Aid; Many New _ Ones Cali Daily The age of au applicant for old age assistance may be verified by BH)ie record provided they have the original birth entry, 4t was learned today from the office of Charles McNeill, cot^y welfare officer. Over 1,000 people have called at the office to make application for bid age assistance or aid to dependent children. It has been impossible for the office sUft to fill out this great number of ap- plicsAlOns and their^ names^., and addnsBSS h.:To be«i recwr^,'> Bash one will i>e notified on whj^ldate to.retn^wbi^ f*e ap- pUektion forms csii be fliidd tbey'are asked to^ watt patiently nn/n tiiav rec^re.a card teUiog oxeiwhat day to return. On 't^ retarn ttey. are -iuiked to carry alpiig-famlly:;,BlhJ#. If, they have wot already rifled age by. Bible record or some oth er imsMs. ' r- ' eu^loyed were reeldents of the city of Raleigh and that over 40 per cent were closely related. He said that because the farmers are paying for the department by fer tilizer and seed taxes and for the sake of efficiency he-changed the pe*rsonnei situation and placed in those positions rural people from one end of the state to the other. After telling much about the duties of the department in di sease control, seed Inspections, maintaining museum, fertilizer analysis, farm, statistics, inspec tion of weights and measures, and research work, he spoke en couragingly of the prospects for agriculture. He mentioned, however, some of the Improvements and devoloi^- ments needed for the upbuilding of country life, pointing out- that 70 per cent of the farm popula tion Is on dirt roads and that It Is a waste of tax money to try to operate ,chool buses over roads whic- are at times Impassable. In conclusion he said he hoped to see agriculture In North Caro lina progress at a pace In keep ing with the development of In dustry in the past 20 years County Agent A. G. Hendren presented Ben Wilson, of Ala- mnace county, master of the state Grange. Mr. Wilson e^ke briefly, bringing greetings from many Bo- inona Granges In the state. He (Continued on page elglit) ■ ~ •' ■ Home Coming at Olin Angntt l$t The Jfetbodist church atr.Olin, In IMMI. c;>aiity, will observe its tw^th 'bome coming on Sunday, AttgaMivl- Tit* imtor. Bay. D. H. BhtiN^ ^ mon;'«J «i*v*it. .o’clock. All foriher vsetwrs. sssUtmto, aro.^M to attend. Diuilg^^l beWlivoad at noon in the dterth yacd. la aa AttenHxm Tlslto(P-till *» **»#'*n osvon- tunl;^^ SCO cdd^lwds. ■ - ^ ■sliipiHi i^^eeia^t* greidilSmpB* ■-'^'^-'-sl.tlils .... ..._ife«vy ‘■oF_1^n^ Air fijiy Sfearrlce M Bnplnh MetiMidlut Chi^ ■ (ad'"FW' Aain»**' i ■” Park Service To atruction Hotel Ok I port Arthur, ’Tex. . , Mrs. Dam j^pcales, 13 years old, holds the fitle’of World’s youngest living Mother. Her first child .was:bom ib^ore the child-mother was 12, and her second a month after she waa 13. N.C.S.E.S. S^pFo Lvger Ditbids Dutrict Office S«rvjng:;Thia City Will Be in Hickory After Aug. 1 Effective Monday, August 2, the. North Carolina state employ ment service will be reorganised Into ten districts, conublntog sev eral of the present district set ups. The district now being served by the office here has been tlf sorbed into the Hickory district 'and will 'be known t as ^strict nnmiber 1 with headquarters in Hickory, However, It is definite ly und^tMd th^ th* . took offtcO 55 per cent ot serve Wilkes, . Alleghany Ashe and Watauga counties, the only difference in territory will be that Aleiander county, former ly Served from North Wllkesboro, will be served out of Hickory. ' There will be no change ' In the personnel of the local office, the only change In policy being that It will be under the man agement of the Hickory office to* stead of ibeing a separate unit as at present. So far it has not been decided whether James M. Anderson, present district manager, will be retained here or will be named to head the district with head quarters to Hickory. Appoint ments have not been made, with the exception of state director, R. Mayne Albright being re-appoint ed. The reorganization is designed to iprovlde for more effective and economical administration of the employment service and more es pecially administration ot the un employment compensation act. The counties In district 1 will be -Catawba, Caldwell, Burke, Avery, Alexander, Wilkes, Alle ghany,. Ashe and Watauga. Rousseau Telk Of Sttite Taxes Another Penalty on Sche dule B Taxes After Aug. r Cites Sales Tax Bev. J, C, Ctaitry. psttor, hss announced a home coming serv ice to be heM at Beulah l^o- dtot oburcb at Moravian PsUs on Sunday* Au^mst 1. All form«* -'P“*®”> ni®™»*** and friends are cordially invited to attend .the all-day swrlce* which will miJte the close of s very sueoassful revival at the church. eonday school ■will coavone at toil o^cleck, ^ermon at 11 aud toe ^ saeremeat tnimedlats^-lpllowingv Dinner-will be served St aSw. All those stteadiBg sre siksd: to car- j, B- Ronssean, ststo colleetor gf^^meaue in Wilkes county, to- d[ay" warned that an additional penalty of five per cent, making a total penalty of l6 per cent, will accrue on unpaid schedule B taxes after August 1. He also called attmtlon to the new. eales tax law, aaying tost anrary- man in buclneas would do 'well -to familiarise htansett 'With the B«w sales tax jaw. In order that ^ may not ibs penalised for Inadvertant failure to comply with, its provisions. In some casr he said, manufacturer aie tected by'the hew law wWch went into effect July L ^ ■ mit of Wtidext WEEMS PROSJECtj Riding Stable Camp Sitesj Msmy velopmenta Plwmiadf g The Bluff Park to nerttHOk Wilkes and southsru* AilartlHV will contain 6,000 amM of rmh ged mountain scenery and will ha the outstanding wayside park and maintenance point for a distaaaa of about one-third of toe Bbsa Ridge Parkway, it was learabd- today from Sam P, Weems, ■pro ject manager for the national park service. ^ The park servlOe'jflani de velopment of If and work is new^ goiB^ ,|prtihM on three of ‘the^ .prajaito^’wa Bluff Park, a wayalde^ to Surry and AHs^Mhy Counties and one in 'Virginia, - V'' However, the Bluff Park In Wilkes and Alle^uiny _l8 tha largest of these 'wayMda sh^ toa the vacationists-who I'WIB tiMul the scenic boulew^. '; ghd. structlon^of a,60^ ‘ ' the summit of th| . at the top of: ; “Wildcat RodP* will begin to.*,,ahotil time. >Shh hotel, to be conatmetsd hy.^ttla park service, ■will ..protoWy leased as a conces8lonirfito*^||tiStite said. Another major deTeiochnrat;. to the 6,000 acre area will he .a lot W acr«. supplied with water by ons toe . most beautiful of moantpto. streams, 'will be numeroud sasiW sites. ’The entire area will be-tofd off in horse trails end (h9*-jiMl( .service is contemplating the ere^ tion of concession stables for 'va cationists. Minor developmi^Ds will include picnic tables, era, stone fireplaces and uiaa^ conveniences for those who trasM the parkway. Mr. Weems said that many of the land owners in the park ana had .been paid for the pr®erly and all had been optioned. TIMm who have not received choSta^ he said, will be paid as soou aa the titles can he abstracted In aa- cordance with the strict rules i»- quired by the government. Veterans Loim; Fund Avafiki^ The following excerpts from a letter from Graham ' v HoM% commissioner of the 'Worldr 'IUtor Veterans Loan Fund, to Frai;k II Johnson, i commander oT Wilkes Legion post, will be of In terest to veterans: .. • . • “The W/orid War Loan Fund is again in eon and position to aseiat Vetecam purchasing and acquiring dther town or..torjp»—by toll ing loans in accordance with'tow and prescribed regulationa Htoa is the time add opportontty.ftw Yeterana who do not aim hcaiitm to aequire thmh. “W* -hive aCTroitailljUg: (MOO.AOO-OO) ooetoalf dojlfn to the Bank to be to boflorably discharged v who were citizens of North Hna at date of entry to toe aorw- ic« and who* otoerwtee meet aadL coqiply with toe requlremeato law and regulations. Six per the rate and three to doUare (18,000.00) IS la the maxtoMux. t time of a loaniJ. HMr*rw>> .■ % ent no loan' is teg^Jk ediMML lee Graun Sapper; UHH« .awe'Will bd an ke cream IT alMg well filled hfitoto. ^ gtor artnrday njght, July IIi AC —Ml Kurtn ^ r. _ . 60 par cant -ct: valve of thagecaiitir, fMtet bo tt9^ hi-J ssmi-annua] iiMtanii quire first mortgiliitia'' be 'made'. to constritet SgeealatlTe or. for the purp^: esA not bei -b*;iej sflmoon serrlM 'wtU ^hegto 1:30. Speelsl -moslc is .glan ^■boto li aer aihooUMnse. Proeeedg-for