^ 17.— littto'-iiiiiAiiar to*»5r,|iiort«* ^ . u4 a #r^MMon ^"Caaadteit «mm hmO»i .m FAIAIi a—Daa p«Tto, IS. ot ^Tbbr., >»■* killed and her persoita 'vere injured .explosion at a rock qaarry Bblo Gap, eaat of iere. ir today. lES INCREASE hieairo, July 27.—Deaths on I^Sh'wayv decreased three per kt'last month, compared with |3S, endinc a period of 13 ■srhlch the totals uere ;iha& the correepcndins (^oT the prerloiia year, the Uigaf^. qounc4 rqwrted Say-^ pr l,8»^ ^ irtiool are ik.for aid pnder the state „ iW. Roma 8. CMek; kUrte'hllnd om'alaiton director, told persons attending the three-day field staff omfer- aoce of the state hoard of oiharl- tlee and public welfare today. ;;HAY HOLD UP AID Raleigh, July 27.—’Dr. Roma iR Cheek, executive secretary of ^‘^e state blind conuniseion. said ~ “_ay the aid to the blind checks kedoled to be mailed this month not be sent out unless seven antfee send in th^ contrlbu- ' tions for the program by Satur day. Under the latw. Doctor Cheek said, each county must partici pate and only 93 have sent in their contributions. aw im ?'■ 'i* Nv,'- w -.-i. School h Wiikesboro Is To Be Remodeled! GetBidhinAagiist Will Lift Ban m Uae of tibe Auditoriiiiii M i^ce of PuUic Assembly HAS BEEN CONDEMNED Because of Fire iiaxards; .Plhna Mi^r Be Qbtained From Office Board The^ Wllkai cohntr 'board of 'mithUssa uhltm loW fv Teducatlbn,. hy C. ,0. McNeill, ‘ ^chairman, today ^adtfertlsed for lal bids On the proposal tol romodel SCOTT IS SPEAKER Raleigh, July 27.—Commls- sionM' of Agriculture W. Kerr Owtt tonight urged 950 4-H Club boys and glrle attending a “short Bree” at N. C. State Otdlege to ap| "opportunities ot service. before you, aU ^ 5i;”'-'^n the XTntted he said, ‘^re 10,000,500 pliOple -getting their living from the farms, yet they recelv® but 10 per cent of the national income. Much 'needs to be done to remedy this.’’ SPAIN WAR NOTES Madrid, Wednesday, July 28.- - Rabel artillery shelled this sleep ing city early today, killing and wounding an unknown number. While a loyalist "lost brigade" of to 3,000 men held Quit- Jorae to the west against over whelming odds, insurgent guns raked the city with heavy shot from one end to the other, ap parently in retaliation for the loyalisU’ halting the rebel coun ter-offenslye to the west. Wiikesboro eohool building. The remedying 'Will consist of certain changes to be made in the auditoitnUl and wntrancee in order to lift the iban on the use of the audltortUAl M a place of public assembly. Twb years ago the insuranee d^iartment of the state departmtot of education condemned the auditorium be cause of fire hMurdsi hnd forbid Its use for jkAIIc gatherings. For that reason commencement pro grams have been held In church es of the city. The plans al»p jaolude some other changes in the building made mandatory by the insur ance department. Bids will be received on the proposal at the office of th> board of educatioh Ih the court house until ten s. m. on August 10, and the right le reserved to reject any and all Mds. Plans may be obtained from the ottlca ot the county bobrd oY bdueation. Atmoit Brigantine Beach, N. J. . . . Crabbing is a great sport. Pretty Viola Roberta displaying part of a salad which she caught with flannel, saturated in sardine oil, attached to an ordinary eatalln tuna lure. Oxiord Singiim Class Is Coming To City Ai^. 5 Social Diseases Dr. Knox, of the State Health . Department, to Speak T%vice Here Saturday TO NAME CHAIRMAN Raleigh, July 27—Represen- tatlve D. L. Ward, of New Bern, secretary of the Democratic state egMutlve committee, will preside atk special meeting of the com mittee to - be held in the hall of the bouse of representatives Fri day night. The session has been died to elect a chairman to re- ace J. Wallace Winborne, of arion, who resigned to accept an appointment to the state Su preme court. No opposition has developed to R. Gregg Cherry, of Qaatonla, speaker of the 1937 bonse, whom Governor Hoey has reoommended to succeed Win- Under the sponsorship of the North Wiikesboro Woman’s club, Dr. Knox, who will ibe the speak er at the-Klwanls Luncheon Fri day, will address the women of the county at two o'clock In. the banquet room ot the Wilkes Ho tel. Dr. Knox will speak on ve- neral diseases and his lecture will be illustrated with a num ber of slides. The lecture Is open tor both white and colored wom en and It is especially desired that a large num'ber of the colored women be present. Dr. Knox, who Is assistant pub lic health surgeon tor the state health department, and it Is ex pected that many -will be present to hear his educational lectures. Each Klwanlan Is asked to have a youth as his guest Friday noon. IS mhLD \i% July _ tgktd- ; Bnteton.-'ef GmhUhi, wah .be- .uUer Rbireotds attempted p betnraap Mn. hMiMUid, a -^hutbala pdiqemaB, early __ay. aaid lire. Bedmon lit© hWrteoUiM^ hom#v ob tained a^Utol and tired at her Igm^ad. Tlie ahot, he explained, wiiiMd ita mark aad mroek Ray- wfao died today ih aa Asho- i'^oapttal. PcBdopgraM Fmierjd Is HoU ly^eral aervlee- ere* lw*4 Menr ' jtt Monatain Viaw drarch for . Bwrtha Pendeigraae, agh 28, Saturday at her home aanrtv^ by three hroth- four alaten; >foJor> R* .Clarepb* - WUl Give Concert in North Wiikesboro High School Auditorium People of the WJlkeeboros and surrounding communities are looking forward with interest^ to the coming of the singing class from Oxford Masonic orphanage to this city on Thursday, August 5. The class, under capaible direc tion, -will render a concert in the North Wiikesboro school midl- tortom at ^gtat p. m. on that date and it is expeo^ that many wlU the ■ mir'»»■■■.... -.iT-r-f— mainly ^ folk sodgs, dances 'an driile. These annual concerts attract much interest In that they afford the public an opportunity to gain first hand knowledge of the type of training the splendid In stitution has for the children. G.O.P. Committee To Meet Saturday Called Meeting Republicana to Be Held at Courthouse In Wiikesboro Awarded Prizes at Annual Field Day Durham Woman All members of the county Re publican executive committee, members of all th© township Re publican committees and all oth er Interested members of the party are asked to attend a call ed meeting to be held at the courthouse in Wiikesboro o n Saturday afternoon, July 31, two o'clock. The meetiug was called by J. M. Brown, chairman, and Kyle Hayee, secretary ot the Republl- C'in executive committee. P. E. Church And Son Make Good lowing At Pied mont Ezperfaneirt Farm P, B. Church and hia 16-year- ^.fon, John Robbins Churoh, iron two coveted prises at the an- nnol fM4 day at Ptodmont sU- ttof JU»e StatogriUer Thursdsy. i** jk^-^reh, won’ first jfcUa as being the farmer -with the broadest knowledge of llreetock and his son won second prise in sail and fertiliser oonteet in eofflpeUtion with many, older farmers and consty agents from some of the counties represented. Funeral Saturday For R. W. Brock Funeral service was held mt 'Walant Qrovo Bi^Ust church on Saturday for H. W. Brock, age 88, who died Thursday at hia borne la the Broektbwn commun ity. r Survlvlag are hto wife, Mre Mary Jane Brock, and the toUow- inr-ohildMi.Jdtt, and Isaac Brock, rUre Jbka joinee,' itnr. Normah CreVun and Mre Bob Lone, oU of Pons JRi W. Brock, of. id J. r. Brock, of VYO.. Gets First Check rV.!i SejsleiBler North MUkesboro R. F, D. No. 8 boo been estoMiilied and moil service over the dew rente wUl beg^ Beptetnber 8, it, was learned today from y. Ct Helna, North WtHceeboro post mast^, The route will fee approxlr mately 88 mUes la length and was granted by the pestoffioe deparUBrat after 1M>4 petltton- eru hod asked for its tetabUgh- ment. •*'' The route will he tfaroii|d> Straw, Hunring jOMek, Spnr- geon, lAwelaoe, Windy Gap and ceil. The estaWshmet of tho route wfll meda QMS the post- offices at OpniQeoW and Oall will be dlsconttariied. FOetof- fices at the otfier anaied points on the route hare "been dlscon- tinned for some thne and many of the patoens decvod by the star routes were of tbe^jni(» that better andf ssoite matt service coM be raaflered by on R. F. D. route. POstmastey Reins bad bMi Interested in tho proposal dur ing, the post two yeiurn sad made many efforts to cwvinoe department t^ficlals of tfa« ad- vfsaUllty of estebUahingf the now route. A cMl service euniulaatloa will be hel(l here to sdeot n carrier for the route. .However, It is explafaied that the poeitfon may he filled by transfer of a carrier from another ^plnt as the department may see fit. AppUeatlons for the examina tion will dose on August 6 and further tuformnUoa may be ob tained from the postmaster here. ' Only patrons of the North Wiikesboro postotfioe sre eli gible. Tobaccoi Wilkes S^ed to Tobacco Growing Say Fannara Producing To bacco On Sdonll Scide Have Quality Weed J. T. Booth, sapervleor of sales for the- Winston-Salem toboMpp market, and Rex Goss, warfr hoosemofe ^JPJnfton-flalem for la Place Refrigerator In T. B. Hospital fostbl^ latlv) bacco Com they realise »r0p|eets fi>r Ihis to^ lis rear, on t^e Raleigh.—•Tlho honor of receiv ing the first Old Ago Assistance cheek in oonhectlon with' North OoraliiuV new Social SeeurCty (vegrem, goes to Mre Betty 6or- retv Adoare of 307.N0zfii StrOBt, DarhOffi. . ’ ■, -A cheek for MW for the aiontlp of July was Sent to Mrs. Adoniii. a 71-year-old imtive of Cory, and she will rCcoire a similar omoaM each mmth. Her application fM .henefltc stated that her income amounted to only 50.., cents a week, whioh sho 'reCMved for sewing. PoMic State Board.^ Charities and BOB' lie Weitare, ^prepared tho on sjpeotol JnaMiinMT InetolIM few that pnriKsee. Stewart Durhoia‘county Was the first send la terGtled oppUeatlons. to Mrs/L. C. Austin : It -Taken By county t3Sacco petipld' now 'Wilkes has some very tine tohooeo soil and that tobac co purcBfeCtre pleased with thet average quality of tho weed from Wilkes. They further added that they are convinced that fonref^ lA Wilkes can grow tobaccoC^t will compare favor ably with tobacco grown In any section of the south. Howefver, they explained that this coisment in not intended to encourage growing tobacco on a largo scale In Wilkes county oi at any point, stating their ibelief that better quality tobacco Is grown In small lots of from three to four acrtjs per farm and that farmers in the final analysis were better off financially when they grew a reasonable crop of toboc- coj and (Ud not neglect produc ing food and feed for tho home and form. Cooleemee Girls Camping in WiDces 45 Girl Scouts From Davie County Enjoying Outinf Now At Porai fCnob About 45 girl Scouts from Cool- eemeo and nearby points in Davie county ore enjoreng on outing near Perea Knob pootottlce on. hi|k«n^ !(• The caaw, pUehed on a stnoia .bot-4^ the Bniiddliih tS'.toals-juit the •peate are rererted to M' tber- ottgUy eojbylnir. their atkjr. i ’ Torloua comp'. OCttvItlM tin Through the efforts of ( the Woman’s Club and other inter ested citizens an electric refrige rator has been placed in the Wilkee county tubercnlar ‘ hos pital. c The refrigerator Is on item ot equipment that will be high^ ap preciated iby the patientsand thoee In oharga Stiiuidard DriS^ $1m _ Be' Maintauredf-Hf^i’ F| Eighth BE COMPLETCD'^mii Pario,^ France . . . A vlow c® the Adherioan Pavilion at thd In ternational Bxporitlon h e^r e, which was recently opened be fore 800 dlstlngnlshed American and French gqe^, 'head^ ^ U. 8. AmJjassador 'W'. C. Bullitt. Fair Sex Horse Thieves ^cape From Insdtiitimt Girl# Who Took Horpaa Bo- loagiag to Mrs. E. R- Mm- ton NowTn Sanfearcand The two glMs' who >broke into jQnnt^; Creek’, com PriooD ' Qnartm For A^ mataly 2Q0 ■ Forces ^ployed by thh state highway and pu|>Iih. wprks con- mission have be^n constructiou of a( state highway machine OB'* repair shop. . liie shop, which will be ade quate to care for the needs oC the highway d^wrtment in the eighth division, cpplpoeed . of ten couattes, will Ire located sontli tt the Yadkin and: ater .the bridge at the east rad ot North Willtae- boro. The site of the shop is on-tfen Mghty-acre tract whlek was iw- eratly purchased by the highway commission from W. W. Barber^ Sr., heirs. ITie tract of land will be uae£ mainly for a major prison hasap and prison farm, wh^ Jt pjqaMd to boose about work on roods ig.:thi» .'Mcttoa. The comp is expected^ ropi— thd small short teixir 'duitp boop maintained in WllkeiSboro. .. Wrak Is wMl undervroymiHia- repqir shop bnilding aaA said that they hoped W jdayn.; Jfe wUl jte. of ViTU^llaftola FMk aird I# dividual Meukbers Get Awarda at Meetmg Wilkee post of the American ^region and three ot Us Individu al members wdre given special recognition at the department convention which closed Tuesday in Durham. The post was given a citation for spleodid achievements during the past year under the leader ship of Commander Frank E. Johnson. Adjutant John W. Hall was awarded a medal for his work in the 15 th district and A. F. Kil by was elected a member of the Grande Chenrineaux of the “40 and 8". Commander Johnson was named vice commander of the 15th district. Those attending from the Wilkes post were Commander Johnson, Dr. M. G. Edwards and A. F. Kilby. Revival In Pfogres* The revival started Monday night. July 26, at the Pentecostal Holiness church o n Hlnshaw street. Rev. T. H. Frazier, ring ing evangelist, of Greensboro, has been secured for the meeting which will last a period of two weeks. Bvangelist Frazier will bring the message each evening. at-S:00 o’clock, also ringing special sbnge xt each rervio& The Frateoootal . Trip, tat Jtete-Mti gotardoy Blgkt IrM W-nngeg apraW'-M ,.. . ' Helen Liowfe, tl, and mixabeth Foy, 14, remained in tjie Wilkes jail friloirinf thefi amet by Sheriff 0. T. Doughton until anthoritlee at Samarcand learned where they were and came after them late Saturday. The girls, who had been stay ing for a few days in the Hunt ing Creek community, rode the horses a distance of about 18 miles, through this city and west ward on the Boone Trail, and were arrested a short distance from Millers Creek. Wihlle on his unusual escapade they were peculiarly dressed in “shorts’’ made by abbrevlatins men’s psuit’S several inches above the knees. The younger on© was painfully injured when she was thrown from one of the horses near Millers Creek. Wflllesboro’s 0lit Mayor and Two Ald«mM Have Satisfactory Coi^ ference With. Official^ Discount Allowed On Taxes For 1937 .■.VOf. toward refinancing the bonUan debt of the town of Wllkeabortw of which the sum of J14.000 la past due and unpaid. It was learn ed today. Mayor J. P. Jordan and Alder*- men G. T. Mitchell and Wm. A- Stroud on a recent visit to Ror. leigh conferred with represcate- tlves of the local governat^ak commission relative to a refinaa^ ing plan and reported that'- the* conference proved very satisloe- tory and the officials stated that they believe a deal for, the beaa fit of all concerned will be in the near future. Counj^ Taxes May Be Paid To> County Accountant; Discount 7,y% % Now C.M.T.C.Cainp Opens Augnri;3 W. P. Kelly, accountant tor Wilkes county, sold today that a disdotUU of 2 i-2 per cent is al lowed on taxes for the year 1837 paid on or before August 2. Ang- , net 1 will be OR Bunday ^s year iiotutar, August 2, is deod- ■tiar pa^retot-wtth the I’ 1-2 'AhwriHiCLAiteH Jkdy 8 tost altowed'udlh lwi^OBly 'ttrlMO, OreeBsbordk' Be wtB Bife , The tax rate hoz ooii bera del- iidtedy set but ths'UMdnat will be allowed on the ainraat paid. General Manus McCloekey, tori Gommanding General qf Ft- Bragg, N. C. announcee Aqgwri 3rd as the date ot opening of Camp Dauiditry, the ^C. M. It Camp at Ft. Bx^. Thie caaori tor 650 boys from oil-'porta «C North Carolina aa^.tllltoea neeip ties ot Sonth Oarolt^ % raradBk to'enpaeity, many appHeatoure 'haitoC'tora teriied' dberit heesnn: :q look 01 Ttoaaeft8^:*-.t„'"•' AU .prenure^doag 'insre feoM eotoplot^ fM* 'a. bohner rear. tun proftam of otoletto {ieataring ewlnuafiig, haxtato?^: carried out; o%d:Veadh feli 'atthifeot' progi«Mt^>01w- ihe gi^ . . urilaci the eupraviek>d of a Mre. mratF*. Bv€*y onfe Is corillwy';™^ Brewner ah^ iitr. and lire. Gob- vlted; a toll htewe'te egfeited. Me.,' - ■ a A^SSo qiWr.. Weil^rn Di«, ^ I« Funeral serrf^ woo held- at Finer Creek ehnreh la ooaaty tor Mn. Lmre C. jFusere>-re*^Qe» wee held at jin Cntia twhu^ giQilgirihei an -two'dbiis, C.' M. ireubwife oTcyele. _ daugfetere, gfie. F. L. oad^re M-. A. of Oydsv !«, A.'INMtarBwr ooiri kiwanisdi WILL ■ license FRIDAY Directors ot too Norto WUkqe- boro Khreale ritth will meet at Hotel WUkea. Friday evehihg, 7:80, with £L V. Tomllnpon S^KHianai Ithy Srivu By' Poteliagini' CSwwIriitotinw LieSmtt Fricitliri 9late 1X)YCB MAE BHiMW funeral held SUNDAY TiSJit xt|8f. were holdlBnmjW^ Rock ^prihgs chnroh. tor' lire Blltofg, olx-fteP^ er of Bdsor anlFGoaW D Btlllags, of Haile tag ore the oarentf and-t- Girled eieten^ HVUri Ho mar: Brooksbl^ .' eosaty game proteetor,.esid tedey , that eonsbliiatfoii stiUo htotfng fiaUag Uoeuw'aro alBV oB 8.18, whieh track, Tidley toll gremariam evrate haf hoea lianged. Priaea aad moiok I feeaa procured to rawgrA' « ency ia the^ariona aporta Si valuable sehohinfeire to word olI>aro«id| froni)li^ (Mtered, iaeluditic nat'-jhom A Uaivenlty, ford College iud one 1508.88 from We pur> :All8fci--.._ first twa echolerehlp. earolleee at ' Ft whiles ■to repreerate la opn*^_|!rireh^ fw' T- -

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